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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 140 KB, 500x657, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4380803 No.4380803 [Reply] [Original]

/sqt/ or /sqtddtot/

>> No.4380811

I'm relatively new here. Why is everyone so mean? This goes beyond just criticism. It's like everyone here is just trying to drag each other down. Why? Art isn't a zero sum game lol

>> No.4380814

>Fuck you faggot
That’s why

>> No.4380819
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1579752560893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380821

Board thrives on ngmi crabs getting mad that you're making progress. They've already given up and take their anger out on others.

>> No.4380828

I will never understand it. Maybe it's because I've gotten out of my " art struggle" phase and now thrive on the act of learning everyday and sharing what I've learned with others.

>> No.4380843

What helped you guys learn to draw on model? I want to try my hand at designing characters, but I can't keep things consistent at different angles.

>> No.4380846
File: 680 KB, 480x270, AFFB89F5-EA82-4A2C-8DFA-F2F0C16D2C1B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What program do you use to black pop ups and advertisements

>> No.4380847

Repetition. Just draw over and over, from different views and perspectives. Start by constructing characters from basic shapes, and drawing them from every direction, then get more detailed and more advanced from there.

>> No.4380848

Lots and lots of practice. Sorry for the unsatisfying answer, anon but honestly, it's the correct answer for 99% of questions like yours.

>> No.4380850

Ublock Origin and ad block plus.

>> No.4380854

Are there any good tutorials on line quality

>> No.4380859

Been doing that, made some progress but I feel like I could progress faster if I had a specific direction to work with. I've been focusing on portraits mostly as you can get away with a lot if you can draw their head consistently. Drawing established characters is a nightmare as I'm not sure what to focus on.

>> No.4380868

Biggest issue for me that seems to pop up when doing this is that when I go for any more complicated I can't seem to imagine the head shape correctly.

>> No.4380873

This is gonna be a bit unconventional but drop drawing for a while and go balls deep into 3D art for a spell then start drawing again. I feel like doing that drilled a sense of 3D form into me that I can't ever forget, to the point where I don't really struggle with rotating shaped in my mind anymore.

>> No.4380879

Why on earth are mods deleting the porn threads?

>> No.4380885

I'm guessing because It's just a congregation of coomers making and participating in those threads at this point. That said, the mods are fags because this isn't even a blue board.

>> No.4380902
File: 139 KB, 1200x960, cc7c47ca84fee1545e0c388aba2f1d69 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be moving onto digital drawing if I'm still a beginner or practice more on paper first?
I want to be able to create my own assets for games, something more simplistic and cute in the likes of pic related.

>> No.4380904

That's not really how it works. You can go digital at anytime. There is literally nothing but getting used to the pen/screen interaction stopping you.

>> No.4380944

I know that feel, mate. Sadly, there are more people who are still in that phase, and those who have given up on trying to leave it.

>> No.4381019

Just a different tool, man. Though traditional is easier to lug around if you want to focus on drawing from life.

Digital is where the majority of money is, though.

Personally do sketches traditionally and then scan, ink and render in digital.

>> No.4381062

Best place to start blog?
Twitter, Instagram, pixiv, deviantart?

>> No.4381112
File: 31 KB, 409x547, image008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this image from?

>> No.4381115


>> No.4381117

How can i draw moe /ic/ ?

>> No.4381118
File: 211 KB, 660x330, ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good tutorials for drawing INSECTS?

>> No.4381119

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.4381122

Study insects. They are among the easiest animals to draw.

>> No.4381137

Going digital as a beginner adds difficulty given that you still struggle with fundies and it's so easy to pick up bad habits such as over reliance on ctrl-z, transform/liquify. In my case, I had absolute shit pen control and line confidence, and found myself really struggling while using my pen tablet, getting shit dead lines and tensing my wrist up too much while doing my studies. So, for training and warm up I use pen and paper. I recommend going digital only if you have a solid idea of the things you are going to do, better if you already have actual drawings, which you can scan and work on digitally
all of them obviously, make sure you link your accounts with each other.
If you do non-anime pixiv won't be as effective, but it doesn't really hurt

>> No.4381178

Are you new to 4chan?

>> No.4381229

What will help me with perspective? I cant draw shit in perspective to save my life

>> No.4381248

Go outside and just look at how perspectives works in real life. Then draw it

>> No.4381365

Hey guys, I have a mannequin I never use and i looked online and saw it helps with proportions and understanding the figure better as well as poses should I take advantage of it and draw from it or just go straight into figure drawing

>> No.4381367

It is a zero sum game.

>> No.4381765

Can I upload video to instagram if I use an android emulator? I don't have a phone so I've been using the addon to post there but I was wondering about ways to upload animation without a phone.

>> No.4381834

can i draw at the same size i will be printing it out?

>> No.4382050
File: 300 KB, 611x714, Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 7.36.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip studio paint question

I have a cintiq 16 which has tilt pressure and velocity support

but i cant seem to get the settings down in clip studio paint for a good clean brushstroke.

can someone tell their settings please?

>> No.4382121

Go to drawabox lesson 4 he teaches you how to draw insects ;)

>> No.4382362

Vanishing points 1 and 2 are at the eye level. But what is vanishing point 3 related to? Surely not the eye level or anything similar.

>> No.4382396

Zenith or nadir.

>> No.4382408

So the lines converge directly above or below the viewer? Thank you.

>> No.4382739

How do I get better line control in digital art?

>> No.4382757

have you tried stabilizers?
if you talk about getting skilled enough to do proper line control/confidence, watch god feng zhu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLqWX7onVmU

>> No.4382761

I use a small tablet with a large monitor and I can't get proper brush strokes without zooming in and out every time and it's taking three times as long to draw then just doing it traditionally.

>> No.4382887

get a medium size then, or limit the tablet area projection to a portion of the screen

>> No.4383000
File: 73 KB, 708x424, AO_ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good reference for practicing ambient occlusion/lighting objects like this? Is there a resource for 3D renders w/o lighting?

>> No.4383108

i want to start painting, should i start with oil or watercolor?

>> No.4383587
File: 41 KB, 409x461, 1515810582827-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a brush thats the closest thing to drawing with a ballpoint pen? (In Krita)

>> No.4383622

You should start with what you want to end up with.

>> No.4383665

what can i look into that will help me design flags

>> No.4384514
File: 19 KB, 1152x648, dubna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you dudes think of my rad dna

>> No.4384546
File: 17 KB, 215x216, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brush is already pretty close. You can tweak it some more.

>> No.4384549

Or the Charcoal_pencil_thin one, it's even closer.

>> No.4384571

Yes as long as it is at 300dpi

>> No.4384621

What's the fastest way to get out of the symbol drawing stage?

>> No.4384624

how do we get rid of the chink

>> No.4384667

Report his threads for advertising.

>> No.4384899 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 648x752, niggatron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jannies of this board are doing the shittiest job I've ever seen on 4chan. they're actively destroying any meaningful discourse and keep all the stupid drama threads and useless threads alive.
fucking autistic cunts.

>> No.4385502
File: 838 KB, 468x664, 1555349844018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go on rendering something smoothly, without any apparent brush textures? Just a lot of blur-tool/airbrush?

>> No.4385509

ok thank you

>> No.4385512

go over it with a soft brush afterwards?

>> No.4385569

What are pressure-sensitive opacity brushes good for?

>> No.4385909
File: 89 KB, 533x650, the_bath_by_jean-leon_gerome_france_c-_1880-1885_oil_on_canvas_-_california_palace_of_the_legion_of_honor_-_dsc07772-533x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly by working on a big enough canvas so the brushstrokes aren't apparent. It's the same for traditional media, the bigger the canvas, the smaller the brush strokes. If you lean in close to a masterwork, you can see brush strokes, like this one. But from a few feet away, it tightens up and you don't see them. (One of my all time favorite paintings, you have to see it in person to really appreciate it) (Gerome's The Bath, hangs in the Legion of Honor in SF.)

>> No.4385917

Okay. I'm going to say something, that might seem like an insult, but it's not.
Stop relying on tutorials for everything.

Learn to draw what you can see. There is endless reference for insects online, to get pictures of. You can't tutorial your way to being an artist. You want to draw an ant? Get a bunch of photos of ants. LOOK at them. Figure out how they're constructed. Draw a bunch of them. Figure out how to render their textures. Learn how to draw them up close and details, and smaller and more generic. Learn how they move.

That's what being an artist is. It's not reading tutorials and expecting everyone to walk you through everything holding your hand. When you're starting out and all if it is a mystery, that's one thing, but if you're good enough at basic drawing skills to be drawing insects, it's time to start acting like an artist, and picking up a pencil and trying it.

>> No.4386144

How do you get used to drawing from your elbow?

>> No.4386145

By drawing more

>> No.4386152

I can't even get good settings for opacity. Each brush stroke always starts low opacity and then goes to high opacity even if I'm smashing the fucker down.

>> No.4386160

Try going to your tablet settings and turning down sensitivity

>> No.4386166

What finally made it click when it comes to line work? What finally made sense when taking sketches to realized finished pieces?

>> No.4386169

Seeing how better artists do it. It takes a long time because you redraw everything 10+ times.

>> No.4386171

Looks like its stoned

>> No.4386199

Would it be rude to message an artist to ask the brushes he uses? If i ask to if possibly send brush file would it come off as rude? What would be chance of happening?

>> No.4386204

I would be only a little annoyed and ignore you. It's always a bumfuck beginner who goes around asking about brushes

>> No.4386206

Where can I see them draw

>> No.4386745

yeah people think pro brushes will give them skill such a joke

Its about artist not brush.

>> No.4386747

Do I need to be able to draw realistic clothing to make coomer art or twitter fanart?

Are there any tutorials or guides on good shorthand for simple clothing folds for every time you draw a sleeve or sweater, etc.?

>> No.4386749

There are a few that are actually decent to others. We just get stepped on repeatedly. I give up on this board like every other month but I always come back because there's no place where you can get feedback, crab or not.

>> No.4386752

Yeah. Trace if you have to when starting out so you can see what you're not seeing.

>> No.4386753

ngmi. for you to get better you don't need to make me feel worse. because regardless of how bad you try to make me feel, it will never change the fact that I'm better than you.

>> No.4386755

when you draw, do you:
>put the bottom of your fist directly in contact with the paper
>hover and only have the pen/pencil in contact with the paper
>hover but use your pinky as a sort of anchor on the paper?

I do the latter with the pinky (prob because of using the pinky as an anchor like with guitar playing) and it kind of hurts. Thinking of switching since it seems like improper form

>> No.4386825

Realistically, you should be eventually be able to draw in whatever position as good as you always do. That would demonstrate absolute control.

>> No.4386831
File: 147 KB, 960x960, IMG_20200221_232423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lhow much should you draw as a beg per day? I draw like 2hours per day, but i feel as it is not enough. Also i heard about some anons speaking about burnout if you go all in. Should i push myself to the max everyday?

>> No.4386836

No. Unless you're literally a homeless NEET who has no other skills, hobbies or professional goals, it does not matter. Two hours a day is good.

>> No.4386842

Burn out only affects the weak of heart.
I've been drawing every single day for multiple hours and I have yet to think "wow I'm tired of drawing" because it's both my hobby and a source of income

>> No.4386856

I really lazy when it comes to exercising, but i don't want eventual problems in the future, so what kind of exercises should i do? i usually do biking which is the easier thing for me.

>> No.4386863

Do something with your back muscles, and with your arms, and something where you aren't sitting. I do martial arts, it's also good for your skills at drawing fights.

>> No.4386874

I have graphic design as a hobby too, but it kinda blends with drawing abit. I feel as if i want to go all in i have to savrifice other areas of my life. At least i have zero social life so thats not a problem lol

>> No.4386877

Biking is good. I like lifting and also I feel it has some carryover to art (knowing where muscles are, being able to feel or see them on your own body).

>> No.4386879

I've seen professional comic book artists who have put more hours into their professional than you have and complained about burn out, so I doubt it.
There's nothing wrong with taking a break here and there, just make sure you get back into it. Especially if you're just beginning to learn how to draw, so it's not particularly enjoyable

>> No.4386912


>> No.4386925

>ad block plus
Never ever.

>> No.4386926


>> No.4386933
File: 88 KB, 299x168, C68DF7AF-6248-45C8-99A6-32132B4996A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why no Adblock plus

>> No.4386936

something something botnet

>> No.4386945

I search it still no answer should I delete adblock

>> No.4386975

use ublock

>> No.4387031

Has anyone worked with scotts robertsons how to draw? I wanted to learn more of the fundamentals but it is a PAIN to work through.
He often assumes that the reader works with 3D programs or just "tilt the picture to find the converging vanishing points" or some stuff.
No techniques that you can use to draw only with pen and paper.

Some techniques he shows do work though but its seldom and I have to handpick them from his book.
It feels like a chore

>> No.4387073

1. Be polite.
2. First ask WHICH brushes they use.
3. Only ask for the brush file if they respond.
4. Be extra polite on number 3 or if they are Japanese.

You don't need to draw clothes if they're naked.

Number 1 for maximum stability. Use gloves to avoid smearing if needed.

The harder you work, the more fun you need to have elsewhere or you'll burn out. No, having fun while drawing doesn't count.

Read the /fit/ sticky.

Use another source for perspective like Perspective Made Easy and come back to How to Draw later.

>> No.4387126

>The harder you work, the more fun you need to have elsewhere or you'll burn out. No, having fun while drawing doesn't count.
Are you supposed to draw random things everyday, just what exactly are you supposed to draw for practice and how good does each drawing need to be?

>> No.4387129

You'll probably learn more if trying to learn one thing at a time, but variety is good. Practice what you know you're bad at. They only have to be good enough for you to get enough practice from them, unless you want to make a 100% finished piece to show other people, of course.

>> No.4387154

>something hasn't happened to me yet so it isn't real
youth is wasted on the retarded

double check he hasn't already answered the question somewhere else

>> No.4387165

>Practice what you know you're bad at.
You mean stuff I'm uncomfortable with drawing

>> No.4387203


>> No.4387238

Or, just learn to make your own, like they did. It's not hard. Most apps tell you how.

It's like some kid thinking "If I get the same drumsticks that Neil Peart uses, I'll sound just like him!" Well, no, you won't - but there are plenty of drumstick makers who will gladly sell you that fantasy.

Making brushes is fun. I've done stuff like dug up plants out of the yard, washed the roots, and scanned them, and used them as the basis of grunge brushes. I've got folders of "found" textures that I've scanned that I use. Real rocks, leaves, fabric, etc. I scanned some sea sponges I use for real watercolors, and gotten some great textures out of them.

$20 scanner, and reading the manual can get you any brush you could ever want or need. (And of course, someone will post "please link tutorial on brush making", because nobody seems to want to DO anything in /icc.)

>> No.4387242
File: 89 KB, 851x650, da-vinci-drawings-wallpapers-hd-16-mgpic-com_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any tutorials or guides on good shorthand for simple clothing folds for every time you draw a sleeve or sweater, etc.?
See my post on tutorials above. You're literally surrounded by cloth. Get some. Fold it. Draw it. The great masters learned that way. DaVinci's sketches from when he was a student exist - he dipped cloth into clay, let it dry, and used that to study cloth.
If you aspire to be an artist, at some point you have to stop asking for tutorials and actually try making art. Cloth is a good thing to start with.

>> No.4387243

>he dipped cloth into clay, let it dry,
I don't get it. What does this do?

>> No.4387246

All of them, depending on the drawing and where on the page I'm working, and how big the paper is. If it's a large sheet, I will just lay a sheet of paper or plastic over the worked areas, to rest my hand. You're overthinking this. As long as the drawing gets done, it doesn't matter.

>> No.4387250

Preserves the position of the cloth for multiple working sessions.

>> No.4387264
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, 174DFE12-CCD4-488F-94FC-CBDD33BE1745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you made me draw that ant for some reason you cunt. I wanted to procrastinate more but here we are.

>> No.4387350

You have killed many plants for art.

>> No.4388764
File: 65 KB, 616x353, a-hat-in-time-monthly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to digitally render or color like this?

>> No.4388778

and he killed a lot of sperm on your mom's face, what are you implying?

>> No.4388996
File: 2.82 MB, 2436x3715, IMG_20200224_175758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce for this painting, anyone?

simplification is key, also grind a style you dig.

>> No.4389032

Where to find reference pictures of specific body parts in varying poses? Feet specifically in this case, since they're usually obscured or too small in full-pose pictures.

>> No.4389318

Why do some artists sell their art for so low?

I had this great idea to do charcoal portraits. I'm by no means good yet and figured it would be a fun way to get regular practice. My plan was to sell it for $20 and let the buyer decide if they want it. If not, fine with me I still got some practice, if yes then shipping would eat into most of that 20 and I'd have a few dollars to go towards supplies.

Check out online (fiverr) to see what "good" artists charge and holy shit theres some halfway decent artists doing decent stuff on there for $25. My garbage doesn't stand a chance, is art really that devalued?

>> No.4389332

quickposes.com has a fairly big library of free pictures. feet being one of them.

>> No.4389398

Fiver is not a legit fine art platform, it's the bottom of the barrel of the freelance world, that's plagued with scammers and piss poor "designers" from India.

Your idea would work better as a booth at a flea market. I know someone who makes a pretty decent living selling hand made crafts at flea markets and renn faires and the like. She only works weekends, and has been able to buy a custom trailer as her booth to travel around 3 states every week.

Or, your own website, with social media ads.
If some suburban mom wants a charcoal drawing of her kid, she's not going to look on fiver. You have to put more work into discovering where your potential market might be. Charcoal drawings are not a high demand item, so you'll have to do some homework here.

>> No.4389416

What are screentones supposed to be used for?

>> No.4389423

are colleges an okay alternative to art school since they are a ton cheaper? i already draw 4-6 hours a day

>> No.4389494

Majoring in art at a college is pretty close to going to a dedicated art school. Both will require lower division work for basic studies like history, science, etc. (ie. the first two years) for an accredited diploma (ie. a BFA that counts as 'degree" applying for a job).
A degree from a 4 year university from a college that has a good art program is fine. Some schools have strong programs, like in NY state or California. And, you can transfer in as a junior, as long as you have the prerequisites, which are offered at most community colleges.
Art degrees don't have to be expensive. Granted, getting into Pratt or the College Of Arts And Crafts in Oakland is great, if you can afford it, but state schools for general art education is fine. Schedule an appointment with a counsellor at a college near you, they can help you find the best campuses and things like financial aid. If you're in the US, you should at the very minimum get a Pell grant, for community college or a state 4 year school.
Just know, before going in, most school will require the first two years to be mostly general ed, or the equivalent of an AA degree, so you'll get one or two 101 art courses a semester until you reach junior year, and declare a major.

>> No.4389510

Did I say burn out is not real? No you fucking retard. Go drink prune juice and think about your ironic post while trying to take a shit

>> No.4389522
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x818, d3dza4h-7e476c18-1dd6-47f5-8bc1-7b96a196686a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this pattern? i found it by accident while googling celtic knots but i like this design better and i dont know what to search to find more references.

>> No.4389530

i'm currently getting the general education done with at a local CC then transferring to a uni, just worried as to wether or not it will be worth it and if the uni will teach technical skill for art and not be purely liberal arts globohomo agenda

>> No.4389619

Clusterfuck Ouroboros

>> No.4389641

What're your guys' recommendations for line brush settings?

Current brush is feeling wonky and would like to change things up.

I use Paint Tool Sai

>> No.4389650

Google the following: knotwork, arabesque, acanthus, ornament, scrollwork
Theres a book called "The Grammar of Ornament" that has a lot of examples for similar ideas. I'm pretty sure it's on archive.org. Traditional architecture is also a great place to look for ornamental references.

>> No.4389731

Are there any alternatives to paypal when sending/receiving money for a commission?
My shithole doesn't support it and most people I come across prefer to send payment this way.

>> No.4390656

Thanks a bunch m80

>> No.4390703

When should I use curvilinear perspective?

>> No.4390884

I just want to git guud at sketching. For rapid ideation. Pretty enough so clients don't get nervous, pretty enough for behind the scenes stuff. I focus on 3d but sketching/drawing is a must. All my favorite 3d artists know how to draw.

>> No.4390887

Who are your favorite 3D artists?

>> No.4390912

sticky -> drawabox -> fzd cinema

>> No.4390918

oh and also scott robertson's "how to draw", and michael hampton if you want to draw people

>> No.4390925

and one more thing, look up alphonso dunn on youtube, especially his videos on sketching, and you probably need something that would explain the concept of gesture in a broad way, not only for figure drawing, but i can't think of a resource for that

>> No.4390926


>> No.4390932
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, 3619F20C-9369-4B0D-8046-014A7921255D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just bought this shit so I can trace over images when practicing and learning anatomy/understanding styes. Basically I’m a tradfag until I become a competent artist and go full digital.

It’s a relatively cheap tablet; that I understand, but I swear to god I can’t draw a smooth line to save my life. I’m using Clip Studio Paint and the lines just come out dead wonky.

>> No.4390933

I'd rather choose to be a nigger than a /pol/tard.

>> No.4390939

That's fine for now, you need to get used to it. You did install the drivers though, right?

>> No.4390952
File: 24 KB, 640x607, 661E6D5A-1860-4F0C-913B-5E0D832D22A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4390957

Ignoring the /pol/ fag, Alphonso Dunn is a great resource. He makes a lot of useful videos on humans and small things like drawing clouds. Definitely one of the best art you tubers

>> No.4390960
File: 159 KB, 800x800, Rusty-Car-in-a-Tree-in-the-Desert--77755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking to get a new tablet. My current ones getting long in the tooth. I mostly use it for reading PDFs, and watching films in bed. I'm considering getting one I could doodle on or do minor photo editing (Adding glowing eyes to Gundam models sort of thing).

I'm only looking for a budget option. It's a general work horse tablet which stays where it can be grabbed and used then tossed back on the desk. Is there any tablet that would be suitable for this and not cost me a fortune?

>> No.4390988

Ipad air or Samsung tab.

>> No.4391025

Tab looks great and in budget. Thanks good buddy

>> No.4391041

You're welcome. And just to clarify, we're talking about Tab S, the ones with the pen.

>> No.4391097

What is the best settings for a sharp image to post on Facebook comment? For some reason I did resized my drawing to 2048x2048, and there's still those ugly artifacts.

>> No.4391917

Where do you guys find good color study refs from? Like interesting good color PNGs and shit.

>> No.4392236
File: 93 KB, 600x406, Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good guides or examples of inking fire? Mostly thinking of manga or comic references

>> No.4392696

i just got rejected from art school, could someone cheer me up please

>> No.4392700

Is it too late to draw if 22 with autism

>> No.4392707
File: 1.76 MB, 2368x3056, 1550091874550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4392720

How useful is pintrest as a place to find and organize references? I think my perception of it as a site for white moms to amass shitty DIY project ideas and recipes has unfairly put me off it.

>> No.4392895

Is it possible to get a tablet to draw on for under $200s

>> No.4393017
File: 491 KB, 355x740, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Peter Han a fucking manlet? Fuck I am so disappointed.

>> No.4393063

no shit retard

>> No.4393067

Cheer up you just dodged a bullet

>> No.4393081

how do you make inking lineart not a complete hell on earth experience

>> No.4393098

A Wacom One is $70 on Amazon. It's more than adequate for a beginner.

If you mean a screen tablet, no. Not used. You might find something that cheap used on eBay.

>> No.4393100

Just refuse to ink it. Go all graphite instead. Nobody's stopping you. There are at least a handful of famous comic artists who either color their graphite work digitally or move straight into watercolor/ink painting.

>> No.4393101

What’s the best way to go about selling art online? I made a Redbubble recently, is it worth it?

>> No.4393106

I dont know how to recover from my depression and complete a painting

>> No.4393139
File: 1.28 MB, 855x642, pooh adventures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question but I don't know where else it should go.
I'm planning a project that's essentially a crossover fanfilm and I want to ask for patreon money to fund- I mean cushion the expenses.
Are there any legal issues I should be wary of if I'm not in the US?

Most of the IPs that would be involved are japanese and american by the way.

>> No.4393178
File: 134 KB, 500x590, IMG_4747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This a pretty degenerate coomer question, but I was wondering about the terminology of a certain niche fetish I'd like to capitalize on.

Basically, it's non-con/rape but the 'victim' doesn't react to it realistically. I.e. the character enjoys it and there's no genuine mental suffering (at worst mild annoyance/inconvenience).
To be clear, this isn't 'dubious consent' because the character still doesn't want it happen, but he/she isn't in any true agony and only resists mildly. So it would be like being forced to eat your grandma's food, which tastes good, but you'd still rather be eating something else.

Pic related is along the lines of what I'm talking about.
I'm just curious about what the term for this is, so maybe I can one day find a community who wants more of that content.

>> No.4393180
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>> No.4393204

Aren't most rape doujins like that? I rarely ever see a realistic response.

>> No.4393215

You're right, most of them always portray the rape as being more like 'inconvenient sex' than actual real-life rape. I've also heard some anons make the distinction of 'hardcore' vs 'softcore' rape (in terms of realism), so softcore rape is probably the term I'm looking for.

>> No.4393235

dont worry you go to /ic/ now 4chan is your school

>> No.4393286

Is there a way to get digital art to look less smooth and uniform. It looks to clean

>> No.4393421

Use textured brushes but you'll never get the real deal unless you put in a ton of manual effort. For line work, I find lowering the pen pressure variance in size makes it more realistic. In the end, digital is digital. It will never get the nuance of traiditional media.

>> No.4393422

Deal with your depression first. Seek professional help.

>> No.4393448
File: 323 KB, 1247x421, 1582596912440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I was getting into digital art, I always wanted to stay traditional because I couldn't produce jack shit 100% digitally. Now it's been a very long time since I've traditionally drawn, I'm still learning my fundies digitally, but I do want to get back into trad. I tried a bit and felt I couldn't produce a fraction of what I make digitally, due to having layers and editing available, as well as plenty of drawing space. My process to beginna piece is me blocking in shapes or putting together body of simple shapes, then I build details on that naturally
When I try the same technique of blocking shapes, the drawing ends up extremely messy and off. It's because I have shit line confidence ain't it? What's the trick to get my brain back into the "Wow I love traditional, and struggle more with digital"? New artists seem to always prefer trad because it's the medium they're used to.

Any suggestions on exercises to do? Gesture and boxes in perspective I guess? I want to be able to learn in the classic medium as much as I do digitally

>> No.4393871
File: 25 KB, 693x274, 500_menu_0523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by lower pressure pen variance?

>> No.4393876

How the fuck do people manage to ink shit? I can barely get shit right even after putting down a shitload of poor constructionlines and then get shittly ass lines

>> No.4394237
File: 169 KB, 800x1150, __tatiana_wisla_last_exile_drawn_by_murata_renji__f2f9e3da455370ae656e41fea3ea3b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Range Murata's process like?
What medium does he work in?
Any artists with similar work?

>> No.4394363
File: 12 KB, 264x200, confused looking anime grill with a question mark over her head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people buy commissions? I can understand the reason for comercial and porn ones. But I don't understand the thrill of having a custom made png. What do people do with it?

>> No.4394462

yes, use it, is a fine exercise, is like a middle therm to a real life drawing session: you can orberve shapes in real tridimentional space, so is allways good, just focus in standard poses since mannequins can't make very good dinamic poses, focus in proportion and learn to take measures with the eye, then move out.

i think that you can yes, anyway you can just test some emulators.
You can use the facebook creator studio to manage uploads to a specific date also (i dont know if you can videos), the problem is that facebook demands you to create a facebook page, you can still make it and not post anything too.

No, you start with the thing you want to do.
watercolor is a different medium than oil or acrylic, they work different.
Just start with cheap tools, that is what starters do to optimize money, unless you are rich.
Looks for the a mid range in prices, and a cheap one to fill. there are brands that make a "student" version of their products for less money.

you should to the point that you can max afford. overwork is allways bad, but, you can manage to bypass the artist burnout with a lt of exercises. You can just take breaks in the day, draw complete different things (like practicing lines to practicing color or just copy objetcs or references), make fun exercises, etc.

is just a standard cellshading rendering, just put colors and make blends in some spots, shadows in one corner, light in the other, and think in reflect light sometimes, then add effects. Look for standard anime references, start with simple drawings.

dont worry that is a common thing in non digital users. Just remember from time to time to check the brand website (in this case wacom) and look for updates of the drivers, if they come out. Do it one time per month at least you dont have to do it everyday.

>> No.4394548

I had a appointment but it's in April because the psychiatrist is on vacation.

>> No.4394557

Try getting a pen or digital brush you like and practicing without construction lines. You may go on to never use them again but otherwise you will get better at inking over them because inking is its own territory and it requires its own practice

>> No.4394565

seconding this question. What's the motivation for people to pay for a custom drawing? Anyone knows the mindset of a regular commision buyer?

>> No.4394669

Are most artist willing to share PSD files? If not for free then cash?

>> No.4394674

most patreon artists share the PSD files of their content some even some guides of their process

>> No.4394705
File: 64 KB, 403x448, helmet brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you be politically conservative and an artist? I don’t see a lot of conservatives in the art industry at all.

>> No.4394708

Businessmen have to be though.

>> No.4394714

yeah of course anon just don't tell anyone in fact no matter what your beliefs are they should be separate from the workplace

>> No.4394745

How useful is using character creators in videogames to learn to draw different kind of faces and bodytypes?

>> No.4395026

/beg/ger here. Worried I'm turning into a ref/tutorial hoarder so tell which resources are the must-keep, /ic/.

trad: Loomis (already made decent progress through), Bridgeman, Hampton

contemporary: moderndayjames (done the most with. know a lot of his stuff is just Bridgeman), proko, sinix, drawabox (been lurking for perspective practice and non-anatomy construction)

Which ones that I listed are gay? Any core ones I missed (besides FWAP + KtD)?

>> No.4395036

what's the proper command to download pixiv gallery using gallery-dl?
I've tried using the
>gallery-dl -u <my username> -p <my password> https://www.pixiv.net/en/user/<the artist>/illustrations
but it shows "No suitable extractor found for <the url>.
Help please?

>> No.4395038

Yes, you can, faggot

>> No.4395040

Drop drawabox and replace it with dynamic sketching + perspective made easy (+perspective for comic book artist, optional if you want to delve deeper into perspective)
I recommend Vilppu too, but don't let your list get bloated if it's too much for you.

>> No.4395044

10/10 if your aim is to be a ngmi.
2/10 if your aim is to draw the art style used in the game.
3/10 if if you're learning how aesthetic camera and perspective works.
10/10 if you're drawing from life after understanding and doing the grinding from Loomis.

>> No.4395274

How the fuck do you not get constantly frustrated while drawing, it feels like im flagellating myself

>> No.4395295

By knowing my hard work results in progress, not matter how little that progress may seem at the time, it’s still better than no progress.

>> No.4395341

Honestly, just draw and immediately forget about it when you're done.Keep studying and learning.
After a while when you go back through your work you will notice improvement.

>> No.4395346

It really is weird how this works.

>> No.4395347

Which loomis books are you reading?

>> No.4395397
File: 38 KB, 637x358, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys have any tips on making anime show or manga

>> No.4395401

if you're trying to optimize your hoard you don't need to worry about becoming a hoarder.
you already are one.

>> No.4395711

>there's a pixiv gallery downloader
Wait what

>> No.4395737

Why do you hate money?

>> No.4395757

I don't, I just want to understand why people spend money on commissions.

>> No.4395892

Fun with a pencil, figure drawing, and head + hands.

>> No.4396081

can't you just use blender for this?

>> No.4396139

are there any threads on this

>> No.4396239

Hello /ic/. I just wanted to pick your brain on something. I just redid my bedroom and I want to get some prints to frame for my walls. I like VanGogh, the group of 7 and Francisco De Goya. I want paintings that will be a reminder that I can overcome my problems and sufferings. Hope I'm not asking too much. Thanks.

>> No.4396252

It frustrates me how vicious some people are on here, but the art struggle is insanely painful and even makes some people suicidal so I can understand.

>> No.4396290

most of the "good" artists on fiverr charging very low will delivery shit work.

>> No.4396302

Is there a difference between studying and making a original piece of art with alot of references?

>> No.4396363

Studying is pursuit to gain knowledge. The other is pursuit to create an art piece. You’ll learn things both ways.

>> No.4396477
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 0seJynvR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know a screen recording program for recording speed paints or drawing processes time lapses

>> No.4396499

I used to commission artists before I started the path to becoming one myself, so I can give my personal take.

For me it basically came down to wanting to see my OCs and/or ideas be brought to life via art. Part of why I'm even learning to draw is because I wanted to become self-sufficient, and not rely on commissioning others to depict my creativity.

Even today, I still sometimes consider commissioning other artists if their art-style is interesting or I admire their artistic ideas. Part of it is because I wonder what my characters/concepts would look like in their style, and how their artistic interpretation would turn out with my a bit of my input.

In my own experience, it comes down to wish-fulfillment plus an admiration for the artist's style.

>> No.4396524
File: 83 KB, 293x337, 1516718580565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4396864

Is there any booru dedicated to art references? And especially with stuff like perspective and foreshortening?

>> No.4397235

Seconding this. The closest I can think of is when e-hentai uploads art books. I think Pixiv has tags or a section for art tutorials? Otherwise I use pinterest.

>> No.4397242

For either CSP or Procreate, I think there's built-in recorder for timelapse.

>> No.4397245

just procreate, CSP sadly doesnt have.

>> No.4397255

Why don't you go and read the fucking list of boorus?


>> No.4397268

nice porn galleries

>> No.4397278
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1562291736143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad over someone in a /sqtddtot/ thread

>> No.4397392

Do people actually still hiring concept artist alone without the 3D modelling or/and video making? Is it still lucrative to do this job in say..10 years from now? Aside from those comic house giants and patreon-like art, is there even a chance to work under an entity? I'm an ant worker, not the queen. I feel motivated under deadlines rather than being a freelancer or doing my own things because I have a short spans of a goldfish and always try to manipulate my own goals if I work alone which eventually leads to procrastinating and my self-made art block. I'm just..lost. I can't be independent because it'll destroy me and yes, I did learn it the hard way. Another entity or a person to command me and keep me in check is what I wished for but looking at my 63th attempt on getting a call is disheartening. I don't know what I want anymore. It seems like being a literally slave to someone feels more free to me right now because I don't have to think for myself again. What am I?
tl;dr; I'm lost.

>> No.4397688

is there a website like those ones that give you a random pose, but for the basic shapes in different angles?
I need to work on those fundies but i find it really hard to do a whole bunch in one sitting if every time i finish one i have to think about the next shape and angle, and whether that's too close to what i've already done, etc etc.

>> No.4397697

>having political beliefs

>> No.4397751

You ask for a booru you get a booru.

>> No.4397862

use xsplit

>> No.4397879

>drawing, having fun, still takes a long time to finish pieces
>look at someone else's art
>immediately think I'll never reach their level and that it's worthless for me to even try
>start beating myself up and open a new page
>just stare at the page and think how they did it so effortlessly
>get sad and give up for a couple of hours until I start doodling again

>> No.4397880

It's not a realistic one but it's a genuine one because women fantasize to be raped and then act all prude when it happens just to keep face but then they cum during the experience.

>> No.4398019

Whats this comic? I like the style.

>> No.4398034

You have self esteem/emotional issues, not art issues. This forum can't help you.

>> No.4398041

Beauty by Kerascoët

>> No.4398043

Are you a retard or an actual autist?

>> No.4398046

What’s the difference?

>> No.4398053

So I've been playing around with dip pens lately. I've been using a Hunt 102 crow quill nib with speedball superblack india ink. It works fantastic on some old cheap watercolor paper I had laying around (don't even know which brand it was, I ripped the cover off the pad years ago.) I've always heard that dip pens are supposed to work exceptionally well with very smooth papers, such as bristol board. Well, I got some Canson bristol board and for some reason the nib just stops working on that paper out of nowhere. It will still be loaded with more than enough ink, but just doesn't work. I have to shake a drop of ink off onto a scrap page and draw a few lines through that to get it to work again, but it still doesn't last nearly as long as when I'm using other papers. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?

>> No.4398057

>In reality women enjoy the rape but act as if they don't therefore doujins aren't accurate in their depiction of the act however they show the genuine feeling of women, what's going on inside their head
what's hard to understand?

>> No.4398083
File: 105 KB, 393x342, brush-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying out Krita. Is pic related photoshop shortcut possible?

[krita] Shift key changes brush size. But what about hardness?

Photoshop allows changing size and hardness with single shortcut, different axis.

>> No.4398091

cgp invite plz

>> No.4398093

Please don't mock me for this but I recently got an iPad for procreate and I'm wondering if the old beginner classics are still the best starting points for digital drawing, ie fun with a pencil, keys to drawing?

>> No.4398099

Well, I'm not a doctor, but as far as I know retards are just mentally handicapped, while autists are people who can't understand how other people work, but can sometimes have normal IQs.

Autist then, got it.

>> No.4398101

No, you need Apple drawing courses, learning by third party materials won't work.

>> No.4398109

>can't cope against facts and think that somehow insulting his opponent will bend reality
Seethe harder lmao

>> No.4398120

>doesn't undersatnd that fantasies are different from reality
>b-but i'm not an autist, i swear!

>> No.4398129

>66% of women admit to fantasize about being raped
>in reality 70%+ orgasm during the act, sometimes multiple time
cope, dog.

>> No.4398163

What an absolute fucking autist, I'm sure you'd get diagnosed if you went to a doctor. I have rape fantasies, both ways, that doesn't mean I want to be raped, or to rape someone, because reality is very different from fantasy, you sperg. I control my fantasy, I decide what happens and how, and what my partner is like. This is how us neuronotypical people work. If you just go and ask for medical help, they'll explain things like this to you.

>70%+ orgasm during the act
It's physiology, you mouth breathing idiot, males orgasm from rape too.

>> No.4398174

>he thinks fantasy rape is anywhere close to actual rape
dumb /r9k/ incel

>> No.4398188

>I have rape fantasies, both ways
ok little freak.
If you just go and talk to people who know what they are talking about they will tell you what I just did, which is that many women enjoy it because like you said, physiology, can't fight your body.
>If I ignore the statistics then they don't exist
stay delusional, virgin.

>> No.4398194

So, since you will cum from your prostate being stimulated by a crowbar, it's totally fine to do so no matter what you say?

>> No.4398232

>looking at anyones art who is even 1% better than me makes me hate myself
Is this a normal reaction?

>> No.4398234

I would say so yeah. It's not as bad when looking at really good artists, but when seeing amateur artists like in drawthreads, it irritates me even more because they're just good enough, but not great either.

>> No.4398244

am i stupid for buying an intuos 3 for a 100 bucks rather than spending 300 on the pro med

>> No.4398246

Maybe, we'll see when you start using it.

>> No.4398304

I won't though, you need to read more on the subject. I guess your lack of information explains your attitude.
+ I never said that it's fine to rape anyone, I pointed out the fact that it's a genuine depiction of what's going on in reality. "oh shit I don't want this but it feels good"

>> No.4398368

I want to buy a laptop, but how important is the graphics card? can i choose a good quadcore 17 with enough ram and an ssd to use krita?

>> No.4398535

I miss the chill me.

>> No.4398547
File: 647 KB, 940x872, lem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon Krita fags. help a wanna be out.

>> No.4398559

use CSP. abandoned Krita like a year ago after I saved enough to buy a CSP just from commission done in Krita and never looked back.

>> No.4398561

Ok, I mean that's the next one I want to try... but I gotta say Krita has some pretty cool features.

Can CSP basically do what I'm asking in terms of brush settings?

>> No.4398567

RAM is more important than a graphics card unless you're doing 3d

>> No.4398768

i have 8gb ram storage is that good enough for photoshop and

>> No.4398800

I lost the .torrent guys, can somebody please post the magnet?

>> No.4398810

What kind of CSP brush or technique do I use to get a Takehito Harada look?

>> No.4398815

NVM I found it

>> No.4398916

Anyway to quickly move CSP interface between monitors?
I want to move from laptop to cintiq... dragging individual palettes is painful

>> No.4399064

>regularly put out decent above average content.
>trendhop regularly
>interact/signal boost regularly with mutuals, artists, models, randos
>hopefully generally likeable dude
>don't engage with any drama
>little to no engagement compared to mutuals

I'm being serious. I actively feel like I'm being supressed by twitter in some way. Is there a something that I'm missing?

>> No.4399077

Have you tried not just being above average but great?

>> No.4399095

What's a good toned tan sketchbook for following Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching? Is Strathmore's 400 Toned Tan with a medium surface good? I don't know anything about papers and what's good or bad for felt tip pens

>> No.4399410

for the exercises in keys to drawing, do I need to have the objects in front of me or does a photograph suffice? it pisses me off how i have to go to the store again and again for each new exercise.

>> No.4399438

Did you even watch his video? He explains all of this in his course.

>> No.4399821

Would a dopamine detox help with drawing?

>> No.4399883

Do you guys sell prints of your work?

>> No.4400126

no, you will have to network and most good artists are homos.

>> No.4400128

your art might just be missing a certain... 'something'. like an aesthetic polish that makes waifufags and tumblrfags click on.

>> No.4400349

your twitter persona is too AI. Be more human.
>don't engage with any drama
that's your problem. :D

>> No.4400466

Somewhat important. Drawing apps can hit the gpu pretty hard on large canvases, and using large custom brushes. Best case scenario is a good/great GPU, an i7, and 16 gigs of ram, minimum. But an i5 can be acceptable with a better than average GPU.
And, don't discount the drives, either, they can be a bottleneck, especially for Photoshop. You want to have a scratch drive/partition for scratch disks, that's where PS saves the current file, the undo state, the history, and if it's on the boot drive it's competing for bandwidth with the OS. It's less of an impact on an SSD, but a second drive or dedicated partition is best. It doesn't have to be huge, I make mine 3 gigs, the rule of thumb I've been told (by Adobe dudes no less) 3x times the biggest file you work on - I've never gone over a gig (layers, yo), so 3 gigs as a partition on a secondary internal HD works for me.
You don't *need* the latest and greatest video card, but it can't hurt.

>> No.4400824

is NMA worth a $50 monthly sub?
Theres a few courses I cant find on cgp

>> No.4400967

Why am I so scared to finish paintings on a regular basis? I'm completely fine with just sketching all day, but I can't go and finish multiple rendered drawings a day. I just freeze up

>> No.4400983

Because it involves a ton of creativity and risk taking. You basically have to be okay with messing everything up and then also being the one to clean it all up and make it good. It's basically like seeing a crab and instead of ignoring them. You have to do your best to absolutely help that person make it even if it means painting over and redrawing everything to teach them what's right. That person is you.

>> No.4401027

> You basically have to be okay with messing everything up
How do I get over that fear?

>> No.4401030

Mess things up then fix it even if it's from step one like tying shoes.

>> No.4401037

I have nothing to do over spring break and feel like i want to grind something out. But im not sure what would help me the most to get to where i want to be. What should i do?

>> No.4401093

Since you didn't specify where it is that you want to be, I'll just assume you want to shove the biggest dildo up your ass. My advice would be to stretch out your ass gradually, use lots of lube and poppers.

>> No.4401095
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 6b7WUeA_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be better at drawing 2hus on digital with colour and shading but i dont know where to even start, dont be a meanie

>> No.4401097

draw cirno

>> No.4401106

Try to draw this picture, see where you messed up and then try to fix it

>> No.4401180

not sure if i'm in the right place.

i need help. i have a bunch of b2 size posters (20x28 approx) that i'm not going to hang up anytime soon but i know i'm moving in a few months so I want to put them in a book/holder[?] for when I move.

i was able to find 'topload holders' but in either sizes too small or too big for the posters. i don't need exact sizing, like 22x30 or something would be fine. also if i could get them in like a book style binded, with maybe 10-12 'holder' pages. I don't know if I'm making sense.

Like I would like to just be able to open the book and look through the posters without needing to hang them up. I swear I've seen something like what I'm describing except I can't remember where.

thanks in advance.

>> No.4401201

There was one once where the girl killed herself after being raped. I forget the title. It made me sad.

>> No.4401220

It might have been that infamous Metamorphosis comic, where she overdoses after being used as the town whore. That doujin is infamous because it strays from the norm of unrealistic rape and made it a bit too real for most readers.

>> No.4401228

I want to start selling stickers, any recommendations for a company that would handle printing/shipping/payment processing?

>> No.4401273

I can, It just takes forever

>> No.4401276

We have forever.

>> No.4401279

ITOYA Art Profolios. Those are the most common ones I've seen, but I'm not sure there's anything that big 20x28 in. Toploaders are only for smaller sized artwork like comics, trading cards or prints.

>> No.4401291

butch hartmann literally had three tv shows given to him
my best guess is that your paper doesn't draw in the ink, so it's like drawing on glass. Paper needs be be a bit porous so the china ink can be absorbed, otherwise it will just stay in the nib.

>> No.4401560

where do you find entry-level concept art jobs and what should your portfolio contain

>> No.4401579

Mobage companies aren't very picky for this kind of thing, so you might find something in that area. I myself worked on two games and I don't even consider myself /int/ yet.
Your portfolio should contain all sorts of concept work, if you're focused on one type more than other (i.e environment) them give those pieces a better spot at your portfolio. Just don't put stuff like fanart and graphic stuff (too lewd or gory).
Good luck on your journey, anon.

>> No.4401605

do you just ignore postings that ask for experience and just send them your portfolio anyways

>> No.4401619

If the post doesn't ask specifically for senior artist, then I send it. Worst case scenario is a 'no'.
Also, it would help with confidence if you use your spare time to work on a personal project, even if it's just a simple one.

>> No.4402119

Is it cheating if I create my comic BGs in blender and then trace over them?

>> No.4402147

Should i actually trying to correct my mistakes or just move on to next piece, even tho i have a very high chance of repeating the same mistake. I feel i might be too impatient

>> No.4402150

I do and I’ve gained a lot of ability from it. It feels like by correcting mistakes, you manage to nail the lines you need even if it takes hundreds of strokes. The finished piece is living proof you can do it.

>> No.4402172

what are some good examples of a character looking into a muted reflection of themselves in like a window or something? i am having trouble rendering one, it seems too busy

>> No.4402174

no it isn't

>> No.4402183

>is it cheating if i create

>> No.4402526
File: 1.08 MB, 912x1250, 080314103014jquyoHlgFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where i can find high resolution pencils to practice inking, preferably american comic book related? I swear i had a website bookmarked that hosted stuff like that, but cant find it anymore. Stuff like attached image, but big enough to change to nonphoto blue and print out on 11x17 bristol board.

>> No.4402820

Pics of mannequin?

>> No.4402879

How useful is figure drawing sessions with naked people?

I've been drawing for 3 months and been to 5 now but plan on stepping it up to at least once or twice a week.

>> No.4402883

why is this board so slow?

>> No.4402889

we draw

>> No.4402899
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, ER1lg14U0AAPntv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I avoid using generic tags like #nsfw when posting art? I noticed I'm getting some bot followers. What's even their purpose? They hardly follow any other accounts and dont like a single thing, they just exist, but why? What attracted them?

>> No.4402932

Anyone else speedup tutorial videos by 1.25-2x speed?

>> No.4403031

No not that one, this one she slit her wrist

>> No.4403169

Why does everyone (especially /beg/s and crabs) act like using reference is bad and say to only draw from muh imagination? How are you supposed to know how things are supposed to look like if you don't use them?

>> No.4403938

How the fuck do you learn color

>> No.4403959


>> No.4404082

go to the /cgl/ artist alley thread, they have a sticky

>> No.4404907

you're definitely ngmi.
crabs are right.
reference are strictly for studies and so you can build your own visual library in your mind which resulting a great imagination that you could translate on your piece. use your head like how mathematicians would do to solve problems by just the formula and if your gmi, create your own formula.