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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 423 KB, 1912x1117, 78298403_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4396199 No.4396199 [Reply] [Original]

Why You Should Copy Anime:

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Keep most of your personal works for /alt/ or the other critique threads. Here we should be drawing copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Effective Art Study Guide:

General Art Overview:

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:


Previous Thread:

>> No.4396206
File: 974 KB, 1200x1164, 73334176_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4396232
File: 400 KB, 1024x1024, SPAS-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to draw anime?

>> No.4396233

Anime ga daisuki

>> No.4396242

I hope crabs don’t ruin this thread like the last one.

>> No.4396243
File: 251 KB, 1081x1380, rl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider doing some quick sketches or gesture drawing from https://quickposes.com/en/gestures/random to help you understand how a figure flows through graceful S curves and how there is a rhythm involved between forms. Secondly continue to experiment with the proportions until you solve how to keep all forms in relationship to each other for instance the size of the hand is proportional to the bottom of the chin and to the browline which may translate to the top of the eyes in Amawus. Changing the perspective will help invoke a powerful composition that will leave the figure in either a dominant or submissive state depending on what you want to convey. Pick and chose which forms to invoke foreshortening and space such as overlapping T forms without investing too much in refining these same forms - it is all about simplicity and how effective you are in conveying abstract forms that suggest real world anatomy rather than conveying it fully. The best way you can describe an abstract form is to draw an incomplete circle and have your mind fill in the gaps, when it comes to Amawus less means more and the more you use this abstract form of suggestion and leaving it up to the viewer to interpret forms the more successful you will be in avoiding the uncanny valley.

Now open wide fuccboi.

>> No.4396248

>First time trying to draw a asshole
>All my references are black bar'd

I...should've seen this coming

>> No.4396249
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 1581211698745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi! i would appreciate any feedback, bully me pls (sorry for my english)

>> No.4396251

Are these threads worth posting in at this very moment?

>> No.4396255

Got a Twitter? I like it.

>> No.4396272

i like the style
me too dude, they the worst part of this threads
make them worth posting in

>> No.4396684

The big bad loomis is coming to get you, lmao.

>> No.4396702
File: 1.50 MB, 1284x995, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know if this is the right place to ask, i'm trying to study through date naoto's deconstruction illustrated and i'm trying to get these pink lines for a few images. not sure what they're called. can someone draw them for this woman in the three poses? i think i have a rough idea on where they go in the first one, but i'm completely lost for 2 and 3

>> No.4396703

to be more specific, i'm confused about the torso ones, the one that goes in the hips and the middle one. i just can't draw those two for the 2nd and 3rd images

>> No.4396744

You see lines like the ones on the hips, spine, and shoulders in gesture drawing. I don’t know if they have a specific name, but they’re just marking the tilt of the pelvis and curve of the spine.
Typically in construction the ribs are shown as boxes (or your choice of construction) tilted up, with the viewer seeing the bottom of the box, while the pelvis is tilted down. If you keep that in mind, the tilt of the pelvis shouldn't be hard to find as long as you adjust for her pose.
Try looking at some gesture drawings. Or read some Hampton. Ill leave the lines to someone better.

>> No.4396751
File: 1.51 MB, 1284x995, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a try

>> No.4396752

pick any spot on iliac crest and connect it to the same spot on the other side. start with simpler poses if you can't find it on those pictures.
using a doll can help hammer it into your brain.

>> No.4396781
File: 851 KB, 1951x2098, イラスト118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go through the Hitokaku books and post all progress here from now on, I'm on p 40 of the first book

Noice, I think it helps show my mistakes

>> No.4396784
File: 69 KB, 800x624, hitokakuposter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit brother, you're gmi

>> No.4396791


>> No.4396794

>those heads
I remember you. You were insufferable for some reason that I can't remember.

>> No.4396818

oh wait, the torso vertical line is from the back? i thought it was the front. that makes sense though. thanks

>> No.4396821

Dam... I'm following How to draw comics the marvel way and freehand figure drawing for ilustrators.

Hope, I'm not going wrong by following western teachers.

>> No.4396898
File: 1.52 MB, 1189x853, paintfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to learn digital painting. can I get some tips on how to make the painting look less muddy? any resources/good youtube channels for this?

>> No.4396901

>i'm trying to study through date naoto's deconstruction illustrated
Does he have a book around that topic? If so, link, please?

>> No.4396907

it's literally called that, retard

>> No.4396944

The anon just asked a question, why are you such an asshat?

>> No.4396982

because if you can't read the first post in the thread you're a retard that doesn't belong here.

>> No.4396984

actually this is exactly where retards belong, you and me included buddy

>> No.4396999

He asked IF IT IS part of a book, is it that hard to write
>Yes, it's in one of OP's links

>> No.4397000

>this retard actually replied to the wrong retard

>> No.4397005

It's late, I'm exhausted, but I still need my daily dose of /ic/

>>4396999 was obviously meant for >>4396982

>> No.4397203
File: 531 KB, 1920x1200, 02.29.20 study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get better at folds

>> No.4397206


>> No.4397209

thanks anon, no one really talks to me here ;_;

>> No.4397213

Well this isn’t really a place for talking if you know what I mean.

>> No.4397216

Is the discord any good?
not sure if im improving

>> No.4397231

Discord is okay, but it’s discord. Just remind yourself that you’re always improving when you draw even if you can’t tell.

>> No.4397406
File: 930 KB, 921x636, nolayersmasterracePNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't anime because i can't cell shade

>> No.4397484

How to git gud at drawing in 5 easy steps
1. draw something
2. identify the parts that look like shit
3. (optional pro tier master strategy) do research to learn why those parts look like shit and how to draw them properly
4. draw it again but do something different than last time
5. repeat until none of it looks like shit

That's not grinding. Theoretically, you could draw ONE piece and then study it closely enough and with enough focus that the second piece you draw is perfect. Of course that's not going to happen because drawing covers so much ground that no one piece contains all the skills required and so no one piece can reveal everything you're shit at.

The higher your IQ, the faster you'll be able to identify what looks like shit and why it looks like shit and you'll be faster at identifying the fixes - so, consequently, the less practice you need to put in. This is what people mean by "talent" most of the time. Most people aren't talented, they're just smart - and would be good at pretty much anything they do.

>> No.4397565

1. draw something
2. identify the parts that look like shit
3. everything looks like shit
4. draw it again but do something different than last time
5. repeat until none of it looks like shit
6. everything still looks shit
7. cry

>> No.4397584
File: 114 KB, 761x913, EMxRO9OUYAAlAZf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /asg/ I don't actually draw but I often have popular light novel/manga/anime illustrator's streams on second monitor and I was wondering what's the point of putting the same color everywhere at once when starting the coloring process rather than just directly coloring the relevant parts? Here's an example: https://twitter.com/shirabii/status/1231242666093867008
It makes more sense in this one since he uses the skin color but he often start coloring with green in his streams and it bothers me.

>> No.4397615

That green is just a rough sketch layer.

>> No.4397629

i've seen other nip artists do it on what becomes a final layer. i just assumed it was procrastinatng on picking colors

>> No.4397706

didn't even read
>couldn't even do a redline
thanks for nothing

>> No.4397737
File: 402 KB, 3994x2946, runefactory1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4397773
File: 774 KB, 2480x3507, RobinlasRifle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatcha guys think ? I thinking angle and arms looks not right.

>> No.4397804

You mean the first fill in? That's because it lets you create a layer where it's only your drawing area. You'll never go outside your lines at that point. Very convenient feature for illustrators. And yes, that means this layer can be whatever color because it's just like a lasso. Actually, you mention green? Green is the color of the selection pen which is like lasso except you can paint the selection.

>> No.4397895

right eye looks smaller than left one althought it is closer meaning it should be slightly bigger

>> No.4397896

What's the difference between Like and Bookmark on pixiv?
Some of my works have a higher Like rate than Bookmark, but the opposite also happens.
What makes a person choose one over the other and is more valuable to receive?

>> No.4397906

Like is just a like. Bookmark is like storing the artwork away to see it again.

>> No.4397926

I sometimes bookmark amateur pieces of artwork to remember not to do those same mistakes.

>> No.4397954

>Couldn't even do a redline
In your particular case a redline would have been useless you needed to redraw the entire thing.
>Thanks for nothing
I hope you at least saw it because someone seriously needs to put a dick in your mouth.

>> No.4397957
File: 361 KB, 548x666, 1582984712638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4397961
File: 642 KB, 896x1043, 61321475_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's what I meant, thank you. If I have another question I'll make sure to drop it here, watching nip artists sure is entertaining but learning random things like this feels satisfying.

>> No.4397967

More like you couldn't do a redline because you don't have the ability to, mikufaggot

>> No.4397972

Stay stupid /ic/

>> No.4397994

I REALLY need you to end yourself

>> No.4398196

>In your particular case a redline would have been useless you needed to redraw the entire thing.
Dumbest fucking meme on this board.
Protip, excuses for not redlining are as believable as excuses for not pyw'ing, i.e. not believable at all. If you don't post the material then people (correctly) assume that you don't actually have the skills.

>> No.4398793
File: 1.04 MB, 1488x2048, killy_sketch_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

improving bit by bit, started from copying, without loomis or anything, now i can draw heads and hands easily. Will need to work on legs and shading a bit more though.

Here's my most recent work.

>> No.4398795

Very neat

>> No.4398796

Thank you!

>> No.4398827

>killy without extreme contrast
it's blasphemy

>> No.4398927

you guys do realize either if you study loomis hampton or any other western guides, and you comapre to what manga and other asians artists do and teach, its the same fucking thing.

The only problem is people who either only "grind fundies" and people who only "mindless copy", hell even your idolized manga artists use same fucking construction as any other book or video in the world.

Just use 3D forms and cosntruction + artists study + applying knowledge to imaginative works and you got the best way to improve fast.

People say "do loomis" because people here dont even have ability to do correct construction and use arguments like "you only learn manga art by drawing manga" well laddie fucking da, your manga gods use SAME FUCKING CONSTRCUTION YOU REFUSE TO LEARN.

God sometimes i think humanity is doomed with so much blind idiocy.

>> No.4398954
File: 104 KB, 1200x535, 03.01.2020 삽질.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fck this shit

>> No.4398957

Wow you drew all of that?

>> No.4398958


>> No.4398960

>seething against strawmen

>> No.4398969

It has different shoulder head width ratio than i know

Referenced face of ashika and kenshirou
In same skull

>> No.4398997
File: 2.16 MB, 3000x2000, 2-29-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasn't very productive today, asg

>> No.4399007

Just use a shadow and you're half way there to rendering. Also got a blog or twitter?

>> No.4399012

>literally 0% of the shit posted here is actual studies of anime

>> No.4399013


>> No.4399093
File: 123 KB, 718x717, 1582366916087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have some idea in mind
>Try to draw it
>Fail several times, unable to pull it off
>The only drawings I can finish are merely by a sketch being somewhat decent merely by accident
This is frustrating

>> No.4399206
File: 241 KB, 900x1323, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not finished with this but what anime esc techniques or stylizations do you think could help my drawings?

>> No.4399220
File: 445 KB, 887x1315, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks better like this imo

>> No.4399224

Oh Shit no kidding I'm terrible at composition but this ups the dynamism. I really gotta think more intuitively..

>> No.4399240

Sounds like me. I need around 5 hours of drawing to produce 1 sketch that normal people would need 15min max. for. But nowadays I come back on another day to finish those sketches, so at least I have some finished stuff now as well.

>> No.4399292

Polished turd.

>> No.4399409


>> No.4399431

You first, dipshit.

>> No.4399434
File: 74 KB, 784x900, 1455574789878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4399441

>These are the posters that tell you to stop polishing turds

>> No.4399445


>> No.4399487

cant tell you exactly about digital
but when painting dont just put a blob of color mindlessly, make a shape out of the dominant color of a certain object and then work out the correct little details
just slapping a big brown shit as the background wont do it justice, you wont get any sense of space like that

>> No.4399516

Look at reference of someone holding a rifle.

>> No.4399534

You fucked up the right arm (the bent one). Start at the collarbone, your mistake starts there. It’s not moving up as it should. Raise your right arm and feel your collarbone. Notice how it moves? Now, that connects to the shoulder, which you didn’t draw. You merged it with the neck and hid it behind the arm. Stand in front of a mirror and fo the sane pose, notice your shoulder? The front deltoid should show, and that muscle and the bicep both connect at the arm pit. Then, you drew a cylinder for the arm with not curvature. Lastly, the elbow is bending wrong. It’s bending behind her head at an impossible angle, almost like it’s broken. Again, try this pose yourself. Elbow should be bending to where you see the underside of the elbow in front of the forearm.

>> No.4399554

i didnt draw it

>> No.4399569

No wonder that pose looked kinda fucked thanx

>> No.4399578

try to think more in 3D, pick up hampton

>> No.4399620


>> No.4399648

unfortunately no, i'm just starting to take serious drawing anime and i dont have too much drawings to post, but thank for asking!
thank you anon i didn't notice that flaw, i'm going to change it
thanks for the recomendation, how should i approach the book? do i just copy the drawings and try to internalize them?

>> No.4399659

pay special attention to the opening salvo of the book on gesture. I would copy while making note of the concepts discussed such as landmarks, C S I, wrapping lines, asymmetry, the spine, etc. up to head anatomy

then do gestures or drawings from ref (such as croquis cafe) or from imagination, trying to specifically apply these concepts

>> No.4399690
File: 60 KB, 1366x659, xl s. ecjlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a tablet last week. I've been practicing the whole week and this is the first thing I made. I think I'll make the switch over to digital for good.

>> No.4399697

Very nice brushwork. I couldn't do this even if I wanted. Especially love the texture, it's like watercolor paper.

>> No.4399968
File: 202 KB, 1557x1446, kerbayarshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I place the eyes so she doesn't look retarded?
Please help.

>> No.4400073

Use the same principles found from Loomis's fun with a pencil.

>> No.4400082

Copy lots of anime.
This literally doesn't work.

>> No.4400085

This is cute, I could tell right away it was Kobayashi.

>> No.4400089
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, 1576557736465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like any kind of critique/feed back from this please. I feel like drawing the face and hair is my biggest weakness right now. I also can't really draw anything below the torso.

>> No.4400093

You may use the same exact approach as found in fun with a pencil to draw any head regardless of style. The biggest irony of it all is that you all want to stylize but are completely oblivious to the fact that even Loomis teaches you a stylized approach in order to demonstrate that you may even draw a realistic head using the same fundamental properties found in that book but because it isn't written in your moon runes and the eyes are not the size of half the face you completely disregard that gem.

>> No.4400096

Just because you’re retarded doesn’t mean others are, anon.

>> No.4400103

Draw an anime head using Loomis.
And you have to show every step and construction line so we know you actually followed a step by step procedure and didn't just use your intuition about what anime looks like.

>> No.4400107

thanks, I'll give it a try.
>copy lots of anime
That's my plan, but I can't help but get frustrated when the eyes look off no matter how I adjust them.
Thanks, that means a lot.

>> No.4400114

I think your biggest point of improvement is line quality.
I like the expression.

>> No.4400118
File: 608 KB, 1649x742, Roomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time we tried to spoon feed one of you, you didn't even bother to read a single thing we tried to put out. Take this amawuhead for what you will.

>> No.4400135

pls post your work explaining your process and how its different from any other method of drawing western or eastern, the anon above who actually accepted the recommendation of hampton is literally GMI just for the fact he goes after knowledge to apply to his own works. While you blind idiots think you are gonna go past /beg/ level copying something for years just to figure out the best method that you could have learned in 1 hour.

If you think manga artists and anime animators only draw that and cant do anything else, youre dillusional.

>> No.4400136

There is hardly any relationship at all between the curve you drew across the face and the eyes. The curve shows the tilt of the head but that's it, after that it was all your intuition and prior experience that told you how to draw the eyes. Therefore it's disingenuous to say that you have a "method" for "constructing" them.

>> No.4400138
File: 523 KB, 756x715, 1569471477003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think your biggest point of improvement is line quality.
Any general tips to amend this besides more practice? I feel like I'm not confident enough to do clean lines.
>I like the expression.
Thanks, I really like confused anime girls. It's very cute.

>> No.4400146

>Any general tips to amend this besides more practice? I feel like I'm not confident enough to do clean lines.
It really does just come down to more practice.
You could try doing some of Peter Han's exercises or the first lesson from drawabox.
Try to just draw longer lines and you'll gain confidence over time.

>> No.4400155

I can assure you that you'll use more than just intuition to draw the eyes, you'll also use ellipses that are foreshortened and within perspective just like Teal used in order to work with the form within the socket of the skull. Do your own research.

>> No.4400158
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1582617068069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help. It is very much appreciated.

>> No.4400159

That’s how the last thread went, lmao.

>> No.4400177

>ellipses that are foreshortened and within perspective
Which you will, of course, draw with your intuition based on previous experience of copying drawings of anime eyes.
I am gonna go out on a limb and say that most professional mangaka and animators have LITERALLY NEVER gone through the steps of precisely constructing an ellipse in perspective, unless it was for a class in art school, in which case, they would have been doing it after they were already perfectly adept at drawing anime eyes anyway. (Because they learned as kids/teenagers rather than in their 20s like most people on this board.)

>> No.4400184

There is literally no method you can learn in an hour that will let you draw good anime faces. There have been lots of /beg/s who come through /beg/ and /asg/ posting bad anime faces. None of them ever go from bad to good in one hour. It doesn't happen. Is it because 100% of them are retarded and can't read Loomis? Really?

>> No.4400216

You don't need to copy anymore you've already gotten enough immersion of the amawustyle from this site alone the immersion is there already. You will learn a lot more starting from scratch using nothing but basic forms as seen in fun with a pencil and learning how to refine these forms into whatever you want them to be it's all about working on forms ontop of other forms and understanding the mechanics behind space such as overlapping forms, using T shapes, and exaggerating the figure using graceful S and C curves.

>> No.4400256

Reminder not to reply to any posters who use that forced meme

>> No.4400293
File: 148 KB, 1199x771, construction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried again with construction this time.
Does this look better? I honestly can't tell anymore.

>> No.4400308
File: 745 KB, 1500x800, 1362957867292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this and start practicing box forms and pick up perspective made easy by ernest norling.

>> No.4400312

will do. thanks.

>> No.4400313

>le teal man look at me draw boxes and lines around shit while my intuition and mileage does all the heavy lifting

>> No.4400318

Like has no purpose but to show the artist that you like it. Bookmark is the same thing but also you can find that work in your bookmarks later.

>> No.4400325

Lines not always have 100% opacity, if you not fill it at the start it will look bad

>> No.4400363

>forced meme
t. can't draw

>> No.4400368

I think he's talking about Snowy Snowman.
Loomis is also a forced meme though t. b. h.

>> No.4400373

Wtf is Snowy Snowman
And uh, no, its really not.

>> No.4400389
File: 197 KB, 506x900, 20200301_184845 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm horrible drawing anime but i do like to draw it every blue moon. Stopped drawing so i deteriorated. Hows the face?

>> No.4400395

Could use some Loomis

>> No.4400398

i'm more a morpho guy

>> No.4400405

Doesn't look like you're an anything guy

>> No.4400409

I read loomis and I can't draw a jawline worth shit.

>> No.4400410

You have to do more than just read it

>> No.4400415

Sorry you fell for the meme.
Just copy lots of anime and do what they do and experiment to see what works.

>> No.4400424

It's not a meme, its called being retarded and expecting to be able to magically know shit without putting in the work

>> No.4400446

See this is where Loomisfags start having trouble defending their dogma.
So even after reading Loomis you still have to "put in the work" to be able to draw heads. Ok, that's fair. But then, what exactly did Loomis give me in the first place? Aren't you admitting that the majority of my progress will be coming from my own practice rather than Loomis? I thought Loomis was supposed to give me a repeatable, teachable method for drawing heads? If he's not giving me that then what exactly is he giving me?

>> No.4400458
File: 98 KB, 400x400, 1583105972008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4400460

I find it hard to believe someone is actually this stupid. Loomis gives you a method of drawing heads. But to get good at it you obviously need to practice. Is this really that hard for you to understand?
>what exactly did Loomis give me in the first place
the ability to draw heads?
>I thought Loomis was supposed to give me a repeatable, teachable method for drawing heads
it is?
>If he's not giving me that then what exactly is he giving me
he is giving you that?
are you actually retarded? 12 years old?

>> No.4400461

Yeah bro just ignore and reinvent all the artistic knowledge accumulated and developed by master artists for the last 2000 years, just like use your head man!

>> No.4400474
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 1582933436821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4400487

Loomis his method is fine for drawing anime, you just have to tweak the proportions a bit depending on what type of character you want to draw.
Any head construction is fine, so just choose whatever method works for you whether it's loomis, hampton, steve huston or hogarth, they're all good and give you enough freedom to create pretty much any type of head.
However, the copyfag is right that you still have to copy drawings of anime just to aquire the symbols and general proportions of anime.
Copying and construction aren't mutually exclusive, you copy anime through construction.

>> No.4400492

Yeah no shit, no one except copyfag is saying otherwise.

>> No.4400494

You weren't here last thread then.
People were arguing about whether you should just grind fundies or draw anime.

>> No.4400498

I was here last thread. You should grind fundies and then apply it to anime. Its that simple. Anti-fundytards just like attacking the strawman that if you do fundies you aren't supposed to practice anime, which is not true.

>> No.4400499

and what was the conclusion?

>> No.4400505


>> No.4400506

You don't first learn fundies and then draw anime.
That way you'll never actually draw anime since there's always something to improve in terms of the fundamentals.
You learn the fundamentals by copying better artists and analysing how their drawings came to be.
It's a lot more efficient than "grinding" fundies, which for the most part is just a waste of time.
Take this from someone who has wasted the better part of a year grinding fundies.

>> No.4400514

aren't you supposed to learn fundies and at the same time draw anime?

>> No.4400521

>You don't first learn fundies and then draw anime.
yes you do, that's literally the point
>That way you'll never actually draw anime since there's always something to improve in terms of the fundamentals
>You learn the fundamentals by copying better artists and analysing how their drawings came to be
yeah better artists, i wish there were some good artists who wrote books on how to draw hmmmm
>It's a lot more efficient than "grinding" fundies, which for the most part is just a waste of time
yeah if you're retarded
>Take this from someone who has wasted the better part of a year grinding fundies
So you're just admitting your incompetence and this whole post can be ignored, got it

>> No.4400524
File: 104 KB, 254x325, 1583107474249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part is at least communicable intuition that's worth extracting from it.

>> No.4400534

You learn fundies WHILE drawing anime.
Just because something is stylized doesn't mean you can't learn anything from it.
Download a bunch of your favourite artist's drawings and follow these simple steps:
1. trace the drawing first, this is more of a confidence thing
2. try to construct the drawing out of simple forms like spheres, cubes and cilinders
3. lay your drawing on top of the drawing you're copying to check proportions and where you messed up, fix it if needed
4. now draw the contour and notice where the T overlaps happen, these are very important to show depth
5. now do it again, but without looking at the reference

If you're struggling with step 2 in terms of proportions, add a grid on top of the reference, draw that same grid and simply connect the dots.

>> No.4400539

post your anime girls

>> No.4400556

want to post your work?

>> No.4400565
File: 1.66 MB, 2873x2257, studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4400573

and not a thing was studied that day.

>> No.4400575

You people can never be satisfied can you. Just deny deny anything that goes against your views.

>> No.4400580

very cute fundikun

>> No.4400581

>knows that loomis work for anime and recommend it, which is good
>drawing is totally wrong and show nothing but a symbol drawing-tier understanding of the planes of the face
ngmi if I say so

>> No.4400583

I think what he means is that you should probably break stuff down into simple shapes more to call it an actual study.
Right now it just looks like you're drawing a loomis ball and then the rest you just straight up copy from ref instead of using construction lines.

>> No.4400586

Mikufag is improving compared to these fucks, lmao. There’s no hope for those retarded dipshits.

>> No.4400588

Well obviously I erased a lot of the construction to make it presentable.
> you just straight up copy from ref instead of using construction lines
yeah? because I'm studying a source. construction lines? what are you talking about.

>> No.4400591

>construction lines? what are you talking about.
Usually when people study faces, they draw grids to fully understand the placement of the features.
The loomis method is pretty shitty for actual studying.

>> No.4400593

>bottom right
so this is where loomis gets you?
yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.4400594

What's the reason none/few of you use the Hitokaku method for animu? It uses boxes so it seems a lot easier than spheres to me.

>> No.4400595

please die crabs.

>> No.4400597

Well I drew the planes of the face if that's what you're referencing, but again, its not shown for presentation.

>> No.4400599

Hey I'm the copyfag you were mostly arguing with. What percentage of this was imagination/reference? If these were from imagination then I admit these are cute and good, better than what I could do at least. So, good job.
However I will say that the majority of the appeal here comes from the competently anime-styled eyes and your good linework, both of which you did not learn from Loomis. There's also so many variables like how much of the face the eyes take up, how far down the chin extends, etc... that it's hard to say that there's really a repeatable method here. It's hard to say what you took from Loomis besides the idea of drawing a circle for the head and a line to show which way the head is tilting.

>> No.4400603

>cope cope cope cope cope cope
ok cool. This is akin to covering your eyes and saying "la la la la don't help me"
You're literally just calling me a liar that I used loomis to construct these.

>> No.4400604

Didn't the studio ghibli guy that got posted last thread say to just copy?
He never mentioned any construction methods or whatever.

>> No.4400609

You will forever stay as a retarded /beg/. I would ask you to pyw, but you admitted that your work is a lot worse than the examples posted above.

>> No.4400615

Yup just went through his blog as well, all he says is to just copy as precisely as possible to the point of using grids.

>> No.4400619

Ok, sure, I am calling you a liar. There's clearly so many elements to the drawings not found in Loomis that I can't see how you can still call it a Loomis head or how he gives you any knowledge at all that can be helpful here, besides "keep the eyes lined up". Gee, who couldn't figure that out.

>> No.4400622

Also I notice you didn't say how much of this was referenced or not. If it was referenced then it's literally worthless as evidence of anything.

>> No.4400625

They're called studies.
Obviously they're all referenced.

>> No.4400628

You're hopeless

>> No.4400630
File: 3.31 MB, 2000x1498, 1581976222338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, well in that case here, I can draw copies too. It's not hard. It doesn't even require construction!
Obviously the conversation is about what methods are effective for learning how to draw from imagination.

>> No.4400631

stop being retarded

>> No.4400632
File: 37 KB, 345x134, 1582909606668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus you are beyond retarded

>> No.4400636

Post your work from imagination.

>> No.4400637

Imagination drawing is just symbol drawing.
So it doesn't really matter whether you use construction or not as long as you can memorize the drawings you are copying, or atleast certain parts of them.

>> No.4400640

>fundikun literally follows the advice in op
>crabs seethe

>> No.4400644

>it's another "anitards get baited by 1 person for the rest of this thread" episode

>> No.4400650
File: 739 KB, 1976x856, imagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are you even arguing. Here's some faces from imagination. Your turn

>> No.4400653

How do I get as good as faces as you? I can do good bodies, but I can't do cute faces like you and cute hair styles.

>> No.4400654

Stop replying.
He's clearly just trying to derail this thread like he did the last one

>> No.4400655

First time here, is it usually like this? What the fuck?

>> No.4400661
File: 2.64 MB, 1500x1302, 1582152357475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl with the raccoon ears pulling her eye open and sticking her tongue out
Welp, you're the exact same person I argued with last thread.

>> No.4400667

>/beg/s fighting /beg/s
every time

>> No.4400669

Based drawchads. Getting a room and making up together when?

>> No.4400671

Oh shit, those are actually not bad.
Was copyfag right all this time?

>> No.4400679

>Literally includes a hampton construction head while trying to argue you don't need fundies
what's your endgame here
>beg trying to get some kind of high ground for what purpose

>> No.4400682
File: 325 KB, 701x612, 9D357DDC-2053-4831-8E1F-B57A53932B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Pastime.

>> No.4400688

they're both wrong because they spend all their time arguing instead of making progress on drawing cute anime bodies to go with the heads.

>> No.4400694

If you don't fight to defend your own methods, you're NGMI.

>> No.4400696

>Was copyfag right all this time
"copyfag" is only wrong that you don't need any fundies or construction, but he kind of invalidated his argument here by posting himself using fundies and construction.

>> No.4400709

>they fell for the construction meme
Construction is really only useful when drawing complex things, anime characters are already simplified enough.
Anime is meant to be an artstyle focused on animation(no shit) so it's a style that animators should comfortably be able to draw for many frames and keep it looking on model.
The only "construction" you need is a center line.
Anime characters are already made up of very basic shapes.

>> No.4400714
File: 286 KB, 1000x734, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id ask why everyone itt is so retarded but its /asg/ after all

>> No.4400718

Only people with no talent are here. Talented artist are in the real drawthreads.

>> No.4400730
File: 11 KB, 261x244, 1503209086854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only people with no talent are here

>> No.4400733

there are no real drawthreads

>> No.4400737

Yeah, there is a generic Hampton head in there because that pic was from a night when I was reading Hampton. I've never actually found the process of drawing out a constructed head like that helpful when drawing an anime head though. Am I better because I have been exposed to the concept of a Loomis/Hampton head? Probably. It's good to understand the idea of a wrapping line around the skull, and that the head has a side plane. But actually following a "method" like they lay out? So far I have not found that useful. I like to start with the eyes and features for example before drawing the jaw. But I am also a /beg/ and maybe my methods will change over time.
I think "more Loomis" and "learn fundies" are poor advice because it implies that you can progress by acquiring more knowledge, when actually I think most progress comes from observing other artists, and from simple trial and error. This has been my experience in drawing so far.

>> No.4400739

You mean /alt/? That thread is literally the only saving grace in here.

>> No.4400742

Please stop copying anime.

>> No.4400747

no talent isnt worse than having head-up-ass learning philosophies, or worse, spending all day posting instead of drawing
this thread is literally just containment for /beg/s who would otherwise post in /alt/

>> No.4400751

Right because if you copy fat nude models or draw boxes instead then THAT'S the real way to get good at anime.

>> No.4400752

I think steve ahn also does the features first and then the head contour.
He only uses a center line as construction like >>4400709 said

>> No.4400753

Essentially, yes. At least you will be able to recognize the natural flow and movement of a real figure hence the term life drawing.

>> No.4400755

That's basically what I like to do the most so far.

>> No.4400757

I fell for this and did life drawings for an entire year. Didn't improve 1 single bit in terms of anime drawing.

>> No.4400758

Apply yourself.

>> No.4400759

I would hope that your ability to draw bodies improved though?
If you literally only copied from life and never tried to apply it when drawing from imagination, then yeah you screwed yourself.

>> No.4400760

In fact I was somehow worse than when I started

>> No.4400761

It’s not a meme, it’s just that you’re too retarded to apply on what you learn to your anime drawings.

>> No.4400763

How is this the only reply you guys have?
>Loomis didn't help
>"you're retarded"
>Life drawing didn't help
>"you're retarded"
Literally what evidence would it take for you to consider the possibility that it's your methods that are flawed?

>> No.4400765

Imagine being this bad, kek

>> No.4400767

There's actually a lot of people who fell for this, hence why you see so many grotesque drawings of realistic looking bodies with weirdly shaped anime heads on top on sites like deviantart and tumblr.
It's not that they lack knowledge, they just got so used to drawing realistic humans that it's hard to go back to a more simplified style.

>> No.4400768
File: 2.90 MB, 1104x612, sssscjin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs construction
>he needs refs

ughh ....YIKES!!!!!

>> No.4400771

based wide eyed anime draw anon

>> No.4400774

It was my mistake for thinking retards like you can actually improve.

>> No.4400783

>only head drawings
Ayo can 1 of you loomisnegroes or life-drawingtards post an actual full figure from imagination?

>> No.4400784

>the no drawing poster wants others to draw for him
Post your work

>> No.4400786 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1125x1888, 49770557-2E66-45BD-8AE1-642F931B8FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiky hair!

>> No.4400788
File: 125 KB, 489x475, 1572468689597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just proved our point that construction is necessary. While there may be some random nip that may execute a passable and well proportioned amawuface without the use of construction that is directly coming from years of developed motor skills. However that does not mean they do not utilize the same manner of construction found from Loomis in their mind.

>> No.4400790

I'm not claiming wild things like "draw from life to improve anime drawing" so I have nothing to proof.
You guys on the other hand should be able to back up your claims, right?

>> No.4400794

>he thinks this is good
based dunning kreuger

>> No.4400795

This is like a cult level of delusion.

>> No.4400797
File: 359 KB, 1080x1331, 1583087221880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont use construction i just feel the form, sorry to break it to you

>> No.4400800

Where do you think you are?

>> No.4400802
File: 190 KB, 375x424, 1582911352896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PYW!(webm not work)

>> No.4400805

Here you go phaggot.
You're an absolute imbecile.

>> No.4400812 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 477x800, KnightCrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiky Hair!

>> No.4400823

Based satania chad

>> No.4400828
File: 248 KB, 1000x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read hampton jesus christ please im begging you all

you have no conception of the 3 dimensionality of the face
hampton isnt important because of the "idea of a wrapping line around the skull", its because every single object is a 3d object, which can be reinforced with wrapping lines + T-intersections. This is in the first chapter, which you should be studying religiously

if you have to copy someones anime drawings, go get Art of Yoshinari Rough Sketches from the Artbook Thread because it will kick your fucking ass, and you'll be better off for it

>> No.4400835

>Inb4 called a crab

>> No.4400844

got a twitter?

>> No.4400853
File: 214 KB, 486x648, weeban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4400922

what is his blog?

>> No.4400930
File: 286 KB, 800x600, wild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not claiming wild things like "draw from life to improve anime drawing" so I have nothing to proof.
sometimes i think it's a helpless addiction, scrolling through these threads... but these posts make it all worth it. the wording is just fantastic

>> No.4400960

Do you ever wonder if a Nip from 2ch happens to come here and see's threads like these with everyone treating their style as some type of holy grail that takes decades of imitating from some certified amawumaster when in fact all it takes is the use of simple principles set forth on any good instructional book?

>> No.4400968

2ch is even worse than the fags here so don't worry about that.

>> No.4400970

fat lipped chink

>> No.4400974

I wonder that too, anon.

>> No.4400975

How long did this drawing take you that you drew it in reply to that post?

>> No.4400979

At least an hour. Use your fucking head.

>> No.4400987

Wait, can you copy that?

>> No.4400994

No, but you can recreate it as your own interpretation. You don't ever want to copy instead you want to reference and depict it from your own perception. Consider viewing this video https://youtu.be/9Dg8w6gk4cE

>> No.4401000

it really caught on, huh?
the doodle took about 20 minutes, didn't really spend time to clean it up on another layer

>> No.4401002

defuq is amawu

>> No.4401005

I rather copy, this is just a waste of time.

>> No.4401013
File: 538 KB, 1100x1020, 1581612772237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay dumb, stay mediocre, stay incredibly stupid.

>> No.4401015

>only 20 mins to draw that good
So fine

>> No.4401019


>> No.4401023


>> No.4401028

absolutely fucking based twice

>> No.4401029

I love this thread

>> No.4401032

Okay so am I following this thread correctly? If I want to draw like >>4400930 and not like >>4401023
I use reference but not construction and no copying?

>> No.4401038
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, 1582552880171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4401040

The point we're trying to get across you numskulls is to not copy but instead make an observation, apply fundamental drawing approaches and create an idea based on your own concepts and interpretation of the reference. This is in essence what art has always been, an imitation of life idealized by the individual.

>> No.4401045

Stfu crab and pyw.

>> No.4401047
File: 1.01 MB, 1778x849, Illustration3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4401050

>make an observation, apply fundamental drawing approaches and create an idea based on your own concepts and interpretation of the reference

>> No.4401051

the based just keeps coming

>> No.4401052

You’re not much better than me, so whatever.

>> No.4401054

Post your work, mikufag has been drawing way longer and has more experience. You probably can barely draw one pose.

>> No.4401055
File: 594 KB, 800x1200, 1580911169525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an observation, apply fundamental drawing approaches and create an idea based on your own concepts and interpretation of the reference

>> No.4401058

>drawing way longer and has more experience
>this bad
that argument probably won't convince this anon, if anything he is an example to not follow kekw

>> No.4401068
File: 38 KB, 234x512, Pyw cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's your turn, dipshit.

>> No.4401078


>> No.4401079
File: 187 KB, 600x338, 6a6b8751ea76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4401084
File: 764 KB, 1920x1080, 1563916992692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4401087
File: 1007 KB, 800x846, deec4f39cf95eb00983da2c148576ce8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta get as good at drawing dragon ball as this Fenyo guy
Hes so good

>> No.4401089

Less talking and more copying/drawing.

>> No.4401090

Stop copying anime.

>> No.4401091

No way
Its way too late
Time for bed

>> No.4401098

fundies in layout and composition

>> No.4401100

If only it were that easy

>> No.4401113
File: 1.84 MB, 3058x3435, doujin000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one study

>> No.4401114
File: 73 KB, 639x896, elf cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one from imagination

>> No.4401116

your face needs this.


>> No.4401118


I don't see it, could you change the image to show me what you mean?

>> No.4401122
File: 655 KB, 1107x854, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we all just stop arguing and shitpost anime girls

>> No.4401124

Can you stop chicken scratching.

>> No.4401126

I drew this in microsoft whiteboard, chicken scratching is the aesthetic

>> No.4401132
File: 1.29 MB, 2057x1766, 03B2FF92-1197-4721-9A01-B130DAF80212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the eye melts into the area where head meets ear. I tried redlining over but it wasn’t readable. Hope this makes sense.

>> No.4401137


>> No.4401139

thank you for the critique friendo.

>> No.4401142
File: 258 KB, 2000x900, sims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I've drawn that's not a copy, I intended to just move on after lineart and draw something else with some perspective to it but my fucking OCD wouldn't allow it. Next thing I knew I was spending all sorts of time learning how to color and shade in CSP in order to finish it. Granted I was going to need to learn that eventually anyway, but I feel like I should have instead been working on quicker sketches to practice fundies at my current level

>> No.4401145

ahhh, thanks anon, also liked how your hair curved along the clavicule :D

>> No.4401146
File: 319 KB, 1000x1000, 69.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew this a couple weeks ago. tell me whatcha think, I need to improve

>> No.4401147
File: 159 KB, 750x864, 1500764358365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4401149

it's great imo, hands are kinda fucked tho.

>> No.4401153

thanks! I love how @mugiunk draws bodies, so I went for that style with the hands. may have kind over done it a bit though, huh. thanks again!

>> No.4401154

they're about to run into each other, someone should tell them

>> No.4401163

haha yes they are! I struggle a lot with poses. thanks for pointing that out, didn't even notice!

>> No.4401164

yeah I could see the style, it has a lot of charm.

the hand of the blonde boy look really strange, on the other boy just make those two lifted fingers a bit more fat and it's great imo.

now just nitpicking, the legs should be funneling towards the knee, but they're kinda constant in size, I know it's incomplete but you asked for any kind of observation hehe.

keep it up anon!

>> No.4401173
File: 511 KB, 1343x1845, 2FC8CFAF-4D6B-4BA3-B763-E320AAF3FBD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Hope you understood what I tried to point out. Post your edit when ya fixed it.

I redrew the art how I’d do it but I think you are right. My art has no soul, no appeal and I can’t draw anime...

>> No.4401177

looks like an annoying orange character

>> No.4401183
File: 826 KB, 1578x875, CLIPStudioPaint_CIfRO3v2LZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.4401187

looks perfect. except the ear seems micro small. did u draw the head and place it or was it an after thought? atm it looks like an afterthought. also her pupils look cockeyed but thats a easy af fix

>> No.4401194

I just drew over the redline and then change the face proportions til I saw fit, for me the most severe problem of the orginal are the cheek and jaw lines.

>> No.4401203


sorry! Your right. was looking through a phone and i guess i didn't see right. yours does look vastly superior tho. the eyes really do it. also i left the cheek and stuff more or less how they had it since i didn't want to change the style all too much i guess.

>> No.4401210

Extreme disdain, a rather stern woman
Mild disdain, elitist but not super rude about it.
A gentler soul, more apathetic or even mildly afraid.

>> No.4401246

I like this image. It shows the power of /asg/ and the different styles we've got. All anime and yet such differences are present.

>> No.4401250

>the power of /asg/
pure condensed autism, you're right

>> No.4401395


>> No.4401402

what do you use? photoshop?

>> No.4401483
File: 167 KB, 636x1500, toriyama study wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4401527

He can't keep getting away with drawing the exact same character over and over and only slightly varying the face and pose each time, and thinking that this makes him a master artist who can give authoritative advice to people?
Unfortunately, I think he will keep getting away with it.

>> No.4401558

Mikufag has better authority than those only copyfags. I would rather listen to him than those retards.

>> No.4401589


what is this autism?

>> No.4401727

holy shit, just read Bridgman at this point

>> No.4401763
File: 469 KB, 512x807, 1505664386174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4402055

Redline it if its so bad

>> No.4402271

How do I get good enough to be literally indistinguishable from an Asian artist.
I want to make a fake jap name and have people never know I'm an amerifat.

>> No.4402275


>> No.4402445

need name suggestions? how about Yuu Tso Gei

>> No.4402671

Don't. I do this and I get messaged by japs and I hardly understand more than 10 words in the language and can never respond properly. It really is difficult not being able to fully communicate with the community without outing your self as a non jap.

>> No.4402677

>tfw won't be messaged by japs even though know more Japanese than this anon

>> No.4402713

I'll translate for you for $1000

>> No.4402801
File: 561 KB, 724x1500, _redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4402945
File: 406 KB, 1469x2000, beck study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish this guy was drawing more.

>> No.4403115
File: 23 KB, 885x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to SebastiAn and Le Le

>> No.4403132

New Thread: