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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4327562 No.4327562 [Reply] [Original]

I made 130k USD this year on my art alone, with about 30k following on all social media’s combined.
I won’t post my art because it would be unprofessional if any of my fans found out how much I make, but I will answer any questions you guys have.

>this is my full time job obviously
>didn’t go to art school
>being drawing all my life
>I do anime fanart mainly, branching into my own series soon
>been making money off of my artwork for less than three years
>iPad Pro main tablet

Ask me anything if you want.
Art as a career IS possible bros.

>> No.4327573

>yet a other larping thread

Go eat shit.

>> No.4327582

give me bitcoin, fag

>> No.4327584

Please please post your art, maybe a doodle drawn for the thread or at least some pointers to the kind of anime stuff you draw. Is it coomer art? Maybe yaoi? Or wholesome stuff?

>> No.4327591

prove it, show reciepts. should be easy.

>> No.4327599

someone made money with weeb toons, who cares

>> No.4327604

Is that before or after taxes.

>> No.4327615

draw me a girl with a dick, just a sketch

>> No.4327626

what do you do when you know you're bad but you've been working at it pretty hard for awhile now & despite consistent growth in your work the "goal line" is still so distant & you start to wonder if you'll ever make art the way you envision it in your head & begin to wonder if you're an iq-let or just ngmi?
even the 'just keep at it' gets tired when you know even in a years time it'll still be bad, but obviously better, but still bad to your own eyes

>> No.4327786

Anime money how? Porn, commissions, merch, webcomic, patreon?

>> No.4327837
File: 5 KB, 200x250, 1571436261810s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg im gon buy the ibed now

>> No.4327889

Hot shit this board is trash, sorry OP.

What's your revenue stream look like? Like pure commissions, or some combination of commissions/patreon/merch? And do you have an example of art similar is skill to yours and how much you're able to charge per piece?

>> No.4327890
File: 64 KB, 377x452, deus vult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>didn’t go to art school

How did you compensate for the lack of formal training and connection? What were the main pitfalls you encountered when you began trying to make money off your art?

>> No.4327893

Let me guess, you make tutorials to scam beginners. It's entirely plausible you made this amount. I know guys who make $50k to $200k off tutorials but you have to haul ass.

>> No.4327899

>thinks it's not a larp
you're part of the reason the board is trash good job

>> No.4327925

1) why Ipad pro? I heard it's nice, but isn't it a bit restrictive when trying to do heavy work?
2) how long have you been on the grind before it became profitable?
I'm not heading down that path at all but mad props for making it.
p.s. don't answer if somebody asks whether you do commissions or patron cause somebody might be able to crunch the numbers.

>> No.4327928

I make 500 a month and I am an eastern european lawyer

>> No.4327952

do you porn?

>> No.4327954

How do I stop feeling like a hack whenever I work with clients? I know they like my work but I feel like I'm ripping them off. I think I'm legit scared of disappointing people and it's the only thing that is stopping me from making it.

>> No.4327977

answer this faggot

>> No.4328053

Sorry for the late responses everyone, went to sleep shortly after making this thread.

It’s normal anime art, nothing coomerish at all.

All I can think is my tax return but I don’t file that until the 28th

Nope, I’d like to start my own series soon though.

Before. I also write off a lot of business stuff like computers and art references for tax deductions.

Start looking at the artists you really admire and take the techniques of them you really admire, and run with it and create your own.
If you’re not sure you can even draw start drawing with heavy references (copying others art exactly) and see if it looks good.
If it looks similar or as good as you want it, congrats it’s possible but you just need to find the techniques now to draw on your own.


Constant stream of money varies on the time of year, holiday months I make around 10-14k each month for oct nov. dec. but I also go to conventions that give me anywhere from 10k to 25k depending on the size. (AX gives me about 25k in four days)
Per piece I don’t do commissions since I don’t find them as profitable as fan-art, but I probably wouldn’t charge less than 300-500 USD for them.

Lack of training, I just study only anime since I’m only trying to draw anime. I have a shit ton of anime drawing books from Japan that get me by. As cocky as it sounds, I never really had many pitfalls, I didn’t start selling my artwork until I knew personally I would buy it. If I wouldn’t buy it myself, why waste everyone’s time?

>> No.4328065

No tutorials, but good idea.
I only use social media (twitter insta and Facebook) as my main platform, haven’t gotten into videos yet. (I’m assuming you mean a video tutorial)

iPad Pro is SUPER portable, meaning I can change my environment easily and I don’t have to worry about being cemented down anywhere. At any time I can go to a library or something and draw there for a fresh new environment.
2. As I mentioned before I’ve drawn basically all my life but wouldn’t think about selling it until I thought my artwork was good enough for myself to buy it. I’ve been collecting anime related things (manga, figures, plushies) well over a decade so I know what it means to have something quality someone would buy.

No porn, not really interested in it to be honest.

They want your artwork clearly, and you’re the only one who can provide them with that need. Remember how valuable your time is, but don’t do commissions if you don’t feel 100% comfortable. I’ve done a few commissions in the past and some where too vague with instructions and it was really stressful, also a reason I hate doing them/don’t do them.
Consider mass producing your artwork on a physical medium instead.

>> No.4328071

can you be more specific?

>> No.4328099

Do you mostly draw guys or girls?

As an artist who draws guys mostly, it feels like there's 0 money in it. I don't draw porn or faggy shit either.

>> No.4328124

> it would be unprofessional if any of my fans found out how much I make

There are professionals making more than you whose incomes are public. It would have been more honest for you to just say ‘I won’t post my work because dunwanna.’

>> No.4328131

>I'm a professional animator AMA
>lol I make 130k AMA
>no, I can't post any proof, not even do a small doodle, just trust me bro

This board deserves death for having mongoloids believing this larpings

>> No.4328137

He probably just doesn't want to be associated with 4chan sperglords like yourselves.

>> No.4328139

Not even those two posters but it's clearly because he can't prove himself that he isn't just lying about it.

>> No.4328153
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im from the third world and im at 3k followers but everytime i open commissions i get around 1-2k, i rebuild my house a couple of times and got a lot of things (pc, cintiq and that kind of shit)

>drop my last job a couple of months ago
>focused on art only
>stopped drawing porn, only """lewds""" now
>start to add softcore fetishes to my art
>1k followers in the first 2 months
>start doing commissions
>2k followers in a month
>do more commissions and get my first 1k in a month
>3k in a week
>2k in comms i do in 15 minutes because these are only sketches

>> No.4328259

Merchandise such as clothing, rubber keychains, acrylic keychains, mouse pads, standees, prints, stickers, buttons, figures, plushies, enamel pins. You can literally make anything with alibaba.

Mostly girls since they’re more fun to draw, I do notice most of my customers are men and are willing to spend more on their “waifus” than females are. I think it’s because men are more invested into anime since they don’t have as much freedom/an outlet as females do, just my theory.

Sure, but even I feel a sort of resentment knowing just how much they make. Say they make 300k a year, I’m like “why bother supporting them if they already make so much? My $10 isn’t going to do anything.”
Plus, a lot of my social media fans are the ages of 12-24 so maybe it’s my younger audience that makes me not want to talk publicly about it as much. Since I run multiple storefronts, my numbers aren’t public like Patreons are.

You don’t have to trust me, I don’t mind. I just wanted to answer some basic questions for those who ask.

Great to hear you’re doing successfully anon, keep up the good work!

>> No.4328362
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A large amount of your work cheesecake art? (softcore porn but no nudity)

>> No.4328382
File: 80 KB, 1000x662, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now on /ic/ we have one of Blizzard art director (yes there are several) not answering our questions, so why not believe in OP too?

>> No.4328703

As someone trying to learn anime art, do you have any guides/videos/specific books you've used to learn from? Mainly confused with digital coloring/painting since not a lot of westerners do that kind of art and I can't read japanese

>> No.4328743
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Here's the real question:
>How long do you spend on /ic/ or 4chan in general per day?

>> No.4328790

Do you sell merchandise of drawings of existing characters or only original characters? I'm not sure if it's morally questionable to sell physical items of someones else creation. I mean sure it is your own artwork, but on the other hand also feels like you're banking off their creation.

>> No.4328795

Why do these bait threads get GUARANTEED (You)s?

>> No.4329944

>Merchandise such as clothing, rubber keychains, acrylic keychains, mouse pads, standees, prints, stickers, buttons, figures, plushies, enamel pins. You can literally make anything with alibaba.
So in other words, you make your money not from art or craftsmanship, but by exploiting poor people in foreign countires who produce items with your designs printed on them, filling up the world with more plastic crap. This is making it. Sounds legit.

>> No.4330372

>all I can think is my tax return.
You lying bitch.
You're telling me you made 130K but you don't have any of it documented before you file for taxes. What will you use to evidence your taxable income when you file then huh?
You don't have any invoices? any transactions? You don't have a statement from a bank? do you get paid in cash and keep it in your sock draw.
fucking larper.
don't pretend your advice is worth shit.

>> No.4330406

I made 6 million.

>> No.4330464

yah and i made 32million

>> No.4330480


What about last year's tax return or like receipts? You can easily blur out compromising info and just show the amounts. These would be all the things that you are going to use to file your taxes anyways.

>> No.4330481

lol fucking losers, come back to this thread when you're chilling on epstein's island making 15 billion a year

>> No.4330531

>tfw I've been making 20 sextillion a month

>> No.4330547


there weren't even 6 million dollars in the area at that time

>> No.4330696

Is the Huion Kamvas suited for hard work? As in, doodling on it 12 hours a day

>> No.4330727

Thanks for the thread, OP. You had me interested at "not porn", but I still have one misgiving... are you female?

Not only am I a third world shitter with no interest or resources to go around meeting people, but as a dude I can't capitalize on the social aspect as much. I can handle it well, but I hate doing it.

I'm also interested on the question another anon made: is selling copyrighted IPs' fanart a-OK? Never thought about going that route, but I did some fanart that I'm rather proud of, if those could earn me some bucks that'd be nice.
Is 2480x3508 good enough for all use cases?

Good luck on your original project, it is very daunting, but very rewarding when you see your creations giving you money. I did it for a few years, but I plateaud due to poor enterpreneurship.


>> No.4330737

People like you are a problem for the market, because all you do is lower the price of the work by increasing the offer and by offering lower prices

>> No.4330769
File: 33 KB, 366x324, 1563548513858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be first-worlder
>pay $40 to hold your own baby

Look, I'm sorry, but not everyone is on board with your strange ways of getting in debt and compulsory tipping.

Either lower your own local prices to be more like us or take revenge by traveling to these countries and being king of the hill with a single George Washington.
It's a doggedy dog world out there, buddy, and we've been exploited by the big countries for long enough. Each person has his problems to take care of, it's just now it's a global thing.

>> No.4330795

> earns money
stupid wageslave niggers
I don't even need money, they sell me everything 4 free

>> No.4330815

With that attitude, this is why you should get nuked