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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 234 KB, 1080x811, Screenshot_20200128_233439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4334556 No.4334556 [Reply] [Original]

Idk if it's just me but lately I'm getting kinda annoyed by this guy.
I know that his entire schtik of "roasting" other creators art is supposed to be some kind of joke, but I don't understand how that is supposed to really hold any ground when he does go ahead and "fix" the art of people who are often obviously far superior to him.

>> No.4334561

Imagine being annoyed by some dumbass over the internet.

>> No.4334564

Stop shilling this garbage fag no one cares

>> No.4334566

I just want to know where he learned his ‘triangle hands’ trick. He doesn't seem smart enough to have invented it, but I could be wrong.

>> No.4334571

How am I shilling him dumbass

>> No.4334574

I'm just bothered by his hubris

>> No.4334675
File: 24 KB, 1585x152, Proko_rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's merely showing the difference between what he does, and what they do - that's why he's simplifying Proko's drawings, because it isn't necessary to have such details for what he's doing. It's like a fine art artist isn't an animator. Now stop making this thread everyday.

>> No.4334711

I never know who any of these people are and I am so glad.

>> No.4334714

>it's another ethan becker thread

>> No.4334901

Come clean OP,
you are begging for a "don't ever take study advice from /ic/" vid.

>> No.4334912

The point of his vids are to teach a simplified approach to drawing that is most useful for animation.

>> No.4334913

His taste in art and his own work are so incredibly shitty that it invalidates any other advice he might give.

>> No.4334927

Exposure is still shilling you mouthbreather

>> No.4335020

Why does he Ctrl z so much

>> No.4335145 [DELETED] 

Attention whore who stirs up shit level drama with people above his skill level and his follower count. I also love how he draws like absolute dog shit with weird lumpy bodies, literal squares for asses, tiny hands with floating heads, etc, and he constantly draws niggers lol

>> No.4335250

That's not really a valid reason to turn down advice

>> No.4335273

And why does he do that thing where he drags the layer and then ctrl z's it back in place 4 times a second.

I enjoy his content, ngl, but this makes it hard to watch.

>> No.4335274

imagine being such a fucking brainlet that you think he's actually stirring up drama by making a joke which he retracts in, usually, the first few seconds of his videos.

>> No.4335282

>Attention whore who stirs up shit level drama
Nice reading comprehension, you colossal brainlet.

>> No.4335290

> you think he's actually stirring up drama
> who stirs up ... drama

i don't know what to tell you son

>> No.4335308

Sinix fanboy mad. He is just providing another approach/perspective. Relax yourself baby

>> No.4335323

Dude has solid advice, but he gives off sex predator vibes, like all those woke white bois who are "pretend toxic" for the laughs, but then end up raping someone or trying to get sex from a 15 year old or some shit.
This dude got "problems further down the road" written all over him.
Still the advice is good and its a fucking shame he feels compelled to coat it in this cringe act like some supercharged john k clone.

>> No.4335327

Didn’t he have some sort of manifesto on his Tumblr or something?

>> No.4335705
File: 160 KB, 500x344, F9454CC1-F57B-418C-A3AB-15303174DCD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like all those woke white bois who are "pretend toxic" for the laughs, but then end up raping someone or trying to get sex from a 15 year old

That’s a widespread thing? Examples?

>> No.4335713

Literally he draws fat niggers to show his submission to black people and then he asks black people if it's cultural appropriation, how is he "pretend toxic"?

>> No.4335824

You schizo, projecting nigger

>> No.4335841

Anyone know the answer to this?

>> No.4335855
File: 396 KB, 763x1184, IMG_0621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know what video youre referring to because i dont watch this cuck. but is it something like this?

>> No.4335873

He's a tryhard cuck and his art looks like absolute garbage.

>> No.4335889

Sorta yeah. But all triangles. Each digit on a finger is a triangle. The entire thing is broken up into triangles. Yours is slightly more sophisto.
I only ask because it looks like a lot of so-so artists get passable hands using the method. At least I think they all do. There’s a sameness to the hands, triangle digits are kind of the giveaway. Which is kind of a cheat really. Looks handy,

>> No.4336141

Then dont watch simple as that faggot.

>> No.4336170

>2 threads about the same fucking video
Kill yourself Ethan, stop shilling your shit here.

>> No.4336211

he literally took it from the sinix video hes roasting

>> No.4336229
File: 1.62 MB, 1770x1202, 1579143419067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally every sjw soiboi "ally" cuck who spends all day on twitter telling "white dudes" how to behave

>> No.4336351

So when he said sinix uses it without being aware of it he’s still lifting the idea from him? Thats a bit bold.

>> No.4336376

watch the sinix video hes "critiquing", sinix literally says "hands are just multiple triangles" in it.

>> No.4336485

I see what you mean.
If I wanted to be really autistic however, I would distinguish between the two based on Sinix appearing to talk about larger shapes and finger groupings- which Becker does as well, but goes a step further in talking about the individual segments of each finger. He also uses some term I have never heard called “side favored triangle” or something. Conversely Sinix talks about the fingers as being “tapered” or “frog-like”.
It’s bugging me because I want to hate the guy but if he came up with this on his own Its a “contribution to the discourse”. Which would surprise me. If he didn’t, for some reason I need to know it’s origin.

>> No.4336487

I despise this Becker lad, personality wise. Cocky as all fuck, with clickbait that is somehow worse than those insipid "art supply flexing" channels.
His advice is okay for someone who's looking to do simple illustration, animation and perhaps concept art, but other than that, big meh.

>> No.4336705


>> No.4336972

False. You don't have to be at the top of your field to give legit advice. Also, PYW.

>> No.4337366

It’s not a joke, it’s for views. He’s done it since the start.
>look at popular art related videos
>pick someone who’s doing well/big audience
>make half ass video with extremely clickbaity title and thumbnail (must use this persons art and name as much as possible)
>[optional step] shill the video on ic, Reddit, etc as if you just stumbled upon it

Why be good when you can just piggyback off successful YouTube artists for views and money. Stop posting about him and you deprive him of these.

>> No.4337432

Is it just me or are his industry "tips" just crutches so you don't have to grind? The soft triangle one is decent for doing references but if you're not interested in the super-stylized quick output for internet cummies I'm not much sure what else he has to offer.
The shtick is kinda annoying too since he uses it as filler to reach that sweet sweet 10 minute max ad revenue mark.

>> No.4337612

Yeah, all of his advice seems to follow the theme of "don't study hard, put in as little effort as possible to get the job done". Which I guess is just the reality of things if you're working in a big studio environment on a tight deadline. But at the same time, that sort of mentality is why so many big commercial movies/shows/games are shit now and everyone hates them, because they're mass produced by worker drones who are working against impossible deadlines. It's not the sort of approach to art that we should be encouraging or that we should be proud of, even if it's the current reality in the industry. So if you aspire to be more than that, you shouldn't take shortcuts in your art.

>> No.4337726
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>> No.4337740
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 8E59483F-56D7-44D3-A280-8D4D9FA3BB88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His videos aren’t my thing but I don’t really understand the hate. People say he’s cocked but it’s obvious that he’s doing a hyperbolic character as a joke and doesn’t want to be taken seriously. I haven’t seen many of his vids so I could be wrong but it didn’t even seem like he was harshing in other artist so much as offer alternative ways of doing things but framing it as a takedown for the joke. Idk, I think people on this site get irritated by something’s too much for their own good sometimes.

>> No.4337749

His art sucks, that's pretty much it. Everything else would be fine/excusable of it weren't for that.

>> No.4337774

if all you do is act stupid people will eventually think youre actually stupid. Being a dickwad on purpose while shit talking more competent artists and hiding behind "its satire" is pathetic

>> No.4338038

Imagine caring so much about some randos on the interwebz

>> No.4338044

Imagine caring enough about this thread to post in it.

>> No.4338191

*tips the tip*

>> No.4338550
File: 143 KB, 936x720, 1579246247773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethan becker
>I'm above those mean trolls who contribute nothing lol btw here's my clickbait vid
wudda faggot.

I honestly think that an "artist who roasts other artists" can never work, unless if the artist is anonymous about his/her identity, because art is a pretty personal thing for everyone; and backlash can cause demotivate and even regression. Not using the "sensitive snowflake" in an extreme sense in this btw, I think its true for anyone. That's why anonymous places like 4chan brings in the best insults- but also can bring the best objective opinions/critiques because everyone's judging each other soley on what they bring to the table (than their e-celeb status).
And on top of that most artists who do youtube regularly are mediocre at best

>> No.4338578
File: 685 KB, 828x1375, C41CC90F-81D0-45B2-8CB2-66964DECA29D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s no doubt better than a lot of faggots on youtube but he’s still not great and he has absolute shit taste, unappealing art. I don’t give a fuck about "muh 5 years on voltron!" that show was western anime soulless trash. His personality is terrible too, he tries so hard to be like PewDiePie, who sucks, and he desperately wants people to think he’s an ironic alpha with the american glasses and editing, he comes off as extremely fake and gay. The worst part about his videos though are the way he presents them. I don’t understand what the fuck this faggot’s talking about half the time. Like in his Proko video, what the hell was he even doing? He doesn’t dissect any of the artists he covers in a clear and unique way, he just plugs his art in every video while namedropping some who cares who ~~i met at the studio and learned a lot from~~ and pretending that’s a critique. He is probably one of the worst art youtubers.

>> No.4338957
File: 91 KB, 640x800, 66770062_219843665659521_1748424161089654391_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4339053

Although I agree sinix is a better artist than him, I really appreciate what Becker's videos can provide. They give me "Ahah" moments and help me think about drawing in a unique and simple way I hadn't considered. I can incorporate his methods to streamline my approach to drawing.

>> No.4339241

Everything about this is trash. Main girl’s leg and chest are fucked, perspective is non existent, the girl in the background’s doing the same pose and it looks weird, soulless undeveloped characters, terrible values and color, that ambiguous blurred tail? in the foreground
Obviously all artists have their worst moments but it looks like his other works aren’t much better, how fucking low are the standards for these animation studios?

>> No.4339459

to get a job in that part of the art industry all you need to be is fast and loud. "yea im kind of an artist i looove to draw cute things STAAAN pronouns in bio" those are the things that are looked for, not skill or anything of that sort... if you can shit out both ends quickly enough youve got yourself a job

>> No.4339605


>> No.4339747
File: 66 KB, 473x630, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not watching this fag with eyelashes

>> No.4340620

/beg/ here. I understand all your criticisms except the perspective part. Can you explain it?

>> No.4341053

It’s a fucking character fun fact people often act different when their on camera if you don’t like his content than don’t watch it

>> No.4341073
File: 120 KB, 750x1000, 7CE50747-8EC8-4590-9112-6058543D541D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He honestly better than most art YouTuber, but I guess that’s a pretty low bar

>> No.4341319

an example is the girls arm, is doesn’t look farther away, it just looks comically smaller than the rest of her body. also the robots in the background don’t look like they’re farther away from the viewer, it looks flat, like the robot with the wrench is the size of the girl’s torso.
theres a bunch of stupid problems with the pic like with the way the girl’s chest is bent her shoulder shouldnt be showing, the hands are awful, theres no flow

>> No.4343231

Exactly this. And he's playing a *character*. You don't pick up on that, which his broken cigarette and american flag glasses? He isn't very subtle about it lol.

He rides a fine line between being serious, sarcastic and ironic all while exposing small faults in other artists' work from the perspective of an animator. Proko isn't an animator, he's ultimately a figure artist. Two totally different fields of expertise. And Becker uses Proko's wildly different approach to drawing the figure, as a figure artist, to expose how different an approach you should take to drawing figures as an *animator*.

It's embarrassing that someone has to lay this out for you.

>> No.4343319

he doesn't seem to actually dislike any of the people he sarcastically insults
he just responds to the higher level artists on youtube by giving /beg/ advice

>> No.4343325

certified low-iq linework

>> No.4343524


in art you have to....

oh, pyw first before asking others

>> No.4343947
File: 989 KB, 1280x720, 1576696976350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn’t he have some sort of manifesto on his Tumblr or something?
This is from his Tumblr QnA
>From about 12 to 18 I read nothing but holocaust books. This is probably one of my cornerstones. After seeing one film about sex trafficking I spent months watching documentaries on the subject, and did the same with molestation and survival stories- it’s just something that interests me, and I guess that’s what it came down to- what interests you? It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, but allow yourself to delve deeper intowhyit interests you.
>I’ll admit, at such a young age, the Holocaust (the Jewish Holocaust) only interested me because of the violence and death. I liked how dark it was- I destroyed toys and drew bloody pictures- it was something I could relate to because young kids can be pretty destructive sometimes. But after spending years of reading and understanding, I began to get to the real questions and the stories underneath. That’s just an example of how my interest in one thing (violence) turned into my interest in something so much more productive (spreading stories that put people outside of themselves).

>> No.4343954
File: 274 KB, 720x1280, 1576697126993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of his work is weeeeeelllll
>Delinquent 41555:Helped establish and run her father’s sex trafficking syndicate at age 11. She was arrested years after he sold her to a client.- Life sentence
>Delinquent 545432: After inciting a race war, she and her father ran an illegal arms trafficking ring, supplying weapons to both sides. At age 17, she killed him to become the sole proprietor.
>**Delinquent 47593: She’s been bailed out of jail 27 times by her wealthy father. Her 4 other siblings were disowned.
>Delinquent 90908: at age 9, she began stealing from her neighbors to pay off her sister’s medical bills- at 15, she was stealing from the wealthier bordering town- four years later, she runs an embezzling operation that covers multiple wealthy divisions.
He is probably a sociopath

>> No.4343964

sinix is pretty good

>> No.4343989

>this fag with eyelashes
what does this even mean

>> No.4343999

Huh. He might actually be based.
>I began to get to the real questions and the stories underneath
Is the SJW shit just a facade and he's actually a holocaust revisionist?

>> No.4344076

I think he's just delusional.

>> No.4344585

Shilling mean you're payed to do it dumbass. No seriously, why would anyone pay for negative exposure.

>> No.4345380

checked his art out, it is all 2011-era unironic tumblr shit with red noses, turbodykes, the whole 9 yards. disgusting that he thinks so highly of himself to create tutorial videos

>> No.4345387
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>> No.4345448

Huh not surprised

>> No.4345452

His eyelashes are really voluminous naturally. And it just looks a bit odd on a guy.

>> No.4345457

So he's a bisexual with jungle fever

>> No.4345468

This faggot fell in my recommendations for whatever reason.
Decided to try and watch a couple of his videos.
Jesus Chirst. How can people be entertained by this garbage? Worse yet is to know that there are other faggots that, aside from being entertained by it, actually take his advices.

>> No.4345471
File: 94 KB, 750x633, IMG_5550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember. If this is the sort of work you want to make, then follow his advice.

>> No.4345483

The loomis ass lmao

>> No.4345586


Men often have better eyelashes than women, which irks them to no end. If your criticism is based around his eyelashes, then you're probably a woman or a limp dicked twink.

>> No.4345905
File: 198 KB, 932x1032, twjwc0q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously redpilled

Did you even watch the video lmao

>> No.4345996

xabio arts, some utter faggot on youtube, did it way before sinix

>> No.4346591
File: 345 KB, 1280x864, IMG_4544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is a freak, he doesn’t just have fetish for black people, but also sex trafficking it seems

>> No.4346593
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>> No.4346607
File: 53 KB, 1075x716, IMG_6701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4346709

Holy shit he actually is based.
But also a faggot. How does he manage to be both simultaneously.

>> No.4346759



>> No.4346770

Sauce please
I wanna see