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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4391510 No.4391510 [Reply] [Original]

I miss back when I didn't know I was shit.
Being a Dunning Kruger is unironically the best way to enjoy art.

>> No.4391516


What the fuck are you talking about?
You're still under the effect of Dunning-Kruger. You're literally in the Valley of Despair stage of development.

>> No.4391518

okay then
I miss being a fucking retard that thought his shit scribbles were god's gift

>> No.4391519 [DELETED] 

Idthiswas true the Amawus on here just love art.

Instead they are unhappy about anything that' slightly harder to understand than cartoon drawings.

>> No.4391522 [DELETED] 

If this was true the Amawus on here just love art.

Instead they are unhappy about anything that' slightly harder to understand than cartoon drawings.

>> No.4391524

Well then, you have two options.
Become retarded again, or work hard and give credence to your old hot-shit attitude.
Go draw. Or bash your head with a brick.

>> No.4391576

go draw something and graffiti isn't art lol

>> No.4391583
File: 46 KB, 1024x768, valley_of_despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a common phrase? first i've heard it.

>> No.4391584


It's a colloquial name for a phenomenon associated with Dunning-Kruger.
Basically, its an observation on the fact that once you get a certain level of competence in a certain field, you are extremely likely to experience a deep drop in self-confidence and willingness to opine on said topic, given that you have a better idea of what that field's complexity and depth is and just how little you actually know in the grand scheme of things. Some people get despondent, others lash out, fewer just put their head down and keep grinding through.

>> No.4391590

thank you anon. you rock.

>> No.4391606

Then go draw fucking scribbles like a /beg/ shit.

>> No.4391656

There's a lot of sense in what you're saying.
You need to learn to draw while restraining the urge to loathe yourself and your art for existing imperfectly. You're not meant to feel this way. When you reach your peak art skill, you're still going to feel this way. You have to give yourself satisfaction out of it now.

>> No.4391705
File: 2.34 MB, 1821x2579, 1554106309379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW can feel myself hitting stage 4
Fuck yes brahs.

>> No.4391723

phase 1

>> No.4391750

Kek nice phase 1 bait

>> No.4391827

I'll give you an upboat for the laugh.

>> No.4391834

Is this your's? Blog? You're going to make it.

>> No.4391839

stage 4 doesn't mean getting good you numbskulls, it means realizing you've come a long way from where you started (in contrast to feeling like you're making no progress: the valley of despair) and feeling motivated to press forward.

haven't even thought about making a blog or anything, just been focused on drawan

>> No.4391841

Oh, sorry. I just had no clue someone could consider THAT a long way from where they started. You go, sport.

>> No.4391842
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>I just had no clue someone could consider THAT a long way from where they started.
if only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.4391843

Do you have any idea what an ACTUAL beginner drawing looks like?

>> No.4391872
File: 2.09 MB, 2448x3264, 20190618_163706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first you suck, and you don't know anything.
then you suck, but you think you're good.
then you suck, and you know you suck.

Eventually, i've realized that I'm good at some things, and suck at others. I'm finally starting to be able to get back to that place of naivety, where I don't really care how good i am and i just have fun, which is where almost everyone starts.

>> No.4391899

I hope the next step is accepting that you suck and actually enjoying making art that sucks..

>> No.4391958

That's super stylish though, keep going

>> No.4391962

Phase 1

>> No.4391963

Yeah, they look kinda like this

>> No.4391966

I like it

>> No.4391968

not even remotely close.

>> No.4391972

Half the people in /beg/ are as good or better.

>> No.4392043

Half the people in /beg/ have been drawing for years.

>> No.4392044

Yeah. And they're still /beg/. I always tell people that being a beg lasts years. It's not an insult or anything to be ashamed of.

>> No.4392048

measuring skill is relative, this board could be considered good when compared to your average nor is or /beg/ when compared to the greats. once you start enjoying art for what is (an outlet for expression) rather than a constant competition the love will come back

>> No.4392051

Being /beg/ doesn't literally mean being a beginner though. That anon is a lot further ahead of a genuine beginner.

>> No.4392063

My work is around the level of that Anon and I call myself a beginner. You can call yourself whatever you want I guess. I prefer to keep my focus on how far I have to go though, rather than the small distance I've traveled.

>> No.4392070

Calling yourself a beginner when you aren't just beginning, and then confusing shit current work for the starting point is just you being dumb though.

>> No.4392073

anon you are heading in the right direction, don't be put down by the other guys replying to and keep on drawing, one day you will be even better.

>> No.4392085

I'm not being dumb though. I see his work and I consider it to be at a beginner level of quality.

>> No.4392087

What the hell does the word "beginner" mean to you? Also, post your work.

>> No.4392091
File: 2.24 MB, 1125x1500, IMG_6547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Beginner" to me means that you're spending more time learning than drawing. Obviously that guy still has a lot of learning to do.
Not sure why you want to see my work, but, here is my beginner-level work.

>> No.4392093

here we go

>> No.4392095

grouping it broadly is fine, but that it's still not the level people are at when they first put pencil to paper you dope.

>> No.4392522
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yea, that's pretty much the idea. you make something bad, and you're kinda in on the joke for once, instead of being incapable of seeing your work through other people's eyes, and then being destroyed when they don't like it the way you do.

>> No.4392533
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>> No.4392551

this is why you don't pyw when /ic/ asks

>> No.4392721

If you're so thin-skinned that you can't handle people calling you a beginner when you're obviously a beginner, then yeah, you probably shouldn't post your work.
The idea that /ic/ constantly crabs on even good work is way overblown. Work gets compliments here all the time. Even beginner work often gets positive feedback in /beg/, as long as people aren't cocky and they're honest about their skill level.

>> No.4392738
File: 1.22 MB, 1821x2579, 1558268659131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have been drawing for years. I wasn't claiming to be anything here >>4391705, just that I feel like I've finally made it past the hump. I finally feel motivated to draw again, after years of feeling demotivated and looking at my older drawings and seeing all the horrible flaws in them.
I've been stagnating since 2016 and now I've properly started to drawing again I'm actually feeling progress, which is why I say I'm hitting stage 4. It's got nothing to do with skill and everything to do with motivation.

Agreed. You'd have to be stupid to post your work here if you're not ready to get shat on, and unfortunately a lot of stupid people do post their stuff, get shat on then chuck a tantrum, or stop listening to people's advice or just stop drawing.

Thanks bros.

>> No.4392764

Silence, canid.
I am good.

>> No.4392769

Work on proportions and it'll look pretty good.

>> No.4392803
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>> No.4392819

for me it's a sinusoid and it goes up and down everyday
well at least I draw everyday

>> No.4392822


>> No.4392901


>> No.4393527

>well, just the bashing your head in with a brick part

>> No.4393529


>> No.4393580

this isn't phase 1 don't listen to the kek tards.

Though you could some work on some things (like feet) and hair.

>> No.4393606
File: 101 KB, 2048x768, dunning-forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4393941
