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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.09 MB, 2592x2825, Tang - Pilot Pinup Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4412276 No.4412276 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4408432
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
>Dev Tracker (post patch 2.0 ideas in the thread): https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4412283

Based doggo... he finished it

>> No.4412284

>shriney and the /alt/ OP are just as fast as eachother

>> No.4412286

>tfw new thread but still no dad gf

>> No.4412289

The penguins are there to finish the job, it needed more construction apparently.

>> No.4412290


for a second there you made me think the threadmaker for alt came back

>> No.4412291

Just another reminder that OP hates me and will never pic my art
>who are you
Thats not the point u_________u

>> No.4412294

You'll get your turn Hoppy

>> No.4412302

Hoppy has been the OP before though

>> No.4412305

Holy kek

>> No.4412319
File: 132 KB, 1200x800, penguin of month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4412327

>tfw you're not even good enough to be upset about not getting picked for the OP

>> No.4412331

The virgin Timmy vs the Chad Betty

>> No.4412348

Submit something finished dad

>> No.4412350
File: 166 KB, 1343x625, SOTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a "submission of the day" feature that highlights a random submission from the previous day. We can all admire / critique / talk shit about it the next day. I feel this will encourage a sense of community and involvement from shy daddies and commenting chads alike and will also prevent people from being ignored.

What do I think about this?

>> No.4412352

i like it

>> No.4412353

Silvermis or Oneironaut, or Meru? Or even Dreamworldnetizen? Hard choices.

>> No.4412355

Banana talked about implementing something like that for the new dad

>> No.4412357

>new dad
when? did nana say april maybe?

>> No.4412360

yeah april 1st

>> No.4412361


>> No.4412378

Here's my brush collection for the anons that requested it: https://mega.nz/#!UIwj3LpQ!Vw20BLwhqirj-gPX2R5yf6hsn4j4YcEIPNIgz3YNyYE

>> No.4412382

The "my tool presets" file has to be loaded in the "tool presets" panel while the brush tool is active. There are brushes saved in it that aren't duplicated elsewhere in the archive.

>> No.4412389
File: 95 KB, 723x767, 1huz3sjlm1l41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4412391

Seriously, how do I go beyond my limit of skill? All these other artists are drawing cool stuff with really good lines and I’m stuck. I must not understand how to study.

>> No.4412397

Study boxes and perspective, then gesture, then apply that with learnt anatomy.

>> No.4412402

Do you have someone you look up too? Study their work, try to deconstruct how they do their rendering, do figure studies if the artist u like has nice dynamic poses, then apply what you learned on your own work.

>> No.4412403

What are your current pieces like? I feel the same way a lot of the time.

>> No.4412408

Basically my procedure already.
Not really. Just the pixiv front page. So many of those artists are different, yet all of them can reach the top of the day's ranking.
Like DeviantArt amateur tier. Our poses and colors are very similar. Maybe it'll just take time and naturally I'll progress out of it.

>> No.4412410

You'll never draw things beyond your skill if you don't study things beyond your skill. Find professionals and seriously study and emulate their work.

>> No.4412413

>with really good lines
Take some time to experiment with different brushes. There's a lot of free brushes on CSP you can download. Try replicating an artist's linework, even just a portion of it.

>> No.4412415

Try loosening up your work, and really try not to care about the outcome too much. I think there's definitely a degree of just waiting it out and keeping practicing until you see progress, but I think it's more advantageous to do loose experimental work if you're trying to learn new things faster obviously.

>> No.4412434

Thanks dad, I'll try better from today on.

>> No.4412435

Imho it's easier to start improving once you know what your specific weaknesses are. Getting redlines critiques can help a lot too. Often you might know something looks off with no idea how to fix it, getting corrections and feedback from more experienced artists can really help you learn faster

>> No.4412440

>You gotta FEEL the form
Try weird shit that you wouldn't normally do. Even if it ends up looking bad, you might learn something useful – which is your goal. Every time I draw something I'm trying to learn something new. I learned something with my submission today, in fact.

>> No.4412443
File: 482 KB, 479x270, anime-thumbs-up-gif-25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4412447

Quick dads, you didnt have time to draw today and are about to lose your streak. The only way to save it is to sacrifice another dad. Who do you choose?

>> No.4412449

Any page 1 dad

>> No.4412451

every page 1 dad

>> No.4412452

my dad art bf

>> No.4412454


>> No.4412456

>one of the penguins has a gun


>> No.4412457

Whoever is the last on person on page 1

>> No.4412458
File: 93 KB, 800x600, IMG_20200307_214441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon

>> No.4412460

A low streaker

>> No.4412464
File: 33 KB, 232x115, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of these two cunts, I hate these motherfuckers like you wouldn't believe

>> No.4412467

No!! I don’t want it to be random because I don’t want my ugly beg shit to be highlighted...

>> No.4412472

VuSta meru bunnyburger gottagitgud Oneironaut Whizzard bezdomny guespiere silvemis tsflipp CGraphite Saucy konsui huhnchen rhomphy EngeeEmI Negakona ThomasAto Nessie Bigg Matt dreamworldnetizen nsix Creatue Valley Notosh Lafayette_Tiki potatoes_spaghetti tsutra DogNut Peltingfury Coin forgot his acc echo Goblin Ativor vani Bertrand Faure Tang Grabstein seieki nyroc Apricot Paganini sleepy leech DTierDaddy lonku Choob mrpurin Inno AutoReiv dezukaful Wilbe psiekier j tabascoshrimp hoppy batcoast Indigo Grigri sanz owlaica Courtier Pihori Arma tmart11 Genzai Derp Varsils bonk Igor scapula K4buk1 toxicgad greencat H4TheWin Brother-kun Beretboy Defunct εδδin™ nemori Jason Dondra gob LowStreaks juta Aerce pera Sticky Axalalal ooBoo oisín KazooKD Nirest inkpleb Pawn st⋆rs ulsanloos Turko Pneuma lamprey >skipped Herodotus' Women of the Idols yo mama Hakuna Dataizm Brownie Cath furart Yettek BanjoKazooie MysticLog pocketwyrm wormwood Fruitsalad john333 Anton beepbird 7b7a2f Luco ray Vastian obito69 JOE QuattroHS BuniraPuni Maw SBSK

>> No.4412473

Literally every time I draw figures. My gesture is decent but I always take it too far and the anatomy doesn't work or I don't take it far enough and I get a plank of wood.

>> No.4412476

When you kill everyone to be the last artist standing there's no one to celebrate with you :(

>> No.4412478

>tfw this dad would keep on going even if the entire world was turned into the dust

>> No.4412479

>not skipped
Haha finally a good thread haha

>> No.4412480

Which dad would you sacrifice yourself for to keep their streak going?

>> No.4412482

who are these two again?

>> No.4412483


>> No.4412484

Ren and Subu

>> No.4412490

Which dad works as an agent for the FBI?

>> No.4412491
File: 73 KB, 319x214, 1550703074253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night dads

>> No.4412492

Very nice OP image, can't wait to see it done!

>> No.4412495

Draw yourself naked challenge when OwO

>> No.4412496


>> No.4412497

don't want to critique or talk shit about peoples art without their permission so no thanks

>> No.4412499

what do you think the coom challenge is for?

>> No.4412501

nobody wants to see my fat brown ass

>> No.4412503

Just make it so that all submissions that have comments off are excluded from the daily submissions.

>> No.4412504

Hey dads can we give people backstories based on their usernames?

>> No.4412505

Same tbqh but only for Subu

>> No.4412506

comments shouldn't mean shit talks/unsolicited critiques imho, we should be trying to motivate each-other not put each-other down.

>> No.4412508

Why? What they do?

>> No.4412516

that's blasphemy

>> No.4412527

site comments are for motivating, thread comments are for shittalking

>> No.4412528

I'm looking forward to the Tribunal feature, Banana!

>> No.4412534

Who will be the first Tribunal case, and what for?

>> No.4412535

annoying dunny kruggies

>> No.4412536

Just be nice yo! why get off on putting people down? read a book instead.

>> No.4412538

shut up dingus

>> No.4412543

Have you seen a single put down comment on the DAD site? It's not going to happen. If anything it'll get critiques and advice to people that get ignored.

>> No.4412547

not everyone wants critique though but still enjoys encouragement/nice comments. it’s just kind of a bummer you have to pick between no comments and people playing spot the mistake.

>> No.4412548

No one is going to shit talk with their username on dad. ITT? Maybe.

>> No.4412550

was saying in regard to anonymous thread shit talking

>> No.4412551
File: 270 KB, 1280x891, ART IS SUFFERING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4412552

this makes me hungry

>> No.4412555

I wonder if hypothetically that if a person just kept trying to draw the image in their head, would the hand eventually adapt to eventually draw that image?

>> No.4412559

>Have you seen a single put down comment on the DAD site? It's not going to happen.
idk, I saw some pretty savage feedback on one of tang's submissions

>> No.4412563


>> No.4412565
File: 232 KB, 540x286, angry kazoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaz apologized and left a nicer comment afterwards though, pic related

>> No.4412566

yeah kaz is nice, she obviously didn't mean anything by it
but it's fun to tease

>> No.4412568

Have you ever tried looking at lizard poop before? It has this white tip of crystalized uric acid, very fascinating.

>> No.4412572

*puts you down*

>> No.4412573

That was uric acid? Interesting.

>> No.4412574 [DELETED] 

Nooo daddy nooo I need upsides!!

>> No.4412576

he just copy pastes all users names from page 1-3

>> No.4412577

>>4412572 #
Nooo daddy nooo I need upsies!!

>> No.4412578
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 1320854365576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to DA
>infographic for 'Tips for a painless divorce'
wtf DA lol

>> No.4412579

Which dad would you fuck in the ass?
Which dad would you want to be fucked by in the ass?

>> No.4412580


>> No.4412584


>> No.4412588
File: 91 KB, 979x816, bigger_than_expected_by_ydbunny_ddnmi8j-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to deviantart in years so I decided to check it out.
>find pic related
And to think, this it to be the artstation before artstation.

>> No.4412589


>> No.4412591

are you in need dad?? :(

>> No.4412592
File: 89 KB, 580x543, cghub-website.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGhub was the artstation before artstation

>> No.4412596

I'll never understand hyper inflated boob/ass fetish

>> No.4412597



>> No.4412598

Why do keep making these polls, banana?

>> No.4412600


site poll feature so that only people with active streaks can make/vote in polls when?

>> No.4412603

And then when the polls don’t go in your favor you make this comment. I 100 percent guarantee I can find the same exact post made before.

>> No.4412605


>> No.4412607

Then he makes a post later offering the same exact suggestion and nobody responds.

Same shit every single time. You really don't know your own habits, do you?

>> No.4412608


nigga tf you smoking?

>> No.4412609


2023 no later

>> No.4412610

schizo vs fbi posting

>> No.4412614
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 2048x2730-detective-crazy-wall-43-jpg-f48b090a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Of course! I see it now!
I wasn't crazy... it wasn't paranoia... it's REAL!

>> No.4412615

>no vaporware choice

>> No.4412626

so many challenges...

>> No.4412650

What's a good countdown timer to use, dads? I've been using Google's but I figure you guys must have been using something better.

>> No.4412651


>> No.4412653

Nice cock, can't wait to see it erect!

>> No.4412655

Doesn't that only count up? I want it to count down.

>> No.4412658


>> No.4412659

oh, yeah
I mean if you want down then google is fine, it doesnt really matter
that timer is just nice because it actively times while you work & stops when you stop

>> No.4412660

Just google "[time interval] timer." It'll countdown from the time you select and ring when it's finished

>> No.4412661

didn't they just say they were already using googles

>> No.4412667

send me motivational nudes to cure my angst

>> No.4412689

I really like e.ggtimer site.

>> No.4412702

Yesterday I was a bit lazy, but today I'll give it my 100% for sure!
I know that I'll get laid with another dad when I'll earn enough money for a trip to USA. That really fills me with determination to get my shit together and start doing commissions!

>> No.4412730

please comment on my art AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

>> No.4412734

>reply 2 days late to an useful comment I got due to my autism acting up
>they don’t reply
don’t submit to /dad/ tomorrow

>> No.4412738

>make a comment on a dad and give helpful advice
>they don’t reply back
>someone else makes a comment on their work
>they have a conversation

This is why I hate some of you but at least it was a beg loser.

>> No.4412740


>> No.4412741

It’s the guy with a poke girl avatar.

>> No.4412748

Oof. I'd understand if he didn't reply to the other guy as well (not everyone spends that much time on dad), but what happened here is just rude.

>> No.4412754

>see notifs
>someone comments on my work
>ok I'll respond to this later
>forget about it til weeks later
>too awkward to respond at this point :'3c

>> No.4412756

I did this too
this thread is making me tempted to autistically go back and write a reply now

>> No.4412766
File: 34 KB, 600x368, 934798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmMmm....I love..you..zzzz

>> No.4412773


Ah kawaii

>> No.4412774

maybe we're all equally autistic at replying

>> No.4412784

Maybe, but that incident was a deliberate ignore.

>> No.4412809

Who? I can't see any Pokémon girl

>> No.4412817

Your pokemon knowledge is low.

>> No.4412819


>> No.4412823

I don't see any ignored comments?

>> No.4412825

Looks like they saw this thread and replied
Silvermis confirmed as angry incel

>> No.4412827

>Silvermis confirmed as angry incel
awww, it's actually kinda cute seeing how autistic daddies are

>> No.4412828


I deleted my comment because I was pissed. It's water under the bridge now and that foreverbeg can screw himself.

>> No.4412829

jesus christ this is legit some tweenage romance movie tier drama

>> No.4412830

Here's a link to those infamous comments in case anyone's curious: https://dad.gallery/submissions/56354

>> No.4412832

they just said they deleted their comment, so it wasn't silvemis

>> No.4412850

I dunno man. It could be a lie for the sake of damage control.

>> No.4412877

Do you need some attention little buddy?

>> No.4412882

Not engemlwhatever but I'm sorry if I don't reply to every comment no matter how long and well thoughtout or brief they may be.
Don't get too wound up about it, I love you all.

>> No.4412915
File: 708 KB, 1210x1853, 1583671817214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4412929

US EST dad's help me out because I'm retarded- We have to post by 6pm now right?

>> No.4412935

>>4412819 >>4412809
I thought it was either engee or vani chan

>> No.4412937

I want an n95 or a pm2.5 please. Can you get me those?

>> No.4412944

Commission and payment is the n95s. Deal?

>> No.4412949
File: 178 KB, 1150x2048, jiuniaoshan-1100701394959400960-20190227_181717-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the first deadline for the OC swap thing?

>> No.4412952
File: 110 KB, 850x574, __matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_onikobe_rin__sample-f799a3ecdb51fd82c8d1fb903f96e89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too overpriced :/ No thanks

>> No.4412954

I'm having trouble approaching gesture drawing + applying Loomis' construction methods (combined). How should I go about it?

>> No.4412961

I'll turn the drama up to 120%. I'm going to make a tier list of the cuteness of daddies based on the self-portrait challange.

>> No.4412968

Then die :^d

>> No.4412973


>> No.4412977

They are not meant to work together. From my experience complex gesture should come after you know how good anatomy is created.

>> No.4412978


>> No.4412986

Gestures are worthless. Become a box chad.

>> No.4413028

>Gestures are worthless
This. I did over a thousand gestures for a challenge and I still don't know how to draw cute girls.

>> No.4413044

Don’t get me completely wrong...gesture is great for feeling out an idea but it’s really useless to build off from. You’re just left with a muddy mess that you have to find the solution to anyway.

>> No.4413045

And yeah grinding gestures is a stupid fucking waste of time and a beginner trap. A useful trap at that.

>> No.4413049

how is your character swap going?

>> No.4413054

havent started yet. Plenty of time

>> No.4413057

Yeah haven’t started yet, chill

>> No.4413077

Still looking for inspiration and, maybe more importantly, I'm researching what "Adoptables" are. It looks like I could sell the OC I'll make. But I still don't know exactly how would that work, what potential buyers are looking for, where to find them or even how to price my work.

>> No.4413079

good morning las

>> No.4413080

what the FUCK do you want

>> No.4413082


>> No.4413087

wait til end of march dude

>> No.4413088

Does anyone know where the wing design in that comic comes from? It always reminds me of nyan neko sugargirls but it's probably from something else.

>> No.4413090

Then how does one expect to improve?
What makes this place different is that people actually say what they think and don't hold back , if you take that away we become just another overly sensitive art community.

>> No.4413099

It’s not wholesum to make fun of daddies :(

Kind words only to stay in your lane of comfort only :)

>> No.4413103

This is why dad forums is genius idea. Keeps you away from truthful commentary. Banana is a true crab genius now if only once it’s made theses threads can discontinue and the board returning to its former glory.

>> No.4413105


>> No.4413114

dad oc battle royale when? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVO8QrGAPHs

>> No.4413119

But who could beat the Penguin?

>> No.4413121

I'm getting overwhelmed with all these challenges

>> No.4413130
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 1526059458708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the penguin cannot kill that which is already dead

>> No.4413133

But every daddy is a qt.

>> No.4413136

please don't
i will actually have a panic attack

>> No.4413143

>who could beat the Penguin

>> No.4413144

Dads, if you get cold feet while drawing or just want to feel more comfy while working this thing is well worth the 35$.

>> No.4413146

How high does this jack up the electricity bill?

>> No.4413147

Who's the batman of dad?

>> No.4413153

Minimally, I've had it for a year. Saves me from having to crank the heat or use another space heater, so it saves money that way.
Also have accidentally left it on for two days and didn't start a fire or overheat.

>> No.4413159

Never thought I needed this. I bounce my leg like crazy though, it's really hefty and I can't control it, is it stable?

>> No.4413163

The professional knows that the mundane physical act of sitting down and starting to work, sets in motion a mysterious process that produces inspiration.

The amateur waits for inspiration, the professional knows that it will come after he starts.

The professional therefore acts in the face of fear, when the amateur fears a big creative endeavor he waits for the fear to disappear, the professional knows this will never happen and starts anyway.

Be steadfast, dads. Start today to make what you want to see.

>> No.4413166

all of the constructive criticism in the world will not help you unless you're able to self diagnose what's the fundamental root issue of your drawings and then having the will to act on building relevant understanding. or you know, stay in your comfort zone and hide behind whatever gimmick tricks people the best

>> No.4413172
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, 1583637957665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4413173

I keep it on the incline position and it does scoot/tip if you apply pressure to the top. But I'm pretty sure that can be fixed if you just put an extra anti-skid surface under it. You can also just lay it flat. My legs don't move when sit so i'm not entirely sure how much it would move for you...
But I do love the incline cuz I used to get cramps every time I'd draw but the incline helped with my ergonomics I guess since I rarely get them now.

>> No.4413174


>> No.4413175

Thanks Dad, I'll look into it. I think I might be too bouncy for this, but it does sound awesome. My limbs are constantly freezing.

>> No.4413176
File: 182 KB, 500x525, tumblr_1ef0ccdbc88bb2d690953c94bbe5e455_329b56cd_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413183

Yeah I also tried those heated socks with microwavable beanbags in them but the heat would only last like 20minutes and I constantly felt gross putting them on my feet and back in the microwave. I know there's some electric versions of those socks, but I was always weary of slipping an electric heating device directly into my socks...

>> No.4413193

>wholesome :')))
Back to R*ddit faggot

>> No.4413194

i just put my feet under my cat

>> No.4413197

rip :(

>> No.4413198

Thanks bro

>> No.4413234

My catto died last year, rip.

>> No.4413240

rip :(

>> No.4413248
File: 1.16 MB, 1733x1280, moonshine_meets_tux_2605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat doesn't look like all the other cats.

>> No.4413249


>> No.4413253

8pm EST

>> No.4413255
File: 92 KB, 664x800, 149A448F-2992-4B74-BFE6-673D062C43CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post ur cat

>> No.4413256

I wish I could have a cat

>> No.4413261
File: 234 KB, 1024x1365, IMG_20200308_104457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parent's cat since my apt doesn't allow pets

>> No.4413265

I read your description awetos. I for one like seeing writefags on the site

>> No.4413270

rip cat friend :'(

>> No.4413272
File: 64 KB, 488x576, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my son

>> No.4413276

Chill, I bet u are probably a qt.

>> No.4413285

Angelic cutie
Looks like a bengal!

>> No.4413287

I was about to post a pic of my dog but I was about to dox my ass so hard. Good thing I had coffee.

>> No.4413290

tch, almost had em...

>> No.4413302

Phone number on collar?

>> No.4413309

No it was a pic saved from my relatives Instagram and then cookie crumbs and all that would lead back to me eventually.

>> No.4413311

fbi-kun doesn't care that much

>> No.4413312
File: 303 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20191022-WA0006~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do mine instead. My kiddos.

>> No.4413314

those are some good doggies

>> No.4413319

qt 3.14 doggos

>> No.4413328

challenge where you draw a portrait of your pet

>> No.4413335

but i don't have a pet...

>> No.4413337

by not having a pet you've already lost. twice.

>> No.4413340


>> No.4413343

All DADs are great and equal in greatness. But some daddies are more equal in greatness than others.

>> No.4413344

I just lost The Game.

>> No.4413345


>> No.4413346
File: 178 KB, 363x342, 1534363691951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413351

Someone's jealous they don't have the undying love and affection of a companion animal. ;_;

>> No.4413353
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>> No.4413355
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>> No.4413358

fucking sleepy has posted blurred shit for three days in a row.
Trib when

>> No.4413360

Unpopular opinion: When you're so good that you get ndas you don't need dad anymore.

>> No.4413361

Rules for thee but not for me~

>> No.4413363

why is Aphid still here

>> No.4413365
File: 1.28 MB, 2089x2604, 2AC90AD7-78A1-43A8-A0C8-1B2205E6041D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413366

Being so good you get NDA's just means you're fully capable of shitting out something half decent looking in 30 minutes. If you wind up just posting a blurred images you're just being a lazy ass who's disregarding site rules.

>> No.4413367
File: 43 KB, 512x393, 1583600676897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker

>> No.4413379

I just use those comfy hand and leg warmers
I'm a boy btw

>> No.4413386

you issued a warning to these guys now ban them what’s the hold up

>> No.4413391

I think the NDA category I'd lump into is also if you set patreon rewards or spoilers for your comic, but other than that theres no excuses to hide your WIPs.

>> No.4413400

i saw several blurred images on the dad home page.. fucking waste ... last one i saw was of arma's

>> No.4413407

>tfw it's done, it's going to be so good that it rocks the world again
I'm ready.

>> No.4413411

i dont understand why these people who have actual jobs are even participating on this site. and if you do want to why not post your 30 minute warmup instead of your nda piece?

>> No.4413422

what does have a job have to do with anything you retard?

>> No.4413427


To flex at you /beg/s, duh?

>> No.4413432

hows the ass cancer

>> No.4413448

ugh same
@konsui maybe you can find a 3D model of a guitar off Google sketchup to rotate it around? another option is to find somebody who knows how to play guitar to pose for you

>> No.4413458

What I don't understand if that if you're working on something that's under a super secret NDA, why not simply decrease your frequency to once a week so you can upload personal work that you can actually share? A creative habit tracking/motivation community where some people just post blurry images every day is all kinds of retarded.

>> No.4413499

Stop being salty we have work and you dont

>> No.4413509

>tfw no art job

>> No.4413511

then you no longer need the site

>> No.4413529

Maybe dad is as much about community as it is about habit for some of us.

>> No.4413534

Maybe people who make art for money still want to track themselves

>> No.4413537

How when the people who NDA barely talk if at all?

>> No.4413544

nda tierlist when?

>> No.4413557

I'll give you a job

>> No.4413560

will I have to buy my own kneepads or are they provided

>> No.4413603
File: 28 KB, 624x345, 1582871128105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4413607

How pathetic do you have to be to get this anal damaged over a leaf not allowing loli content solely due to where he lives that you continuously spam the site with it despite it probably getting wiped in 1-3 minutes wasting your time over nothing?

>> No.4413609

>Loli gets spammed to dad over and over again
>But never shota
Extremely unbased and cringe

>> No.4413613

this, we need to assblast j somehow

>> No.4413614

Because loli is for closet gays in denial.

>> No.4413615
File: 62 KB, 408x346, 1579154888637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shota is fucking gay unless is straight shota

>> No.4413619

Someone get the sauce before it’s gone. Good taste this time.

>> No.4413620

Straight shota’s also for closet homos, either go the full mile or piss off.

>> No.4413621

Is it gayer for girls to like straight shota or gay shota?

>> No.4413627

Naners was too fast.

>> No.4413628 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1140x322, Screenshot (60).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah sorry, i don't like boy dick
i like imagining i am the boy, though
getting molested by an older half sister was one helluva trip

>> No.4413630

>Aphid wasted 5 minutes dumping loli porn that was deleted this quickly

>> No.4413633
File: 73 KB, 500x398, consider-the-following-32924263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea Banana, make it so that when you're a new user your first few sets of submissions are hidden from the public until you reach a streak of 3 or something low.
That should give an ample window for admins to notice and prune shitpost accounts without letting them affect the public site.

>> No.4413634

Looks more like he was testing a new bot creation system. Pair that up with the continuous posting last time and it would swamp the first page if combined.

>> No.4413638

what the fuck is this image and why does it keep getting posted

>> No.4413640

Does Banana delete it manually? The horrors being an admin must be. Banana has to see everything.

>> No.4413643

It’s Aphid judging by the archives, it always feels autistic knowing which poster is which just by going by typing style and subject matter.

>> No.4413646

Do me next. Which poster am I?

>> No.4413649


>> No.4413653

Hoppy or nessie

>> No.4413656

It's not autistic, it is just an intimate knowledge of other people

>> No.4413659
File: 88 KB, 500x500, FEA5AAE1-87EA-4212-B0E1-6845DE4C88C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh thanks I’ll go look for a 3D model guitar. I have a few guitars myself but never thought of just taking refs myself either. Thanks for the suggestions!

>> No.4413665

That's because Aphid is banana.

>> No.4413667

small brain time

>> No.4413668

I think it's still good that the productive challenge is timed.

>> No.4413672


why don't you block his IP?

>> No.4413676

He can't do that so he manually restricts new accounts from being made.

>> No.4413678

i check this thread everyday to see if anyone has mentioned me

>> No.4413681

Ah so that's why he's afraid and wants to purge old accounts.

>> No.4413682

I just did, doofus.
And besides, how long have you been on the internet? IP bans are ineffective as shit, given the prevalence of VPNs.

I'm temporarily locking signups until I implement email verification or potentially 2FA, or another solution.

I don't monitor the submissions daily (it would be impossible for me to do so consistently), so this would cause a lot of things to fly under the radar before they suddenly show up, people let me know, and I can act upon them.

>> No.4413684

>I just did

I highly doubt that but it's cool that you're keeping up the facade.

>> No.4413686

How come almost none of our lolicons can draw? Most of our furfags and shotacons are actually quite decent.

>> No.4413689

I dunno why can't your admin draw?

>> No.4413690

I said most, not all.

>> No.4413693

Our admin CAN draw. He just has a hard time doing so over his tears that smudge and stain his tablet.

>> No.4413697

cobwebs are all over his tablet, not tears.

>> No.4413698

too many lolicons here right now

>> No.4413699

Banana had a hard life

>> No.4413700

Because you force them to use handicaps
They will fluorish when they are unrestrained

>> No.4413704

Banana thinks too much when he draws. He should stop being so neurotic about his artwork.

>> No.4413707

Shotafags flourish with handicaps though. Lolifags are just weak

>> No.4413708

>Because you force them to use handicaps
What did he mean by this

>> No.4413710

Wait for coom week and I'll post lots of shota.

>> No.4413711

Based J

>> No.4413712

calm down tumor u_u You don't even use the site

>> No.4413716

Which dads do you want to see post loli?
Which dads do you want to see post shota?
Which dads do you want to see post furry?

>> No.4413717

does /las/ observe daylight savings time?

>> No.4413718

tumor ramushit will probably think I'm nanners or grigi or tipsy or whoever the fuck this time again

>> No.4413719

>which dads do you want to see banned on ic

>> No.4413720

Since no children are actually harmed they want to cliam that loli is inside the freedom of speech. And that they should be allowed to draw characters of children doing ANYTHING.

They are not important or relevant enough for the rest of us to deal with the fallout of sharing a platform with cp charicatures. And besides they suck at drawing anyway.

>> No.4413722

>everyone is raisin bran

>> No.4413725

always the loliniggers

>> No.4413733


>> No.4413741


I'm so confused but you guys do you.

>> No.4413751

don't quote me then, retard

>> No.4413752

at this point i don't think anyone can be mad at banana if he decides he's sick of it all and quits
this is like the third thread where people are randomly shitting on the dude; being the admin for a ic offshoot project is thankless as fuck

>> No.4413753

I wish I was good at art

>> No.4413755


I wouldn't quote you if you didn't spew some retarded ass dribble. God this general is stupid as fuck.

>> No.4413756


>> No.4413758

It's literally just one coward lurking in the thread because they still can't get over getting banned by the admin

>> No.4413760

Based banana making lolifags seethe

>> No.4413761


Suddenly we forget about the guy spamming loli on the site directly. Surely it isn't Bananas alter ego no sir.

>> No.4413762

its been more than 60 days since the ban and loliniggers are still seething

>> No.4413765

Let's not acknowledge the tumor making shit fuck excuses again and just talk about other things.

>> No.4413766

feel like its more than that
seems like even outside of loliautists people just incessantly shit on the dude for no reason
> he's shit at art forever beg
> rules for me rules for thee
> why do you type so much
> banana is somehow samefagging everything
and then these absurd accusations that bananas spamming the site himself or that he's lilramune
apparently even the las discord hates the guy

>> No.4413770

What's everyone plan for the toku challenge? Monsters? Sentai? Fanart of OC? Research or just quick ref?

>> No.4413772

>> banana is somehow samefagging everything
>and then these absurd accusations that bananas spamming the site himself or that he's lilramune
>apparently even the las discord hates the guy
No its just the lolinigger gaslighting you gullible fucks again.

>> No.4413774

Planning to do something kaiju related but we'll see

>> No.4413775


Am I to believe you're just this innocent bundle of joy despite the countless evidence and screencaps? How you range banned a dude with no warning for the lulz just to get him angry while pretending to have nothing to do with cloudflare issues? Are we forgetting all of this or am I just to put that all aside because you're some stooge who maintains a bootstrap website while having mental issues yourself?

>> No.4413776

Shut up autist.

>> No.4413777

shut up lolibitch we're now discussing site challenges

>> No.4413779
File: 3.04 MB, 1679x3210, 1568523196405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet, pets

>> No.4413780

yeah see case in point
honestly banana should just hang it up for his own sake

>> No.4413790
File: 373 KB, 769x1381, HAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this art is worth kneeling

>> No.4413793

I've improved since then dum dum
Also, nice posting a random 10 second sketch

>> No.4413795
File: 485 KB, 1002x1201, aaaAAAAHELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413799

big Y I K E S

>> No.4413802

Same as pic above
Old 10 sec doodle

>> No.4413809

work on my oc

>> No.4413813

Post your new work

>> No.4413815
File: 448 KB, 1520x1500, goku4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413821


>> No.4413823

>bUt it'S JusT a 10 sEcOnd D00Dle DDDD:

>> No.4413834

This is actually pretty good ngl. Definitely better than some users on the site.

>> No.4413836

if you're that upset about it you could just leave

>> No.4413844

Can you draw Trunks for me?

>> No.4413847


>> No.4413852

Yeah, he might even be low/mid tier 1

>> No.4413857
File: 231 KB, 795x1500, goku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work if you're so good

>> No.4413859

any rank higher than banana is alright

>> No.4413866

Can we talk about something else other than these non members

>> No.4413869

You can talk about my member if you cool with that.

>> No.4413870

Can we have some sweet ass tierlists??? It's been a while

>> No.4413872
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1257, naga boi collor correct s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413874

>been posting a bunch of shit and studies lately
>gonna get shit placement for sure
n o

>> No.4413893


>> No.4413894

nice cant wait to see it fnished!

>> No.4413896

given how many times someone has pretended to be nessie i am not going to trust this

>> No.4413919
File: 77 KB, 500x1250, PatreonTemporaryImage-65c9cc36-e22e-4b3e-8cea-426dd478ea0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be nice to each other, you little cretins

>> No.4413947
File: 34 KB, 960x502, 89657359_4523078121066630_4402102983161020416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4413967
File: 37 KB, 615x446, 91fd98b64517b4efa809e4318def2172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all bad

>> No.4413970

only if you don't carry corona with you u.u

>> No.4413975


>> No.4413976

thread shitters have a huge distate against roastie dads and nice commenters

>> No.4413988

Rent free

>> No.4413993

holy shit bezdomny is dead

>> No.4413995
File: 56 KB, 716x149, Screenshot_2020-03-08 Do Art Daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F to pay respects

>> No.4413998


>> No.4414000
File: 825 KB, 266x199, 1573192163080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plein air bros
corona confirmed

>> No.4414003
File: 17 KB, 674x650, bez ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4414004

wish this meme had started sooner no one care when I left page 1

>> No.4414006

how much years into guitar ? any other instruments ?
10 years guitarist here, kinda stopped practicing to get more into art

>> No.4414007


>> No.4414008

true true

>> No.4414009
File: 38 KB, 321x398, 1583709743955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this

>> No.4414011

potatoes T~T

>> No.4414012

Didn't the US switch to daylight savings today? Maybe bez forgot about that that

>> No.4414013
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 27739017f000ffea1a205005393bb4be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that me square is literally me
all I need is ironaut and whizz to die, now

>> No.4414016

we'll find out in a hour?
daylight savings time fuckery is a bitch

>> No.4414019

switching to dlst should have pushed the deadline forward.
if your deadline was 4pm before, it is now 5pm.

>> No.4414023

who will make comment 10000?

>> No.4414024

what are you listening to these days ?

>> No.4414027

Free badge to whoever gets the 10k GET

>> No.4414029

oh shit i drew but didnt post

>> No.4414032
File: 12 KB, 404x275, 13463896517492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414037
File: 409 KB, 491x487, unknown-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Ren is pretty annoying. I don't have much to say about his arts but man in the discord he really rambles on about him lifting and makes it sound like he's some kind of hardcore gym rat but he can't even rep 1pl8 bench and always shoves his shit hipster music down everybody's throat at any given opportunity

>> No.4414038
File: 452 KB, 400x328, 1579124356645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel

>> No.4414041

I just wish Ren would stop spamming art from the same 3 artists, it feels impossible to talk with him around sometimes.

>> No.4414044


F to bez. 476 in a row. damn

>> No.4414052

He should get a posthumous ascension, since he broke the 1 year mark by a long mile.

>> No.4414055


>> No.4414062

That will be handled, don't worry.

>> No.4414068
File: 291 KB, 862x467, plane air decade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still see their faces when I close my eyes. They were like brothers to me.

>> No.4414069

heh... my guitars are basically relics at this point. Been meaning to get back into it but I decided for the meantime all my creative energy is better off channeled into drawing.
Played maybe 3 years tops and realized I was pretty musically challenged and gave up. I definitely want to pick it up again once my drawing skills are semi-decent now that I've grown a bit and not so prone to giving up on hobbies.

>> No.4414071
File: 31 KB, 400x400, yqZeJH2k_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414073

why are we still here? just to submit?

>> No.4414086


>> No.4414123

hmm what shouldi draw today

>> No.4414135

tight pussy getting fucked or some ass fucking

>> No.4414139

a tight pussy fucking an ass it is

>> No.4414141

Ren is alright i guess. Now Subu is the one that rubs me off the wrong way

>> No.4414144

the legendary tijuana donkey show
dios mio.......

>> No.4414148


>> No.4414167

Subu is just an unironic Dunning-Kreuger. He can't handle taking criticism when people point out how fucked his fundies are, and he always falls back to "w-well appeal is a fundie, too, guys," like his stiff, generic sameface anime girls are the peak of aesthetic appeal.

>> No.4414187

is he underage or just retarded? I remember him saying he's in high school on his website

>> No.4414189


>> No.4414190

leech & Courtier on the right

>> No.4414194

post his work. I'm not on discord.

>> No.4414195

Subu is bad enough were even begs can say shit and not need to be justified.

>> No.4414197

>this bullying
What the fuck?

>> No.4414198

He posts to dad

>> No.4414200


>> No.4414205

How do I get as good as you subu?

>> No.4414210

odds are you're already there :^)

>> No.4414211

I wouldn't want to draw like that but he seems pretty passable for an animeposter.

>> No.4414214
File: 157 KB, 408x294, Screenshot_2020-03-08 U-18Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did i say about being nice?

>> No.4414216

Fuck off

>> No.4414222

avatarfagging is against the rules

>> No.4414223

bat soup when ?

>> No.4414226

I like looking at his art because it instills paranoia over how one can be so confident in such weak art, motivating me to study

>> No.4414233

Time to start drawing
>open photoshop
>I could use some tunes for background noise
>2 hours later
time to start drawing. But first i'll make lunch
>2 hours later
time to start drawing.

>> No.4414236

Same, procrastinating because Loomis is too difficult.

>> No.4414239

i disagree

>> No.4414243


>> No.4414244

Nta but there are lots of very very obvious beginner-level mistakes with his work. You don't need to be high-tier to notice the wonkiness

>> No.4414246

>he asks something
>i neutrally replied
>gave me a condescending response
This guy comes of as a brat t b h. He thinks his derpina girls are peak anime style

>> No.4414248

pyw so i can nitpick your shitty drawings too

>> No.4414250

>When the whole drawing is fundamentally fucked

>> No.4414251


>> No.4414252

i used to always make a tea before i start drawing which always led me to wasting time doing other stuff. sometimes id go take a shit or start exercising. try to get into the habit of just drawing and stop doing preparation ceremonies. how about no lunch until you drawn something

>> No.4414254

that you subu? I don't have a problem with your work but your personality is shit

>> No.4414257

>implying your personality isn't also shit

>> No.4414260

Sorry not sorry subu but i hope you lose your krugertism asap

>> No.4414263

Not subu, just someone that finds this kind of calling out to be depressing.

>> No.4414268

You can't really talk to that person since he doesn't listen to any criticism. I had to bring it up because my impression of this person is very sour

>> No.4414271

I actually find subus art more appealing than people like nessie and hoppy

>> No.4414274

yikes, so this is what they mean by don't come to dad tomorrow

>> No.4414275


>> No.4414276

cool story, pyw

>> No.4414277

I don't like shitflinging too often but honestly Subu has been consistently very condescending to others and dismissive of people trying to help him. I can understand why there's a hubbub about him

>> No.4414281

can we not turn dad into the cesspool that is the rest of /ic/?
this community is friendly and encouraging. if you have a bone to pick, take it to your DMs.

>> No.4414282

>last post btw

>> No.4414283

everyday these threads stray further into crab territory

>> No.4414290

Why does it reek of /new/ here?
I think /ic/‘s general attitude is unproductive and dumb but I’m not out here trying to white knight for some /beg/ because they’re getting bullied a little.
Just say your piece and leave, you can’t fucking change people from being assholes on this site, you’re only making an ass of yourself and egging people on further.

>> No.4414291

Same. I got stuck in comfort zone hell for years, and basically quit playing a few months ago in favour of art.

>> No.4414296


>> No.4414297

crab challenge when?

>> No.4414299

why do you want to ruin a good community by being an asshole?
If you don't like a dad, ignore them or tell them politely that their attitude needs work.
Just because you never learned how to speak to people doesn't mean being an asshole to them is acceptable.

>> No.4414301
File: 2.63 MB, 3200x2700, 1574789252651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4414303

where do you think you are

>> No.4414306

i'm in a thread to discuss a community that has encouraged me to keep learning how to draw and i'm not letting some crab ruin it.

>> No.4414307

I'm not the one being an asshole. I'm just saying you fags are adding fire to the flame by all this "be nice uwu" " b-but muh dad is only friendly and encouraging!" shit.
I'm not even trying to leave it at "remember what site you're on" but that's kind of what it is.
There's no fucking "anti-bullying" rule on 4chan, so stop trying to be a fucking moderator. Go to reddit if you want to tell people what they can and can't say.

>> No.4414308
File: 22 KB, 200x151, 1405359683438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAD subreddit when

>> No.4414310

maybe you should be nice, faggot, uwu

>> No.4414314

I am nice, I'm trying to help you idiots from concussing yourselves by banging your head into the wall in the form of telling crabs to "be nice".

>> No.4414316

have fun drawing boxes

>> No.4414317

Only way to learn perspective!

>> No.4414318

you're a dumbfuck

>> No.4414322

good luck box-kuns

>> No.4414323

Thanks :)

>> No.4414324

which submission are you most proud of?

>> No.4414329

none, i fucking hate all my art

>> No.4414331


>> No.4414332

I still like my DAIB

>> No.4414334
File: 24 KB, 800x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello frens, I'd like to explain to you a simple principle of graphic design. Artists are much more concerned about what's on the page then how the page looks but if you're work is going to be seen by other people, it's worth thinking about presentation.

One of the easiest ways you can do this is by using alignment and visual hierarchy to make your work less chaotic. I'm not saying to learn graphic design, it's just something to be aware of while working.

>> No.4414342

I told you gullible hags to stop responding to baits but noooooo

>> No.4414344

t. bait

>> No.4414347

Don't respond to me :(

>> No.4414348

"don't respond" never works, because this is an anonymous imageboard, it's easy to carry on a bait conversation with yourself, and rope others in

>> No.4414349
File: 241 KB, 706x842, wong_cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414350

Any good resources for learning the basics?

>> No.4414351

Crab-chan is too cute

>> No.4414354

>not art itt

>> No.4414357

don't respond

>> No.4414360

Here's a quick video.

>> No.4414361

>tegakianon is actually good at something

>> No.4414365

i love you tang

>> No.4414370

trappyboy that you? Save us from threadshitters

>> No.4414375

>my best work is the one i'm most ashamed of

>> No.4414379


>> No.4414380

90% sure tegakianon is ooboo

>> No.4414384

Stop spilling my secret knowledge *snibs you*

>> No.4414386

>if you're work is going to be seen by other people
Good thing this doesn't apply to me!

>> No.4414396
File: 72 KB, 512x461, yoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they figured it out
h-how could you see me

>> No.4414400

because it wasn't finished

>> No.4414403

you're one of the few dads that bothers to make drawings for the threads
and your style is recognizable

>> No.4414405

because the benis is going :)

>> No.4414410


>> No.4414419

how to stop being a pussy and become fearless dad?

>> No.4414423

im gonna do it motherfuckers im gonna fuckin do it

sorry in advance

>> No.4414426


>> No.4414427

how do i learn to stop hating myself

>> No.4414430
File: 85 KB, 515x486, nyah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll finish you...

I wish more dads drew for the threads desu. We've all got the tools sitting right in front of us

>> No.4414433

please be a new tier list

>> No.4414439

This boy is adorable and I love him

Personally, I would love a world where /las/ is just lewd drawthreads

>> No.4414443

something way worse

>> No.4414444

1. work out - start with push ups in the morning
2. go outside - try running a mile. It's ok if you can't, just walk the rest.
3. do this three times a week other day for a month.
4. admire physical and mental gains in the mirror to boost confidence.

>> No.4414446
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1582487670385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414452

Based neetdads getting in the gains. Must be nice to be able to draw more than 4 hours a day.

>> No.4414460
File: 17 KB, 228x260, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-pls be gentile tang-sama

>> No.4414463

lol i can't spell

>> No.4414467

I, also, hope Tang is uncut

>> No.4414471
File: 24 KB, 1301x183, PNG image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414475
File: 78 KB, 517x526, 1494547143222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't supposed to happen like this

>> No.4414476
File: 6 KB, 185x272, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414493

how polite :3c

>> No.4414495

>go outside
*corona chan blocks your path*

>> No.4414497


>> No.4414498

Noooo what happened to him...

>> No.4414514
File: 492 KB, 460x345, Needles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wanted Page 1... We all wanted it... But not like this.
Not like this.

>> No.4414517
File: 144 KB, 687x739, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gentle is for gaylords, I'd rather smoke weed

I see what you did there, I'll cut you

>> No.4414522

I will have the greatest kek if Potatoes's decides to make a Plein Air April after this

>> No.4414523


>> No.4414543
File: 1.02 MB, 800x800, 1574306301697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure bez has a bf so he could tell us if something happens to him, right?

>> No.4414546

Mr. K Dilkington

>> No.4414547

bez bf isn't a daddo

>> No.4414548

only if he knows about us

>> No.4414553

post a wip you will never ever finish and otherwise would've had no excuse to post

>> No.4414555

doesnt bez have a husband, not a bf?
is he doesnt know about us, I'll be offended

>> No.4414557

Do you significant others/friends/family know about you posting on /ic/ and dad?
If you died, would they tell us?

>> No.4414559

I think I have only heard Bez call him his BF? Unless that changed recently...

>> No.4414560

My sister is on dad with me. If something happened to make either of us stop drawing it would be very sad :(

>> No.4414564


>> No.4414565

I believe one of his submissions was on his wedding day, according to the comments and a 'just married' in the submission itself
I didnt notice til way after and didnt wanna embarrassingly congratulate way after the fact :(

>> No.4414567

wow, no way I would submit on my wedding day GG

>> No.4414577

>2 21
Fuck that's really recent, I remembered the BF comment from a month or so before that. I hope Bez and his newlywed husband are doing alright

>> No.4414581

I don't like anime so I don't like any, but subu's characters are more lively than hoppy's work, if sloppy. nessie is strongest by far.

>> No.4414584
File: 77 KB, 618x800, whatareyouwaitingfor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a wip but I'll use the excuse to post this page of garbage

>> No.4414585


>> No.4414591

That's our secret, anon! :3c

>> No.4414593

nessie and creatue?

>> No.4414595

nessie and tang?

>> No.4414599

>tfw no dad bf

>> No.4414600
File: 83 KB, 512x512, 1544704650713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night dads

>> No.4414605

It hurts

>> No.4414608

*kicks you out of bed*
stupid dog, did I give you permission to sleep

>> No.4414613

*bites you*
Awooo OwO

>> No.4414616

h-huh? what's this? I'm starting t-ahh aaawooo!! OwO

>> No.4414621

[muffled snip snip]

>> No.4414622

>implying weed isnt gay

>> No.4414625

Are crabs furry?
What's the furry terminology for anthro crustaceans, arthropods, and creatures without fur or scale?

>> No.4414626


>> No.4414631

lol'd irl

>> No.4414639
File: 457 KB, 1000x860, 1556128891302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414642

how can this be crusty porn with no crab dick?
this made me google crab dicks, looks like some alien shit

>> No.4414644
File: 25 KB, 448x364, Crabs_qbo8oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414657

Tl;dr: humility

It's ultimately a very proud thing for an animal like yourself to believe in self hatred.
Don't listen to exercise anon. (By all means go out and exercise) but he's failing to address the fundamentals of your self hate, and in so doing inviting you to play a game which will likely exacerbate your problem. Even if it's a short term "fix."
Step 1) Study yourself, broadly, with a mind tolerant to the worst extremes and the best. Then take your faults and draw them out to their logical absurdity. It helps to place them in context of the infinite.
Step 2) Now this is important. Do not stop here! The people that do- the proud, the regressive, those who want an excuse, get stuck here and find a nihilistic relativism which leaves them at the mercy of the winds.
Step 3) atone for any mistakes you are able to and allow solemn reverence for those things you can't change.
Step 4) Now see exercise anon. With the values you've gained perspective on so far, make the conscious decision to set aside the failings of the human condition, in favor of as much in a positive, constructive direction as you can stand at a time.
Step 5) repeat. Never lose sight of the building blocks you are made of, and never assume even the most solid looking ones are- you must evolve or die in lifes ever changing circumstances, and your own eternally flawed perception.

>> No.4414660
File: 42 KB, 677x521, coronabez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the concern guys, I'm doing just fine, not sick or anything. I was a little shocked at losing my streak.

It's actually kinda funny, I'm EST, the deadline has been 7pm for me, so when I woke up after 7pm today and went to check the site and I saw I wasn't dead I assumed I must have uploaded, but I didn't realize the time changed so I wound up losing my streak a little after that. That means I had an extra hour to upload, so that's not really an excuse or anything, just my own dumb fault. I would have lost my streak even earlier if the time hadn't changed after all.

I did upload at least 30 minutes to another site yesterday though, so I think I might see if banana can do a streak redemption. It's something I was hoping I wouldn't have to upload on DAD, so I'd like to blur it, that feels a little scummy though. I'm gonna try and figure it out some time today.

>> No.4414662

>Step 3) atone for any mistakes you are able to and allow solemn reverence for those things you can't change.
well, that's not going to happen

>> No.4414673

It costs nothing at all to simply change your outlook. But to bring your humility, fortitude and willpower can take a lifetime of destruction. I hope you make the right choice anon. But don't let me sing you praises of self righteous twattery, it wouldn't work anyway.
But I will tell you two things, one- if you want confidence, if you want power over yourself, nature, you name it, face yourself.
Second, if you do, your life won't get easier, but it will definitely get more interesting. And satisfying.

>> No.4414676


>> No.4414686

God i wish


>> No.4414728

what you can get your streak back just like that? that's very disheartening I wonder how many of the page one-ers are only there because of a technicality and not because they posted on dad everyday.

>> No.4414731

I think the only DAD on page 1 right now who's been redeemed is Meru

>> No.4414732

It has always been a rule you can get your streak back if you have posted 30 minutes of work elsewhere online and just forgot to post to dad

>> No.4414736


>> No.4414738
File: 6 KB, 400x400, thumb_unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.4414743

Let's not be autistic about this.
The whole point is to draw every day. As long as there's proof they didn't skip drawing for that day, why not restore the streak? Punishment just for not remembering to upload it to DAD one time out of nearly 500? People forget things, what does being super anal accomplish? They still did art that day, that's all that really matters.

>> No.4414748
File: 670 KB, 489x719, ramune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4414751

Hi 7b

>> No.4414758

Loli spam is fucking cringe, futanari spam WHEN?

>> No.4414775

>months looking up to a daddy for their drawing skill
>recently they only post scratchy lines, bad form
did they regress
what happened

>> No.4414778

I demand names!

>> No.4414779

I-it's not me, right?

>> No.4414781

I wonder if dad will miss me if I suddenly disappear

>> No.4414783

High tier daddy.
Looking again, it's because low effort submissions.

>> No.4414785
File: 167 KB, 866x1300, 29646506-cat-sleeping-on-the-lap-buddha-statues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's understandable. Step 3 is the hardest part and one of the core values of buddhism and stoicism

>> No.4414786

Post the low effort submissions

>> No.4414787

Whizzard got his streak back during the early days of dad

>> No.4414788

Big titty futas?
Sign me the fuck UP

>> No.4414789

Oof, maybe it's like for me, i don't have my stylus anymore so i only do stupid doodles to keep my streak and don't lose the gist, i consider going back to trad and watercolor though until i get a new stylus.

>> No.4414790

gri is pp shaped :(

>> No.4414792

HUMONGOUS tidi futa

>> No.4414795

Post your dad name ill fight you

>> No.4414797

but it's shaped like a benis :(

>> No.4414798

Post your dad name >:(

>> No.4414799


>> No.4414803

Okay dads, if you didn't fear the ban, what would you do on dad?

>> No.4414806

Make friends with people who make good art and have similar creative interests to me

>> No.4414808

Dad... That's not... Ban worthy

>> No.4414809
File: 891 KB, 459x1089, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoddy lines like this.
seeing inconsistency always puts me in mind of Proko drawing from imagination.
could be the case. Hope the wait isn't long.

>> No.4414814

She's doing plein airs in pen, and doesn't seem to be very experienced. Some messiness is to be expected

>> No.4414815

Quick! Whose dad's submission is this?

>> No.4414818

I'll be courageous enough to tell dads how much I love their submissions

>> No.4414820

If you like them at their best you must like them at their worst

>> No.4414822

post my art

>> No.4414823

I... Take you... To be... My dad/mom to have and to hold from this day forward.. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish, til site's death do us apart

>> No.4414824

more than messiness it looks like Parkinsons.

>> No.4414827

Have you tried plein air before lol

>> No.4414844

Pick any dad at random and steal their superpower of being social

>> No.4414846

who are the most social dads?

>> No.4414868

Idk, I'm not in dad.

>> No.4414886


>> No.4414893

if you're doing plein air in bad weather, line quality is the first casualty

>> No.4414895


>> No.4414906

I'm not nemori, but I've been doing my plein airs while standing, which makes it a bit hard to get clean lines. Maybe she's doing it the same way?

>> No.4414913
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 98347798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Moooooooring! DAAAAAAISUKI!

>> No.4414920

I'm really scared of corona you guys..

>> No.4414926

spam awoo on every submission

>> No.4414939

ferocious fashionista with the skin from a slayed Lucas

>> No.4414941

Post your other high tier members (god i hope it's MEE)

>> No.4414942


post japanese study

>> No.4414947

Aren’t you homophobic

>> No.4414959
File: 33 KB, 494x404, mipipi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one can change if there is an exception to the rule!

>> No.4414977

Imagine how much better las would have been if his mother successfully aborted him.

>> No.4414986

reduction of memes by 85%

>> No.4414990
File: 41 KB, 393x385, 1511747360023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4415026
File: 139 KB, 800x1131, 6213473B-3954-44BD-9AD5-1BC3BEAD9720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you aren’t homophobic anymore?

>> No.4415029

How do I increase my notoriety and have people talk shit about my art on these threads?

>> No.4415031

post it

>> No.4415039


>> No.4415043


If I had a homoblocker in my head I would whitelist only my ferend and nothin else.

>> No.4415050
File: 31 KB, 224x191, 20200308_232315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys today?

>> No.4415053
File: 779 KB, 3084x4208, D7628663-1A29-40B0-BCA2-385B439ADB6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your daughter loved another girl would you accept her?

>> No.4415061

Give me forever sleepie pills

>> No.4415063

great moves son, keep it up, proud of you

>> No.4415075

Post my artistic nudes

>> No.4415091

Sore. When I get home I’d like to study eyes and finally settle some anatomical questions I’ve had for too long. What about you?

>> No.4415096

i feel like i could reach out and wring your neck

>> No.4415098

Worst dads: hoppy, nessie, tang, kazoo, and any other attention whore.
Best dads : everyone els.

>> No.4415105

But they're nice people. Why so sour, pusspuss?

>> No.4415106

because they get attention and I dont

>> No.4415108

They act underage.

>> No.4415112
File: 264 KB, 715x1000, __maegami_chan_and_maegami_chan_s_daughter_getsuyoubi_no_tawawa_drawn_by_himura_kiseki__04769f66172a73cdd4ded3abe311ac7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you poor angry thing

>> No.4415113

Agreed. I hate women

>> No.4415121


>> No.4415126

Goood mooooorning awooooo

>> No.4415127

Im not taking your obvious bait so dont respond to my posts, attention whores.

>> No.4415128

Worst dads: those who don't draw
Best dads: everyone else

>> No.4415132

nobody awoos before me >:(

>> No.4415142
File: 467 KB, 513x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rn

>> No.4415148

I awooo at you too

>> No.4415149
File: 66 KB, 572x657, d6cpt0meyhd21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415151
File: 31 KB, 470x367, zen fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me staying comfy no matter what drama is happening

>> No.4415158

>I hate the popular kids!
bet you were fun in highschool, nerd

>> No.4415159

imagine if thread bullies look like this

>> No.4415169

>someone tested positive for corona at my job
>whole campus shutdown
>everyone required to work from home
well, it was nice knowing you dads

>> No.4415170

As long as she’s happy :)

But she first will become a woman through me.

>> No.4415174

I want a work from home too ;_;

>> No.4415177

What do you mean
Now you get to shitpost ITT all day instead of being outside you lucky bastard

>> No.4415178

Most cancerous thread shitters:
Lilramune, Aphid, Dare, Happyboy, any lolicon.

Best thread quality posters:
Hoppy, Nessie, KazooKD, Tang, everyone else.

>> No.4415182

Missed banana from the cancerous portion

>> No.4415183

sit down lemonade. Adults are having fun right now

>> No.4415188

More than 1 person hates the dragon erper you know.

>> No.4415190

from the Best thread quality posters portion*

>> No.4415192


Aphid is banana

>> No.4415194

Theoretically speaking, if Banana sold DaD swag to pay for site costs would you be brave enough to wear them in public? Not that I think it would ever happen but I personally wouldn't mind some stickers or pins if they're cute.

>> No.4415197

Wow, you can count the cancerous thread shitters

>> No.4415199

>last post btw

>> No.4415203

I actually really like the dad logo so probably yes

>> No.4415205

I'd love to wear things in public that say "DAD" everywhere

>> No.4415209

maybe just the logo like awetos's old avatar

>> No.4415210

I'd wear a hat with DADDY written on it

>> No.4415211
File: 45 KB, 639x521, 4171002773_5fc73c838f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning! :D

You are good and lovely. :3

You have the ability. ^w^

I love you. x3

huggles tightly

wuggles (wuv + huggles)

boops your cheek, nose, and tummy tum tum

>> No.4415212

or dad in a hazmat suit like awetos's current avatar

>> No.4415218

Lilramune switched from good morning latina/somali to good morning with madoka magica and other cancerous shit.

>> No.4415219


>> No.4415220

the local retard

>> No.4415243

don't respond to autists sweetheart, you'll get the tisms

>> No.4415250

top kek

>> No.4415258

Respond to my bait post >:(

>> No.4415259

I want to post my Delicious Food entry, but it's also my Productive month entry.

The problem is, I don't want the timer screenshot to interfere with my Food entry. Do make 2 separate posts, or can I post to Productive Month without the timer if the time spent is obvious?

>> No.4415260

Consult >>4415178

>> No.4415262

>kringle and bandit deceased
what happens to the idea academy kids that they straight up go off the grid for a while?

>> No.4415264

just separate it bro. It's not like you're gonna spam 10 submissions

>> No.4415268

The wild party life

>> No.4415275

Just upload it to imgur or something and put it in description

>> No.4415282

ONLY if it was bdsm shit

>> No.4415285

go to bed tang

>> No.4415312

Isn't that in Italy? They're probably all dead from corona.

>> No.4415313

only if you come with me ;)

>> No.4415316

Wait, grigri is 17? I knew it.

>> No.4415319
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20200305_124232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all lust for the forever sleepie
Good luck anon! I'm going to work on some character backgrounds later.
If it makes you feel better lad
BE PRODUCTIVE ignore your emotions and become gmi

>> No.4415321

*glomps you* ^_^
>nibbles on your ear

>> No.4415324

go blog on your discord or literally any other social media

>> No.4415339

>corona city lockdown
>everyone at home
perfect time to play animal crossing

>> No.4415371 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1200x960, reggie_mario_filer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll laugh if some of you retards actually get corona.
You'll probably make some long, gay ass blog post sob story seeking pity.
It'll start like "Hello guys and gals. This is retardedfaggot here. Sorry to say Ive got the coronas. :,("
I hope its Bananigger.

>> No.4415378

Nice false flag,banana.

>> No.4415383

poor aphid wants attention
babby want cummies? owo

>> No.4415385

saucy is daaangerously close to reaching 2000cal

>> No.4415390

I'll kill you if corona doesn't

>> No.4415392

The saga continues.

>> No.4415393

open wide baby booy *splurt*

>> No.4415406

I see, I'm not allowed to talk to any anon or reply to them? kek

>> No.4415407
File: 464 KB, 1102x768, IMG_20200306_140039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415409

thread shitters are lurking
don't worry about it

>> No.4415411

>awful soulless remake of the first game
Having your series trashed for the third time in a row is nothing to be jealous of

>> No.4415416

At least you have something

>> No.4415418

mystery dungeon is boring as shit and the new art style is fucking awful

>> No.4415420
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of being mean, lets all be frewnds

>> No.4415421

banana, when are we getting forums?

>> No.4415425

a froggy chair :)

>> No.4415426

Mystery dungeon is already out?! Aaaa

>> No.4415427
File: 62 KB, 882x956, IMG_20200303_152037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415428

he said hes quitting after all the accusations of him being a false flagger and somehow also aphid
he said so on the discord

>> No.4415430

show pusspuss or prove it

>> No.4415431 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1440x1921, 20200310_011123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads, post a screenshot of your YouTube recommended.

>> No.4415434
File: 164 KB, 655x692, 1583711898049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr mike won't stop me from wearing my mask

>> No.4415437

god youtube fucking sucks
besides the markiplier cancer i basically have mostly identical recommendations
fucking hate that trash site for shoveling specific viral garbage down everyone's throats

>> No.4415438

I need more hazmat frogs

>> No.4415442
File: 72 KB, 720x539, 1583710893427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope kaz and kringle are safe, italy's not looking too good

>> No.4415444

mega ultra cancer recs, but why was the post deleted?

>> No.4415445

>joe hisaishi


>> No.4415447

I'm gonna miss all of you when the looting starts and I'm killed fighting for a bag of rice.

>> No.4415459

I'm neither of them, nor do I live in Italy but I'm okay.

>> No.4415465

I bought instant shrimp noodle, time to get corona

>> No.4415482

I wish they could just make another game with the sprite style

>> No.4415486

Well while you’re fighting for rice I’m going to the local art store and looting all the arches watercolor paper I can carry

>> No.4415521

embarrassed by my trash taste.

>> No.4415525

I probably ordered something from China in the worst possible time.

>> No.4415550

Few days ago one of you recommended me buying antibacterial gel in a supermarket and then reselling it with a higher price online, because of coronavirus.

I've decided to risk it and do it. And it worked! Thanks dad! That was the easiest money I've ever made!

I've invested 30 bucks (not much, but those gels were already almost sold out) and just now I've sold them for a 100. Maybe it's not a fortune, but it's still a lot for 30 minutes of work. I think I'll buy some art supplies :^)

>> No.4415559

Imagine if Hoppy is actually a girl pretending to be an underage boy

>> No.4415563
File: 87 KB, 900x720, fellowkids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally never heard of simp before
am I no longer hip and cool with the kids?

>> No.4415574

It's funny how the dads who get the most hate are also some of the ones who get the most positive attention

>> No.4415578

crabs man
click clack snikkety snap
we'll snip off your dick mid-fap

>> No.4415582

That was me so you’re welcome. The faggots at ebay banned the reselling of hand sanitizers so even if you got a truckload you would have wasted an investment.

>> No.4415584

They were called nice guys years ago

>> No.4415586

I sort of try to aim for as close to 2000 as possible.
In my experience if I let myself eat as low as 1200 kcal or something I find that I'm very hungry the next day and run the risk of eating like 3000 kcal

>> No.4415599
File: 128 KB, 1024x534, 1583779442019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile on /biz/

>> No.4415600

Why dont u try fasting

>> No.4415601
File: 460 KB, 480x250, hearty chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415604
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415629
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>> No.4415633
File: 573 KB, 812x907, 72590353_p13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good mecha girl artist like mzn to recommend dads? Also is "mecha girl" the real term for characters with stylized robotic augments because I don't find too many results while searching for it.

>> No.4415642

I would like to try going an entire day of not eating once just to get an idea of what it feels like to be really hungry... but maybe later lol

>> No.4415649

mecha musume

>> No.4415679

What happened?

>> No.4415680

corona virus is wrecking havoc on the stock market. saudi/russian tensions are not helping oil either.

>> No.4415685

How is it only now that it is having such an effect and not months earlier? Did some new deal get passed?

>> No.4415690

corona has been screwing with the stock market for a while. did you not hear about the about he Dow and S&P fall some percentages a couple weeks ago?
I think Saudi/Russia stuff is relatively new.

>> No.4415692

I did, but people said that was barely anything anyways. But if /biz/ is on fire, it must be serious for sure now.

>> No.4415740

hey i just got off work

>> No.4415742

My break just ended :^(

>> No.4415746
File: 569 KB, 1920x1221, m4-miv4t-371th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miv4t is pretty good at illustrations
for designs i recommend tysontan and catlqe if you don't mind the immense furfaggotry
and i guess from there you can see what they favorite and who they follow.

>> No.4415749
File: 94 KB, 1222x198, Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 4.39.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a visual novel recommended ( nine )
>clicks link to VNDB
>wonder if my visual novel is on there
>see it tagged as non-sense
h-have I made it dad? LMAO on the one hand I'm on there, on the other...

>> No.4415757

you can rest now and give your streak energy to me daddy, you've made it

>> No.4415760

they arent smart enough to understand it

>> No.4415773

Me too

>> No.4415791

what the fuck did you make to have it tagged as nonsense?

>> No.4415812

What is it called? I would like to read it, please.

>> No.4415836
File: 998 KB, 1216x3320, 1583788797527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visited for a laff
>found this instead
w-wait i've never seen this before

>> No.4415852

I think it's an OPEC deal that fell apart, so supply will remain high, hurting US fracking industry. It's probably exacerbated by a lowered demand due to covid-19 going pandemic too.

>> No.4415858

everything is fine ignore any italian posters theyre lying

>> No.4415863

oh nooo

>> No.4415885


>> No.4415887
File: 449 KB, 600x624, 1583775929597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415909

Honestly it's been kind of surreal. We saw a truck selling toilet paper with a limiter and a store was putting distance stickers down for people to keep away from each other while queueing. School closure is extended. I might fuck off to my home country for a bit if this keeps up.

>> No.4415919

good luck daddy

>> No.4415925

>I might fuck off to my home country for a bit
can you still leave with the new lockdown?

>> No.4415933

Oh fuck, I'm just reading about that. Not sure I can actually. Not going to lie that's a bit alarming. I'll call the embassies of both my countries tomorrow to check. Don't want to leave my friends behind either and they're here on student visas so I'll have to check what the prospects for then are as well.

>> No.4415946

anyone else have a nice fap after submitting their daily?

>> No.4415950
File: 341 KB, 850x1136, 1580971549840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you betcha

>> No.4415952
File: 41 KB, 274x290, CANIGETANAMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn easter ain't even for another month and we already have a man back from the dead

>> No.4415958

I mean, the hysteria selling of shit aside, I’m glad people are shutting shit down and keeping distance.
I’d rather people be overly cautious then idiots pretending there isn’t a highly contagious flu going around.
Doesn’t scare me, makes me glad people are trying to not spread it.

>> No.4415959


>> No.4415965

I always fap to my submission after posting it everyday

>> No.4415974


>> No.4415983

Not even coronachan, nor death can stop fur chads.

>> No.4415988

My friend from the US showed me their hand sanutizer prices, it's like 4x or even 5x as expensive as here.

>> No.4416007

american hands are at least 3x the size too though so it evens out

>> No.4416015
File: 85 KB, 1000x667, Shibuya-Hachiko-Statue-v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4416014