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4380960 No.4380960 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about being a digital nomad for a freelance artist?

Digital nomad basically means traveling from country to country, staying no more than 1-3 months (depeding on visa agrements). Usually to cheaper places like southeast asia or southamerica with low cost of life, where you can live comfortably with 1000 bucks/month.

You could even avoid paying taxes if you don't stay in one country for more than 6 months. As for healthcare, there are decent insurances that don't go past 100/month.

Presumably you should already be making some money and not start from zero in another country. But I think it could be a really nice option if at least for short term (~5years)

>> No.4380977

God i just want to stuff my face in that pussy while i rub her toes, or the other way around.

>> No.4380985

Dream goal desu

>> No.4381017

I'll rather be in the confines of my comfy apartment desu, too much moving and life resetting.

>> No.4381073

Me too, moving a lot takes from you ability to own many things.

>> No.4381102

Just be freelancer and d0-nt declare y'0ure reven'ues so you don't pa.y t4xes. like anon

>> No.4381105

You don't need to declare tax unless you're running a real shop for stickers, shirt designs,etc. You can also live in tax free states like texas for example.

>> No.4381120

It's called migrant, you uncultured swine.

>> No.4381143
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Unrealistic, and over-glamorized.

Not easy.

Language barrier, so good luck getting a rental contract for 1-3 months without getting fucked.

Good luck getting fair price on anything.

Good luck re-establishing your phone number every where you go. Also Skype and other VOIP numbers don't work for a vast amount of validation service, they know your number is virtual.

Good luck being nocturnal to accommodate your client base.

Good luck, getting decent internet, each place you change to.

If you go somewhere cheap for living costs, you will be noticed, targeted, and exploited. If you go to the more developed parts of the city, you'll be paying the equivalent of back home. So why go, unless it's a vacation.

Your laptop and tablet costs more then they make in a year, so expect them to try to bamboozle you.

Taxes are unavoidable. They all report them back to your home country. So unless you get paid cash in the local currency of insignificance you'll be paying the same tax.

Bitcoin. Not enough ppl use bitcoin, so you'll have hell finding clients. Converting it to cash peer to peer, you might as well accept your messing with a dangerous person. You'll pay 30% in the transaction cost.

It's way easier and cheaper to stay in your own country and find a cheap apartment. The only reason you might do the nomad thing is if you're an entertainer and your audience needs that from you as an influencer. If you want to try it seriously, marry a person from that perspective far away area. You'll then be able to open a bank account, stay permanently, not get fucked over by locals.

If it was so easy, more people would do it. Realistically, you'll get shut down by regulations galore.

>> No.4381152

hmm. the real issue is that you simply won't make enough. you don't have to work exclusively at night when you have a 3-day deadline.
no shit you have to pay taxes. there are plenty of places you can go where the people speak English. newsflash, everyone on Earth is learning English as a second lang.
there are plenty of texting apps that work over wifi. tell your senpai to get wechat for the 2 months youll be away. we have the internet now, friend. in japan you can rent a mobile wifi and have an a great connection wherever you go.... and western Europe is far from some third world that barely has internet.
he is not traveling for "cheap living costs." he's traveling to travel.
no one is trying to worry about bitcoin.
>good luck getting a fair price on anything
he's charging the same exact rate as before. if you mean from merchants in India, then he should simply learn to haggle.

debbie downer here is fucking mad. go shit on someone else's dream with you complete bullshit "points"

>> No.4381165

Words of wisdom. Sad but very true.

They are just being realistic. Chill out.

>> No.4381200

shut your mouth. their points are inaccurate.

>> No.4381206

You can say something like this only if you have no experience with traveling for longer periods.
Let me guess, that's you, right?

>> No.4381215

STILL mad.
How's your day?

>> No.4381219

>you have no experience with traveling for longer periods
I guess I nailed it.
I rest my case.

>> No.4381222

Okay beta male. Think whatever you want!

>> No.4381227
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Part 1

Supposedly you are living off of your carry on bag so there's not much resetting except for once a month, the first day, to figure out where the stores/ restaurants are.
You would still be working in the confines of your airbnb/apartment/hotel

>ability to own many things
definitely a con, I'd have to postpone owning my ps5/tv/gaming PC for a few years but I'll survive with alternatives like cloud gaming subscription services.

You are technically travelling on a tourist visa since it's the easiest and fastest way to get a visa and even though you will be working most of the time, your job tools(laptop,tablets) won't be recognized as such when traveling so it' wouldn't be a problem.

Fair points but even though it's definitely over glamorized by what I've seen, most of the people doing it live off of courses on how to be a digital nomad rather than having an actual skill. I already work as a freelance artist.

Language won't be a barrier since most people in southeast asia can speak English fine, specially the cities where most digital nomads go.
I can also speak Spanish so south america won't be a problem either.

As for fair prices, I have no problem haggling. If you mean prices for my work, I'd still be charging as usual in euros since my clients are mostly american/European.

While my phone number will change every time I change country, I don't see a problem with that. I communicate with clients via email most of the time. Why would i need a Skype number? Skype would work just fine for regular calls

I'm already euro-based and It's never been an issue. I've had clients from america to china. None of them were so time sensitive that i had to work at the same time as them.

You would be surprised how many of these so called third world countries have much better access to internet than Americans or Europeans. And it's not like i need the fastest speed to look for references or watch YouTube.

>> No.4381232
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>you will be noticed, targeted, and exploited
your apartment would be payed beforehand online, restaurants and stores have set prices. The only way in which I see that happening is when doing touristic things and even then i can just make a friend to show me around.

>Your laptop and tablet costs more then they make in a year, so expect them to try to bamboozle you.
again, how? the laptop/tablet will be at my place at all times. I'm not going to work in a coffe shop..

>Taxes are unavoidable
I agree to an extent. You have to be in a country more than 6 months for them to claim you should pay taxes there.
That being said, I'll probably not do the "no taxes" thing. I have looked around and there a few ways to reduces your taxes. My favorite one so far is the e-Residency program in Estonia. I can keep it to %20 instead of the over %50(and rising) in my home country.
I'll get money through a combination of Paypal and N26.

>If it was so easy, more people would do it.
That's why I made this thread, after researching for a while I don't see why more people are not doing this. specially for freelance artists.
Besides, of course, missing your family, food, relationships. But that ain't a problem lol

>> No.4381239

That's one way to look at it. My view is that owning a lot of things takes from you the ability to move a lot.

>> No.4381484
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>> No.4381635

Suck off you crab. I'm just relaying the very real obstacles you'll encounter when nomading it.

Do the math, across the cost of hostels, food, phone plans/internet, transportation, it's not going to be cheaper than staying put. An exception would be California, Seattle, or New York, leaving any of these places is going to be cheaper.

Also your niave perspective that everyone speaks English in nomad locations as a second language makes me giggle with happiness. Please put on your fedora and embark with that expectation. US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Amsterdam, and ladyboi countries you'll be fine, but outside those people are going to piss themselves laughing that you can't talk or understand anything. Good luck

>> No.4381653


I'm just dispensing pills of truth here, so please don't think I'm being salty, just straight honest.

>after researching for a while I don't see why more people are not doing this.

It's more regulated than you think.
Your N26 is null an void. It's fine to have an account as a tourist for spending in the EU, BUT unless you have a right to work in the EU, as an EU citizen or have the appropriate work visa, then they'll see payments coming into your account from clients and they'll close your account unless you can provide such documents. It's also likely you'll be flagged and recieve a 10 year ban from re-entry into all EU countries and a big fat X in your passport.

But what do I know, I'm just a retard

>> No.4381713
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>just straight honest
and that's why I post here. I want to know If I've missed anything.

But like I said in the post above that, I'm an EU citizen as well as a part of Mercosur(kind of similar to the EU but in southamerica). So I have dual citizenship.
Not like this matters much since I'll not be working in the EU. Although having 2 passports helps with visas.
And even if I didn't have any of them, with the e-Residency program I can have access to the EU in terms of being able to make a company and have a bank account as well as pay taxes there and not in your home country(since you will not be in one place for more than 6 months). Funny enough the only country that still taxes you even if you don't work there is the US.

not the anon you are replying to but I've done the math.
apartments(usually with internet) under 500
food ~200
SIM/ phone plans/ internet ~50
trasnport ~50

>niave perspective that everyone speaks English
Well, I'ts also naive to think everyone here is from the US.

>> No.4381717

doesn't sound too bad desu, not a life style for everyone obviously. but I'd prefer to do remote work if the job is freelance.

>> No.4381833

lonely artists with no social life or strings attached seems to be the perfect type for this

>> No.4382684

your points are almost all bullshit. stay mad. I'm not the only one exposing your lack of real world experience (;

>> No.4382688

like I said, the real problem is not having enough money. sounds great until you realize you only make 30k per year with your art. you wont be as fluid as more cash would lend you.

>> No.4382785
File: 68 KB, 600x600, what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most retarted thing i read in a while. im a in house designer for a company with a market from europe to asia. so 1/3 of my job is travelling around to showcase my designs in trading fairs. you will be more worried and stress out just for searching a good place. 1k a month is not enough, you need to add up the fking traveling expenses. even tho' i speak ''fluently'' chinese, spanish and english I still come with the lenguage barrier, from the damm closed minded french people to an lost tropical island in thailand. if you want to get a cheap place to stay, they won't speak english at all and you will be a stranger in a small town in middle of nowhere and the people wont react kindly to you. also, cheap places usually don't have a good traveling network, just some shitty roads, the fucking time going to spend just traveling and the cost come with it is just time lost that you can be drawing and gettin some money. and every 1-3 month you need be ready to move and organize the next trip. I barely have time to draw my weeb shit, and personal projects and those add me up more traveling for anime and comic conventions. in every single way is better for you to stay in your country in a cheap place than ''nomading'' around.

>> No.4382793

Fuck off we're full

>> No.4383143
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>30k per year
according to my math, I would only need 15k/year to live comfortably.

Maybe it's retarded for your situation.
I did account for travelling expenses. Flights to the neighboring countries don't go past 200$, and even if you are travelling once a month(with a day spent from apartment to apartment) it's still under 3k/year in flights.
Plus 1k/month...12k/year...total ~15k/year.

>> No.4383700

Cringy neet projecting

>> No.4383703

what kind of anime and comic conventions are you going to, have you made it

>> No.4383855

full of poor people

>> No.4383951


>> No.4385092

sometimes I fantasize about leaving my job, selling my house and buying one of those stealth vans to travel the the country doing plein airs on my ipad.

I'd probably get sick of nomad life quick but its fun to think about.

>> No.4385628

sounds pretty fun but may not be for everyone

>> No.4386495

>e-Residency program
This actually sounds pretty good but it’s not a visa is it?

>> No.4386502

I won't say especifics, but local and capital areas in spain and italy, small to medium for americans standarts. and no. i didn't make it... yet. i just publish my own anthologies and comic as fanzines, still trying to jump the boat from design (even tho it pay better and is less work, is just awful and souless)

welp then do it, thats was my opinion and truly, the 2 main point was the lenguage barrier/segregation if you want the cheap place and wasting so much time that you can spend it on actually drawing.

>> No.4386504


>> No.4386555

What's the point?

>> No.4386566

Sounds like a great way to get stabbed to death in a literal shithole.
Especially if they see you walking around with an ipad.

>> No.4387354

lol It's Chiang mai not the bronx

>> No.4387358

shit taste

>> No.4388808


>> No.4390224

Not an argument

>> No.4390228

Sounds like an empty platitude. Why do you want this kind of "freedom"?

>> No.4391629

god send

>> No.4392830


>> No.4395391

I want to have the most benefits at the lowest costs.

>> No.4395432

It was bretty gud. There’s things called ‘visa runs’ so you don’t have to leave after 3 months.

>> No.4397214

you are welcome