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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 423 KB, 1778x1500, 64189948_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4316963 No.4316963 [Reply] [Original]

**Don’t aimlessly study the fundamentals or anime. Learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting (form, value, color, composition, etc.), practice analyzing and copying art you like, and make your own finished artwork. Whatever you fear drawing the most is probably what you should be practicing.**

previous thread: >>4286118

General anime style discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts and reference before asking for help.

**Keep most of your personal works for /alt/ or the other critique threads. Here we should be drawing copies from good anime styled references (illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.) to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Effective Art Study Guide:

General Art Overview:

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:

>> No.4317066

>dont aimlessly study the fundamentals or anime. learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting
what? what are you trying to say?

>> No.4317071

Study your fundies, dipshit

>> No.4317076

Yeah I agree it can be worded better.

Learn the fundamentals, apply the fundamentals.

Dissect those fundamentals and the style, anime, and figure out how those fundamentals apply to the style. Use what you figured out to create something in that style rather than just memorizing how to draw an anime eye in a singular setting and complaining loomis doesn't apply to anime and learning fundamentals is a meme.

>> No.4317078

it literally says in the first line not to study fundamentals, which is why i called it out, dumbass

>> No.4317134

Fuck's sake. It's a typo. He meant "of" not "or". Don't aimlessly study the fundamentals OF anime

>> No.4317143

Are these threads worth posting in?

>> No.4317202

Can you not read two sentences?

>don't aimlessly do studies
>learn the fundamentals
>analyze and copy successful work you like
>make your own pieces

>> No.4317211
File: 187 KB, 800x600, lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking again here since I'm retarded. How do I into finding the cranium.

>> No.4317218

>dont aimlessly study fundamentals
>study the fundamentals

>> No.4317224


>> No.4317232


>> No.4317233
File: 212 KB, 800x600, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a better reference.

>> No.4317249

Alright, think I'm slowly starting to get this. thank you.

>> No.4317267

goddammit why is OP's image so fucking good. i cant get anywhere close to that and thats like, simple shit. fucking hell i can barely make the eyes. how do you get such smooth lines and such clean detail

>> No.4317287

Who drew the OP? Can't reverse search for it.

>> No.4317292

fastest way to kill myself /asg/? 7 month artblock here

>> No.4317294
File: 178 KB, 506x900, 20200118_202227 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my uraraka face?

>> No.4317533

Keep drawing

>> No.4317545

I coomed

>> No.4317546

It's masterful. Came across them a few months ago and have been studying them. Simplicity doesn't mean easy, they've obviously spent a lot of time to be able to get to the point they have with their line choices, sense of weight, and volume. It's the cleanest anime style I've ever seen and they seem to draw a great deal from life/reference while maintaining a good balance of realism.


>> No.4317597
File: 61 KB, 493x481, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help on both
I did a rough study from a book (left side) while drawing this; right is the new one but I'll study more illustrations too. also will work on heads being too big, its an old habit.

>> No.4317623

Don't **aimlessly** study the fundamentals. Don't sit there doing shit like drawing a million boxes or dragging every little thing back to vanishing points, instead you learn how to apply them to actual finished work. **Aimlessly** studying fundamentals is how you get the people who have no finished pieces in months and just draw Loomis heads all day.

>> No.4317653
File: 470 KB, 636x924, Screenshot 2020-01-18 at 10.33.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What qualifies as a finished piece? Inking a pencil? Floating head, body, clothes, accessories, background/environment? Color? I get that there a levels of sophistications, but is there anyway to grade these levels for progression.

>> No.4317678

Let's be real, people who are just starting out aren't qualified to make "finished" pieces, anything they try to finish will look like shit inevitably, just let people learn at their own paces.

If you're learning about values, then you should finish a piece by shading it, if you're learning about color, coloring it, etc. But forcing people focusing on anatomy to do things they don't have a clue about is kinda retarded desu.

If you're at a level that you don't even know what construction is, then maybe making the fucking construction is what's a finished piece to you right now.

>> No.4317856
File: 788 KB, 1804x2067, tsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4318394
File: 972 KB, 500x281, 1562504122553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4318406

Just fit a circle in that general area and chop of the pieces that don't work. Learn anatomy if that gives you trouble.

>> No.4318410

Not bad. Draw ten more from different perspectives, no erasing.

>> No.4318415


>> No.4318764

>Let's be real, people who are just starting out aren't qualified to make "finished" pieces, anything they try to finish will look like shit inevitably
And as someone who thought this, it hurt me a lot in my development. I stayed studying for far too long and never knew how to finish something. As opposed to begs who finish pieces anyway and progressively get better at finishing. I can draw and paint better than them, but was far more comfortable studying.

The point is to make drawings that look like shit, and work on the parts that are bad. Studies are useless when you're not applying them is the whole point of the argument being had. You can't cover every specific artist case, it's assumed you're beyond /beg/ and have basics down before you start drawing stylized things. If you can't copy images, you shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.4318955

The problem only happens if you never get into the refinement aspects of drawing with shading and color, which many of us don't for a variety of reasons, such as never getting good at more basic stuff.

Really, polishing turds will get nobody nowhere, also only copying values and color without knowing color theory and without studying these things will also lead nowhere.

You want to always bring the pieces to the most finished you can get, not force yourself way beyond your knowledge only to copy things mindlessly and come here asking why you're not improving.

>> No.4319071 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 600x347, Anime Study General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay which one of you is it?

>> No.4319080
File: 150 KB, 600x347, Anime Study General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got banned and fuck that gook. The discord was fun, I have fun. Keep drawing you faggots.

>> No.4319088

What did you say?

>> No.4319090

What? Kim Jung Park joined a 4chan server and expected flowers?
Ban whoever invited him to the server as well.

If he just saw screenshots, then ban whoever sent him screenshots, you niggers should be drawing, not trying to stir up drama outside of your own domain.

>> No.4319118

>someone foreign joins the server, someone who can offer a new perspective and resources
How are you not in the wrong here?

>> No.4319119

you're a legit piece of shit
trying way too hard to be "we are legion xddd"

>> No.4319122
File: 3.65 MB, 400x224, jaguars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up idiot. Lurk more as well.

>> No.4319152

enjoy your ban kiddo

>> No.4319229
File: 20 KB, 105x143, 1548443179323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you children even read? I'm replying to anon, who posted "I got banned", I'm not him.
And you haven't addressed any of my points, someone who joins a 4chan Discord and then goes cry on Twitter shouldn't have entered the server in the first place and someone is at fault for that.

>> No.4319242

Post your hand.

>> No.4319243

Two things are overlapping here

>> No.4319253

>The 1st time they @ everyone.
Based asshole.

>> No.4319273

go back there tranny

>> No.4319394
File: 230 KB, 910x1330, lack try00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting like this is SO MUCH FUN holy fug, I always hated lineart so much, but just sculpting the drawing is so much fun I can't believe it.

Where is lack anon? Are you having as much fun as I am?

>> No.4319407

lineart in digital frustrates me so much. but when i started with an underdrawing and painting like that or how an oil painter blocks in it felt so liberating. there's still a place for some lineart but yeah i think i'll commit to the more painterly style as you have. i'm just not meant to ink digitally.

>> No.4319408
File: 161 KB, 683x998, lack try00-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4319409

me too brother, me too...

I still did the rough before painting, but in the end I just hid the layer and started painting from zero. Sketching is great, but cleaning linework just isn't for me.

>> No.4319437
File: 280 KB, 1500x1488, IMG_20200119_224647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the complete opposite. I love doing lineart so much but absolutely suck at painting and rendering

>> No.4319442

Beautiful lines anon, do you work on which tablet?

>> No.4319444

if you like painting more than lines, you can also draw like painting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R005U1EPYA8

>> No.4319456

Thanks for the vid. I do tend to use tone more with ballpoint pen and 2mm 4B graphite holder. The problem is digital for me, I have no problem with traditional. I use pen brushes, brush with ink, and dip pens all the time. Digital lining is way harder for me, I have no issue painting but the imprecision bothers me too much with even sketching digitally. I've gotten used to it a bit but it's not natural to me.

I hate sketching digitally but erasing the lines and working subtractively is much more my workflow. I can't get linear approaches down.

>> No.4319477

For the anon who asked for construction:


It doesn't get simpler than this, just do exactly what she's doing and you're gold.

>> No.4319482
File: 1.84 MB, 3024x3024, 50505467-F2D0-4518-B945-9F78C5475383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started drawing manga stule tonight after looking at sankakucomplex. it’s boring and i dont understand the appeal of it. i guess it’s because I’m not good enough at it, and unless i get a hold of some weed or shrooms, i won’t be getting any better any time soon. i think manga can be complimented by psychedelics, but its because I’m not imaginative enough to use it to my advantage. i just copy other people’s work which is not very fun.

>> No.4319503

these aren't my work anon i just got it from twitter

>> No.4319514
File: 20 KB, 500x367, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4319585

pyw anyway

>> No.4319602
File: 85 KB, 960x1080, 20200120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be simplifying my lines more? I look at the OP and it blows my mind, but when I try it it doesn't make me happy and I have to keep going a little further. What do you guys think?

>> No.4319633

Any good resources or tips you guys have for this? I wanna give this a go since lineart is frustrating me atm

>> No.4319716
File: 49 KB, 860x1500, 51DFt3h-3CL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here bought a figuarts body-kun or -chan?
Is it worth it?

>> No.4319741

if you already know how to draw the body, it's great
if you don't, then you're going to look like a dumbass when your anatomy clearly looks like you referenced a toy

>> No.4319787

they're nice for checking foreshortening and weird POV angles

>> No.4320142

I have both body kun and body chan.

They're worthless.

>> No.4320181
File: 3.87 MB, 2500x1295, lack-study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here, good job anon
"sculting the drawing" is exactly the way I'm sketching, using the eraser and the transparent brush a lot.
I started the one on the right today, and I just applied the colors to the sketch.
Now I'm going to merge all the layers and create a new one to paint directly over the sketch to define the shapes and lines.
By far much more fun than lineart.

>> No.4320351
File: 432 KB, 1013x900, solidsnek (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw ten more from different perspectives
will do. I just need to practice more on the face. I always had problems drawing anime faces so after these two pics i will do other faces in different ways

>no erasing
yea i have that problem. my camra also has a problem that has a dark spot on it.

>> No.4320362

No bro
Not even memeing
Try getting a Super Sonico figma instead

>> No.4320368
File: 32 KB, 290x407, ayy_lmao's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320385

By far the most fun I've ever had with digital so far, but I'll be doing only value studies for a while.

I'm doing some painting courses and they all go from value to edges to color, like if you get the values correct, you already have a good piece, so colors are only the cherry on top.

I remember someone saying that if you get good at values, you'll inevitably be a good painter.

So we're all going to eventually make it anon :D

Check lack's streams, try to learn from his workflow, I also check Aoin's stream, he's kinda my digital painting idol desu lol.

>> No.4320419

what brushes do you use? Also, do you know what brushes lack uses for his sketches?

>> No.4320454

btw, look what I found https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/1267

>> No.4320457

I also hope anon, do you have any recommendations for a painting course?
The only thing I'm watching are the Vilppu's figure drawing videos.

Lack is kinda jewish because you see things like him charging 100 dollars for a single brush.
Idk what brushes he uses for sketches but he has two available in the assets shop after he did a official tutorial for the CSP site.

for the sketch and colors I used this

for metal parts like her armor/some clothes

I changed texture and the tip of the first one to a triangle shape

>> No.4320480

Yeah, I took my brushes from there.
Too bad he used the lineart process in this tutorial lmao.
But it was useful to learn the trick of copying the folder and merging it.

>> No.4320511

the painting course anon recommended on the last thread is excellent, trully everything we need, I'm doing more just because I want.


>> No.4320519

very nice, thanks anon

>> No.4320540

add me nyo#3229 on disc, we can progress together :)

>> No.4320553

Can someone please post a process video or something for drawings like this? I need a visualization of how this works.

>> No.4320573

when I finish I can try to explain the process or post the file, but it's similar to this videos.

>> No.4320945
File: 962 KB, 1500x2951, _dern_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched Jurassic Park and wanted to try drawing Laura Dern.
The pose is a little awkward, she's tilted too much and the legs aren't symmetrical, which I only noticed when I flipped the canvas while coloring, should've flipped it earlier.

>> No.4320986
File: 65 KB, 531x634, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Im starting to practice the eyes, is it a waste of time drawing the whole head? should just do the eyes?
Im following the pin2d videos for this btw, is there any other guide that could help or is that one enough?

>> No.4320994

>dude make and post his new twitter, he korean
>also learning english, draw furry
>call him a gook, 2 plastic wasn't enough
>tell him not to take internet shit seriously
>next day dude make a tweet post
Fuck that gook. He expect everyone to be nice to his plastic ass. If you're gonna learn english and doesnt understand sarcasm, even after explained what it is, you should just keep on speaking gook.

>> No.4321000

Work on that head and those shorts. The shorts are incredibly flat and seem to have no relationship to the legs.

>> No.4321002
File: 647 KB, 989x786, 89557895567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In video #7 hes wrong about this pic. The main shape is a triangle where the guy on the ground is looking at the guy on hoseback. Then the horseback guy is looking at the guy standing with the sword. Horseback guys sword is pointing at the other guys sword...which then leads the eye down the hilt to the ground which then leads to the guy on the ground and the circuit is complete.

>> No.4321003

The shape of the eyes depends on the position of the head. Unless you're purely trying to practice a certain style of eye, it would behoove you to practice eyes on a head.

>> No.4321019

drawing the head gives you an extra dimension of practice as you now need to not only draw the eyes well enough, but place them in the correct area in the correct perspective.

>> No.4321052

You're genuinely handicapped. Like, a true retarded person. Do you have some sort of autism?

>> No.4321053
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright the whole head it is then, thanks

>> No.4321069

try to draw the head, neck, and shoulders instead of disembodied heads. helps to get a lot of mileage for all of that in at once to make it easier in the long run

>> No.4321896

what do i do on these days where my body and mind do literally everything to stop me from drawing

>> No.4321905

draw something else than usual?

>> No.4321921

I guess you are right, is not like Im going to spend more time in those

>> No.4321922

chop them off ala the bible

>> No.4321981

I'm interested, but
Who? And where?

>> No.4322013 [DELETED] 

>watch Japanese stream
>don't get it cause i don't speak jap
>hear some robot bitch in the background keep saying shit
How am I supposed to learn anything like this?

>> No.4322029

What a useless comment, you sound like a fucking boomer who complains about everything.

>> No.4322049

Sorry. I deleted it.

>> No.4322258

If you cant handle the heat dont be a faggot. Thanks for visiting 4chan.

>> No.4322272

haha fucking epic we are legion after all xD

>> No.4322289

Mentally ill retard, this is embarrassing behavior even on 4chan, not to mention the rest of the net. I pray that you mature and learn to have some self awareness in the future

>> No.4322292


Holy shit this rules.

>> No.4322317

how is this for absolute beginners?

>> No.4322358

Holy shit bro, thanks.

>> No.4322377
File: 894 KB, 1000x1505, D6C61C53-A3E3-438C-B635-370C85B65820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 30 minutes to make a comprehensive guide that can turn anyone, even the /beg/est of /beg/s, into the end goal for most people who post here. Go.

>> No.4322380

Step 1. Draw
Step 2. Go to step 1

>> No.4322386

Any tips on drawing hair?

>> No.4322389

the fuck is wrong with her right calf

>> No.4322392

oh god what's happening to her leg oh no

>> No.4322412

For some reason, everytime I draw all of my stuff turns out to be westerner looking shite.
I can't get that anime line art.
I made progress today but I want some help.
What's the trick to get the line art down?

>> No.4322426

that's one of the least egregious things about this

>> No.4322430

Draw more. Embrace that you will spend lab time making unholy abominations that seemingly no one else makes for they are either already good or hard shelf art so they can binge vidya.

>> No.4322432

post it

>> No.4322434

I couldn't save it because I don't have clipstudioart purchased.

>> No.4322436

- study anime figures, 3d models - not 2d anime art.
- try understand construction, break down into simple 3d shapes, a mannequin.
- ok now for gesture and silhouette/good fuckin shapes, do Yoshinari studies.
- proko's figuredrawing course

colour is just copying other artists' formulas.

>> No.4322437


>> No.4322441

eh, anime artists aren't aiming to be a fucking master of anatomy.
his gesture and mannequinization videos are great for this.

>> No.4322442

Any other absolute beginner here want to be drawing buddies with me? I feel like I have no one to discuss progress with or share results with. I need a second perspective. And I also want to be that second eye for someone else. So we can both learn and catch our mistakes. I feel like I'll be more motivated this way, and hopefully I can motivate you too.

>> No.4322445

just join a discord

>> No.4322448

win+shift+s and paste it on paint or something

>> No.4322451

>do this
>join group of 20 people where 1 guy is clearly above beginner level but still posts there for e-peen and everyone who isn't him gets ignored while everyone sucks his dick

>> No.4322455
File: 390 KB, 800x800, 1506170710129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322464

This doesn't look "western" to me per say. I actually find it kinda nice.

>> No.4322466

Any recommendations for tutorials on drawing high-heels?

>> No.4322469

if you really can't into lineart
literally in this thread people mention other processes that do not depend on lineart layer

>> No.4322471

>They pretend to like your work by posting emotes.
>They don’t actually like the image in its source place.
>They like literally 300 tweets a day and never miss a beat on their favorite e-celebs.
>They barely draw so they aren’t even useful.

>> No.4322480

it's nice and stylized to me
I've seen east styled similar to yours

>> No.4322491
File: 503 KB, 1660x1505, 5s3796wfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322496

pretty good guide desu.

>> No.4322552

That's not his artwork faggots, I was posting a reaction image to him not saving his shit

>> No.4322584

Do not bully me.

>> No.4322607
File: 437 KB, 2104x3003, lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have a critique on my lineart? Are there any examples or channels that show how they do the lineart of the eyes?

Also, fuck drawing this on a wacom intuos s. I should have gotten the medium size.

>> No.4322620

i would be more concerned with your mouth placement

>> No.4322632

I wouldn't fill in the tips of the hair strands, just the intersections and gaps in negative space like you did in other places.

>> No.4322646

don't fill in any of the gaps that you did, it looks like shit. your ear is bad, mouth, and eye placement are really rough. really flat with no overlaps for the bangs so her whole head looks really flat. the drawing in general is weak, lines won't help. the clothes are flat, reference other work and real clothes. i have no idea what's going on in the hair, or the bottom right quadrant of the image.

>> No.4322660

I'll keep that in mind next time. Thanks.

>> No.4322693
File: 477 KB, 1759x3000, _ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick drawing I did of my TA who is super cute and I wanted to draw her from memory.

>> No.4322893

Thanks I know. That gook got btfo. Dude couldn't take a simple jokes, glad hes gone. Dont forget to go on his Twitter and tell him what a joke he is. I know I did.

>> No.4322896

Yeah its call Google you dumb ass

>> No.4322897

>join discord
>no one draw
>got banned because everyone is current year
Fuck those trannies

>> No.4322899

LMAO stupid white boi got BTFO he's crying

>> No.4322981
File: 3.59 MB, 1740x1984, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your drawing buddy :3

Just started attempting to draw like a week ago. Here's what I just tried to draw something out of OP

>> No.4322991

this is harsh but this anon is right, your lineart sucks, if that's what you're looking to improve, I'd suggest you get some clean lineart from artists you line and try to draw them until you understand how they work.

you'll spot the differences and what makes them look good really quickly now that you already did try making it once.

>> No.4323120

Tried it, didn't work well, why do you think I'm asking.

>> No.4323195

What do you call a girl with one leg longer than the other?
What do you call a Japanese girl with one leg longer than the other?

>> No.4323208
File: 2.03 MB, 2500x3500, Practise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4323393

What would you say is the best way to learn how to draw hands?

>> No.4323397

You have left hand to analyze and copy

>> No.4323487
File: 10 KB, 131x132, 1579346445253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4323570
File: 469 KB, 1500x1500, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch + some lineart, my hands aren't the best but i think the eyes is what i mess up the most

>> No.4323581
File: 317 KB, 411x473, 1578874078872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw nothing but anime girl in random pose #23asdf363
>want to improve on other things
>nothing else motivates me to draw
I don't know if I can keep going. Poses are getting repetitive also backgrounds and coloring/lighting is hard.

>> No.4323591

Awesome. How do you wanna do this?

>> No.4323640

Add me on discord Tundra#5322
>inb4 we know each other already

>> No.4324018

How the hell do you do that in one week? I can't even draw a fucking circle properly.

>> No.4324172

He has the SPARK, man. Some people are born to shine. Nothing we can do about it.

>> No.4324306
File: 1.08 MB, 2018x2730, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to draw Shibuya Rin?

>> No.4324325

I can't draw a circle properly either desu
The good news is there isn't a perfect circle anywhere in that drawing

>> No.4324328

>Let's be real, people who are just starting out aren't qualified to make "finished" pieces

I can't believe there are people who actually think this. Cringe.

>> No.4324359

Find picture of a hooker and trace it

>> No.4324384

>make retort
>doesn't explain his thinking
>says "cringe" unironically

low iq ngmi

>> No.4324607

>anything they try to finish will look like shit inevitably,
Exactly. They should still finish it. They should move on and go back and keep it as a reminder and a lesson.

>> No.4324620
File: 95 KB, 1000x823, ba8988f1ddfd18cd7cc2b95ee9f18428_11228424747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some garbage idea from memory

>> No.4324685

what are some good sources or references for rendering anime hair/clothes/etc.?

>> No.4324692
File: 258 KB, 1111x289, 20200123 study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else doing/did these exercises from the sticky? Have you seen progress? Any tips to help get the best out of the process?

>> No.4324710

Download lazy Nezumi

>> No.4324729
File: 41 KB, 131x376, 5.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

key is drawing with various line thickness.
don't draw pupil with thin line nobody does that nowdays
if you don't have a clue just copy it. then memorize it

>> No.4324994

I like how y’all have every video tutorial from proko to cgma but doesn’t have schoolism Sam neilson or Scott robertson gnomon workshop not trying to be ungrateful but those vids are the key to becoming a pro I’m baffled

>> No.4324998
File: 265 KB, 611x755, 1577718952340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4325106

Shut the fuck up

>> No.4325113

Please stop copying from anime.

>> No.4325157


>> No.4325166

hes right anime is simplified you have to study the real thing first your gonna struggle and you know the rest go find a loomis book now anon

>> No.4325241
File: 25 KB, 500x460, 134568766787689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime Study General
>Please stop copying from anime

>> No.4325249

You realize you're supposed to be drawing this shit from imagination after you've understood the concept of idealizing figures based on life right? If your argument is going to be that how are you supposed to draw your corona cartoons if you do not "study" from them, you're mistaking immersion versus straight up copying without understanding what you're trying to replicate.

By copying this shit you're not learning anything you're simply copying the answers instead of knowing how you got the answers which is what helps you draw independently from having to reference. If you've been on this site long enough you have more than enough immersion to know how your average moeshit looks like - they all look the same.

>> No.4325739
File: 3.27 MB, 4128x3096, moedred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super /beg/ and mainly working on practicing fundamentals but I get bored easily so doodle weebshit when I do.

I'm aware of a few mistakes a made. Her right hand/palm is way too small in proportion to the rest, and even the width in forearms is off. The line art is also chunky and not fluid. I'm trying to work on these things already.

Any other pointers?

Not fully coloured cause only have like 10 copics and no green/blonde colours.

>> No.4325743

idk why it rotated since I specifically made sure it was the correct orientation on my pc reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4325824

>"super /beg/"
>already has TEN (10) copics
>complains that's too few
You're lucky they're even sold where you live.

>> No.4325835

Are there any books you'd personally recommend if you struggle with faces/hair a lot?

>> No.4325877

I got them when in Japan for comiket c97.

>> No.4325971

i am mixed. i love line art but am very inconsistent at it. filling in shapes and reforming them until it works is easy

>> No.4326073
File: 3.63 MB, 4000x3000, P00124-215906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study last week vs study today

>> No.4326082
File: 363 KB, 1000x1000, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not just copying and I'm not doing strictly anime/manga either. I don't know why you'd go and attack me for asking a question, friend. This is simply a part of my studying routine. I don't have a lot of time in my day to fiddle around and try to randomly stumble upon a certain aesthetic, so I'm jump starting the process.

Here's some of my work from the past 30 days.

>> No.4326112

Just crabs. Ignore

>> No.4326315

You're imbrovinb!

>> No.4326582


Thats a really odd choice of a reaction picture, senpai. Next time use a frog or a normiejak.

>> No.4326679

How do I start learning how to render?

>> No.4327491 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 1140x780, animegirls-3f100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


100 anime girls in 10 days, post at least 10 per day. I'll post 7 more later.


>copy an artist you like (no tracing)
>get a ref from pinterest and draw it in animu form
>pure imagination

Board to get refs: https://www.pinterest.jp/ashukunyo/rl/

>> No.4327493

yay bug eyed freaks that are smiley faces on human bodies because im an emotionally undeveloped manchild yaaaaaay challenge le epic accepted

>> No.4327496
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1507087992006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're never going to learn anything if you're going to rush yourself and somehow think that by churning up the volume it would equate to mileage. That's not how it works. You must be methodical in your approach and take time to think about the form you're working with, how to convey it in an abstract manner and simplify it to the point it accepts the style while holding true to fundamentals.

But you fags never listen so go ahead and keep spinning that wheel but no matter how hard or fast you run you will never get anywhere.

>> No.4327501

study life, dont study anime
anime is a style after you developed with your knowledge of life

>> No.4327520


>> No.4327528

this is why you ngmi lmao

>> No.4327750

worst advice.

>> No.4327751

you need to do both

>> No.4327753 [DELETED] 

That’s some sound advice. You have to know the rules before you break them or else your “stylized” art will look like garb. Study REAL anatomy before you go and draw anime.

>> No.4327754

That’s some sound advice. You have to know the rules before you break them or else your “stylized” art will look like garb. Study REAL anatomy before you go and draw anime.

>> No.4327773

Yes, I'm sure all world famous mangakas studied anatomy and drew from real life

>> No.4327831

Most of them, yes.

>> No.4327834

Prove it.
All I've ever heard mangaka say is that they got started by copying their favorite manga as a kid.
Maybe they studied perspective and anatomy at art school after that, but they had already been drawing for many years at that point. They were putting the formal knowledge on top of an already solid base of intuition, VERY different from the average /ic/ poster who picks up a pencil for the first time and starts drawing perspective grids and then wonders why the grids aren't making their anime look good.

>> No.4327912
File: 814 KB, 1367x1631, zNDsyF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur cancerous mentality so prevalent here yet already debunked for years. leave.

>> No.4327914

>muh REAL anatomy

>> No.4327917
File: 1.48 MB, 384x288, 1459049586918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4327941
File: 3 KB, 225x225, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking into going digital with CSP, could anyone recommend a comprehensive tutorial on the basics of the software?
And I mean the Very basics, like gradients and stuff.

>> No.4328056
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-01-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4328061

what the fuck are the fundamentals of anime? big eyes and small noses?

>> No.4328105

Sudden and more realization that I'm never going to make it.

>> No.4328129
File: 1.13 MB, 3588x3596, 1562533528893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4328135
File: 833 KB, 1130x2025, Dawn i guess mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need critique

how do i draw eyes btw i cant fucking do it

>> No.4328155

Every single part of this drawing is utterly unappealing, except maybe the colors.

>> No.4328170

good critique thanks

>> No.4328272


either people here will do anything to refuse getting better at drawing anime, or people really underestimate how much of getting better at drawing simply boils down to PRACTICE.

fags come here, try drawing 10 animu from reference and ask WHY AM I NOT GETTING BETTER? In fact, you were getting better, it's just that the process is slow. While you're asking this shit and stopping, a japanese 10 yold kid is drawing hundreds of pages from reference and will be 100x better than you in a year while you're watching proko and drawing muscles and skeletons.

>> No.4328277

3:29, it hurts bros, shouldn't I be watching proko and drawing figures? this chinamen just tells me that he went pro drawing from his favourite mangaka????

>> No.4328285

This video and this image should be in the OP to be honest.

>> No.4328305
File: 116 KB, 1269x712, gmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon proposed a 100 animu drawing challenge, retards jumped on him telling him to watch proko and draw from life while this half-japanese nigger was drawing 1000 pages of his waifus from reference.

We should do challenges like this, I suspect the problem of people in this board is that they just don't draw enough.

They draw 1 animu, come here and WHY IS THIS NOT GOOD? If they drew 1000 animu, I'm pretty sure their drawings would be MUCH better by the end, but they don't have any patience or grit to put in the work.

>> No.4328589
File: 201 KB, 506x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempt 1001 at learning anime faces different hairstlye and nice eyes.

serious question. does this look appealing in the anime way.

>> No.4328660

Her skull shape is a little fucky.

>> No.4328678

does it look appealing to you? it looks like shit to me.

your draftsmanship is horrible, just look at the lines in the hair, the shapes of the eyes, the positioning of the eyebrows.

if you drew more instead of wasting your time making silly jokes, maybe you wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.4328688
File: 417 KB, 720x689, 1563054967539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this thread so fucking hostile

>> No.4328698


seriously nigger

>> No.4328705
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, whiplash-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4328713

thread is full of bitter, frustrated beginner artist that are mostly just weebs. You are also posting on /ic/ What do you expect?

>> No.4328714
File: 97 KB, 1082x827, ngmi_list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of ngmi are you?

>> No.4328717

>hate anime

>> No.4328718

stop romanticizing crabs and shitposters on a Tibetan basket weaving forum

>> No.4328725

You sound bitter as fuck.
>if you drew more instead of wasting your time making silly jokes, maybe you wouldn't be so bad.

so what i'm doing now then?

>> No.4328785

>half of the artwork posted is completely ignored
>the ones that do get replies, get 'critiques' like this:
This thread is a waste of everyone's time

>> No.4328789

wasting your time asking retarded questions in this thread. if you care to read the thread, anons were talking exactly about people like you.

i.e. you don't draw a lot, you draw almost nothing and come here asking why you suck, you're a fucking retard. go draw 1000x, then when you're done maybe take some time to see what you've learned and ask for critique.

tl;dr you're not putting in the work, that's why you're bad, you'll be bad forever or at least until you give up the hobby if you stay this way.

>> No.4328791

Gradients aren't basic at all, and digital painting is a huge area you can't learn from one tutorial.

Follow this. Almost all the tips are applicable to CSP. This will help you learn the shortcuts or how CSP works by looking up equivalent tools/shortcuts and so you can follow along with PS tutorials.

Use this video to make a hard round and soft round airbrush to behave like PS, this will help you get familiar with different brush settings. Bind a hotkey to turn on and off color mixing

Look up anything you see here that you like and want to learn more to use or ask here/csp threads



>> No.4328798


can't tell if projecting or crab

>> No.4328810

how many drawings did you do today? answer honestly. or are you just waiting for that one tutorial that will make you good? lmao

judging by your lines, you either started drawing yesterday or you just don't draw much.

watch the FZD video, if you don't feel a bit of shame I think you should just stop drawing.

>> No.4328921

Apart of me wants to argue but knowing the history of /ic/ and its tendency to call everyone bad, kick them out and watch as the bad artist become famous is amusing. i can't help but pity you

>> No.4328940

why would anyone critique what he's done? he clearly didn't put 5min of work into it and everything is wrong on it, basically.

imagine if you went to a music board and asked what's wrong with your playing when you've clearly never held an instrument in your life? they'd call you a retard, as they should.


>> No.4328947

back at you

>> No.4329166
File: 702 KB, 896x1321, 1579894000777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was already doing that before even watching this video
I like copy & printer paper because is extremely cheap so you never have to worry about ruining a page, you can always grab a bunch and draw whatever.

>> No.4329244
File: 2.10 MB, 3000x3000, _coronachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always gotta suck off the latest trends ya know

>> No.4329255

gj! gmi anon :)

me too, I bought some sketchbooks but only drew in one, I like being more free and just drawing on cheap paper, if it's bad I just throw it away and draw it again, as many times as it takes to git gud.

>> No.4329282




>> No.4329358

this. set a challenge for myself to do 100 studies of this character (>>4326073) after i saw that video in the last thread (>>4293859)
done 18 so far, they take about 1 hour each because i am slow as fuck. i do a 1:1 copy of an image, then one where i take a reference but try to draw it at a different angle (so forced to use imagination and figure out what it would look like from a different angle). once i've done all 100 i'll find a different artist and do the same but change char's postures, expressions etc. and slowly introduce more and more imagination into the process as i get a better feeling for the forms. i feel like i'm making real improvement and it's the most braindead strategy ever. i have the most extreme minimal levels of fundamentals

>> No.4329516

if you want to improve more, have a look at dynamic sketching exercises to do as a warm up before drawing, they develop your draftsmanship very fast if you do them every day, and you can do them on boring classes or slow shifts at work.

>> No.4329594

Finally guys.. i overcame the realism-stuff and " you have to learn nature at first so you can break them"i stresses myself with so studies that had gone in detail and i nearly lost myself in that - ye fundamentals are essential but it is how u use them now i will come back to my childhood and work on ma soul - be prepared to see waifus!! After all that i learned enough now i can start ma REAL journäy!

>> No.4329636

i think people here don't copy as much it is because doing fundies really feels that you are learning something

>> No.4329668

1, 5, 7, and 8. How do I fix this?

>> No.4329697


>> No.4329699


>> No.4329776


>> No.4329851

Thanks anon, much appreciated.

>> No.4329854
File: 1.38 MB, 2500x2500, blob2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4329865

>dynamic sketching
Sounds like something I could use, any recommended sources for these?

>> No.4329963

Let the autismo draw ten billion boxes, if he can't make the leap of logic to understand the copypasta he will never be good at drawing no matter how much we explain it to him.

>> No.4329977

Wish krita had this many helpful photoshop transition tips

>> No.4329980

wish krita wasnt a buggy piece of shit that cant even export GIFs despite have an animation mode

>> No.4330089

source on op's image?

>> No.4330090


>> No.4330091

thank you anon

>> No.4330093

whats a good exercise for those who still reading the fundies books?
Im a slow reader, by the way

>> No.4330207
File: 583 KB, 2320x3088, 1565369132379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and compete asian girls.

>> No.4330229


>> No.4330247
File: 115 KB, 908x1004, EMAiykrUEAAP2Ky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are bad but I'll ask nonetheless: would anyone know how to replicate this sort of blurry/"low-res" look, like in pic related?

>> No.4330283

copy your favorite images and post them?
you'll see what you need to practice.

>> No.4330305
File: 99 KB, 700x603, __matou_sakura_and_parvati_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_pako__b827840daec067f4aacf1c1c61f0c416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i achieve this kind of coloring style(?)

>> No.4330312
File: 101 KB, 600x809, EKBwtfLUUAA1__i.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.4330408

fuck off

>> No.4330425

Blurry? It just looks like the dude turned off the AA on his brushes and drew at a low res.

>> No.4330430

By copying what you like about it and practicing.

>> No.4330679

draw a hundred animu from reference, sometimsles change it to exercise your brain, mix ref, after that draw one from imagination and post it.

if you want to gauge your progress, draw one from imagination before doing this, you'll see the diference.

also take your time with those studies, only go to the next if they look at least like the reference (don't half ass it), if you can't do it after many attempts, trace it, then try again without tracing.

>> No.4330771

We should all do a thousand from ref

>> No.4330935

The first idea someone has to improve with practice is met with retards like >>4327493 and >>4327496

Even working professional mangaka recommends these kinds of practices like >>4328272 , but as anon said, people here wil do anything to continue being /beg/ and avoiding working hard.

Then there's people like >>4328589 , >>4320351 , >>4317294 who doesn't draw but really need attention to their shitty 30s doodles.

>> No.4330981

but they weren't 30 minute drawings. I do draw and follow what people tell me. I didn't even start with anime but loomis and morpho but its always assumed by people like (you) that if you don't draw good then its because you only do 1 drawing a day. How else am i supposed to get better if not by posting work and asking "is eye placement bad" or "how do i do this"

>> No.4330999

He was pretty harsh, but I get his criticism.

You don't look like you draw much, I think you should come here for criticism and post your drawings only when you work enough so that any sort of criticism would be more useful to you.

If you're learning music, you don't go asking for help on every note you make. Make a lot of mistakes, hundreds of them, then come back and see what are your weaknesses and what you should be working on..

>> No.4331010

>You don't look like you draw much
i don't draw anime much so you are correct but i disagree with

>I think you should come here for criticism and post your drawings only when you work enough so that any sort of criticism would be more useful to you.

its never enough for /ic/

>> No.4331055

there is such a thing as being too new for criticism. there's not much to be said other than "work on everything". you lines are weak, anatomy is wonky, stylization poor and everything comes together in an unappealing way. it really is just a case of come back once you have a decent amount of practice under your belt. read the sticky, practice what is taught and then when you feel like you can draw okay-ish and feel like you're ready to start stylizing, come here for advice.

plenty of people seem to think that "oh my favourite mangaka started off copying his favourite mangaka" but they fail to realize a huge part of the "anime" style is relatively realistic proportions everywhere but the face and the eyes, so unless you plan to draw nothing but 2/3rds busts forever you will need to learn proper fundamentals. you don't need to be able to draw perfect realism, but you should understand where the different bits and bobs of the body is placed and how it deforms for the pose.

>> No.4331228

should i do the execrises from the books before actually drawing or should i just pick a reference or copy my favorite artist's style while also reading the books?

>> No.4331246

i thought copying anime style was bad atleast for a /beg/ like me

>> No.4331262

both, you want to have fun drawing and not just do stupid exercises to get better.

>> No.4331264

Westerners think like this and they all suck at drawing anime lmao.

>> No.4331285

do both
construct properly, stylize from that
otherwise you wind up with deformed skulls and the like

>> No.4331296

You should be more upset at yourself for your lack of taste in subject matter and lack of skill in execution.

>> No.4331301

also to add to that, if what you like about it is the coloring then there's literally no reason not to just copy. in fact, copying is the best way to learn color, since it's not as intuitive as "oh human skulls are shaped like this, so i should construct my form to be at least reasonably similar to this". color is a lot more feely than construction.

>> No.4331303


>> No.4331336

I'm not upset at myself because I'm not a self hating faggot, I'm looking for criticism and don't appreciate some retard just saying "horrific"

>> No.4331347

You're right. 4chan threads always have some people that are a little too harsh to the point that it hurts their message. You're doing good to share your drawings and asking for feedback.

It's pretty much inevitable that you're going to get responses like this no matter what you do but maybe in the future try showing multiple attempts in a pic with some examples of you trying to draw things the same thing from different perspectives or expressions. This is good practice but it'll also help people give feedback because they'll know what your generall fallings and strengths are in a way they could never know just by looking at one pic.

It's really easy for an artist, especially newbies, to have one drawing they did that's kind of precious to them but isn't necessarily representative of their general skill or ability to draw without direct copying. Anyways as for feedback on your Uraraka, try being more confident in your pencil strokes and just erasing them if they don't come outright. It'll improve your line quality and also speed up your process. Once you get good you won't be doing lines like the hair or head shape slowly so might as well start trying to develop that muscle memory. Also, try flipping your drawings over with a light behind them to see how they look flipped. It sounds weird but this actually helps people recognize things that are off they wouldn't normally, trust me. Also, I know you probably just want criticism on placement and proportion, but really try to add a little shading or even a pattern behind the face to help the piece pop out more and have some contrast. You're doing great < 3

>> No.4331357

speaking of which
why it is easy to identify someone who is a western when they try to mimic an anime style drawing?

>> No.4331382

thanks anons

>> No.4331388

any tips?
should i base the body on a real one?

>> No.4331395

Because you're looking at either unskilled or people who intentionally have their own distinct western style. Anime isn't a magical unobtainable art form. There are plenty of western artists with very convincing Japanese styles.

>> No.4331433

first u learm basics, then u learn how to be like other anime artists,you lern from em and copy, with ur own base you can understand how to works with styles and you can create your own uniq style, or you can use how to do standart generic and be fine to

>> No.4331434 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1641x2255, imagichan0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you guys watch proko and argue about what's the best method I'll try my hand at drawing 100 waifus, this is my first from imagination

wish me luck senpai

>> No.4331436
File: 204 KB, 821x1128, imagichan0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you guys watch proko and argue about what's the best method I'll try my hand at drawing 100 waifus, this is my first from imagination

wish me luck senpaitachi

>> No.4331443


>> No.4331498
File: 35 KB, 208x208, 1502326340350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the guy who literally just started drawing's first drawing is better than anything you've ever done

>> No.4331501

Lemme guess, you're either female irl or left handed

>> No.4331524

BASED waifu god btfoing fundiefags

>> No.4331547
File: 475 KB, 1360x1920, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticky and pic related suggest i should start with drawing on the right side of the brain
>need to make a viewfinder
is this necessary? and if it is, any foolproof and cheap method to make one?

>> No.4331550

fuck that's actually amazing, what method do you use? unironically great start, gmi

>> No.4331552

>A random trap drawing weeb sponsoring Vilppu next to a trap
Now i've fucking seen everything.

>> No.4331553
File: 5 KB, 299x168, 1577251459167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of assumptions for a shitposter!

>> No.4331630

his method looks like redrawing until it looks right

>> No.4331653
File: 3.26 MB, 4608x3456, 20200127_161927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaning my bookshelf and saw this shit
Cant believe I asked my grandma to buy me this fucking book back when I was like 12

>> No.4331660

>tfw been nearly 8 years
>still don't got talent to compare to these fucks

>> No.4331702

>looking for criticism

This is designated crab shitting thread. You only post here if you want one word replies questioning your intelligence.

>> No.4331965

dynamic sketching by peter han

>> No.4332001

im very shitty at construction to the point that i cant even draw a fucking body properly, and its unmotivating watching my shit art
should i strictly just grind with the fundies first? if that is the case then i guess casually drawing or doodling might be a bad idea??

>> No.4332027


>> No.4332051
File: 109 KB, 900x1274, goddes_equation_by_erospanda_ddgrjcu-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here, guess where the guy who drew this pic is from? Korea, Japan, perhaps China? Wrong, Italy.

Here are some other examples







See here
^ Thank you

>> No.4332090

well, ask how many of them drew realism until they were good at drawing anime. I'll guess not many.

if you want to be good at drawing cartoon, you draw the damn cartoon, if you want to draw environments, you draw environments, this isn't how it works, you don't get to be good at drawing something by drawing other things.

understanding figure drawing for drawing bodies is legit, but that's where it ends (well, maybe also drappery). all of the face construction is wasted on anime when all of the features are completely abstracted abstracted, and this is coming from someone who can make reily faces out of imagination.

telling these people to waste so much of their time on loomis and shit when they could be having fun drawing is just asking for them to burn out and stop drawing.

aside from dynamic sketching exercises and figure drawing (gesture and anatomy), you don't really need anything else to draw anime, and even then, you should also be drawing anime while you're learning those things.

>> No.4332117

there's plenty of good advice in this thread, you crabs only focus on the negative

>> No.4332130

All of you are fucking AWFUL and should be ashamed of yourselves. This thread is a meme. Show me ONE good artist that actually uses this gay thread.

>> No.4332145


>> No.4332166
File: 2.46 MB, 2332x1392, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I pick better colours? Everything I draw has the same red/over saturated feel to it. I always go for the same colours that the stuff has in real life but i see a lot of artists pick weird colours that go really well together even if it's not realistic and I don't know how they do it.

>> No.4332317
File: 180 KB, 945x945, 1580076387949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4332519

Studying general color theory will help a long way. Then look at how some of your favorite artists use color, color pick and study that if necessary. Experimenting with different colors also helps.

>> No.4332538

Some people of /beg/ are a little mean, i want to draw lineart and i like 80s anime style, should i spend my time with gesture and realist studies in order to learn the rules? or should i just jump in to study my favorite art? i want to improve my draftsmanship too

>> No.4332541

Those colors look better than left.

>> No.4332652

search for dynamic sketching, do those exercises.

if you don't have a cgp account, you can do drawabox. do those exercises as a WARMUP before drawing, then just draw your favourite art.

parallel to that, study what you think you lack the most, like figure drawing. that's about it.

>> No.4332759

What exercises? drawing straight and curves?

>> No.4332808

Yes, I do those daily.

10 lines 8x, 10 curves 8x, circles and ellipsis.

Then I pick whichever exercise I'm feeling more up to at the day from these:
hatching, organic forms, cubes, 1pt, 2pt, 3pt perspective, textures, value gradation, ghosting

That's about it I guess, the point is to better your hand-eye coordination and give you mileage drawing. Also you have to do these mindfully, don't make one line into the paper without care, if you're just doodling then this is a waste.

>> No.4332883

do both. but 80% studies of your favorite art. you need to learn some method of construction though. i used draw a box

>> No.4333216
File: 35 KB, 1024x490, Illustration4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i'm not gay but how do I draw hot anime boys without them suffering from dorito syndrome.

>> No.4333242

>hot anime boys
sounds gay, also what is dorito syndrome

>> No.4333258
File: 38 KB, 306x280, 77-775430_anime-bleach-and-hot-image-anime-guy-military.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333278

Study how the jaw looks/connects to the neck.

>> No.4333340

loomis and study hot anime boys

>> No.4334030

I think op meant:
Don’t aimlessly study the fundamentals OF anime and that you should first learn the fundamentals of realism

>> No.4334047


>> No.4334061


>> No.4334208


>> No.4334224

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