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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4436370 No.4436370 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stick to the routine and keep yourself from indulging in vidya/shitposting/watching cartoons and other activities that give you effortless dophamine?

>> No.4436384

Stop being such a fucking weak fucking person.
GET THE FUCK OFF OF 4CHAN, any tab you have of some thread on 4chan, you fucking close it right now.
You are literally wasting hours a week of your life you will never ever get back. You'll eventually be in your 30's having made very little if any progress on your goals, because you decided to gradually piss it away, week by week shitposting and owning the newfags and discord trannies.

You can instead decide to be more productive and take things on one task at a time. Or you jus keep making threads like this asking for life advice on 4chan of all fucking places.

>> No.4436385

try pomodoro

>> No.4436391

i don't even play vidya/watch anime/shitpost, i just scroll endlessly through imageboards without even contributing (this being an exeption) wich is a way worse waste of time than what you cited in my opinion

>> No.4436400

>just stop being a weak-willed faggot bro

>> No.4436421

Just set apart one or two hours to draw every day, it's not that hard faggot.

>> No.4436448
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Creating media can be as fulfilling as consuming media. Seeing lil projects come to life can give immense enjoyment.

For me consuming media pretty much always inspires me to make stuff. I'm always looking for films/games/whatever with beautiful aesthetics to engross myself in because it enriches my visual library. Even a good storyline can be a good inspiration for one of my OCs or a project I'm making. There's ideas to take away and completely re-imagine in good media but as a result I'm very selective with what I watch/play/read. I suggest doing the same; become more selective with what media you consume, cherrypick them more and be more open to dropping things that don't impress you from the getgo. Time is beyond valuable, invest it into activities with care.

A good art community or being in a group of art friends can also hel[, it's really fun participating in drawing games, drawing friends' OCs and creating with others. It can also motivate you to draw more. I believe the process in itself is enjoyable though, drawing with music can help you get lost in your imagination and lose yourself in the moment (vibing with the mood pretty much). Drawing without music on the other hand can be very introspective. It's very meditative in the way in helps you think and reflect on life and yourself or other subjects you are invested in. Plus the problem solving aspect of solving anatomy issues and calculating composition is good exercise for your brain and provides stimuli that feel rewarding (that will also help prevent dementia later in your life so there's a healthy aspect to this as well). Maybe the realisation will help you derive satisfaction from the process easier, who knows.

Keep in mind if you're a beginner things are a lil harder, the first steps involve mustering a little more willpower than usual. You have to stick with it to get anywhere but do try and find enjoyment in it otherwise it's pointless anon.

>> No.4436481

use your drawings to shitpost with

>> No.4436484

Stop being worthless

>> No.4436488
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If you can't concetrate for longer periods, try pomodor as sugested above. It doesn't need to be 25-5-25 time, work as much as you can, take a break and come back to work. Try to have more fun and joy in creating.

Your brain see any creating process as work and work is "bad" for your brain.

Is right, after some progress, things get better, even if they are getting harder.

Think about it as muscles. When you hit gym for first time everything is hard but after a week or so you start to enjoy process even if it is much harder.

>> No.4436490
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just get so burnt out of videogaming and watching cartoons everyday that the only thing you want to do is draw, like me

>> No.4436498

I just told you. The fact that you even came back to respond tells me you're not ready to move on from pissing away your time on 4chan.

>> No.4436499

this is horrible advice, no offense lol

>> No.4436501

its not advice, its just why i keep doing art. Sometimes i watch some anime or play games a few times a week but always come back to art. I realize most people are not like this.

no offence taken lol.

>> No.4436800

This finally happened to me and caused me to pick up drawing 2 months ago. I've had zero motivation to resubscribe to FFXIV or play grand strategy or 4X since then, I'm just playing a bit of Grim Dawn and AC7 now. Thing is, it took me until age 38 for that burnout to happen so >>4436499 is probably right

>> No.4436838

Do acid or something we can not be your therapist and help you get over major psychological blocks like that. Also if you have the money go to therapy because otherwise you're going to stay trapped. We are here for art not this sort of thing.

>> No.4436888

Realize most video games and movies are an absolute waste of time and offer no unique experiences or help you at all. Minus very few exceptional ones. Seriously, most shit is simply not worth watching.

Have a really simple goal and do it.

For example, say you're going to read through one chapter today. Or do one page of gestures. Something really fucking easy and something that you enjoy and look forward to. Plan everything out, like day one you practice arms, day two you practice perspective, idk. If you're not at least slightly enjoying it do something else like taking a walk or eating or exercising or sleeping or showering. If you just never enjoy it anymore then start asking yourself deeper questions like why are you doing art in the first place or do you have depression or some shit. Or if its something that's simply boring, see if its worth powering through, or looking at different avenues to learn the material, or pondering if you really need to learn that thing to be successful.

If you seriously cannot set 1 hour a day actively drawing, figure out what's preventing that, and then fix it. I assume you're drawing for a reason. Remember what that reason is.

Also DON'T go hardcore. Saying you'll draw for 12 hours every day is really fucking stupid. You'll pressure yourself way too much and you'll hate it and you'll quit within a week GUARANTEED. People on /ic/ always attempt this and nothing ever comes of it, ever. They're retarded. Habits, focus, and improvement come from consistent, easily managed, and enjoyable work.

>> No.4437036

Turning off your internet for the duration helps. Some random ping can be enough to obliterate your concentration and make you feel like you don't want to work anymore.

>> No.4437099

Draw in the morning, draw during lunch break. Done

>> No.4437101

just wear a shock collar that zaps you everytime your not drawing

>> No.4437306

Drawing gives me effortless dopamine. My routine is playing video games.

>> No.4437421
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I've played all the good games and watched all the good shows, everything is boring now and the puzzle that is drawing and painting is about the only stimulation I feel isn't a waste of time to chase, and brings me closer to my goals

>> No.4437658

These are true, quality responses. That's all you need to hear honestly.