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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4422393 No.4422393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how the FUCK do I make art friends

>> No.4422398

You don't want to be making friends now.

>> No.4422406

I'm ready to buy some mutual funds and stock, it's like a fucking firesale

>> No.4422428

Small discord servers with a very tight knit community or post an art buddy thread on here. It's really tough.

>> No.4422442

I just want friends to play vidya, art friends are just useless.

>> No.4422453

Don't be creepy about it.

>> No.4422711

I'll be your friend anon. Where are you most active on?

>> No.4425280

I wish I have an anime artist friend that can push me to the next level

>> No.4425285

I'll be your friend OP :)

>> No.4425286

You and me are friends now!

>> No.4425304
File: 43 KB, 615x409, FF5C2C87-8FFD-472F-8970-31A94C31E572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got on well with a guy who worked in an art supply store. Every time i went in to grab something we’d talk shop. Into all the same stuff.
Suggested we grab coffee and he acted totally creeped out like I was gay.
“F-for like s-sketching right?”.
Felt bad. I’m fucking married.
I became jaded.
Tfw no art friends.

>> No.4425315

I seem to have the worst luck making friends from this board in particular. But I've come to realize making friends at a low level in skill is a bad idea. If you want a real friend they first have to be committed as do you. Making friends with beginners in anything is just a big mistake. I can see why pro artists don't fly down from above the clouds to help lowbies now.

>> No.4425319

Lol, there's your problem elitism.

>> No.4425330
File: 258 KB, 1200x818, 1516337040689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was never an elitist. I always have helped people below and near me in skill. I've been in skype groups and discords on this board for a long time and every person either decides to
a) quit because "I suck, depression, making fun of me"
b) depend on me to hold their hand and when I don't hold their hand they get angry
c) tell them step by step how I did what I did and yet no matter how much advice you give X person they don't take it and do something completely different then say they aren't cut out for it and fall off the face of the earth
d) pretend to be my friend then ghost me later
e) my friend only to get something out of me

I'm tired of being nice and played like a fool to artists of lower skill. This doesn't apply to just art but other hobby related areas where beginners get into something, want friends, but aren't committed to sticking with it and the friendship goes south. It could very well be that each person I befriended just so happens to fit in these categories but it's too many times too many.

>> No.4425334

Now on the other side of the coin if you can imagine someone already committed to art, has a following, and you both can sponge off each other without admiring the guy who has a big following then that is a different feeling yet experienced.

>> No.4425335
File: 206 KB, 1349x1687, 89722648_1609013749251193_3793885173951496192_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suggested we grab coffee
that sounds really gay my man. next time try a beer of a live pleinair

>> No.4425342

>art friends
you have to be 18 years old before posting on 4chan

>> No.4425348

i posted about this in another thread. young artists are fucking obnoxious and pretentious anyway. learn to be alone and keep improving. being part of a clique with people who probably cant draw for shit anyway is useless

>> No.4425356

This is how I've made some art frens

>> No.4425367

You sound like a boomer and I know you’re under 30.

>> No.4425381

I might have said “beer or coffee or something”.
Might have sounded gay.

>> No.4425402

na they fuckin obnoxious and stupid fuckin hate generation alpha and their shitty ass peanut allergies.

>> No.4425410


gen alpha is literally in elementary school so I hope you’re not trying to make friends with kids

>> No.4425432

well millenials latest birth year is supposed to be 96 so whatever generation comes after that.

>> No.4425806

Just be direct you mong
I want to talk about art, let's hang

>> No.4425875
File: 1.54 MB, 790x930, 1906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only classmates, no such thing as art friends. They'll be down when you're up, etc.

>> No.4425942

Same way you make regular friends.

>> No.4427350
File: 53 KB, 728x546, 5B96BBBD-8ABA-47F0-9298-7C0AD38007E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want some friends who will draw with me. I've only met a handful of people who used to draw but they never wanted to stay in touch or they were really neurotic and I couldn't deal.
My partner has artistic potential, but is a super sperg and has a perfectionist complex. So he'll never try anything new or will imply it's beneath him, just because being bad at new things triggers his tard rage.

> tfw no art hoe (male hoes included) friend to drink, smoke weed and sketch with for a few hours while we occasionally break up the silence chatting about life
> tfw we form a bond tighter than any romantic relationship, while never taking it to that level because it would only tarnish what we have
Hold me, guys

>> No.4427387

>"my partner"

>> No.4427819

I wish I could be friends with fellow shota artists ;__;

>> No.4427869

Bishh this is exactly what I'm looking for. Just another art hoe to be tight with, draw and smoke weed with while we just chat about life shit and draw cute OCs together. Why's this so effin hard to find even online. I just want a cool alternative bitch to hang out with aaa

>> No.4427873

If I knew some /ic/ posters on twitter I might actually make an account. But I know I would be too lazy to post anything. I know this since my Pixiv has been dead for years already. I don't know if Discord would be any better.

I like shotas! But I haven't tried drawing any...

>> No.4428028

It's never too late to start drawing them I believe in you anon!

>> No.4430656

if you do digital maybe try drawpile. i've met tons of great/terrible people on there just by hopping in sessions and scribbling random shit for a while

>> No.4430664

Making real friends is hard. It's very difficult to find friends who are as serious about the grind as you. Best make some imaginary friends or put a poster of your waifu on the wall to keep you sane while you are working your way up to the top. You can try your luck with communities

>> No.4430690

are you a girl?

>> No.4430720

get away of 4chan for starters

>> No.4430776

Gen Z starts there And 2015 is gen Alpha

>> No.4431340


>> No.4432074

What the fuck is going on with her skin

>> No.4432102


>> No.4432142

T. Never seen big beautiful breasts up close in bright sunlight.