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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 272 KB, 1795x1229, 1583743516964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4414888 No.4414888 [Reply] [Original]

Is using 3D models cheating?

>> No.4414896

Using anything but ground as your canvas and your own blood as paint is cheating.

>> No.4414899


>> No.4414900

Yes, but it should be noted that just using it for positioning, like your pic related, rather than just tracing it, is slightly less fucking abhorrent. Loomis will still rise from the fucking grave and disembowel you with a pencil if /ic/ catches you doing it, but it's not as bad.

>> No.4414905

In industry standards it's not.

>> No.4414912

what ever is needed to get the job done. i dont see a problem with it

>> No.4414922

no rules, only tools.

>> No.4414928

Who's the artist?

>> No.4414930
File: 967 KB, 1722x1225, img000005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what he said, however if you just start and how you learnt to draw was to just draw over a 3D model you are unironically NGMI for life because you won't be able to draw anything without relying on it.

industry veterans/busy artists get a pass for it because they are just treating as another tool to save time and brainpower, it can still look really horrid though.

>> No.4414945

Wrong, there are rules.

>> No.4414946

>don't pass off somebody else's work as your own
name 2 more

>> No.4414954

this is good, he isn't even tracing over the model but using them to get the perspective down

>> No.4414964

Do it and see where that takes you.

>> No.4414984

yes im goin to kill myself now

>> No.4415004


>> No.4415009

Don't use 3D models.
Don't photobash.

>> No.4415013

Not cheating in your pic related. Perfectly valid. Only children without deadlines and expenses would forego tools like this. Your related knows how to draw.
There is the chance that one might find oneself in a situation where they might not have access to 3d tools and if so they could be fucked and humiliated but that’s another issue (which they may or may not even have time to address),

>> No.4415014

t. dumbass crab
work smart, not hard

>> No.4415032

I'm a total beg, but I agree with

I imagine there is a trade-off though; if you become reliant on it then it'll take longer to always have to fire up the 3d-posing tool and get it set up correctly. Maybe it'll also inhibit how dynamic the poses turn out.

>> No.4415048

You should be using 3d if you're not retarded. All the greatest artist used reference, only they preferred sculptures and photography instead of 3d, which is basically the same thing.

>> No.4415055

whatever you do don't go to an art museum, a lot of those hacks were so lazy that they used 3d models that could pose themselves.

>> No.4415057

Can't you fuckers ever define what "cheating" is supposed to mean? That artist is a pro who is trying to tell a story and pay his bills, he lives in a completely different context than /ic/ loomis noobs who want to become "masters"/the next KJG.

>> No.4415069


anyway, no. i trace all the time. the only thing that matters is the final result. and if your final result looks bad, then you have studying to do.

>> No.4415115 [DELETED] 

what 3d model is this person using?????

>> No.4415135

no anons do NOT use photobashing and 3d! sure every competing artist is using it already but you will be less of an artist if you use it

>> No.4415146

There are a few people in the art industry that only uses model or images of people for their art. As long as you're faster using this method and know for sure that no matter what you need to draw you'll be able to get the right resources I don't see a problem.

>> No.4415152

please tell me name of the software??

>> No.4415155
File: 617 KB, 1249x852, sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's good enough for sunna senpai, it's good enough for me

>> No.4415171

not really, but you can definitely notice it when traced on, it looks stiff and unnatural, and it's used a lot for manga nowadays. I use it to do perspective studies, it helps a lot getting out your comfort zone, I suggest playing around with a 3d model app and copy it freehand.

>> No.4415180

Professional comic book artists use them regularly, so I don't see how it could be.

>> No.4415195


>> No.4416633

still need to know

>> No.4416649

The only issue is 3d models sometimes look stiff if you don't know how to use them well. In the end, the final product is all that really matters

>> No.4416707

>who want to become "masters"/the next KJG.
I mostly just want to git gud enough to draw fundamentally proficient porn.

>> No.4416743

Is getting a real job cheating?

>> No.4416744

Is using a ruler cheating?

>> No.4416773

if using 3d is cheating then:
using layers is cheating. just paint everything on one layer like in real life.
text tools (e.g. in comic work) definitely cheating, just write it by hand
thinks like warp, selection/lasso are all cheating
ctrl-z is cheating.. there is no undo in real life
any other brush other than the default or ones you make yourself is cheating

>> No.4416790
File: 259 KB, 800x900, 大介 - 創作詰め・07 (51395635) 6ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's not cheating it certainly can become a crutch, imo it's only acceptable to supplement existing compositions i.e. backgrounds, mechanical drawings/anatomy corrections. If you can't draw the basic figure without the model it becomes a problem just like if you can't draw without reference.

>> No.4416815


>> No.4416846

Yes it's cheating, now do your work the way I mandate it.

>> No.4416857

>Is using 3D models cheating?
It's not cheating if there is no rules.

>> No.4416858

All it boils down to is self-dependency and how much of your work you want to slave away to tools that accomplish things you have no idea how to do yourself.

I think you should use whatever tools are best for you, but if your 9 to 5 needs you vomiting out figure drawings like a blondie on dollar beer night then you're going to need to be a bit faster then 3d models. Personally, i aspire to use tools that cut time out on things i already have some fundamental ability to do; so i find using models impractical as it's far more efficient and faster to just learn figure drawing; with the added benefit of being self-dependent. But generally my answer to "is x cheating?" is, "It's probably a crutch but hell if it doesn't make walking easier. Just don't forget how to walk."

>> No.4417207


Everybody freeze!!! I have a warrant to search your computer for suspected violations pursuant to article 73 of the international guidelines for the integrity of art act 1965.
It says right here that the use of 3D models to aid the creation of 2D art is strictly prohibited!
minimum sentence of 5 years with no option for parole.
You've done it this time sonny, I'm gonna enjoy watching you suffer!

>> No.4417372

no, every industry professional uses 3D models if it benefits their workflow. why wouldn't you use all the resources available to you, that's the point of the digital medium.

also there is no 'cheating' in art. lol

>> No.4417387
File: 254 KB, 1280x720, 1571067137823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is working faster and not breaking any laws illegal?

>> No.4417426

Unless you're actually trying to learn and use it temporarily then no

>> No.4417502

no. nothing is.
an uncaught thief is a honest salesman.

>> No.4418832


>> No.4418904

This is fair game. Tracing is lame especially when you leave the bicep as is without considering the positioning.

>> No.4418978 [DELETED] 
File: 896 KB, 1920x1166, 2020-03-11 12_20_11-Greenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Clip Paint Studio, the version with 3D models support.

Sketchup is great to do perspective grids.

>> No.4419001
File: 896 KB, 1920x1166, SketchUp_Grids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Clip Paint Studio EX, the version with 3D models support.

SketchUp is great to do perspective grids.

>> No.4419158

People are going to start doing no matter what people think about it being cheating. If it makes it easier it is more efficient and you can pump out way more work.

>> No.4419173

i like inuyashiki though....

>> No.4421002

these guys have insane deadlines to meet, give them a fucking break

>> No.4422748
File: 403 KB, 500x500, 1583830285457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can't draw from imagination yes it's cheating.

However in production it's normal and in fact usually a part of the pipeline, it saves time and let's very avarage scenes look accurate and well made. It's not something a student should do, it's a time saving tool for animation studios.

>> No.4422797


>> No.4422863


>> No.4422907

What software is that?

>> No.4423033

Learning 3d model editing and posing, as well as camera composition and lens settings is a whole another set of skills you need to learn to supposedly "cheat" well at all so no it is not. There is no instant "deploy reference from mind to canvas" button no matter what you use.

>> No.4423160

Tracing isn't drawing.

>> No.4423167

No as long as you're not tracing off someone else's picture/model/whatever.
That said, I prefer not using them because it's not fun.

>> No.4423200

For comic book artists it's a very handy tool to keep consistency when shifting angles, Dave Gibbons made models of the cities by hand back when drawing Watchmen so that when he drew different camera angles everything was at the correct place. If you have a lightbox it would be handy to trace them while keeping organic by doing slight adjustments. What I hate it's when they just place SketchUp cartoon shading backgrounds as is.

>> No.4423283

t. soulless ngmi

>> No.4423287

The game is seeing how innately talented you are, if you're not, you have no right to make "art"

>> No.4423725

>CSP 3d models are goood
>but the perspective tools are excrement and retarded compared to DesignDoll
>but Design doll 3d models are excrement with weird disjointed limbs and meat lumps were the genitals should be.
>But its perspective tools are superior, including a peoper ''click focus point''

Both suck on this regard

>> No.4423849

the surface shapes on your doll shouldn't matter much unless you're just tracing without modifying anything.

>> No.4423892

everything is cheating

>> No.4423900

>_how_ innately talented
>if you're _not_
Based retard

>> No.4426792


>> No.4427281

no. if you are /beg/ trying to learn it will hurt you in the long run though

>> No.4427296

Not if you made the models yourself.

>> No.4428915

good points, anon,,, very interesting ,,,yes,,

>> No.4428939

lol, bumping a thread that already had plenty of anwers, gj anon

>> No.4428951

the fuck is the difference between using a 3d model as a reference and using a photo as a reference? jeez.

>> No.4429914

A comic artist's income is based on deadlines and how fast they can deliver a product. NOTHING is cheating in the comic/manga industry.
In fine art it is a great tool for iterations on concepts and compositions.
Also, if you don't /3/ and /ic/ you are very much ngmi