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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 294 KB, 591x483, ayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4346399 No.4346399 [Reply] [Original]

anon you get commisions right?
you are at least at this level of skill right?

>> No.4346401

Yes. Much higher.

Can you now please stop littering the board with your reatrded threads?

>> No.4346407 [DELETED] 

Not OP but feeling a lot of doubt. Post your work.

>> No.4346409
File: 670 KB, 2000x1333, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4346414

Fuck, I should open comms
How much did he get paid for that shit?

>> No.4346415 [DELETED] 

You're at the same level fren.

>> No.4346416

yeah and i get paid too

>> No.4346418 [DELETED] 

How much?

>> No.4346422

I have like 60 followers, mostly people that know me and don't care enough about the subject to pay to make things.

>> No.4346425

80-160$ depends on the complexity

>> No.4346442

God I wish I get ONE comission

>> No.4346444 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 535x562, 1530220705566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking around the range of $10, $30 at the most for a full figure with background and everything.

>> No.4346462

not that anon but now post your art

>> No.4346474 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 1228x901, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how much I would have charged for if I got commissioned.

>> No.4346477

Who buys this shit? whats the purpose? to fap?

>> No.4346481
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 1496458651595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and my art is similar to that quality

>> No.4346484

Why would you voluntarily do this unless you’re both mad fast and popular?
These animu people put in 6 hours for ~$60 which is unironically worse than the Amazon warehouse.

>> No.4346486

I challenged myself to get the first money one year from the moment I started.

Well it was same as the oppic, maybe a bit better and I regret everything, the game was absolutely not worth playing.

Commissions aren't worth doing unless you can shit them out in one evening, or they pay you the kind of money you can consider a job.

>> No.4346492

I'm not at at a popularity level where I get them very regularly, but I guess I can focus on my own stuff at least

>> No.4346499

thats soulful anon

>> No.4346510

still better than 99% of ic

>> No.4346515

Stop using soft brush.
It would look decent with hard edge shadows.

You will figure out where soft brush is appropriate eventually.

>> No.4346584

>that left eye
>that right eye
>that mouth
I know there's more wrong, but that's the first thing that sprung to mind

>> No.4346592

why is it that every time someone talks shit it's fucking mikufag

>> No.4346631

That's a squid

>> No.4346652
File: 282 KB, 556x733, comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4346653

Unironally the same skill level, wtf you even have the same flaws

>> No.4346718
File: 21 KB, 348x342, 7ed42820271eca3913a7916d0146c0b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not miku...

>> No.4346731

mikufag as an eternal NGMI that you can recognize by his style (especially line / lineweight, faces and those fucking "eyebrows"). Although less of a nuisance than most autists, and at least he is constantly drawing.

>> No.4346784

Uhhh is this the same person?

>> No.4346786

Because that's the meme you retard newfag

>> No.4346804

inb4 mikufag posts a screenshot of his wip in a csp window next to the thread

>> No.4346807

What the fuck is this shit? Your mom must secretly be paying strangers to ask you for commissions

>> No.4346810


>> No.4346812

>tfw can't even get 17 retweets and 50 likes
How do I do it?

>> No.4346852
File: 322 KB, 1302x1093, nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's for you OP

>> No.4346854

i recognize those retarded gestures
thats fucking trollchan lmao

>> No.4346857

No I'm not
I can't find anything on google about him so I'm going to go with "thanks, I guess!"

>> No.4346864

Twitter users are more interested in “their friend” than they are a good artist.
They want validation for the praises they give however interchangeable they truly are so long as they are slothful non-talents.

>> No.4346898

your hoes got like hydrocephalia or smthin

>> No.4346943
File: 697 KB, 648x900, duelslssmol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to make this in less than 4 hours, I would charge 80 USD for it.

>> No.4346950

You're broke. That doesn't mean everyone else is and that doesn't mean artists need to cater to poorfags.

>> No.4346954

That some nice composition, blog?

>> No.4346965
File: 85 KB, 628x679, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that bad?
No, the price was based from the current skill level I'm in but if he can get away with charging a couple of hundred more power to them I legitimately thought $30 was being generous kek

>> No.4347089


From what I've seen the artists that like to do lots of commissions don't live in north america, you guys need to remember currency conversion. It may be peanuts to you but not to third worlders.

>> No.4347123
File: 63 KB, 650x1050, 9128bb431bae3fbf08242520a5e4b484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change your shapes and proportions, m8. It's not as appealing as other big head anime artists. If you need help just lift proportions from your favorite artists. The shapes you use to build up an illustration are very important, it's what separates a good image from a bad/mediocre one

>> No.4347191


>> No.4347208
File: 324 KB, 437x749, GMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can assure you that skill is not required for commissions at all

>> No.4347227

Oh Jesus Fuck those proportions

>> No.4347246
File: 141 KB, 543x405, 1567422539546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too disgusted with skill level to make put myself out there
>just want to make someone happy with a delivery

>> No.4347252
File: 449 KB, 642x900, gotaskull2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like fantasy, dnd stuff, I have muh style. Thinking one day I'll capitalize on it.

>> No.4347266

having standards is a good thing anon, I will be proper embarrassed if I put out something on OP's level, commission or not.

>> No.4347333

ngmi, if you look at the galleries of good artists and go back years you will always find beginner tier stuff that would make /ic/ cringe. they don't even hide it and just keep drawing.
you should never be embarrassed about anything you draw no matter your skill level, it's part of the process

>> No.4347354

Those are not bad drawing ngl, but alot of spots are misaligned and not parallel.

>> No.4347366

You have bad eyes

>> No.4347781

that's me

>> No.4347832

>mfw has high skill cap on art
>still not whoring out
does the socialmediaverse even pays decent? might want to start for extra cash for some of my addiction

>> No.4349185 [DELETED] 
File: 3.08 MB, 3289x2498, EP98vY1X4AIfui5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sold for 300 bucks just now.

>> No.4349189

>Whoring out
living in your mom’s basement?

>> No.4349995

Even if it's fake, I'd still believe if a furry paid $300 for it

>> No.4350011

>"it's part of the process"
I keep my old drawings because I need references to check my own progress, I understand the whole song and dance because I am not a retard who think you can just magically improve from 0 to 6 million in a year.

It's just that the whole point of drawing for me is that I have "high" standards and I don't see enough people putting out things that I like, if I put anything online that I am not satisfied with (which through this act implies I am happy with it) and on top of that I charge people money for my own unsatisfactory work I would be betraying my original purpose to start drawing in the first place.

>> No.4350021
File: 594 KB, 800x1200, 2020.01.27-PR4-DaimaoSama-Iphigenia (OC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4350028

hey thats pretty good, what courses did you use ?

>> No.4350029


>> No.4350031

>actually posts work
>it's actually good
crabs btfo

>> No.4350033

nice joke

>> No.4350034

Fuck off cuckchan

>> No.4350035


>> No.4350041

Are books considered written courses? Then I used Successful Drawing by Loomis and How to Draw by Scott Robertson.
I wanted to improve my perspective.

I recently purchased Gurney's Color & light.
Haven't had the chance to read it yet.

Why would I spend money on courses when I have an unlimited source of learning material online?

>> No.4350043

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. Do crabs have feelings?

>> No.4350045

Cope dumbass crab

>> No.4350122
File: 515 KB, 1624x2940, 1572237308698 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't. https://twitter.com/theycallhimcake/status/1224837080855076864?s=19
Pic related is a particulary amazing example.

>> No.4350124

Based name.

>> No.4350147
File: 175 KB, 314x340, 20200205_102322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4350156

Time to pivot into drawing furry shit, I guess.

>> No.4350185

No, just want to use my hobby to earn extra.
Judging by ithis thread, furries pays really high lol

>> No.4350208 [DELETED] 

What a punchable face

>> No.4350242


I know you won't, cause it's probably shit compared to the one you are talking about.

>> No.4350249 [DELETED] 


>> No.4350273

Whit this kind of skills you don't get to speak.

>> No.4350279 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but I cannot palate your nigger lipped bimbo faces.

>> No.4350332
File: 263 KB, 500x739, tumblr_pzarc8wufv1t90sb1o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style has got nothing to do with it and you know it.
Also, you're a literal sperg if you can't handle the faces of actual human-like people with actual facial features and the only thing you draw is same-facey moeblobs because anything beyond a small range of cutesy symbol faces shorts out your autism circuits.
I don't hate anime art but moe is just so generic. No one has a distinct, recognizable face or body. If you shaved their hair off and put them into a plain jumpsuit you would never be able to tell them apart. That's why I love artists like Ryoko Kui that put so much effort into making their characters distinct while still having a coherent, defined style.

>> No.4350349

I'm afraid your personal opinions are worth exactly 0.

>> No.4350425

why the fuck is this deleted, it's not even close to being porn and this is a NSFW board.

That's the worst decision you can ever make unless you are already into some "hardcore" fetishes yourself. They will break your mind.

>> No.4350442

There cant possibly be that many mindbroken artists, especially nit ines from 4chan. Our minds are steel.

>> No.4350478

It's the audience that are the problem, the more hardcore/niche your commissions are the worse it becomes and eventually you will be dealing with CWC-tier people on a daily basis.

>> No.4350492

Jesus christ unfortunately this board is too retarded and stubborn to understand very simple facts like these. The /ic/ agenda is unfortunately moe-blobs, weeb shit and nazism.

>> No.4350496

South Park character lookin ass

>> No.4350579 [DELETED] 

>/ic/ is one person
If your aspirations are to portray a botox infused plastic face with five pounds of make up plastered together with a frankenstein mash up between Disney and a Cutesy Anime-esque style with bug eyes more power to you but don't claim that these features are actual human like facial features these are idealized proportions that cater towards a niche group of coomer tier audiences that can't go a day without going muhdick.

If you want to complain about the cancer that is ravaging this board, its you fanboys that congregate whenever somebody doesn't fit with a status quo. The BBC-chanIDF Cock suckers ITT are in full force.

>> No.4350588

damn mikufag you typed all that? you must really be mad. I fear for the little girls chained up in your basement, please have mercy on them.

>> No.4350590

I mean, you critique BBC's drawing, and it's all good. I agree with some of the shit you are saying.
But on the other hand you just dismiss the shit that is miqufag's art?

Are you blind?

>> No.4350596

that’s because it’s mikufag samefagging, duh. he’s chimping out big time

>> No.4350710

Not surprised

>> No.4351043

Time to become a furry artist

>> No.4351078
File: 3.14 MB, 2048x1939, some donkus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people undercharging so much
This shit is killing me

>> No.4351089

Lack of complex/dynamic poses
I like your stuff though

>> No.4351090 [DELETED] 

Some people just can't handle competition and proceed to bitch and moan.

>> No.4351123

Lack of confidence/familiarity with how much everyone else charges

>> No.4351136

this actually lower the competition since a lot of clients find cheap commissions worse even if its of good quality.

>> No.4351147

It ain't mine. Just using it as an example
Thats what I'm saying
Its fucking over artists everywhere because it will just be a race to see who will start selling for actual pocket change
That shit probably took that dude hours and hes selling for under minimum wage

>> No.4351165

should what's the proper pricing for these?

>> No.4351191

the artist probably just doesn't get who his audience is. it was the same problem with me, i would think i undercharged because i didn't grow up affluent, and so i couldn't imagine people spending more than a couple hours' wages on a commission.
in reality the people who even entertain the idea of buying art commissions are relatively stacked, so money is not worth as much to them. this is pretty much the problem with all those "pricing" threads, is that everyone is biased to their own experience.
generally you should always charge as much as you can get away with, because chances are there is someone who likes your art and also has a high paying job with lots of disposable income

>> No.4351280
File: 93 KB, 770x951, 850C8B3D-AB10-44BB-B20C-52DEA76BD183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that stomach vagina
he’s charging too much

>> No.4351439

go get them tiger

>> No.4351624

Fucking this! Too many talented artists undersell themselves. Your worth more than you think

>> No.4351739

Don't be jelly. If you are not, then at least don't be a crab.

>> No.4351749

go get him crab

>> No.4351754

>has only read 2 artbooks
>no further instruction
I somehow don't believe this.

>> No.4351759 [DELETED] 

Do you think being self thaught is a fairy tale or something?

>> No.4351767

Do you think being self taught is a fairy tale or something?

>> No.4351774


not >>4351754 but how many years did you spend drawing?
I know it's going to be at least 4 or 5, but you need to point out your time investment to the crabs, if it's less than that then you are insanely productive and I tip m'fedora to you

>> No.4351779

Not BBC but he said in past threads that he's in his mid 30s and he's been drawing professionally for more than a decade. I think it's really not that impressive if you consider his age.

>> No.4351829

I mean... it's just a standard anime pin-up. It's good but it's not earth shattering. You don't need years of dedicated specialized instruction to be able to do that. People self-teach themselves skills all the time.

>> No.4351838

Sorry, but you sound like a beginner. To be fair, most artbooks only guide you, which is good if you're totally lost, but there's nothing that you can't learn by yourself. Actually, you need to do a fuck ton of self practice even with artbooks. Artbooks only get you so far and are definitely not the only thing you should be relying on.

>> No.4351865

BBC here. What these anons said.
I was drawing my entire life by never really paying much attention to fundamentals or to a more academic approach to learning.
But once I started drawing for a living (most precisely started drawing comics) I realized I was really bad at perspective (much more than I thought I was), so I picked up the books I mentioned earlier and focused on improving that aspect of my artworks most of all.
I wish I had the insight of doing that much earlier for all the fundamentals. I think I would be a much much better illustrator now.

>> No.4351899
File: 12 KB, 228x219, 1579975705652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$60 is literally 1/4 of the minimum wage in my country

>> No.4352142

This one is very cute unlike the op

>> No.4352222

How can you accept payment while not revealing your name to the commissioner? Paypal?

I want to cash in on disgusting furry money but I don't want my name associated with dragon dickgirls shitting on their daughters.

>> No.4352224


>> No.4352240

There’s no way, anon. You either accept it that your name will be revealed or don’t go in that market.

>> No.4352248

I love you BBC chan you are a huge inspiration to me

>> No.4352257

he must speak about Simbabwe dollars

>> No.4352263

Minimum wage here is around 1000 of my country's currency, and $60 dollars is around 250 bucks here
Unironically 1/4 of the minimum wage

>> No.4352272

I use bitcoin and paypal business account

>> No.4352313

Does paypal business only expose your company name?

>> No.4352422


>> No.4352428

Ehhh still not good enough to earn 600$ a month
Mom wants me to get a job but I have social anxiety

>> No.4352564

The more you avoid social situations the worse it gets but put the effort in and you'll improve. Don't end up like the angry hermits here.

>> No.4352600

My first job I had been isolating myself for months after school ended cause social anxiety. My first day I was so fucken autist level nervous and sweaty and did shit job because I was so nervous and wasn’t focusing. Later I heard the boss from inside her office telling someone how she was gonna fire me because I was too nervous. So I just forced myself to buck up and after a while of me pushing myself I was fine and I’m a billion times better in social situations now. You just have to push yourself and force yourself to stop overthinking and everything

>> No.4352628
File: 238 KB, 744x741, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get commissions, but I think I'm underpricing them. I've got a following of 2.3k ish on twitter, and whenever I open my commissions i fill up all the slots within like, 2-3 hours (usually between 5-10 slots). Does this warrent me raising my prices? I think it does, but I don't want to scare off anyone with a new commission sheet. idk friends halp ; o ;

>> No.4352711

are you from cykaland or something
minimal wage is 200$ here, which is the reason why i study drawing

>> No.4352712

No, i rather have a decent job.

>> No.4352717

very cute style anon, id like to know your twitter. also I’d raise prices if i were you, dont worry about scaring people off.

>> No.4352741
File: 1.48 MB, 1278x849, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:) thank you! I've got a couple accounts (one for vanilla NSFW, which is @toesNSFW) and the other is a very specific niche, which is the one I'm talking about (@hollewdz, enter at your own risk). Current commissions are usually at pic related's detail level, and are typically between $180 and $240 ish. I have no clue how much to raise the prices o o f

>> No.4352831

No fucking way, is this normal on twitter? To fill up 10 slots in 2 hours with this amount of followers?

>> No.4352834

If you draw NSFW stuff, there's a lot of in els with money that'll pay a shit ton of money for tits and pussy

>> No.4353381

Jesus, that's the kind of price range I'd imagine someone would pay for a really detailed painting or a furry animation or something. You could seriously make a living off that stuff if you did like 10 comms a month

>> No.4353430

Unfortunately for you, anxiety is most effectively treated by experience.
So either you take the leap and rise to new heights, or sink even deeper.

>> No.4353491

Who breaths? What's the purpose? To live?

>> No.4353495

This is the proof that the quality of art has little to do with prices. Notoriety and marketing/networking are more important.

>> No.4354956

I do 5 commissions a week. I'll be opening animation commissions in the near future

>> No.4355002

Where are you posting your commission sheets?