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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 356 KB, 1776x1000, 302b3d92847ab9448cca2114cee812e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4420816 No.4420816 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got a torrent or something of the Craig Mullins sci-fi painting class that recently came out?

>> No.4420821

just use hard round, rest is gimmicks

>> No.4420826

Uhh no, I learned a fuck ton from his last course about edges and lighting aaand of course "9 out of 10 times the problem is the drawing"

But bobby upped the price on the courses, it's still reasonable prices but I'm pretty short on cashews right now

>> No.4420884

Just memeing bro. I want to know too

>> No.4420892

Requesting this too, his digital painting class was totally worth it, I had to extend subscription several times to properly dedicate time for my homework and listening to his crits of paid students, but I'm not sure if this one would be as beneficial. Can anyone with a subscription tell how much it differs from digital painting course at least?

>> No.4420931

it's on cg and on countless mega links in the video course threads you dumbfucks
lurk more

>> No.4420932

The new course is not on cg peers

>> No.4420935
File: 1.58 MB, 750x500, CraigMullinsSciFi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a torrent, but I took the course and put together a super cut of the things I found most helpful from it. Hope it helps you too, anon!

>> No.4420976

Got em dood, really owned him

>> No.4422322

just finished going through it - what's the best way to distribute?

>> No.4422328

Probably Megaupload, my dude!

>> No.4422370

Where do you start in a painting like this?
I mean after the obvious blocking in he background and or characters. Do you start on the monster first? Or detail the background first?

>> No.4422378

You start with a thumbnail color study. Decide the overall color and do a loose painting on top of drawing with it, then slowly build the painting.
Source: Saw plenty of FZD videos and some other.

>> No.4422451

tried out a few chrome extensions and they dont seem to be working. gonna record w/ obs over the next couple days

>> No.4422497

You're amazing, anon!

>> No.4422844

Dude I will love you forever. Will draw you something

>> No.4422856

Maybe try some Firefox extensions? Chrome app market just doesn't allow many video download extensions.

>> No.4422865

Thanks you so much anon, but there's a better way:
streamlink supports downloading from schoolism. It's much faster that way and recording with OBS might introduce encoding issues that might distort the colors if your don't know what you're doing, which is pretty bad for a color-sensitive course like this.

If you don't know how to use the tool I can guide you step by step.

>> No.4422868

Anon guide me, I would like to download as well some courses, I didnt knew there would be problems with color, I has the composition course of Fowkes recorded with REC, please help and I promise to share.

>> No.4422872

Install python first: https://www.python.org/downloads/

>> No.4423229

Whats going on boys, is this thing happening?

>> No.4423242

What is that, nigga? I'm brainlet and don't wanna fuck up my computer

>> No.4423243

Yeah it's happening, just need someone who teachs me how to download videos from Schoolism

>> No.4423272

Use obs or a crack of bandcamp. Easy

>> No.4423285

python is a programming language


>> No.4423350

Ah okey, proceed then

>> No.4423368


really niga?

please proceed

>> No.4423480

Yeah I wanna share with the boys before cancelling my sub.

>> No.4423556
File: 235 KB, 1200x609, hallway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you will be remembered as a hero!

Meanwhile I'll post some Mullins goodies

>> No.4423559
File: 1.21 MB, 996x1000, AC4_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4423565


>> No.4423569
File: 444 KB, 750x1000, coronaA12_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, check the file name on this one. Ironic.

>> No.4423880
File: 632 KB, 1600x840, m3_image2_2_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4423895
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x869, mullibash2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4423896
File: 1.43 MB, 1400x753, mullibash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4423902

Yes, and? Cope harder with being an insignificant nobody.

>> No.4423938

take your meds friend. anon was just posting process pics.

>> No.4423953

kys little boy

>> No.4423969

Well that explains why his figures always look sof ucking wonky. Bitch can't draw, just bash.

Hi Craig :) please take a course on how to draw, Schoolism offers many to choose from, as I'm sure you're aware ROFL

>> No.4424116

funny, he actually addresses this in the class. he says he's tried lots of painting techniques (inc bashing) but currently doesnt use it

>> No.4424253

Did you also by a photobashed Brooklyn bridge from him.

>> No.4424470

please jump off a bridge.

>> No.4424714

Sure, as soon as I can find the one Craig Mullins sold me. The big one, in Brooklyn. Said I could make a fortune charging a toll on it!
And I believe everything he said because I'm a dumb fucking idiot that can't draw or paint XD

>> No.4424734

>"9 out of 10 times the problem is the drawing"
That's why you photobash the work of people who can draw

>> No.4424918

sorry, was sleeping.
1. Open command prompt (press Win+R, type 'cmd' without quotes, press enter)
2, In the cmd window, type 'py -3 -m pip install --upgrade streamlink' without quotes, press enter.

>> No.4424929

> because I'm a dumb fucking idiot that can't draw or paint XD

>> No.4424992

Yes, and how does a pathetic loser proceed from there?

>> No.4425020

Ok, I never had a schoolism account so this is a bit of guesswork on how their videos are structured.
I'm guessing that every course is divided into 8-ish lessons and each lesson is divided into multiple parts right?

The way this works is that you're going to need to download each part manually like this (enter this to cmd):
streamlink --schoolism-email "$EMAIL" --schoolism-password "$PASSWORD" --schoolism-part $NUM -o "$PATH" "$URL" best

You're going to replace $XXX with the following (keep the quotes if they exists.):
$EMAIL = your schoolism email
$PASSWORD = your schoolism password
$NUM = the part number of the lesson that you want to download (e.g. --schoolism-part 1)
$URL = the url of the lesson you want to download (e.g. "https://www.schoolism.com/watchLesson.php?type=st&id=514"))
$PATH = the file destination (e.g. "C:\Schoolism\Course A\Lesson 1\Part 1.mp4")

There should be a way to automate downloading the parts for each lesson, but my scripting is kinda rusty. Still if you want that, let me know.

>> No.4425154

If you can't follow this up or it doesnt work, just pls get on a discord server and screen share so we can get this done.

>> No.4425276
File: 11 KB, 367x309, soifi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.4425287
File: 6 KB, 248x203, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425314
File: 69 KB, 480x360, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has mentioned 4chan before so..

>> No.4425614





I did streamlink --schoolism-email EMAIL --schoolism-password PASS --schoolism-part NUM "LESSON URL" best -o FILENAME

sometimes streamlink would throw an error for some reason, I found that moving around the --schoolism-part NUM thing would usually fix it though

>> No.4425642
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1568900640222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Tell us your name sire, so we may remember it eternally!

>> No.4425649

laziest piracy protection agent ever

>> No.4425654

>anon actually delivers
absolutely based, may gains be with you

>> No.4425655

Would be real sexy if the link worked

>> No.4425671


>> No.4425694

works for me anon

>> No.4425706

I didnt understood shit bro, I think i'm just gonna screen capture, I have a doubt and maybe the anons that are more savy in tech can help me, if I capture the videos, the software Will capture how I see them or how the are seeing originally?
I mean I have a laptop screen, with very poor resolution and color space, that mean the recording will be poor as well even if I play it on a better screen?

>> No.4425711

You piece of shit, why did you put a screamer on one of the videos??? FUck you bitch, my heart jumped so fast.

>> No.4425714

weird, it just keeps on loading for me

>> No.4425722

this got posted on cgpeers 12 hours ago guys

>> No.4425726

which video was it?

>> No.4425733

Dont have cgpeers. Can you share the torrent some other way?

>> No.4425771


anon's not going to respond because he's full of it. I didn't put anything in the videos.

>> No.4425781
File: 3 KB, 289x52, 2020-03-14_19h41_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look pic link for original cgpeers torrent
hf :D

>> No.4425791

You're a king dude, I was just making a joke.

>> No.4425814

watch >>4425781

>> No.4425828

It'll probably get deleted, schoolism torrents are banned there.
Don't share your personalized torrent files (this goes for almost all private trackers), you'll get banned.

>> No.4425852

What exactly do you not understand? It's just a one line command bro.
>if I capture the videos, the software Will capture how I see them or how the are seeing originally?
Hard to answer, it depends on a lot of factors. But even if you get everything right, what you're doing is essentially re-compressing an already pretty compressed web-optimized video, which is not a good thing. This might be fine if you don't have any other choice, but there's a ready-to-use oneliner right here.

Just give it a go and if you get an error, post it here, your computer's not gonna explode.

>> No.4425895

Thank you so much anon

>> No.4425947

based generous anon. Thank you so much.

>> No.4426025

Okay, if I succed gonna deliver some goodies, also sorry, for me command lines are foreign lenguage.

>> No.4426243

I'm not seeing it in this one

>> No.4426459

3 years ago, I would have been excited to watch this but now I already know how it goes
>Watch course
>Get inspired
>Can't apply to own work
>rewatch course 20 times
>Understand conceptually but still can't apply to own work
>Move on to the next course

>> No.4426549

do you have the home work file?

>> No.4426684

thanks but seems like a worse version of the other course

>> No.4426737


I didn't bother to include bc its just generic "use my approach for your own project." I think around 5 of the lessons have the same assignment of "continue working, using the feedback I gave last time."

>> No.4426746

Please include it anyways anon, for archival purposes

>> No.4426811

just quit if this is you

>> No.4426821

except that it's most people. hoard tutorials and references without learning anything from them

>> No.4426844

It’s because learning from them is the part that takes effort. Watching it semi-consciously while fantasizing about making coomer art is no more effective than watching an episode of a tv show.

It’s just laziness. You haven’t given it an honest try, and you know that. At least you know it initially. Subsequently you will start inferring that you cannot learn from them, because it isn’t happening, and you will give up step by step until you have given up on life itself. That is how toxic laziness is. If you don’t persist through the times when you are frustrated until you have a breakthrough, you will just become more and more limited in your thinking and more and more useless.

>> No.4427111

What we really need that hasn't been put in torrents yet is the student feedback videos for his main Schoolism class.. does anyone have those?

>> No.4427145

Wasn't the feedback one-on-one? If so, sharing them would just instantly out you as the pirate.

>> No.4427155

I think you would be allowed to share that. It’s for you

>> No.4427187

nah if you have a schoolism sub you can access all the past feedback sessions. Each feedback vid is 20-30 minutes long, there's 26 students each term (?) and then times that by nine for the amount of lessons there are. Plenty of additional gold from Mullins.

>> No.4427273


was thinking about that. I personally didn't pay for crit.
Second thing is that streamlink throws an error when I tried to rip, although I might try again later.

Third you don't get access to all past feedback, it's 3 students' worth and for some reason there's only feedback available up to lesson 4 or 5, although it seems like it's being updated every week or two. I'm pretty sure the first crit'd class finished a while ago so idk what this bs from bobby is

>> No.4427727

It's not laziness, it's one professional's workflow. No matter how great the artist is, it's possible you might not get anything productive out of how they work. Craig has a very specific and refined process that he uses. It's great to hear his insights about what he's thinking but applying this to your own works might not be possible or worth your time.

>> No.4427746

I love you, anon. I can't tell you how much this is appreciated. You're indescribably wonderful.

>> No.4427756

according to cgpeers rules, you can get banned for sharing torrents like that. Op should create his own account at cgpeers

>> No.4428640

Post the error anon, and if possible the command you used with the personal info censored.

>> No.4428912

virus alert