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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.32 MB, 1173x2044, Lamprey - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4355700 No.4355700 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4349530
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
>Dev Tracker (post patch 2.0 ideas in the thread): https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4355710

thank u dog God bless

>> No.4355715

*pat pat*

>> No.4355720

good doggy!

>> No.4355763
File: 1.85 MB, 1266x710, GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to let you know ive seen this and am concerned

>> No.4355769

Meet the dad tierlist when

>> No.4355846

>tablet doesn't work
>unplug wacom
>plug in wacom
>doesn't work
>terminate all processes
>doesn't work
>restart services
>doesn't work
>decide to unplug and replug again
>it suddenly work
I fucking hate w*com so fucking much bros, every single day with this shit

>> No.4355847

but there's still plenty of time...

>> No.4355849

bro just plug lead into the pencil and load up paper.exe

>> No.4355852

install gentoo

>> No.4355855

Plenty of time for premature tier lists!

>> No.4355861

I told you not to cum on the tablet sockets!

>> No.4355864

I don’t stan wacom or anything but I’ve had 3 of their tablets over 10+ years and none of them have ever fucked up.

>> No.4355865

I had mine for 9 years, still working

>> No.4355868

I have a decade old intuos pro and she still works just fine

>> No.4355879

Yeah, the only reason I’ve had three is because I just wanted to upgrade. Went from bamboo fun to intuos medium to 16inch cintiq.
My only gripe is that I somehow lost the small detachable plug part for my cintiq’s power brick and had to buy a whole new power brick just because wacom didn’t sell that dumb part that’s detachable for some reason.

>> No.4355895

That used to happen to me, and it made me afraid to even turn the cintiq off. But it turns out it was due to my USB driver, not the wacom driver. When I updated that and moved from my USB2.0 ports to the USB3.0 ports it stopped being flakey. Try checking for updates to your USB drivers for your motherboard and make sure you're using the right ports. Good luck anon.

>> No.4355909

I'm gonna do it, I'm going to sketch something from imagination and try to make it somewhat understandable.
Watch me daddies!

>> No.4355916

children grow up so fast :')

>> No.4355918 [DELETED] 

It's a beautiful thing, isn't it?

>> No.4355921

I had a bamboo for like 8 years before it died, and then had another which lasted too. I've switched to Huion now because you can get a much bigger tablet for the price, and it works fine too, as long as you completely wipe all wacom stuff before installing huion drivers.

good luck brave daddy

>> No.4355922

go my son, after you're done do it again about 30,000 times for starters then come back for further instructions

>> No.4355940

And yet when it works, it works magically. Huion can’t even compare.

>> No.4355966


Falling Idols

(I ain’t got nothin’ against chicks, I think every man should own some)

Wake up every morning at the crack of dawn
And then I start to thinkin’ bout what I done wrong
Oh my God, not that again, I’ve had too much to drink
Oh no no, that explains my headache but why do my fingers stink

Oh why are all those chicks doing that to me
Because they’re all stupid far as I can see
And I say HWH and male supremacy
We must keep them from doing that to me

Who is this voice I hear?
Some dirtbag callin’ me ‘dear’
And I say ‘hey chick,’ I don’t even know your name
And she says ‘we can go out tonight, y’all look so lame,’ bye bye bye


Oh, go out Monday night just to check out the trend
And then I get beat up by her old boyfriend
We don’t need this shit no more, it’s time to fight
C’mon all you he-men, na na na, we must unite

>> No.4355970 [DELETED] 

Sick beat my dog. Where can I catch your soundcloud?

>> No.4355990

Oh, yeah. You're right. My sense of time is so fucked he could be weekly and it'd still feel daily to me.

>> No.4355992
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>> No.4356049

don't worry dad, you won't get in trouble for this:

>> No.4356059

I like older women tbqh

>> No.4356061

Too many choices please narrow them down FBI-kun

>> No.4356069

I see lilramune voted

>> No.4356070
File: 98 KB, 940x627, 1531168581700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on this, I created some caveman grug that looks ridiculous but I am surprisingly quite happy with it.

If I can do it, then so can you!
Happy Saturday daddies!

>> No.4356077

16 to 40, tho the youngest I'd date would be early 20's.

>> No.4356090

Say something nice or constructive about the submissions from today!

>> No.4356106


>> No.4356119

Say something rude or destructive about the submissions from today!

>> No.4356127

yours looks poopy

>> No.4356128

I really like the color palette in hoppy’s piece.
Goblin’s piece disturbs me in a good way.
I really like dreamworldnetizen’s creepy cute bunny. Creepy cute is the best.

>> No.4356133
File: 14 KB, 400x400, thumb_konomi-yuzuhara-aquapazza-aquaplus-dream-match-8.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee...I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.4356144 [DELETED] 


>> No.4356173


>> No.4356178


>> No.4356190


>> No.4356194


>> No.4356227

Is Leech working with watercolor? It's really lovely, and I'd really like to see more people join us that work with mediums other then just digital or graphite.

>> No.4356234


>> No.4356235

rip bradley
rip lou dog
representing the LBCP forever

>> No.4356251 [DELETED] 

I remember...

We all remember.

>> No.4356302

ohana means family

>> No.4356316

im gonna ohana inside nani

>> No.4356317 [DELETED] 

That's the best way to make a family.

>> No.4356322

I like the las discord but it feels hard to integrate into the community

>> No.4356335

have you tried blogging in the chat

>> No.4356337

I'm straight but I think middle aged men are more attractive than middle age women.

>> No.4356341

I'm a straight guy and I agree.

>> No.4356342

i'm also straight and i agree

>> No.4356345

if you're not already integrated then no one will care
also that is gay

>> No.4356346

yeah men have more potential for later peaks, women peak early

>> No.4356350


female = earlygame build
male = lategame build
change my mind

>> No.4356403

talk about something art related for fucks sake

>> No.4356415

What mediums/media have you been wanting to try out/use but have neglected in doing so?
I think an “alternative medium” challenge would be kinda fun.
Work in a new or at least unpracticed medium for a week.

>> No.4356432

I want to try acrylic paint and high end markers, I'm currently working with crayons and while it looks cute they don't blend at all and they seem very faded when I want super intense color.

Unfortunately, I'm a poorfag and a beginner so I probably won't be trying it anytime soon

>> No.4356457


>> No.4356474

what about people that spec into tranny?

>> No.4356477

They aren't gonna be playing lategame at all

>> No.4356479 [DELETED] 

That would be redundant. You're either male or female.

>> No.4356483

make me faggot

>> No.4356484

weakest earlygame when transitioning strong midgame with lots of free asspats but 0 lategame

>> No.4356485

Yeh I want to try oil again but buying my supplies again would cost a pretty penny.
If I wind up making the challenge I’d probably make it at least a month and half in advance to give people time to buy supplies/think about what to get.

>> No.4356489

ragequit halfway through the match

>> No.4356540

anything that isn't pen/pencil

>> No.4356564
File: 477 KB, 944x1716, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4356590 [DELETED] 

I wonder what the dad discord is up to now....

>> No.4356591

surirpsingly accurate

>> No.4356598

psst, hey dad, 785GB of courses https://mega.nz/#F!X5EXCS7Y!puCLaLV8yBs3q7zYCk4Q9g

>> No.4356605

watercolor, and I'm currently doing it

>> No.4356611


>> No.4356613 [DELETED] 

Holy shit thanks bro. More shit to clog up precious space and waste bandwidth!

>> No.4356637

disturbingly accurate. god i hate those reeeing circlejerking regulars who don't draw

>> No.4356653

Honestly I'm willing to legitimately buy most of these but holy fuck CGMA's price is fucking obscene. Lets put it this way- if you're making enough off your art to drop 700 USD for just one semester of classes you've already "made it".

>> No.4356657 [DELETED] 


Uhh only a retard buys CGMA at full price. There is an underground community that has every course you can buy at nearly $50 to $100. I have every course on my drive.

>> No.4356660

This is why I'm not on the discord (well, besides that I fan't figure out the layout for my life). I have to be super careful or I let chatting in forums consume all the free time I could've used to learn something.

>> No.4356663

Yup, just saying that school alone justifies >>4356598 's existence

>> No.4356664

Fellow Fight Club bro? Didn't think to meet someone from there in this place.

>> No.4356681

Discord is for queers.

>> No.4356702
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>> No.4356724
File: 316 KB, 800x532, Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless ya m8

>> No.4356762

Why not post this into the artbook thread so they can archive it with the rest of their huge servers?

>> No.4356768

is that true on dad discord? i'm not in it but i'm thinking of making one and be there

>> No.4356776

Yes. A big circlejerk

>> No.4356778

>tfw the second clique and NGMI

>> No.4356783

discord is good for crits

>> No.4356784
File: 52 KB, 600x449, 1579347842251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on the discord if u just wanna chat with some homies in the community
If you're autistic af and think you're going to get anymore than that out of a fucking chatroom you're better off eating a bullet than wasting your time on there

>> No.4356786

less so than on las but it's definitely not untrue

>> No.4356806

give me an incentive to post comments/crits on DAD and i'll carpet bomb the submissions

>> No.4356808


>> No.4356810

skip me

>> No.4356812

daily comment streak

>> No.4356818

If you comment on my submission I'll quit dad forever

>> No.4356819

to help your fellow dads

>> No.4356823

>mentioned in best/favorite lists
>nobody ever comments
people think that if youre okay at drawing youre unapproachable i need someone to tell me that im not dogshit i have a very low self esteem

>> No.4356827

Human love

>> No.4356840

I ain't no prophet
Don't wanna cure no damn disease
But would you marry me anyway
If I was on my knees

I'm goin' through my time of change
In my time of need...

So I thought to myself
I'm gonna marry into wealth
Gonna take everything that she's got to offer
And keep it for myself

She said to me "I don't like what I see"
And I said to her "I don't even know your name"
And she said to me "I don't like what I see"
I said to her "I don't even fuckin' care"

I ain't no prophet
Don't wanna cure no damn disease
Would you marry me anyways
If I was on my knees

I'm goin' through my time of change
In my time of need...

Love love love
Is my gift to you so love
She said to me "I don't like what I see"
And I said to her "I don't even know your name"
And she said to me "I don't like what I see"
I said to her "But I don't even fuckin' care"

>> No.4356843

Good artists are intimidating, its why people like sleepy and naf hardly get comments. Try commenting on other people's art to seem more approachable

>> No.4356848

>sleepy and naf
I dont consider them good, neither Mathias.

>> No.4356853

This. Taylor shits all over you. Susi tells you to stop being a bitch. Santi inserts his power level.

>> No.4356856

>niether mathias

who cares what you think t.bh

>> No.4356860

Shut up and sit down child.

>> No.4356863

literally who?

>> No.4356864

pyw nigger bitch step up pussyboy

>> No.4356872

lets go i dont got all day, trying to find your least cringy piece?

>> No.4356873

whats ur name

>> No.4356885
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, aaaaaaa_another_fucking_frog_drawing_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4356888
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 15812164533378600142432303886176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't me, I was the one saying naf and sleepy are good in the first place

>> No.4356893


>> No.4356895
File: 75 KB, 1023x743, 1499963581674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting

>> No.4356897

this has been the most elaborate setup for a backhanded compliment ever

>> No.4356901

Your work is pretty sad for a 21yo, though you're a hobbyist so idc.

>> No.4356903
File: 198 KB, 644x472, 1574301748010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyw dingus

>> No.4356906

What the fuck? Only 21? I’m NGMI, sorry dads.

>> No.4356907
File: 155 KB, 1280x1109, 1580580047604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*starts looking for other dads to frame*

>> No.4356910

please skip me please skip me please ski

>> No.4356912
File: 11 KB, 480x422, 1499582399812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4356913

Time is on the side of men.

>> No.4356914

Your "coomer" art doesnt fit your style sorry senpai.

>> No.4356916
File: 69 KB, 640x462, 1580861732569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4356918

someone convince me to not get blackout drunk tonight

>> No.4356920

speed run any %

>> No.4356924

yeah right like im gonna believe that, youre not nessie. pussy bitch sit the fuck down.

>> No.4356926

only if you convince >>4356806 to comment bomb dad

>> No.4356933


>> No.4356947

Fugk ovf banabs

>> No.4356956
File: 6 KB, 168x225, loquacious banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm too busy doing dev to get black out drunk today.
I'll get black out drunk after I finish the patch, after engorging myself with all-you-can eat steak at a certain restaurant I like.

>> No.4356966 [DELETED] 

But I like you wasted more :(

>> No.4356968

banana can you change the avatar for my OC sheet challenge to the steel donut i submitted today... i can't edit the avatar anymore without changing the date because it's next week. it's konsui

>> No.4356979

You always say you're working so much on the site, yet hardly anything ever changes. Really makes you think...

>> No.4356982

... that you have no brain cells, Lilramune.

>> No.4356990 [DELETED] 

Any negative responses is Japanese flavored drink.

>> No.4356996

so if you're not him, wouldn't you rather be correctly identified?

>> No.4357001
File: 47 KB, 640x426, grilled banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was sick for one week, and prior to that, I was handling a bunch of research on legal requirements for art hosting websites. In fact, near DAD 2.0's completion, I will be consulting a reputable lawyer to draft up a proper Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and also any necessary legal jargon required for DAD to host site art contests with actual prizes.
Then this week, I kept fighting Cloud9 until I couldn't take it anymore, and I just got done setting up my dev environment properly on a mac OS virtual machine that took forever to set up properly since I've never spun up a virtual machine that wasn't already set up for me before.
Procrastination may play a role as well, I will admit. It's hard to stay focused on dev as opposed to art, since I do nothing but dev in my work.

But like I said, if you're unhappy about the progress being made, I have always opened the door to anyone making a better site (many have threatened to). If you make a legitimately better site that meets the needs of the community better than DAD does, I will, without hesitation, step down. I acknowledge that I am far from a competent developer, and if you are willing to put in the time and step in, then I am open to it.


PM me with the challenge ID, and the desired image, and I'll take care of it.

>> No.4357002 [DELETED] 

For what reason? This isn’t reddit.

>> No.4357003

learn some IT shit for once instead of obsessively looking at this thread all day. Oh wait you don't have any brain cells :)

>> No.4357004


>> No.4357005 [DELETED] 

How do you know what I do for a living?

>> No.4357007

Don't bother nana. He's banned anyway and incapable of making his own site ^^

>> No.4357010 [DELETED] 


>> No.4357012
File: 32 KB, 400x400, computer dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think every person who criticizes me is lilramune, even though that individual has a peculiar propensity for lingering in threads for no apparent reason other than boredom.

I just wanted to make it clear that I am aware of my limitations in terms of motivation and technical competence, and that the same mantra I gave when I first started hosting DAD holds true now: if you can do better and the community stands behind what you make, I am fully willing to step down.

>> No.4357014

>hmm how can i say "no u" but attempt to seem smart what word should i use hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.4357019

small brain working overtime for that response

>> No.4357024

>the community stands behind what you make
you'd have to really fuck up for the community to switch sides from you to spme other random dev, I still stand by my suggestion that you don't close shop anyway in case another w las ded scenario happens

>> No.4357038 [DELETED] 

>I don't think every person who criticizes me is lilramune
Other way around. This>>4356979
isn't even my post and I'm wondering why anon said nothing to correct you yet. Really strange, don't you think?
>even though that individual has a peculiar propensity for lingering in threads for no apparent reason other than boredom.
That's my choice.

>> No.4357044


>> No.4357046

Stop bullying my friend.

>> No.4357048 [DELETED] 


>> No.4357052
File: 125 KB, 900x612, DyUyd2HVAAAEzTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me you're replying to, friend. If you have any specific crit I'd love to hear it.
But also pyw.

>> No.4357054

*autistic monkey cries*

>> No.4357056

I want to go to a restaurant with shiney and banana and nessie. Wolfens can come too but only to be a slampiece

>> No.4357057 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1447x2046, rekpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou for coming to my rescue!

>> No.4357058


>> No.4357061
File: 34 KB, 168x225, blues banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357062

What style do you need to make coomer art?

>> No.4357064


>> No.4357066

i like nessie's lewds

>> No.4357072

lol shut up pig/dare

>> No.4357074 [DELETED] 

Are you from the anime study community?

>> No.4357075

Who's pig?

>> No.4357083

dares discord alt account

>> No.4357093

i like nessie

>> No.4357095

Which dads would you unironically like to know irl?

>> No.4357096 [DELETED] 


>> No.4357098


>> No.4357100


>> No.4357128

silvemis and bunny

>> No.4357137

>not choob and bunny

>> No.4357144

VuSta, Konsui, Banana, Grigri, Hoppy, Nyroc, Tang, Meru

>> No.4357146

id like to play chess with Finlay irl but i suspect hes holding back in our online matches

>> No.4357150


cr3amlord, yo mama and negakona

>> No.4357154

whos dare?

>> No.4357156 [DELETED] 

Damn it don't change the subject >>4357095

>> No.4357157

lilramune's pedo buddy

>> No.4357159

The girl lilramune keeps lusting after

>> No.4357163


>> No.4357167

My bestest bestie in the whole wide universe.

>> No.4357174

stop feeding the troll

>> No.4357177

what the fuck? How do I get lilramune's attention?

>> No.4357179

don't respond anon forever ignored

>> No.4357184


whats their dad name?

>> No.4357201
File: 39 KB, 384x406, 1577813747783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has deteriorated recently and it has eroded my will to post my work (but not to keep drawing)
i was weekly anyways so noone will notice

oyasumi daddies

>> No.4357204


>> No.4357210
File: 509 KB, 1673x1750, C27EEF9A-322C-4CAC-B816-DD76DCD6F19A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the umbrella

>> No.4357214

Post it to the site, come join

>> No.4357218

b-but he did

>> No.4357225

since december /ic/ is going REALLY bad, it already wasn't that good but for some reason became way worse now i just don't care anymore

>> No.4357226

I’ve been posting for a week or two

>> No.4357228

>tfw feel like sickness is coming on
I thought flu season passed back in November.

>> No.4357232

II'll hang out with you, Daddy

>> No.4357259
File: 40 KB, 720x538, ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it ;)

>> No.4357324

look at me guys im being edgy!

>> No.4357347

This freaking website is helping me more than all of ic combined

>> No.4357418

true. This board has gone to shit lately

>> No.4357446
File: 50 KB, 290x286, 1358658648161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left eye getting watery after a couple of hours everyday
I think this is it for me, dads...

>> No.4357447

I don't know if it's just recency bias but it's felt worse than usual lately. There's more shitposting and threads move faster, but there's not any more art or quality posts.

>> No.4357449

I agree, even the shitposting in this thread became a touch less clever, it's just blatant circle jerking around someone who's clearly depressed

>> No.4357464

Yeah, I feel like Pii and ramune have done damage to the threads that will take a long time to recover from. The threads feel rather angry and spiteful lately, with anons lashing out at every dad user with the slightest bit of notability.

>> No.4357466

I agree, isn't there anything we can do?

>> No.4357477

most of the general discussion just moved to discord since the thread derailing poster kept coming back here everyday

>> No.4357483

pii/lilramune are like babies play compared to somebody like malaysia and friends

>> No.4357508

Unironically give lilramune back his privilege to participate on the website as a chance to redeem himself, I think it's pretty sad enough that he lingers around trying to keep himself relevant since this is the only place that would give him and his cylinders the time of day but that should be what DAD is about and the type of people DAD should invite, a community based on growth versus an insatiable content vacuum like twitter or insta

>> No.4357517

He was already given plenty of second chances. He could have turned his act around once he got outed as Pii, but he didn't. He could have decided to play nice after getting warned about the eeveeloli challenge, but didn't. Banana wasn't even planning to ban lilramune permanently before he started sperging out in the dad Discord.

>> No.4357553


I agree with all of your points but considering this is 4chan I feel like he's the type of person to push boundaries for the luls and didn't realize the repercussions until it was far too late. I'm only advocating for him because I choose to believe he genuinely wants to get better at art despite his history of being a creep and tasteless subject matter. Maybe once DAD 2.0 gets implemented and the legal details get figured out he can be handed his last olive branch, forgive but don't forget.

>> No.4357568

He literally can't stand the site and admin since the dad inception 2 years ago and been suicide baiting him ever since. I don't have sympathy and patience for these special type of retards.

>> No.4357574

If you open the doors for everyone, the good ones will get trampled. Shutting out known undesirables who have a destructive influence on your group is a good thing. If DAD was a village of craftsmen, he'd be the troublemaker breaking shit and attacking his fellows left and right. Who cares if somewhere deep within he wants to be a craftsman like the rest? They banished him from the village and with good reason, for his mere presence negatively affected all the others. Now he does the same as ever, in his boundless spite: throw rocks at the wall from the outskirts. You're gonna effectively reward him for that?

>> No.4357575

Guys. quick question. Is there a tablet pen that has mouse-like wheel on it? I probably can rebind keys on wacom pens to be WHEELUP/WHEELDOWN, but I want an actual rotatable wheel.

(Preferably for wacom, but I can switch tablets for more inputs on pen)

>> No.4357576

Whether he wants to be better or not, he's been antagonistic to the admin and much of the userbase for a long time now. He's actively trying to make the community worse. Letting him stay here is only going to bring the quality down as more people will see him acting out, and think it's acceptable for them to act the same way as well.

>> No.4357584

lilramune was Pii? That makes so much sense.

>> No.4357593

where the fuck have you been

>> No.4357605

I can see where you're coming from and honestly agree.

His reputation is already tarnished, there is no taking back what he's inflicted on others but I know how fruitless it can feel grinding out excercises alone, giving him another chance at redemption is more than what he deserves but at this point I'm only typing out of pity.

I feel like being tied to an anonymous imageboard already invites that type of behaviour regardless but I'm only bringing forward the thought to forgive lilramune one last time because of his special condition; autism

>> No.4357611

Well then who was kanjiposter?

>> No.4357617


>> No.4357623

This is getting a bit off track here but pity is reserved for those who deserve it. If you give out too much, you're giving away your own self control. Those who try to help everyone will soon find out that some don't want to be helped, and on the contrary see your empathy as a great opportunity to take as much advantage of you as they possibly can, or even just ruin you for the hell of it.

>> No.4357630

Who was Aphid?

>> No.4357633

>explains most of /dad/ mysteries
What is this? Who is this person that spent so much work? Are they good at drawing too?

>> No.4357634
File: 2.10 MB, 626x353, 1574621719448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw shieeeet check out this awesome spinning dude I saved from there

>> No.4357638

just another underage dbz poster

>> No.4357640

any minute now

>> No.4357686

Don't know of a pen that has a wheel, but XP-Pen tablets have a rotatable wheel that you can use to scroll with if that's what you mean

>> No.4357768

Enough with the dad.zone holy FUCK you're annoying.

>> No.4357770

There's exactly one mention of it in this thread and that's you. Is this some kind of chatroom bullshit? Don't bring your skype squabbles here faggot

>> No.4357771 [DELETED] 
File: 620 KB, 300x290, mechchair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like if I say anything with any seriousness it would just get taken apart by the same 8 of you off /dad/ discord who like to gang up on me for absolutely no reason at this point. So I'm not going to write an essay. Yes posting to titter can be a vacuum but so was posting to /dad/. But thanks to the ban I had made a friend along the way that I wouldn't have had the chance if I kept doing what I was doing and I couldn't be more than happy.

I would like to be "unbanned" out of principle but I'm not going to join the site again. at least not for a long time. These threads wouldn't be the same without my contribution over the years and you know it. I at least deserve to be a part of this community regardless of the misunderstandings. Well anyway, have a great Sunday.

>> No.4357773

>These threads wouldn't be the same without my contribution over the years and you know it.
yes, they would be tolerable enough that I wouldn't have to join the discords to get anything out of the community

>> No.4357775 [DELETED] 


las was always about 50% fun 50% keeping a habit

>> No.4357778

>everyone who talks shit about me is a discord gang bully ;(
I don't use discord nigger, every negative response you've gotten here from me was earned through your own daily vile shitposting

>> No.4357790

I haven't made a single post about you in all these weeks, but there was no misunderstanding involved.
You kept behaving like a retard and you got punished for it despite being told off several times.
There are exactly zero misunderstandings involved in this, you just thought you weren't going to get punished and now that you were you're pretending as if it's all a mistake.

>> No.4357796

Which persona are you on right now? Pii or lilramune?

>> No.4357797

In the dad site smart ass

>> No.4357802

>I had made a friend along the way
you mean your roleplaying with dare/pig and your 8 other bot followers?

>> No.4357805

you mean you got your panties in a twist because of 4 entries to a challenge that lasts only a week?

>> No.4357807

holy fuck, get the fuck out of my face, you're annoying too.

>> No.4357808 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 710x950, shupatsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, you'd probably blame >>4357770
as me again had I not post a split second after for the 2000th time. You should just accept there are other *toxic* individuals here and that this thread isn't brimming with all """nice""" people.

>> No.4357811
File: 60 KB, 478x453, 54321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357813

You have to be over 18 to post on this website

>> No.4357815

well you're the clown of the thread as always so better act like one

>> No.4357817

two pedophiles roleplaying with each other

>> No.4357818

Why is it always the lolicons that are the most mentally ill?

>> No.4357821

open up tiny man I got a new one coming

>> No.4357822

Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.4357825 [DELETED] 

>said his future girlfriend who leaves him

>> No.4357828

Because it takes certain amount of viciousness/irreverence to consume that shit to begin with.

Tl:dr it's just a symptom(usually) of an underlying shit person.

>> No.4357829

chillax bro it's literally just a vaporwave challenge

>> No.4357833

Degeneracy is spurred to greater heights by other life, developmental and psychological issues, like an abreaction to get release from the problems. That includes lolicons and furries and trannies and diaper fetishists and so on, but there must be a spectrum for this kind of thing and up to a certain point somebody can still function like a normal human being. When you pile enough repression, resentment, egotism, misanthropic otaku culture, and lolicon onto a single person, you get raymundo over here.

>> No.4357837


>> No.4357841

>tfw Aphid might post in 1 of the threads I frequent
please take him back we don't want him

>> No.4357844

provoke him til he starts spamming loli then get banned

>> No.4357845

Calling him a pedo really sets him off.

>> No.4357846

>itt case study general

>> No.4357847
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 1402947731750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros the wind is blasting so hard I'm afraid the roof is going to get ripped off. When I look outside the trees are swaying so far it looks like they are dancing the dance of the heathen gods. The windows are vibrating menacingly like they are about to shatter. Objects are intermittently flung past the window to the far corners of the earth. I still haven't done my plein air for today. This is it for me. The end times have arrived

>> No.4357848

nah. At the end of the day this community is supposed to be about improving your artistic ability, if he actually cared about that and not just being a shitter he would've fucked off when he got banned (or, y'know, not gotten banned in the first place) and go somewhere where he can still continue to work on his art.

>> No.4357850

Plein air even during Ragnarok brother

>> No.4357851

pls be week 1

>> No.4357854

jk stay safe daddy ._.

>> No.4357859

Dude fuck the challenge and get in your basement, you can't ever git gud when you're dead.

>> No.4357861 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 450x253, dawnofblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay! As a commitment to my bestie this is my last and final post in these threads--forever. Any negative post about banaynaba, the site, its users, and my cutest daughters in the whole wide world from here on out will not be made by me but someone else. I also ask that you do not mention me ever again.

You're free now. Forever. Goodbye.

>> No.4357862

Kill yourself.

>> No.4357863

be safe dad I love you

>> No.4357869

Why would you care if you are mentioned if you aren't going to see it anyways? Your post would probably be taken more seriously if you hadn't made posts like this before while continuing to post anyway. As well as the many times you claimed you weren't posting and somebody wasn't you, after which it turned out it was you after all. If you're going to leave just leave and don't talk or pussyfoot around it. Be a man.

>> No.4357870


>> No.4357882

You'll reply to this post.

>> No.4357893

SO, now that lilramune is gone forever anyone against banana or the site can't be him.

>> No.4357897

it's like a scheme thought up by someone with the mind of a child

>> No.4357898

meh not really
4357861 implies he's still lurking as to be sure noone mentions him

>> No.4357899


>> No.4357902

heh exactly

>> No.4357909

Saucy probably think "huh? wtf?" whenever he get brought up randomly

>> No.4357932

I've only got 50km/h winds here, with 80-90 brusts
about to head out for plein air with paint FeelsGoodMan

>> No.4357957

Are the furchads tired of winning yet?

>> No.4357960
File: 99 KB, 594x486, 1421604167042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left a cardboard box full of gardening equipment on my balcony and it's being pelted against the walls and railing like it's playing bumper cars. There is a group of pigeons huddled together on a nearby tree and they're holding on for dear life while terrified, like they are windsurfing the tree into Hell. I must go, the wind is calling me

>> No.4357976

if by winning you mean being the only competitor in the special olympics that didn't throw themselves off a cliff yet. meanwhile the normal humans are watching in horror

>> No.4357987

oh wow they draw cartoon animals

>> No.4357991

rent free

>> No.4358015

hope you know that you can report for loli content

>> No.4358044

join me

>> No.4358061

Does anyone ever get tired of making more money then everybody else?

>> No.4358063

hey daddies, nothing important but some fuck decided to notify THAT guy the website exists and he's most likely going to make a video on it tomorrow

>> No.4358064

are you talking about that ngmi fat attention whore chink with 1 subscriber on youtube?

>> No.4358065

you guys don't have to be so defensive about it, nothing against furries if you want to jack off to Ducktales that's your prerogative. However you should be aware that the vast majority of people are not into that

>> No.4358066

>>4358055 Now this is based.

>> No.4358071

I knew it. It was you nessie LOL

>> No.4358074

i am on it

>> No.4358077

Just when you thought you reached the end of the lilramune saga, the fun never ends

>> No.4358080

i'm not even her, but thinks for the (You) I guess

>> No.4358082


>> No.4358085
File: 367 KB, 461x572, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A New Challenger Appears.

>> No.4358094

Not gonna lie it's pretty entertaining, like a TV show. All you need to do is not get sucked in so far that it affects your drawing time. Like with videogames and eating pie, everything in moderation

>> No.4358104

>inb4 everyone submits porn today and tomorrow
pretty sure anyone who's art got used without permission in his videos can copyright strike him

>> No.4358105 [DELETED] 

cant we all collectively report the guy. Some dads post censored stuff as NDA but this guy posting it more publicly on youtube is not really a """fair use"""

>> No.4358110

It's true, the tradeoff is you'll probably have to live with never seeing your stuff being taken seriously and never being famous outside of that circle. It's hard not to be salty though when you see a ton of talented people struggling to get by while furries are happy to throw money at each other.

I think the problem is in general furries have a lot more respect and appreciation towards artists in their community then anywhere else does.

>> No.4358112

get back to drawing daddy

>> No.4358114

>>inb4 everyone submits porn today and tomorrow
that's a good idea

>> No.4358116

already did and Im about to sleep

>> No.4358131

Isn't criticism covered under fair use?

>> No.4358135

>newfags have never heard of solar sands

>> No.4358139

tell me about solar hands without making me watch that

>> No.4358142

Sinix did it too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSiX2YRltqg&list=PLA3191693613AF838

>> No.4358143

unless the artist asked for it then maybe

>> No.4358146

You don't need someone's permission to critique their work on youtube.

>> No.4358147

I don't know if that's a problem per se, it's just in-group bias. As far as I know the reason furries have been reviled especially on imageboards is that so many of them are insane, e.g. the innumerable internet headcases, real life bestiality, bizarre AIDS orgy cons and on occasion taking over communities they're part of. It's like if during character creation you got some depraved fetish added to your traits, it increases your faggotry by a fair amount. Add some more baggage on top of that and you break the faggot limit

>> No.4358153

That's not even remotely true.
Like, 30% of videos on youtube nowadays are like reviews, video essays on media or other transformative works themed around something they've watched/read/played/etc.

>> No.4358154

>Solar Sands
Used to watch him back when I was more invested in those "art review channels" that were the hottest shit at the time then drawing.

Looking back at it the guy's drawings are /beg/ tier at.

>> No.4358157

Nope, it and parody are almost completely fair game. Only thing they have to worry about is being sued for slander.

>> No.4358161

I need you to link to the post or post some proof of this before I can fully panic

>> No.4358162

Every furry on DAD has thusfar proven themselves to be well-adjusted individuals who just happen to get turned on by something that's a bit weird.
I wouldn't peg Saucy or VuSta for being bug-chasing dog-fucking lunatics. sharkvore even, while he was here, was a reasonably gentle soul who actually left briefly because he felt like he was making people feel uncomfortable.

Banana, on the other hand...

>> No.4358164

he did dude recheck the posts above you

>> No.4358165

>paste a detailed fat drooling cock overlayed on top of each submission
pls crit on youtube :)

>> No.4358166

Oh yea I'm rather surprised by how normal the ones on here are, maybe the insane ones do not have the mental fortitude to keep up the drawing habit and so are filtered out

>> No.4358167

someone should draw big bulging cock for today and tomorrow and temporarily set it as Safe

>> No.4358168

by controlling and channelling the fur powers properly it can be used for insane gains, otherwise it will corrupt your mind

>> No.4358173

damn I didn't see that
can only hope it's some shitposter larping as him

>> No.4358176

Maybe nana can make an overlay for all the submissions of a cock like 4chan does with the birthday/Santa hat...

>> No.4358177

desu, dad isn't a gallery anyway, so as long as your actual submission continues to be visible behind the partially transparent cocks you're cool, youtubers on the other hand...

>> No.4358178

can I play chess with you

>> No.4358180

isn't that risky, though? what if someone is part of the EU, do they still fall under fair use?

>> No.4358185

Even if we do this, he’ll probably just pick another days worth of submissions...
Meh, let’s just have a good laugh at whatever happens.

>> No.4358186

due to the way thumbnails work you can make a long vertical image with a large penis wenis hidden in the top/bottom third of the image

>> No.4358192

You know, for all the thirstiness you guy have for anonymous crit, you would think that you'd be excited about having your work critiqued by anyone.

Is it the youtube attention thing? Because that's not exactly inherently different from kringle, and a lot of people liked having their work looked over by her, and this dude doesn't even seem to have over 1000 views on any of his videos anyway.
Or do you think this person's critiques are less useful, or his skills are too inferior to give you meaningful feedback? Or maybe that he's more interested in taking the piss than actually giving criticism? I haven't watched any of the videos, so I don't know the tone being set.

Actually, a minor site feature I've considered was "hide submission from anonymous users", but I don't know whether that would be a good or bad thing to implement.

I've played chess with Finlay. Was pretty fun, but I like playing chess with anyone. Was pretty much one of the few things keeping me sane in the hell hole I briefly resided in.

>> No.4358194

Kringle and Kazoo did it on twitch and there were definitely users that didn't know and so didn't give explicit permission. Even if it's a guy that no one likes and that doesn't have a fraction of their art skill he's still able to do crits just the same.

>> No.4358196

literally half of his videos is him just pulling up your art and laughing uncontrollably or something, which is extra hilarious when his level is >>4357942

also getting your work pulled onto youtube is completely different from a community twitch stream, which is also done by people who are actually participating in the community

>> No.4358198

and 51ip
and the billions of crit lists and tier lists itts

>> No.4358199

what's the worst that can happen, some doughy rice eater talks badly about some drawings? some fags join and get eliminated within a week? this is /ic/ the elemental plane of resentment and crab mentality, at its absolute worst it'd just be par for the course

>> No.4358203

i mostly asked finlay to play chess as a passing whim
my only real hobby outside of art is watching movies/anime but you can join me for that if you want

>> No.4358204


Well, that's kind of shit, and also antithetical to what DAD is about.
And fair point on the community stream thing.

>> No.4358205

It'd be cool if the art crit channel wasn't some /beg/ crab
Istebrak criting dad when?

>> No.4358206

Don't look at me Banana, I even turn comments off on my submissions

>> No.4358207

>Actually, a minor site feature I've considered was "hide submission from anonymous users", but I don't know whether that would be a good or bad thing to implement.
I don't see much of a point when the barrier to entry is entering gibberish for a random username, email and pass.

>> No.4358209

yea it's unfortunate that he doesn't know anything and is shit, I would appreciate somebody competent giving actual crits

>> No.4358210
File: 216 KB, 710x734, 1578811353517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah that's part of the reason why it's kinda moot.
Maybe it should also include a "level 2" restriction (streak: 5 days).

>> No.4358212

Well, if it does happen and we mass report the video for copyright at the very leasthis channel might get taken down for a day because the Youtube report system is fucking retarded.

>> No.4358216

/ic/ has most definitely been getting worse lately
>shit ton of people making threads solely for their own art
>constant sakimichan and illya bait threads
>constant east vs west "nooo you cant draw anime" threads
>chink guy

its always been bad outside dedicated drawthreads but this is ridiculous

>> No.4358221

Have the submissions viewable only through login

>don't know whether that would be a good or bad thing
definitely good. Keeps the other "problems" out

>> No.4358222

>Maybe it should also include a "level 2" restriction (streak: 5 days).
That's better, I like the idea of streak goals slowly unlocking more of the site as you climb higher.
It also acts as a great way to lock out trolls because they have to contribute a significant amount of time (waiting x amount of days) during which they could be easily noticed and stopped before they get anywhere, then they have to start from scratch again.

>> No.4358226

i want to barge into j's room and clean up his floor and make rotisserie chicken for him

>> No.4358227

>tfw that'd keep lilra out

>> No.4358228

If he has a lot of followers they could potentially DDOS the site. Also some users might be easy to find on other sites where assholes can potentially do a lot more damage.

>> No.4358231

what if he has a shotgun and panics and shoots you

>> No.4358233

>/ic/ has most definitely been getting worse lately
It's not just me noticing it then? I've been having to hide more and more threads that are just 1 line bait trash or some eceleb garbage, I'm at 100+ hidden. Wonder how /ic/ will look like 5 years down the line.

>> No.4358236

even better

>> No.4358239

Yes, because they would be able to give actually useful advice and not just "lol ur art sux"

>> No.4358255

literally his only consistent ""follower"" is that Freeky Cheeky guy or whatever he's called, we should be fine for now if we don't feed the shill more attention then he needs/wants

>> No.4358256
File: 145 KB, 1364x625, AAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder how /ic/ will look like 5 years down the line.
like this

>> No.4358261

I don't get it either, how is this not funny at best? I'm looking forward to this, no matter the result, the worst possible outcome this could have is being unfunny

>> No.4358274


Also, why the fuck is DAD written like an anime?
> Season 1: Lava
> Season 2: w
> Season 3: banana
> Pii and Kanji Arc
> Aphid Arc
> leads seamlessly into the lilramune arc
> then the moment lilramune leaves, we get the HappyBoy arc

>> No.4358279

the foreshadowing is totally lacking though, could be better.

>> No.4358283

There needs to be a reason for us to train, otherwise we'll grow soft

>> No.4358287

Meh... I think people are just being territorial and don't want this idiot having an easy shot at the site.
I know whatever video he posts is going to be lulzy but I also think it would be fun to get back at him even if it's just reporting his channel.

>> No.4358289

choobposter overarching during season 1 and 2, climaxed with 20 YEARS but the writers never came to a conclusion on that, just sort of forgot about him

>> No.4358290

Being unfunny is a grave sin, it attracts redditors like how thumping attracts the sand worm

>> No.4358292


What's LAS/DAD's version of
> Araki forgot

>> No.4358294

wtf stop spoiling the manga for me

>> No.4358298

the cumposter figured out how to crack secure tripcodes in under 2 minutes but never bothered with banana or shrineydog's new ones, unless...

>> No.4358299

Inb4 somebody makes a mean art challenge about him

>> No.4358300

the LAS week 1 titans that according to myth all died in the cataclysm but somehow are just hanging around on DAD with high streaks

>> No.4358304

everyone forgot about jerrybreem

>> No.4358309

> Purple Jerry Feedback

>> No.4358310
File: 53 KB, 480x600, 7cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shriney is protected.

>> No.4358313

good doggy!

>> No.4358314

>the cumposter figured out how to crack secure tripcodes in under 2 minutes
wait what

>> No.4358318

That would be way too much effort

>> No.4358322

Decrypting tripcodes is easy if you didn't double secured it

>> No.4358323


I thought it was insecure tripcodes.
It was why I'm no longer !FatD, and now I'm the much less funny !!nGfZRdz/H/c

i could've had a funny "fzd" but the fucking R got in the way

>> No.4358330

pii and kanji are both lilramune

>> No.4358333

i miss fat D

>> No.4358334

eclipse arc starts when Nessie finalizes her transformation into one of the five coom hands and only hoppy is left from the original band of the cuteposters

>> No.4358338

why does immunity dog look so unimpressed

>> No.4358341

>tfw trying to search archives for the tripcode cracking dad episode I came across this
>Lilramune's language alt account arc before anyone knew he was behind the language accounts

>> No.4358347

I miss lilramune already

>> No.4358354
File: 113 KB, 324x1118, 1547968946341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip shrineycat
anyway, found the cumposter and tripcode cracking episode >>/ic/thread/S3774319#p3777126

>> No.4358355

who or what is a cuteposter

>> No.4358358

Is that from the 4chan(nel) cup wiki?

>> No.4358359

>in under 2 minutes
why do you give him so much credit lol

>> No.4358360

a repressed coomer

>> No.4358362
File: 1.37 MB, 430x360, 1483401522090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

presumably somebody who almost exclusively draws cute creatures and is part of a small group of lunatics that identify one another in this manner

>> No.4358363
File: 94 KB, 531x594, EN3tAoeVAAAzrEj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could draw really good cooms and be happy with that but I need to draw sfw art too, to be happy with myself. I never finish most of my lewd art beyond the sketch just cause I don't want to fall into spending more time on lewds than on art I can actually show to other people.

>> No.4358366

>I don't want to fall into spending more time on lewds than on art I can actually show to other people
show your cooms to other people

>> No.4358369

Make an alt for cooms

>> No.4358374

>No one knows I'm secretly a degen coomer this whole time

>> No.4358375


let the coom flow through you, there are great gains to be had once you let go and start earnestly learning the forbidden jutsu

>> No.4358376


>> No.4358379

so it's the smelly fujos that keep using the reddit meme...

>> No.4358380


You possess one of the other behelits, it's your destiny to follow Nessie into the abyss of coom

>> No.4358382

half of dad is a nice smelling fujo

>> No.4358384

stop using that word... or else

>> No.4358386
File: 1.85 MB, 450x236, 1507130945995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358390

DAD wants to coom.

>> No.4358391

stop it!

>> No.4358393


>> No.4358394

I’ll use whatever words I want.
Coom coom coom coom
You mad bro? Go coom yourself!

>> No.4358397


>> No.4358398
File: 94 KB, 826x1200, EDJQBtfU8AAkZ2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to study more so I can learn how to draw the best boys I can

Please forgive me, I have only fallen into fujo degeneracy because there is not enough good het art

>> No.4358402

>repressed girl dads coom all over the embarrassed boy dads

>> No.4358404


>> No.4358408


>> No.4358409


>> No.4358414

Fuck, the threads have really gone down in quality. Let's talk about productive things instead.

What community thing would you like to see happen? Would you be interested in a multi-artist music video AMV? Or perhaps a musical where we all record a song together and then draw something for it in segments? Auto is giving me inspo.

What are you studying and what are you trying to improve on? Do you have any projects you're working on?

>> No.4358419

i want people to comment more

>> No.4358420

>Or perhaps a musical where we all record a song together and then draw something for it in segments?
>DAD sings
>draw something for it in segments?
>DAD animates
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZoe5giEDZw this

>> No.4358426

>What community thing would you like to see happen?
Im pretty braindead with all the challenges this month and next. Something for April would be nice

>Would you be interested in a multi-artist music video AMV? Or perhaps a musical where we all record a song together and then draw something for it in segments?
Im good with that

>What are you studying and what are you trying to improve on? Do you have any projects you're working on?
Trying to juggle this drawing hobby and some personal and work related stuff irl

>> No.4358427

I wish I could comment more but i don't want to spam the front page

>> No.4358431

That'd be nice, yeah, I feel like a lot of times people feel more comfortable commenting on the work of others that comment since they're used to seeing them on the site. It'd be nice to see more people feeling comfortable enough to post.

>> No.4358433

comment daddies rise up. Lets make the dad culture comment heavy

>> No.4358435

May there should be a checkbox for a, post comment silently option, that keeps it from showing up on the front page?

>> No.4358436

Would be cool but someone with animation experience should head it and provide some guidance if necessary...

>> No.4358438
File: 534 KB, 553x559, 4a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4358440


>> No.4358442

Post what you think your strength/weaknesses are and people guess who you are.

>> No.4358445


>> No.4358449

I'm awful at gesture and my stuff is all stiff. I don't know if I have a strength

>> No.4358450

adhesive pseudopod
10 foot pole

>> No.4358457
File: 57 KB, 300x300, ahwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not compared to the industry, but people around my skill level.

>> No.4358459

Strength and weaknesses are all relative, what aspect of your art/what subject matter do you feel best with?

>> No.4358460

everything else

>> No.4358462

>A in color
Barack Obama

>> No.4358463

CGraphite? If yes, I disagree! Your sense of volume and shape language is very appealing.

>> No.4358464


>> No.4358468

Probably rendering and color
Construction definitely...

>> No.4358470


>> No.4358471


>> No.4358472


>> No.4358478

Nope, though I also suck at construction.

>> No.4358479

the blue man group

>> No.4358481


>> No.4358482

? he has muddy as fuck colors, and noodling does not count as rendering, none of his shit is remotely rendered.

>> No.4358484

Keeping my streak I guess?
Not committing to learning properly, can't into colour at all

>> No.4358487


>> No.4358490


>> No.4358501

not losing my streak
everything else

>> No.4358502


>> No.4358504


>> No.4358505


>> No.4358506

haha i don't really know
everything but I'm especially weak in painting, rendering, finishing shit, backgrounds, realism,

>> No.4358507

no, bunny is better than me

>> No.4358511

you didn't lose my hope and luv

>> No.4358513

jack of all trades
master of none

>> No.4358514

But Derp has no active streak daddy...

>> No.4358516

submitting early

>> No.4358520

wtf i thought the lack of elimination notices meant he finally got his act together

>> No.4358523

Sonic the Hedgehog

>> No.4358525
File: 41 KB, 300x300, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Adjusted mine for people around my skill level.

>> No.4358527

rpg protagonist

>> No.4358528


>> No.4358531

M.C. Escher

>> No.4358534


>> No.4358536

I'll have you know I once colored something a few years ago, don't underestimate my power

>> No.4358535

Me on the left

>> No.4358538

sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken

>> No.4358539

I see maprower is back

>> No.4358547
File: 1.29 MB, 802x1461, total_drawn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a 100% accurate likeness, I am the green goblin, I will pumpkin bomb your home then fuck your dog

>> No.4358548

worst thing about these guess the dad games is that no one actually guesses
tispy but not sure if tipsy is that humble
guespiere or negakona
nessie or hoppy
any of the flawless

>> No.4358554

people will either go heh I'm the best A++ dont fuk with me or go bro Im the worst I suck shit I'm bad at everything and you're supposed to affirm and tie a name to that

>> No.4358555

so it's true then...

>> No.4358556

All these professionals keep saying I should have fun while just sketching, but that just isn't happening. I'm not having fun at all.
Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this

>> No.4358557

that's why the meme replies got >skipped

>> No.4358559


>> No.4358560

stop not having fun

>> No.4358561

Why are you drawing?

>> No.4358562

Also everything is relative if you’re talking about your strengths... your color ability can be better than your anatomy even if it pales in comparison to another artist.

>> No.4358565

That's the obvious answer but also probably the most truthful one

To learn and to create, but I'm not doing either of those things banging my head against the wall

>> No.4358566

gesture, maybe
finishing shit and colors

>> No.4358572
File: 512 KB, 900x1056, leggings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a DAD and a subject you would like to see them draw!

>Meru, more porn
>Nessie, more porn
>Vusta, less porn

>pic unrelated, just wanted to get your attention

>> No.4358573

stop overthinking. Start v small and draw something you enjoy

>> No.4358586

more porn

>> No.4358587
File: 141 KB, 800x840, 1578769265473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358588

>nyroc more porn
>konsui more porn

>> No.4358589
File: 350 KB, 1280x720, o3ezx7ivchnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/dad/s you wish you can ignore if there was a block/hide button
The rest of you are okay, keep up the good work!

>> No.4358590

shut up sataniaposter

>> No.4358591

unironically Tang less porn, their sfw stuff is pretty soul. not that the porn is bad or anything d esu

>> No.4358595

>bunch of big name users

>> No.4358598

not on this list, but people like you are the reason I don't wanna comment on submissions, don't want to give someone that dislikes me attention

>> No.4358601

I’m gonna post twice as many comments today, thanks for letting me know it rustles your jimmies. (:

>> No.4358602
File: 3.03 MB, 2000x1333, empire_in_the_clouds_final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Tang do more environments, and finished stuff in general. His background work is really solid
Also more femboys

>> No.4358605

>Vusta, less porn

I am sorry but I am going to dissapoint you.

>> No.4358606

>Sigourney, less porn. No porn actually.

>> No.4358607

>views everyone unknown as someone who dislikes them

>> No.4358608

I ignore them because theyre all circle jerking faggots and or are just plain cancer, especially nessie. Tiki is just in there because of the stupid crab girl. anyone who draws this bitch is auto blocked.

>> No.4358611
File: 74 KB, 528x792, b6ef00b86973aa33d00b3b670e785497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358616

>circlejerk faggots
if you talk to some people for 2 years, you are going to end up making friends.

>> No.4358617

I don't like discord circlejerks but I think I dislike you even more

>> No.4358620


>> No.4358621

Theres a thing called PM's you fucking apes.

>> No.4358623

>lashing out because they don’t have supportive dad friends

>> No.4358624
File: 110 KB, 560x436, 1559204816952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358626


>> No.4358629

wat a qt

>> No.4358630

crab girl challenge when?

>> No.4358633
File: 171 KB, 500x500, 1556334826314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358634

yes yes YES

>> No.4358636
File: 1.61 MB, 560x368, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine this person in real life, getting a coffee (black, "because i'm not kind of faggot who needs cream or sugar") at a cafe
then he goes up to a pair of friends who are chatting excitedly about a movie they just saw and he walks up to them


>> No.4358637
File: 547 KB, 1176x797, 1574789342836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crab-chan snibbet
crab-chan snabbet

>> No.4358643
File: 1.06 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358644
File: 2.06 MB, 1882x1781, KJG crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could be drawing right now

>> No.4358647

What if you sit in a cafe with your friends and jerk each other off under the table?

>> No.4358648
File: 228 KB, 872x667, 1577594847147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4358649

thats really hot, anon

>> No.4358650


>> No.4358652

Any of the plein air daddies so we could go out and do our plein airs together

>> No.4358653

my speakers keep going buzzing when i play any song with bass in it

>> No.4358655

Post your name so I can block you.

>> No.4358658

install gentoo

>> No.4358667

Okay now what. I have absolutely nothing now.

>> No.4358672

you've made it

>> No.4358675

Any other dads feel like the endless winter is starting to take a toll on their motivation and or inspiration

>> No.4358678

probably a blown capacitor

>> No.4358682

Sigourney more futa

>> No.4358685
File: 61 KB, 801x631, HappyBoyNumber1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which dad is going to get laughed at the most in tomorrow's crit video?
>already bunnyburger is getting torn apart in his thread

>> No.4358691

>no color
>perspective is all over the place
tier B+ because he knows how to use reference

>> No.4358694

>tfw the comments are probably gonna be more entertaining then the actual vid

>> No.4358696

I'll do my best for you, anon!

I love you too <3

>> No.4358698


thank goodness banana isn't drawing at the moment

>> No.4358716
File: 21 KB, 1288x116, what even is fair use lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm looking forward to tomorrow's video! :)

>> No.4358719

>those replies
not based

>> No.4358730

I am relatively sure you can't use fair use to take down critiques.

>> No.4358733

You just know he's based and won't do shit to these plebians.

>> No.4358753

Dude, you are obsessed

>> No.4358759

at last, being skipped has played off
thanks debiru

>> No.4358775

gesture, line quality
perspective, color, edges, values, anatomy, design, composition, textures, digital rendering, imagination, painting, patience & finishing things,

>> No.4358807


>> No.4358842

>artist kindly asks their work to be removed
>/ic/ spergs: “I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.”
Whether or not fair use is involved, it’s so fucking easy to just say “okay I won’t crit your work anymore since you asked.”
I’m not even really defending Nessie in this situation because I think she is incredibly naive to think this person will give two shits, and her attempt to ask won’t backfire, but again this is just an example of how useless and detrimental the ““artist community”” is on /ic/ outside of DAD imho.

>> No.4358849

There are people actually defending him? The thread he made was pretty much entirely people shitting on him. And I don't include the folks just saying that in a legal sense it can't be taken down, pretty sure they still agree he's an ass.

>> No.4358851

literally nobody's unironically defending the guy maybe except for the dude who tried shilling some hoe's stream here once

>> No.4358852

I hope he slams the art of people who lash out against building a community and would rather the site just be a landfill for their trash.

>> No.4358855

people such as...?

>> No.4358857

Scroll down to Nessie’s comment

>> No.4358859

>tfw know my shitty art/studies are most likely gonna be on there
Should I just draw a slighty below average furry dick and slap it on the canvas like how some people used to intentionally mark their submissions as NSFW for crit streams?

>> No.4358860
File: 78 KB, 449x642, free shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why try to appease him?
He literally spent 4 minutes going through an entire thread of submissions. Kringle spent more than that on each submission alone.
Just work hard and disregard meaningless trash like this wannabe youtuber.

>> No.4358862

get fucked that's just how it is, random deviantart tards don't ask for some autistic spergsona youtubers to critique their newest sonic feetfetish submission, but that doesn't stop anybody, either. If you are so retarded that you get asshurt by some literally who chinkoid "critiquing" you, then don't watch his video.

>> No.4358865
File: 60 KB, 908x616, anonyouresupposedtogodrawthetimesticking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those replies aren't any better to be quite fair

>> No.4358868

This, he's some sperg deliberately making drama to try get more views (just like Ethan Becker does but more autistic)
He could make a whole video going through just my dad submissions and I still wouldn't watch it

>> No.4358874

he doesn't appear to give any critique, he just says something is shit or makes a bad joke and then moves on to the next thing. I really hope the fags in his comments are just egging him on and don't actually think this constitutes crit. waste of time

>> No.4358876

Imagine being this mad, kek. He's good at giving crit, stop using style as an excuse.

>> No.4358877

I’m not getting asshurt over him critting random people, it’s the fact that him and others won’t honor an artists simple request to not feature their work. I could give two shits if my work gets critted by him, but if someone asks to be removed for whatever reason then just fucking do it, especially as a so called “artist” themselves, should show some basic respect toward other artists. I’m not even saying all artists should be best buddies or some shit, but again, it’s fucking retarded to be part of an “artist community” and not honor another artists’ simple request to not be reposted somewhere. That’s just being an asshole.

>> No.4358879

he hasn't viewed my art so I have no reason to be angry, it's an appraisal of his video. what are you doing here

>> No.4358880
File: 61 KB, 406x406, a book just for (you)!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4358881
File: 96 KB, 840x700, 5B090112-89A6-4AF8-8DF1-96F42CE67028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If noref uploads the video, someone please download and reupload somewhere else so we don’t give him any amount of views please

>> No.4358884


>> No.4358887
File: 598 KB, 541x495, cuphead prease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> he's good at giving crit
> pulls up image
> laughs a bit
> uh, fanart is uh... i get why people like making it
> but uh, try to make the fanart... like, good next time


>> No.4358888

>he's here stirring the pot and shilling his own videos

>> No.4358889

He's right you know.

>> No.4358891

Never said whether it was right or wrong, but it is objectively bad crit.

>> No.4358894

This, he samefags constantly

>> No.4358897

Okay, but watch the rest of the video after that first crit.

>> No.4358900

you'd like that huh wouldn't you dough boy

>> No.4358901

I want to go back to the past...

>> No.4358903

The amount of drama this shithead is generating is truly legendary. Hats off

>> No.4358907

Really shows the true nature of this board. Not drawing.

>> No.4358909

this, it's hilarious, my mood has been substantially improved

>> No.4358913

People acting like the “drama” stirred up by this guy is any worse then the 90% of shitposting on this board, when at the very least we are discussing the quality and worthiness of one man’s critique and the ability of an artist to maintain ownership of their work.

>> No.4358915

I hope you guys have submitted your very best today

>> No.4358919

>nobody draws!!!!
>in the dad thread
Hi doughboy

>> No.4358920

Yea the board is pretty bad. But this ain't exactly a fruitful discussion, it's mildly entertaining at best and demotivating some people at worst

>> No.4358924
File: 544 KB, 852x819, 1572444431166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that was my fucking drawing

>> No.4358927

Remember teeth, no matter how unhappy you are with your art, at least you're not noref

>> No.4358928

Just trace bro.

>> No.4358972 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 720x697, 1568160644509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THESE WHOLE THREADS are not about art. they are about circlejerking your quote unquote shithead artist "friends" who don't give a fuck about improving and who don't even draw lmao. i hope the chink crushes all this garbage that shouldn't even be on /ic/.

go use fucking deviantart you fucking retard ass faggots if you want a safe space where nobody will fuck with your 'daddy' shit (imbeciles)

if that happens i'll come here every day and make the threads unusable. i'm not the chink but please god give me a good reason to destroy these threads

you'll be fine if you retards don't try to copyright strike his shit. if it goes down i'll definitely be wondering "gee, what feminine group of clique faggots could possibly be responsible for this underhanded tactic?"

>> No.4358976

For once the savior /ic/ needs has appeared.

>> No.4358977
File: 105 KB, 750x751, p6dy1hmat9o11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead, give me a reason to leave this shithole called /ic/ forever and actually improve on my art without being subjected to daily autism

>> No.4358980

>this entire thread is shitposting!
>but I'm gonna ruin your thread by shitposting if you bully my insectoid buddy
there is literally nothing you can do that wouldn't make this thread more entertaining

>> No.4358981
File: 16 KB, 195x265, 1344133837742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just use the website and have no strong feelings about these threads whatsoever

>> No.4358982

the hero /dad/ needs

>> No.4358986

daaamn you've got some vitriol in you. you the same guy who kept coming back to report these threads and start flame wars?

>> No.4358987

you can't leave, try and climb and I'll drag you down

>> No.4358988

It's more surprisingly all those who hold vengeance against /dad/ haven't just teamed up. Why does /dad/ burn so many people

>> No.4358993 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 720x708, 1581122392187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't bother posting bro i will just fucking ddos anything that doesnt have cloudflare protection dude. do not try to ban the chink

>> No.4358994

>all those who hold vengeance against /dad/ haven't just teamed up
imagine the autism

>> No.4358997

>implying Banana doesn't already have defenses in place
Why do you think he's always programming so much instead of drawing?

>> No.4358998

Outsiders have breached this thread... I can sense it...
time to go draw dads

>> No.4358999

true art chads:
>draw every day
>don't use discord
>don't give a fuck about some dude on youtube
>lurk in the /dad/ threads once in a while for a good laugh

>> No.4359000
File: 67 KB, 416x508, 1581277831960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same nig that kept whining about how /ic/ is full of feminine anons on /v/? cause it looks like it.

Anywho, these threads've been on this board since '16, unless you suck some janjan cock I doubt we're gonna completely fuck off unless Nanners commits sudoku and nukes the site.

>> No.4359010


>> No.4359011

no "chad" of any kind uses 4chan, sweetie

>> No.4359014

This new arc is going to suck
These vendettafags are the worst, constantly shit on the site but simultaneously let all its inhabitants live rent free while they sperg out and futilely bang their head on the keyboard instead of just using two clicks to hide the thread... guess it’s somewhat fun to watch.

>> No.4359017

kringle had her own following and things before doing crit streams, so only did them for daddies and tried to make them as useful as possible
this youtube guy is a literal who desperate for views, who as was said earlier just rushes through shit without saying much and probably couldnt do better if they tried

>> No.4359018
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1446116297651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire board filled with up to a hundred off topic, useless and counterproductive threads at a time
>let's attack the watercooler thread of the group whose sole purpose is to draw every single day
>shit on all their submissions that'll get them to stop drawing

>> No.4359021

This board really does do weird things with their coping.

>> No.4359027

>tfw you see multiple posts disappear from every other thread and realize it was all just one person

>> No.4359037

did moderation finally happen?

>> No.4359038

groomer got fucking boomed

>> No.4359039

>lilramune's posts are also gone

>> No.4359040
File: 104 KB, 333x360, xc3l8m39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best option would be just to ignore this guy, he's a tier 1 and a literal who with less then 100 subs. All the art he's talking about is anonymous so no one will know it's your art unless you say something. I know it's not easy hearing someone criticize your art (especially when they don't know what they're talking about), but that just comes with being an artist. The bigger you get the more people are going to do it.

>> No.4359042


Dude, I hate lilgroomer as much as the next person, but that absolutely was not the ramune.
That guy doesn't type even remotely similarly to ramune's weird tendencies.
I think they're definitely two separate people. Mods just did a cleaning run now that shit started getting out of control.

>> No.4359046
File: 32 KB, 326x505, 1447431102851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say that, but I recall that ramune always starts his posts with an empty line...

>> No.4359048
File: 291 KB, 2304x1132, lilgroomerstrikesagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice the posts from the guy taking about how he totally isnt lilramune are gone
>The posts reeing about dad in the chingchong thread are gone
Looks like the mods gottem, lads

>> No.4359050

Wait, so this means that bunny critique was just fake? Shame. I really thought he was going to make a video on /dad/.

>> No.4359051
File: 1.19 MB, 712x475, 1433091645122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's party

>> No.4359053

whoever it was, judging by the deleted posts, it was a shitposter that basically only farmed (you)s

>> No.4359054

I fucking told you faggots it was him larping as several different personas this whole time

>> No.4359056


Huh. I guess I was wrong.
Maybe removing lilramune was the best choice that could have been made. This is an advanced level of psychosis.

>> No.4359057

>thread got closed

>> No.4359059

Probably the gore posting...

>> No.4359060

the goreposter got banned aswell

>> No.4359061

That must have taken some serious time and effort, ramune has a day job doesn't he? So did his entire life for months consist of working 9-5 and then coming home and shitposting on multiple ic threads and discord chatrooms with multiple personae until bed every day?

>> No.4359062
File: 265 KB, 1229x1925, 16DF0A0E-0F2C-4133-A49D-4420E8D6260A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satania bullyposter still here

>> No.4359063
File: 63 KB, 553x457, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger privated his account like a little coward

>> No.4359067

lilramune more like bigpussy amiright

>> No.4359068

He died a hero

>> No.4359070

Yup im right here, sweetie. :)

>> No.4359075

Yes. he did say one time he's posting during breaks. I always keep track

>> No.4359076

are you on dad?

>> No.4359077

lilramune's autism never ceases to amuse

>> No.4359079
File: 101 KB, 670x669, bigPee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Along with his accomplice. If I were modfags I'd ban Pig on your discord circle

>> No.4359080

bros imagine your mental going boom boom just cause you got clapped by a furchad cuteposter combo which forced you into exile concocting your plan to crash the plane with no survivors because the most social users don't leave comments on your underage anime girl submissions

>> No.4359081

Is pig really a girl, or is she just a lolicon pretending to be a chick?

>> No.4359083

bro what the fuck did you just type

>> No.4359084

> this entire thread
> the /ic/ board getting even more belligerent

you ever think banana worries about this? do you think he might leave us because of all this random drama?

>> No.4359086

"accomplice" looking at how much we now know he samefags I'd strongly suspect this person is just another one of his socks

>> No.4359090

Nah, this person's art looks different from Ramune's. They're a different person

>> No.4359091

pig seems pretty chill in the discord, whats the drama with them?

>> No.4359092

latter. I did the misgendering joke in the first place. Ramune picked it up like a retard

>> No.4359093

hell naw he's used to these shenanigans

>> No.4359094

I think it’s tsflipp...

>> No.4359096

I think he'd close the discord first if he was that concerned. And honestly, what website community doesn't have stupid ass drama.

>> No.4359102

Fair enough

>> No.4359110

So from this and past reveals, Lilramune has been confirmed to be
The "Kill yourself banana" poster
The GOOD MORNING LATINA (and recently Somali) poster
A groomer
Responding to himself to encourage drama, protests "It's not me!" when it's him
Mentally ill, believes everyone is banana and that banana is out to get him
Shits on other dads anonymously in and out of the dad threads
A piss fetishist
A lolicon

And those are only what he's confirmed to be, unconfirmed if he was behind other shitposts throughout las history such as shit dog fuck man and choobposting.

>> No.4359112

I told lilramune to stop posting here, and he only got caught in the crossfire afterwards. I barely post here since you know what. Don't press the issue.

I decided to befriend the big meanie for the sake of it. That's about it.

>> No.4359114

And a habitual liar.

>> No.4359116

my man you write in a remarkably similar fashion, are you two brothers by any chance?

>> No.4359119

I am an ESL, so that has probably something to do with it.

>> No.4359120

Why'd you go privy in twitter then

>> No.4359123

Someone threatened to report me :(

>> No.4359124

Really amusing reading these back, intertwined with the posts that were obviously Lilramune.

>> No.4359125
File: 104 KB, 318x409, 1580101503073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited until after the rollover to do this, in case.
Please stand by, we may be experiencing some turbulence.

>> No.4359126
File: 54 KB, 1057x728, EPwb8KFXUAEq0PZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired

>> No.4359128

bro when you're tired that means your body wants to sleep

>> No.4359129
File: 40 KB, 408x511, 1550716108285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359133

Well If you just delete that pissing girl you did then I wont report you

>> No.4359135
File: 16 KB, 898x108, mods are actually based for once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the shitposters who 'threatened' to DDOS the site is crying in the comment section like a lil bitch

>> No.4359136
File: 943 KB, 1600x1580, 1508270305097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359139

fucking kek

>> No.4359140
File: 11 KB, 862x454, 8b71649354239374a3c2ee41bea99d68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359143


>> No.4359144

how low on the totempole could you possibly be to be licking the ballsack of a literal who whose videos get a few hundred views at most. my neighbor filmed his vacuum cleaner and got dozens of times the views

>> No.4359145

So ramune is innocent then?

>> No.4359146

aiyaaah we're done for

>> No.4359149

>the mods respect me so much

>> No.4359150

No, because lilramune's posts were part of the deleted posts.

>> No.4359154

This is just sad

>> No.4359156

>banned over 100 times
>seems to be proud of it
Literally only legit mentally challenged people get banned more than a couple times once they outgrow their newfaggotry.
This person is handicapped.

>> No.4359158
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 14c729aa1a1e3ac8313e1c1dd19a4a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit oh fuck

>> No.4359159

To draw the shitty art that sucks ass.

>> No.4359161
File: 1.68 MB, 466x350, 1415573301420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4359162

Looking at the ban log it was way more than 1 shitposter.

>> No.4359165
File: 1.18 MB, 360x270, laughing skelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mods respect me too much

>> No.4359167

https://www.4chan.org/bans I see only two /ic/ bans for racism?

>> No.4359168

the list isn't comprehensive

>> No.4359175

banana, the backup heroku site is still up, is it supposed to be like that?

>> No.4359176

>it was way more than 1 shitposter.
you dont think this niggerino is capable of conjuring multiple personas after what he did?

>> No.4359177


Yes. Use this as a backup if urgent.

>> No.4359183

In the end he never learned how to draw proper cylinders heh..

>> No.4359198
File: 1.80 MB, 250x250, 1579809908424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peace has returned to dadville and now real brothers can work out without any disturbances in the force

>> No.4359203

what the fuk just happening

>> No.4359205
File: 10 KB, 300x278, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359208

3 days, or however long it takes him to reset a router

>> No.4359215


>> No.4359236

i wanna hold a daddies ham

>> No.4359243

Inktober gave me the courage to do SFW, I'm always afraid my nonporn stuff will bore peiple but I'll try anons

>> No.4359289

How do I get the courage to do NSFW?

>> No.4359303

>I’m not even really defending Nessie in this situation because I think she is incredibly naive to think this person will give two shits, and her attempt to ask won’t backfire
Yeah, I was a bit of a smoothbrain to think approaching him in good faith would accomplish anything. I do not care about getting crit, I wouldn't post to /ic/ if I did. I just hate someone else taking my work without permission or credit, and using it as their own content. Sorry for shitting up the thread, but I wanted this to be clear.

>> No.4359311

>Sorry for shitting up the thread, but I wanted this to be clear.
lol dw about that, I'm pretty sure this thread and /ic/ in general are fubar already

>> No.4359336

it's not courage as much as it is being horny

>> No.4359337
File: 89 KB, 256x256, 1580133295018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dns error...?

>> No.4359339


>> No.4359340

>NSFW artists are always horny
Surely this can’t be true right? It change so my perspective on everything.

>> No.4359342

banana help

>> No.4359344

I am probably one of the least horny people on here but i still draw pretty extreme porn regularly. I don't even enjoy sex

>> No.4359347



>> No.4359349

What's the reasoning for this

>> No.4359352

Personally I think having horny motivation is by no means a requirement for making such drawings, but it helps make a nsfw piece more genuine and thus more enjoyable for both the artist and viewer.

>> No.4359355

self insert/escapism/depression

>> No.4359361


>> No.4359364


>> No.4359365


>> No.4359366

Being horny gives your nsfw SOUL

>> No.4359368


>> No.4359369


>> No.4359371

wolfens or ativor or whatever

>> No.4359372

no and no
I dont post porn as my daily submission regularly

>> No.4359373


>> No.4359375

i dont know that one but no

>> No.4359380

>Doesn't know j
That narrows things down a bit

>> No.4359381

anyone from that coomer chart last thread

>> No.4359383

check him out, he good

>> No.4359387


>> No.4359388


i missed that

wow he is


>> No.4359391


>> No.4359394


i found the chart, I'm not on it

>> No.4359398

>not on the chart
damn, ultra rare coomer daddy

>> No.4359399


>> No.4359400


>> No.4359401

Post your porn

>> No.4359402


>> No.4359403

Do you have an active streak on dad?
Otherwise, Cr3amLord?

>> No.4359404

any one of 7b7a2f Aerce Antoine Apricot Arma artforlibertine Aruvee Ativor AutoReiv Axalalal Bardamu batcoast Bertrand Faure bezdomny Bigg Matt Bossu Briss Brother-kun Brownie bunnyburger CGraphite Choob Coin forgot his acc Courtier Cr3amLord Creatue Dataizm Defunct dezukaful dreamworldnetizen DTierDaddy echo EngeeEmI Genzai gob Goblin gottagitgud Grabstein greencat Grigri guespiere Hakuna HarjVV hoppy huhnchen Igor Immersted00 Indigo inkpleb Inno j Jason Jet KazooKD konsui Lafayette_Tiki lamprey leech Lexonimous lonku LowStreaks maggot Mathias Osland meru Moth mrpurin MysticLog Negakona nemori Nessie Nirest Notosh nsix nyroc Oneironaut ooBoo owlaica Paganini Pawn Peltingfury pera Pihori Pneuma potatoes_spaghetti psiekier QuattroHS ray Razorbliss redspeckle Ren rhomphy Ric sanz Saucy Seal seieki Sigourney silvemis sleepy slumwzrd Snowpuff SomeWeirdShit tabascoshrimp Tang ThomasAto tipsy tmart11 tsflipp tsutra ulsanloos Valley vani Varsils Vastian vudex VuSta Whizzard Wilbe wormwood εδδin™

>> No.4359405


>> No.4359408

not Cr3amLord, but i do have an active streak



>> No.4359409


>> No.4359410

i gotta admit sig, that art is pretty nasty and grotesque but i definitely respect it

>> No.4359420


>> No.4359427

ladies and gentlemen we got him

>> No.4359428

the man is doing commissions, gotta get that bread

>> No.4359430

give me a badge for that please

>> No.4359441
File: 10 KB, 168x225, disgusted banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick check:
Everybody good using dad.gallery now? Please let me know if not. Try restarting your browser if need be.

>> No.4359446

working fine for me

>> No.4359447

Working for me

>> No.4359449

we gucci

>> No.4359451


Phase two of this stuff will be done tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I guess this means I won't have time to actually make something for the dad.zone challenge, but this is something I needed to attend to.

>> No.4359457

a sacrifice for the greater good

>> No.4359462

banana... so this was all a setup just so you could procrastinate a tiny bit more?

>> No.4359476

Just draw what you're into. There's a good chance other people will be into some parts of it too.

>> No.4359482
File: 72 KB, 168x225, sad banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. It's not.
This is legitimately something I needed to urgently account for.
I'll talk about it in more detail when I done; I might just skip exercising today, maybe go to bed a little later than usual and try to handle the second step of this process now so that I can spend the next 2 days on a dad.zone submission, since I actually really wanted to do that.

>> No.4359485

It redirects to some dragon porn bullshit for me

>> No.4359501


>> No.4359502

Take care and rest baba

>> No.4359509

Commissions probably

>> No.4359513

self loathing

>> No.4359519


>> No.4359521

No way, sleepy is full blown dripping all the time. I'm sure of it. One does not simply draw that kind of degeneracy.

>> No.4359522

Who are the horniest dads?

>> No.4359524

The irony in this statement is that they aren't on the site anymore.

>> No.4359525

me(has the letter e in my name)

>> No.4359526


>> No.4359533

yes this is true

>> No.4359544

Retarded question especially for here but 4chan doesn't have shadowbanning right?

>> No.4359547

it doesn't, and would be easy to test for

>> No.4359549

You're not shadowbanned, we're just not taking your bait

>> No.4359555

I'm not a shitposter/troll, I'm just asking because in another thread I said who made a particular piece of artwork and then immediately afterword some idiot asked who made it. Had me paranoid

>> No.4359558

anons are just getting dumber

>> No.4359565

thinking i'm going to shift my focus towards acquiring commissions, does doing drawing requests from other boards build actual connections with people and other artists?

>> No.4359566

I'd assume so, if you shill your name that is, only if asked though. I've seen many times people put their patreon link in the delivery and everyone flips their shit.

>> No.4359567

they already found out who it was:

>> No.4359568

probably not nearly as much as posting a single well-timed fanart on twitter, but i dont think it'd hurt

>> No.4359573

when's the next nintendo direct, lets speedrun any% this shit

>> No.4359575

draw threads seem like a thankless job

>> No.4359578


i'm thinking of using it as a primer for taking commissions, i want to contain the drawings within a day ideally spaced with one break between start/finish and hit a reasonable quality

>> No.4359580

no you dont do drawthreads for that lol. drawthreads are literally ONLY for people who love to draw and nothing more. its for pure drawing interest, if you think youre going to get some kind of commission following for that, think again.

>> No.4359583

In my experience the best way to make connections with other artists is through art communities on 4chan, such as Discords and the like. I know everyone hates people who shitpost on art servers, but really, there's no better way to make lasting connections with other artists than talking to them, enjoying their company, and just spending time as friends. I made an art friend on /co/ a few years back who put all their effort into porn and built up a decent following. Now they help promo me and my art and it brings a lot of eyes on my work. Invest in friendships now, because they'll pay dividends.

>> No.4359585


can i atleast get some art friends out of it with our mutual bond being 4chan


alright, time to dust off the old social compartment in my brain and give it a go, lets see if this robot still has it

>> No.4359590

if you're looking for connections with other 4chan artists and get used to commissions then why not here, in dad? art trades with other artists in the discord

>> No.4359591
File: 30 KB, 384x288, 1344668729879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who love to draw
Don't we all?

>> No.4359593

Animal crossing is coming soon
New revelations for pkmn swish are still incoming

>> No.4359596

all I know is /tg/s drawthreads have a Google doc for artists to put their details in to be commissioned
now, I doubt that gets many people or anyone, but it's the only drawthread I know of with something like that, and at least it recurs in every drawthread they have.

>> No.4359598
File: 1016 KB, 765x1275, luke02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art trades with other artists in the discord
I want to do art trades with other artists and draw their ocs but I don't know how to ask them. Dad is so much more learning-oriented than other art communities I've been in, it feels like a strange topic to bring up.

>> No.4359599


i want to maintain my silent image on dad lol plus i haven't fully thought out what angle i want to attack this yet... probably start a new social media handle and all that. i'll join and try to mingle when i've settled on something soon™

>> No.4359602

>dad.gallery gives an unsecure connection error again

>> No.4359603

did nanners seriously implement ddos protection just to dab on some autistic larper?

>> No.4359605


Unsecure connection error?
What are you guys seeing?

>> No.4359607

Wouldn't it be like anywhere else? "Hey, I love your art! Would you be interested in an OC art trade with me? Here's what my work looks like and I'll make your request first" should at least get you a polite answer.

>> No.4359608

says the certification is given by cloudfare, but there is not enough data to substantiate the validity of the certificate or something like that.

>> No.4359609

rather not trade drawings with you(dad), would be unfair for me.

>> No.4359611


Interesting. I'm not seeing anything on my phone, Firefox, nor Chrome.
Can you try restarting your browser?

>> No.4359614

I'm not seeing it on chrome either, no idea what you guys are talking about

>> No.4359617

Since nobody is responding in the stupid questions forum I'll ask here- Is it helpful to learn how to specifically oil paint if I'm likely always going to paint using another medium (probably acrylic)? I have some videos about it but I don't want to waste my time if it's not going to be useful at all.

>> No.4359618

>want to maintain my silent image on dad lol
What the fuck, are you a teenage girl or something? No one will notice nor give a shit that you go out of your way to not be noticed and yet you fag for attention. abluhbluh why don't I have friends when I don't put myself out there
On a less mean note, incumbency is a big playing factor in social media. It's usually better to get started earlier than later even if you don't feel like you're posting anything worthwhile, best time to plant a tree is now and all that.

>> No.4359619

have chrome, didn't work, tried restarting and incognito, doesn't work, tried opera, doesn't work, but once I turned on opera VPN it worked, I'm from germany.

>> No.4359622

works now, absolutely baffling

>> No.4359623


Yeah, I changed a setting back.
Can you get in touch with me by email or discord?

>> No.4359628

yeah I see that the certificate changed to "let's encrypt authority". Honestly, I can't be arsed to deal with this shit, if you swap certs I will simply use a vpn to post my daily submissions, whoever else has problems with this can deal with this shit with you. Assuming there are others, and that this problem doesn't just fix itself, which I assume it will since it said there wasn't enough data to certifiy. I think it's just a time thing.

>> No.4359630


damn bro sorry bro but to be fair i'm not in the amount of agony that you portray me to be in, i'm just trying to approach and think this through logically with my dogs, i value second opinions and i've already gotten valuable insight from you and others, thanks bro

>> No.4359632

I feel like learning to do oil paint is the only reason why I know how to render shit now.
Granted, my teacher favored heavy application/chromatic painting, I can't speak about the more classical application (thin translucent layers), but the overall unforgiveness that oil paint has really forces you to think about what your painting. I think it can be really helpful but you need a decent set of hands to guide you.

>> No.4359636

i had a mod unban me. looking forward to his next video lol

>> No.4359637

OK, I'll give it a look then, thank you. Unless I someday take a class where it's required I can't ever see myself actually getting to try it directly though, too expensive and I don't have an indoor space where I can use it safely.

>> No.4359662
File: 20 KB, 28x28, 1573301871298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4359667
File: 287 KB, 1000x551, yoshikage banana from nessie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I got it done.

I have added a bit more money into the DAD hosting fund and we now have SSL encryption, DDoS mitigation and other miscellaneous security and protection features. This is admittedly highly reactionary, though it's an absolute prerequisite for the longevity of DAD, given its very 4chan origins.

That being said, while I do disagree with a lot of the crab mentality on /ic/ and think the vitriolic attitude towards this community is pretty unreasonable, be the bigger man, turn the other cheek, and try to avoid actively kicking hornet's nests.

In addition to this, the following things have been added for security or aesthetic purposes:
All HTTP requests will be automatically redirected into HTTPS requests for maximal security.
www.dad.gallery will now redirect to dad.gallery.
last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com will now redirect to dad.gallery. In crisis events (like I fuck up some sort of DNS related thing because my devops ability is shit), I can easily deactivate this without having to push code, so keep this domain in mind.

What an exhausting weekend of random tech and drama bullshit. If you'll excuse me, I will be taking a two day break to shit together a dad.zone submission.

>> No.4359669
File: 120 KB, 295x166, i just want a quiet life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh fuck in my exhaustion i forgot one last thing:
if for whatever reason the site is inaccessible because of random SSL errors, you need to tell me ASAP, and verify with screenshots, and let me know your general timescale availability over the next ~12-18 hours so that i can correspond with you on what's going wrong, i'm literally learning as i go here, folks

push comes to shove, please email me your submission before the deadline and when i get off of work we can work through the problem

>> No.4359702


Thanks nanners.

>> No.4359715

Thank you nana

>> No.4359733

Draw dragon sex gdi

>> No.4359738

why do you want banana to draw dragons fucking

>> No.4359766


>> No.4359774

hi nanners <3

>> No.4359788

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4359790

Makes sense. All it takes is one bad day.

>> No.4359803

Someone posted something in art talk for you!

>> No.4359852
File: 126 KB, 1888x940, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Massive Black forums launched and they have a "Last Artist Standing" challenge. Can we sue them?

>> No.4359854

>tfw Lava left no will for anyone to be his successor
If only. Nanners may be amazing, but he's not Lava.

>> No.4359867

How can the dead sue someone?

>> No.4359898

who cares, i can finally leave this fucking dump. later fuckers.

>> No.4359908

10 hours left, you better get in daddies!

>> No.4359909

I'll see you eliminated tomorrow _______

>> No.4359910


A site without a dominant furry clique and where the skillbar is much higher so the “top dads” aren’t smelling their own farts? Sign me up?

>> No.4359917

Can someone give me the quick rundown on what that forum is?
Just a general art forum for everyone, or more of a professional/industry type thing like Artstation?

>> No.4359931


Doesn't Discord have a Thunderdome Channel? Is this just a coincidence or?

>> No.4359936

>dominant furry clique
>literaly 2 people with average skill

>> No.4359938

focus on drawing rather than conspiracy theories

>> No.4359953

has anyone made a list of all our furries

>> No.4359955

Now the people conplaining about banana have no excuse, please stay gone.

>> No.4359965

You can rot with the rest of the ngmis. I’ll be on the other side taking part in the new golden age of CAs revival.

>> No.4359967

Somebody know if teal/simon is really on LAS? Somebody on the questions thread says so, but I don't remember ever seeing his work on the site.

>> No.4359969

Nothing's really stopping you from quitting dad. You're just whining for attention you slut.

>> No.4359971

Whatever you say, just don't come back whining.

>> No.4359972
File: 117 KB, 1500x810, 1567387051771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the forums giving a blank page for anyone else?

>> No.4359973

never saw him on las, ded or dad

>> No.4359976

>its black
>and it's massive

>> No.4359978

Now this is epic

>> No.4359980

The site automatically rejects ngmis

>> No.4359987

>lilramune arc reaches a climax
>immediately followed by the start of the fat chink and massive black arc
this anime has no stops

>> No.4359999

>massive black fat chink
sound like north korea final boss

>> No.4360003

this goddamn gif cracks me up every time i see it

>> No.4360018
File: 13 KB, 250x250, tumblr_po6jg9W3DN1rwcs8fo4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I scared you with my comment voicing concern over a DDOS, I highly doubt it would ever actually happen. It's just my anxiety disorder makes me extremely talented at coming up with theoretical worst-case scenarios. It's amazing how sad it is, like you should see me around elevators.

>> No.4360019
File: 839 KB, 245x138, e539a7428d0e21a116cd63b15c0aa68d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4360020

It's good.

>> No.4360024

better safe than sorry, when i go to the grocery store im packing a .44, a rocket launcher, lock picks, three weeks worth of rations and a cyanide tablet just in case i get captured

>> No.4360038


I highly doubt that salty fags on /ic/ have access to large bot armies, but yeah. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.4360040

what kind of secrets do you hold that you'd need to take a cyanide tablet to make sure they didnt fall into the wrong hands?!

>> No.4360049

Nah I think if it were to happen it would be a legit swarm of newbies following somebody popular, not just one sad faggot with a bot. In a weird way that's kind of optimistic though, isn't it

>> No.4360218
File: 1.97 MB, 1967x2560, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun with a pencil equivalent but for coomers when?

>> No.4360221
File: 151 KB, 449x442, 1438305789026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4360232

sometimes my thumbnails on the dad website or social media are blurry, is it possible this is because the images I upload are too low resolution? what res do you use? I know that in general on /ic/ for easy loading people resize to around 1000x1000 give or take a few hundred of length or width

>> No.4360296

I hate retards like you that always are asking for extremely specific resources for specific problems. Use your head. Don't be a retard that needs to be spoonfed everything.

>> No.4360297

uh, pretty sure they're making a joke

>> No.4360299

you just got coomed

>> No.4360362
File: 789 KB, 1590x893, stream banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring back lassie streaming!

Here for an hour or so to draw some furry porn

>> No.4360369

I always miss your streams, wish Picarto wasn’t shite and had a kess crappy video archiving system

>> No.4360370

real coomer hours

>> No.4360403

Dad stream art speedrun marathon when

>> No.4360426

Just draw anime but with Loomis guides

>> No.4360446

Read the room anon

>> No.4360448

what kind of cursed happenings force a poor streamer to put " no rping" in the rules?

>> No.4360458

being a furry DAD that’s "made it’ brings some undesirable consequences

>> No.4360461

people flock to your stream to roleplay? I refuse to believe that happens

>> No.4360465


>> No.4360471

Fuck, this got me.
Furchads just can't catch a break can they?

>> No.4360484

People in chet can get sexual and start sex roleplay chat with each other. It happens a lot.

>> No.4360505

hi honey i'm home *removes coat* did you already submit your drawing for today?

>> No.4360520

*throws bottle at you*
get me a beer

>> No.4360524

800 posts, daddies have been really busy...

>> No.4360528

Still not the 1000s like in the heyday of las.

>> No.4360531

Didn't we reach 900 some weeks ago? or was it just 800 again?

>> No.4360538


*catches the bottle mid flight with my pussy lips* try that shit again fuck boy and you gon' get smacked real quick i swear on my mama

>> No.4360557

it's over

>> No.4360559

What the fuck.

>> No.4360571


>> No.4360592

why do our furries seem so normal compared to the ones in the wild

>> No.4360601
File: 67 KB, 851x740, EEWqMhgVUAA7PMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to meet any unironic weird uwutalking furries on dad, all of the furries here so far seem like normal people, even jmgn was an alright guy, maybe if dad was advertized on a furry imageboard things would be different

>> No.4360602

the weebs make them appear normal by comparison

>> No.4360606

most furry artists tend to be very different from the average furry
They draw it because they like the porn or the aesthetic but have never really roleplayed or anything

Bascially every furry artist will have a "no rp, no free requests, dm's not open" plastered over their profiles

>> No.4360610


and the ones that do rp or really sink themselves in tend to explode into lolcows within the community itself

>> No.4360612

this, furry artists are basically the furry elite, the furry community is divided into castes you see, and the artchads are at the very top, and the roleplayers are basically just above untouchables

>> No.4360646

why is this so funny

>> No.4360649

do they ever get so sick of 99% of their brethren being demented that they just go ''fuck it'' and return to furless normalcy?

>> No.4360653

because it's true. Their defacto ruling class is the popufur oligarchy, their commands are carried out through twitter pressure, lesser artists fall at their say so, and others rise for paying them adequate tribute.

>> No.4360658


someday i will own a kingdom

>> No.4360660

Do furries build their kingdoms in Furcadia?

>> No.4360662

Guess it's time to take the fur pill

>> No.4360664

If you could become leader of a muscle platoon by being gay would you take the gay pill as well

>> No.4360667

It becomes tiresome at times, having to communicate with people who you want nothing to do with.
There's been a few times when artists have lashed out at the degenerate behaviour, but for the most part, we just stay away from it, talk to other artists only, etc

>> No.4360671

>tfw ywn own a kingdom and have every single citizen draw to gather data so you can learn the secret to drawing

>> No.4360677

>After ten years of data gathering your minions come to you
>Sire, the secret is to draw for twenty years

>> No.4360678

furries sharing art tutorials on patreon with their fanbase are basically like wizards and their apprentices.

>> No.4360683

i like this banana

>> No.4360688

Despite being a fandom dominated by artists, there's actually very little community of artists.
There's virtually no tutorials out there made by artists, no main hubs for artists to gather and talk about art, no podcasts about artists, nothing.

It's very distressing

>> No.4360692

if there is demand but no supply you could corner the market

>> No.4360699

What's the downside?

>> No.4360701

you cant make babbies with your gay lover

>> No.4360710

what do you mean? furchad artists are notoriously "cliquey"

>> No.4360746

feels good man

>> No.4360754

ngl I miss sharkvore

>> No.4360756

even JMGN is a chill and funny guy

>> No.4360784

Have we been visiting the same discord?

>> No.4360791
File: 60 KB, 1014x1024, 1506271257495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish i had artfriends

>> No.4360792

I feel you bro

>> No.4360794

what furry daddies have the uwu-tism?

>> No.4360800

screencap the unironic uwus

>> No.4360801
File: 306 KB, 1000x1652, 1575179390733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish it existed a podcast just about analysing artworks

>> No.4360852

cliques only form of 3-4 artists, I'm talking about a lack of groups of hundreds of artists

The most you will find are a few mediocre telegram groups with no big names in it.
The majority of furry artists are alone in the fandom

>> No.4360855

you don't understand, every furry artist has a clique of orbiting lesser furry artists kissing his feet, and those lesser furry artists have orbiters too.. And this goes all the way down to filthy unwashed nonartists.

>> No.4360858

Mommy my butt hurts!

>> No.4360868

do you want a kiss to heal?

>> No.4360970
File: 49 KB, 168x225, protective banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that a full day has passed and everything seems to be going swimmingly. That's really a big sigh of relief for me.

Actually, seconding this. Why do you want me specifically to draw dragon sex? What do you get out of it? I'm not even good at drawing dragons.

Don't worry, this is something that definitely had to happen at some point, recent events just forced my hand. That being said, do you know what to do in the event of an elevator cable snapping and going into free fall?

>> No.4360974

>elevator cable snapping and going into free fall?
jump up at the last second

>> No.4360976
File: 56 KB, 168x225, broke banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, not quite it, that's a myth that's been widely debunked, as is attempting to brace with your knees in a loose position. Jumping would not come close to reducing your fall speed to safe levels.
You need to lie down as flat as you can, as to spread the impact surface area to its maximum extent, while covering your face and head. At that level of force, your neck is not enough to support its own weight if you were standing, so this will spread out the force.

That being said, an elevator in free fall, even with these approaches, will make your survival dubious at best, and you are not going to be able to avoid breaking bones.

Ah fuck, I might have just added to your paranoia.

>> No.4360980

I wasn't that anon, don't worry banana, just having fun

>> No.4360983

pretty sure most elevators these days wouldn't go into free fall just because the cable snapped. They have rails with automatic emergency brakes IIRC

>> No.4361004

RIP seal

>> No.4361023

Thank you banana dragon

>> No.4361070
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>> No.4361092

Good time as any to finally get a VPN. Anyone tried NordVPN? They seem to be the cheapest and lots of youtube channels I watch are affiliated, so might as well help some dude out.

>> No.4361095

RIP eddin too, another plein air mugging

>> No.4361097
File: 177 KB, 600x800, Raid Shadow Legends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've brokered a deal with


every submission needs to be


fanart or we lose our funding and the site will be shut down forever. Remember DAD, whenever you need a brief break from drawing, consider playing


for a great way to unwind.

>> No.4361100

Skillshare challenges when?

>> No.4361104

What's vpn got to do with DDoS?

>> No.4361109

When's that Raid shadow legends banner ad coming up to dad?
Gotta get dem $10,000 per month, banana.

>> No.4361119
File: 973 KB, 2000x1120, raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raid shadow legends challenge when?

>> No.4361122

*builds las alternative in with wix*

>> No.4361146

Just draw dragon facesitting then baka

>> No.4361152

why do you want it so badly

>> No.4361189

I'm trying to help you

>> No.4361195

I don't want to draw dragon porn.
Thanks for watching out for me though.

>> No.4361208
File: 407 KB, 883x691, 1556743710617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept the coom into your life

>> No.4361219

the coomers are trying to corrupt others D:

>> No.4361222

as is their nature

>> No.4361226

I legitimately don't get this ad. Where are people seeing this? Since I'm only ever on /ic/ and youtube, I guess I never see it.

>> No.4361233

>is on youtube
>doesnt know about raid

>> No.4361237

I haven't really seen it either, but memes tend to perpetuate themselves so there's that. Funny how a meme poking fun at an ad acts as an ad itself.

>> No.4361255

What youtubers do you watch?

>> No.4361265

>attempting to draw as distraction
>just scrawling meandering lines on an empty canvas
it hurts.

>> No.4361266

Based pewdiepie of course

>> No.4361268

none, youtube is a waste of time
on rare occasions watch dunkey, cr1tikal, uh... that kiwami japan guy who makes knives

>> No.4361274

do you watch streams instead? netflix? tv? nothing?

>> No.4361282

I legit do not watch anything other than YT other than the occasional seasonal anime.
It's a bad habit of mine but almost exclusively just watch drama/lolcow channels. I don't know why but I find it hard to watch art related channels if i'm not watching them just to hate watch. I think because I usually use Youtube to zone out, and art related stuff is more work to me.
Other than that a lot of food travel vlogs like mychonny/mikey chen. Also disney vloggers because it's harmless shit to zone out to and it makes me feel better as an adult weeb that other adults freak out over people dressed up as princesses and large ducks.
Occasional comedy idiots like timmy timato... shits funny idc.

>> No.4361288

not that anon, but for me, yeah

Forensic Files, Star Trek, some Jazz or Rock music, sometimes nothing and just enjoying the sounds of the neighborhood.

If I watch youtube it's adblocked and I generally watch longform documentary content that doesn't have in-video sponsors/promotions.

>> No.4361306

I'm actually a lot more concerned about the doors fucking up, I visited China when I was in High School many years ago and those fuckers wouldn't stop closing once they started for god damn anything. And to make the situation even more unreal Yao Ming was there when we first realized this fact, I shit you not.

>> No.4361315
File: 15 KB, 366x498, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get your broom and try to stand it up right, it will stand up by itself.

>> No.4361317


>> No.4361325

Art Assignment, Little Art Talks, Sketchbook Skool [sic], Bob Ross, and a shit ton of various artists who just post videos of themselves working on their latest piece. Also James Gurney but I really watch his videos via his blog.

>> No.4361327

If you're going to post shitty trending memes at least draw them

>> No.4361336

>tfw had to look it up
I am not hip, cool and trendy with the kids these days

>> No.4361340
File: 56 KB, 800x800, fffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4361342

I'm fucking pissed at myself over netflix right now because they quietly dropped The Power of Myth before I bothered to watch it. I'm trying to absorb as much art related content as I physically can, having to worry about some of it randomly disappearing after a while stresses me out even more.

>> No.4361343

yeah I don't consume a lot of video media, I have youtube blacklisted on my productivity thing so I don't usually watch recreationally
most of my free time is spent on social media or drawing, heh

>> No.4361349


>> No.4361353
File: 74 KB, 800x534, Shibuya-Hachiko-Statue-v01-800x534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4361348

>> No.4361356

If you think this is impressive wait till you zoomers find out about the hammer and ruler trick from back in my day

>> No.4361357
File: 1.15 MB, 1425x649, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtuber streams so I can learn japanese and art at the SAME TIME

>> No.4361367

hi nanners <3

>> No.4361373

i oughta post in this 900 post thread
this is a mark for my children

>> No.4361410
