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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4444332 No.4444332 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else worried that they are wasting their time by practicing art? I fear that by the time I complete 10,000 hours of drawing I will still suck. It scares me to think that I could potentially waste 10,000 hours of my life for nothing.

>> No.4444333

art isn't for you

>> No.4444334

Well, with the same mindset you are never going to do anything well, at all.
Do you want to do art or not?

>> No.4444335

Get a new hobby

>> No.4444338

You can't do something for 10k hours and still suck at it

>> No.4444339

What if I am just that retarded and untalented?

>> No.4444341

Ive seen people with 10k in various shooter games who blow ass at them desu

>> No.4444349

Then you're probably bad at everything and any hours you put into anything will be a "waste"

>> No.4444351

Chris chan would like to speak with you.

>> No.4444356

If you were that unlucky you'd already be dead or to retarded to write.
You know people that spent more than a combined year of their lives playing shooting games and still sucking?
Chris is a low functioning retard.

>> No.4444363

For a certain sense of sucking, yeah. They were still in the top 10% of ranked or so but thats pretty horrible for 10k hours. And top 10% of artists are probably still quite bad

>> No.4444366

It’s okay anon. Keep pushing. It might take ten, twenty, or even thirty years for us to make it. But it’ll be worth it.

>> No.4444387

You know what I worry? That I'll keep spending 10 minutes here for every minute I draw.

>> No.4444419
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play videogames for another 10 000 hours instead anon im sure your life will work out

>> No.4444462

Don't do it to be good, do it because you find it fun.

>> No.4444493

*you cant spend 10k hours studying something and still suck at it.

>> No.4444513
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>> No.4444517

then your time had no value in the first place.

>> No.4444533
File: 116 KB, 800x600, gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're having fun, it's not time wasted, and if you become a great artist on the way then that's just a good bonus. You're going to spend those 10,000 hours of your life doing SOMETHING anyway so you might as well devote that time into something you enjoy doing or something that means a lot to you, preferably both.
If you have the will to learn and the determination to keep going and picking yourself up then you can reach a mastery in almost any skill. Human beings are simply designed for this. All you need to do is unlock the mental fortitude to keep practicing a skill accurately, which is just a pretentious way of saying "have fun while also trying to improve your skill."
I know how you feel since I'm afflicted by those doubts myself. It's common for artists to doubt their own ability to learn, but on the bright side it means that you have the foresight to know that you CAN fail if you're not willing to learn properly, which should give you the drive to learn as much as you can, as best as you can, and never be complacent and turn out like, as someone said, Chris Chan.

Here are some quotes from Van Gogh that inspire me as an artist that may help you as well:
"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced."
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
"In spite of everything, I shall rise again; I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing."

Just DRAW or you'll be stuck forever telling yourself "I should have started last year." You miss all the shots you don't take, friend.

>> No.4444545

>"In spite of everything, I shall rise again; I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing."
/beg/ Van Gogh would be interesting to talk to now that I think about it.

>> No.4444564

*I looked it up and this quote is literally from the year he began learning how to draw.

>> No.4444572

you want to crab /beg/ gogh don't you

>> No.4444573
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Knowing Van Gogh's story I think he had enough crabs to deal with.

>> No.4444580

in that case, do not even bother. you're right, your time is limited. spending 10k hours to get good at something if you don't even enjoy doing it for the sake of doing it, and when the monetary rewards are dubious at best, is not worth it.

>> No.4444608

van gogh was a retard autist incel that couldnt market his work

>> No.4444612

I started with art for the sheer personal enjoyment I get out of it. If you think you're "wasting time" quit now and fuck right off.

>> No.4444638

>"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced."
>tfw Van Gogh actually fought and won against his voices but couldn't at the end

>> No.4444698

OP you and I know the truth, practicing drawing is a leap of faith.
You either will succeed or not, but you can't know before you jump. Don't listen to the underage b&, who have the whole time of a day to waste, soccer moms, and burger flippers. Dedicate yourself only if you have no alternatives. If you like art despite knowing you might fall on rocks, then you might be smart enough to grab even the smallest root on your way down.

>> No.4444723

>Anyone else worried that they are wasting their time by practicing art?

bro wtf i draw because i want to - no i have to i absolutely need to sketch some shit daily or i have day ruined and i feel bad.
Dont you have a need to create, head filled with ideas to draw ?
How can you think about art like this, you sound like there is no passion in you.

>> No.4444767

Imagine this statement for other hobbies. If you don't enjoy art now you won't enjoy it in 10k hours. If it's just the results you're after, stop wasting your time living and look up a nice coffin.

>> No.4444786

If you don't love drawing so much you'd do it with your own blood as you die of tuberculosis on the street, stop the fuck already. You will not get rich, you will not be famous. You're not special or talented, people were just being nice to you because you clearly were a meek loser of a child that didn't have anything else going for them. If any of the cool, sporty or successful kids had stayed inside drawing on recess like you instead of having fun being healthy kids they would've blown your shit at that too.

You've got nothing to lose, you've got nothing to prove, it was a white lie all along. Wake up and accept your destiny as a meaningless cog in the machine.

>> No.4444795

If so you must've spent 10k hours at being a retard.

>> No.4444927
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Then you won't be good at anything you do no matter how much hrs you put into it.

>> No.4445213

Throw away the tablet, retard.
Never look back.

>> No.4445227

if you dont enjoy it then stop you fucking retard

>> No.4445238

No, because I get personal enjoyment from it.

The fuck is wrong with you guys, seriously?

>> No.4445271

you probably already have wasted all of your time so far then. keep grinding if you care enough about art

>> No.4445297

Yeah, mostly because 2D art is the one skill that I can't wrap my head around. When learning anything else, it's a quick and easy process to build a foundation of basic competence from which I can plot a path towards achieving my desired goals. There's no question of whether I'm capable of improving, merely of how much time I want to devote towards it, and it's easy to figure out for myself how and what I should practice.

Meanwhile, with drawing, I feel like I'm just fumbling in the dark hoping I'll miraculously stumble my way into some sort of improvement or understanding. I can see flaws with my results when I draw, but I can't connect them to flaws in my process because I have no idea what the process of drawing is actually supposed to be like. I don't really even understand what I'm trying to build towards, much less how to get there.

It would still be a decent use of time if I enjoyed it, but I don't at my current skill level. I think I would enjoy the process if I had the slightest clue what I was doing and reached at least the bottom rung of /beg/-level, but there's a limit to how much time and effort I'm willing to put into achieving that.

There are tons of things that I've enjoyed only after putting some time into them and gaining some real understanding of how they work.

>> No.4445301

>It scares me to think that I could potentially waste 10,000 hours of my life for nothing.

You are literally wasting time every time you are not doing something productive by this logic, jesus christ how do people like you function in the outside world

>> No.4445309

Anyone else worried they are wasting their time by sucking old mans dirty dicks? I fear that by the time I complete 10,000 blowjobs I will still suck. Its scares me that I could potentially suck 10,000 dirty dick blowjobs for nothing.

>> No.4445538

>I fear that by the time I complete 10,000 hours of drawing I will still suck.
Give it 100 hours because everyone is shit at first, see if you think you can do that everyday in your life, then decide in your heart of art if it's worth it. Deciding beforehand to do it for 10k hours is like me decidind to become Mr Olympia, makes more sense to hit the gym and see if I have the right mindset.

>> No.4445565

I have given it 100 hours. I am still shit.

>> No.4445569

Looks like you’ll have kys then.

>> No.4445580

If people could get good at drawing in 10 days of 10 hours, it wouldn't be a skill society respects so much.

Obviously any numbers provided are just guesses, but i think not sucking starts at around 1k and being skilled starts at 3k. Mastery is 10k if talent allows, obviously not everyone will be a master

>> No.4445613

Society already treat artist like shit anyway, so what’s the difference?

>> No.4445619

Society only respects people with money, the fuck you talk about. The other day, like 3 weeks ago, european scientst spoke out in a protest about how they get paid 1,800 euros a month while Messi gets 1M in the same time. Talented people with thousands of hours of experience do not necessarily get rewarded with any amount of "respect", or cash for that matter.

>> No.4445627

Imagine being this jaded.

>> No.4445634

Imagine being this cucked

>> No.4445687

I meant respect on a more personal level, people respect musical and artistic talents more than most other skills.

>> No.4445709

Don't argue like this- you're correct, but the phrasing makes it look like you think you aren't.
Question: why does the name "We Are The Strange" feel vaguely familiar to you?

>> No.4445715

If that was the case then why so many people downplay the effort that goes into those 2 skills? Also, asking for free shit from them, steal our art so they can build their own following, and complaining when they have pay for it.

>> No.4445718

Because people are individuals and don't have a hive-mind. Of course there are people who don't respect it. Most well-adjusted, reasonable people (aka the people you'd WANT to impress anyways) respect the hard work/skill put into these abilities.

>> No.4445823

>Also, asking for free shit from them,
Because they see it as a magical ability to produce something from nothing. If they didn't see this as an ability that you had and they didn't, they would have just drawn the thing themselves.
>steal our art so they can build their own following,
Selfishness. You just admitted they think the art is good
>and complaining when they have pay for it.
Selfishness. Something worthwhile from nothing, and infinitely replicable.

Seriously, look up MDotStrange and why he's famous. You are flat out wrong. People respect ability- money measures ability. How many how many millionaires do you know the names of?

>> No.4445845

That's horrible. You're horrible.

>> No.4446161

>There are tons of things that I've enjoyed only after putting some time into them and gaining some real understanding of how they work.
That's true and you're right. My wording was bad. What I meant was moving from a result focused experience to a process driven one.