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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 176 KB, 1730x1000, 1583395771475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4418939 No.4418939 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you drawing?

>> No.4418940

OMG that Wojack is literally me!! I LOVE Wojacks!! Upvoted!

>> No.4418941
File: 60 KB, 750x556, 2f74vms4ub121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these wojaks are getting more brutal by the minute

>> No.4418943

Because I have no talent

>> No.4418953

I'm at work.
I drew yesterday after I got home and I'll do the same again today.

>> No.4418955
File: 26 KB, 618x412, 1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually sad how true it is

>> No.4418990

How do you break this cycle bros? I've tried so many times but it feels so physically exhausting that I can never maintain it after 1-2 weeks. It gets to the point where just the thought of all I have to do to get out of this situation gets so tiresome that I just accept that I will just kill myself eventually instead. Is there any hope without meds?

>> No.4419012


>> No.4419024

Both me. This is an epidemic

>> No.4419046
File: 1.31 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20200309_170631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not drawing, because i'm writing a book. i only do scribbles

>> No.4419081

You need to stop pretending and start doing what you promised you'd do. It's not easy but you've gotta start. otherwise you'll never MAKE IT.

>> No.4419152
File: 76 KB, 1024x1011, 1583361590985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew 8 hours today but I'm laying in bed regretfully because I feel like I haven't done enough

I'm so tired all the time

>> No.4419211

>you gotta start
That's the hardest part

>> No.4419245

this hits too hard

>> No.4419248

Please, stop. It hurts.

>> No.4419258

>What do you do for fun?
>Fun things...I go to the gym
oooof. Why are these so accurate all the time?

>> No.4419811

>rarely even does things he likes anymore
Why am I like this?

>> No.4419820


>> No.4419845

I have no vision of what to draw.

>> No.4419887

Small steps. Something as simple as making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment. Then just keep doing it every day, and add a little more to your routine every day.

Getting sleep helps a lot too.

>> No.4419903

I draw but always the same shit and it feels like i'll never improve.

>> No.4419905

Draw cow's shit next.

>> No.4420027

at least do therapy if you don't want meds

>> No.4420032
File: 291 KB, 486x533, 1537249108004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an ear infection and it makes it hard to focus my eyes. I'm also light headed and it feels like the room is spinning. It's annoying because I do really want to draw, but it's a pain even just watching Youtube videos at the moment.

>> No.4420044

Art speaks without words. Damn.

>> No.4420046
File: 642 KB, 500x268, life is for the alive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Im pic related. feels fucking bad man

>> No.4420051

How to not be a hicky:
- get the fuck out of welfare
- burn bridges with family and "friends"
- starve

There. You're alive.

>> No.4420075

>im so tired all the time
This, wtf should I buy Alex Jones male vitality or his Mg and Zn supplements?
The other day I ate a lot of cocoa + quaker + a bit of covfefe and I was at my 90%

>> No.4420086


That pic sound like unaware depression
Don't hesitate to ask for help from your doctor.
Or ask one of the few loved/trusted one to help push your ass to see one.

When every little tasks looks too big, there is a reason for it.

>> No.4420120

nice """drawings"""

>> No.4420134
File: 6 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon why do you look so sad all the time

>> No.4420140

You should try something realistic.

>> No.4420147

I feel physically attacked by reading this

>> No.4420148

I'm gaming. Though it's dying down because i'm getting bored. It's hard to start drawing though i know i need to improve my perspective so i can draw some boxes humans and heads to improve my anatomy but shit, it's hard to start.

>> No.4420157

I tend to make some decent drawings but stop drawing for 2 days. I’m struggling with color and overall digital drawing. I seem to only study the fundamentals barely 2 hours a day, thing is I have a lot of free time. Discipline isn’t easy to achieve... hopefully we make it

>> No.4420198

broke my tablet out of frustration

>> No.4420233
File: 234 KB, 1080x1485, Screenshot_20200312-031638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to r*ddit or Instagram or discord or wherever the fuck you came from you insufferable fucking zoomers. I hate you so so so much you have no idea.

>> No.4420237

ok boomer

>> No.4420239
File: 286 KB, 3400x2300, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4420241

Fuck you too boomernigger.

>> No.4420244

Because I just finished my previous piece and I'm relaxing a little before I start the next one

>> No.4420250

I'm just taking a break because I don't want carpal, also I'm collecting references.

>> No.4420255

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, zoomers, go back to watching mlp.

>> No.4420351

I only draw shitty faces from Pinterest.

>> No.4420353

this but unironically

>> No.4420363

It pains me how true this one is.

>> No.4420385
File: 642 KB, 261x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must watch for all you unmotivated anons out there
It can only get better from here boys. Just give it your all everyday and keep trying and we'll all make it some day

>> No.4420408

thx mate appreciate it. gonna grab some coffee and put pencil on paper
Im not a fucking zoomer you dumb fuck

>> No.4420675

consider mini habits

>> No.4420679


>> No.4420698

I drew today until my fingers hurt. The problem? I basically made no progress on my piece, just spent hours upon hours fixing mistakes. It pisses me off, I don't know why I am like this.

>> No.4420791

I've never had a good reason. All the time in the world and I cant go a single day without playing a million rounds of time wasting addiction inducing garbage.

>> No.4420896
File: 68 KB, 700x700, rollsafe1570103442272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just the thought of all I have to do
What do you have to do? List it. Then cut it into sub-tasks,etc...And start with the easiest steps one at a time.

>> No.4420898

draw with your eyes closed, pussy.

>> No.4420955

try drawing something more abstract to express your physical and mental pain

>> No.4421022 [DELETED] 

Because I can't draw, have low self confidence, lack privacy so it's hard to pretend that I can draw when everything I do will end up making me ill because it's so bad. My brain simply can't seem to square the circle with doing something, I can't do.

>> No.4421070
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1582496065633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fix sleep schedule
>fix eating habits
>fix personal maintenance schedule (cleaning room, shower, etc)
>start exercising
>make a proper portfolio with 10+ full finished pieces
>organize social media
>start shilling my stuff
>more shilling
>more shilling
>draw more pieces in between the shilling
>more shilling
>get somewhat stable clientele after years of shilling, possibly patreon/gumroad/etc as well
>learn to drive
>start saving money to move out
>finally move out
I realize why I'm depressed now. It's not that doing those things are too difficult, it's that after all the years and effort required to execute them, all that would change would be me living by myself, doing the same things I'm doing now, but having to work for 8+ hours a day and having almost no free time left. I would probably never be able to buy a house, so would have to pay rent forever. I would probably never be able marry and have kids because modern family is dead and the last thing I want is to marry a 30+y/o post-slut who's settling and would statistically divorce/cheat on me. So I would be working my ass off only to come back to an empty apartment that's not even mine and play vidya/watch anime for the 2-3 hours of the free time I'd have, sleep, and repeat the cycle forever.

I realize now, the problem isn't fixing my life. The problem is not having anything waiting for me on the other side.
Heavens... I've been depressed for a while, but this is the first time I'm legit suicidal.

>> No.4421084
File: 541 KB, 480x270, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4421086

depression + autism is a lethal combo that inhibits any ounce of joy or productivity in your life. i’m still drawing, though

>> No.4421435

Stop being such a fucking crybaby. You're just looking for excuses to justify the fact that you're being pathetic and not doing anything to improve your own situation. We all know that if you actually started doing something with your life you wouldn't be depressed and negative. But it's just so much easier to sit and whine about how you want to kill yourself. Fucking faggot.

Stop being such a lazy fat fuck and start doing things. Once you start doing something with your life you actually realize even working beats being a useless piece of shit at home.

>> No.4421449 [DELETED] 

>Stop being such a lazy fat fuck and start doing things
Did you read his post retard
He clearly has been doing things

>> No.4421469

>>finally move out
Okay. This ought to be way up your priority list. You don't start developing your character until you move out.
>I would probably never be able to buy a house, so would have to pay rent forever. I would probably never be able marry and have kids because modern family is dead and the last thing I want is to marry a 30+y/o post-slut who's settling and would statistically divorce/cheat on me
You need to start living your life. Go out, make mistakes, fail, and learn. This is the real most important step you are not doing.

>> No.4421968

how can you be this pathetic

>> No.4421997

How is it so accurate?

>> No.4422043

drawing brings out the worst in me. i get either so pissed off i could curbstomp a kitten or i get so depressed i just sleep the day away

>> No.4422083
File: 34 KB, 486x519, 1143125762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixed sleep schedule
>cut vidya addiction
>have been jogging every day for the past month, feel full of energy
>stopped eating shit, cut on soft drinks
>started reading and studying languages again, don't feel too retarded anymore
>started drawing again
>art gains are slowly coming back
It's unbelievable how close this shit WAS. But no more.
COMMIT to change bros, little by little. You have to trick yourself into doing easy shit and then you can take on bigger things.

>> No.4422431
File: 23 KB, 355x314, ukrainian discover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about character a LOT
>ok I want to draw at 3 a.m.
>sit the fuck down in front of desk

>> No.4422493

Then you draw until the morning right

>> No.4423045

What you don't understand is that all that was mentioned in my post was with the sole purpose of moving out. It already is the number one priority, those steps are what I need to do to actually make it possible. What I ended up realizing is that moving out wouldn't really change anything for me practically speaking. So the one hope I had of turning my life around (moving out) is just smoke and mirrors and it makes me feel like shit.

>You need to start living your life. Go out, make mistakes, fail, and learn. This is the real most important step you are not doing.
Making mistakes for the sake of making mistakes does nothing for anyone. I want to have a family and a place to call my own, that's it. The problem is that the life I want for me is impossible in the current day (or, rather, significantly improbable). Advising someone to go play the lottery because you only live once doesn't make them better off, it just makes them poorer and in a worse situation than before. I don't need to repeat the mistakes people around me are doing to learn, I can learn from them and I see how what I want is very out of reach.