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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 287 KB, 1396x2101, guespiere - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4349530 No.4349530 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4346087
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
>Dev Tracker (post patch 2.0 ideas in the thread): https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4349536


>> No.4349539

who's a good dog you are yes you are

>> No.4349546

what's the secret to good line art

>> No.4349551

stop having bad line art

>> No.4349556

good doggy!

>> No.4349562

lots of practice and line confidence

>> No.4349567

not hitting ctrl z 300 times between strokes

>> No.4349584

cute rattos

>> No.4349638

>> 4349525
Oh what’s this for?

>> No.4349640


>> No.4349651

probably a template for a shipping chart

>> No.4349654

it's a hitlist
you're first

>> No.4349657

Oh good then I can be free from doing a plein air tomorrow

>> No.4349761
File: 1.24 MB, 1338x1338, doggos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4349790

Shriney! I wish I know who you are, so you can teach me how to good dog like you.

>> No.4349817

look at what people do to banana though
if people knew who the doggy was there would probably be someone trying to make it hard for them to keep doing this

>> No.4349819

Practice and turning the stabilization up

>> No.4349848

low flow(7-20%) with size on pressure, draw big with long strokes.

>> No.4349905 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 34y34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this to air so I can have 3 lovely daughters.

>> No.4349918 [DELETED] 


Wouldn’t you like to have a son? Raising girls is the ultimate form of cuck.

>> No.4349927

Depends on what medium you're using, but general advice that might help is use your shoulder for long lines, elbow for medium, and wrist ONLY for small/detailed lines. Also draw confidently, no "hairy" lines.

>> No.4349948 [DELETED] 


Recently I watched a show about an older sister and younger brother and I got interested more into the older sister > younger brother thing. But I'm sure it's just a brief fleeting interest. No, I just want daughters.

>> No.4349963 [DELETED] 


A little boy who has sisters would be more respectful towards women in general. Likewise, girls who are raised with a close male counterpart would have a general, healthier relationship with men.

You might want to consider the benefits.

>> No.4349973

who is the anon that keeps conversing with lilramune?

>> No.4349984

I can talk to whoever I want so buzz off.

>> No.4349992

He might be talking to himself, or dare

>> No.4349997


>> No.4350087 [DELETED] 

There is no market for older sister younger brother anime. It’s always a “honey I shrunk the kids” copout situation. That or it’s too big of a risk to adapt such material. Nobody is asking for it, but there is a market for the opposite and for father daughter anime.

>> No.4350089

Also lol no.

>> No.4350133

I am feeling very uninspired today and I don't know why

>> No.4350140 [DELETED] 

>no market for older sister / younger brother
oh, boy. wait until you find the straight shota threads or interact with women who are into shorter men, while having an incest kink.
>nobody is asking for older brother/younger sister or father/daughter
that's just not true, anon. people love that shit, because either of wholesome "protect girl that is close to you / father instincts" or daddy issues / lacking male figures. there is also the whole fetishization of powerdynamics between older men and younger women and having authority over a younger woman.

>> No.4350161

I feel like an important part of being an artist is having something to say with your artwork. But lots of the artists on DAD (and ic) seem to just churn out busy work and come across as totally uninspired.

Are you saying anything with your art, dads? What's your message? Who has the clearest conveyance of ideas in their submissions?

>> No.4350175 [DELETED] 

I’d love to see more oneesan centric anime but I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon. As much as I love the father anime the other is more interesting.

>> No.4350197

>when someone posts something rulebreaking on dad

>> No.4350199

Lest we forget DAD is just a daily habit for most of us.
You can’t expect everyone to put in meaningful art everyday.
And that’s the downside of DAD and people looking at dad’s submissions as a gallery.
But I agree with you there are still many people who only seem to care about technical drawing and not doing anything remotely their own.

>> No.4350200

>Are you saying anything with your art, dads?
Yes, I'm saying that I'm very very horny.

>> No.4350221
File: 49 KB, 143x143, toss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its more "art should be an expression of your soul :)" hippie bullshit
Kopinski literally dropped out of art school cause of retardation like this

>> No.4350250

Of course most artists on dad are gonna seem uninspired when they're just trying to get a bit of art done every day. You can't expect people to be pumping out inspired works when most of the users are still learning the basics of drawing.

>> No.4350254

ok teeth

>> No.4350257


>> No.4350259

why do you keep calling out teeth itts?

>> No.4350262

it's the new ok lilramune, basically for whatever reason (discord autism probably) he's living rent free in somebodies head

>> No.4350265

I wish I could live rent free

>> No.4350275

wish i could live rentfree in someone's head and be able to do art 24/7...

>> No.4350385

I wish I could live.

>> No.4350391

It’s kirakae doing the ok X spam.

>> No.4350418


>> No.4350420


He’s been on the site at the start, how can you not know them?

>> No.4350431


>> No.4350434

Yeah I got proof but busy right now. In a few hours I’ll compile my reasoning.

>> No.4350472
File: 1.62 MB, 498x275, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4350490

Whoever it was who said to think about the gesture of the hands to make drawing them easier, thanks it really helped

>> No.4350495


>> No.4350507


>> No.4350512

heres what helps me draw hands the most: don't fucking think about it, just like put something down . I unironically do a LOT better if I just put down some random vaguely handlike thing and then go from there. Also always place the hands first and then the arms. It's very hard to place hands in a way that's actually impossible, and this will often result in cool extreme foreshortening that I wouldn't have put in otherwise.

>> No.4350534

i feel like there is some correlation is not causation in the first part of your explanation here

>> No.4350535
File: 705 KB, 500x300, daft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didnt wake up today desu
think I'll just read some mangos

>> No.4350544

i wish

>> No.4350547


>> No.4350548


>> No.4350550


>> No.4350562


>> No.4350604

Hands before arms is secret strat don't tell people AHHH

>> No.4350606
File: 253 KB, 1000x1000, adgadgadg 323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4350613

post it on dad not here

>> No.4350623

oh lol epic

>> No.4350625

Weak excuses

>> No.4350657

I'm drawing coom stuff for money. And that's it.

>> No.4350697

Mama I wanna go

>> No.4350705

Sea world mama I wanna go sea world.

>> No.4350713

how do I join the dad discord

>> No.4350723

ask mom

>> No.4350724

I spent 4 years in a conceptual based art school like fucking idiot.
Don’t fucking tell me I have to put meaning into everything I draw every GD day.
Fuck off or post your username so I can really critique your ability to create “meaningful” work on a daily basis.

>> No.4350726

Ask stultus7#6249. You can find him on las or dead dad discords.

>> No.4350728


>> No.4350745

this guy isnt me lol but at least im living rent free

>> No.4350748

Prove it

>> No.4350787

can I copy your homework today?

>> No.4350869

>art school
I am so, so sorry...

>> No.4350880

Uhh I like to wear diapers and uhhh thanks baabaa.

Proof enough?

>> No.4350885

Hi lilgroomer

>> No.4350902

Ok niggroomer. Miss kirkae that much?

>> No.4350905

Don't respond.

>> No.4350917

Who is kirkae and why the racism? Such a awful community this is, my my.

>> No.4350920

What the fuck

>> No.4350944

Kirikae was once a flawless in DAD and is the first sperg accusation made my lilretard/pii

>> No.4350946


>> No.4350949
File: 170 KB, 1840x886, dadgoldenratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4350959

I like the implication that quattroHS's ship is somewhere in the infinite void

>> No.4350966
File: 213 KB, 1840x886, equalsequals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4350977

and another shipping chart turns into a demonic summoning circle

>> No.4350981


I don’t know what you are talking about, buddy.

>> No.4350987

simmer down groomer :)

>> No.4350990


>> No.4351005


>> No.4351020

What's that chart supposed to be? It's not actually a shipping chart right?

>> No.4351039

What if it is

>> No.4351076

It's a chart of every user with a streak on the website as of yesterday, so you can only be skipped if you died and didn't come back before then. It is indeed arranged for shipping chart usage though ;)

>> No.4351103

I'm in love

>> No.4351113

needs more daddies desu senpai
a lot of good ships are missing because daddies can't keep their streaks

>> No.4351117

I meed more tierlists

>> No.4351127


does he have a blog anywhere?

>> No.4351128

No you don't

>> No.4351137

>S tier

>> No.4351141

yes i do

>> No.4351144


>> No.4351153

me too

>> No.4351197

if they cant keep a streak, how are they going to keep a relationship alive

>> No.4351201

I'll ship daddies and write fanfics in the coming days.

>> No.4351212

I would like to start a poly-amorous daddy commune/cult. Who wants in?

>> No.4351224

no problem, bro
hope you can learn to love hands eventually, cuz they're great

>> No.4351302
File: 473 KB, 1000x562, altered_beast_rise_from_your_grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you died and didn't come back
Rise from your grave!

>> No.4351337

>skipped on the shipping chart
thank god

>> No.4351450


>> No.4351514

into the void I go

>> No.4351527

I'm going fucking insane bros

>> No.4351531


>> No.4351568
File: 557 KB, 434x248, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with thousands of followers are messaging me for commissions

im making it boys

>> No.4351574
File: 129 KB, 1109x1200, 1484769389470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done dad!
make us proud!!

>> No.4351586

you make me proud son

>> No.4351594

>have like 11 followers
>too afraid to open comms because I know I'll get 0 bites
how do you get noticed online

>> No.4351600

I'm not and it makes me sad.

>> No.4351633

Want to be in love with me?

>> No.4351638

one kiss is all it takes

>> No.4351640

Which daddy do you want to KISS?

>> No.4351641

Are you a cute girl (female)?
I've never been in love before so I might mess it up, is that okay?

>> No.4351644

Sorry I'm a cute (female) guy.

>> No.4351645

Oh that is fine, as long as you can make many babies.

>> No.4351649

I can make lots of babies but only in Photoshop. Just give me your semen and leave the rest to me.

>> No.4351722

rip I'm spartacus

>> No.4351731

no I'm spartacus

>> No.4351732
File: 123 KB, 576x768, louvre-spartacus-getting-mired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip Spartaci

>> No.4351804

post work constantly (at LEAST once a day) and try to find as many people who's work you like to follow and make good comments on their posts. It should also be at least somewhat genuine though, don't follow ppl you hate just because they're popular and your comments should be friendly and not spammy (especially don't ask/expect follow backs)

>> No.4351807
File: 489 KB, 3400x1946, California_Crossing_Guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my golden years I wanna be a school crossing guard.

>> No.4351824


>> No.4351841

in japan, so you can see kodomos with hats every day.

>> No.4351871

This is the best plan. I just need a way to get a work visa.

>> No.4351875

I've always wanted to run a cozy bakery when I got old.

>> No.4351880
File: 108 KB, 1600x720, david_bowie_labyrinth01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince ... the Prince of Stench!

>> No.4351911

>post work once a day at least
I fail at this so hard.
I can manage to post to DAD daily but half my work are wips/studies/stuff I’d rather not post to social media.
I’m also a wagey so I have minimum time to draw most days.
Does anyone have any tips for posting decent shit to social media more frequently?

>> No.4351912

lower your standards, unironically. Also rather than posting extremely polished 1000 hour labor linearts, post refined sketches with color. Go for the 20% effort that gets you 80% of the result.

>> No.4351917

also if you have some immensely low follower count, you need to basically latch onto something that can give you the initial fanbase needed in order to grow more. With 10 followers you're basically shouting into a big void, and even if what you draw would be very popular, nobody is really there to see it or share it. Do giftart for artists you like, draw fanart of things you like, abuse hashtags, enter challenges or whatever, have friends with established and related fanbases give you signal boosts...

>> No.4351922

Post weekly or evwry other week. Not everyone one soc media can churn out good finished works everyday

>> No.4351939
File: 1.72 MB, 4574x3143, 1567933976877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.4351949

oh god i'm so jealous i want to eat her bread so badly and tell her how fucking delicious it is as i swallow back the gag reflex....

>> No.4351953


clannad was pretty much was THE anime of my residence hall when i was in high school

>> No.4351955

>when your milf channel manager sends you an email saying she’s a fucking moron
Kawaiiiiiiiii I was drooling from cuteness overload

>> No.4351989

Posting often is vital because you need to keep a presence in people's mind, but it certainly doesn't have to be a huge masterpiece every time or even most of the time.

One idea is if you have a pinterest, people on there make a lot of fun monthly challenges a la inktober that you can relatively easily complete every day. "thesketchbooksociety" on instagram also makes one too.

Also, you have to be careful how you do it, but if there's something fun you can easily doodle relatively well you may also want to offer free requests. For example, I take requests for pokemon. Just be upfront about the quality and the long wait time, and maybe start by only offering a set number (ie first 5 people) so you can test interest without worrying about getting more then you can handle.

>> No.4351993


lol are you me? maybe this is the year where we try to game the system and go full shameless

>> No.4351995

content is probably the least important part of making it big, contrary to popular (read:dumb) belief

>> No.4351998

what kind of retard take is this? so it doesn't matter what you post, everything has exactly the same likeliness of succeeding? lmao

>> No.4351999

i don't comment because i don't know what to say to them? i don't want to sound repetitive

>> No.4352003


i know it's mostly fishing for that one retweet that helps snowball your presence but i really don't want to pander in order to get some eyes on me and i know i'm not good enough for my original content to stand on its own. my pride already got shot once trying to leech off a fandom which got literally zero traction lol

>> No.4352016

Thanks for the input guys, gonna really try to do some of these things.

>> No.4352017

Just say thanks, better than nothing

>> No.4352023

Literally just "I like the the way you did _ in this piece" is all you need. You just want people to see you exist and are capable of not being an asshole.

>> No.4352028

did you smile today?

>> No.4352039
File: 85 KB, 1024x548, 1580298065198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4352041

Just draw what you want, be it trad or coom.
Don't draw for attention only.

>> No.4352063

is that what i said? no.
how many followers do you have i wonder

>> No.4352064

how to get back into drawing after month of no drawing because depressed ? I regressed a lot too

>> No.4352066

pick up your tool right now and draw literally anything

>> No.4352068

If you have to ask then maybe you still don't want to draw yet.

>> No.4352070

Kill yourself

>> No.4352074

these two are closer to my current state than >>4352066
but I might try making a new account and pretend I'm someone else so people can't shame me for my regression

>> No.4352081

Nobody would remember you anyway

>> No.4352084


>> No.4352089


>> No.4352090

are not allowed

>> No.4352091


>> No.4352093

die lilgroomer

>> No.4352108

Mama is want to go baabaa.

>> No.4352173

where is the art itt

>> No.4352177

Read the OP

>> No.4352180

So what’s the purpose of these threads?

>> No.4352183

Shitposting, discussion, and making more people draw art daily

>> No.4352184


>> No.4352187


facilitate discussion around art while building a sub community within /ic/

>> No.4352189

I fail to see how shitposting makes people draw daily? I think I’m going to get a mods opinion on this...

>> No.4352190


make sure you mention the constant ngmi threads and sakimichan generals while you're at it

>> No.4352192

At least art is posted in those threads.

>> No.4352196

these threads have been here since aeons, if the mods gave a single fuck about your opinion then they would have been gone years ago

>> No.4352197

Lmao good luck Boomer.
Be sure to clean your mouth after rimming that janny ass.

>> No.4352198


haha right, anyways go forth and be the change you want to see in /ic/ i'm sure you'll make a difference other than constantly bumping this one

>> No.4352200

oh no... he's going to get a mod...

>> No.4352202

Mods come and go. These threads have overstayed their welcome and inquire a new opinion from the current generals in charge,

>> No.4352204
File: 154 KB, 640x518, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you do if LAS threads were banned on /ic/?

>> No.4352205
File: 69 KB, 553x1091, 1471078644395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's this guy again
It was funny the first time at least.

>> No.4352206

stop drawing forever

>> No.4352212


>> No.4352215

Wait for banana to nuke his site then launch my own platform while getting janitor approval.

>> No.4352225


>> No.4352234

>circlejerking banhammer faggots

>> No.4352237 [DELETED] 

Little girl pussyyyy

>> No.4352238

Double you....

>> No.4352250

I'd rather quit drawing than be forced to use discord for DAD. Underaged blogspam, cliques that ignore any new users and 24/7 fishing for attention ruins all art discords unless there's gulag levels of moderation

>> No.4352253


Licky licky time to flicky.

>> No.4352271

The /dad/ Discord was actually pretty alright for the literal 1 month I was in it, didn't get the point of having several offtopic channels however and it got pretty circlejerkish at times but overall bretty OK, learned a few valuable things from the crit channel. Have never been to the other 2 but I've heard that the /las/ one is full of people who aren't even on the site and the other /dad/ one is full of shitposters apparently so I'm not sure what to make of it.

>> No.4352316

> circlejerkish
in what way
and give names of the culprit

>> No.4352319

probably end up drawing more

>> No.4352321


>> No.4352327

watch the FZD episode on sketching and draw rocks, theyre literally impossible to fuck up

>> No.4352337

>Fuck it up anyway
Some may consider my abilities unnatural...

>> No.4352347
File: 271 KB, 860x576, badami-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it anyways its fun

>> No.4352659

More memes to make into gag comics

>> No.4352667

Are you dumb fucks not aware this is the same nigger having another autism episode and spamming the thread for attention seeking?

>> No.4352670 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 270x294, 1547131458123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4352679

That is one big oof from me

>> No.4352681 [DELETED] 


>> No.4352685
File: 8 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4352703

I'm a virgin but some of you really need to get laid.

>> No.4352725

if autoreiv does another piece referencing kazoo I’m going to

>> No.4352776

Okay either bend over or come on top of me and help a brother out.

>> No.4352778

Well well well.
It appears we can solve two problems at once.

>> No.4352792
File: 473 KB, 400x300, vac 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so...

*moistens lips*

You know what today is, right?

>> No.4352796
File: 465 KB, 272x204, vac 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That....is right. An all new episode of Somali airs today. But it's only going to get more and more depressing.


>> No.4352798
File: 252 KB, 1360x774, floridamentalhealthhotline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4352801

I'll call the number and talk about my love for somali and record it just for you.

>> No.4352803
File: 2.62 MB, 326x182, dog-sweating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4352808

horny dads

>> No.4352898
File: 78 KB, 695x695, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me!

>> No.4352910

fan of who

>> No.4352924

dont respond

>> No.4352931
File: 143 KB, 1200x630, 0_SMP_MDM_101217SNOW_07JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snows on your plein air*

>> No.4352937

Then stop following me

>> No.4352939


>> No.4352955

God I wish

>> No.4352961

I wish there's snow here ;-;

>> No.4352985

say my name say my name

>> No.4352994


>> No.4352998

I love you, sleepy.

>> No.4353007


>> No.4353026

>nobody congratulated Oneironaut for making it to level 25
congrats Oneironaut!

>> No.4353028

another madman on the road to 999999999

>> No.4353187

Rain for me, good excuse to only take 2 steps outside.

>> No.4353219

Hey why did the chicken cross the fucking road?

>> No.4353223

To do a plein air on the other side

>> No.4353224


>> No.4353264

idk what to draw

>> No.4353271

I just want to coom but I'm out in public but that just makes me want to coom even more.

>> No.4353274

public toilet

>> No.4353276

plein air kiddies getting weird

>> No.4353338

I just got done fapping to sagiri haha time to draw!

>> No.4353347

i just gor finished jerking to some gay furry porn haha time to sleep

>> No.4353367

youre going to what

>> No.4353394

how do I into coomissions

>> No.4353403

banana, bezdomny submitted a piece for plein air February for feb 6 but forgot to tick the box and got eliminated. Can you reinstate him? Yet another forgetful pleindad

>> No.4353407

>realizing just now I could of had a deep relationship with an industry pro had I not chicken out from his mentorship
>lost connections

damn I'm fucking stupid please turn back time

>> No.4353408

did you bully kjg in the military or something?

>> No.4353411

I won't say who but a industry vet seem really interested in my progress but I was too shy and said I wasn't ready and that was the end of it. Looking back at it makes me want to hit my head against a concrete wall.

>> No.4353425

you can't change the past only the present, you will be much more sociable and assertive when you meet somebody like that now

>> No.4353505


>> No.4353528

frens, is it ok to draw the entries on meetthedad and submit it on draw a dad?

>> No.4353530

you're meant to draw them as you'd guess from their art and behavior only, no cheating

>> No.4353557

Friday is the best day of the week not because of payday or the last day of the work week being the slowest, but because of the 2 days you you get off to spend with your cute daughters. Please make the most of this, daddos out there.

>> No.4353558 [DELETED] 

aww i wanted to them tho

>> No.4353577

aww ok i wanted to draw them tho

>> No.4353627

then draw them, just don't submit it for a challenge

>> No.4353648
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1581080055913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which dads would you write in it? Be honest

>> No.4353650


>> No.4353666


and saucy again

>> No.4353672

nevermind then
I want to submit to the challenge in the first place

>> No.4353680


>> No.4353697
File: 50 KB, 564x705, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write that I make a world changing masterpiece before I die
>immediately die of the default heart attack because death notes can't make people do things that are physically impossible for them

>> No.4353743

why those specific users?

>> No.4353748

It's probably themselves plus banana because it's pretty much obligatory to hate on the admin

>> No.4353749

They both just need to die is all.

>> No.4353751

why do people want to kill themselves?

>> No.4353755

They might have a lot of problems that they cannot even imagine solving.

>> No.4353764

Mental illness, traumatic experiences that may be ongoing. Plus art is just fucking hard.

>> No.4353795

but why

>> No.4353802

>saucy written twice
even if you write him in twice I feel like he's too powerful for the deathnote

>> No.4353807

Does everything need an explanation?

>> No.4353808
File: 3.09 MB, 1292x1224, end goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw like pic related, what do i need to do? Help a brother out i'm yo mama

>> No.4353809

if you want them dead, yes

>> No.4353818

start drawing some human figures, until you're good at it? Just pick up some cowboy references from pinterest and draw them and try to emulate the hatching style or whatever you like about it

>> No.4353834

All the furries

>> No.4353844

Well Saucy needs to die because he's a big piece of shit and banana just needs to die in general.

>> No.4353848

>Saucy needs to die because he's a big piece of shit
>banana just needs to die in general

>> No.4353852

Going through your submissions only very rarely do you appear to draw things in that vein. But you tried a couple times, I saw a rugged dude sketch buried somewhere in your exercises. Draw the things you like more, since you appear to like Moebius try to draw characters and environments like his and keep doing it even if they suck, over and over. Exercises are good but they are meant to be applied

>> No.4353858

Wait who are they?

>> No.4353859

go away lilramune

>> No.4353863

yo mama

>> No.4353864

He said his username at the end of his post

>> No.4353868
File: 314 KB, 264x264, b2c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much dabbing too little making your own stuff

>> No.4353869


Obligatory really.

>> No.4353873

you still haven't given a legitimate reason, just "they need to die"
in what way is saucy a piece of shit
why is it obligatory that banana should die
give specifics, you autist

>> No.4353876

dance monkey dance!

>> No.4353878

Why are you getting so worked up for? I'm responding to the Death Note meme and nothing more.

>> No.4353879
File: 584 KB, 2448x2448, e301ee96f938223795339c3fb3a77f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana must live

>> No.4353881
File: 1006 KB, 1472x2104, LILRAMUNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a regular reminder for all of you uninformed

>> No.4353884

I'm not even this boyfriend of yours. Chill out.

>> No.4353885

Only if you can beat "Banana must die" and "Heaven or DAD" difficulty settings

>> No.4353886
File: 549 KB, 789x2618, 1579329636841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for his retarded fixation on saucy

>> No.4353888
File: 217 KB, 1024x576, bananapickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly monkey

>> No.4353889

Puuuuuure coincidence. Saucy is among the only furries on the site and arguably the best one. It makes sense to use him as a lamb.

>> No.4353890

dance for me monkey :)

>> No.4353893
File: 2.49 MB, 270x480, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4353910

post banana's funeral music

>> No.4353913


What was I really banned for again? Also none of the above posts are mine.

>> No.4353916

Having a brain the size of half a peanut.

>> No.4353918

you talk like a slippery little worm, nothing disgusts me more.

>> No.4353920

a brain the size of a monkey

>> No.4353923

Being a pedophile

>> No.4353925

dont respond. just imagine a dumb animal making noise in the corner

>> No.4353927

Being less than a single cell organism

>> No.4353928


Still seething till this day, huh. You’re all rent free.

>> No.4353932


>> No.4353938

You keep coming back literally every single day, keep shitposting and whoring for attention, and you're surprised people remember you?

>> No.4353944
File: 735 KB, 400x225, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkey want in DAD? monkey want a banana?

>> No.4353951
File: 60 KB, 660x330, AngryMonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe lilramune got banned

>> No.4353954

I know right isn't it great

>> No.4353957

Now if only he got banned from real life

>> No.4353962
File: 76 KB, 801x573, Ascension-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4353964

goblin I really love your work

>> No.4353965

please be nice to other daddies

>> No.4353968

lilramune isn't a daddy anymore

>> No.4353969

the guy you're referring to is a leech, not a daddy

>> No.4353975

non-dads are fair game

>> No.4353994

The guy they are shitting on is a dedicated shitposter called Lilramune, who got banned for defacing site users' work en masse and pestering site users incessantly. He had many meltdowns and taunted the admin while making a half dozen alt accounts and ban evading until he eventually got permabanned.

To this day he comes back every day to shitpost and post about his ''daughters'' Latina and Somali, characters from two anime starring father figure and daughter pairs as protagonists. Which is ironic, because given the self portrait he did and his interests (NEET /jp/ spinoffs/heavy into loli), he is a young black man who will remain childless for the rest of his life.

>> No.4353999

>inb4 seethe that wasnt mee ok banana plantain pure coiiiincideeeence rent freee

>> No.4354003
File: 93 KB, 800x800, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep dad lore brought by lore cat

>> No.4354004


>> No.4354006

like pottery

thanks lore cat

>> No.4354008

He’s been here since las inception though. Shitposter or not they’re still a daddie.

>> No.4354009

draw a box? heh

>> No.4354010

>since las inception
makes me wonder how no one noticed him before, and what else he did in the threads while no one suspected

>> No.4354013

days of lava is in the past
this guy deserve it

>> No.4354016

choobposter, "shit dog fuck man" and "Is halibut any good lads?": *nervous laughter*

>> No.4354018

let's not talk about the dumb animal in the room. how about you people talk about current submissions instead

>> No.4354023

How about you talk about my fucking sack

>> No.4354027

no thanks groomer ^_^

>> No.4354028

I like plein air because everyone is drawing things you'd normally almost never see

>> No.4354041

Has anyone here tried painting in vr?

>> No.4354043
File: 617 KB, 498x498, 971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to take this moment to talk about how I've been feeling completely unmotivated for the past few days and I don't know why. Nothing special happened, I just stopped getting the urge to draw. Just vanished completely, and it's so perplexing because before I couldn't stop drawing and was thinking about it all the time.

I need to figure this out
Thanks for coming to my DAD talk.

>> No.4354050

are you me? I've been feeling pretty bummed out and very drained lately. I don't know if it's burn out or I'm just anxious for some reason. I'm afraid I won't be able to join any challenges this month.

I hope you get that spark soon anon. Goodluck to you

>> No.4354051
File: 400 KB, 1449x632, page 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the next to fall?

>> No.4354055

skipped YET AGAIN

>> No.4354075

Me three dude.
Maybe it’s the change of seasons.
I just know work has been kicking my ass and I feel brain dead.

>> No.4354081

Lilramune is the onision of DAD?

>> No.4354083

>wuUuUu WUUuuhHhh WoOoOoow OOOH
>DriNks like PEE And smells even WORSE

>> No.4354085

Go down the checklist of all the things that could possibly affect your motivation.

Have you thought about or looked at some stuff you like recently, like what you would like to make/where your passions lie?
Have you been eating right, sleeping right, has anything unpleasant occurred in your daily life?
Have you been drawing only exercises by rote instead of something you are excited about?
Have you actually done anything enjoyable besides drawing recently, to cool off?
Have you been masturbating so much or eating so much cake that your brain doesn't care anymore for the comparatively small amount of dopamine gained from drawing?

Or maybe this is just something that naturally happens every once in a while. Whatever you do don't stop drawing. Every time somebody ''takes a break'' they never come back

>> No.4354095

except J but he appears to be very disciplined to begin with and likes restarting with a clean slate for some reason

>> No.4354098

I've looked at a bunch of interesting stuff recently but I'm not there in terms of skill to even begin approaching the problem unfortunately.
Mostly only been doing exercises I suppose, but I want to get better, and ignoring the fundies isn't gong to get me very far. Probably need to just submit something relatively low effort to DAD and then do a bunch of embarrassing sketches for myself to practice those currently unobtainable ideas.
But everything is (seemingly) going okay, eating well, sleeping right, exercise etc so I don't think it's one of those things.
Probably just a temporary lack of motivation, I'm going to work through it since everything I do makes me better at drawing, but it's just weird.

>> No.4354102

I hope awetos comes back some day, any other lassies/dads that left and never came back?

>> No.4354110

Uh...well look at the user list, like 1300 of them minus a few hundred maybe if we take alts into account

>> No.4354111

... that you want to come back presumably

>> No.4354114

I want all of them to come back, we'll have a big party and sacrifice the weakest ones to LOOMIS

>> No.4354116

Yeah in that case you might as well just do what you can and take it in stride, definitely do embarrassing sketches for yourself

>> No.4354125

a few hundred alts? what are you smoking, no way that many people made multiple accounts, most of it will just be people who joined and gave up after a few days or didn't even start

>> No.4354133

Dad friends lists when?

>> No.4354137
File: 107 KB, 456x328, 1571670544794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go:

>> No.4354162

So when are the upgrades happening? 2025?

>> No.4354170

before april dad birthday

>> No.4354177

So April 2025 then...

>> No.4354180

sure, come back then

>> No.4354228

Every dad that uses the word "c*om" unironically to describe R18 art.

>> No.4354237


>> No.4354240

That'd be cool. But I don't really like VR, nor do I have the space for it.

>> No.4354283
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, army_of_darkness_alternate_ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the year ... 2525?

>> No.4354288

who here actually believes banana will complete dad 2.0

>> No.4354291

*raises hand*

>> No.4354312

This really blew me away thanks for posting it, sometimes you listen to or watch something and it just really grabs you. This was one of those times for me

>> No.4354316
File: 250 KB, 800x1200, walking_dad_rick_and_banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in Rick Grimes ... and Banana!

>> No.4354321
File: 101 KB, 1059x660, johnny_youre_welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad for what is essentially a 60's novelty tune, huh? It really makes you think.

>> No.4354324

He will, in 5 years. Until then he’ll keep using web dev as an excuse for not drawing. Stalling the inevitable conclusion to his manifesto.

>> No.4354406
File: 271 KB, 1100x1100, rating-explicit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come rate your explicitly rated dads

>> No.4354409

I already know I’m D tier at best

>> No.4354415
File: 407 KB, 1000x1414, 1416464057439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, minus the unironically part.

>> No.4354421

what what the criteria for making it on the chart?

>> No.4354423

Where's oneironaut so i can place him in the lowest tier?

>> No.4354428

Did you pick the lewdest piece? Cause some have even better pieces than what it is in the image.

>> No.4354429


>> No.4354430

notice me senpais

>> No.4354431

It was just anything recent with the X thumbnail, feel free to make your own ; )

>> No.4354433

very high tier - Sleepy, Sugoi, Sigourney, Derp
high tier - Ativor, Saucy, Purin, Vusta, j, Nessie
very good tier - Nessie, CGraphite, Nyroc, Tang
good tier - Tipsy, Konsui, MysticLog, Ric, Whizzard, Ric, Meru, Aerce
nice tier - Rhomphy, Wilbe, Big Matt, Pera

This tier list is incredibly biased and my personal taste influenced me a lot. Nessie is there twice on purpose because I genuinely couldn't decide

>> No.4354435

yeah given how subjective fetishes are methinks conventional tiering wouldn't make sense
like your taste btw

>> No.4354437

Ah I see.

>> No.4354457

DAD’s next top coomer

>> No.4354463

plz make a lewd challenge
I wanna draw NSFW but I'm too shy UwU

>> No.4354465

no UwU

>> No.4354469


>> No.4354473

coom coom me want COOM

>> No.4354474

100 hands challenge except it’s dicks instead of hands

>> No.4354507
File: 13 KB, 257x196, index(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saucy and vusta

>> No.4354511

I'm game.

>> No.4354512
File: 248 KB, 630x630, radical dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I do intend to make something for the dad.zone challenge before getting back to grinding dev.
I honestly really miss drawing, but I feel so bad not delivering on things I've promised since last April. After all, such a thing betrays an inability to live up to my role as a webmaster.

>> No.4354532

Lol see what I mean? Dev excuses, eta 2030, etc.

>> No.4354533

RIP defunct

>> No.4354548


>> No.4354565

daddy, where did mommy go?

>> No.4354566

god i'm really glad someones finally calling out banana for being a ngmi pussy and shitty admin

>> No.4354567
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tripcode

>> No.4354573

Hmm... I wonder who could be behind these posts.

>> No.4354590

i fucking hate lilramune
seriously thanks to him you can't call out banana for any of his bullshit because people just go
> lul lilgroomer u mad
> banana banana plantain
the situation has warped into convenient white knighting for this worthless hack

>> No.4354591


>> No.4354592

ok lilramune

>> No.4354596

It was I, W, all along.

>> No.4354606


>> No.4354612

Heh, so it's true then Tips- W...

>> No.4354618

I said the exact same thing but get pelted anyway. It’s now become an easy front for this guy anytime he wants to let one out.

>> No.4354623

I think what I hate most about him is that he uses the "rent free" meme completely incorrectly. It's hardly living rent free in someone's head if you're engaging with them daily and they're responding to your stupid shit. If anything, he's paying hours of his time in an attempt to still be relevant

>> No.4354624
File: 233 KB, 1280x759, the_work_of_an_enemy_stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like the work of an enemy stand.

>> No.4354631

>do something for years out of habit

>> No.4354632

im just fucking sick of banana getting off scot-free about everything
people patting his ass at every turn
makes me sick

>> No.4354633

>paying taxes every year

>> No.4354635

it's still spending time
also at this point it's spending more and more mental sanity, that's why you call them bad habits

>> No.4354636

Inb4 people call you me literally right after my own post like fucking retarded lemmings

>> No.4354637

If you hate banana that much why not just leave dad?

>> No.4354639

>scot-free about everything
Give several concrete examples of that 'everything', and not weak entitled memes like 'delays'.

>> No.4354641

> bruh if you hate society why not just not be a part of society
fuck you
i'll call out your dragonfucker admin whenever i want

>> No.4354642


>> No.4354645

Not him but I'd like to think DAD/LAS is much larger than just the current person to host the website. It's also because of that that I don't like how he puts in his personal ideology into it so much

>> No.4354649

> site renovations promised last year are nowhere near done
> distracts us with domain name polls instead of actually working
> whiny little faggot in threads and his own submission descriptions
> attention whores constantly, even worse when he's drunk
> drops his shitty opinions on things in the thread on a regular basis
> still a tier f beg but people prop him to tier c out of pity
> "oh he really improved that year"-type patting of his ass

that enough for you

>> No.4354651

weak excuses

>> No.4354653

Never hated him to begin with. Poking fun at him is not the same as hate. But he wants me to hate him so give him what he wants aI guess.

>> No.4354655

do people unironically await the dad ui update? it's sort of like when youtube changes the layout and I'm assmad for 5 minutes and then ambivalent towards it until the next layout change

>> No.4354658

I hope you understand propping Jim up gives a false sense of assurance. It’s a form of reverse trolling. A classic trick in the art of shitposting.

>> No.4354660


>> No.4354663

don't feed the troll ? please ?

>> No.4354665

How do I peel a banana so that the skin comes off nice and even?

>> No.4354667

Considering the site is entirely run by just one dude for free I honestly think it's kind of a miracle it's still up and running at all.

>> No.4354668

You hang it down head first then wait for someone to come to its rescue, only for it to be eaten by the rescuer.

>> No.4354671

fuck YOU

>> No.4354673

Is THIS what my donation of $1000 a month go to? Hoh boy, I am gonna shitpost in EVERY thread from now on, cause my money that I am clearly giving and have the right to shit on someone is justified

>> No.4354676

dad works perfectly for me, so it's quite baffling when anon gets irate over it as if las is going to fail if something isn't done

>> No.4354679

This. Don't respond idiots

>> No.4354680

Shut up, banana.

>> No.4354681

It’s your own admin making such posts majority of the time.

>> No.4354682

Kill yourself, lilramune.

>> No.4354683

Now that I think of it who the hell even is paying for the site's servers anyway? I'd assume Banana but is that even right?

>> No.4354684

kneel in front of W and suck his smelly japseye if you want a new site so much. Seriously, it baffles me why you're so obsessed with new updates. I just dump my work there for habit tracking. Chill out bro :)

>> No.4354685

I suck cocks for a living

>> No.4354687

Isn't bababa paying for the site

>> No.4354689

ramunog gaslighting everyone again

>> No.4354690

Yeah it’s not fair we should open donations and contribute. I know he said he doesn’t want donations but I would gladly spend at least 300 monthly for something I use everyday.

>> No.4354691

just post to Twitter bro if you hate the website so much. Unless you're actually banned-

>> No.4354695

Ive been dumping art here since forever, and dont get the drama about updates either.

>> No.4354697

When I was last here there was literally only one person banned for using the site for japanese practice and they seemed pretty reasonable about it. Well, and pii was on their way out but I thought we were going to keep them around just for the laughs. Damn things have changed

>> No.4354700

Hi lilramune

>> No.4354701


>> No.4354704

ok gr-

>> No.4354705

not them and not hating, I'm just kind of surprised how many people it seems have apparently proceeded to fuck up in less then a year

>> No.4354706

So anyway, I started drawing lolis

>> No.4354708

Yeah? Go on...

>> No.4354712

you've been drawing lolis this whole time dare bitch pussay

>> No.4354713

grabstein? greencat? or maybe gr-

>> No.4354720


>> No.4354730

These threads are a mess.
I hope we can start talking about ART sometime soon.

>> No.4354732

it aint dead til the animal stops talking about his ugly pretend daughters

>> No.4354739

Im assuming actual people from dad who wanted the update so bad are those waiting for the tokens correct? akaa the flawless?

>> No.4354741
File: 41 KB, 700x510, 1580745579587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL bird legs aren't bent back, they stand on tip toes

>> No.4354744

Fuck you they aren’t ugly.

>> No.4354748

no no no, I want the TRIBUNAL

>> No.4354749


>> No.4354767


>> No.4354777

bro don't call me out I feel exposed o_o

>> No.4354857

oh no I'm also doing this right now..
>no cheating
I'll try to mix in other dads (that haven't submitted in the meethedad) to stay true to the challenge. Is that alright?

>> No.4354863

Same here. I hope you're doing ok dad. Best of luck to both of us

Thanks dad

>> No.4355010

in memory of defunct
he drew cute animes and doesn't afraid of anythign
we who ascend to page 1 salute you

>> No.4355056

>mfw I figure out how a certain dad is getting in his practice
>it's not so mystical anymore

Hehehehheeh time to reel in the true gains.

>> No.4355065


>> No.4355067

well spit it out, you cuck

>> No.4355069


I'll let you know in a week just to be sure of my findings.

>> No.4355070

is it a weekly or

>> No.4355071


>> No.4355072

then i expect you to have a 25% of this dad's gain in a week

>> No.4355073


>> No.4355133

Why can you play video games for an entire day and feel like you’ve improved, but draw an entire day and it doesn’t feel the same? It even feels less straneous to improve at video games than it does at drawing even though you’re still trying hard.

>> No.4355151

because video games have levels and scores and achievements and all sorts to instill in you that you are going from step a to b to c
art doesn't have any of that stuff. its just a gradual climb, with the odd wee hop when something just clicks
but some times I like to look at where I came from to get my level up feeling

>> No.4355171
File: 33 KB, 968x681, Sigourney-Weaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never been in love with somebody's art before. i send playful comments but my heart is telling me that i genuinely want to get to know this person. what the fuck ive never felt this way about pictures before

>> No.4355182

Let me guess, that person is Sigourney?

>> No.4355193

not quite.

Man goes to doctor.

Says he's depressed.

Says life is harsh and cruel.

Says he feels all alone in a threatening world.

Doctor says, "Treatment is simple.

The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight.

Go see him.

That should pick you up."

Man bursts into tears.

Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."

>> No.4355218

I finally beat dragon quest i am freed from its shackles

>> No.4355225

Snotialutargnoc J!

>> No.4355227

in what fucking world would clowns treat depression, this joke is fucking dumb.

>> No.4355228

This world. Why do you think I come here everyday? To laugh at you clowns.

>> No.4355229

laughing doesn treat depression retard ass.

>> No.4355230

It doesn't, but it sure picks me up on the daily and move forward to the next day.

>> No.4355234

Depression is basically a result of mental collapse and you are in a vulnerable state where your own body takes advantage you, this is how anxiety develops. There's always a source to it and it is curable. laughing at clown is like taking a pill to dull the pain, its not going to do shit if you're not taking care of the fucking problem.

>> No.4355240

this is why you arent invited to family gatherings

>> No.4355242

Because i'm right?

>> No.4355249
File: 78 KB, 511x896, Matheism+sourcde+imgur_cd7aa6_5616557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4355253

Not me, I'm still in the middle of dq7. B-but once I finish i'll start drawing more
You're not freed until you've played all of them. If you did congrats

>> No.4355257

No wonder you're fucking depressed

>> No.4355270

Im not the depressed one retard. A shitty joke is still a shitty joke. Jokes that are baseless are not fucking funny you child.

>> No.4355282

stop responding

>> No.4355284
File: 37 KB, 540x540, blue_please_be_patient_i_have_autism_hat_trucker_hat-r0a8d8c7bf89f4cf0a124600e0fdc7252_eahwb_8byvr_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4355289

and yet you still can't draw proper cylinders my poor lad

>> No.4355301
File: 1.86 MB, 250x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's awake

>> No.4355302
File: 1.60 MB, 1458x1093, 1567670729767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to draw Crab-tan for the Monster Mash challenge?

>> No.4355305

this is literally the only good picture of that newfaggot zoomer mascot character

>> No.4355311

That's not what he asked

>> No.4355312
File: 179 KB, 1332x850, smk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong guy you losers. I always say GOOD MORNING LATINA, GOOD MORNING SOMALI as my first very post of the day. But you're right, I'm awake in this cruel, unforgiving planet.

>> No.4355321
File: 23 KB, 371x357, ornm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But on this dark and grey planet at least I have my best friend!

>> No.4355346
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>> No.4355351

there's that stupid monkey again

>> No.4355356
File: 164 KB, 1300x953, step-banana-27641665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that? Felt like I stepped on something rotten.

>> No.4355367

Why did you say good morning to your daughters today? Do you not love them?

>> No.4355376

Anon, are you legally blind by chance? That was a 2 bird 1 stone post.

>> No.4355439


>> No.4355449


>> No.4355470

Is it sleepy? I feel the same way.

>> No.4355476


>> No.4355480
File: 45 KB, 620x410, what-to-use-instead-of-toilet-paper113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4355536

I hope you're coming back, Defunct. I've really enjoyed seeing your work every day.

>> No.4355566

but he wasnt daily

>> No.4355575

The man does not have depression. He has anxiety about very real things, humor helps with that.

>> No.4355589


>> No.4355637

I just realized world Pangolin day is in a week, guess it's a good thing I forgot to make a challenge for it this year because it'd be really uncomfortable right now.

>> No.4355640


>> No.4355643


>> No.4355648

I did not know what a Pangolin was until I read your post. They look kind of retarded, like an anteater crossed with a chihuahua and an armadillo. Don't need em, let nature take its course

>> No.4355656

well apparently nature is fucking pissed about it if >>4355643 proves correct

>> No.4355663

i still can't get over the fact that they're bipedal

>> No.4355665

>nature tries to kill some dumb rodent
>it's taking a while these pink monkeys keep ''saving'' them
>alright that's it, time to call upon my bro Nurgle and unleash pestilence upon them

>> No.4355668


>> No.4355678

Now that I look at it their plating is kind of cool, you could make a nice costume or monster out of that. Hell it reminds me of video game monsters I have seen, it wouldn't surprise me if they used this little dingus as reference

>> No.4355683

yeah, reminds me of some dragons and armor sets in MH

>> No.4355686

yeah but it jumped because as usual some chink with a small dick tried eating it. If you want to see a chinese animal nature wants gone look at the Giant Panda- it usually has twins but abandons one, it entirely relies on a single food that provides virtually no nutritional value, and it only gets horny about two days a year.

>> No.4355697

chinamen are truly at the frontier of wildlife haute cuisine, willing to risk death from MEGA AIDS just to experience new flavors

>> No.4355705
File: 156 KB, 667x1000, DSC_2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4355700

>> No.4355708

Well these live nowhere near humans and almost extinct, so the only way they could spread it is when they get slaughtered.

>> No.4355778

I would be most delighted