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File: 925 KB, 1340x670, dc21i1q-02b84420-3bda-48cc-a1fb-b51df537bccf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4397809 No.4397809 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more disgusting than western-anime hybrid styles?

>> No.4397811

Yeah, your taste.

>> No.4397812

Wait the Dofus artist is doing tutorials on gumroad? And gumroad got a new logo too? This is pretty cool.

>> No.4397825

Looks pretty cute honestly.

>> No.4397828


>> No.4397845
File: 381 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_nwoc89G9ws1u0dofbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from the Dofus artist?
Anyways French anime-western hybrid art is top-tier

>> No.4397855

I bet you can't even draw a fuckin head, you stupid ngmi fag.

>> No.4397857

Tracey Emin. Mark Rothko. Matisse

>> No.4397874

love the exaggerated shapes on those designs

>> No.4397883

DOFUS is great what do you mean

>> No.4397886

All of those look like they could have been made by a japanese person without claiming "western" style but just manga

>> No.4397898
File: 176 KB, 1116x1920, xavier-houssin-panda-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually agree, but Xavier Houssin artstyle is very appealing to me. Wakfu is a cult hit for a reason.

>> No.4397899
File: 447 KB, 750x898, 1583005074277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree but delete this picture

>> No.4397900

Your mom

>> No.4397908

Get better taste, dipshit.

>> No.4397971


>> No.4397973

Silence, dog

>> No.4397974

go cry somwere else idiot

>> No.4397988
File: 180 KB, 990x990, 1580078256770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the fourth fucking time we've had this thread this week. Why do you faggots keep making them? Instead of complaining about others artstyles why not try to develop your own and stop sucking dick and draw


>> No.4398016

The french are an exception those legs and how the torso compliments the feminine figure are to die for.

>> No.4398049

This is basically a Disney style. Are you serious right now?

>> No.4398056
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, andrewcockroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything more disgusting than western-anime hybrid styles?

Nah i'm thinking you're just blind

>> No.4398059

I like this but not her nose

>> No.4398092

Artist name?

>> No.4398098

wow this looks great
thanks for the recommendation OP

>> No.4398172

Andrew cockroach on insta, really love his work

>> No.4398245

Your mother.

Kill yourself you shit eating faggot and pray that you get better taste in your next life.

>> No.4398257

>hating on xa

how does it feel to have shit taste?

>> No.4398260

delete yourself

>> No.4398264

Unfortunately he has a really weird fetish with pubic hair.

>> No.4398312

Really? Based. Following from now on.

>> No.4398316

Any cartoon stlye which wasn't started in the western world in the twentieth century is anime garbage. No exceptions.

>> No.4398318

i'm guilty of that. anime is such a big aesthetical influence in this century that you really had to go out of your way to try and ignore it and not get at least somewhat influenced by it

>> No.4398373

>realistic hair growth is a weird fetish
the pedo agenda has warped a generation

>> No.4398379

I think he uses it more as an aesthetically choice rather than a fixation

>> No.4398405

>not liking xa
>not liking ankama
Off yourself

>> No.4398467
File: 243 KB, 880x1060, 76167959_p2 ramchop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western-anime hybrid styles
>not anime-western hybrid styles

>> No.4398554

What if I have a fetish for hairy lolis?

>> No.4398594

And those sickos who brush their teeth, don't they know its realistic to have rotting stumps in their mouth?

>> No.4398613

I'm anti-pubic hair but I think this argument doesn't work because rotting stumps has a mechanical disadvantage over healthy teeth while pubic hair doesn't have any non-aesthetic downsides (as far as I can tell, maybe I'm wrong).

>> No.4398634

>rotting bodyparts and non-childish features are the same
yeah, that's the pedo mindset alright

>> No.4398803

there's nothing more disgusting than western """anime""" art.

>> No.4398826

Adults can shave their genitals too, douchebag.

>> No.4398830

that art style doesn't look any worse than any of the modern pokemon games

>> No.4398846

>non-childish features
do you think shaving arms/legs/armpits is pedo?

>> No.4398909

are those erogenous zones?
don't answer that you sick fuck

>> No.4398912

I don't mind the pub hair, art is good enough to ignore that.

>> No.4398951
File: 113 KB, 716x537, HUFF HUFF HUFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huff huff
>mmm yes quite pungent
>nice and bushy love that undergrowth

>> No.4398970

That's the best thing about him tho

>> No.4398992

You're not supposed to eat so much sugar you fucking autist. Teeth only rot because of our unnatural diet.

>> No.4398999

We had anime rolling on prime time TV since the eighties and our comic book store have all a manga part that is as big or sometimes even bigger as the european (franco-belge) and american comic combined.
If I remember correctly we are the 2nd market worldwide in manga sale after japan.

>> No.4400235


>> No.4400291

Is this fake anime or not?

>> No.4400402
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1565743887545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, xaxaxa's works are great. I don't even like shortstacks, but he makes them appealing.

Worst of Looney Tunes meets Saint Seiya.
Looks stiff and below Ankama levels, dude's probably not very experienced yet.

I like loli and hate shaved grownup women, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.4400420

Amawus getting mad again

>> No.4400464

xaxaxa draws shortstacks?

>> No.4400488
File: 941 KB, 719x1178, 1579534416615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I used the wrong term, but god damn are they gnomish.

>> No.4400585

really cool style, reminds me of toriyama

>> No.4400672

Anime has literally derived from Disney’s art style, you ngmi underage weeb fag.

>> No.4400817

>Looks stiff and below Ankama levels, dude's probably not very experienced yet.
It's literally by the guy who did the character designs for Dofus, anon

>> No.4401008
File: 81 KB, 1920x1080, 1561974928995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow wtf, so Xaxaxa creates the style and Gobi the wardrobe or something? Cause his style has no appeal, yet I like Dofus art.

Just went through a lot of Abraca concept art and I was disgusted.

>> No.4401011

Or maybe I'm just putting too much credit on the games, since what really stuck to my mind were the animated shows.

>> No.4401179

What does that have to do with anything, retarded fuck?

>> No.4401284

He is telling you without disney shit there would be no anime because it was super influenced by it in early stages

>> No.4403045
File: 471 KB, 1400x1187, __snorlax_and_touko_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_bw_drawn_by_tim_loechner__f1cd3dd220f8dd02eb11d24d433b79fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4403048

Shaving is not the same thing as brushing your teeth, pedo.

>> No.4403052

Not true per se, the anime style also descended from old Japanese girl magazines which in turn are based on dolls.

>> No.4404104

god, that's ugly

>> No.4404111

>shit taste

>> No.4404245
File: 82 KB, 664x297, ic btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever and always

>> No.4404285
File: 431 KB, 1538x2175, 81D+sWOhJ4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those hands
">not anime-western hybrid styles"
At least post something good.

>> No.4404289
File: 209 KB, 1600x1094, DQz4P7IXUAAUTEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tim Löchner
I find his older art a lot more comfy.

>> No.4404869

nothing gets my dick so hard like this style

>> No.4404916
File: 332 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_o1vu0wKJKh1u0dofbo6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abraca's concept art is gorgeous. It infuriates me to no end how Ankama completely wasted the designs created by Bill and Gobi.

>> No.4405514
File: 89 KB, 500x353, tumblr_p6y6pxQfWY1u0dofbo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes me more disappointed than knowing it got made into a game, and it looks nothing like the concept art

>> No.4405531

Damn this looks really cool actually. Nice choreography and some really smooth shots.
shame about the lacking voiceacting and writing tho.

Also sad this was made for some cheap chinese autochess knockoff

>> No.4405535

>Is there anything more CUTE than western-anime hybrid styles?