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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 352 KB, 720x1200, bandit - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4404496 No.4404496 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4401572
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
>Dev Tracker (post patch 2.0 ideas in the thread): https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4404500

good boy

>> No.4404501

that cat is SMUG

>> No.4404503
File: 105 KB, 575x1000, nan-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with nanners!

>> No.4404514

*pat pat*

>> No.4404517


>> No.4404519
File: 135 KB, 559x1200, __original_drawn_by_mofuringu__66327f778b9eb70578cabacfa6525660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a cute cock to suck on :3

>> No.4404521 [DELETED] 

Ultimate dad here.

Challenging you to draw.
Or find excuses not to draw.
Your choice.


>> No.4404524

Remember to ignore all self-advertising posts!

>> No.4404528

I posted my process so you have no excuses not to beat me in my own game. You pleb.

>> No.4404531

I'm glad you're doing daily watercolors! You should post them to dad, I bet people would love to see your work there. There's a lot of people there who can give you critique and feedback on how to really level up your work!

>> No.4404541

Site has been updated with new policy on blurred stuff, going to keep working on more stuff as much as my limited stamina permits before going to bed tonight.

I'm flattered, but the dragon is Adine, not me, haha. I'm nowhere near as good looking.

>> No.4404550
File: 15 KB, 319x331, 1493604032792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to set up a proper work flow to practice it
>find it's much easier step by step, and once I get one step done the next becomes so much easier, and the next
>procrastinating it so much more
>isn't just a painting that I don't know what I'm doing, meaning I'm constantly painting because I'm deep in experimenting and fun
>every step in the workflow I dick about inbetween
lel fuck my true nature shines through when I do something with the word 'work' included

>> No.4404554

A bit of dicking about can be productive in ways. You can discover new ways of approaching things.

>> No.4404555

I feel you anon
When I just let loose and have fun with a painting with no goal in mind I can finish it in one day, in 5-6 hours. When I think through things, and try to make something with an intelligent process and purpose it takes me 10+ hours and I get very bored of working on it. Maybe it would be good to try mixing in some loose, fun stuff in between working on your more focused pieces?

>> No.4404564

in my mind you are a male version of adine <3

>> No.4404569

Who do we have to thank for banana-themed dragon lewds? Is it gob?

>> No.4404573


>> No.4404584

I have been drawing for 10 years straight. Everyday. At least 1 miserable sketch. I only started posting on Instagram because I want to document. And Instagram is owned by fuckbook and they have lots of millions to keep it going.

>> No.4404587
File: 388 KB, 723x1024, __original_drawn_by_yusa_maruboro__52c7ada123f73260641f5a436abf5748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i wish i could do this also elves are a million years old

>> No.4404591

remember daddos, don't respond

>> No.4404594

damn it's so tempting. it feels so good to respond though

>> No.4404598

None of the other threads he shilled his shit in ever responded once.
Let's follow suit and just starve him of attention, ok? If /alt/ and /beg/ can do it, so can we.

>> No.4404599

gob is turning banana into a true furchad, they just can't keep getting away with this..

>> No.4404601

one response leads to -5000pt art gains

>> No.4404604

please integer overflow

>> No.4404605

cuteposters and painterchads are next

>> No.4404606

Is it blasphemous to draw shrineydog/cat as cute kemonomimi?

>> No.4404611

I was able to do this starting at like age 12 and until I got fat :/
shit's cash

>> No.4404616

just dont lewd the poor kitty

>> No.4404619

Like half the cuteposts and painterchads are already furries to some extent, though

>> No.4404621

Got it, I'll lewd the good doggy <3

>> No.4404624


>> No.4404628

is bandit a boy or girl or neither

>> No.4404629


>> No.4404631

the third forbidden gender

>> No.4404632

Girl they/them I think

>> No.4404658


>> No.4404669

Working on something... please use https://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/ temporarily if you absolutely need to.

>> No.4404679
File: 238 KB, 2048x1536, hackers-cyber-crime-anonymousv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*nukes the database*

>> No.4404682

What's a good work flow to follow? I always just thumbnail, sketch, paint but it doesn't feel like I'm being consistent.

>> No.4404685

who gives a fuck

>> No.4404690

Is the site down for anyone else?

>> No.4404693


>> No.4404695

site worked for me. just uploaded something

>> No.4404701

Thanks I’m an idiot

>> No.4404703

dum daddy

>> No.4404710

Site is down??

>> No.4404720
File: 63 KB, 278x259, 1509233708066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa wtf the site is down??

>> No.4404749

Alright, double check so I can verify it's safe for me to go to bed. Basically been futzing around with SSL stuff.
Is dad.gallery accessible for you guys right now?

>> No.4404752

all lights green

>> No.4404754

Is there anything else in the works in 2.0 for the community side of things besides forums and critique requests?

>> No.4404758

yeah looks fine

>> No.4404759


>> No.4404770

Alright cool. I get to sleep; I'm working while mentally exhausted and still haven't found a solution to this odd bout of fatigue this past week, and I'm super hoping the blood work comes back with an answer that isn't "banana has diabetes" or "banana has terminal cancer"".
Please email/discord me if that's not the case for you.

Discord invite instructions will be automatically sent to people who reach a certain DAD level.
Livestream status integration will be an option to add for high level DADs.
User pages will be commentable.
Specific days of submissions will be commentable.
Challenges will be commentable so that people can discuss, share resources, give each other feedback and more.
The Dev Center will let you interact with me and upcoming development on a more meaningful and direct basis.
Cross-linking will integrate with notifications better (i.e., if mentioned, you'll get pinged). Similarly, you'll have better control over what you get notified about.
You will be able to flag submissions as gifts to other people, and optionally specify your birthday (without year, I'm not the FBI) to receive gifts from those who know you, which will be displayed on the front page (if you're above a certain level).
You will be able to curate your profile in more meaningful ways, including bios and featured works and badges.
Site contests will be implemented, along with both automatic and user-created polls.

In future patches, a site-side implementation of LAS houses may be made.

Does that satisfy you?

>> No.4404775

That's a lot, I expect 10 and a half delays.

>> No.4404777

>specific days of submissions commentable
what does this even mean?

>> No.4404787

site's back down for me

>> No.4404789

Someone previously had the neat idea of being able to comment on the body of submissions that were made each day, giving general feedback or pointing out specifically unique or good effort of specific people on that day.
That being said, if that sort of thing can be handled by the forums or is redundant, I'll probably not implement it. It's considered relatively low-priority, anyhow.

Fuck me. Can you clear your cache and try again? If it doesn't work, can you show me what you're seeing?

>> No.4404797

it's back up now for me

>> No.4404799

Its back down now for me

>> No.4404801

ok cool
super just-in-case, i'm leaving the site configuration to permit requests to:

so if things break, let me know and just use that instead

i'm pretty sure you're just fucking with me but if legit please show me a screenshot and just use the mirror i need to sleep

>> No.4404807

>i'm pretty sure you're just fucking with me
Sorry i dont fuck bananas.

>> No.4404813
File: 98 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-03-04-00-25-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4404814

>Someone previously had the neat idea of being able to comment on the body of submissions that were made each day,

So kind of like a shout box for every day submissions?
If so, that's really super cool

>> No.4404815

Neither do I
*sucks your dick*

>> No.4404817
File: 411 KB, 1673x971, dddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's your problem

>> No.4404819

it says something about the domain being seized by the FBI now

>> No.4404820


>> No.4404829

You guys dont have phones?

>> No.4404871
File: 1.18 MB, 1043x693, cat17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*labored breathing*
Whatcha doin dads?

>> No.4404873

>tfw that's how it feels everyday
>tfw no cardio challenge for 30 minutes then drawing cute anime girls in gym clothes

>> No.4404879

I just woke up so I am checking did I get any comments or if I was mentioned.
But I was skipped again ;_;

>> No.4404883

dont you have a deviantart or a discord group? you'll get comments that way.

>> No.4404892

I need to do this

I'm getting ready for bed. Hope you have a comfy day skipped daddy

>> No.4404961

This is really exciting! Just hope unwanted comments on our user pages can be deleted or will eventually disappear on their own, I'd hate to bust my butt for all those badges on my profile just to have "lol this art sux and ur a bad person" slapped under them

>> No.4404965

If your art sucks and you're a bad person, then you deserve this bullying.

>> No.4404986

can u post cat 1 through 16, im in a bad mood and could really use 16 cat pictures

>> No.4405020

I can't; mods really dislike bestiality :^(

>> No.4405021

>discord group
I'm too autistic for that.
Isn't that just for finished pieces?

>> No.4405030

Don't even say anything, just post your work

>> No.4405036

you can post what you want anywhere, facebook, instagram, deviantart tumblr etc. moreover if you want comments, give comments. its human nature to want to reciprocate. finally if you want attention, post something that would get comments like "reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight" you cant sit and whine like some baby brat for not getting social attention and shooting down all ideas.

>> No.4405041

No man's dad

>> No.4405043

Anon, I've seen you post pretty often and you're quick to jump in and say others are whining and crying and are babies. Can you stop projecting? All it does is put the other on the defense and derail the thread.
You can post finished or unfinished work on Deviantart, but finished will probably get more attention.

>> No.4405051

>whining about anon who's whining about whining anons

>> No.4405067

The daddies that get the most comments are the daddies that comment the most. It's normal for people to feel comfortable about approaching others they have seen being open to communication.

>> No.4405073

I wouldn't say that's all that matters, but it's definitely a factor.

>> No.4405074

2029 release don’t worry. By then he will pass away from terminal gay cancer.

>> No.4405075
File: 51 KB, 478x334, fjtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to all daddies that if you kill God, you yourself become God

>> No.4405077

Like that one santa claus movie?

>> No.4405078

i remember that santa claus movie

>> No.4405081

is that supposed to be motivational?

>> No.4405084

someone stop lilramune on the discord pls, it's the last good discord don't want to get it nuked

thank you

>> No.4405089

Can't believe lilramune is in my las house.

>> No.4405090

just pm choob or any other mod with concern

>> No.4405116

Theres at least two others who are whining.

>> No.4405118

thank god I'm not in the same house as him lmao

>> No.4405120

What are you even talking about I didn't post anything controversial? Just fuck off and leave me alone already.

>> No.4405121

nice try, he said he didn't post here anymore

>> No.4405123

>LaSt PoSt bTw

>> No.4405126


That was a condition from my friend but that's been since broken. Although I don't post in these threads as much I still lurk them.

I want to be apart of dad and the whole drama BS has just ruined my ethic to the point where I've been barely keeping up with not just drawing but other hobbies. At least leave me alone in the hoses. I already talked to a mod and as long as I don't post anything that would get the server nuked that's fine. I have much respect to not do that. My final reply on the matter.

>> No.4405132

>kill God
Satan tried that and now he's stuck here with us, teaching us a lesson never to become him before he gets send to hell forever... Yeah, no, thanks; that's *not* the way to go, I'm afraid

>> No.4405135

Aleph did it and he got to bang his mom DEFINITELY the way to go.

>> No.4405139

Devianart has a "scraps" category where you can put wips, studies etc. However, the work will then not show up in site searches- it can only be seen by going to your account and then selecting the category. So unless you're mega famous nobody else is probably going to see it.

>> No.4405145


>> No.4405155

Fuuuuuuck now I want to draw dragon lewds but I need to work on my challenge submissions aaaaaaaa

>> No.4405156

I'll just add a dragon challenge for you

>> No.4405157

no more challenges... please

>> No.4405179
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 1579927101360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4405181

I wouldn't mind more challenges per se, but I think the low prestige ones need to start and end sooner. Feels like they're just lingering around

>> No.4405194

Compulsive liar.

>> No.4405199

>as much as the pedophile tries to destroy dad, he needs it
what a sad existence

>> No.4405219

>argh how dare this guy post in the other discord despite there being 2 others and a site

>> No.4405222

Me irl.

>> No.4405229

>Pilot Pinup Final
>Can't wait to see it done!

>> No.4405252


>> No.4405301

Why do you not quote properly?

>> No.4405305

Her penguin brand of bullying knows no bounds

>> No.4405307


Did I try to destroy las and ded? No? So what makes you think I tried to destroy dad? Lascord has nothing to do with bananas discord, either. I didn’t do anything there. Aside from the small details you have in your head about me I mean no harm and it’s all just one big misunderstanding.

>> No.4405316

You're bad at baiting

>> No.4405319


I could just not reply back and you continue to build up lies about me. Let’s do that, anon who won’t leave me alone.

>> No.4405320

Dude, how is he bad at baiting when he got a You out of you. Next time just don’t reply at all.

>> No.4405323

Who are you, tsflipp?

>> No.4405329

Why do you faggots pee, poo and gay post instead of being helpful like that shape anon in the last thread?

>> No.4405331


>> No.4405336

looks nothing close to finished lol

>> No.4405341


>> No.4405343
File: 36 KB, 569x539, unhidden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching other chan artists doing art trades on twitter
is this how incels feel all the time. god i wish i had active online friends

>> No.4405348
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, ohshitohfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a giant fucking idiot holy fuck.

>> No.4405375

Next lascast when?

>> No.4405390

You kazook'd yourself....

>> No.4405391

go ask them, chances are they want to trade just as much.

>> No.4405400

that really does happen to you all the times doesn't it kazoo...

>> No.4405405

I want to be a guest on lascast.

>> No.4405409

Interview the coomers

>> No.4405411

Who would you want to hear on lascast

>> No.4405415


>> No.4405417


>> No.4405426


>> No.4405429


>> No.4405439


>> No.4405440


>> No.4405443


>> No.4405444


>> No.4405445


>> No.4405448


>> No.4405449


>> No.4405450

Does it? Do I fuck up social interactions that often? Oh man, does it come off like that?

>> No.4405452

Echo and Awetos

>> No.4405453


>> No.4405454


>> No.4405456
File: 153 KB, 700x800, 1583341310173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else on dad with the corona virus?

>> No.4405464
File: 639 KB, 512x512, 9FCA5515-BBC5-41C7-9542-302FFDA7CF4A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yall gotta stop bullying kaz im over here watching her flail around over this lmao she cant handle it

>> No.4405467


>> No.4405469

i bet kaz is the type of person who asks overweight women when the baby is due

>> No.4405471

I'm in southern California and I've read that it's appeared in 2 nearby counties. Only a matter of time...

>> No.4405472

lmao don't worry kaz you're fine, slip ups happen
but it's fun bullying her

>> No.4405473

pff she really does though!

>kaz ‘no i would never he that rude’
>’it’s not about being rude it’s about being genuine and missreading the situation’
>kaz ‘oh wait i do do that...’

>> No.4405494

Wonder what’s gonna happen if it hits the homeless population

>> No.4405496

Our school's out for two weeks because of it

>> No.4405499

I have so many concerts lined up that I’ve been so hype to see and I’m afraid at least one of em is gonna get cancelled because corona. Fuck

>> No.4405516

>I didn't post anything controversial?

Obviously you wouldn't find anything controversial yourself, try to put yourself in the shoes of the average person.

Anyway, it's not my intention to be provocative here. As far as I'm concerned do whatever you want, you can participate in houses without posting all of your artwork. There's plenty of people who censor their artwork, or just add the full points without posting all of their art.

Just need one bad post, a trigger happy discord mod, and it's all gone.

>> No.4405555

The real surprising thing is you haven't cancelled them yourself.

>> No.4405567

Why don’t you tell me this directly on discord or dm me so I know who my orbiter is? Quit hiding behind anonymity you pussy.

>> No.4405579
File: 41 KB, 490x539, ntKyW_miLwMZUKOYNbeIRaic3_Vi1DK0HaExAX_HHBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lilramune loves to hide behind anonymity like a pussy when taking the piss and shitting on dads
>can't handle it when anons shit back on him

>> No.4405582

I cant tell which posts are by him and which are false flags desu

>> No.4405583

i could say the same about you
being so unable to handle getting b& that you try to sic the chink, n0zebr0 and the rest of /ic/ against /dad/ to stir up trouble and drama as some petty act of revenge
i have my eye on you in the las discord, and i can't wait for the day you inevitably slip up or go fucking berserk so i can report it and be rid of your ass forever

>> No.4405588

seriously how can one man be so autistic
apparently he lacks the mental capacity and self-control to just make sure he draws regularly on his own, so he has to rely on the communities that he hates so much that he tries to pit other autismos against them
just log off the internet and log your drawing on a calendar or something

>> No.4405592

You zoom zooms are so cute with your discord. I want to cradle you in my arms and rock you to sleep.

>> No.4405593

i wonder why he stopped twitter
thought he wanted to continue his streak there

>> No.4405595

bay area here. we've had a dozen or so cases in Sacramento and San Jose.
it was a pleasure drawing with you

>> No.4405596
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilramune was like this when he went on an autistic sperg in the dad discord too

>> No.4405599
File: 13 KB, 150x150, to-animate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate hate masturbate, dad's birthday challenge is UP!

>> No.4405600

Based awetos

>> No.4405602


>> No.4405613

>2 years old
It's a shame that erotic depictions of what appear to be minors is forbidden; I had a great idea for this :/

>> No.4405625

norcal dad meet when

>> No.4405674

Mathias and Sleepy are the only good answer so far. They're skilled and do art for a living. I don't see the point in learning from hobbyists or /beg/

>> No.4405684

What if lascast wasn’t purely about learning though
It’s fun to just hear about other artists on dad/las even if they’re not pro/int

>> No.4405688

Whizzard for finally graduating and his ambitions to paint cute anime girls.

>> No.4405692

So another part of a big circlejerk?

>> No.4405700


>> No.4405701

any of the girls so i can fuel my imagination even harder

>> No.4405710

Okay tipsypaipaipai I got you my dog. Meet me in the dirty south and let’s settle this.

>> No.4405716

Heh... h- HUH?

>> No.4405743

It would be nice if more people cared enough to put in how much time they've spend on their work.

>> No.4405748

>yfw see 8 hours spent but the work looks like the equivalent of an hour drawing of some higher tier artist
Haha yeah

>> No.4405751

>not wanting a weekly lascast episode where we have a different dad as a guest each week.

>> No.4405756
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you feel your mental health declining don't be afraid to take a break, remember it's just a number.

>> No.4405757

especially if you're page one, everyone needs a break

>> No.4405761

>just a number
It's my lifeline.

>> No.4405773
File: 504 KB, 1440x1482, Screenshot_20200305-050734_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, lurking on "redraws and redlines" thread. Women are such catty bitches.

>> No.4405774

Hello fellow lolcow lurker

>> No.4405782

don't listen to him johnathan
dio is pure evil

>> No.4405783

what is this

>> No.4405784
File: 30 KB, 352x550, 108134943-352-k821569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4405795

if dubs I end my dad streak

>> No.4405796

Another “showing general interest in another human being” is circle jerking episode.

>> No.4405801

Remember, liking other people's art is dixk sucking, talling to other people is cliquey, and having friends is circle jerky

>> No.4405803

hello farmhand
I like going on lolcow when the womanhate on 4chan gets too much. Everything is balanced.
lolcow is an anon forum dedicated to ripping on e celebs, including some artists (binge read Holly Brown's thread today) I wish redlines werent as frowned upon, it's nice to see how people would fix it. especially when they're brutally honest behind their back.

>> No.4405807

Ahh. Ahh. I am most bereft of any form of companionship, how utterly consumed with concupiscence I am.

>> No.4405808

>lolcow is an anon forum dedicated to ripping on e celebs
Sounds like cancer.

>> No.4405810
File: 67 KB, 467x722, combokiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based derp

>> No.4405813

Based comments
Hopefully no skip

>> No.4405821

>potatoes is commenting on everyone
>everyone except me

>> No.4405824

are they commenting on everyone or just plein air chads?

>> No.4405830

how do i become a /las/ celebrity?

>> No.4405834

looks like plein air chads

>> No.4405835

run a crit stream

>> No.4405837

Do a tierlist stream to get everyone talking about you.

>> No.4405840
File: 559 KB, 1000x1000, 87205660_2725542254232190_2727621107057164288_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm commenting on plein air peeps but if you want a comment too (or actual feedback--specify) leave your username!

>> No.4405845

Generally be a nuisance. Mention your name in chat a lot. Wait.

>> No.4405846

Be a girl

>> No.4405848

the art thread on there reeks of bitter femcels jealous that younger girls are more successful then they are, that and how they flip their lid whenever you try to recommend them artists that aren’t instagram garbage

>> No.4405849


>> No.4405852

marry meee

>> No.4405865


Draw pissing lolis and tell banana to drink it.

>> No.4405873

Who are the /las/ celebrities?

>> No.4405878

misread that as lesbians. who are the lesbians of las/dad?

>> No.4405881

Tipsy, Tsflipp, Banana, Naf, W, Kringle, KazooKD, dare, and ramen.

>> No.4405885

and gob, choob, 51ip, mathias, and all the furries

>> No.4405891

And jerrybreem

>> No.4405900


>> No.4405901

And rover and runnerman1 and tripfag and stella and lavaflake

>> No.4405906

>all the furries
e-even the new ones?

>> No.4405908


>> No.4405907

ye boi

>> No.4405932
File: 62 KB, 408x346, 1583302770664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its that time again

>> No.4405933

how do I get purin to notice me???

>> No.4405935

lick them

>> No.4405936

Seconding this, I want senpai to notice me too.

>> No.4405940

>Aphid pathetically spamming the site again after he got finished sperging and getting torn apart in /asg/
So does this prove that DB >>> DBZ?

>> No.4405943

Who the hell is ramen

>> No.4405944

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard
Not a single person in that thread had the balls to step to my most current work

>> No.4405945

wakuwaku1 is doing lolis. lol

>> No.4405946

it's short for lilramune, one of the pedophiles

>> No.4405947

There’s more than one?

>> No.4405949

aphid is another

>> No.4405950

Waku working hard

>> No.4405951

draw gay stuff

>> No.4405953

Why don’t they band together and support each other?

>> No.4405954

they are chaotic evil

>> No.4405956

Wow Oneiraut
How did you capture my likeness so well

>> No.4405957

I thought that was meru’s thing

>> No.4405958

>happening again
i wonder what triggered it this time

>> No.4405959

Don’t you mean chaotic good? What evil has been done?

>> No.4405961

Just another day in pixiv recomm- wait a minute, this is dad.gallery...

>> No.4405962

I see, you are another of those lolicons

>> No.4405967

A loli raid. lmao. BAAANANA, show them the door.

>> No.4405969

Heh, wait for spring, kid. This shit kid play.

>> No.4405970

Wait not yet, still looking for sources

>> No.4405975

right here *unzips*

>> No.4405988

I managed to save some pics but I wish there was more variety. I expected better from you. Aphid.

>> No.4405990

cute glasses apricot

>> No.4405996

Thanks I got them from Costco haha

>> No.4405999

This is why pedophiles and the rest of dad can't "just get along".

>> No.4406001

flipp is fine, he does seem like the odd one out though

>> No.4406002

konsui pls send me that picture i want to paint you pleasseeeee

>> No.4406004

flipp is abrasive and has absorbed a bit of the /ic/ mentality, but when told to stay in line he does
to that end, its commendablr

>> No.4406009

j is fine too. Just the ones fighting the autistic fight against loli censorship aren't.

>> No.4406013

Peace was never an option.

>> No.4406022

can't register, is this a known bug?

>> No.4406025

Banana turned if off to deter bots

>> No.4406027

I'm pretty sure that was manual.

>> No.4406034

no he did so to prevent registrations during the raid
it'll be back soon i think

>> No.4406036

Why doesn't banana ban Aphids IP? If you didn't have my home IP how did you know it was me? These are the questions that will never be answered.

>> No.4406047

shut up lilramune

>> No.4406050


I'll shutup, banana.

>> No.4406072

>If you didn't have my home IP how did you know it was me?
I don't know how to decipher this but is it Happy/Ramune admitting to doing the uploads? Because I don't think anyone has been accused yet so this seems a little weird. Anyone fluent in autism?

>> No.4406074

It's happy asking why he was banned.

>> No.4406078

which daddy do you think you could take in a fight

>> No.4406079

If it's happyboy, I'm pretty sure banana blanket banned all of Singapore temporarily.

>> No.4406083

Literally any one of them. They're all either fat neckbeards or women.

>> No.4406084

Why can't he do it individually though? Is he not skilled enough?

>> No.4406092

And which of those three are you?

>> No.4406095

Thanks for asking anon, I’m a fat, disabled transwoman. :)

>> No.4406097

Any furchad.
They might beat me in art but with anime by my side, I can take them out easy.

>> No.4406098

Not Kazoo for sure. She might look really nice at first but looks are deceptive. As I'd apporach her with my fists but then she'd be the tipe to pull a revolver with "Can't wait to see it finished!" engraved on the barrel before shooting.

>> No.4406099

I lol'd irl

>> No.4406103

damn the imagery is perfect kek

>> No.4406104

What happened while I was gone..

>> No.4406106

i'd put any female here in a scissor choke and then brap on their head

>> No.4406107
File: 25 KB, 177x243, thewizz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4406108

Based anime superchad

>> No.4406111

fucking kek

>> No.4406112

a true wizard

>> No.4406113

C-can I go first?

>> No.4406114

Not if I brap on you first

>> No.4406115

w-what now

>> No.4406123

my sides

>> No.4406127
File: 61 KB, 600x508, 5E5E1B5DBD88483B9AD3D916F4447620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Whizzard!!!!

>> No.4406135

Yesterday the 3 most hardcore dads were:
j with his 7 hours of work put into a comic,
guespiere who was studying for 4 hour and 24 minutes
And Arma who was working on secret project for 3 hours and 40 minutes.
Congratulations! Keep at it and I'm sure gains will follow!

>> No.4406137

no, because i'm the man
you physically can't, my ass would be right up against your head and you would have to take the full brunt of my chemical attack with or without sexual pleasure

>> No.4406140

>tfw can't put tons of hours into art everyday cause of real world obligations
It hurts

>> No.4406146

Congrats Wiz. Youve ascended

>> No.4406152
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 577f551ff3b1904dee1cf55c0a66a73b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusional anime virgins

>> No.4406159

ugh, wtf, the FURCHADS are laughing at us animebros

>> No.4406169

>tfw training to be an animebro is too hard on 99.99% of normal people

>> No.4406170

RIP califags

>> No.4406174

Heh. Not so fast, furry
*Unzips soap* Not so tough now, are ya?

>> No.4406176

Man NYC better keep it's shit together for 3 more days so I can go and breathe on some priceless paintings at the Met Museum

>> No.4406177

i don't get it

>> No.4406181

bunny no :'(

>> No.4406182

>The elderly man, a Placer County resident, had other health conditions and died at a hospital in Roseville where he was in isolation.
It's alright we're all good. It's not an extremely healthy person who is in their twenties with no other health conditions.

>> No.4406187

oh no...

>> No.4406191


>> No.4406198


>> No.4406200

how many daddies are californians?

>> No.4406201
File: 195 KB, 399x351, 1583364629297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this was all part of my elaborate plan to kill page 1 daddies

>> No.4406203


>> No.4406204

well I'm one

>> No.4406205

I'll do plein air every day for the entire year. It'll make my immune system so strong that I'm infallible.

>> No.4406209

A 23yo footballer for Iran's national team died

>> No.4406212

>first day of online database class livestream just ended half an hour ago
>teacher is a female despite masculine name
>Alright everyone be sure to sign in with your official account and check if your -


>> No.4406215

Nah. I'm unironically 6ft 192 lbs and in the best shape of my life atm. Any other /fit/ daddies?

>> No.4406216

iran has major steroid use
steroids weaken your immune system
he was at risk

>> No.4406220

She, and she was a professional athlete for soccer, they don't usually use steroids in that
Keep telling yourself it's only old people until it's too late

>> No.4406221

I'm in Los Angeles County lol fuggg

>> No.4406223
File: 241 KB, 498x250, EQ-WvMWUwAAwxW2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4406224

California seems to have the most artists, followed by Texas

>> No.4406225

fellow /fit/izen
5'10" 180lb
im sad about how inactive the /fit/ channel is

>> No.4406229

Might be best to take up calisthenics and avoid the gym this year bro *coof*

>> No.4406232

let's do plein air together cali daddies! and... other things

>> No.4406235 [DELETED] 

meh idgaf if i catch corona. ill probably live

>> No.4406236

*uses google maps for plein air*

>> No.4406239

>Implying I won't make a bot that traces other people stuff to post on dad eñeveryday even after I die.
Page 1 strong, frog.

>> No.4406241

>not already using it for plein air this entire time

>> No.4406242


>> No.4406243
File: 237 KB, 1002x507, mapcrunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapcrunch is great for faux air

>> No.4406244

Looks like a lovely place to vacation and just draw/paint.

>> No.4406245

im actually not very fat just dense

>> No.4406246

mapcrunch chads rise up

>> No.4406247

FBI-kun didn't deserve this ;_;

>> No.4406259

Central Valley fag here

>> No.4406263

Omae wa mou shindeiru

>> No.4406273

/fit/ and art go hand in hand

>> No.4406274


>> No.4406275

If you lose your streak tomorrow you will die of the corona virus.

>> No.4406277

/fit/ chads know anatomy best

>> No.4406290

>Contradictory news from Iran on the coronavirus also revealed an embarrassing error by the official media. Elham Sheikhi, 23, a prominent athlete from Isfahan and member of the woman’s national team in futsal, a form of soccer, said Friday in a video release that contrary to earlier announcements of her death from the coronavirus — including a condolence message from a sports federation — she was alive and healthy.


>> No.4406292

based truthdad blowing misinformationdad out of the water

>> No.4406294

so it wasn't a footballer but it was still a 23 yo woman who died?

>> No.4406307

It was just nake fews

>> No.4406319

>Ms. Sheikhi attributed the mistake to an erroneous assumption, based on the death of a Qom woman with the same age and name

>> No.4406324

They could have been unhealthy/immunocompromised to start. We don’t know.

>> No.4406325


>> No.4406345

Come on you fuckers. Artists are supposed to have balls. Not be afraid of a shitty virus. If for a minute you are afraid of death by this virus or at all for that matter you are a bigger faggot than all the pedos and gay furries combined. And lilramune.

>> No.4406348

>you are a bigger faggot than all the pedos and gay furries combined
>And lilramune

>> No.4406349

what artist (that isn't a money launderer or a performance artist whose works indicate a contempt for their own life) do you know that has balls

artists are soft hyper-emotional fucks why the hell do you think they're artists and not mma fighters

>> No.4406350

Maybe lassies but dads are too scared of even one shitposter. That’s why susi is still the strongest and was originally a lassie. Remember lassies would even go through apocalypse to submit. Truly last artist standing.

>> No.4406355

>artists are soft hyper-emotional fucks
hearty kek and true
use your mortal fear of death to get great gains in this last month you're alive

>> No.4406357


/las/ is soft as fuck, and you do realize susi up and completely left because a post she made got a little semen on it
you wanna talk about "too scared of even one shitposter"? they nuked the entire discord history for that.

>> No.4406359
File: 113 KB, 324x1118, 1547968946341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dads are too scared of even one shitposter. That’s why susi is still the strongest
Does not compute.

>> No.4406360

>because a post she made got a little semen on it

>> No.4406361

>tfw first California death is from where I live
Please, Corona-chan, deliver me from this hell... I may be young and healthy, but please don’t mind that and let me out!

>> No.4406362

susi recently went full time pro and didn't want someone to cumpost or something where her employers would see
there's been a few daddies who quietly left because they made it and didn't want to be connected to LAS = /ic/ = evil 4chan racists

>> No.4406363

Start here, scroll down >>/ic/thread/S3765970#p3770963

>> No.4406364


not saying dad isn't soft or that the reaction wasn't unreasonable
but don't give me this "lassies" have balls and "daddies" don't, all of them are at least somewhat soft, which is fine; that's why this community isn't complete cancer

>> No.4406366

I miss niche

>> No.4406369

I found a summary
> Azazel#0062 in the Discord jacked off on one of Susi's messages in the Discord that he printed out and uploaded the video to the server and a bunch of pics to the las-thread. Susi wanted all her messages deleted along with her account, but I think messages are only deletable 2 weeks back, so the server owner deleted and recreated most of the channels, causing all those old messages people had to be lost forever. Also a few other people left the discord in response to this.Then Banana wrote a spiel about how disappointed he is in all of us. Now you're caught up I'm pretty sure.

Ah... this is the /las/ lore I expected.

>> No.4406370

>Then Banana wrote a spiel
some things never change

>> No.4406371

>should be learning
>instead learning about the cum tribute lore
intradesting times we live in

>> No.4406372

Truly one of the best arcs we’ve had in our history

>> No.4406374

learning art*
but yeah

>> No.4406378
File: 2.54 MB, 4884x5305, lava card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the arc where lava was being pretty distant and lassies found him cryptically talking about bad health on his blog and organised a thing to make get well soon cards for him
And he came back to the threads to say thanks and how touched he was

>> No.4406379
File: 1.70 MB, 972x1321, tumblr_nww2nz6ML91usm39ho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw susipari has disappeared from the internet and her tumblr is hidden
Was it worth it...?

>> No.4406381

Unlike some dirty NEETs I have to destress after work before I start drawing, keeping up with the shit drama is the perfect way to do so.

>> No.4406382

I wonder, if he could see us today, how he would feel about everything.

>> No.4406385

I may be healthy but my family members have compromised immune so I still worry of getting them corona'd

>> No.4406386

frustrated at his artwork because his mentality and approach to learning art would've lead to many more years of spaghetti figures

>> No.4406388

The virus is in Florida now so hopefully he dies from it.

>> No.4406390

he'd be glad it's still going somehow, and happy to see so many familiar faces lasted

>> No.4406391
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>> No.4406394

Why is US healthcare so nonexistent. I'll never understand this. I thought you guys are in a 1st world country

>> No.4406399

You ever think about how just 40 or so generations ago, people were killing each other for bread?

>> No.4406400

because corporations control everything
all the political us vs them shit that's stirred up is all pretense, money is hopelessly tied into policy so big companies that want to stay rich control everything from healthcare to the prison system

>> No.4406401

Because Roldenstien needs money for his 7th boat to go fishing with his colleagues this week.

>> No.4406407

if I took all money I paid on healthcare taxes in my entire life and compared it to the cost of medical needs I had in my entire life, I'd find that I've been scammed pretty hard so far. That shit's like 150 euros a month on minimum wage, I hope you understand. And that's only the 50% I pay, the other 50% my employer pays for some reason, which he will just pass onto me anyways, so it's really 300 euros.
If you then start calculating interest on the 300 euros every month, mandatory healthcare doesn't look so nice for young healthy adults.

>> No.4406408
File: 70 KB, 859x571, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao which bastard made this one

>> No.4406409

>Accepting you're never gonna make it

>> No.4406413
File: 706 KB, 755x961, choob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad hivemind

>> No.4406437

>gottagitgud's submission
that lad's made GAINS what a guy

>> No.4406478
File: 57 KB, 805x639, 8138ee3bf6ac6cceffc6a3fb47eeba50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 euros
That's already a lot better than the US

>> No.4406484

300 euros(half of which is just paid by the employer for some reason, if you are employed, but it still goes from your wage, obviously), which is 350~ usd for MINIMUM WAGE, you've got averages there. Average you pay 420 euro/month, which is 500 usd. So it's basically the same. This isn't even considering that you could be investing those 500 monthly USD.

>> No.4406485

>150 euros a month
>on minimum wage
most people aren't on minimum wage
the average cost is higher than 150

>> No.4406491

These are just the premiums. This doesn't even include the deductible, which if you have shitty healthcare can be 2 or more grand

>> No.4406547

I'm on an immunosuppressant for an auto-immune disease, and my medicine comes out to about $100,000 a year. My premiums are $450 a month, and I've had a $1500ish deductible each year for the last 2-3 years. Been sick for 9+ years now and there is no cure. My medicine also makes me more likely to die from Corona.

Not sure what my point is, but I guess another perspective or something.

>> No.4406574

Damn son, I'm sorry. Hope corona-chan doesn't visit you. Good luck

>> No.4406583

hazmat suit

>> No.4406584

I hope you continue to have a long life dad

>> No.4406588

nsix needs to be stopped

>> No.4406591

all furchads are just getting stronger constantly.. both as a collective by new members joining, and old members improving.

>> No.4406603

Sorry to hear that, do your best to avoid travelling for a while, wear winter gloves while out and about and no one will think anything of it and you'll avoid touching things people have coughed all over, etc.

>> No.4406611
File: 122 KB, 1060x796, 1447124794452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are the true gains goblins... always sitting on my sketchbook when i try to draw and sitting on my lap being cutely distracting all the damn time.
Anyway, good night dads

>> No.4406612


>> No.4406699

Good morning! I woke up earlier than usual and yet I feel so rested - I just know it's going to be a great, productive day!

>> No.4406724

hope you have a nice good day full of gains daddy

>> No.4406734
File: 682 KB, 640x360, never.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4406736


>> No.4406744

>draw a furry
>without hair to looks like a bald man
>with hair it looks like a dog in a wig

>> No.4406750

For any baby daddies reaching their first level cap and looking for a class specialization consider speccing into the 'Furchad' class, it allows instant multiclassing with the 'Coomer' class and you can even multiclass with the 'Anime' class and unlock the lategame powerful 'Kemono' class!
Furchads are kind, chill, get a +2 bonus to their anatomy and marketing stats and a x1.2 exp modifier that increases to x2.5 if you also activate the 'Coomer' class' special toggle skill 'I'M COOOOMINGG'.

>> No.4406751


>> No.4406756

the trick is to give them all cute hats

>> No.4406759
File: 116 KB, 983x570, dog in a wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4406764
File: 148 KB, 850x1416, 4ipi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, me and my friend <3 Kawaii deshou?

>> No.4406766

You could just add a tuft of hair at the top

>> No.4406768

Break up the line of the forehead the way you did for the sides. It only looks like a bald head because you used a single curved line.

>> No.4406771

what are the other classes? I wanna scope out my options!

>> No.4406772

thats not really hair, thats a mane. So either make it furlike and treat it like an additional layer of fur instead of a separate material, or give it a side element. Hair naturally covers the cheeks afterall, her hairstyle looks like somebody whos lost 90% of their hair to cancer but still decides to keep a long ponytail.

>> No.4406773

Spec into the "lolicon" class and you get an immediate +20% chaos influence, with an addition +5% for every level gained in the class.
Effects of too much chaos influence can include a permanent Insanity affliction, -40 mental stability debuff, gaining any of the psychological traits 'antisocial'/'sociopath'/'psychopath'/'schizophrenia'/'paranoia', a random extra fetish and more.

>> No.4406774
File: 165 KB, 983x570, wolf hairdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try giving it bangs of some sort, or a more human-like hairline

>> No.4406776


>> No.4406777

futari wa kawaii ne!

>> No.4406778

Thanks, good ideas!

>> No.4406779

Those are some nice dogs m8

>> No.4406781

arigatou!! :-)

>> No.4406782

douitashimashite :D

>> No.4406786

Cuteposter, Shotacon, Lolicon, Realist, Plein Air, Painter, Pixel, Mecha (v. rare) and some others

They got their pros and cons, thanks to the reality 3.14 patch anyone can mix and match any of the classes, but it pays to specialize in a few you really like so that you can work on unlocking their class specific special abilities.

>> No.4406788

>lilramune plays with himself

>> No.4406790

>thats not really hair, thats a mane. So either make it furlike and treat it like an additional layer of fur instead of a separate material, or give it a side element
I think I see what you mean, thank you - I'll try it out when I'm back from work.


>> No.4406792

>tfw can't ascend into The Naf with the potential for Manga Artist

>> No.4406793

>when you mix shota/lolicon and furchad classes and discover the forbidden cub class
>when you mix shota/lolicon and realism classes and discover the forbidden toddlercon class

>> No.4406794

Is mecha really it's own class? it's just a perspectiveposter with skillpoints in human anatomy and vehicles..

>> No.4406798

It's Dare/Grigri he talks to, just ignore them though

>> No.4406799

Good night dads. I'm hoping for a better tomorrow ;_;

>> No.4406803

Same, night. Hope tomorrow is the day.

>> No.4406804
File: 1.96 MB, 300x300, 1470076975480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't belong in any of the listed ones, i.e. skipped

>> No.4406807

Class list: Cuteposter, Shotacon, Lolicon, Realist, Plein Air, Painter, Pixel, Mecha, Coomer, Furchad. Anime, Kemono
Which class do you wanna be, daddy? Which class is the strongest?

>> No.4406808

>furchad + mecha unlocks Tyson Tan's cyber furrys and fnaf animatronics specializations

>> No.4406809

Anime is the strongest class without a doubt. It has the strongest roots.

>> No.4406811

all of them except shota and loli

>> No.4406812

Anyone that's not a retard knows they're not the same person

>> No.4406814

High skill level requirement classes: Animation

Obscure/Defunct classes: 3D, abstract, graphic design, calligraphy, photography

>> No.4406815

since when was he close friends with grigri

>> No.4406818

Grigri : *comments on ramune twice and sends his fake apologies to the ones concerned by his bullshit*
Anon : wow they're rly good friends

>> No.4406819

Cuteposter most fun and cozy class, the white mages of LAS and DAD, healers of the soul, great support skills.

>> No.4406820

What??? And how do you know it's that person anyway its 2AM.

>> No.4406825

many people have a few levels in 3d.

>> No.4406827

Your timezone isn't the only one that exists, retard

>> No.4406828

Didn't they talk on Twitter or some shit? I don't really keep up with it, they're both fucking annoying

>> No.4406829

Gri doesn't have any social media actually known.

>> No.4406830

What's your class friendo? Every party needs people with a diverse set of classes!

>> No.4406831

I live on the east coast dumbfuck

>> No.4406832


>> No.4406837

no Virginia

>> No.4406840
File: 150 KB, 400x400, thumb_upload_2018-11-18_22-32-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4406842

That new avatar's great

>> No.4406843

>Anyone that's not a retard knows they're not the same person
This sounds suspicious because I haven't seen Dare post in a long time so idk how it should be so obvious. Also, Grigri admitted to Dare being their old name after they became active in LAS again but since deleted the post. But okay

>> No.4406845

beglet class

>> No.4406846

Lol Dare is a prick and Gri is a Zoomer sweetheart. I have no idea how anyone could confuse the two, their art doesn't even look vaguely similar

>> No.4406850

That means you're still a novice class

>> No.4406851


>> No.4406853

I can literally see you pause talking in comfy chat to samefag

>> No.4406854

me thinks gri doth protest too much

>> No.4406855

Shoo shoo lilramune, or I'll tell Choob about your lolis in houses

>> No.4406856

Need to gain some more levels before you can talk to the class trainer and pick your first main class :(

>> No.4406857
File: 13 KB, 290x163, spartacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M dare!

>> No.4406858

Dare isn't Grigri because I know them outside in from the strand of their silky hair to the tip of their tiny toes so stop it.

>> No.4406860
File: 279 KB, 1052x1032, Screenshot_20200305-163843_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not any of those 3 but it should be obvious who's dare. Pic related. I don't know why you mistake gri with these two. Don't bully gri she's a good dad

>> No.4406862

Also let's not derail the thread anymore with lemonade posting

>> No.4406863

how is someone claiming dare is grigri?
have you SEEN their art?

>> No.4406864

dads with the ultimate burn

>> No.4406865

GriGri's much better and soulful.

>> No.4406866

Yeah dare is clearly the better artist.

>> No.4406867

Yeah, I couldn't imagine Grigri ever drawing lolis that ugly

>> No.4406868

#s for truth

>> No.4406869

stfu grigri

>> No.4406871


>> No.4406875
File: 148 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20200305_164601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should also be obvious who's the shitspammer on the other server

>> No.4406877

who are all these faggots

>> No.4406878

you are paranoid anon

>> No.4406879

despite making up only 13% of daddies, discord users make up for over 50% of drama..

>> No.4406881

Sorry I insulted your friend, ramen

>> No.4406882

I really like the marketing bonus that Furchads have - your exp requirements for the commission spell are much lower and you can cast YCH and Adoptables spells as well.
If you're trying to unlock the [Make It] achievement then Furchad class seems like the best option.

>> No.4406883

natp is r*mune that's just it

>> No.4406884


why would that be that doesn't make a lick of sense

>> No.4406886

These posts aren't even in order. Nice falseflagging to start shit.

>> No.4406889

Of course they're not. I just grouped them together. And why so upset? Hm?

>> No.4406891

Don't respond.. lest you want your gains stolen

>> No.4406892

because your evidence is baseless and only serves to fan a flame

>> No.4406893

ok r-
>last post btw

>> No.4406950


>> No.4406965

What does please be week one mean?

>> No.4406967

it means you want someone to be week one

>> No.4406970
File: 6 KB, 1300x162, LfnsoDr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.4406985

He meant that he doesn't get enough attention from the other dads.

>> No.4406997

He gets more attention than me so that's not warranted

>> No.4406998

I had a teacher coofing monday in class. Haven't seen him since, all my other classes with him got cancelled.

>> No.4406999
File: 242 KB, 652x891, jasunmpuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kiss my best fewend every morning before they leave on their mission <3

>> No.4407000


>> No.4407001

Aww, cute :)

Nice #s

>> No.4407002


>> No.4407003


>> No.4407007

>tfw no one will ever cumtribute your discord posts

Why even call it a circlejerk ?

>> No.4407011

despite being less than 0.06% the population of dad, lilramune and the lolicons are the root cause of at least 94% of all dramas in dad's history..

>> No.4407017

made me chuckle

>> No.4407018

Remember dads: don't interact with tumors, even on the discord!

>> No.4407022


don't tell me what to do faggot

>> No.4407025

help me don't-respond anon, the tumor is TALKING
it's trying to talk to ME

>> No.4407032

do it.. give in.. become a coomer..

>> No.4407042

anime april...

>> No.4407058

kill it with fire

>> No.4407061

How can you kill a thing that already harbors in flame?

>> No.4407062

Fart loudly on it, give it one of the real stinkers

>> No.4407063
File: 48 KB, 487x630, holyjeebus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill it with the holy flame

>> No.4407065

fucking kek

>> No.4407082


>> No.4407123

Who are the most based dads

>> No.4407125

My actual dad.

>> No.4407129

What the hell is going on 2 women, each at different intervals of time, both wearing yoga pants, turn around to me and said hi and the other girl 5 minutes later bender over to tie her shoe deliberately showing me her ass. 2nd person looked like a tranny though.

>> No.4407133

>having standards on 4chan

>> No.4407135

Is you our local lonelyposter? Perhaps you are about to graduate.

>> No.4407139


it has to be something in the air than with me personally
I didnt know how to react so I averted my eyes.

>> No.4407140

I wish there was some way to sort the challenges page, like "hide all completed" or "show only challenges in this range"

>> No.4407141

Ah! I figured it out why women are giving you attention. You left the house.

>> No.4407142

You doing the plein air challenge? Maybe they saw your art supplies, people see you making art and suddenly you're the most interesting person on earth (when you want them to just fuck off so you can work in peace)

>> No.4407247

Yeah, there are way too many complete it looks cluttered

>> No.4407279

challenges should be a calendar view

>> No.4407280

i need some of you page wunners to kick the bucket, i must advance and use the corpse of your dead streak as a platform for my goals

>> No.4407287

Leave them alone!

>> No.4407294
File: 43 KB, 500x381, M-Mario-sama...I kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me why you hate loli
Ill wait

>> No.4407299


>> No.4407301


>> No.4407303

do not respond

>> No.4407312

Father, why did God make The Devil so much stronger than a man?

>> No.4407319

because he's a fallen angel you retard
you ever try to fight an angel dumbass
you lose that fight
go mow the lawn you piece of shit
but first get me a beer
fucking shit little kid
shoulda fucking pulled out of your whore mother

>> No.4407325


>> No.4407328

dad, you're back from getting cigarettes!!

>> No.4407334

Wow youre all so afraid to address the other side of view that you either spout buzzwords or refuse to acknowledge the opposition
Sniveling insects

>> No.4407342

it's been so long since the last tierlist

>> No.4407343

Reminder, pedophiles do not deserve your attention or You’s. :)

>> No.4407345

Make one

>> No.4407346

can I just shout out a bunch of cool (obvious) daddies:
easily a favourite dad.
grounded and always having a constructive, helpful mindset. 100% gmi material

>shrineydog (whoever you are) for the effort and charm put into each thread OP. may we be blessed by your presence for a long, long time.

putting fucking hours into thoughtful crits. thank you but please don't burn yourself out.
also past crit daddies >kringle >51ip

purely in terms of art/skill. I dig it hard and look forward to your posts each day.

theres other daddies but gotta run

>> No.4407348

too much effort

>> No.4407350

oh any daddy who reached the highest level, absolutely based

>> No.4407351

whats your favourite submission on dad

>> No.4407357

Arma what the fuck is the point in posting a blurred drawing if youre just going to post another. Holy fuck you are pissing me off

>> No.4407362

Naf's mr peniston

>> No.4407371

Engee’s timer

>> No.4407375

Hangul's hangul

>> No.4407377
File: 40 KB, 600x401, 1575866182821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4407408


>> No.4407414


>> No.4407429

Bit of a rant but I know there’s quite a few zoomers here and I want to see if any of them agree,
I’m real tired of this generation constantly using their mental health as an excuse for poor work ethic.
I’m on the cusp of zoomer/millennial, I work with a zoomer and millennial, both openly talk to me about their mental problems and both constantly call out and leave early because of it.
Guess who picks up the slack, me. My employer continues to eat up their excuses.
Recently read about this dumb fuck “spoon analogy” that people use to describe how certain mentally ill people exhaust their “spoons” faster than those without it.
Why the fuck is it okay for me to exhaust my spoons while I wait for them to “recharge” theirs?

>> No.4407439

>secret nsfw chat
>its all boobs n shit

>> No.4407441

stop being a pushover faggot

>> No.4407442
File: 2.33 MB, 450x253, ani_starship_troopers_shooting_down_bugs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sniveling insects
Come down to Klendathu and say that, meatbag!

>> No.4407443

what were you expecting

>> No.4407445


>> No.4407454

be the change you want to be

>> No.4407455

Promotion candidate? Keep fighting the good fight. We all get what we deserve eventually.

>> No.4407458

>Awetos submission
Fucking lol

>> No.4407461

holy fucking kek

>> No.4407462
File: 315 KB, 1015x871, grades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red grades range from an F to F+
Orange grades range from F+ to C-
cant bother with the other grades because no piece made it that far.
eitherway grades this low are generally low effort pieces and shit i generally dont like. I know you faggots like to make excuses for the boring studies and still lives, but come on... its still about giving impressions and if your shit is red or orange you dont not give impressions, and there are two factors that impress me. technical skill level with brush work, and color/compositions.

>> No.4407464

you really wasted your time on this?

>> No.4407465

>tfw same grade as sleepy and nemori
I'm gonna make it!

>> No.4407466

took me me a few seconds to copy and paste the clipboard and another few minutes to grade your work and a fwe seconds to put it all together. yeah lots of time wasting.

>> No.4407468

literally why? you know you put 2 images together in a static image right?

>> No.4407472

better tierlist for all to enjoy

>tier 0

>tier 1

>tier 2

>tier 3

>tier 4

>tier 5

>mythical tier 6

>> No.4407473

>same grade as saucy.
im ok with this

>> No.4407474

what's the spoon?

>> No.4407478

because gifs are smaller shit face

>> No.4407480

How’s your butt cancer?

>> No.4407482

You grade people when you don't even understand how compression works?

>> No.4407486

>its still about giving impressions
what did he mean by this

>> No.4407490
File: 840 KB, 768x1687, 50F3DF59-7998-4418-99A2-AA4E0E962A32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4407492

>4 spoons

>> No.4407493

>make/eat a meal: 3 spoons
what is this? why spoons?

>> No.4407494

not a gallery

>> No.4407495

care showing an example of something that gives you an "impression", or maybe even your own work. You do draw regularly, don't you?

>> No.4407498

Wish someone would give me a spoon :3

>> No.4407500

well if it takes 4 spoons to exercise compared to 1 spoon to take meds, no wonder America depends on medication.

>> No.4407501

>sitting on your ass watching TV and on your phone is considered exhausting to these faggots
Yep, these people are mentally ill for sure.

>> No.4407502

I'll spoon you, daddy-kun.

>> No.4407503

imagine any of the first two rows of activity requiring spoons other than studying, mentally weak midgets. keep your little bitch spoons, us big dick ladles got work to do

>> No.4407504


how many spoons does it take to make meaningless sweeping critiques?

>> No.4407506

bad tierlist: -1 spoons
good tierlist: 4 spoons
crit stream: 10 spoons

>> No.4407510

>tfw get free spoons by giving bad tierlists
Imma bout to break the system

>> No.4407512

>make 12 bad tierlists a day
>recover 12 spoons
>double the spoons for a day

>> No.4407514

I fucking hate people like that. I had a friend who always went on about mental health, who had to stay at my house for a while, and expected me to wait on them and feed them while they literally laid around on my couch all day.

>> No.4407520

i wish saucy would start using harder edges, either by having lineart like meesh or through values like regular paintings

>> No.4407521
File: 225 KB, 896x1000, angel_rudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape Nessie's angel boy <3 uwu

>> No.4407523

Yeah, sucks because my friend is also like that. Feels like they’re taking advantage of me.
I also had a bad year where I was having anxiety attacks daily. Eventually realized I was just being a pussy, I got over it through exposure therapy, no meds. Still creeps up from time to time. I try to explain to my friend how to overcome it like I did, but they never take my advice. They just wallow in it, continue to talk about their shitty childhood and being poor instead of DOING something about it. Drawing has really helped me, I try to get anyone who has anxiety to get into a hobby like art, but they either go to drugs/drinking or some other vice.

>> No.4407524

browse internet should be 0 spoons

>> No.4407527

I think the poster is throwing subtle shade that people are wasting their spoons on internet and entertainment. based af

>> No.4407528

pls yes

>> No.4407529

he is probably too hungry to concentrate

>> No.4407530

linear technical ability is an auto F for me. that means if you attempt to draw these perfect lines with a constant stroke just to get the right shape, your work is almost guaranteed to be soulless as fuck. so generally i like to see good build up, which none of you do. ill list dads that get auto F's for the linear line art

nessie, negakona, hoppy, arma, and tang. obviously theres more but these are the general dunces.

mathias and lamprey impress me in terms of the lines since its not entirely linear but the rest of their skillset is boring as fuck.

>> No.4407531

I struggle to give my art crisp edges
I don't organize my art in layers so it's always painting edges carefully meeting eachother, and my brushes don't seem to end in the hard edge I'd like them to.

I hope I figure it out someday

>> No.4407533

post your work

>> No.4407537

these fucking threads lel

>> No.4407539

>mathias lines > everything else he does

>> No.4407540

Thank you anons
Thankfully coomer week is just around the corner :)

>> No.4407545

you could lasso out your characters (or whatever subject) to a new layer later in the piece when you are ready for edge refinement and do it that way. Also I have some brushes that you might find useful if you want me to share

>> No.4407546
File: 134 KB, 871x870, You+gotta+unleash+the+beast+_7dff1a32ab8c8d616498f48d0bc95fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4407548

i have seen a thousand line drawings, and a thousand paintings analog and digital and have been drawing since 2011 so yes, nothing he does besides the opacity+size brush he uses impresses me.

>> No.4407549

I meant a visual example mate. You've got to have an inspo folder

>> No.4407550

>nessie, negakona, hoppy, arma, and tang
I like their stuff a lot

>> No.4407551

post your work

>> No.4407552

Bold words, let's see your work then.

>> No.4407553
File: 196 KB, 865x855, 1571504194311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have been drawing since 2011
>work looks like pic related

>> No.4407554


>> No.4407557

>have been drawing since 2011
you've been tracing, crappyboy

>> No.4407559

this gave me life

>> No.4407561

i don't know if it's happy guys the english isn't poor enough

>> No.4407566

anything by jaime jones, craig mullins, yang qi, min yum(bumskee), james jean, Saskia Gutekunst, phil hale is a hit or miss, some pieces from syd mead, and theres a plethora of others i cant think of at the top of my head.

>> No.4407568

post your work

>> No.4407571

Your videos can't even break 100 views now lol

>> No.4407572

fuck off nessie lmao

>> No.4407574

post your work

>> No.4407575

I just can’t think about who is retarded enough on dad to post a crit like >>4407462 and still be semi-coherent otherwise

>> No.4407581

You can almost hear him typing furiously. Listen

>> No.4407585
File: 199 KB, 880x580, 838f8f43d2a3a8403d16d41562c52db9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon is certainly not me, I dunno why that was your immediate conclusion
But pyw

>> No.4407587

*clack clack clack clack*

>> No.4407590

I hate nessie too.

>> No.4407592

what a pussy

>> No.4407594

I think there are some people who use these things as an excuse, but some people are suffering in ways you can't see. My disease became active when I moved away to university. Suddenly I was in pain all the time, I couldn't sleep through the night because of it, and I had no energy at all. My second semester I had to get a job in addition to my classes to try and afford a place to live. I started missing classes because I would be too ill to attend. I nearly blacked out at work several times because my body had no energy left. I remember a professor taking me aside and saying I needed to prioritize school over my job, and I couldn't even really process it. I just said, "But then where do I live...?" I ended up taking a medical withdrawal for the semester soon after.

To anyone looking at me there was no obvious problem. They would have no way of knowing that anything was wrong with me. As far as they knew I was just staying up all night playing video games and that's why I was so tired all the time. I think that's what the spoon analogy is trying to explain. There are people with problems that you can't see, and those people are struggling to get by. Don't let that be the reason that you get overworked, but try to give a reasonable amount of slack in case they have a problem that you can't see.

>> No.4407596

smells like pussy in here
don't throw rocks in glass houses; you're posting in a thread of people who literally do nothing but post their work

>> No.4407599

talk shit, get hit

>> No.4407618

Na the lasso tool on sai really sucks, the anti-aliasing doesn't work at all

>> No.4407620

oh I assumed photoshop. I got nothing then :/

>> No.4407627

Wait, if you're using SAI... doesnt SAI have some of the crispiest line tools?

>> No.4407657

>kringle egged him on
fucking based

>> No.4407661

Sometimes it's easy to forget but a lot of DAD users are 4chan users, through and through.

>> No.4407667
File: 299 KB, 1080x2220, kringle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao wtf kringle

>> No.4407676
File: 165 KB, 1440x486, 20200305_115826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it all just a psy-OP to get people to drop out of dad?

>> No.4407677
File: 512 KB, 1062x1080, 1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plots within plots within plots to become the ultimate Last Artist Standing

>> No.4407680

>lilramune harassing grigri
Knew it was only a matter of time.

>> No.4407686

> mods literally defending lilramune over gri
sick, this discord's ass

>> No.4407688

this kills the susipari

>> No.4407689
File: 147 KB, 651x943, 9S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you mix cuteposter shotacon and mecha to make cute little robots

>> No.4407692

top tier taste

>> No.4407693

grow up

>> No.4407694


>> No.4407695

maybe you should focus more on giving warnings to dipshits who are known to fuck with people constantly, skirt the rules out of contempt and moderate your discord properly

>> No.4407696

I'm out of las, this is getting sickening. You guys are literally defending a dude known for harassment but guess that just blocking him will solve stuff that's going up his pedo head.

>> No.4407697

>Waaaa, they wouldn't let me make a drama mountain out of a troll mole hill

>> No.4407700

lol i'm starting to think lilramune is based

>> No.4407701
File: 498 KB, 628x581, 1583249348695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lilramune claims another victim

>> No.4407704

both of them are obnoxious as shit but at least gri draws something other then cylinders
>quitting an entire site due to one shitposter that can easily be ignored
i shiggy you diggy

>> No.4407709

las as in the discord, not dad

>> No.4407710

>H-he said dare was better than me a-and you guys d-didn't ban him!

>> No.4407711

>shitposters argue and then leave

>> No.4407712

It's not a site, but a circlejerky discord server . If you're not in the clique, they frown you upon and won't defend you.

>> No.4407715

BASED lilramune keeping discordfags on notice

>> No.4407716

thanks for clearing that up, should’ve read it a bit more thoroughly. but yeah the lascord’s pretty bad outside of the thunderdome and crit channels

>> No.4407718

las discord removed from the sticky when
seems like it's not good for anything but stupid drama

>> No.4407719

wait was all that dude did was say grigri is not that great or something? it's just an opinion. I could sat my cat draws better than you. dont get too fussy over it.

>> No.4407723

>wait was all that dude did was say grigri is not that great or something?
Pretty much

>> No.4407725
File: 8 KB, 220x184, 1583124523083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the las discord users aren't actual lassies, or even daddies, who the fuck are any of these faggots, it calls itself las but it isn't related to the last artist standing anymore, the only thing las about it is its name

>> No.4407726
File: 85 KB, 1440x355, 20200306_031348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not good for anything but stupid drama
>implying that's not the purpose
>implying that's not what we want

>> No.4407743

Discord mods are pussies

>> No.4407750

4chan might not be the right fit for you gri

>> No.4407753

went to the city earlier today and now I can't stop coughing dads

>> No.4407755
File: 297 KB, 1080x1940, gripoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to drama review. It looks like both parties are at fault.
Gri offered an unsolicited comment which Lilramune was offended by and took as a bashing.
Gri makes the defense that they're welcome to criticize them back so it makes it okay to criticize lilramune, which is not always a good defense.
Lilramune defends themselves by comparing Gri to Dare and saying Gri is worse.
In conclusion, Lilramune can't take criticism, which is fine you can draw however you like, but that insecurity is the cause of the drama. They have a small ego that's easily threatened, so anything that isn't "circle jerky" is seen as an attack, which causes them to fight back viciously. Gri makes the mistake that you can criticize their art, so Gri feels free to give criticism. This is a mistake because they assumed lilramune is able to take criticism. It's like saying I can hit your cat because you can hit mine. But that is a mistake because a. not everyone's cat is sturdy and b. just because you let someone else do it to you doesnt mean the action is right, whatever the action may be. And then the third blow is that lilramune dodges the offer to hit completely by kicking gri's cat instead, not by making a criticism but by making a comparison to another artist. This is also a fallacy because you cannot and should not rank artists. Artists have a fragile ego that can easily feel threatened, but in this case Lilramune seems to only be "attacking back" and not coming out of nowhere to attack Gri and saying they suck for no reason.
How was my commentary?

>> No.4407758

pls be page 1

>> No.4407763

Nice overview. This drama was a bit silly ngl

>> No.4407764

how many dads are sick right now?

>> No.4407765

Not bad, but sorta a wall of text. Try this
>Gri egged ramune on
>Ramune trolled gri back
>Gri cried to mods with the "cyberbully" card
>Mods didn't take the bait
>Gri left

>> No.4407768

My only conclusion to this short argument which consists of less than 350 words is grigri is tsundere and actually wanted to be ramunes friend. But because he is a “known bully” he didn’t want to associate with him. He then got offended by his potential friend by ramune comparing him to dare by saying he isn’t good at all thus it broke their fragile heart and ran to the mods to get him banned.

>> No.4407771

ok lilramune

>> No.4407775

he? what kind of guy calls himself gri? I thought this was an emotional whaman

>> No.4407776

oh, I didnt know gri actually even wanted to be lilramune's friend. that explains why they're in the same house together.

>> No.4407783

Post full argument

>> No.4407784

I dont have it, kek u know that I wish I did

>> No.4407789

Virus’s take longer to incubate/show symptoms than a couple hours you idiot

>> No.4407797

mod response was to just block someone if they're bothering you

>> No.4407799

which, to be honest, is really a pretty lazy response to resolving a dispute

>> No.4407802

What dispute?

>> No.4407804

What are they supposed to do? It's not a daycare

>> No.4407808

For the record, and I’m not going to share my own personal dms with you guys, believe what you want, but I only joined a house together with someone else and the choice of house was simply by the color. People who don’t like me in who are in the same house as me is pure coincidental.

>> No.4407809

ok gri and/or lilramune

>> No.4407811

last post btw

>> No.4407814

For the record, nobody honestly gives a fuck about either of you

>> No.4407816


Ara ara

>> No.4407817

my work better be on the next op or i will come guns blazing in the next dad meeting

>> No.4407825


>> No.4407831

as opposed to picking one of the autists to support and banning the other who then goes and complains in the threads?

>> No.4407832

Damn I thought I got out of high school 10 years ago.

>> No.4407859

Wait, we have dad meetings? Why am i never invited then to these so-called meetings? You guys are having secret meetings?

>> No.4407870

dad meetings are just furcons

>> No.4407887

If you have to ask...

>> No.4407907

Thank you gob for our delicious meals of furry, our daily bread, our delicious dragon dicks.

>> No.4407974
File: 94 KB, 449x603, Screenshot_20200305-144125_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna make it isnt he? he has to.

>> No.4407982


>> No.4407986

That’s the third female today to bend over in my cone of vision although I will never know this girl knew I was walking up behind her. She bent over to pet her dog.

>> No.4407987

Maybe I’m just horny and it’s all coincidence.

>> No.4407988

hes got plenty of time

>> No.4407991

he's comic is looking so wholesome

>> No.4407992

whoops I meant j

>> No.4408003

how long have you been doing nofap
give it another week and they'll be dropping panties around you

>> No.4408004

Normalize females bending over.

>> No.4408009


>> No.4408012

ive been trying to paint but its hard

>> No.4408043

VuSta's a woman???

>> No.4408056

It's a truck bait for a ploy one can easily see a mile away.

>> No.4408080

how the fuck do I join? it won't create an account

>> No.4408085

I'll turn it back on sometime tonight.

>> No.4408086

you tell me
this is my first submission to dad

>> No.4408087

is it the same every day? Was about to go sleep

>> No.4408090

wow 0 improvement lol

>> No.4408091

No, I locked it briefly in response to a raid.

>> No.4408093

hi nanners <3

>> No.4408095

some of us are born to die

>> No.4408096


>> No.4408097
File: 34 KB, 1128x480, Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a trap!

>> No.4408101

i think youve improved. i can see it in your new years posts

>> No.4408102

>some of us are born to die
Like Stevie Washington, the Angry Youth?

>> No.4408114

like clockwork...

>> No.4408117

Who fucking cares tumor lmfao

>> No.4408121

looks like courtier didn't tag his submission as part of the productive challenge and got eliminated from the challenge. please reinstate him banan

>> No.4408122

I'll deal with it after I finish my dinner.

>> No.4408130

The amount of survivors lowers every month, is plein air august going to be just one guy?

>> No.4408140

Character swap challenge starts very soon, hope you’ve all got your characters ready

>> No.4408142

Oh fuck

>> No.4408145

What do dads eat for dinner? Do you eat certain foods for maximum gains? Like fish for that one kind of fat for the brain or nuts.

>> No.4408147

I might start doing them in the summer months because then I can go outside without it being dark and stormy all the time

>> No.4408152

Been eating chicken and vegetables for months now. I am too lazy to make anything, need to keep drawing.

>> No.4408153

Bro I used to make simple good rice and vegetable meals, but recently I have been living on pizza or skipping meals entirely. It ain't good man chaos just destroys your productivity. You end up wasting many hours a day unconsciously recuperating from the strain of a shitty life style

>> No.4408154

he eats the souls of the dead

>> No.4408159

I'm on a vegetarian bend for various reasons (trying to do six days out of seven, saturday's my cheat), so tofu pad thai and vegan lumpia takeout.

>> No.4408161

I'll probably combine OC sheet and OC swap coz I DONT HAVE PLENTY OF TIME AAAAGGHHH

>> No.4408162

How do you cook your chicken? Oven baked, no seasoning?

I do wonder if it does hurt that bad. Pizza does for me for sure, it must be all the weight and cheese. Skipping meals is okay though if I eat a larger meal down the line. But some days, even missing a simple meal knocks the wind out of me. Don't know why but I get auras.

Must be tough when there's not much to go around. Hoaqin is always complaining even though he eats so much.

Tofu pad thai? How does that work? Replace the noodles with tofu? Replace the veggies with tofu? I don't get it. Also have you ever tried the Impossible burger?

>> No.4408166
File: 303 KB, 517x366, 2298d34c-bae6-48b5-9bb4-c505ea376b9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first submission round ends on the 13th, plenty of time

>> No.4408168

There better be no Menes situation this time
Missing to draw your fellow dad's OC will have you executed on the spot

>> No.4408169

Tofu pad thai is just pad thai replacing the protein (beef / shrimp / chicken) with tofu instead.
It's ok, but loses a lot of the savory goodness of meat.

And yeah, I sometimes actually prefer the impossible burger to actual meat, and this is coming from someone who gets double meat on like everything. It does not taste like meat like everyone claims it does, but it does taste good. Miles better than the fucking veggie bean burger trash we used to have in the 90s/00s.

That being said, when Saturday comes a-knockin', I'm going to eat like a dragon again.

>> No.4408170


>> No.4408181

most days I don't really eat at all, maybe a snack in the middle and it'll be crackers or something
when I do eat dinner some chicken and rice with a nice sauce is nice
or lamb roast mmmm

>> No.4408189

I only care about my friend tbch.

>> No.4408190

was anyone else thinking about rudimentarily illustrating a recipe for Delicious Food

>> No.4408195
File: 435 KB, 1252x1800, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a dungeon meshi style?

>> No.4408196

A guy told me you dont need to draw from imagination, his work isnt that good but hes working in the games industry, please tell me that drawing from imagination is incredibly important for memorising concepts like i think it is, so i can shake the words of this guy out of my head

>> No.4408197

you don't have to

>> No.4408201

ask him to draw a kangaroo

>> No.4408202

don't corrupt my gains like this

>> No.4408203

Just photobash, kek, why waste time imagining when it's already done for you

>> No.4408204

was meant for >>4408197

>> No.4408205

*taints you*

>> No.4408206

Getting good and getting a job are different things, decide on which is more important to you first

>> No.4408209

Where do you get flour and oil?

>> No.4408215

what >>4408206 said
imagination is the fuel for your creativity
you don't need to be able to draw everything ex nihilo
but know enough about the stuff you want to draw, to be able to sketch your ideas comfortably with a level of polish

>> No.4408217

A large chunk of pros will always tell you to draw with reference. That doesn't mean to always copy/do photostudies, but that pure imagination work will always be worse than work that you look up refs for. Most of /ic/ doesn't know how to use refs properly so they push the imagination meme too far.

Doing rotations is a good example, and so is having a mood board. Even just having references for a style you want to emulate or an artist you look up to will help a lot. Going pure imagination meme will just hurt you until you have a strong foundation and have built a good visual library.

>> No.4408225

This really only applies if you're a concept artist.

>> No.4408227

thank you anons, I agree wholeheartedly. The benefits and drawbacks to drawing from imagination seem to be self evident from what I've done

>> No.4408230


>> No.4408234

thank you for always looking out for careless dads

>> No.4408243

none of the artists i like use ref...

>> No.4408261

I'm glad tsflipp is embracing the fur it's giving him nice color gains

>> No.4408263

furchads keep winning

>> No.4408265
File: 41 KB, 710x515, wojak_06.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every artist uses reference

the question is whether their reference is past or present

>> No.4408349


>> No.4408350

You actually fucking drawing

>> No.4408354

Damn, took you 34 hours to think of that burn huh?

>> No.4408383

Sorry for the delay. Account signups re-opened.

>> No.4408384

>slow down on drawing for just one day
>feel like lost 90% of my gains

>> No.4408386
File: 43 KB, 472x480, taste of death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel super optimistic and enjoying art a couple of days ago
>today I don't even want to try and just want coronachan to take me

>> No.4408390

This sounds homophobic

>> No.4408392

dad . gallery really rocks

>> No.4408393
File: 33 KB, 597x589, 1521223295734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that fucking feel
also feels like it takes way longer to warm up the day after slowing down for a bit

>> No.4408404

People who try to equate drawing from imagination to drawing from reference (but from the mind!) are just imaginationlets coping.

>> No.4408420
File: 81 KB, 447x604, 1341592948727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly use reference because I am too fucking lazy to find some.
Really wish I wasn't.

>> No.4408433
File: 434 KB, 1024x1024, 29153660990_429ff32fda_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4408432

>> No.4408449
File: 30 KB, 458x458, 1481053113771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a shineydog but no trip

>> No.4408454
File: 263 KB, 1500x979, hachiko-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, my bad.

>> No.4408456

*scratches doggy's head*