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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4318085 No.4318085 [Reply] [Original]

Putting aside the plot, how do you make it. Unlike illustrator that only focus on grinding drawing skills, there are also the elements of panelling, composition, storyboard, etc. that a mangaka has to deal with. Any advice?

>> No.4318107
File: 321 KB, 1400x2008, 1565672936465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a book and copy others

>> No.4319340

Go read framed ink but yeah it's mostly about reading to get ideas.

>> No.4319344

Start making comics asap so you can get used to figuring out panel and page compositions, and from there you will learn what your technical weakpoints are. Read other comics and watch movies to see how they use panel compositions to create mood/pacing

>> No.4319361

take screenshots from a movie scene you like, copy the camera angles. making comics by scott mccloud has tips on pacing, picking key moments, etc. make sure it flows in the direction its read, and there isnt too much mess getting in the way. if someone has to stop and figure out how what theyre looking at, the flow is gone. same for lettering, consistent size, dont squish it into a bubble, use a good font.

>> No.4319426

This. It has everything you need to know.

>> No.4319465

mega link for this book?

>> No.4319480

storyboarding is basically comics. i do not know what you meant by this.

>> No.4319517
File: 622 KB, 972x1505, ic-chan manga how to drawing ch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use software like Comipo


>> No.4319566
File: 356 KB, 1315x1285, 1539479781207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know any books about storyboarding?

>> No.4319620

Why the fuck would you do that when CSP exists?

>> No.4320068

I have a ton of notes on cartooning in my moleskine but they're slightly pedantic. A few on manga as well but I haven't transferred them yet.

>> No.4320082

This channel has a lot of useful info on how the Japs make their manga

This blog has useful info on comics in general

>> No.4320726
File: 496 KB, 744x1000, PSX_20200120_050428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this, so far? I took as much viable critique as I could from my last attempt on this particular page.

>> No.4320781

Composition is very good, can very clearly follow the storytelling without much in the way of visual noise. Linework is pretty interesting and adds a lot of visual appeal. Upper panel looks a bit off with the house sitting atop what appears to be a stone spire, could probably use some more background elements to properly establish scene. Face on the old man in the big panel looks a bit wonky and took me a second to realize it was the same character on the cutoff panel. Probably needs some adjustment around the mouth and mustache.

7.5/10, good job, keep at it.

>> No.4320927

Thanks for the input. I see I hafta focus more on drawing people at different angles

>> No.4320942
File: 1.01 MB, 678x950, 1571770245502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a western comic

Just by doing something like this it looks more like a manga

>> No.4320965


>> No.4321038

Feels barren, like the scenarios need more things to make them feel lived in

>> No.4321064
File: 465 KB, 695x1053, 6EC7697E-01A9-4551-86E1-9A2988C0E602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks too western like youre trying to mimic japanese style instead of actually finding your own anime style.
The dojo building is too japanese also. This looks sci-fi when looking at the other panels so just make it a sci-fi building rendered in manga style. You dont have to remind the reader what the influences are.
Kill that tangent at the top of the girls head and turn her around to make it feel more like manga. She’s way too big in this page composition for us to be staring at her back. Thats some western comic shit.
Manga will always use a full body to show off a cool transformation or to show who now has dominance in a battle in shonen.
Also this whole establishing panel is too static. It reads like she’s just standing there letting them admire her or something. This is really enforced by her t pose position.. she isnt doing anything.
I broke that up in my redraw that huge panel is doing nothing in your current layout. Its showing nothing. Its too close to show the environment and nothing is happening substantial like a brutal punch or something.

Also work on your shapes. Do thumbnails over and over. Your shapes should be visible from space. This page isnt interesting enough to keep a reader. Also you arnt leading the flow of the readers eye down the page.

Notice in my redraw...

1 the forced perspective on the dojo turns the subject matter into a triangle leading them more into the panel from the top middle. The rocks gather towards the girls head thats overlapping to lead into the next panel

2 full body drawing with the ponytail leading into next panel.

3 face close up with forced perspective is an inverted trangle leading into last panel

Study Oda of one piece and Akira toriyama. Fuck everybody else. One piece is the best selling comic by a single artist of all time and theres a reason for that. He’s a master of composition and he learned it from Toriyama. The flawless flow of his pages keeps the reader in his work. Good luck.

>> No.4321066

iT lOoKs ToO wEsTErN

>> No.4321076

Also to add to my redraw i would probably add an over head wide shot of the interior of the characters positions in the scene and the setting before going to the full body panel.

>> No.4321081

Don't shitpost genuine crits. It's obvious what anon was going for, so it's fair to help him hit that.

>> No.4321444
File: 954 KB, 3072x1965, 7125361805_083696e805_3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy others
One very successful manga author advises against this:

>SJA: Do you have any advice for aspiring mangaka?

>MK: Don’t read too much manga. [laughs]
>Personally, I didn’t grow up reading manga, and instead, I was inspired by reading a lot of novels and watching movies. If you continue to just read your favorite manga series and emulate it, it’ll be very difficult to make a manga that surpasses the original. You might as well try out a manga that you don’t like, because once you start to analyze why it works for others, you’ll start to get ideas from that. Also you should have fun in your life. Go out and explore. Experience as many things as possible. Then draw. Just try to draw a manga and show it to people.

>> No.4321447
File: 254 KB, 777x1200, G16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masashi Kishimoto?

>> No.4321661
File: 649 KB, 595x842, Thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a quick rough thumbnail of how I would do it:

Panel 1: the establishing shot should also suggest the mood. I did it by setting it at night, using 3 points perspective with a tilted angle, and putting one side of the building in full shadow. With all this black you can also use contrast to guide the eye. The lit side of the building is where the action is.

Panel 2: same ideas. More shadows to suggest mood and also guide the eye. The camera is low and close to the girl, so she's bigger than the two guys, and the two guys are framed by the girl's thighs.

Panel 3: I used another panel because to me your second panel was doing two things at once, showing the menace of the girl and the reaction of the old man. So I separate them to focus on one thing at a time.

Panel 4: Basically what you did.

>> No.4322017

Looks awesome!
I didn't do too detailed a BG for the house, because a classmate was gonna do some extra stuff in the BG, digitaly. The house is supposed to be floating on a rock in the middle of nowhere due to the little kids power.

I alsoay have posted this in the wrong thread. I don't think we're making a manga. I think we're just doing a comic

>> No.4322024

I should also note, they're hiding in a basement corner.

>> No.4322026

Very nice love how the camera zooms closer and closer in each panel. And the shapes are so complex. Gives the page much needed weight considering the mood

>> No.4322071

How do you pick such dynamic angles and perspectives? It's really pulls me in.

>> No.4322107

Damn, that's nice

>> No.4322242

Curious. What's happening here? The old guy is scared of the lady, obviously. But why?

>> No.4322245

That's sofucking sexy. I could never pull of something like that

>> No.4322320

Sauce on the image? That's a cute Reimoo

>> No.4322833
File: 542 KB, 1280x1812, V_B_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Yukari going to comiket doujin though

>> No.4322903

What is this page from?

>> No.4323073
File: 67 KB, 773x138, 1579413805721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Araki is secretly based and redpilled

>> No.4323107

Are you new? Do you know how to respond to people?

>> No.4323118


>> No.4323152

I love this, really nice style and use of blacks.
do you do comics, or have a blog I can follow?

>> No.4323252

Super good posts.

>> No.4323267

And Toriyama learned muscles and composition from copying scenes from Bruce Lee movies from VHS in the early 80's.

>> No.4323392

Oda started drawing from copying Disney movies.

>> No.4323618

I think Annos advice phrases this a lot better. You want to take inspiration from multiple places and make something that is your own instead of an emulation of someone else. If you make your own thing you'll be the best at it, if you try to copy someone else you'll always be a worse version of them.

>> No.4323623

There's also lots of successful manga authors that are saying how copying is important.

>> No.4324048
File: 284 KB, 835x1200, b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuukan Shounen Hachi. Sadly it got the axe

>> No.4324216

sir a demand a blog

>> No.4324531
File: 520 KB, 863x544, family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like it

>> No.4324677

I always see manga/(web)comics that would fall under (battle)shounen and/or superpower stuff that get posted and crits in these threads. Should I even bother with a sol story?

>> No.4324679

Make what you want to make.

>> No.4326547

sol stuff is very popular with the right crowd

>> No.4326607

What I'm having a lot of issues with is character design
For some reason I can barely think of one that could meet the three most basic rules I'm using (easy to replicate, unique enough to be recognizable as an outline, matches the character sheet) and I wonder if it's because I'm just not creative or because I've set a bar that's too high
doesn't help that in the story takes part in a school with uniform clothes and hairstyles, so that easy way out goes down the shitter

one idea is to think of movies, shows, cutscenes etc. - they all at a stage go through storyboarding, and they're not too far apart from each other
of course, you need to remember that it's one thing to show something on-screen for 5s and different to put it as a static image, so you will need to be a bit more condensed - and to use a more 'boring' shot if need be
other than that unironically parrot what you like, if a shot/page composition/etc. resonates with you there's no shame in reusing that

man I'd love to one day be at Eiji Masuda's level, his expression game is on point

>> No.4327610

Can you post the page when y'all are finished?

>> No.4327682

My guess would be she's here to kill the kid for whatever reason is making him smoke and his dad (?) is trying to stop her. Like maybe he's a "good" demon and she's a demon hunter, or something similar.

That's what I get.

>> No.4327719

thank you pal

>> No.4327797

Comics is heavy on literary. Manga is simple

>> No.4327907

death note disagrees.

>> No.4330459

can you post an example we can rate?

>> No.4330956

manga is translated from another language entirely, of course the translator is going to dumb the language down for muricans

>> No.4333573


>> No.4333755

>Comics is heavy on literary.