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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 217 KB, 609x416, snw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4343127 No.4343127 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have 54k followers yet? Is really easy.

>> No.4343130

why do you keep making twatter threads

>> No.4343132

A thread died for this garbage.

>> No.4343133

because i dont have as strong as a work ethic as that person

>> No.4343136

because im not a transexual nigger, that's why.

>> No.4343143

I dont want to be associated neither be followed by trannies or coomers

>> No.4343145

busy being a concept artist

>> No.4343148

Please stop samefagging in the /v/ drawthread, thanks

>> No.4343153

>work ethic
kek, just post a mass appealing coomer drawing of a popular character, that's all he did

>> No.4343161

he quit when he can't accept that everyone just wants him to draw one cumbrain girl instead of whatever else he wants to do

>> No.4343163

I don't draw.

>> No.4343168

yeah like 4 a day at decent quality for years

>> No.4343170
File: 131 KB, 828x276, 30F4F559-F957-4E23-A88E-3C0B8B89F2A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do white faggots say shit like this

>> No.4343177

white people are encouraged to be honest about their feelings and introspective as well as creative and intelligent by their parents and they dont worry about trying to look macho and hard all the time because they recognize that it's shallow and surface-level bluster. it helps that white parents usually dont have a whole litter of kids so they can dedicate their time to the 1-3 they usually have. Basically good parenting and white culture.

>> No.4343188

Nickleflick is a Noill goon
normally those kind of people tend to give them the Midas touch if they see real good shit within their doodles

>> No.4343191
File: 449 KB, 750x741, Mint Cookie sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nickleflick and Ayyk96 started off as /v/ drawfags
fuck bros!
literal /v/irgins are making a bunch of money and follows than we do

>> No.4343192

That's the face of someone who doesn't love what he draws, avoid being a garbage trendhopper like nickleflick unless you can live with pretending to be someone else.

>> No.4343195

in a matter of months, he'll come out as a bisexual/tranny and do constant drama/art deletions like many famed artist do.
being a popular artist is a curse and the tolerable niggas i've seen tend to hang at niche parts of pixiv

also this

>> No.4343213

so white men are faggots? lol now it makes sense why they love my monstrous black cock so much

>> No.4343217

Gumbo what are you doing? Shouldn’t you be drawing right now?

>> No.4343220

I made half those drawing what I want. I can't imagine feeling peer pressured to draw one thing only, for years on end, just to keep a high number

>> No.4343303

A lot of Eastern Europe doesn't have this, where men are expected to appear tough and strong all the time, and are completely out of touch with their feelings. That's why countries like Russia have massive male suicide rates.

You seem quite obsessed with these monstrous black cocks.

>> No.4343379

>You seem quite obsessed with these monstrous black cocks.
only with mine. but if you want, i can make you obsessed as well if you know where im tryna get ;)

>> No.4343388

are you trying to bait yourself into getting smack talked in ways you dont want? you do realize this is 4chan

>> No.4343442

Have you seen his tweet where he apologized for not drawing that robot girl? God that's pathetic

>> No.4343447

>you do realize this is 4chan
>muh 4chan special we racist we edgy
my grotesquely fat brown skinned purple headed penis loves edgy skinny pale bois :D

>> No.4343467

>it's another "Twitter screencap thread which is barely art related besides gossiping and bitching about literal who's like it's lolcow/KiwiFarms" episode
Unironically why don't you just make these type of threads on /v/? MUCH faster board that garners more traffic and anons then here and also haves Twitter outrage screencap threads almost every week

>> No.4343505

you will always be a nigger and a bitch mr passive aggressive emoticons

>> No.4343525
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Wow someone's mad.

>> No.4343535

I’m so fucking thankful I’m not a mentally ill muh whitey muh blackie American, you guys are so stupid it’s insane

>> No.4343537

You look pathetic, 4chan can’t say shit that’ll offend him. Nobody is bothered by the words you lowly neet socially anxious faggots spew

>> No.4343538


>> No.4343539

tranny cope

>> No.4343541

It’s funny how they think saying “you’ll always be a niggur” will offend you, rather be that than a skinny pale white male weeb with no friends, mental issues and an inferiority complex due to his lack of achievements

>> No.4343543

I actually dislike trannies, Muslims don’t accept that degenerate western behavior, the only reason it’s being pushed so hard is because most trannies are white men and they are the group with the most power in America.

>> No.4343620

If Nickleflick wants out, he needs to stand his ground and draw what he is passionate about. Move the goalposts with SFW then gradually phase into a passion project. He isn't making any money off this coomershit either (only $72 per month).

>> No.4343633

im not white
dune coons get the bullet too

>> No.4343637

>muh seethe
>muh cope
>muh tranny
come back when you have real arguments

>> No.4343645

All this bitching and moaning because some white kid got popular, while these niggers and kikes are stuck diddling Loomis...

>> No.4343701

Not as easy as fucking your mom

>> No.4343719
File: 24 KB, 220x220, 1579928545719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back when you have real arguments to my namecalling and insults

>> No.4343831

I don't give a shit what you are, it's actually funnier seeing you exhibit this behavior knowing you aren't white. Stupid cunt, why can't mentally ill brown /pol/fags just off themselves? Your white /pol/fag brothers hate you and the rest of you do as well, you aren't wanted on this earth

>> No.4343832

What he said was true though, most of this site is obsessed with black men and their sexual organs, a simple venture into the most popular boards demonstrates that most people here are bisexual.

>> No.4343834

nobody knows who this faggot is, not everyone stays on hentai obsessed coomer side of twitter

>> No.4343848

>54k followers in a year
Is twitter a good place to post art in general or is it just for coomer art? I
How is the UI for it?

>> No.4343851

because they were coddled. you get told you're awesome #1 and are insulated from the world, grow up, realize life kinda actually isn't always awesome, then bitch about it endlessly on twitter in weird rants where you're obviously fishing for compliments and asspats for stating obvious things that everyone experiences at some point in their lives as if it were some grand and novel discovery. then you end up writing cringey shit like 'uwu i just wanna die when i sit down to draw lol life is tough ugh im not gonna make it haha depression haha im a shitstain please feed me attention amirite guys'

>> No.4343859

Cause I cant draw

>> No.4343862

i just hate this i wanna die sentiment coming from someone who draws well, has a huge following and probably has a fuck ton of disposable friends he can complain to on discord. and i hate that so many artists are like that and i hate that so many people validate them. people think they’re being down to earth posting memes or about their feelings when they’re really just power tripping while simultaneously degrading the quality of art twitter. its not necessarily white people but i get the feeling many of the people who do this are white millennials who think theyre better than everyone else

>> No.4343880

>misery is a competition
>you must be at least this fucked over to get down

>> No.4343920

coomer art rules the world

>> No.4343934

it's just teen angst that for some reason gets a pass when people in their 20s and 30s are perpetuating it for validation points. it's wholly nonexistent offline - you don't see artists at hobby groups or galleries or small shows doing the 'ueuwuw i wanna die every day waaah my art is so bad lol', it's some weird online phenomena that gets a pass on social media because you can't call anyone out on their bullshit without getting brigaded or cancelled

>> No.4344007

I really believe it's important for artists to have "personal" Twitter accounts that they can vent and moan their problems to. I see many artists that have personal accounts linked to their profile that's only meant for friends they personally know and has to be a approved follower to see.

I don't mind seeing artists occasionally vent but too many artists post "I HATE MYSELF AND I WANT TO DIE" tweets all time like they're 13 on 2000s-era deviantart. I wish Twitter would implement a feature to just show someone's posts that contain pics/gifs

>> No.4344008

Part of it seems to be real; I noticed Nickleflick is moving away from NSFW art in general, or is working a balance between drawing other characters (including his own) and the robot girl.

Imposter syndrome is something every young artist goes through, a sense that you are pretending to be somebody else. It may have been fun for him at some point, because it gave him acknowledgement and a sense of belonging. Now he's realized he's in a trap and feels as through he can't get out.

>> No.4344017

Because I barely post shit, that's why.
I'm ashamed of my own work and when I post, the feedback is so small I might as well not do it.

>> No.4344088

idk i started posting on twitter 2 weeks ago and post only sfw & original stuff. so far i managed to get around 100 followers.

probably won't get 10k anytime soon though - these people are outliers and you shouldn't compare yourself with them. for my part I'm really happy that any people are interested in my stuff. i don't even know how to communicate with 10k people. at this point it just seems like a number, so i'm very content staying on a smaller scale for some time. it's more comfy

>> No.4344102

i see this a lot at art school. most ppl just keep it to themselves or deal with those feelings in a more productive approach. when people who are great artists genuinely think i'm good or even better than them i'm always baffled. with friends i always just thought they were supportive/nice, but with strangers/classmates it's really weird. i don't see what they see in me, but i strive to become the person they paint me to be

>> No.4344115

Drawing is not about followers retard.

>> No.4344132

Cause I don't make a drawing good enough to post daily.

>> No.4344136


>> No.4344143

Why the fuck is Curly Brace so popular? Generic blonde girl but also a robot WOW SO HOT. Cave story was way too short of a game and no one talks about it anymore, yet for some reason this retarded character stuck with coomers. Degenerates with Shit taste.

>> No.4344157

Stop shilling here
fuck off

>> No.4344173
File: 39 KB, 516x471, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because follower count means shit

>> No.4344301

Only 72 dollars holy kek
What an unlikeable faggot

>> No.4344343

I vaguely remember it being $400/month when early on, a few months ago before he stopped posting

>> No.4344390

Nintendo fans like pushing this sort of generic blonde whores into spotlight, princess peach, rosalina, zero suit samus,etc.

>> No.4344392
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>> No.4344394
File: 37 KB, 248x274, 1463004476375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So happy for Firez, he's worked hard and deserves every earned Shekel. Wish he wouldn't have left us though but it is understandable.

>> No.4344397

All of his stuff is so ugly idk why hes popular

>> No.4344399

Go find a real problem, you spoiled little bitch.

>> No.4344402

>imagine being so shit in the eyes of a normie and not paygating your stuff the right way, the thousands of coomsumers who follow you don't want to give you any money
>Inb4 ratio
>inb4 crab
>inb4 pyw
I'm seriously confused as at why they can't actively manage to earn more is such a consumer heavy market.

>> No.4344405

>Anon gets popular
>/ic/ starts complaining about them non-stop
Maybe you would be popular too if you spent less time obsessing over other artists and more time focusing on improving your own work

>> No.4344539
File: 61 KB, 485x480, 1578409874724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go find a real problem
What like seething over strangers for being sad? Imagine caring this much about faggots on the web

>> No.4344556

He definitely has a particular style, especially when it comes to coloring. But I love his style. It's okay that you don't like it though, we all have different preferences.

>> No.4344562

I 'member when firez started his patreon account. Time flies by way too fast.

>> No.4344593

>tfw /ic/ doesn't make hate threads about you
I still have to try harder!

>> No.4344595

That's the spirit! I believe in you, anon!

>> No.4344597

thanks, I hope you'll hate me one day

>> No.4344599

your day is coming goatfucking niggerlover you're warned

>> No.4344631

Because I'm lazy and awful, duh

>> No.4344720

Pretty proud of firez :D
But what happened to the artist on the left? Do they not post very often?

>> No.4344785

I had 30K or so but closed that shit because I got exactly zero shit from it other than sjw faggots trying to bait me calling me racist/sexist for drawing cute white girls. Meanwhile my 400 or so FB page likes brought me a comission a month on average.

>> No.4344790

Whining more than you draw and not giving anything special to your patrons like sketches or wips or shit is how you anger the coomer.

>> No.4344834

maybe it's because I mostly follow japanese artists but I've only run into a sjw once in over two years and I just ignored them and they went away.

>> No.4344854


>> No.4344877
File: 297 KB, 689x720, 1526360976514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one commission a month

>> No.4345086

>I wish Twitter would implement a feature to just show someone's posts that contain pics/gifs
They already have the Media tab when you're on their profile, but you're fucked if they use anime reaction pictures constantly

>> No.4345815

I only have 500 followers and that much stresses me out. I can't imagine having 50k people looking at everything I post.

>> No.4345943

I remember when he did a paintover of my shitty art on Concept Art.

>> No.4345950

i mean i wasnt asking permission its just ugly and blotchy because he doesnt know how to blend properly

>> No.4346054
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>he draws requests FOR FREE

>> No.4346128

>Only with mine
Should've said it was because you are white, would've been better

>> No.4347111
File: 279 KB, 504x289, 6574567457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4347594

nibba made it. respect

>> No.4348323

not knocking firez but $500 a month isnt making it by any stretch. looking at his patreon he could get away with doing a lot less work for each tier, and could instead focus on shilling his work and getting clout

>> No.4348330

Bruh firez must be living like a king in Guatemala. The cost of living there is so cheap.

>> No.4348341

That dude made me feel sorry for someone that has 54k more followers than me. He's a 4chan autismo that got sent into the spotlight way too quick. He knows no one gives a fuck about about anything that's not the robot girl getting fucked in the asshole. Everyone will abandon him the moment he stops doing that. This is some monkey paw shit.

>> No.4348403

Same, but there are disadvantages in having a small following too.
I constantly get beggars and people asking if they can request something, I wouldn't mind one or two times as I just draw for fun but I'd much rather have a medium following with good friends along the way.

>> No.4348411

I have 107 on ig yt really only the same 10 or so like it comment on anything and a few of them are non art friends so I'm guessing that the reason to answer your question is that my art is shit

>> No.4348491

you don't make friends from followers

>> No.4348494

>This is some monkey paw shit.
Kek - nice punchline

>> No.4348495

I’m not surprised. Firez puts a lot of effort into his Patreon and art in general. I feel bad for not supporting him sooner

>> No.4348548

I find his art unappealing and unsexy but I'm gonna support him cause I've seen him start from nothing, and he's quite the workhorse, so I admire that part of him.

>> No.4348556

you have the privacy and safety of your screen online, as you feel more welcome to express things you dont do otherwise, same with why socially awkward people do well in chatrooms despite it still being talking to people. its a matter of distancing yourself from the fact actual humans see your shit, as far as they are aware its just their personal private thing

>> No.4348577

I hate coomers so much. They're just like apes.

>> No.4348663

Not my case. I decided to support him because his art appealed to me AND I noticed his work ethic.

But if it’s your case that’s fair as the other anon said

>> No.4348724

Not even artist frens?

>> No.4348739 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 398x387, 1570510889400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to support Firez just to spite you fags when he first started.

>> No.4348765

Has creating smutty content earned you significant wages?

>> No.4348810

Nickle doesn’t shill his patreon. If he did, he would make a lot more there.

>> No.4348813

Bro, post pics.
I desperately need to get of right now.

>> No.4348814

you lads need to calm down, shitting on people like this can't be healthy

>> No.4348863

What did the original tweet say?

>> No.4348885 [DELETED] 


>> No.4349293

Let me be honest for a second: my art is poor, lacking fundamentals, I don’t draw nearly enough to build a consistent following, and I’d rather try drawing some anime style stuff than western. Unless it’s trying to imitate artists like Mucha, holy shit I like Art noveau.

>> No.4349680


>> No.4349695

I've noticed it's become much more tense and virtrolic than usual.

>> No.4349771

because I'd rather be obscure and draw what I like than resort to pandering to coomers for likes and retweets

>> No.4349851

that don't make money

>> No.4350022

Then actually work in the art industry.

>> No.4350036

He got retweeted by a bigger artist
Thats literally it

>> No.4350055

I got 2k total , full SFW, I only draw what I like and it feels good. (I can show what I do go ANYONE )
I had a few overly offended comments, but if you dig a little & there's no constructive feedback or rationality, just brush it off! (No need to block either)

>> No.4350141

Can you post what his art looked like in the beginning?

>> No.4351424

I have more than you but I've never gotten an angry/offended comment, been almost a year since I opened my account. Everyone seems to have these guys except me

>> No.4351858
File: 24 KB, 600x300, 68ade0dcda5185422f3153a9a82c368c146d3326[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so white men are faggots? lol now it makes sense why they love my monstrous black cock so much

>> No.4351884

Curly Brace? More like Curly BASED.
ngl I like this dude's art.

Based nigganon dabs hard on tryhard fags, February 2020, colorized

>> No.4351900

proud of firez, really worked his ass off without needing to be retweeted by some coomer artist

>> No.4351919

I don't have the money yet to buy them from Bangladeshi like farms
soon though

>> No.4352990

>me: 14k followers
>most popular tumblr artist friend: 80k followers
>every other artist friend: hovering around 2 to 10k followers

>none of us have "real" jobs and most scrape by on commissions, nsfw, or trying to make it big with indie gamedev

>friend who just got a six figure job as an artist for a huge IP: <200 followers

Makes me think. And also regret a few life choices.

>> No.4353515

>white people are encouraged to be honest about their feelings

This is a huge fucking lie.

>> No.4353570

compared to asians

>> No.4353580
File: 64 KB, 638x960, 33853769_10157510455944408_4483880710960054272_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shittttt I got like 800+ followers on Instagram

>> No.4355366

Wel, you don't have to be a good attist to succeed on social media - you need to be social. Your 200 follower friend probably skips on social media and writes directly to potential employers. Followers are useful if you have a product/something to sell. As for high paying employers - there may be some leads, but you're better off seeking them out on your own.

>> No.4355378

you are shit

>> No.4355379
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Sounds about right, I always see twitter as an outlet for SHARING art but not as a platform to launch your potential career out.

90% of the accounts I follow on twitter are jap artists and I have seen a thousand examples of some random low-tier porn artists who have 10x more follower count over a guy who's been working since he's 18 and the Tex Avery of a certain genre of anime.

>> No.4355529

What the fuck, why is his twitter followers so low???

The dude is an anime legend, but no one gives a shit.

>> No.4355531

I will get more followers once my art gets better :)

>> No.4355553
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Japanese Twitter doesn't shorten those numbers by 1000, that's by 10000. What he says is true however, plenty of pretty good TCG artists have comparatively low numbers since monster and mecha artwork just don't attract likes like big anime tiddy

>> No.4356464

Identity nonsense, as the wise man Mark Zuckerberg once said in his book “****** ****** *****” there really is no self and we’re all frauds in the end