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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4352884 No.4352884 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread

>> No.4352900


>> No.4352909

How to fight back against your inner voice that imitates the voices of everyone and everything telling you that'll you never achieve anything?

>> No.4352932

ok i want to use paypal, but how long does it take to process a transaction? Is it updated instantly?
For example; you make a commission, you send an invoice to the person, he sends the money, and it is instantly updated in your account? Or do some days pass before the transaction appears and is deposited in your account?

>> No.4352981

I'm studying gesture right now because recently I've gotten interested in improving the way I draw humans, I have a decent sense of anatomy I think, so what's a faster way to get likeness down? it seems all my humans look samey and almost "default" and I'm wondering what it'll take for me to actually get them to have a uniqueness. Should I just study faces more?

>> No.4353032

How did you learning shading?

>> No.4353041

An art class long ago in junior high.

>> No.4353048

fuck you

>> No.4353054

I know, it's amazing how that one thing puts me into the top 1% of /ic/.

>> No.4353060

If you're referring to making your figure have a better likeness in gesture, for the most part, it's always going to look samey because you're not supposed to focus on the tiny details unless they have very distinct body shapes/physiques.

If you're talking about getting likenesses down in general. Then yea, focus on learning how to construct the face with shapes. Hampton's approach was something that always felt really simple and easy to read for me. I basically just followed that every time I drew a head and took the specific person's features into account when applying the forms. So yeah, basically just keep drawing and analyzing. Always be analyzing and paying attention to what makes that person look like they do (long forehead, big nose, small eyes, etc).

>> No.4353067

Look at literally any artist you admire. Remind yourself they started off being shit at drawing, but they managed to be not shit. Now apply that to yourself, every time you feel depressed or down about your skill level, just remind yourself "If I keep consciously trying to improve, I too will also be great." That will always be 100% true as long as you keep with it. The only time it becomes not true is when you start to think you can't do it and start giving up. Don't compare yourself to other artists, everyone has a different journey.

>> No.4353075

I've been asking on these threads for days trying to get any goddamn recommendations for resources to go outside off the hurrdurr check the wiki/draw from life bullshit.

>> No.4353101

Shading has less to do with technique and more to do with understanding how to read forms. You can pick up Scott Roberston's "How to render" for a good rendering guide, but even that book basis a lot of the information with the assumption that you've read the previous book "How to draw". Vilppu/Huston/Gnass all give a good brief crash course on learning how to render an object on their NMA courses as well.

>> No.4353103

Also James Gurney's "Color and Light".

>> No.4353109

Just started drawing a couple days ago and I was gifted an older Samsung s3 tab, any recommendations for drawing apps? Ive been slowly trying different things and checking for reviews but it seems everyone uses an ipad or a computer. I'm poor and can't afford those options but I could at least buy an app if necessary.

>> No.4353112

Sorry that bit was pretty unnecessary looking back on it, I meant just likeness in general. Thanks anon, I guess it really is something that'll just take study and getting used to to develop but I'll give Hampton a look!

>> No.4353115


>> No.4353118

yes, it updates instantly as soon as the invoice is paid
the only exception is when you send an invoice in USD and your main currency is another, then you might need to accept the payment before it gets updated

>> No.4353126

Yup, it's one of those lovely grinds you just gotta keep banging out. Good luck!

>> No.4353130

Has an anonymous way to be paid for commissions been revealed yet? Not just "hide behind ko-fi" anonymous but truly, really anonymous with no chance of your real name showing even through a "Business" front.

>> No.4353141

I'm also interested in this. Adding on to that, is it possible to register a business or DBA or something else without it being linked back to my real name? I don't care if the government has my name, I just don't want it to be available for the public to see.

>> No.4353142

There's a mega w/ NMA on it, right?

>> No.4353155

The only real way to anonymize yourself these days is to change your name to John Smith or something as ubiquitous.

>> No.4353350 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 850x1169, skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I am retarded, but can someone explain this? the feet of the two figures are in line, their heads have the same size and the bodies have 8 heads in height, so how is that the female is smaller in height??

>> No.4353354

>their heads have the same size
no, female head is a bit smaller

>> No.4353355

have friends that don't draw

>> No.4353373

Yeah the female head is a bit smaller. Not taking into account the scan distortion, the male head is around 117 pixels tall and the female one is 110 pixels tall.
This may not seem to make a lot of difference, but multiplying this by 8 results into the male being 936 pixels tall and the female being 880 pixels tall (which checks out when you measure the height directly), making the male around 6% taller.

>> No.4353388 [DELETED] 
File: 692 KB, 793x887, 1390606011783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bros

>> No.4353389

Alright bros I want to learn how to paint. Where do I start?

Should I just draw for now and follow the Bert Dodson book and transition to painting later on? If so, when? I have zero art experience. Also just looked up Thomas Cole's work and it's incredible.

>> No.4353435

Scott Robertson, various youtube videos, experimentation.

>> No.4353442

Infinite Painter (especially for painterly stuff), ArtFlow (has fewer features and a weaker brush engine, and the default brushes aren't as good, but it's a bit more lightweight than IP and won't heat up your tablet), Sketchbook Pro (it's free, also the other two don't have the text tool), Medibang (also free).

>> No.4353445

Monero I guess, or any other cryptocurrency with privacy.

>> No.4353449

>Scared to start twitter to post my draws
>I feel like I won't get any following
Bros how do you over come this? I'm full ngmi rn
I usually get 2-4 (yous) on drawthreads across this website

>> No.4353453

What book is that? That's not how you're supposed to draw women and shorter people in general, they should have fewer heads in height.

>> No.4353539

Sketchbook all day

>> No.4353551

Bang on some FZDschool videos, paint all day and learn from him. You'll make it in no time

>> No.4353653

Yup. There definitely is for Vilppu/Huston, not sure about Gnass. Check the video thread.

>> No.4353655

Do it or don't do it, but be active and engaging if you do. Like and interact with other artists of similar skill level and it will also help to get your work seen. Don't worry about getting followers for now, just get used to sharing your stuff and have fun with it. If you don't get many followers it simply means you just need to keep improving your work. Instead of being afraid of it use it as a tool to improve yourself. The followers will come eventually. They'll never come if you don't post anything at all though.

>> No.4353669

Why though? It's shit. Maybe it won't be as intimidating to a complete beginner as other programs might be, but I think it's better to get used to a good program right away. But on the other hand, sketchbook feels nice and simple, and if that motivates him to draw, that's better.

>> No.4353773

Should I not bother with the Dodson book at all?

>> No.4353963
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Will I make it if I believe in myself?

>> No.4353976
File: 416 KB, 1275x1754, Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything I need to fix before I move on?

>> No.4354024

Do you guys have a process when you draw? Like a precise step by step thing?

Sometimes when I construct too much (measure most things, etc) I fuck it up and sometimes it's the opposite

>> No.4354025

His right thumb looks like a finger.

>> No.4354048

thanks for the info anon

>> No.4354060
File: 1.57 MB, 5282x2880, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking at /ic/ posters works and various professional artists and animators, the ones that are great (to me as a beginner) they look like drawn as if I'm looking through a camera at a floating character inside a box.

How do I learn that? what do I google?

>> No.4354142

Which is the best layer blending mode for adding reflectivity?

>> No.4354148

you mean perspective?

>> No.4354264

sauce on either of these images?

>> No.4354284 [DELETED] 

Loomis figure drawing

>> No.4355126

Beginner taking a drawing class and trying to do as much extra stuff on the side as my schedule permits.

I've signed up for a handful of figure drawing sessions on the weekends. Did I do good?

>> No.4355137

what platform is the best for posting my art and having other people see it? should I just focus on one or use multiple?

>> No.4355150


>> No.4355169

I have the same problem,
Anons say both post on twitter and instagram.
I wonder whats their opinion on Deviant, Pixiv,etc.

>> No.4355268

Twitter/Insta while using hashtags appropriately. Post relevant shit a little before EU/NA peak hours.
Okay to use as an art gallery depending on what you do, you won't get much traction there compared to Twitter/Insta
A pain in the ass to post your art in because of convoluted rules and faggot mods deleting everything. Your post there could blow up and net you some followers but it takes a lot of lucks to get there the returns aren't too great considering redditors seem to be too fucking lazy to move their asses to Twitter or Insta to follow people

>> No.4355370

Do tits connect to the clavicle or or something else that connects it to the tits

>> No.4355438

Do you think females don't have pectorals? Also, have you tried opening an anatomy book?

>> No.4355455

Great engine and UI, forces you to focus on the bare bones, extremely useful backup system, smoother to run ect
If you have time go for it but FZD has a way of cutting out the crap and just teaches you how to paint on a solid level

>> No.4355475

>Post relevant shit a little before EU/NA peak hours.
Can you give specific time? I live outside both timezone.

>> No.4355513

Don't fight it. Don't listen to it either. Let it scream at a mirror, slowly loosing it's energy. Trust me, this shit works, this "voice" is kinda like an inner bully, once you stop giving it reactions it just withers away.
This would be 110% solid advice if you could reason with the unreasonable. It certainly will work for some, so give it a shot as well.
Any advice on PayPal alternatives? I'm am interested in taking some nsfw comissions after having a ~3 year hiatus, and all the older guides\experience I had is outdated. How hard would it be to setup a business account, for example?

>> No.4355639
File: 233 KB, 540x457, 1579142508146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get easily distracted by games
How do you focus up bros? I hate that my pc has both art and games

>> No.4355781
File: 1007 KB, 960x540, 1560630768149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going to my first nude drawing class this Sunday, no instructor.
Any tips? Things to keep in mind? Only ever studied from photos.

just shelf the games, I noticed I only ever play if it's right there.
If I don't see it then I really don't think about it

>> No.4355788

Just do the same stuff you did from photos, don't rush, don't think about the timer, and don't think about other artists.

>> No.4355925
File: 649 KB, 620x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been yawning for 5 times in a row now.
Is this really gonna help me improve?

>> No.4356060

How many blogs are okay to have?
About uow often should I be posting?
What's a good rate of followers to gain every month?

>> No.4356067

dont think of it as reading, just forget about understanding the words and just picture the image the writing forms in your head as you go

>> No.4356088

I "ground" myself from games until I finish at least either one high effort sketch or a full drawing.

>> No.4356091

What do I have to do to get a cgp invite?

>> No.4356096

If I'm drawing concept art and porn, and trying to build a following for commissions and viewership, should I have separate accounts? Nothing is tied to my real identity.

>> No.4356170
File: 27 KB, 603x466, 1572643091887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good books for drawing clothes or is it really just copy shit from a fashion magazine until it clicks?

>> No.4356195
File: 40 KB, 720x720, QJgJCtmZ3YI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I emulate someone's art style ? (Particularly 70-90's sci-fi) (More specifically vidya like Doom, X-Com, Rock N Roll racing,System Shock 1, Reunion(1993) and so on)

>> No.4356200

Not a single thread goes by without some kind of shitposting now. Is there really nowhere else to go?

>> No.4356208

I don't know about the art style you mentionned specifically but the best way to go about it would be to figure out the medium and technique utilized to make that, and copy a bunch of art you like with that technique.

>> No.4356214

seconding this

>> No.4356218

It's been that way for long. No, there are no other places.
CA.org, DA and Tumblr are more or less dead.
Reddit is the epitome of a shitty hugbox.
All of the above might actually be worse than /ic/ overall as far as skill goes.
Insta and Twitter are social, you won't get crits there.

So, unless you have a good Discord server or a private forum, your best bet is still /ic/, despite the crabbing you'll find decent crits.

>> No.4356221
File: 160 KB, 642x510, timer-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd be around 5pm GMT

>> No.4356462

So guys, a bit of a newfag here, but what is the actual difference between ic and i? I went on the board and these guys submit art like us, and they seem pretty active.

>> No.4356470

/ic/ is for critique in a few specific threads, artbook resources and 80% shitposting
/i/ is for posting edits and drawing for fun.

>> No.4356491

Ah, alright. This board really has turned into crap, then. Nothing but shitposts, crabs, and not much critique going on.

Might migrate to /i/ once I become competent.

>> No.4356957
File: 39 KB, 334x500, 51wdUjnDONL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good?

>> No.4356965

Yeah, but nothing has stuck with me after having read it a year or two ago. I just remember it being good and insightful.

>> No.4357104

ok so how does improvement actually work? is it just academic rigor?
I know grinding works for muscle memory but that's not what i want.
I know patience let's you fix any mistake but i don't want to spend months on a painting.
is my temperament keeping me from success?

Is there a ratio between knowledge of a subject and painting execution? like when environment artists make shitty characters and vice-versa.
What's going on there? They can both paint, so like what the hell?

Also when you hit stagnant points in your progress, like when you know the fundamentals but you physically cannot display mastery at all, what needs to change to push past those obstacles?

>> No.4357155
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently improving on my studies in terms of rendering and blocking in form. But I'm having a hard time picking the colors for the initial blocking and I don't want to resort to color picking the reference material. Any advice? Pic related. Blocking in the colors was brutal and I had to redo it twice to get the color right so far.

>> No.4357161

>how does improvement actually work
>grinding works for muscle memory
>but that's not what I want

>> No.4357211

no need for invites, cgp signup opens every 1st and 15th of each month

>> No.4357254

this hasn't happened for like 3 months

>> No.4357368
File: 755 KB, 1260x1170, Ishuzoku.Reviewers.full.2741215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any place where I can find drawing stream archives for download? some anon posted a mega link with Uno Makoto's stream videos and I lost the link.

>> No.4357396

warosu+search bar.

>> No.4357427

Any good tips or guides on how to draw cartoon characters accurately? I wish to make on-model fanart but it's extremely difficult for me.

>> No.4357454

That's SwimsuitSuccubus I'll bet my left nut.

>> No.4357458

piggybacking off of this is there a good way to download picarto streams? Been wanting to watch Typo's stuff.

>> No.4357582

Anyone know some good resources on surface patterns? Interested in stuff like tribal patterns, art deco or stuff like Klimt or Amano. Throwing a wide net so really anything is appreciated, even just recommendations of artists or pieces you like.

>> No.4357583
File: 14 KB, 480x360, xstylus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone still make good a drawing stylus for the 3ds?
mine all broke and it looks like they don't make xstylus anymore

>> No.4357585

libgen has some good books on patterns and decorative arts.
found this one recently too

>> No.4357587

Stream Video Downloader
on chrome is a little fucky but it works w/ picarto & vods

>> No.4357668

So there are several pro painters in my area (I'm in SEA shithole), they're mostly old timers who do realistic and impressionistic styles. I'm thinking to ask them to let me learn with them through courses or apprenticeships. How do you differentiate and choose your teachers? I'm pretty much ground zero skills wise, I can only draw using pencil by badly copying photos

>> No.4357723
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Is there a way I can hide my name from commissioners when recieving? Like a middle-man account?
This is using PayPal

>> No.4357789

No, not without risking being blocked from paypal forever.

>> No.4357864

Sadly you can't unless you go patreon route.

>> No.4358012

I'm currently following a video series to learn how to paint, and they have a section dedicated to working with oils specifically. I'm not positive on my exact painting medium of choice yet (leaning toward acrylic though) but I definitely can't work with oil.

So should I just skip that section and not waste my time with content related to oils, or will this either be something I have to know or universal enough with painting?

>> No.4358038

Start by specifically defining what "making it" means to you. Make enough money to live off your art? Draw something you feel satisfied with? Win certain competitions? Get x amount of followers on social media? it goes on and on.

Once you decide, yes believing in yourself is super important but not as much as working your ass off.

>> No.4358128

I'm used to using request threads as a way to post stuff to my social media but they've become infested with lewd and NSFW shit. What is an easy way to find something to draw? Also should I just bother to make a NSFW social so that I can start posting lewds?

>> No.4358130

I'm a retard. Please CMIIW. Is wash where we add lots of water to ink or watercolor?

>> No.4358215

If I study perspective from, say, Scott Robertson's course on the subject, will it help me with my figure drawing? I'm still gonna do it because my end goal is creating comics, but I want to see how worth the time investment is.

>> No.4358234


>> No.4358247

Yes, but not in the way you think it will. It won't help you to draw a figure more fluidly or build your understanding of how a figure looks. What it will do is allow you to visualize and construct a character/object in perspective, which in turn will improve your drawings and if you want to place them in any sort of environment. This stuff is fairly technical when it comes to learning it's execution, but very much worth it especially if your end goal is comics.

>> No.4358260

Does watching other artists draw actually help?

>> No.4358319

Thank you, that's all I needed to know. I knew it wouldn't help with the "actual" figure drawing but I currently find myself suffering with constructing the orientation of forms properly. Sounds like this will help.

>> No.4358415


>> No.4358546
File: 66 KB, 1200x580, 23693309-3165-4F4B-B8F6-F808E0424BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How simple can you make a design and still keep it likable and not boring?

>> No.4358838

when can I stop going to figure drawing sessions marketed at or mentions beginners? I've been doing it for 6 weeks but I feel like my drawings are usually better than most the class.

>> No.4358845

What's even the difference between sessions "for beginners" and not for beginners? I've never seen them being marketed as such. You just draw the model, how does your skill matter?

>> No.4358848

I have no idea I guess that might have been a better question. I've been going out of my way to find beginner ones. Yeah from what you said I think they might be identical.

>> No.4359122

wtf happened with the beg thread?

>> No.4359141

Not sure if it was the same for /beg/ specifically but mods just banned some retard who's been trolling and apparently samefagging to a literally insane degree.

>> No.4359179

Use streamlink, they're pretty powerful

>> No.4359296

Is drawing from your shoulder supposed to hurt more? I find it hard to do on a tablet.

>> No.4359367

Drawing from your shoulder is meant for larger areas like a newsprint pad where you have considerably larger strokes. You likely won't be making your strokes large enough unless you're using a pretty big tablet. Most of your range of motion will come from your elbow/wrist.

>> No.4359746

anyone know simon's (tealline) twitter?

>> No.4359780

He still posts here ask him on last artist standing

>> No.4359884

XP Pen Deco Pro or Deco 2?
Maybe something else entirely on a similar price?

>> No.4359954


Wtf is simon really on LAS? What's his handle?

>> No.4360023
File: 150 KB, 1148x1112, 4365346i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to rotate a tilted cube in perspective? I've been winging it for years like pic related but I don't really understand it even though I have good knowledge of perspective

>> No.4360050

>I have good knowledge of perspective
Looks like you don't. If you did, it'd be very obvious to you.

>> No.4360051

thanks for your input

>> No.4360060

I mean, every pair of parallel planes has its vanishing point, the vanishing points of planes that are perpendicular to each other lie on one line. If you rotate the cube around an axis that is parallel to 4 of its sides then their VPs will be moving along their horizon line.

>> No.4360135
File: 142 KB, 900x900, 1536282785103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel overwhelmed with options to learn from, im bouncing from book, to video course to book to youtube channel. wtf order do I do this in, or am I doing it right? I just feel like am skipping steps. someone fucking help me please

>> No.4360160

pyw so i can see what you are lacking, also what you wanna draw?

>> No.4360162

Where is this from and is there a difference between looking at an object at x degree and rotating the object at the same x degree?
Eric Olson's lecture is fucking with my mind.

>> No.4360170

Have a small goal in mind and branch off of that. For example, if you want to improve anatomy, start with focusing on one area you feel weak in, dedicate a good chunk of time on that until you feel you grasp the concept more solidly. Bouncing is okay. Use it as an opportunity to find an instructor that resonates with you, because everyone interprets information differently.

>> No.4360177
File: 821 KB, 650x4128, 1463396891512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

krenz cushart

>> No.4360206
File: 76 KB, 420x521, DEC121134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only draw on paper, scanner is broken and my phone gets no service where I live. however id describe my work as mid-level, and im okay with it but I need to get it next level as they lack "polish".
im comfortable with human anatomy, somewhat breezed through jack hamms animal book after scott Roberson/ctrl+paint course. backgrounds are meh but with a reference it goes pretty smooth. my end goal is probably finished pieces like this. last bit, looking into going digital for "paint".

>> No.4360208

How or where do I learn about digital drawing and painting with Photoshop CC?

>> No.4360210

I arranged all my books and videos by content type (you can usually tell by the title) and then once I decide which Im going to work on, do a quick look through them all and pick what I think is the easiest.

I also made a chart of how much of each thing I want done each day, for example: 5 videos, 20 pages of an art history book (I base my page number around how many pages the book has/ how many days I want to spend reading it), 1 practice from art practice book, 30 minutes worth or one complete drawing “for fun”.

>> No.4360333

Ctrl+paint, sticky.

>> No.4360335

Thank you and checked, based lad.

>> No.4360356

Does anyone like the idea of an art thread that is based on Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt, Oblique Strategies.

>> No.4360584
File: 103 KB, 674x522, 1563977460929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious how far are you guys from your monitors.
Tablet is wacom pro L and an average size keyboard like pic attached.

>> No.4360889

How do you know if someone is passionate about art?

>> No.4360895

He spends his entire day on /ic/ refreshing when it’s a relatively slow board. Sometimes he even posts to make the board move.

>> No.4360941

Get out of my head!

>> No.4360947

Where learn paint anon?

I want something equivalent of Vilppu, but for painting. Digital or trad, doesn't matter. I want the fundamentals.

Ctrl paint is ok, but his style is not what I'm after.
Mullins is the right style, but his teaching style is too advanced. I like his value study idea though.
Bucci just keep regurgitating rubbish to keep his channel going. Like his painting though.
From what i've seen of FZD the style is wrong.

I want an emphasis on the fundamentals of how to paint.

ic resources are heavily biased towards drawing.

>> No.4360955

How can I draw construction and gesture faster? I have to keep on erasing and erasing on the same layer and it takes me hours to draw something easy correctly

>> No.4360960

don't erase a ton, it's a bad habit. maybe just lower the opacity and draw the correct thing over it

>> No.4360968

>Peter Schmidt
>Brian Eno
Give us a taster of each

>> No.4360987

Doing gesture drawings/practicing life drawings will teach you to construct at a faster/more confident pace, but you have to keep at it.

>> No.4361008

I would still have to erase the thing under it and redraw the whole picture

>> No.4361153
File: 261 KB, 558x560, vAnXSa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know I'm not pillow shading?

>> No.4361159

You're trying to shade along the form. Pillow shade is if you're retarded and don't know what form is.

>> No.4361176

Why is it called pillow shading?

>> No.4361181

Thanks so much senpais

>> No.4361249

I remember seeing fashion blogs in the sticky but don't see it anywhere. Ya'll know any good fashion blogs for reference?

>> No.4361259
File: 45 KB, 570x856, b54cec5a5f6f17acc28cb777a248915d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you shade things kinda like a satin pillow, dark colors on the outside, light colors on the inside

>> No.4361422

This might work.

>> No.4361435

Does How to Render by Scott Robertson cover all aspects of rendering, or it there anything big it doesn't mention?

>> No.4361445

how do you guys draw for hours digitally comfortably? i mean like 8+ hours of drawing. i am drawing 10+ hours everyday and my back is breaking to the point that in the end of the day i am panting and gasping and my i have partial blindness in one eye from drawing for days on my PC
i have so many drawings to finish but my body and back and eyes feels like they are going to explode, i think i ripped a muscle in my shoulder a few months ago from drawing because of this and the pain still comes back and goes away, never went to the doctor because of these issues but its healing at home now, its not as excruciating as it used to be now
what the fuck should i do, yes i know 'take a break' but it always comes back, the shoulder/back pain and the eye blindless always comes back
i use an ergonomic pc chair and a big screen and table to draw, but still
i started two drawings yesterday and im probably 50% with both and i wanted to complete them by valentines, but today i woke up with a really sore and painful body, at this rate i probably wont finish them by valentines
sorry for the long rant-ish question i dont know what im doing desu

>> No.4361451

cant tell if bait but if you're serious just stop fucking drawing for so god damn long you idiot.

>> No.4361459

>cant tell if bait but if you're serious just stop fucking drawing for so god damn long you idiot.
i wish it was a bait lmao
but i still want to draw because im t rying to build an internet following right now, i cant just stop
what should i do, i really hate this

>> No.4361508

Stand the fuck up and take a 5-10 minute break every hour. Honestly, it'll help your body relax, get your blood circulating and it'll give you a fresh look at your piece to see mistakes you otherwise wouldn't. Walk around if you can, do some stretching (very impotant) and try to look at a distance. It sounds tedious now, but what's more productive? Living in pain and suffering trying to do work when your body can't handle it, or slowing down for a moment to let your body catch up. If you don't force yourself to take breaks you'll just wreck yourself more and you won't be able to accomplish much. Now that's not productive is it?

>> No.4361560

okay, ill try, i dont take a break as much as i like to, i always get pretty focused on my work for hours an hours, so...fuck

>> No.4361785
File: 585 KB, 900x1391, 1562253841007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good places to look up references of "ottermode" or lean fit males? I'd like to trick fujos out of their money

>> No.4361812

Google always has what you wanted.

>> No.4361830
File: 289 KB, 800x1227, IMG_20200211_113400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this just a pressure sensitive opacity brush?

>> No.4361838

Is it really that bad of a look trying to grab some furry commissions when you yourself are not a furry?

>> No.4361844

it's like sucking cock for money when you aren't a faggot

slippery slope bro

>> No.4361846

Damn you right, thanks for looking out bro, guess gore and inflation will have to do

>> No.4361872


>> No.4361887

Don't erase. Try drawing with a pencil and don't erase unless absolutely necessary (or at all if you lack self-control), or you can try drawing with a ballpoint pen, or make an initial sketch with a light marker and then draw with a liner on top of it.

>> No.4361892

If you want fundamentals then the style doesn't matter, nobody's going to teach you their style, you should develop your own style, after you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, or in the process of learning them.

>> No.4362027

How long would it take me to achieve a good understanding of values/light and shadow if I practice daily?

>> No.4362031
File: 349 KB, 1212x1620, BFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this BFA program?

>> No.4362038

One day. Learning to apply it in practice takes months though, and learning to paint from imagination takes practice and knowledge of the subject.

>> No.4362041

>4D Processes
Really makes me think

>> No.4362046
File: 117 KB, 1768x636, ifoqfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4362080

Did we do it? Did we stop the coronavirus? He was spreading all over the board into our generals

>> No.4362139

How to draw like Simon

>> No.4362156

I mainly use digital though

>> No.4362158

I understand that, that's exactly why I recommend you try traditional.

>> No.4362164

Of course, you can just stop erasing and undoing in digital, but your post implied that you have trouble doing that.

>> No.4362167

>Complicated description
>Its just a picture-by-picture analysis
An extra unit when its already part of photography/videography but gotta suck students dry I guess.

>> No.4362653

Have you tried /fit/?

>> No.4362686

Is there a way to pass the Mega limit? the assholes only give 1Gb per 5 hours to people in south america and i spent yesterday trying to download a 5GB file.

>> No.4362751

Renew your IP address.

>> No.4362796

Does a vpn work?

>> No.4362826

No idea.

>> No.4362831

Is it just me or is it really slow? Like kb per minute slow.

>> No.4362925
File: 124 KB, 660x1602, 4gf4g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overcast day vs open sunlight

Why are the shadows darker during a sunlight than during an overcast? since the reflected light is way stronger during the sunlight it would make sense that the shadows are getting pushed more towards the light than in overcast no?

Basically I don't understand why a piece light up by ambient light has lighter shadows value than a piece light up by sunlight/direct light source

>> No.4363043

On an overcast day, the light is diffused and going in every direction, so it can reach around where cast shadows would normally be and illuminate those areas.

On a sunny day, the light is directional, mostly going in a straight line, so once the light hits a surface, it bounces back, leaving dark shadows where it couldn't reach.

>> No.4363308

CtrlPaint doesn't strike me as someone who genuinely knows how to paint.
bucci knows how to paint, but can't teach.

I don't know where to start.

>> No.4363309

where is the google doc that should be the stick but is not the sticky?


>> No.4363310

i can't find anything useful in the sticky about learning to paint. why?

>> No.4363379
File: 43 KB, 874x928, paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4363408

what google doc?

>> No.4363601

How do I get better at drawing expressions on characters?

>> No.4363688

Bucci absolutely can teach, wtf are you talking about. What _exactly_ do you want? What are you looking for?

>> No.4363690


>> No.4363692

Because the overcast day is generally much darker than the sunlit day, but your eyes adapt to it so you don't notice the difference as much. On an overcast day the shadows and the lights are just closer to each other.

>> No.4363749

ignore this guy

>> No.4364312

how do i filter words? i don't think its working for me

>> No.4364518

what is free form line drawing? it is what bert dobson do?

>> No.4364526

2 questions about using charcoal pencils:
Is my shit gonna get smudged to hell and back if it's in a sketchbook and I don't use a fixative?
What is the recommended way to sharpen them?

>> No.4364742

He doesn't know what he wants, but he knows that he's above everything available.

>> No.4364882

>Is my shit gonna get smudged to hell and back if it's in a sketchbook and I don't use a fixative?
No, not really. It will smudge onto the opposite page though, unless you put a sheet of paper or tracing paper between pages.

>What is the recommended way to sharpen them?
I'm not an expert on them to be honest, I just use the same sharpener I use for pastel pencils, just use it carefully.

>> No.4365060

ic seems to have go to resources for drawing, but not for painting. I'm confused and looking for help.

almost all of the suggested drawing books I found really helpful.

>> No.4365075

trying to approach his stuff as a beg, for me, is overwhelming. some of his videos are obviously gems (eg. ambient occlusion)

but without guidance i feel overwhelmed, and reminded that bucci himself has a traditional background.

i want guidance on choosing a path for fundamentals of painting, from beg level. i think the ic path for drawing is pretty great, with lots of options to suit different learning styles.

>> No.4365076

Found it:

Also this thread is related:

Why can't we update the sticky?

>> No.4365090

Mods don't care about this board. This board is practically relegated into maintenance mode, mods and jannies only act on the most dead obvious global rule-breaking posts.
Whereas almost every bigger boards have their own personal set of unspoken but enforceable rules to make sure that the culture and quality is somewhat tolerable, this board has absolutely none of that.
That's why this board is so terrible.

>> No.4365165

Why is this board so [not] special?

I thought some of the original mods who made the sticky were still here.

What a shame.

>> No.4365193

If you actually try reporting shitposts, you'll find that moderation does exist on /ic/. You do report extremely low quality content, right anon? You don't just hide and complain later, right?

>> No.4365220

Can't read?
>mods and jannies only act on the most dead obvious global rule-breaking posts.

>> No.4365261

so im trying to copy from reference but its always off.Does it get better with practice or should i measure a lot ?

>> No.4365264

If mods would let us update the sticky I think it would go a long way to encouraging the right kind of people, and discouraging some of the toxic culture that we have.

see broken window theory


>> No.4365268

What’s the best way to get out of drawing something the same way every time? It’s amazing how people draw people many different ways but I always draw necks, shoulder, eyes and everything the exact same and can’t figure out how to change that

>> No.4365274

Look for other artists work. Copy it. Copy different styles, different angles. You learn a lot by copying. Jesus saves!

>> No.4365278

No, they definitely don't only act only on the worst of the worst as long as you report.

>toxic culture
Are you the kind of people we are trying to discourage here?

>> No.4365279

I absolutely agree with you anon. You should be a mod.

>> No.4365389

mod material right here. look at this champ.

>> No.4365560

I've only ever painted with acrylic or watercolor, I want to get into gouache and I'm not sure if it'd be better to get a small cmyk set of colors to mix myself, or a larger set (ryb) of premade colors for about half the price each tube. I'm somewhat confident in my color mixing, and it's almost guaranteed I'll love the medium from what I've gathered.
Does cmyk matter when you paint with gouache since it's thicker than watercolor? or is ryb fine and just as mixable? I'm just afraid the larger set won't be very flexible beyond what's there, but it would be less expensive.

>> No.4365577

Yes. The overlap of interest in concept art/porn is too little. You can always advertise them on the other blog if you want.

>> No.4365602
File: 342 KB, 1892x1154, wl-op-12s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make your digital paintings show brushstrokes without looking like crap? Are the brushstrokes added in at the end to make it feel more like a painting? How must I set the opacity? I only know how to cel shade and don't even know where to begin making paintings like this.

>> No.4365636

Have you tried ctrl paint?

I'm in a similar position to you, desu. But that's something at least.

>> No.4365637


>> No.4365641

I’ll check that out, thank you

>> No.4365649

To answer your question about brushstrokes, no they are not added later.

The more refined it becomes, the less brush strokes you see.

This bucci video has some demonstrations of digital painting, that will give you an idea of how pic related was made.

>> No.4365738

Do you draw on a tilted surface? Like drafting table for example. Or just draw on table like usual

>> No.4365760

how difficult would it be trying to make 200 dollars a week off commissions

>> No.4365762

Pretty difficult. You would be lucky to even get weekly commissions. And by the look of it, you'll just be constantly drawing like that one guy in /alt/.

>> No.4365788


>> No.4365816

I draw on the table, but it's not ideal, I want to get a table top easel. But I don't draw in traditional often.

>> No.4365822

that's only really possible if you draw porn or consoomer nintendo fan"art"

>> No.4365827

Well I don't know then, just look at other painters paint, look up Sinix, Noah Bradley, copy paintings. Sinix has good /beg/ level videos I think. There's nothing to it other than the fundamentals and your approach, and there are hundreds of approaches to painting. Ctrl+paint should explain it all.

>i want guidance on choosing a path for fundamentals of painting, from beg level.
There aren't many fundamentals of painting per se, just fundamentals, most of them apply to drawing. The only things you introduce on top are edges and colours. Start simple, paint a lemon on red surface or something, from life if you can. Also check out Scott Robertson's How to Render and James Gurney's Color and Light.

>> No.4366234

How do I know if my brushwork/brushstroke is good or not? All of these brushwork and edge topics really confuse me

>> No.4366314
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people use meme grips when working digitally

>> No.4366317

Yeah you can do it if you need to.

>> No.4366324

Marco Bucci

>> No.4366327
File: 27 KB, 244x469, 1581563673229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make your paypal a business account stupid

>> No.4366338

if you sharpen your stylus like in the picture

>> No.4366365

Is it a good idea to work on multiple sketchbooks or should I focus on one?

>> No.4366386

It's completely up to you. If you have a reason to have multiple sketchbooks then have multiple. I have one for pen drawings, another one for mixed media, and another one that I can show people, that has less random shit, more thought put into its content, and no fetish stuff.

>> No.4366517

I keep two sketchbooks, one with a large surface area for studies and a smaller one that's for fun that I can take with me if an idea strikes while I'm out

>> No.4366532

Why are /loomis/ /beg/‘s better than /ic/ /beg/s?

>> No.4366539

Businesses still have names linked to them by public record though.

>> No.4366549

How much easier is it to fix fuckups on digital compared to trad

>> No.4366553

Very hard, I even tried an electric eraser but couldn't erase my drawing from the screen.

>> No.4366558

When its ok to pillow shade?

>> No.4366564

When drawing a pillow. But no, not even then. Never, really.

>> No.4366567

If the light source is from the same point as the camera or you're drawing the light source itself.

>> No.4366568

never but also if you just want to do something bad on purpose

>> No.4366578

When you want to force a stupid meme like amowu

>> No.4366583

The client doesn't see it in their emails or transaction details and that's all you should really care about
You need to face the fact that if you are making money online, you can't disconnect your name completely unless you want to be fucked over for not providing information
This applies for living in the U.S idk about other places

>> No.4366595

Pillow shading is a term that's been used since the early 2000s at least.

>> No.4366601


Classes at local communtiy college are starting soon. Is there any reason to go for a graphic design/web dev trade degree if I want to improve my drawing ability? Or are there cheaper online alternatives I could use?

>> No.4366603

graphic design is just to help you learn fonts and programs like illustrator to make logos or something, it's not really a drawing class. read the sticky if you want to learn to draw

>> No.4366614

Graphic design/Web dev is more like interior design compared to drawing, there's very little to do with one other so no there's no reason to join that.
Seconding >>4366603, read the sticky and choose whatever interests you, or just head over to the Mega/Video course threads and go from there.

>> No.4366857

This is kind of a discussion question, but what do you guys draw when it isn’t humans? I just want some ideas to get some creative flow

>> No.4366862

Draw whatever’s around you

>> No.4366866

Yeah I do that. I more so meant something from imagination as well

>> No.4366971

Oh okay, so just skip the graphic design bit and do web dev or general programming instead. Cool, thanks guys.

>> No.4366997

How long does it take to finish keys to drawing, on average?

>> No.4367035

if you can't finish it in an hour you're ngmi

>> No.4367181

do i really need to learn composition before i learn to draw?

>> No.4367201

So hows this commission thing works?
Receive request, discuss price, do art, get payment, give art?

>> No.4367206

Can someone make a video process on how JC Leyendecker did his strokes?

>> No.4367235

So in most traditional courses I’ve seen they show you how to hold your pencil and put a lot of emphasis in it. But I’ve never seen something similar on how to properly hold the stylus. Any insight on that ?

>> No.4367256

A stylus is not like a pencil, it only has so much tilt before it stops being able to register on your tablet. You can only draw with a stylus the way you would a regular pen.

>> No.4367393

Anyone have any tips for using colored pencils? I can't get mine to turn out looking good.

>> No.4367402

I'm new to digital painting and why does everyone ask "what brushes do you use" to good digital artists? How much do brushes actually matter? Can't you git gud with any brush? Is it just lazy people hoping that new shiny tools will boost their skills?

I'm just using the defaults because I'm new but I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something.

Also, I'm using photoshop. I heard some people say photoshop was "too difficult" to learn and there were other programs better. Is this a meme or am I making a mistake using photoshop?

Thank you all for any help/advice!

>> No.4367409

please respond

>> No.4367425

You've pretty much nailed it. as you become more confident in painting you can use various brushes to help give texture to your paintings and develop a more unique look. Often beginners ask for brushes because they see a pro painting with some fancy brush and make a cool skin or cloth texture out of it thinking if they use the same brush they'll get similar results as the pro. For learning how to paint and even professional painting, the standard brush is more than adequate depending on the look you're going for.

Photoshop is "difficult" because it doesn't exactly render color the same way real life pigments do, nor does it really blend the same way. So there is a bit of a learning curve. There are other programs that mimic real life paints better such as clip studio paint, corel painter, etc... but you don't get nearly the same level of editing power as you do on photoshop. It is the industry standard painting program for a reason. Though if you're just doing painting and not really editing any additional things in, lots of people seem to be head over heals for how well (and cheap) CSP is.

>> No.4367438

Vilppu+ construction using shapes + practice. It will only get easier as you study the characters you're trying to draw.

>> No.4367441

Repetition my brother.
Take screencaps of the cartoons you want to draw, copy them, over and over until you get good at it. Believe it or not that's what pros do when they're hired to animate a character that's not theirs. Practice my little dude, sooner or later you'll get better. Jesus saves.

>> No.4367715

Thanks guys, I'll work on it! One more question-but how would one learn to draw said character(s) in different poses aside from the ones in screencaps?

>> No.4367811
File: 793 KB, 1920x1440, 4_zu_3_teaser_Surface_Book_with_Performance_Base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a surface book earlier this week. I'm liking so far how it's compatible with clip studio but still need to get use to it.
Are there any general tips i should know about? Also what is a good shortcut program?

>> No.4368111

Np my man. That's where Vilppu comes in.

>> No.4368121


>> No.4368170

Is there a site with a catalog of faces organized by gender, age etc?

If not, what do you guys do when you want a face reference of a certain type?

>> No.4368768

Why do artists always say to carry a sketchbook? What's the point?

>> No.4368780

It's an attribute of an artist. In our postmodern world you can never fully trust perception, but carrying a sketchbook will increase the probability of your identity being correctly defined, by yourself as well as by others.

>> No.4368968

Whatever you like?

>> No.4368974

most popular artists are sponsored by a sketchbook brand so they want you to buy some

>> No.4369008

Things that I would like to learn that I can later pair with humans or look good on their own. Vehicles, robots, animals. Anything you think would look cool if you designed it with your own artistic eye.

>> No.4369078

so you can draw something you find interesting if you see it

for example i saw a nice stuffed squirrel in a museum the other day, so i drew it

>> No.4369083

I have ADHD and don’t like reading all the shit in the loomis books and I’m reading Drawing the heads and hands right now. Should I just read what’s underlined and draw the pics or just draw the pics and not do any reading? Will I get the same results?

>> No.4369347

yeah you can just look at the pictures and copy them and maybe read their captions or skim unil you find any segments relating to the diagrams. I also like the vilppu drawing manual for this reason, short and easy to skim. Be sure to skim enough times so that you actually absorb some material though. Good luck fellow goldfish bro

>> No.4369451

Thanks a lot! Saw all the writing and was turned off but that helps knowing it isn’t necessary to read

>> No.4369454

What resources will help me learn digital painting, with shit like CSP and SAI

>> No.4369470

>Basic Painting knowledge
Look at the general's sticky
>Digital with specific tools
You're better off watching youtube videos

>> No.4369583

how do I get into the secret /ic/ discord

>> No.4369585

show dick and tits

>> No.4369587

stop playing

>> No.4369591

The point is to understand the material you're looking at, you don't always need words and drawing is more hands on anyway

>> No.4369595

same way you get into any secret discord probably, join the "public" discords around and be interesting/funny/talented enough and hope someone from the secret club sends you an invite

>> No.4369629

Did they find a new home?

What do you think?

Not really? It's probably okay to draw floating things in a white void at first.

Work in layers. You have to pass over the same spot over and over for it to look good. Search on Youtube.

So you can draw while outside. Note how it's CARRY and not just "have".

>> No.4369804

Doing a lot of figure drawing lately and discovered I fucking hate drawing fat people because they're boring. They also have fat boring sausage fingers. Is this normal?

>> No.4369807


>> No.4369809

I feel like a link is missing from this post.

>> No.4369819

Does it matter that there is no portfolio review?

>> No.4369836

Is it a silly idea to teaching yourself to do non-art related tasks with your non-dominant hand?
Do people who draw tons for decades do fine with good posture, exercises, et cetera?

>> No.4369906

I became ambidextrous after a year of drawing. It started when my left does the typing, mouse movements and the usual expresskey remote.
Basically my left for the usual PC stuffs while my right(dominant) on the pen.
Always have a day off or two just to do non-art stuffs(excercise,go out, finish a game). I started having back,wrist and leg problems when I was grinding during my /beg/ days since I never rested properly(12+hrs/day).

>> No.4369911 [DELETED] 

I'm just only now starting to take art seriously and I barely know anything. What should I be doing to get better?

>> No.4369932

The fundamentals.

>> No.4369961
File: 141 KB, 828x1105, IMG_20200215_094734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what sort of brush/brush dynamics these might be?

>> No.4369968
File: 549 KB, 1567x1755, IMG_20200215_095049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another picture
Looks like it has a texture, min. thickness of >0%, not sure what else.

Been trying to replicate it but can never get something quite so natural

>> No.4369977

Even for a fat stylus like Wacom you can hold them in different ways.

There's no such thing as doing it "properly", do what works fro you. Most digital artists just hold the stylus like a pen, it works fine. But other ways are possible and can be better if you rely on tilt a lot.

That's no texture, that's a well known hack of making lines appear textured by adding random rotation to an elliptical brush.

>> No.4369992

It's not that difficult to learn and recent versions even have built in tutorials, but I always felt the UX was designed for photo editing first and painting second (as opposed to some software that design hotkeys around the ctrl+z button and try to reduce button clicks as much as possible). There's too much bloat compared to the shit I actually need for each individual project, the result is unwieldy key bindings to accommodate all of them and poor performance on my shitty company pc

>> No.4370391

All the art advice I find boils down to "Fill in the outline with details". This mirrors what I see of sketches people post. I don't get that way of thinking, at all. Is there any advice for people like me, who like to start with something small and build on it?

>> No.4370435

Have you read the sticky at all? What books have you tried?

>> No.4370571

>Is there any advice for people like me, who like to start with something small and build on it?
Yes. Don't start small, start with the whole.

>> No.4370602

What program do I use to animate? Krita sucks

>> No.4370605
File: 54 KB, 386x464, 1581750327720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really need to worry about taxes if my commission income is over 400 dollars? Where and how the fuck do I even know how to do this shit

>> No.4370655

csp crack or firealpaca if you want something free

>> No.4370682

I can't do that, anon. I want something that fits the way I think.

>> No.4370713

ngmi unironically

>> No.4370722

How do I crack csp

>> No.4370730

Then why do people say anyone can?

>> No.4370777
File: 1018 KB, 1080x2156, 1574749428554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true that anyone can, if they keep an open mind, it's practically the first rule to any art. Your childish mentality of quitting before exploring new methods is ngmi. This isn't to say you need to change your perception completely but rather find a way to utilize and bring foreign techniques into your own thinking, through the study of others and a bit of self reflection. Saying "I absolutely can't do it" instead of practicing and innovating stops your journey dead in its tracks.

>> No.4370791

I've been trying to do this for a very long time, anon. I think at this point I'm able to articulate the view that my own mind does not have that thought process accurately. This is not a question of foreign techniques, this is about a fundamental process that I cannot grok.

>> No.4370905

I'm having a hard time trying to adjust to a bigger computer monitor with a small tablet. Is that normal? I was using my laptop before and now the screen is twice the size

>> No.4370952

if you have a local library they may be able to direct you to resources about income, my library has a bunch of business lawyers in it.

>> No.4371063

I've been studying Loomis, Proko and Bridgman recently, but just for fun I started to study some anime on the side, too. Only issue is, I'm still /Beg/ trash (though I'm working on improving as much as I can).

If I were to post the anime art and ask for a criticism, should I ask in /Beg/, /Asg/, or /Alt/? Does /Beg/ give good criticisms for Anime art, or would I have to ask in a different general that may consider me too /Beg/ to post there?

>> No.4371071

Try /asg/ and /alt/, /beg/ is shit at anime.

>> No.4371080

Great, thank you

>> No.4371093

I'd say to stay away from /asg/, it's an echochamber of /beg/ artists trying to reinvent the wheel because they think they know better. Their contrarian attitude and backward ideas are not healthy for fresh beginners.

>> No.4371176

I used a reference picture of a girl who I assume is a model but I can find no actual name for her. Do I still post my art with said reference picture or without it since I can't put a name to it?

>> No.4371266

how do I get better at drawing characters in backgrounds that aren't pure white?

>> No.4371308

Learn light and color. It's all relative bullshit and drawing on white will have fucked you up so hard once you realize it.

>> No.4371356

Perspective, compositon, and some book like:

>> No.4371583

Any sites for drawing figures in extreme perspective? I cant get flash to work on posemaniacs anymore

>> No.4372899

I got gifted a watercolor set(picrelated), but I feel like I need to add some colors it lacks. I'm thinking sap green, lemon yellow, some sort of red, what else? purple/pink?

>> No.4372902
File: 254 KB, 1301x1500, 81I10qFmohL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4373002

Does clip studio paint have Blend modes on the brush like photoshop has? I dont wanna make a new layer, just change the mode on the brush.