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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 224 KB, 1007x482, g5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4324147 No.4324147 [Reply] [Original]

"People" found the image on the right very offensive somehow and felt the need to delete it.

I dont know who to blame here, the artist for being a pussy or the people upset with that image.

>> No.4324149

no fucks given

>> No.4324175

>I dont know who to blame here

> artist for being a pussy
>op for posting it

>> No.4324177

The shitty thing about this whole leftoid vs rightoid garbage is that no matter what you do you're make one group of retards mad at you and the other wrongly feel like you're their ally. I guess that's the price you pay for using Twatter though.

>> No.4324186
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1576440407688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he went for the Michael Richards apology

>> No.4324198

Nothing wrong with the deus vult meme

>> No.4324222

im considered and natzee and i wasn't even aware that this was some altrigjt shit reference why people just bitch about everything but more importantly... bending the knee ,fucking spineless gooks.

>> No.4324225
File: 40 KB, 462x480, EHn3Q2UUEAE7Bbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backing down after the Epstein meme and this
No backbone

>> No.4324305
File: 74 KB, 386x573, 1559735150968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope /pol/ start making its own nazi edits of her memes and this gook learns a lesson or two about being a pushover.

>> No.4324309

/pol/ can't draw

>> No.4324315

This is why I said edits.

>> No.4324316

teutons, huns, krauts, all need to be erased for their crimes against european civilizations

>> No.4324323
File: 472 KB, 943x968, 1542051274995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lordy no, NEVER APOLOGIZE TO THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE. You're basically asking for a new audience of over sensitive and entitled pussies who don't know how to use the 'go back' button on their internet browsers (aka leave thing they hate alone, and just jerk off in their own communities).

>> No.4324327

Don’t make generalizations. /pol/ isn’t a small userbase and not everyone on /pol/ is part of the echo chamber.

>> No.4324340

isnt this the artist that makes the cute mokous

>> No.4324354

this shes been riding on the edgy pol memes for free but when her ass was on the line she bitch out

>> No.4324355

sure poltard

>> No.4324356

seethifng this hard

>> No.4324367

someone please explain what exactly is offensive about the picture??

>> No.4324372

This is just that 2hu reaction image person
Stop throwing a fit you mongs

>> No.4324379
File: 21 KB, 350x350, i_have_never_met_this_man_in_my_life_by_murudeka_ddetzeh-350t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be used as shorthand for wanting mussies out of your country/europe or anything else corrupted by Jews

Not saying always but the meme has been used in that context

>> No.4324382
File: 329 KB, 500x492, pornhub-confirms-fortnite-as-their-top-searched-video-game-jason-42620043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'd like to add that it's also been used in mostly benign memes as well

>> No.4324386
File: 179 KB, 881x905, 41b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, it depends on contect but who cares about context these days

>> No.4324390


>> No.4324494

Hitler was right.

>> No.4324496

Everything that references any moment in time when whitey won is racist alt right nazi evil trump supporting hate speech.

>> No.4324575

The only person who shuns the crusades is either a historical illiterate who never researched the muslim invasion or a literal nigger.

>> No.4324586

>not everyone on /pol/ is part of the echo chamber
nigga, the only people on /pol/ who aren't /pol/tards are lefty accelerationists trying to somehow push /pol/ even further into the fringe right to keep their outrage machine going and frame themselves as the heroic opposition.

>> No.4324591

yourself for getting upset over nothing and so should they

>> No.4324593

I would rather livestream myself dildoing my ass than apologize for making a meme or illustration.

>> No.4324609

SJWs are cunts that need to be gassed asap.
And op is a faggot. A sakimichan died for this thread.

>> No.4324617

I'm /pol/. Stil a /beg/ at drawing but I am making progress, my goal is to be able to draw cute Aryan natsoc waifus, both anime style and Norman Rockwell style.

>> No.4324669

>artist backs down
Deserve all the shit they're getting for being so fucking weak, anyways.

>> No.4324688

Noooo you cant just tell the truth

>> No.4324786
File: 425 KB, 1240x1754, Illustration003male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually tho, what would such artist lose by not apologizing?
I'm serious, your true fanbase won't unfollow you, what the actual fuck do you lose by ignoring the mentally unstable tumblrinas?
I would value my devote fanbase over some stranger desu.

>> No.4324794

Why do Amerimutts likes to LARP as crusaders so much ?

>> No.4324797

its easier to distract themselves from all the children theyre bombing elsewhere.

>> No.4324810
File: 645 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this board don't understand basic professionalism. You lose absolutely nothing by apologising

>> No.4324817

Apologising is fine by me desu, but stopping, possibly quitting, or changing your art to appeal to strangers is real pain to me.

>> No.4324823

Welcome to 2020. Either submit to the hivemind or get eaten and your bones spit out.

>> No.4324825

Fuck that I do what I want

>> No.4324827

>not professional
You do anything, including giving apologies, only if it is profitable. Having this in mind, the chink should have upped the "drama" few octaves for better exposure.

>> No.4324830

thats not going to last long

>> No.4324834
File: 127 KB, 225x540, 11 Justice Pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is.

>> No.4324840

When you apologize to the outrage mob you are now their little bitch and you have put yourself in a position of heigthened scrutiny. Your old school boomer PR advice does not apply to faux outrage on twitter. Best thing to do is ignore or tell them to literally fuck off

>> No.4324841


Depends on your goals. Personally I don't like catering to others or a "broader audience" for fame. I do what I do and as long as a group of people love it I won't really need any more than that to achieve personal happiness. That's all.

Btw It's the internet, there's still anonymity, so you could just do both.
Sell normie art for money under a username,
and draw whatever makes you happy under another.

>> No.4324851

>I don't like catering to others
not going to make it desu
You're delusional if you think you're just going to make art and everyone will like it if you don't cater to a certain audience. Unless you're outright lying right now.
>You can do both
Then you're not doing what you want, you're simply screaming how brave and courageous you are for writing offensive things on the internet while hiding behind 700 proxies.

>> No.4324854

by others I meant people not in my main audience,

>> No.4324864

There's a difference between catering to your audience and catering to all audiences everywhere.

Listen to YOUR audience. Don't bother with people who aren't your audience because even if you bend your knee to their every whim they're still not gonna support you because the only thing they're interested in is controlling you.

>> No.4324868

tell me your goals then

>> No.4324869

shut up

>> No.4324878

What? where the fuck did this come from?

>> No.4324880

That is wishful thinking there, Anon.
You will bend the knee if some gay/trans/feminist activists starts pointing fingers at you.
You will apologize so that people will give you work. You're at their mercy even before you can do anything. Your reputation will take a severe hit even before you are aware that they are pointing fingers at you.
You're guilty until proven innocent.
And although, you are 100% right and i agree with you, you can't ignore the reality of politically charged climate and the activists and organizations looking for prey.
If it was that easy to just ignore them (in a professional field, as a professional or well known individual) everyone would do it. But even big companies bow down to this insanity because words and rumors on the internet spread very fast and do insane damage even when false.
Apologizing is not submitting. It's simply public relations. As a provider of products, you apologize because it's expected from you when you get complaints even when you are in the right and they are in the wrong.
But, sure, if you got like 37 followers, you can do what the fuck you want.

>> No.4324920


>> No.4325008

post your followers

>> No.4325313

Every cancelled artist has been dropped after apologizing.
Apologizing is admitting you're wrong. Even legally you're adviced to never apologize for shit unless it's ordered by a judge because a devious lawyer will use that as an admission of guilt.

>> No.4325326

Stop spreading shit. I have gotten harassment online since 2016 for not voting and I just delete it and continue to work with my usual clients. Meanwhile everyone who bends over gets cancelled.
This is harassment, don't interact with it. Report it to the platform you're using or delete it. Nobody cares but the imbeciles trying to crucify you and they are not consumers, the only meaningful employer who hasn't put their foot down on not bending over to their shit is WotC.

>> No.4325368
File: 69 KB, 800x770, 1367770320672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the flip side here's a chinese artist doing the harassing


>> No.4325413

>if you don't cater to a certain audience
But each individual is representative of a significant audience themselves. As an artist a legitimate decision is to cater to oneself as this will result in very strong work. It may not garner a hugely wide audience but the audience it does get will be very loyal, as unique tastes are being satisfied.

>> No.4325435
File: 52 KB, 526x470, GodWillsIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist did nothing wrong, if he genuinely feels sorry for offending retards that is his right. Be upset with the retards who don't know basic historical facts.

>> No.4325482

>all those faggots with tranny flag and pronouns in bio in comments claiming their victory

>> No.4325557

lmao if this happened to me i'd just draw the same girl as a Saracen and be like "lol there you go, now I drew both sides"

>> No.4325569
File: 196 KB, 695x1000, after-good-luck-1868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a chibi version of this

>> No.4325573
File: 149 KB, 1199x730, EO5-Ug1U8AAtoN8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and /his/pilled

>> No.4325628

Twitter is the smallest of the mainstream social media sites and yet it consistently does the most damage.
It's almost like it's designed to be this way.

>> No.4325927


>> No.4325930
File: 57 KB, 700x467, Brenton-Tarrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet I can draw better than you, fag.

>> No.4325933


>> No.4325934

So pyw then.

>> No.4325936

Based fuck /po/

>> No.4325938
File: 363 KB, 871x871, Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 7.03.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post yours

>> No.4325947

Hahaha ofc you're the guy who drew that Lmfao you suck cock

>> No.4325950
File: 123 KB, 289x242, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 4.04.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I was good, I said I was better than you. Now post your work :)

>> No.4325959
File: 904 KB, 220x208, 1578760407793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop spreading shit
You're failing to see the bigger picture there, mate.
Your own personal experience isn't equivalent to the reality because the world doesn't revolve and act around you and
>getting harassed for not voting
Really doesn't mean shit and you probably mentioned it yourself to get attention so you played a stupid game and won stupid prizes. Still isn't an argument as to why professionals shouldn't apologize when confronted by sjw.

You can apologize while deflecting your fault or you can apologize admitting your fault. It brings the ones accusing you to the light, because ignoring it can translate into admitting guilt.
It's basic public relations.
And as i said; if you're a nobody with no presence, no money or business to lose, you can do what the fuck you want.
You're still catering to an audience by definition. There aren't just 5 people over the whole world who like whatever you like.
And you're delusional if you think an audience is loyal. An audience is only loyal as long as they can't get anything better and more affordable from someone else.
Doesn't matter what you offer.
And if someone were to offer you competition and besting you at that and making you lose numbers, wouldn't you be forced to try to cater to another audience?

Just because you anons don't want to hear this shit because it shatters your delusional pov doesn't mean you're right.

>> No.4325967

the saracens weren't black.

>> No.4325974
File: 173 KB, 1200x752, polfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4325982
File: 339 KB, 541x555, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 7.18.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, thats pretty good, i guess you win.

>> No.4325987

fuck you get off my board

>> No.4325992
File: 408 KB, 462x501, Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 9.51.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont browse /lgbt/ what are you talking about?

>> No.4325994

go stutter at black guys incel

>> No.4326000

youre 1 level of autism away from being a schizo

>> No.4326002
File: 306 KB, 848x452, Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 10.37.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4326017

>You're still catering to an audience by definition. There aren't just 5 people over the whole world who like whatever you like.
Yeah that's what I mean. It's a successful idea to cater to yourself. It provides a very reliable target audience because you know it better than anything else.
>An audience is only loyal as long as they can't get anything better and more affordable from someone else.
People will be loyal because when you are making things to your individual tastes rather than thinking more widely and externally, what you provide will be unique and strong in a particular direction.
If your work is unique, then it can't be copied or bested, there's just simply nothing exactly like it. I tend to believe that when an individual fully explores their tastes, they will always end up at this kind of result.
And if you're making things for yourself, to satisfy your own tastes, then necessarily you must ask yourself "would I pay for this?"
If you wouldn't, then it's not satisfying your own tastes.
You're then making things for the theoretical person who might buy whatever you're making, when you can't be sure that person exists. You can much more easily just ask yourself what you would pay for and figure out how to make that.
And if you can't do that, then you simply can't improve your art. To find out what you need to work on, how you can improve, you are making that same judgment.

>> No.4326031

I agree from an artist perspective, but from the average consumer, i don't think it might work like that.
Uniqueness translate into how long a period of time one can produce the same appealing results without the product getting stale.
Even artists have expiration dates and the ones who will stick with you are people who get heavily invested into one thing at a time.
But what you mean is "branding".
Because your name or personality is attached to that type of work, it will "sell".
That's how you could theoretically keep a fanbase even with competition around.
If of course it's also a type of work that actually sells in the first place.
And let's get on the same page here; what type of artistic work are you implying at?

>> No.4326065

none of the people asking for an apology want an apology. they want to see you hang because it amuses them.

>> No.4326105

Sigourney you are like a cancer growth. You kill all that you touch.

>> No.4326108


>> No.4326111

Me when I see a /pol/tard

>> No.4326113

>"fuck you get off my board"
Huh, didn't know you owned a board? You don't own but two things, pal. Your art and shit. Your art and shit is one and the same, pal.

>> No.4326115


>> No.4326135

baby need a bottle

>> No.4326179

why pol makes ic trannies do insecure?

>> No.4326182

>uses niggerspeech
Disgusting. Fuck off pleb.

>> No.4326184

bix nood muhfugga

>> No.4326186

Does she even get the references?

>> No.4326188
File: 25 KB, 480x360, you really think someone would do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually this fucking naive? /pol/ does the same thing with sockpuppet accounts on twitter.

>> No.4326189

nobody's insecure its just annoying when every thread is derailed by some asshole spewing /pol/'s agenda everywhere. /pol/tards really like going to other boards, shitting on the floor, and then leaving and on a slow board like this having garbagee bumped to the top constantly is very disruptive

>> No.4326193

but isnt completely the opposite here , everyone started sperging out about pol when no polCHAD say a thing uhmmmm really makes me think huh almost like the mere thought of anything slightly related to pol makes people insecure and seethe like no tomorrow

>> No.4326194

I don't speak niggerish, please kindly remove yourself from gene pool.

>> No.4326224

whoa there, racist. What do you mean, people.exe can't think for themselves and only give pre-programmed reactions to illegal opinions because everyone wants to be a goodest guy, bigot?

>> No.4326237

Pretty much everyone involved is a terrible, worthless, waste of skin

>> No.4326243

post your skin

>> No.4326254

Made me laugh, good post +1

>> No.4326369

Easy anon, you might destroy his world view by not conforming to his confirmation bias.

>> No.4326380

>people.exe can't think for themselves and only give pre-programmed reactions to illegal opinions because everyone wants to be a goodest guy, bigot?
he says, giving a pre programmed response about muh npcs when he sees that his attempts to make a circlejerk as not working as intended

>> No.4326383

doesn't surprise me. /pol/ a few years ago might have been able to but all that's left there now is bottom of the barrel baby boomers who came from facebook. the place is a wasteland of stupidity and stale uncreative shit these days.

>> No.4326386

You don't have to pander the absolute lowest common denominator to get anywhere anon. Also people that feed off of outrage and join mobs no matter what, aren't the type of people that support anything, money wise, long term. So there's absolutely no reason to be beholden to people like that. Also if you look at the artist mentioned in OP, most people in the twitter apology are telling her that she didn't do anything wrong.
Something tells me that your a coombrain smut artist that draws futa and trap characters and calls them trans.

>> No.4326405

Does this site look like a time machine or why are you replying to an already finished discussion?
Don't call others retarded if you can't even manage to read past your trigger words, smoothbrain

>> No.4326418

why are you so upset? I didn't even call anyone retard. Calling someone smooth brain when you yourself have the comprehension of a 8 year old nigglet.

>> No.4326443
File: 526 KB, 1024x576, Default_Dancing_Stick_Figure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect for the artist. As much as I hate the eternally offended, I hate historical revisionism much, much more.

>> No.4326444
File: 18 KB, 500x370, 1568322961965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am upset
because you hear my voice over text, yes, indeed
>can't into abstract language
my reading comprehension is maxed out
>look mom i said the n-word
Work on your aim, you autistic nike factory employee

>> No.4326473
File: 54 KB, 718x400, I was only pretending to be retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your coming at me for dropping my two cents on what someone said on a public mongolian throat singing forum thinking your being clever. Calling me triggered and saying I called someone a retard, of course I'm gonna call you a nigger because your acting like one. I know for a fact your were gonna cry about it too, I was right . Say all you want that it was abstract language, but your fucking stupid.

>> No.4326493

So this settles the debate then
kaguya > mokou

>> No.4326511
File: 142 KB, 424x494, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__ea138096b79e7999d7a65e12c861f81e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326512

lurk moar, newfag

>> No.4326624


>> No.4326726
File: 38 KB, 336x476, 1537109644503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4326730

I don't want to "make it", I want to please myself with my art. If others like it, that's just a bonus.

>> No.4326782
File: 42 KB, 462x489, 591A0201-6079-48CD-B3AF-A645A627B696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326785
File: 167 KB, 382x429, 55289406-DCCC-4896-B993-22C0EBCC7FFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326787


>> No.4326788
File: 132 KB, 900x652, 2a6aac4391a872929c7c5723e5e493db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws this along with the joker meme face but backs out from deus meme

>> No.4326793
File: 40 KB, 392x462, D3A9C193-3E14-4EF8-8233-FF89B68399EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326795
File: 207 KB, 425x522, 80AF082E-2664-41AC-BCA0-5C5EAE22B2E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326957

Im getting my wacom in 2 months.
Tick tock sakimifags

>> No.4327106

>in two months
Someone will be better than you for 2 months apart before you could even get a tablet

>> No.4327138

most people just use it in general for anything funny that can be related to them, not in a desire to hate or offend, in that case it tends to be most piss poor executions by people that know little about history to indirectly pretend that they are not offending anyone or directly offend somebody in which they also know little to nothing about except from daily redpilling and conspiracies, maybe this is the reason on why it is mostly taken as a innocent meme and nothing else, which is a good thing

>> No.4327187

>Afro Arabs don't exist
Stupid brainlet

>> No.4327486


and yet 5 years later begs are still begs

oh no no no no

>> No.4327517
File: 134 KB, 323x241, 1446600449636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4327612

Poor artists got tricked by the shitty poltards.
Good on them to still not become turned over to their hateful side.

>> No.4327618

Damn, why is this artist such a pushover? I would've fought that shit, it's just a cute fucking drawing.

>> No.4327879

People can make the conscious choice to not do something anymore if they find out it was harmful or offensive in a way they didn’t intend. That’s not the same thing as being bullied and harrased into doing something. Most people would want to take art down if they realized neo-nazis wanted to use it or that some one was hurt by it.

>> No.4327880

It’s kind of hard to say which of you is better just based on these drawings desu.

>> No.4327882

I’m an incel and don’t condone this behavior at all.

>> No.4327883

This is why you have a hard time making friends with normal people.

>> No.4327886

I was going to say that no one who defended the dues vault pic was actually okay with nazi stuff but Kim realizing this was very retarded of me.

>> No.4328248

Don't agree with deletion

>> No.4329343

Apologizing is why Terese Nielsen doesn't work for WotC anymore, her "crime" was her wife retweeting a boomer meme from an "alt-right" twitter account.
Paltering and ignoring the harassment is why Steve Argyle still works for WotC after drawing lesbian softcore of the company's PG13 IP.

>> No.4329348

I wouldn't. I'm not responsible for other people's actions unless I directly demand said actions be taken.

If you think otherwise you're a retard and should speak with someone who lived through MacCarthyism to learn how easy it was to maliciously ruin other people's careers thanks to a red scare culture.