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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 680 KB, 660x900, 1582456225269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4407862 No.4407862 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start off by saying that the term "coom art" makes me cringe, back in my days we just called it porn. Either case, if an artist has taken the time to learn and grind enough to achieve a good anatomy, to construct properly, to lay down attractive figures, to put muscles in good shape and perspective, to correctly blend and render colours and shades... then what's the problem? Porn anyway derives from eroticism. Eros literally means love. All pornography should only be considered as an artistic manifestation of love. Regardless of the kinks you like and dislike, the intention of every "coom" artist is to create something so beautiful it makes you wet yourself just by looking at it. Beauty is what they pursue, and beauty is what the viewer finds when they stare at their works of art. There's nothing to hate and everything to admire in this noble line of work.

>> No.4407869

I was about to post didn't read but I actually read and ngl it's pretty based and accurate take.

>> No.4407871

Sure people like Shadman and other virgins are just pursuing beauty and love.

>> No.4407878

I think the "coom" term is a reaction against the decadence of the declining West. Of course, if 4chan was only populated by actual nerds we wouldn't be affected by this but we now live in a smartphone world with accessible Internet

>> No.4407883

Supply and demand. If you're in for love and beauty of coom art, good for you. A lot are in for the love and beauty of cheap green paper.

>> No.4407886

The term coom art is used in order to be more degrading than porn (both towards the artist and the consoomer)

>> No.4407889

You don't get it. Even if most coom art is made under commission, it doesn't mean that the AESTHETICAL PURPOSE is not the same. All coom art is basically beautiful stuff involving two or more characters performing to each other different acts of love. From generic sex to feet stuff, there's even love in the most sick fetishes, as long as it is not edgy for the sake of edgyness.

>> No.4407893

I've noticed porn artists talk about being depressed way more than sfw artist. Whatever the reason might be, porn doesn't seem particularly fulfilling.

>> No.4407894

>”Back in my day it was called porn”
You mean last year?

>> No.4407896

Of course it’s not. When you get degenerates left and right wanting the most fucked up shit. No shit you would be depressed unless you’re into that shit.

>> No.4407897

I started drawing nsfw because sfw stuff became boring and I craved more, now nsfw stuff became boring and I draw stylized stuff like Keisuke Itagaki does (Baki manga). The term coom I believe refers to that porn that you can see it's only done for the purpose of a commission rather than pursuing human beauty and limits of anatomy

>> No.4407910

>Keisuke Itagaki
based, mind posting your work?

>> No.4407942
File: 471 KB, 1100x1500, Tiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not for a couple of reasons but here's a sketch

>> No.4407956

the beauty and anatomy of a coom art is different from the beauty and anatomy of regular art or art in general. The "beauty" coom art tries to exploit is to get a physical reaction out of you, while the "beauty" of regular art is pushing things outside the plane of animals. (animal vs non animal linearity) art is on the human plane, but cooming is on the animal plane. That's why we get a disgusted reaction at coom art, and the understanding of anatomy is used in an exploitive way to get us to coom, not in pursuit of some higher understanding and beauty. Not degrading coom art though, I think the memes fantastic and it does take a lot of skill, but that's my take on the differences.

>> No.4408019

ok coomer

>> No.4408042

No problem whitebox

>> No.4408047

yeah i agree, is like political art, like an pamphleteer, just put image for the only purpose of detonate fealings of anger or political response afilitated with a specific way of thinking, like feminism art, or protest art, or any art related to social conflicts, is just an apology of mediatic symbols created in the moment, a cliche of icons repeated until exhaustion expressing the same idea, there is nothing of soul in that. Is different in classical art like neoclassic when only a few painters expresed ideas in images, even in the young newspapers. Now is just, trash products of
fast consumption

>> No.4408216

Omg its gorgeous!

>> No.4408219

Your proposition would only apply if all coom wart was /beg/ tier when we all know a ton of coom artists have as much or more skills than any sfw pro

>> No.4408423

A lot them don't want to draw coom but they had no other option to pay bills other than take on some sick.

>> No.4408493

>Porn is love
Except it literally isn't. It's lust. It's imagry tricking the primal urges of your brain into believing that you're about to stick your dick in something.
Love would be more akin to wanting to start a family with your loving, caring wife. And that DOES show up in some porn, like "happy couples" or whatever, unt it's a rare theme.

>> No.4408514

Might want to seriously reconsider resizing her right arm (stage left) to be much larger.

>> No.4408563
File: 485 KB, 1100x1500, Tiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good catch, thanks. I may actually paint this one

>> No.4408566


>> No.4408603

There are many forms of love, anon. Start with the Greeks and get some fucking culture in you.

Good shit, I'd love to see what you do with it colored.

>> No.4408604

It could still serve to be a little bigger (unless the perspective is messing with my brain).

>> No.4408639

relax pal, only the crabiest around here hates coom art unironically

>> No.4408643
File: 970 KB, 1280x1224, image%3A3435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom is the most central and powerful human emotion, and attempting to destroy the societal engine created to focus and constrain coom like steam power to perpetuate the modern world is one of the only legitimately radical projects contemporary art has undertaken.

>> No.4408727
File: 367 KB, 568x454, 1539321807077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting horny teenagers to pop a boner with some anime titties is considered an art because the pornfag's technical skill are good
How many porn threads are up right now?

>> No.4408733

If making other people feel and do things isn't art then what is?

>> No.4408739

Are camwhores artists then?

>> No.4408754
File: 7 KB, 184x184, e75af863c8559bbb79ae0a319eefa08f0f239c43_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Performance artists.

>> No.4408761

Someone should teach you the difference between love and lust

>> No.4408827
File: 97 KB, 300x716, 1579022301743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying scamming sweaty ultra virgins out of their money as a girl is a performance
>implying scamming sweaty ultra virgins and underage faggots out of their money with anime titties is an art
Porn will never be art. It's always been business.

>> No.4408829

Laughed at this

>> No.4408830

Anything can be art. Doesn't mean it's good art

>> No.4408839


>> No.4408841
File: 232 KB, 461x447, 1582034743195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please hold your breath forever.

>> No.4408850

Nah famy g. Also yeah no should have said anything with creative effort. So if the titty stream girl is showing off a shitty Yoko littner cosplay then thay could be considered a art showcase

>> No.4408857
File: 347 KB, 725x664, 1581923448178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that post is your attempt at creatively twisting anything to benefit your own narrative, no wonder you consider everything art, you filthy plebeian

>> No.4408880

Scamming? They get the bathwater they paid for

>> No.4408892

Well could you give your definition then?

>> No.4408912

Anon, we all know you don't care.
Porn will never be art. Get over it or go jerk off to death.

>> No.4408930

Ha, If I didn't care I wouldn't be asking. Though I understand if you find porno art to be more base and vulgar compaired to expressionist and impressionist art just on the merit that those types of art are trying to say something instead of just showing a pretty face and some nice tits.

>> No.4409140 [DELETED] 


I hate the misanthropic Jewish religions that brand the very human nature as sinful and shameful while promoting self flagilation and original sin.
Only for the toys though.
The Jews told the boys to be humble but they can have a total blast.

A sense of beauty is a natural human feeling, it's an evolutionary drive to get a healthy, young mother for your children with the best genes you can get.
And sexuality isn't bad and shameful, it's literally where the people are coming from.

The remains of christcuck poison in people's heads still tell them that, health, beauty, and nature are to be ashamed off but self imposed suffering, fasting, guilt and humility are good.

You are born to coom, it's a part of you, and if you won't love yourself no one else will. Blue balling yourself until you get prostatitis and erectile disfunction aren't healthy and won't help you get a gf.
The only thing you get are hurty balls and urinary infections.

>> No.4409152
File: 496 KB, 1200x1962, 1200px-The_legendary_Venus_de_Milo_in_the_Louvre,_9_February_2014_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4408930 #

I hate the misanthropic Jewish religions that brand the very human nature as sinful and shameful while promoting self flagilation and original sin.
Only for the toys though.
The Jews told the boys to be humble but they can have a total blast.

A sense of beauty is a natural human feeling, it's an evolutionary drive to get a healthy, young mother for your children with the best genes you can get.
And sexuality isn't bad and shameful, it's literally where the people are coming from.

The remains of christcuck poison in people's heads still tell them that, health, beauty, and nature are to be ashamed off but self imposed suffering, fasting, guilt and humility are good.

You are born to coom, it's a part of you, and if you won't love yourself no one else will. Blue balling yourself until you get prostatitis and erectile disfunction aren't healthy and won't help you get a gf.
The only thing you get are hurty balls and urinary infections.

>> No.4409594

Ultra-super-mega-extremely-fucking based and reddest redpilled

>> No.4409626

He's not even wrong. The art doesnt have to be good nor do the consumers have to be sane. We put on a show for money and that's it

>> No.4409655

He’s not wrong. Why do you think so many /beg/ tier porn artist have have large fanbases on average compared to sfw.

>> No.4410236

>Implying I'm not paying money to buy up art books to learn how to make nice porn.

>> No.4410357
File: 26 KB, 399x399, 1581509625698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore porn is not art but a business.
Thanks for playing (you)rselves.

>> No.4410372

a lot of them get into circlejerks of "oh no you are so goooood" whenever they post anything, which leads to them either baiting for attention as they know positivity is guaranteed or just feeling shitty because they start seeinbg likes and thirsty comments as an actual measure of art quality

>> No.4410411

OP is kind of a fag but also based

>> No.4410764

This coom meme is kinda weird not gonna lie.