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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 518 KB, 1638x2048, Ilya 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4382830 No.4382830 [Reply] [Original]

>complete understanding of perspective and watercolor techniques
is he a truly a hack?

>> No.4382832
File: 412 KB, 1392x2048, Ilya 13 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are unironically good. what happened bros?

>> No.4382837

You don't need to "understand" shit, or be able to draw anything from imagination at all, to copy objects that are sitting right in front of you. So yes someone could paint this and still be a hack.
It's good execution for a 13 year old though.

>> No.4382844

So now having talent means that you are a hack?

>> No.4382847

Is he truly the picasso of our times?

>> No.4382857

Nothing that impressive really, kids in Russian art schools do stuff like that all the time.

>> No.4382868
File: 151 KB, 590x578, 1569327504711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382874 [DELETED] 

No, you're just an Amawu.

>> No.4382878
File: 298 KB, 1067x1600, Anders Zorn close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard this repeated a lot.
I think the only people that say or believe this are those that don't try it, because 'copying' never really produces a 1 to 1 accurate representation, even more than a photo, The human mind makes many thousands of decisions while in the painting process.
These pictures are clearly not exactly like 'real life' are they? Then why are still trotting out his tired all trope about 'copying' being 'easy'.
I expect you produce chicken scratch anime something somethings and think you know best, eh?

>> No.4382889

He comfort-zoned himself permanently in the pursuit of the perfect black-haired bob-cut 2D girl :(

>> No.4382895

>Then why are still trotting out his tired all trope about 'copying' being 'easy'.
Because I can copy, while not being able to draw from imagination. Post your art.

>> No.4382899

Literally nowhere in my post did I say that copying isn't hard. I know it's hard. I've drawn lots of copies of things, some turned out ok, some turned out very bad. It's a good copy for a 13 year old.
My contention in my post was that a copy requires "understanding perspective". Copying doesn't require any understanding at all really, it just requires the ability to take the lines and shapes you see and record them on paper. Which is a difficult skill to master, but it's hard to call it a form of understanding, and it certainly doesn't entail an understanding of perspective.
When you call someone a hack in this context you usually mean that they rely heavily on tracing/reference/photobashing and are weaker in the imagination and design department. Producing the OP painting, although difficult, does not mean you're not a hack. That's what I was saying.

>> No.4382970

I think it's because of anime and puberty. Instagram babes start to look hot as fuck and your dick guides what you draw. Watching too much anime (probably shit ones) affected his artstyle terribly.

>> No.4382974


>> No.4382986

Here: >>4382868
Now post yours.

>> No.4382987

What is so great about being able to draw from your imagination? Who in the history of art ever tried to make an end product without using every decent reference they could get? Animators have stored up a huge internal memory bank of information GAINED from using references, they didn't just start from nowhere. Those old Disney vids with the classic animators, they're getting on, there are no 16 year olds because they don't have the milage yet.
Not posting my work because what's the point. I'm a trad artist that works from life and finds the more years go by, the harder it is as there is more and more to juggle as you learn your craft. You start bending the rules of the reality you see once you have mastered how to put it down accurately.
Fair enough.

>> No.4382992

That's completely stupid. When painting with reference you should never copy the lines and shapes exactly as they are, you have to recreate the objects three dimensionally on the canvas. You have to understand light and color theory too, you have to be able to visualize things in space. It's not just being a human photographic camera. Any art teacher will tell you this.

>> No.4382997
File: 128 KB, 502x646, just read it faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is so great about being able to draw from your imagination?
You can't find a reference for a dragon or a beholder or anything else that isn't real.
Even finding photos with the exact pose you need is sometimes really hard or, at least, very time consuming.

>When painting with reference you should never copy the lines and shapes exactly as they are
>Any art teacher will tell you this.
Wrong and wrong. Go read sticky, faggot.

>> No.4383255

Who is the artist, this looks A E S T H E T I C.

>> No.4383265

the Da Vinci of this generation, the most >popular< artist alive, unironically

>> No.4383272

>What is so great about being able to draw from imagination?
What I and I think most other people mean by "drawing from imagination" is, creating images that don't already exist. With that definition, who DOESN'T want to be able to draw from imagination? If you want to work on comics, animation, video games, etc, then you need to be able to create things that don't already exist.
I would go a step further and point out that if you want to be GOOD and efficient at drawing from imagination then you need to be able to draw a wide ranges of poses and facial expressions without any reference at all. i.e. if all you can do is photobash and draw characters over traced pose references then the end result might be an original image in some sense, but you're not a very skilled artists. But that's already adding a non-essential component on top of the basic definition.
I know that some people talk like "drawing from imagination" means literally locking yourself in an empty room and drawing without looking at anything at all, but I think those people have the wrong idea.

>> No.4383289
File: 472 KB, 1280x1280, ilya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4383334

So disgusting

>> No.4383371
File: 65 KB, 842x493, dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I just found a reference of a dragon for you.

Also, I recently saw a post from an artist I follow using a lean dog as a reference for a dragon. You seriously have no hope if you believe any of what you just said.

>> No.4383376

It's really good for a 13 year old person, but nothing that impressive really.

>> No.4383393

Cool stuff bro. Now draw a comic about that dragon. Have it fly. Have it brood on top of a mountain. Have it knock the hero's sword out of his hand. Have it show rage, apprehension, regret.
You gonna find references for every panel?

>> No.4383403

Periodic reminder that screenshot redraw memes are a trap.

>> No.4383407

mixing up things, thats what concept artists do

>> No.4383409

Yes, I will, otherwise I'll never develop the ability to draw them from imagination later on. And since I can't already draw perfectly from imagination, this is the best way for me to produce those works.

>> No.4383413

So if you want to draw your own comic you're gonna hire a concept artist to do it? You can't draw those panels yourself?

Good luck man.

>> No.4383426

>When you call someone a hack in this context you usually mean that they rely heavily
Why would that one be bad?

>> No.4383433

No he means he's going to work like a concept artist dingus. Man how do you think people do this shit? You can't draw a comic unless you draw it entirely from imagination? Like, what the hell is actually your point here?

>> No.4383455

Look at bird's wings reference, look how they work, their skeleton, features anatomy, look at bats wings references, their anatomy, whats the difference? compare
Look at wolfs/Lion/Tiger references, their expression when they are menacing, shouting, study and learn that shit from reference.
Look at reference of people with sword fighting, what gesture does the hand make when it's getting it's sword knocked out? study and learn, keep reference aside because your brain can't perfectly remember 100% of everything.

Now mix up those things, you got your dragon knocking a guy's sword, that's what concept artists do daily
Nothing original exist, everything is a mash up of reality

>> No.4383475

Putting it all together is the invention part.

>> No.4383484

What went so wrong with Ilya? The Japanese go apeshit for good watercolors yet all he draws is anime girl head profiles with no backgrounds.

>> No.4383493

actually delusional

>> No.4383509

Nothing went wrong with him, or rather, everything went right. He carved himself a niche and fulfilled his dream of living in Japan and working for anime.

>> No.4383528

You picked out the "reference" word and forgot about "rely" and "heavily".

>> No.4383539

My point is that at some point you're going to have to take that character you mashed up from reference and rotate it, draw it from a different angle, move its limbs into a different pose, etc. And you won't be able to find an exact reference for the pose and angle you want.

>> No.4383545

8000$ per month parteon too
made 1 anime movie
made 1 anime netflix
illustrated publicities
Most popular drawing artist currently alive (most instragram followers)
Blue checkmark on twitter
Nips bend down to Illya
has meet Kojima, the girl from the meme at e3, elon musk and more that I forgot

yep he's basically God

>> No.4383612

Yeah but has he put a big fat dick in his mouth and swallow all its juices? Now that's a real skill.

>> No.4383617

Damn. Absolute legend. What /ic/ wish they could be

>For you

>> No.4383628

I unironically wish I was him

>> No.4383631

the amount of "understanding" of perspective that's required to be a photocopy is about as much as your "understanding" of anything at all about art

the worst part about this whole situation as that being told that they're good by family friends for their mindless fucking copying of things turned them into the type that could never buckle down and learn how to actually fucking draw, so they have been, are, and forever will be unable to draw

>> No.4383677

Dragons; Let's use this. Hieronymus Bosch draw plenty, you can either go his route and make them quite fantastical, or use REFERENCES of animals you know from your real life experience, you know, from seeing grass snakes and having drawn them, or marking down the back legs of horses, IDK. I don't do fantasy stuff. But let's say that how HB got some ideas, by bashing together refs from life and his imagination. He's still using references, he still made sketches and drawings.
I'm painting a portrait from a photo right now, but I'm changing the colours of some of it, totally modifying the shapes of stuff such as the hair to make value changes to the painting, it will have a totally different feel to the source, more like a Symbolist picture. This is how I'm applying imagination to what I'm doing, I don't work digitally or in the industry. Maybe I can dissociate myself from the source easier because I normally work from life, I don't know...but using a reference is a starting point for me.

>> No.4383714

Using references as a starting point to design an object/character is totally cool and it's what everyone does.
Now how do you draw that new object you created from a different angle?

>> No.4383928

>Ilya is a successful internationally renown artist

>> No.4383970

>tfw ignored this thread because thought this was a Picasso thread
>it’s actually Ilya

>> No.4384153

Oh so that's why everyone here hates him

>> No.4384547

This is what russian academic training looks like you brainlets.

Theres so much russian hate, but if they can do one thing right its traditional drawing and painting techniques