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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 162 KB, 1039x1400, IMG_20200211_062947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4362082 No.4362082 [Reply] [Original]

what is the appeal

>> No.4362086

coomers have lizard brains

>> No.4362087
File: 132 KB, 750x1000, 1577981888339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomers r gona coom

>> No.4362088

Dem sexy curves going around that thicc column

>> No.4362091

why is his twitter gone

>> No.4362103

you got blocked nibba

>> No.4362104

i never interacted with him
it says this twitter doesn't exist

>> No.4362105
File: 99 KB, 541x960, D0EA9CFD-513B-4714-949C-16DE76C011A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get it.

How does someone spend years refining their technical skills to a professional level, only to just use it to bangwagon on the latest online craze? How can you do this and still maintain your artistic soul?

>> No.4362106

I don't get why some people think that everyone gives a shit about artist soul or whatever, some just like to draw what they like, not 2deep4u subject or whatever muh soul

>> No.4362111

Are you really drawing what you like when your relevancy and livelihood is dependant on following stupid twitter meme trends like these?

>> No.4362114

In that case it's not what they like but what gives em money
they treat art like some other job

>> No.4362117

pretty sure the guy likes to draw big asses and anime/vidya girls, and that's what he has been doing

>> No.4362118
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x720, R_oO5vsZu_A6Aq8D.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge output (most important)
Recognizable work
Curves and exaggerated features

This isn't a difficult concept anon.
Some people just want to draw, doesn't really matter what. If following Twitter trends puts food on the table then that's what they'll do

>> No.4362121

Finally someone with more than one neuron. A lot of people simply enjoy the process, and don't have the desire to create original worlds. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.4362122

are you gay or a woman?
anyway i'd love to see highly soulful art of everyone itt. mannequin heads and loomis exercises don't count

>> No.4362126

pyw first

>> No.4362165

>what is the appeal
Good work habits.

>> No.4362171

>How can you do this and still maintain your artistic soul?

by keeping your regular art and the art fueled by your dick separate, duh

>> No.4362198

have some trendy interests

>> No.4362205

big ass,sexy back and a blondie elf. Cant go wrong with that unless you're a faggot

>> No.4362220

you dont like it because its sexual or because its not an OC ?

>> No.4362222

Good rendering skills and huge ass
That's the appeal

>> No.4362225
File: 13 KB, 384x313, 1234567889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the appeal?

>> No.4362415


>> No.4362424

Luckily my soul is stronger than a drawing.

>> No.4362430
File: 86 KB, 426x365, 1564130620509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys name is cutesexyrobutts
>people wonder why he likes to draw giant asses

>> No.4362433


sex sells

>> No.4362457

Patreon! Patreon! Muh Patreon! Patreon! Muh!

>> No.4362460

Thats why he get so popular, is the sakimichan path, when you get to a "ok" level of basic rendering and composition, only lefts thinking in a standard appealing (big asses big tits) and start producing non stop, if you dont stop, you are gonna get popular no matter what, regardless skill, there more skill you have is a multiplier to the speed factor

>> No.4362475

Do you see the name on the art? This artist's whole life is devoted to butts. If you could look into the soul all you will see is one giant ass mooning you.

>> No.4362481

That's kinda hot

>> No.4362487

I think these kind of art appeals to the innate instincts of men.

>> No.4362490

My soul is the pretty much same but you see deep into a giant belly button instead.

>> No.4362491

Or it just goes to show that all W*men are whores.

>> No.4362496

Probably has a pretty reliable workflow as well. Bet they spend a day or two cranking out thumbnails, then blowing them up and drawing flavor of the month waifu in pre-made compositions.

Or at least that's what I'd do.

>> No.4362506

There's something about desaturated colors and thin lines that make coomer brains think it's good.
I know because I mimicked it to great effect.
Really it's mostly the desaturated colors

>> No.4362519

hello Azto

>> No.4362547

>I know because I mimicked it to great effect.

>> No.4362570

they're commisions

>> No.4362585

that's what you gotta do when you treat art more as a business, he's smart for doing this in a fast and sustainable way that probably doesn't take up much of his time.

people like OP and >>4362105 completely miss the point.

>> No.4362589

Don't be so envious ffs.

>> No.4362610

That bottom girl is familiar, what is she from?

>> No.4362613

Samikichan does the same thing, yet she’s getting way more shit from the anons here.

>> No.4362668

>only to just use it to bangwagon on the latest online craze?
The fuck? Are we talking about the same artist?

>> No.4362673
File: 141 KB, 1398x942, 23wmt-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this. Your arrogance is leaking all over the place.

>> No.4362679

this makes me hard

>> No.4362687
File: 1.56 MB, 1416x1894, ENyHszGWsAYTWiM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female wojak

>> No.4362694

da only real answa

>> No.4362695


>> No.4362723

I'm fine with the content, but I'm 100% sure this rendering style is born from pure laziness.

>> No.4362771

She's an elf.

>> No.4362777

I prefer it to the plastic doll render style

>> No.4362784

Not everyone aims to create barbie dolls anon

>> No.4362823

getting your foot in the door. artists are a dime a dozen and competition is worldwide.
sex grabs the attention of the layman, since he has no clue about composition, color, edges, etc.

>> No.4362940

There's no appeal coomer fag

>> No.4363312

didn't mean to give away the secret, my bad
I thought it was obvious but apparently not

>> No.4363323
File: 673 KB, 942x726, 1581388491395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pornfags desperately trying yet again to plug in the narrative that exploiting zoomers and porn addicts in the current year is an art of itself and a sign of skill
no amounts of shilling or pseudo intellectual arguments will make you real artists
pornfags are the equivalent of drug dealers
know your fucking place, trash

>> No.4363341
File: 309 KB, 1650x1125, EPPU1FhXkAUYtNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of his work is like this. he has a tremendous volume where not everything hits but he's gotten a lot better especially his colors, volumes, and poses. i still have some gripes with his lazy brushwork and anatomy sometimes but its still an inspiration for me to keep pushing. there are lazier and worse smut artists to get annoyed about.

>> No.4363346

Its reduced art for the coomer plebs

>> No.4363350

I don't even like big tiddy anime art but those are some mighty pretty colors

>> No.4363372

wat the fak am I looking at

>> No.4363378

Sometimes I wish I could just enter this guy’s drawing and fuck these characters doggystyle.

Literally humped my phone and it kind of helped my imagination a bit.

>> No.4363382
File: 175 KB, 876x1500, EBZpssCX4AE4t2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu

>> No.4363386

Ngl I really love his background/environment work. I don't even care about the girl. Do you have more stuff of his like this

>> No.4363387

I don't like this guy, but there's just something about his art that's really appealing to my eyes and makes me feel.

>> No.4363399
File: 243 KB, 1550x1103, EKfo_xoWkAEyiwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's why i posted it actually. he makes his backgrounds interesting and has good command of composition/notan with the shapes standing out from the background.most pieces work out great as thumbnails. he's inspired a lot by fantasy shit like warhammer art also chinese painters like hgj according to an interview he did.

>> No.4363430

What a fucking square.

>> No.4363519

Link to interview?

>> No.4363680

Is there a word for adding too many lumps to a body? Over-rendering? Cancerous growths?

>> No.4363757

Bills to pay you fucking infant brain

>> No.4363831

the guy is like the female version of sakimichan, not that close but you get what i mean. the fact that he started drawing 27 and got to where he is now, take notes kids

>> No.4363881

Hes getting a lot better actually.

>> No.4363921

Yes, what is the appeal of shitting up the board with your constant whining?

>> No.4363937

I don't even draw coomshit but I look up to this guy.

>> No.4363940

Female version of sakimichan?

>> No.4363942

I hope to get to where he is in 4 times the timespan it took him. I accept being a talentlet, but I think you can still get there if you wait long enough.

>> No.4363961

>nooooooo you can't just be horny!
are you gay? are you castrated? why are you virgins so weird and creepy?

>> No.4363967

Can you twelve kids fifteen abortionites decide whether we're horny losers or hornless dogs already?

>> No.4363977

I'm glad Stamper's doing well

>> No.4363984
File: 190 KB, 910x1500, 32A69469-E4E8-4B5A-87BF-62823DDAA911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like piece better from him

>> No.4363987

If you're not an utter contrarian you can pander to popular media and personalities you actually enjoy. Soulful shilling.

>> No.4364006

Die, you pretentious fuck

>> No.4364010

trends exists because a lot of ppl like them including artists.Maybe you should stop being so close minded and try experiencing new things

>> No.4364036

I would say post your work, but it's probably worse than what was posted by OP, so you won't.

>> No.4364039

Yup. That's what CSR is really good at. Appealing colors and really good feeling for backgrounds.

>> No.4364105


>> No.4364195
File: 193 KB, 300x330, 1579980140604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is seeing sfw artists act like nsfw artists are taking away from their work in any way. Like if they didn't spend the time drawing what they want and developing the skill that means it would make your art better or if people weren't looking for nsfw they would be automatically be drawn to your work instead. They draw it because the want to and people look at it because that's what they're looking for, it doesn't mean if people stop drawing it you'll suddenly get more art gains or suddenly your work will get more views.

Acting like art skill is some finite resource and nsfw artists are hogging it all isn't going to help you develop so why go around in places you don't want to be? I bet someone asked one of you sfw artists to draw nsfw you'll react like anyone else and thinking I don't want to draw stuff Im not interested in; I hope you will see a glimpse of yourselves at that point. Just appreciate the art you enjoy, stop telling others what they are allowed to do and look at.

Seriously, go draw what you like and enjoy art in the many forms it comes in.

>> No.4364303
File: 26 KB, 399x399, 1581509625698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donate to my patreon
>heavily implying
This isn't about telling others what they can or can't enjoy; it's simply calling out pornfags for the faggots they are.

It is indeed quite strange how every time you dare to even criticize or say something negative about a pornfag, there is a fleet of anons jumping in trying to discredit any critique.

This is the absolute and horrendous fucking state of art in 2000+20
You wouldn't even think about them if they didn't exploit your lizard brains, you goddamn junkies.

>> No.4364331
File: 9 KB, 250x200, 1490609673269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going into a room as the minority solely to assert your superiority.
Woah why is everyone attacking me?

What critique are you even talking about? The souless comments to the extent that it doesn't appeal to your sensibilities? If throwing out vulgarities is the extent of your "critique", it not really of value to anyone, including yourself.

I'm sure you command respect with your beautiful mind in the sea of sheeple wherever you go.

>> No.4364377
File: 93 KB, 640x854, 1580421936400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you disagree with what the majority thinks? wtf is wrong with you?!
>calls others soulless
Why can't you just accept the fact that pornfags are the equivalent of drug dealers?

>> No.4364390
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1490019187761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about agreeing, its about not expecting resistance in a room full of your opposition, but it looks like it flew over your head.

I wasn't calling you souless and was instead referring to the comment about maintaining artistic soul, not everything is a monkey shit fight, but I see that's the extent of your level of discussion and "critique".

Okay, Anon.

>> No.4364393

>donate to my patreon
Called it. Stop being jealous of other people's skills.

>> No.4364425
File: 20 KB, 217x265, 1581029165346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ah, no, you don't get it."
>"I wasn't using that series of words, i mean it in another way"
>"this is the extent of your intellectual capabilities"
What terrific arguments, Anon.
2000 IQ points on your good boy card + a self-awareness bonus.
But let me ask you this
I only stated facts. Why do you oppose them?

>> No.4364431

artist soul doesn't matter unless you're a pompous prick
do whatever makes money

>> No.4364435

My argument is that your art is worse than CSR's.
Care to disprove my argument by posting your work?

>> No.4364444

i guess they are closer to coffee shop and pastries owners since they are selling legal drugs.

>> No.4364461

>his art doesn't make people ruin their lives, rob banks and wage wars

>> No.4364464

(You)'re probably looking at my work right now.
Try harder, faggots.
Pastries and coffee don't get you hooked like drugs do.
No amount of sugarcoating makes the exploitation of the male libido any better.

>> No.4364472

Good taste, le grand goût, is not something a lot of people possess, including artists.

>> No.4364482

And how old is he now?

>> No.4364485

yes they do and you can even overdose from them. are you trolling or are you so retarded that you dont know basic information ?

>> No.4364497
File: 108 KB, 371x960, 1566756745510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, i really did not saw this coming!

Here's your (You).
Enjoy your dopamine spike.

>> No.4364511
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1520, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is one of the first entries in his DA, it was posted three years ago, not sure how long he drew before that, but judging by his progress, probably only a couple of months

>> No.4364513

at least now you are slightly more educated.

>> No.4364517


>> No.4364530

>(You)'re probably looking at my work right now.
I highly doubt I regularly see art of an /ic/ dweller.
I bet you are a beginner. Only beginners have no idea what it means to actually do art for a living, like CSR does, and come out with retarded statements like you do.
Keep larping, puritan scrub.

>> No.4364598


>> No.4364694

The extent of what you have to say is "I'm better than you", "I'm right you're wrong", "why don't you just admit I'm right". You have nothing compelling to say and I doubt you've ever had a debate about anything. Your arrogance and ego is so through the roof I don't even think you see no one would take you seriously.

I really wish you the best, Anon.

>> No.4364790

You first.
Newsflash, you won't.

>> No.4365404
File: 1.83 MB, 844x1212, 1581497555342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me translate from normiespeak to what you brainlet niggers are actually saying:

>projecting their insecurities this hard without even a slight provocation
>the absolute state of delusional normalniggers
Why. Do. You. Argue. Facts?

>> No.4365419

Only a puritan /beg/ or normie that doesn't draw would say stuff like this -> >>4363323

Nice bait.

>> No.4365421

>Can you twelve kids fifteen abortionites decide whether we're horny losers or hornless dogs already?
wtf does this even mean? the internet has corroded your brain

>> No.4365434

why would you post this webm

>> No.4365447
File: 33 KB, 480x523, 1581515293212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite insightful, Anon.
3000 IQ points to (You).
And don't forget to donate to my patreon.

>> No.4366233
File: 9 KB, 388x112, fuckin hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I need to make an account aimed at coomers.

>> No.4366459

You also need to make a name for yourself if you want to rank in those numbers.
You don't make it just if you start drawing boobs, you make it if you work hard on drawing boobs.

>> No.4366461

Drawing boobs makes me hard. I guess I'm on the right path to success

>> No.4366463

Working hard =/= Being hard.

If anything if you are a dickbrain, that means you'll have more trouble making it.

>> No.4366782

What's a "real artist"?

>> No.4366806

>arguing with a brain dead autismo
wtf is actually wrong with you all?

>> No.4367665
File: 59 KB, 680x369, 1565247641736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep inside they know the autist is right and they hate it
that's why they have to argue to reassert their own delusional view or they can't cope and will shoot themselves
t, brain dead autismo

>> No.4367906

>It is indeed quite strange how every time you dare to even criticize or say something negative about a pornfag, there is a fleet of anons jumping in trying to discredit any critique.
What critique? You said drawing nsfw is bad, and gave no actual reason. Your only argument seems to be that people dogpiling you for saying something obviously divisive is getting some people annoyed. Explain why it's bad to enjoy drawing things that are sexually appealing. I will gladly accept your stance if you make any actual point outside of "pornfags bad".

>> No.4367928

Another useless thread full of useless topics and trash artists. You guys never learn.

>> No.4367995
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, 1581674987871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards still believe im arguing with them
>"it isn't critique if i don't like what you said because bad words and i take everything literally because im autistic"
>What is an observation?
>What are implications?
>What are comparisons?
>Implying faggots will admit ever being proven wrong
>Implying arguing on a mongolian virology image sharing forum fucking matters
You're the ones who keep projecting their own insecurities
I'm just mocking your delusional asses with reality

keep zooming, coomer
>inb4 not a zoomer
thats even worse, fampai

>> No.4368009

Jesus, you're desperate now lmao

>> No.4368011

of course i am
6 million IQ points and upvotes to (you)

>> No.4368015

My guess was that your art is probably worse than what is posted in OP. And seeing porn artists doing better than you makes you mad. I asked you to disprove my theory. You didn't.
I'm right, you are wrong. It's simple as that.

Now keep greentexting and talking to yourself. You already lost, sorry.

>> No.4368020
File: 185 KB, 1004x684, 1570813486046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur art bad
2/8 shit bait
you'll never get me, coomers

>> No.4368023

I rest my case. Keep crabbing.

>> No.4368028

good work. Keep masturbating.

>> No.4368033


how bout i fuck both of ur buttz

*coomer giggle*

>> No.4368043

>heh I don't need to post an actual argument if I use a smug anime face. Checkmate, coomers.

>> No.4368055
File: 12 KB, 189x189, 1565842099328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 million upvotes
good job, fellow 4channer

>> No.4368061

I prefer drawing.

>> No.4368064


>> No.4368076

I draw smut, so all you'll do will be more crabbing. Why even bother.

>> No.4368096

>implying i don't know you're playing me
with timestamp

>> No.4368123

>this much improvement in so few time
literal talented god

>> No.4368129

>won't provide any argument for his blank statement and defend his claim
>won't post work to prove that he isn't larping on his other claim
oof you got obliterated anon, no damage control and moving the goalpost like this will change this fact

>> No.4368134
File: 18 KB, 500x370, 1568322961965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4368137

You didn't want to post your work, when you were asked to do so. Why should others listen to you?

>> No.4368139
File: 21 KB, 768x576, 1581482889815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're feeling inferior than me
pyw with timestamp and show you're better than me
but you won't post your own work
because you're pathetic failures

>> No.4368140

What difference does it make if YOU won't post your work anyway?
You are just a sad troll at this point.

>> No.4368149
File: 22 KB, 468x349, 1581385509607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not posting your work, drawlet

>> No.4368152

You were the first one to be asked to do so after you claimed you are famous lol.

Still not posting your work, drawlet.

>> No.4368153

Will you post your work after I post mine?

Inb4 more trolling with reaction pics.

>> No.4368168

pathetic cope

>> No.4368176
File: 375 KB, 620x499, 1581674547845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you claimed you are famous
>vague statements are now specific
peak coombrain right there
I will post my patreon
where you can donate

>> No.4368179 [DELETED] 

>I will post my patreon
where you can donate

Called it.

>> No.4368181

>not argument to back up his claim
>no proof of his work to back up his claim
yikes yikes yikes

>> No.4368188
File: 2.96 MB, 1685x2503, fafsafsafsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will post my patreon
Works for me.

Pic related is hi-res detail of last thing I drew.

>> No.4368196
File: 1.46 MB, 1094x1310, randomletterstoseemlikeitssavedinarush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts pywmemechan
I see you have donated

i can do that too

>> No.4368201 [DELETED] 

You didn't donate. I posted that here a few days ago.
The pic I posted in the previous thread was not sent to my patrons yet.

But I guess this response means what I said is correct. You aren't as good an artist as CSR, so you babble coomer, to cope.

>> No.4368204

You didn't donate. I posted that here a few days ago.
Both of these pics weren't sent to my patrons yet.

But I guess this response means what I said is correct. You aren't as good an artist as CSR, so you babble "coomer coomer", to cope with that fact.

>> No.4368205
File: 36 KB, 570x500, 1580373560285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the bbcchan shitposter

>> No.4368207


>I guess this response means what I said is correct. You aren't as good an artist as CSR, so you babble "coomer coomer", to cope with that fact.

>> No.4368215

I saw this coming a 10 threads ago
pyw faggot

>> No.4368220

I just did. And you posted my work as well.
Where's that patreon link you promised me?

>> No.4368224

You beat them, stop beating a dead corpse we get it you have balls the size of grapefruits give it a rest.

>> No.4368225
File: 77 KB, 563x569, 1580882575974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted my patreon and my work.
You just have to believe me because i say so.

where's the timestamp?

>> No.4368232

I don't like trolls.

I thought posting a hi-res detail of an artwork nobody has a copy of was better than something anybody can make a shop of.
Where's your artwork? Where's that patreon link?

>> No.4368244

You pussied out

>> No.4368245
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1581106237586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is passing off bcc chan as completely and utterly retarded
Or is it undeniable proof that porn really rots your brain?

How much did that picture cost you?

>> No.4368246

>I don't like trolls
Are you new to the fucking Internet? Haven't you realized by now that the whole point they're replying to you is to keep you preoccupied with them? You've made your point he's a faggot that will not post work because he has no merit behind whatever audacious comment he made and sucks dicks just don't reply.

>> No.4368256
File: 596 KB, 1411x1781, fsagfgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too deep in now to stop. It's also kinda amusing.

Haha, I love how you are moving the goalposts now, so that I stop replying out of fear to make myself look too desperate.

I think you can't really rebut to pic attached, so for the last time, where's your artwork?

>> No.4368263
File: 228 KB, 625x626, 1581372267811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is not bbc Its just the same legit autist pretending to be him on all threads
nice shoop retard
>image he posted earlier clearly visible on feed
>feb 13
How many times have you commissioned him already?

>> No.4368268
File: 100 KB, 1062x1062, 1575906897069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have said that you are just as bad as they are because by now it is clear you love to shitpost as well but you have merit and we respect that you actually back your statements up with your illustrations but you're like a nigger in a fight that goes full neanderthal when an opponent is knocked out and you continue swinging in blind rage. You're going to kill them.

>> No.4368273

>image he posted earlier clearly visible on feed
I posted a hi-res version of the last image I drew (I post low res versions of everything I draw to my twitter as soon as I'm done). I'm the only one that has the hi-res on my PC.
Where's your work?

>> No.4368277

You consider this a knock out? I haven't seem them post their work yet.
I just want to prove my earlier statement that he's just coping with the fact that CSR is a better artist than him.

>> No.4368287

They practically robbed your male Hymen and took your anal virginity away, desu I have never seen this level of bootyblasting here before they're viciously fucking you sideways and won't stop. Each reply is like you whimpering as a sign you still have vitals left so they can continue pummeling your tight little boipucci. It's over you're fucked and anally destroyed.

>> No.4368293
File: 104 KB, 940x529, 1571269845278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the only one that has the hi-res on my PC.
Where is your timestamp with your work then?
>still implying i am a coping jealous crab
Quite strange
i never said anything about the quality of work of anybody
Is it true then that pornfags are merely exploiting the current social climate of cultural decadence and addiction to adultery to sell their work like candy?
Doesn't that make porn suppliers like drug dealers?
If this statement was untrue, why is there so much motion about trying to discredit me at any cost?
Is my sin of speaking true?

>> No.4368294

I don't think you are replying to who you think you are replying to.

>> No.4368298

I posted my twitter profile page and you replied with >nice shoop
but somehow putting a timestamp on an artwork will indeniably convince you it's not shopped.
Post your work, crab.

>> No.4368299

Yeah I just realized that now it was meant for the other faggot, I don't even know who's who anymore

>> No.4368311

Dude, you're not as smart as you think you are lol

>> No.4368312
File: 2.10 MB, 1177x783, 1581609889868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. faggiest of fags
Baffling at how you can't conceive a manner of involving your own work with a timestamp to how you can prove your claims
Yet a still twitter image that's easy to put together is seen as undeniable proof
nice failed support, retard

>> No.4368315


>> No.4368316

>retard doesn't know who's who on an anonymous board
>retard has trouble being retarded

>> No.4368317

>Baffling at how you can't conceive a manner of involving your own work with a timestamp to how you can prove your claims
>Yet a still twitter image that's easy to put together is seen as undeniable proof

Post your work.

>> No.4368319

lmao that other larper keeps getting BTFO over and over, this whole thread is just him seething with nothing to back up his posts

>> No.4368327

welp it's over, other guy is annihilated

>> No.4368337
File: 128 KB, 700x483, 1581600339038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believes twatter is proof
>samefagging hard
pyw with timestamp, retard

>> No.4368342

duuuude lmao

>> No.4368344
File: 43 KB, 994x283, fsagfgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now I'm also a hacker? JFC XD

I'll take my own advice and stop. GG crab.

>> No.4368350

kek damage control harder

>> No.4368374
File: 243 KB, 812x810, 1569913466405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of pornfags
alright, i'll make my move
watch the feed

>> No.4368384

People are still waiting for you to pyw

>> No.4368392

post my work then

>> No.4368398

the guy posted his work and confirmed that he was indeed himself, while you miserably posted HIS work (literally acting as if you acknowledge that he is good and has credibility by posting his work instead of yours)
all is left for you is to kneel and cope, dog.
we're done here

>> No.4368426
File: 191 KB, 1080x1020, 1541107049039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute fucking state of delusional normies
I thought artists were better than regular normies
You're worse than npcs holy shit

>> No.4368431

>waah waah waah

>> No.4368432

Nigger, you got assblasted by the lowest of the low. Pack up, you are done.

>> No.4368437

Ok, but where's your work?

>> No.4368448

if you can't back your own statements, then why do you challenge people?

you lost, it's time to stop posting now.

>> No.4368456
File: 38 KB, 343x600, 1580924022390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lowest of low
right here
What are you so insecure about?

>> No.4368480

Sad, really

>> No.4368498

I just want to say this man can't draw. I'm laughing at the ongoing shitflinging, but no, he really, really can't draw. And no amount of money will change that. Jeff Bezos could donate him his entire fortune and he still won't be able to draw. Every time I start to think I might be just a bit shit, a thread like this comes along to remind how low everybody else's standards are. That's all. Not going to pmw, spare me the (you)s.

>> No.4368506
File: 317 KB, 575x576, 1581582905628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pyw crabfest
Lol what's wrong with you guys

>> No.4368511

Post your work faggot

>> No.4368514

We need more people like BBChan putting you faggots in your place.

>> No.4368517
File: 817 KB, 1440x1409, 1570873394984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack of self-awareness
>all the delusions you can come up with
>all the inferiority complex you can deal with
>porn addicts defending their drugs
>literal sociopath bringing his paypigs along
>all the (you)s you can manage
>the absolute state of this board
What will you guys do once porn is banned and criminalized?

>> No.4368569

Still waiting for you to post your work. Shameless backpedaling and taunting once you got shit on. Pathetic.

>> No.4368575

>Not going to pmw
nobody thought you would, crab.

You got destroyed, let it go already.

>> No.4368581
File: 545 KB, 3840x2160, 1567295473004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unfathomable lack of self awareness

>> No.4368603
File: 52 KB, 500x607, fhfhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you say this is bad your just jelous

>> No.4368616

nigga have you WORKED before? Have you done freelance work to be able to EAT? You're never doing what you like, you're doing what other people ask of you all the time

>> No.4368764
File: 27 KB, 304x593, 1581651167637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4368853

Comparing that crap to CSR's drawings kek.

>> No.4368865
File: 67 KB, 480x854, cute-anime-girl-blue-eyes-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only going to TRY and attempt to have a genuine discussion cause you actually took the time to prove who you are and this is a wasted thread of trolling and shitflinging...

I think what >>4362105 and people like him are poorly trying to articulate isnt so much the art ability, it has more to do with the recognition and the larger atmosphere of the (predominantly online) artistic atmostphere in general.

Incoming longwinded stream of consciousness post: (1/??)
Id wager their greivences are: (1)The subject has overtaken the importance of craft/ability. (2)The subjects that have overtaken the importance of craft are shallow and placate the most shallow ordinances of mans consciousness. (3)The current trend seems to be getting stronger not weaker, so issues that arise from the previous (2) greviences will only get worse not better. (4)Dissatisfaction with how recognition, appreciation, and rewards(money or otherwise) are handed out disproportionately.

>> No.4368869

But what if art skill really is some finite resource? How can you be sure it's not?

>> No.4368870
File: 152 KB, 1200x712, D6emh0JW4AEv1BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an example, imagine an online fashion community where people are making whatever style of dress they like and the criteria for whats good is (mostly) formal.
>Attention to fabric types, colors, the way cloth falls, how materials interact with each other visually as well as comfortably, etc
Just as you might expect some people are better than others so a natural stratification of skill emerges. This is ok, very few people get mad at a system where shared meritocratic criteria are applied fairly across the board.
Now lets take 'Joe'.
>Hes a middling hobbyist fashion designer, his work isnt bad but its nothing special, the kind of work you scroll past and dont even realize ur scrolling past to get to the actually GOOD guys work. Not so bad you make fun of it, but hes run-of-the-mill.
Joe does something a bit different, he takes his lameass generic designs, finds pic related, and does a photo-op with her. Now Joe is getting eyes on his pics, Joe is the guy people who are coming into the community name as who they want to make clothes like when they get "good", Joe is getting followers and has gone from forgettable hobbyist to making damn decent income. People aren't dumb, they see this, they see what hes done and how its worked so they decide to do the same thing.
Now suddenly the community(or at least large swaths of it) are concerned less about the previous formal criteria (what they view as the more pure components of their art), they're concerned about more meta shit.

>> No.4368877
File: 107 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is the current hottest model that people want to fuck so that i can take pics of her wearing my clothes
>What kinds of clothes will show off the assets of this hot ass model, maybe another string bikini will get eyes!
>All I ever want to do is make is revealing swimwear, and shear see-through lingerie! Why ever improve or exit my comfort zone? Hell, I'll even pose my model the same as everybody else, and take compose my shits virtually identically as every other designer too! It doesnt matter because thats what people want to see right?
Thats what >>>4362105 is kinda getting at with artistic soul. The online atmosphere has gone from:
>Make what you like! long as its 'good' ur golden! even better if its original and full of 'soul'.
>Make fan art if you want any chance at succeeding cause all eyes are just on IPs of the month.
>Find the IP girl of the month and draw her uncharacteristically showing her tits and ass lol. Even better if you placate to some niche fetish.
Thats an understandably depressing shift in tone man. Even if things existed like this in some capacity since the start the idea its getting worse and theres no tipping point in sight is frustrating to many artists to say the least...

>> No.4368880
File: 10 KB, 310x278, a43f71f72454e910fbc13facb7fb4730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people (the aggrieved) feel its no longer about becoming "better" and is now just about socially engineering a fan-base. What really pisses them off is the shift in recognition. There are tons of incredibly good artists online that dont get so much as a retweet whereas someone of comprable skill will have a following in the tens of thousands just because they draw X girl of the week getting dicked down by Y dude. The former artist gets recognition (and sometimes a 6 fig income) while the latter is left in the dust. Its frustrating for a lot of 'SFWfags' to see that happen time and time again, especially when it could very well be a reflection of their own future. "Wow...I could spend the next 4 years getting really really good, but nobody will give a shit about anything I post or make unless i start drowning every girl i make in buckets of cum, or appealing to some goofy ass fetish."

>> No.4368890
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 759362048973aff903fafd943424f990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the same way with concept art just 5 or so years ago. This issue isnt so much smut in and of itself, it's that smut has (strangely enough) become a quasi-pop version of art, a way to 'soullessly' pump out subject matter
that appeals to a common enough denominator of the online art-viewing community to claim success in some way. I think what lends credence to this is people hate NSFWfags for the same reason they hate Illya. CSR isnt a bad artist, just like Ilya isnt a bad artist. They're both (i would say) decent formally speaking. They can make artwork 70% of the time that doesnt look like shit and every now and then they produce something that could be called appealing. The issue is that these dudes are known names in the online sphere when there are plenty of incredible artists that nobody has ever heard of. They're second rate artists skill wise (admittedly still a respectable rank) but they seem to garner a far greater level of praise/reward than they deserve (at least according to the aggrieved artists lol. but thats another discussion). I think a similar comparison can be made with Fan art during the mid 2000's to the early 2010's, where a lot of industry people were jaded by the idea that some amateur online goon could draw fanart of an IP (sometimes they themselves help create lol) and gain massive followings and with that the respect, $$$ and recognition that follows. So its not so much implicit of NSFW art (thats existed online for decades and SFWfags never complained until it because the absolute machine of an industry it is today lol [I think the same phenomena is seen with instathots and sex work...])

>> No.4368895
File: 121 KB, 1300x866, 95967640-thai-beautiful-women-smile-in-karen-suit-spinning-thread-on-a-bamboo-mat-in-a-forest-nature-local-vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing is how pervasive nsfw art has gotten in the last 4-5 years. Looking at something like furfags I think (especially now) they by and large stay to their own realm, and don't really invade whatever artist areas they exist on tooo badly, contrast that with nsfw(specifically smut) art which seems to NEED to exist everywhere. It floods discords, it flooded tumblr homepages, it floods twitter feeds, it floods forums, and now it even floods Chinese basket-weaving imageboards dominating every 3rd discussion and derailing at an annoyingly high rate.

Getting recognition as an artist by placating to subject matter(often crass subject matter at that..), rather than the formal qualities of art, aggravates a lot of artists.

>> No.4368902

I read everything you wrote and you are wrong. Go get an education bitch boi

>> No.4368911

thanks for the (You)'s :^)

>> No.4368922

Good posts. I know how to get the likes and retweets now.

>> No.4368930
File: 360 KB, 500x500, 1537498520544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post on this board
Insightful and Realistic

But you'll understand soon enough that reason and objectivity doesn't work with these retards
they will all take it personally because they're ashamed of their existence and will an hero as soon as their ego shatters
And they will deflect at any costs
They're miserable faggots chasing money and nobody can stop them
Just make fun of them for the failures they are

>> No.4368980 [DELETED] 

SFW or NSFW. If you want to make it you have to have good art, good work ethics, good marketing sense if you want to make it.
Only people that don't do it for a living would dismiss NSFW as easy money/fanbase.

>> No.4368985

SFW or NSFW, if you want to make it you have to have good art, good work ethics, and good marketing sense.
Only people that don't have enoughe experience with art would dismiss NSFW as easy money/fanbase.

>> No.4368998

Who's that in the pic?

>> No.4369005

>this amount of coombrain
Never change, retards.

>> No.4369011

Demi Rose

>> No.4369019


>> No.4369021

You have to admire the coom brain. Never straying from the basic human desire to breed.

>> No.4369022

>Getting recognition as an artist by placating to subject matter(often crass subject matter at that..), rather than the formal qualities of art, aggravates a lot of artists.
Yes, and those artists are immature. What we are all ultimately looking for is appealing, eye-catching content, and pornography is extremely good at that since it leads us to orgasm. On this current Internet people can easily share porn with each other, so that's what happens. The pussy earlier knows this so he's calling for a porn ban.

Understanding of things like light and perspective, while still good, takes a backseat in the world of porn, that's just life. Again, people who are bothered by this are obsessed with external validation. I find it extremely pathetic how people can talk down at pornfags and in the next moment seethe that benis in vagina anime pic on Twitter got 30k likes. It betrays a lack of cultivation

>> No.4369027

I think you need a dose of this post. >>4362673

>> No.4369037

Them saying its easy is just their poor ability to express the real issue, which is subject matter is a seemingly stronger determinant than the formal qualities you listed. Most independent artists stand to gain from switching from OC to fan art, and from fan art to smut fanart..SFWfags feel their on the losing end of the deal in that regard..

I expected a response like this coming up eventually. I kind of thought this way for a while but its a bit disingenuous on further inspection.

I mean why does anyone post art online at all? Are we really going to try and deceive ourselves that validation and external recognition for our hard work and ideas aren't integral to what pushes the (especially online) art industry?

also it being just life doesn't further any discussion lol. The people butt-blasted by this already know that's what it's like, that's why they shit talk nsfw fags in the first place? They feel it 'shouldn't' be that way...

>> No.4369086
File: 50 KB, 761x320, 4chenboardsindex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder to all pornfags to gtfo my board immediately

know your place, trash

>> No.4369091

/ic/ is a red board, retard

>> No.4369092

>year 2020
>conservatives still exist
>and on an especially degenerate site like 4chan
How is that even possible

>> No.4369093
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1487562771392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that you're on 4chan and not 4channel, right? This is an adult orientated board, please take your leave.

>> No.4369099

>Are we really going to try and deceive ourselves that validation and external recognition for our hard work and ideas aren't integral to what pushes the (especially online) art industry?
No, we aren't going to do that since while I understand what you say, it's not what I'm talking about (obsession). Any super skilled artist with a level head can look at the porn sphere of the net and understand that a) sex sells and b) l33t stuff like advanced light, edge, perspective, color etc doesn't matter much in bringing a person to ORGASM, that's just life. Again, to put an end to this we can a) regulate the shit out of the internet or b) somehow lobotomize human beings so that they stop responding to pornographic stimuli.

>They feel it 'shouldn't' be that way...
I understand this but I find it unresonable. It should be this way, because human beings coom. People who wail about porn artists are fucking dorks who need to come to terms with how the world works. If people could just focus more on their personal cultivation of skill and getting recognized by their idols and less on the circumstances of hueg clout porn artist #2134 they wouldn't be creating these threads to bitch about "coomers". If coomers are so stupid, what the fuck do you care that 30k of them clicked a like button? Low calibre hypocrite trash, uncultivated idiots who think you're so pure and moral but you still have such perverted priorities. Turn off the computer, go outside, sort yourselves out. Most of you probably fucking suck at drawing too and deserve a beating.

>> No.4369106

In terms of
>only to just use it to bangwagon on the latest online craze? How can you do this and still maintain your artistic soul?
CSR is one of the least offenders.
And this is bad...why?
Essentially "it's shallow because I say so"` is not an argument.
Even if it is getting stronger, which needs to be proven in the first place, why would that be bad?
Just because person ABCDE is good at it, why should I give that person my attention and money when themes (I am talking in general, not just ero) that I like are not present?

Seems like Joe is better at marketing than his peers.
If Joe inspires other people to take up his craft because they liked his work, WHY would that be bad?

Unbelievably snobby. Your hate boner for certain "subjects" is showing.

Refer to my Joe section

>I think what lends credence to this is people hate NSFWfags for the same reason they hate Illya. CSR isnt a bad artist, just like Ilya isnt a bad artist.
Now that's a reach. People give Ilya shit because he had the audacity to call out other people while being a tracer,

If a platform allows NSFW content, you are to blame for not blacklisting it.

>> No.4369110

It's "puritans", not "conservatives".

>> No.4369147

If you come here to look at pictures you're on the wrong board.
This board is for pictures you yourself draw. It's not even directly about discussing the artistic qualities of pictures by other people, that's merely allowed for the purposes of improving your own craft.
Now, which one of these porn boards is for specifically the pornographic pictures you yourself draw, and for discussion aiming to improve your skills at producing specifically pornographic images?
And if there even is such a board, why is /ic/ (and even /i/) red?

>> No.4369164

Isn't 'bad', its just not the criteria in which success is measured that the people mad want lol. It's arbitrary either way, but something being 'arbitrary' doesn't make it any better (or worse.). It just means either side is just as valid in their agenda really which gets us nowhere in a discussion.

I could go a lot further into why an argument for (2) being shallow has credence (whether I agree or not withstanding) but that's neither here nor there because those weren't arguments they were premises lol.
>Assuming these(1,2,3..) are their grievances here is why I feel they are mad as opposed to the theory BBC-chan posted.

All I was doing was giving my take on what their issue was because I felt the BBC-chan poster was missing the mark. Maybe you shouldn't give your money and attention to people who dont make subjects you enjoy lol. Theres certainly a discussion to be had over the tension between what (might be idk desu) be the platonic ideal of the artist vs the artists role in a free-market capitalism system.

>Unbelievably snobby. Your hate boner for certain "subjects" is showing.
I think this is unfair lol. I don't hate any subjects I was putting forth the mindset that the sfw people might be operating under..

the insults aren't needed man.

>> No.4369173

I have no issue with the first comment but
> It should be this way, because human beings coom
Some feel humans should rise above these needs I guess? You obviously don't agree but you can see where a natural tension would arise then?

> If coomers are so stupid, what the fuck do you care that 30k of them clicked a like button? Low calibre hypocrite trash, uncultivated idiots who think you're so pure and moral but you still have such perverted priorities. Turn off the computer, go outside, sort yourselves out. Most of you probably fucking suck at drawing too and deserve a beating.
I could certainly see a mindset were the aggravation comes from not wanting stupid people to be stupid. I could also see people becoming biter and resentful over the idea that not even stupid people like their work lmao..
most NSFW artists prolly suck at drawing as well..

>> No.4369195

>most NSFW artists prolly suck at drawing as well
Just as most SFW ones do.

>> No.4369196 [DELETED] 

Pointing out your condescending attitude is not an insult.

>> No.4369203

>Some feel humans should rise above these needs I guess?
Humans are rather unique when it comes to sexuality. Due to having highly developed brains capable of complex emotions and complex reasoning, we're one of the few species that are able to enjoy sexuality in addition to having a need for it. Other animals fuck only because they need to.
It follows that even if you completely satisfied or removed the need for sexuality among humans they'd still commit to it because it's fun. Nothing would change.

In addition, discrediting basic needs doesn't make for an argument. Everyone needs to drink and eat, they can enjoy nice drinks and foods, and everyone needs a degree of sexuality and are able to enjoy it. They all need to sleep, and are able to enjoy it too. Setting this one apart from the rest is absurd.

>> No.4369208

Yeah, that was my point, most artists in most categories probably suck

? I'm not sure what attitude you're projecting onto me or even really why. Maybe you could elaborate and we could clarify our positions/intents?

>> No.4369212

-> >>4362673

>> No.4369214

Just to make sure we're on the same page, what was your intention with >>4368877

>> No.4369221

Fair enough, though I've heard of other conceptual models regarding humans and sexuality. Whereas you make a distinction between a need for sex and a desire for pleasure, another model could instead posit both are just an attempt at attain pleasure.With humans just doing more mental gymnastics for categorizing who/what/when/where/why and how you know? I guess someone who'd see human behavior like that (as well as want humans to overcome some list of 'needs') would really be attempting to overcome some sense of wanton pleasure(maybe even pleasure in general)? Ascetic monks and cultures are all about this for instance although I doubt most of the people crying about nsfw fall into this category, none the less something to think about for fun..

>> No.4369236

I was just relaying out the mindset of what I think the people bitching about NSFW art are operating under. I was stepping into their shoes, attempting to see their grievances/perspective, and then relaying what and where they may be coming from (and some ideas on why) because I felt
>The best part is seeing sfw artists act like nsfw artists are taking away from their work in any way. Like if they didn't spend the time drawing what they want and developing the skill that means it would make your art better or if people weren't looking for nsfw they would be automatically be drawn to your work instead. They draw it because the want to and people look at it because that's what they're looking for, it doesn't mean if people stop drawing it you'll suddenly get more art gains or suddenly your work will get more views.

Acting like art skill is some finite resource and nsfw artists are hogging it all isn't going to help you develop so why go around in places you don't want to be?

Was misunderstanding the situation, more specifically I guess
>Acting like art skill is some finite resource and nsfw artists are hogging it all isn't going to help you develop so why go around in places you don't want to be?

It's (at least I feel) not so much nsfwfags getting X money, its that Sfwfags feel a certain criteria is ideal, and that nsfwfags get ahead by doing things outside this ""ideal"" criteria. It's more a frustration with how appreciation is doled out disproportionately than it is the total amount of appreciation. Sfwfags wouldnt be bitching if they got more or equal to nsfwfags, and they wouldn't be bitching if nsfwfags suddenly started getting less. As I see it so long as they seemingly get more relative to them they will be asspained lol

>> No.4369269

>Some feel humans should rise above these needs I guess?
Sure, that's understandable and perhaps even admirable but attacking pornfag artists because they receive "undeserved" (lol) attention is completely misguided and in my mind betrays the critic's vulgar, low-class obsession with external validation, and that's why I call these people immature shitheads. Again, the current situation is a result of the human condition and a lack of checks on the Internet as it works today. If somebody wants to change this situation he shouldn't be crying on a red 4chan board.

My replies in this thread are a critique of the typical anti-pornfag as I interpret it. I find most of them to be at least as vile and lowly as the people they criticize. Look at >>4368517 and all his earlier replies for example, what a snake and cowardly fucking idiot. No wonder /ic/ is so shitty these days.

>You obviously don't agree
Why do you think that I don't agree? Have I implied that the prevalence of porn on the Internet is good for people? When I say "should" I'm merely drawing a conclusion, I'm not saying that it's the ideal order of things.

>you can see where a natural tension would arise then?
Yes but what I'm complaining about is the chosen outlet. To the rest of us these people are just disruptive newfag hypocrite puritan cancer.

>I could certainly see a mindset were the aggravation comes from not wanting stupid people to be stupid.
I don't see this mindset. I see jealousy. These people are fuming because the likes aren't distributed as they see fit. Sincere people on a journey to reach SKILL wouldn't be preoccupied with these thoughts. How can they have the gall to complain about their natural superiors?

>> No.4369274

I am concerned that you are losing yourselves in banal discussions. Let God guide you. Ask him to fill your heart with light. Jesus saves!

>> No.4369276

Okay, I take back what I said. Seems like I read too much into it and I thought that you were just writing in 3rd person to disguise your own agenda.

>> No.4369296

I assumed you felt it should because you said you felt it unreasonable. My mistake lol

Yeah that guy was a shithead (though /ic/ has always been filled with them, I think the quality of the bard has been roughly the same fr the last 8 years or so)

I do think their frustration is misguided as well, but as mentioned earlier it seems to be poorly expressed and not very well thought out. Its kind of like how some people get mad at the rich, when in reality being mad at the system itself would probably be a better use of their efforts.

I don't agree with the puritan cancer name though(at least in so far it implies they feel deeply that smut is morally outrageous and that's why they're mad), these same people (at least as i see it ) don't have an issue with the subject matter in itself (as you point out they probably view and draw sexy things as well) more an issue with how well the subject matter does compared to their own chosen subject matter. I guess thats where I was going with the Illya example and the earlier fan art example...I think anime style art in itself during the early to mid 2000's was received the same way. As you(I think it was you lol) said whats driving this are deeper factors like biology and systems so its a pretty abstract underlying point of contention.

interestingly enough, I think a better tl:dr to my earlier post might be "where you see Jealousy, I see Envy" now that you bring that up..

>> No.4369304
File: 166 KB, 500x700, Anime+girls+eating+burgers+_0b871639baee030113237650e04d1f5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'all good, homie. I'm p much neutral here, It was just unfortunate to see what could've been a thread where some level of understanding was established, or look into the root of these issues go to waste....and to so pyw shit flinging at that.

>> No.4369853
File: 451 KB, 1907x2074, sexualityisfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyperconsumption of porn good
>everything you say on the internet is serious business
>pornfags maximum delusions
>pornfags maximum over shilling
>pyw so we know who you are and can hunt you down for daring to disagree with out narrative
>crab because if it isn't hollow praise then don't say anything
>seethe because i must protect my ego
>cope because i must protect my ego
>puritan because stop not being like me
>jealous because you must be worse than [insert smutfaggot here]
>Maximum insecurity posting
>irrational anger at getting their faggotry called out
>arguing against facts
>not even arguing but trying to outright discredit anything negative that hurts their narrative
>what a fucking beacon of integrity
>what a fucking beacon of humility
>what a fucking beacon of intellect
>why not just ignore it?
>reactions makes previous statements valid
>worst of all is that they did this themselves
i could still go on endlessly baiting you retards and you would still gobble it up because you need to validate your delusions.

All i'm putting in the room is what you will do once porn is banned and criminalized?
This doesn't concern drawfags alone.
It's the whole adult market.
Because, believe it or not, a lot of important and influential people are preparing their cases. What the major issues will be i leave it up to you anons since you have such vivid imagination.
And this is all because pornfags don't know their place
btw not gonna (you) anymore since all you will do is scream, cope and deflect
nice knowing you /ic/

>> No.4369879

annihilated guy, still posting kek.

>> No.4369890

>pyw so we know who you are and can hunt you down for daring to disagree with out narrative
stop making up stuff already. you are nobody. who the hell cares about nobodies.

>> No.4369898

I care about you anon UwU..

>> No.4369901

not that guy and i know this is 3 days old, but caffeine is a drug. I am one of the few lucky people who is overly sensitive to caffeine and It is hell on earth anytime I accidentally ingest something that has caffeine in it without my knowledge. the withdrawals suck too

>> No.4369902

Porn will likely never get banned; porn companies, however, have been exposed as fronts for the human and sex trafficking industries. Your energy is far better spent helping to expose this to the public, along with supporting age verification and carding for NSFW access, glowie.

As long as the containment thread is marked, GB3 content gets banned and shoved off to /b, and they fuck off, there is no problem.

>> No.4370158

if you are a weirdo, that's your fucking problem, annihilated kun.

>> No.4370182

>it was a seething puritan polkek all along
yikes yikes yikes, ain't no one gonna read your whole drivel sweetie

>> No.4370196

of course hyperconsumption of porn is bad you retard, the problem is people like you consider ANY consumption of porn hyperconsumption.

just dont be a fag; coom in moderation.

>> No.4370364


>> No.4370444

Sounds like Joe has better business sense than the rest of those designers.
Tell me, how is this different compared to pretty much any other field of creative work? You see this kind of thing everywhere but I've never seen people bitch about it as much as I do here.

>> No.4370449

Of course it's a /pol/lack

>> No.4370468

/ic/ gets all the dumb crossboarders who aren't even academically trained.

>> No.4370551

Cope with what? You are the one that got destroyed by a coomer, but you are still posting.

>> No.4370574

I think you'd be correct in that assessment!
I don't mean to be rude but I know it'll come off that way regardless so I apologize in advance but, thats has less to do with reality and more to do with your own ignorance of other creative fields maybe...and honestly even a lot of non-creative industries. I can say this about fashion, certain music genres, I know there was a point where this occurred in dance, at one point I think games/gamedevelopment saw this, you see it plenty of places. The tension tends to arise (as I understand it..) when business begins to overtake (or at the very least radically shift) whatever metrics for success previously existed. It's the never ending battle between stagnation and development (and I mean to use those words in as neutral a way as possible, stagnation isn't bad, and neither is development).

>> No.4370576

>>4370444 (2/?)
The mechanism I hypothesize broadly goes something like:
>Group X establishes some social circle and within it some practice
>Group X begins to form an ideal about what this practice should be, and how those who do well in it should act (the platonic ideal of the practice if you will)
>Group X becomes content with this criteria (all is well!)
>Some members of Group X (X^1) or maybe even Some members from Group Y don't do as well as they might like in this system
>*X^1 and/or Group Y members employ a strategy previously not agreed upon, utilized, or available to exploit the system (usually to great success!)
>Sections of Group X, see X^1 and Group Y members doing well in ways the system never says they should do well in. They feel cheated because they're playing by the "rules"(written, unwritten doesn't really matter) but are falling behind.
>Group X splits into those willing to change things (X^a), and those unwilling (X^b).
>The two sides squabble.

*note, the environment can also change making previous strategies considerably more potent then previously found, either instance will still carry the same ramifications.

almost none of this is deliberate of course, but this is the flowchart I'm willing to put forth. If anyone has something to add, correct, change feel free to posit your own!

>> No.4370579

>>4370576 (3/?)
I think both parties(its really not 2, its more like millions that clump vaguely to 2 sides but we all know this) understand that having good business sense DOES play a significant part in the success(and more honestly the enjoyment) of being an artist. The argument is SHOULD it, to what degree, and (if possible to ascertain) in what ways. The first part I think reasonably both parties can agree on right? So that leaves the question:
> (1) How large a role should business sense play in determining the social stratification of the artist in the current age.
I'm willing take a leap here and say, if someone is more of a libertarian, free market capitalist minded individual you probably think "as much as it happens to at any given point". Another individual concerned more about purity, categorization, etc (usually these people tend to be conservative types) the idea that 'art' should become subservient to the ends of buisness in any circumstance sound horrific and depressing. That person would fall more on the "As little as possible" category. Someone who is very industrious, pragmatic, and doesnt see much utility in art as a form of pure free expression might feel "As much as possible" because buisness (ideally) maximizes the utility of things for a society.And there are hundreds of others spattered on the spectrum..

I guess at that point to answer question (1) you have to ask question (2)
>(2) What SHOULD art be.

And thaaaaats a pretty hard question to get enough people to agree on such that things can smooth out lol...

>> No.4370581

>>4370579 (4/?)
some sub-questions that might be useful are:
> Can/should a distinction be made between art (pure formal qualities for pure formal qualities sake) and business-minded art (how one uses these formal qualities to appeal to an audience)
> If buisness SHOULD play a large role in deciding what art should do well and receive recognition (and there is no distinction between pure-art and business-minded-art) what should the practices and ethics be? Are there artistic practices that exist that are so insidious we can say no to those things. ( an extreme example might be actual footage of child pornography, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation. We already acknowledge (I HOPE!) that (even if the child will never know about the footage) its ethically wrong to create such footage for artistic purposes or otherwise; so theres a cap already, just how far do you go with it becomes the issue).
> How should (if at all) the viewer vs creator relationship be balanced? On one extreme you get super pretension art curated to be whats hot and whats not in the art world, but on the other end you get 0 curation and so the community feels nothing really matters (the idea of getting better at art becomes an absurdity because theres no up, only across..)
>Should distinctions be made between hobbyist artists vs working artists? One obviously has more incentive to prioritize business strategies and this might only agitate the lay hobbyist who wants a pure art of expression and fun? Perhaps creating a new term/bracket for these things could split the two and keep both parties happy and i their own pen mostly lol.

>> No.4370887

Take your meds u schizo fuckwit

>> No.4370931

The only people that care about the purity of art are shitty artists themselves or those that want to appear intelligente. Art is a craft.

>> No.4370935

>cutesexyrobutts is the 4th best artist on patreon
What the fuck bros, why didn't you tell me this. I thought he was just some shitty artist from 4chan

>> No.4371060

Based on what information? how do people know Sakimichan is even the 1st?

>> No.4371065
File: 91 KB, 1170x837, sakimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm blind and misread 9 as 4. But this is where it shows Sakimichan is 1. Of course since we're talking Patreon, we're talking Adult Drawing and Painting too. No one here cares about that vanilla patreon stuff.

>> No.4371257

This Kidmo dude...literally a painted over porn scene with some gooks face pasted on. Is it really this easy?

>> No.4371348

they aint even near the half of sakimichan. true queen worked hard for her shit

>> No.4371376

All I hear is "cooooooooom"

>> No.4371763

No, it isn't. You need to make a name for yourself, so that your fanbase is big enough to rank in those numbers.
Your attitude and obliviousness is what guarantees you are ngmi.