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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4322332 No.4322332 [Reply] [Original]

>.NET full stack engineer.
>Self-taught jazz and fusion guitarist.
>Can draw sexy anime girls
How do I attain this level of power?

>> No.4322338

Make everything your hobby and have fun.

>> No.4322347

Be smart and don't have shit parents who ruin your life.

>> No.4322360

Be creative and disciplined

Wake up early, all successful people wake up before 9 am

>> No.4322369

Perish and make a deal with the reaper to reborn endlessly until you stockpile beautiful line drawings that we will dub talent in 2036.

>> No.4322379

>web dev

>> No.4322387

full stack no less
and c#!

>> No.4322399


>> No.4322578
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By not being a brainlet and growing up around successful parents that instill positive behaviours into your life....

>> No.4322581

I wake up early and i still suck

>> No.4322659

My parents gaslighted me like no tomorrow when I was a kid

>> No.4322667

Don't waste your time chasing women like I did. And he's not that impressive.

>> No.4322692

By learning. Have you actually tried learning music or programming? You sound just like every other retard "I can't even draw a straight line, how do artists do it????".

>> No.4322698

I do both, and also in the process of learning to draw, which is why this guy is impressive to me

>> No.4322704

If he's smart enough to be an engineer then no shit hes smart enough to learn how to draw anime, it's like the easiest thing you can draw

>> No.4322715

Well, keep at it then.

>> No.4322719

>gaslighted me

>> No.4322747

Hes better at guitar than he is at drawing desu not that hes bad at drawing though

>> No.4322770

can i put self taught finger picking guitarist on my bio if the only song i can play is blackbird? maybe i should also include fine artist for that one copy of Michelangelo's david i did

>> No.4322778

Essentially this. I've seen a NEET adopted into a wealthy and connected community that went from psychosis and piss bottles to 4 different hobby masteries in 5 years.

If people ever really realize how linked their destitution is to those around them then there will be blood running in the streets.

>> No.4322782


>> No.4322784

They told him Santa was real

>> No.4322785

Imagine being so insecure you list all your “achievements” in your bio to feel some self worth.

>> No.4322786

Isn't that the point of a bio

>> No.4322787

Exactly, people don’t realize how much having a good mentor shapes your life. Every successful person has someone pushing them 9 times outta 10.

>> No.4322792

New game+

>> No.4322797

who cares, I work at FAANG, make more money and draw better than him. but i don't even have a twitter profile because im not not coping like you or the guy you're posting about

>> No.4322802

How is having twitter coping

>> No.4322804

His art is shit, black and white anime girls in skimpy clothing isn’t worth bragging about

>> No.4322809


>> No.4322813

Well I like it

>> No.4323084
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I'm also all of this. However I'm a good software engineer, a mediocre artist and downright bad at guitar. I just want to get better at art at the moment

>> No.4323094

Can we see some of your art then anon? If you don't have a twitter profile or post anywhere that would link you to yourself in real life, then what is the harm in showing us?

>> No.4323122

It's not quite pro level but it's still better than almost all of this board.

>> No.4323127

Be born with talent. If you don't have the right genes you literally can't attain that power and skills.

>> No.4323130

that's because you wake up early and do nothing with that time

>> No.4323145

I was always a natural when it comes to programming despite not putting in nearly as much effort as I should have in my earlier years.
Talent isn't real but the basis for skill certainly is genetic. This is probably the hardest pill for anyone wanting to pursue their hobby to swallow.

>> No.4323179

If people would admit this, they couldn't blame you for your faults anymore. People always need scapegoats and people to spit on, thus they just ignore the big impact your parents have on you.

>> No.4323237
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>If people ever really realize how linked their destitution is to those around them then there will be blood running in the streets.
This makes me sad. I guess this is linked to social mobility? At least here in northern europe social mobility is as high as it gets according to the charts I've seen.

It's pretty good to be reminded of though even if you live in a "worse" country. We can still strive to put ourselves in situations, contexts etc. which leads us to where we want to be no matter were you are in life right now.

>> No.4323240

It's the one spot where I wouldn't call it bragging desu. It helps people quickly gauge what your interests are and if they want to keep scrolling or follow you, no?

>> No.4323253
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.NET is not "real" programming;
We haven't listened to his guitar skills to assess them;
His drawings are ok but probably very limited in scope to boring coomshit.

So the answer is: spread your "talent" thin by being passably ok in everything you do, instead of going for excellence at something. And then when you say what you do or know, leave out the part where you're not a specialist, just say "I'm an artst, I'm a musician, I'm a programmer".

>> No.4323461

huge cope

>> No.4323535

We're reaching cope levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.4323586
File: 90 KB, 380x380, 1495859427879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not my fault I suck!
>Its talent!
>Its my Parents!
>Its the Weather!
>Its that HotPocket I had last week!
>I'm not Responsible for my own inabilities!

>> No.4323595

>dude just choose to have high tier genetics bro
>dude just go back in time and make your parents raise you right

>> No.4323599

Another worthless webshitter with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.4323603

if youre blaming your art skills on genetics youre a fucking moron

if you were born with eyes you have no excuse, youre not trying to be a fucking high level martial artist l m a o
and once youre in your 20s you cant blame everything on your parents you fucking loser

>> No.4323638
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>Bro, I don't have freewill
>Dude, I can't seek to better myself.
>The fifty fourth star from the galactic center was shinning to bright, beaming radiation into my mother's womb causing me to be born just dumb enough to be unable draw, but not dumb enough for me to tell others how retarded I am, man.
>Dudebro, I'm just going to wait for things to get better on their own.
>Brodude, I have to absolve myself of responsibility so I can sleep at night.
>Come on bro, I just want to continue to wallow in my own self inflicted misery.
>Dude I got to play Videogame of current month, bro.
>Mandude, I got to watch flavor of the month with my Dudemans, bro.
>Its not my fault, bro...
>I want to, but I can't, bro!

>> No.4323654


>> No.4323665

>and once youre in your 20s you cant blame everything on your parents you fucking loser
>parents raise you in a literal cardboard box for 20 years
>can't walk, can't talk, never seen sunlight
>can't blame parents

Who, again, is responsible for how the time of a nine-year-old is spent?
If you just look, you'll find that nearly everyone successful had supportive parents because that's the only way you can spend 20 years learning skills and building connections BEFORE you're supposed to enter the real world. If it's possible to waste your time, it's possible for your parents to waste your time too. You can blame them, they should have more responsibilities than having unprotected sex once and sending you to school when you're old enough.

You can also give them a magnificent fuck you by becoming successful anyways and fucking them over when they're too old and sick to survive on their own.

>> No.4323676

Genetics is a jewish trick. All people are equally talented.

>> No.4323680

My brain damage is not genetic.

>> No.4323948

Projecting copers.

>> No.4323982
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It's not cope, he is certainly better at those 3 things than I am.
But I speak 5 languages, 2 fluently, one advanced, one intermediate (can communicate fine) and one I can only understand (but very well) and not speak it.

So going by this dude's self-reporting style, I can claim to be an artist AND a polyglot, even though I'm only at a comfortable level on 2 languages. OP would see me throwing some French lines over Twitter and be all OH NOOO HOW CAN HE BE SO TALENTED

>> No.4323997

>.net full stack engineer
i would be embarassed to call myself an 'android engineer', let alone if i was doing webshit. chances are this person sucks shit at everything they mentioned in their bio
>b-but they d-draw da anime g-gud
nope. doesn't matter unless they have original ideas. which they do not.

>> No.4324000

this. i'm an artist (it's my hobby), a fiction writer (creative writing as an undergrad), a musician (hobby), a programmer (job), an historian (classical studies at university) an athlete (go to the gym), and have started multiple online business ventures (which all fizzled out or made mediocre returns). if you saw all that shit on my bio you would just assume i was the world's most gigantic faggot

>> No.4324011

>We haven't listened to his guitar skills to assess them;


I think I like his guitar music a lot more than his art. His art isn't bad at all, it's just that I'm not interested in more generic big titty coomer animu art. I respect people who can juggle working full time and still dedicate time to doing fulfilling hobbies like art/music.

>> No.4324030

I'm halfway to each of those points

>> No.4324054

Huh... I'm no musician, and correct me if I'm wrong but... isn't this one of those scales you can just play whatever notes and it'll always sound in tune?
If so, he failed to make anything interesting out of these sequences and just managed to hit all notes inside the scale. That speaks VERY LITTLE about his musicianship.

>I respect people who can juggle working full time and still dedicate time to doing fulfilling hobbies like art/music.
Agreed. I just don't like this level of "confidence" that >>4324000 demonstrates, it goes from "haha I'm a hobbyist ^^" to almost bragging.
But then again I can't even take a compliment on my art without sperging out, so what do I know about the outer audience.

>> No.4324108

>Huh... I'm no musician, and correct me if I'm wrong but... isn't this one of those scales you can just play whatever notes and it'll always sound in tune?
yeah, shut the fuck up please

>> No.4324161

Explain why I'm wrong, Mozart.
The only time I dabbled into j*zz I was taught some augmented chords that set up the harmony in a way that you can just spam the pentatonic scale and no note will ever sound off-key.

I don't have any instruments to try and dissect what he's using, but I'm getting the same sandbox vibe from that video.
Also PYM.

>> No.4324167

>isn't this one of those scales you can just play whatever notes and it'll always sound in tune?
This the funniest thing I have read this week.

>> No.4324181


No (You) for u u are too retarded

>> No.4324209

Been following his stuff for a while because olchan. Realize with a lot of these types of artists that they can ONLY draw this very specific niche. They don't practice much of anything outside of this and when they do it's usually heavily traced. It's easy to get tricked into thinking someone is more skilled at a general field (drawing) because you've seen them execute the same task over and over. I notice this a lot with Japanese fighting game artists. They can draw whoever their main character is incredibly well but when it comes to drawing anything else at a fundamental level they're absolutely horrible. NM is kinda like that but with tomboys

imo that's kinda shitty and sloppy

>> No.4324276

Please tell me more about this NEET, they sound really interesting.

>> No.4324284
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So you won't elaborate on why I'm wrong?

Here, I took 5 minutes to set up a chord progression and demonstrate "improv music" is 90% illusionism.

Now prove you know what you're talking about or go back to pretending you know what you're talking about when it comes to drawing instead.
And don't dare to move goalposts or I'm calling your mom.

>> No.4324307

No one said you're wrong. You're just retarded for implying it's a bad thing to play off key fuckin faggot

>> No.4324308

*bad thing to not play off key

>> No.4324632

Which languages?

>> No.4324660

you're so retarded lol

>> No.4324664

>DSK Asian Dreams
keking at this pleb.
first of all, you have to be dreaming if your shit is proving to be anything more that a retarded bait, second of all, soloing on the guitar as he did is a billion times more complicated that your shitty doodle on your non-midi keyboard.

>> No.4324699
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who's gonna tell em, lads?

>> No.4324782

>you have to be dreaming if your shit is proving to be anything more that a retarded bait
Very solid argument!
I showed everything needed: never went off-key even though I was pressing any button without any thought, and this was the point contested by anons.
>soloing on the guitar as he did is a billion times more complicated that your shitty doodle on your non-midi keyboard
What did I tell about moving the goalposts?

Can you point out where I said that? I just said there is no challenge in playing in-key when you use a harmony where "anything goes".
You can play the major scale of C over a chord progression in C and it will require care not to play the wrong notes and cause dissonance. That doesn't happen with my example, so the challenge is removed. And I believe he's doing the same kind of trick to improvise as he wishes.

But instead of confirming/denying this particular fact, /ic/ acts as if what I said about such scales existing was made up or completely wrong. Now that I've shown it exists, that doesn't seem to be the complaint around here anymore. And no one gave any proof of understanding about music by saying what he is playing on the guitar.

This is very insightful of how you fags operate when it comes down to drawing-related discussions, glad to discover it applies to all fields of "knowledge".

>> No.4324980

>free will
even pro-free will agree that free will isn't a thing

>> No.4325132

delusional prick. No one has corrected you because you're retarded. I'll do you one, he's playing the major blues scale, you fucking mong.

>> No.4325146

>i am no music expert, nor do I claim to be, however I think that, now correct me if I'm being silly, I do suspect that some sort of concept in music called, "scales" exists. And if you hit those scales in accordance to the appropriate key, it will sound good no matter what.
you're onto something man. Keep going..

>> No.4325428
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The fact that I don't know about Determinism should tell I don't let outside factors out of my control affect whether I do or don't do something. I find it amazing the mental gymnastics you and people like you do to justify your inabilities. The time you spend scouring the web for pseudosciences and looking for reasons why you cant, just to reaffirm you preconceived notion you've already set in your mind is truly astonishing.

I bet your parents made you look into Determinism, right? They abused you into shitposting on 4chan too. You made the decision to do those things just as you could have spent the same time learning to draw.

It is true, high entertainment when tards like yourselves actively defend you're inabilities. Maybe its best you don't draw because maybe if your autism was directed in the right place you might actually amount to something.

>You can do it anon!
>N-no! Here's one hundred reasons why!

Please keep posting because I want to keep laughing.

>> No.4325620

Unironically cringed, where does this whole projection come from kek? all I did was call you out on your belief of a topic that has been debunked.
You're irrelevant in the equation, the fact that you know or not something here doesn't matter, you don't know how your computer works beyond the surface level but you're using it nor do you know all the laws of physics at play right not allowing the world to work coherently and yet they operate on you at all time

If anything being aware of the deterministic state of the world allows your brain to take into account the few different factors that he is able to grasp (for example your current emotional state) and act in a way that would benefit you more after appropriate consideration instead of being purely instinct based

Anyway it's not my role to educate anonymous brainlets so we're done here. Do you own research really.

>> No.4325630

Behold, the primeval ideal of an /ic/ capitalist bootlicker
You people are fucking insufferable, and I hope a revolution happens soon so you can find yourself on the other end of a gun you pathetic person

>> No.4325642

>2 fluently
Spanish natively, English
>one advanced
>one intermediate
>one I can only understand

>> No.4325741
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Right, but in you true understanding you take the stance to be a defeatist. You can either allow those factors keep you or continue onward. Choosing the path of least resistance is a lot easier than committing yourself to a lifetime endeavor. Reading up on theory in a few days is a lot easier than choosing to repeatedly fail.

You have convinced me however, I will take uneducated grugbrain and so some research in my spare time so I can have a deeper understanding of what could possibly make people have such a attitude so I have new avenues to laugh for the next time. My discontent is when you guys spew your nonsense on those most vulnerable at the beginning of their journey; It not enough to just stop yourself from drawing for some reason. I've butt heads with enough talent tards to know its like talking to a brick wall.

I swear it gets more elaborate everytime, I'd wish you the best, but I know that wouldn't help you guys. You guys give me the best shit eating grins, I truly look forward to more.

>> No.4325902

Why are you so angry? Relax bro, we’re all friends here

>> No.4325940

>none that matter aside from English
Learn a language that people care about like Japanese

>> No.4325951
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"Major blues scale" means nothing. It includes many scales, including the pentatonic one I used in my example, good job.

That's not me, but let me explain the joke: he mentioned 4 Romance languages and 5 Indo-European ones.

>> No.4326085
File: 62 KB, 1024x961, CtdmC5XUkAAi43A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon. It sounds good because of his guitar technique. not the scales.

>> No.4326086
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>"Major blues scale" means nothing. It includes many scales, including the pentatonic

>> No.4326095

>Talent isn't real but the basis for skill certainly is genetic. This is probably the hardest pill for anyone wanting to pursue their hobby to swallow.

While not untrue, it's not the complete truth either.

I, too, had a very easy path through programming and I was top tier at my first job, with people who had been working there for years. Not a matter of bragging, but it brings me to my point.

Even though I took to programming very easily, I still worked hard at it. Even though I didn't have to work as hard as someone who maybe wasn't built for programming, none of the other guys worked half as hard as I did.

I also met people who had a hard time grasping programming but worked hard at it (harder than I did) and surpassed me.

In short, people who don't have talent AND work hard, can definitely reach the level of someone who has talent AND ALSO works hard. It just takes longer.

Additionally, I feel like this talent thing is a boost at the beginning but there's diminishing returns which get replaced with hard work. Basically not having to start at absolute shit tier.

Don't let lack of talent keep you from working hard.

That's my observation, anyway.

>> No.4326099

Not him but there's no such scale that "always sounds in tune". The pentatonic scale you mentioned is just a cut down version of a minor scale that can sound good on more chords than usual, but that's about it.

If you don't like it, you don't like. I don't like it either. But shooting a man down because of his choice of scale is so fucking weird lol

Also, doesn't look like he's using the pentatonic scale here.