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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 489 KB, 740x950, Bruce Timm Naughty and Nice p304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4320317 No.4320317 [Reply] [Original]

How does your gf feel about you drawing pron/nsfw/coom art?

Is she cool with it, or does it bug her?

If it bugs her, what argument can be made that justifies you making coom art when she doesnt like it?

>> No.4320324

I do loli and she doesnt care, I have proven myself worthy of a relation long ago and she is not the kind of over possessive person, pretty much lets me be.

>tan marks

A man of taste

>> No.4320327

There is no argument, either she accepts you’ll continue doing the things you like doing or she can fuck off. Anything else just means you’re delaying a mutual headache.
Look at it from the other perspective, if your gf’s a porn artist and you have a problem with it, what are you going to do, pester her until she stops it and starts drawing something that doesn’t trigger you?

>> No.4320330

god im so lonely and horny

>> No.4320332
File: 80 KB, 593x663, 1564879533459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy getting cucked out of your artgains by having a Roastie siphon all the time, soul and energy right out from you.

>> No.4320347


>> No.4320361

we've been drawing loli and shota shit together ever since we met
dumb sataniaposter

>> No.4320375

My gf gives redlines and poses for me

Biggest fag on the board

>> No.4320398

I'm a gay man, but my boyfriend is pretty supportive of it. sometimes i will draw porn and show it to him and he will be into it as well. it feels nice

>> No.4320404

Why can't W*men be more like this?

>> No.4320411
File: 2.22 MB, 540x540, Aq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like artist girl.
>Only person to consistently post own work on her Discord.
>Only response is from her goons and their vapid emote praise.
>Will never know her opinion of my work.
>Know that she can't mention her thoughts else she would play favorites.

>> No.4320414

My girlfriend is an anime pillow and I don't draw porn. There is no better way to avoid conflict.

>> No.4320421

Imagine being so fucking lonely and void of any interaction that you are actually contemplating about being noticed by some attention whoring Discord tranny. You're the type that enables rampant thottery by giving donations to e-thots for a couple of minutes of instant gratification coming from a cunt.

>> No.4320431

Totally cool since she is not existant

>> No.4320479
File: 294 KB, 1120x1600, s-l1600-1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are more naturally interested in art than men are
>all through high school and college, women outnumbered men in all my art classes
>every male artist I know has a girlfriend who has some artistic skill or the same interests as the guy
>I still cannot get a girlfriend who can draw or paint
I don't get this, I think I am just really ugly.

>> No.4320504

I've dated a lot of women but I never get along romantically with female artists

>> No.4320514

It's because you aren't drawing gay anime porn

>> No.4320517

One time I followed some twitter reco's and learned that gay porn artists are among the most talented I've seen. None of it turned me on, mind you, but it was technically impressive.

>> No.4320518

I have no gf bc no girls like like chubby asian midgets >:(

>> No.4320522

My wife likes the shit I draw and is kool with it.
Shes a good reference too.

>> No.4320523

But I am drawing gay anime porn as we speak kek

>> No.4320524

Let us see! Let us see!

>> No.4320527

I have no desire to share my porn with my wife, and I'm sure it would be a huge problem. I'm way past the point of getting off to it, and mostly concerned with the artistic skill involved. I'll keep it to myself.

>> No.4320528


>> No.4320532

It's 2020 you can come out of the closet. No one cares anymore.

>> No.4320534

jesus kid go outside

>> No.4320536


>> No.4320538

My ex got turned on by my porn.

>> No.4320545

Coomer """artists""" don't have girlfriends, in fact they have never seen a naked woman. This should be pretty obvious from the anatomy of their drawings

>> No.4320554

Post your drawings of hands so I can laugh about you never having seen hands.

>> No.4320557

I'd rather jerk off than fuck anything I had a chance with. I gave it a go a few times and it was awful.

>> No.4320574

Nah, she's just tucking that away for when she needs something to use against you. Don't be fooled, you gave her a trap card.

>> No.4320600

by your logic porn makers never had sex or anything, because of the way the make sex look like

>> No.4320622

The vast majority of them are either severely disabled or autistic, and either have to resort of furry porn (millennial burger flipping) or fetish porn that would make any sane person puke.

You'd be surprised how many of them are.complete virgins.

>> No.4320624
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 1487116413554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get a gf and maintain a relationship when you have asperger? I need my strict routines, my life isn't very exciting since I kind of do the same things everyday, communicating with other people are pretty hard, I can do it but I prefer to be alone, but it does get really lonely some times and would be nice with some company. I guess the girl would need to be ok with all that, there must be someone r-right?

>> No.4320628

My ex-gf was pretty supportive and when i stopped for a while we even argued over it.
She was happy i was making money doing what i liked and wasn't feeling bad in a job i hated. She was however an art history teacher, so there was that.
The girl i'm seeing now has no idea i still do it, i showed her some stuff and she liked it but it was really tame stuff from back when i started. She just thinks i do freelance illustration and doesn't really know the details. I'll tell her if we ever end up actually dating, but for now that's too much information

>> No.4320740

Am a girl who mostly draws bara/furry/bdsm/dickgirls for money. my bf is supportive but also pretty normie so it’s fun to shock him.

>> No.4320745


>> No.4320746

[Citation nee

>> No.4320747

[Citation needed]

>> No.4320792
File: 45 KB, 674x717, 1579272726843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have aspergers and I have really pretty gf for 5 years now and ist great. Just bee your self. you dont even need to talk and trying to much like (((they))) told you in tv, grills love to talk and you just can pretend you are lisening. I also have 0 friends. I just draw, fuck, eat and dont have time to hangout in bar or some other dumb shit. life is too short and we all need to make it.

she does like it and she is laughting on people who are able to spend 350 bucks on one shitty painting. its fun

>> No.4320794

Bullshit, I've seen plenty of pictures of naked women.

Shows what you know.

>> No.4320795
File: 11 KB, 215x280, 1423926508253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Just bee your self.

>> No.4320808

i am the gf
i draw the coom

>> No.4320818
File: 93 KB, 691x1024, dcba3e672084db21eeac5d9d14f365b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true. I was trying too hard for years to get 6/10 girls. one time after I decided to not kill myself I said fuck it and I asked 10/10 (that I never saw) if she wants to go see a movie with me. she said yes, and we meet that evening (I really didn't expect of her to show up). I think that she was upset that I didn't call her or anything and she messaged me a few days after kino. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
Lick on these nuts and suck the dick
Get's the fuck out after you're done
And I hops in my ride to make a quick run, but I love my current gf.

>> No.4320821

If i had a gf I would find every excuse to draw her naked like every day.

>> No.4320825

Porn for women and porn for men have two completely different focuses, ive noticed. so maybe women have a harder time enjoying porn made for straight men.

Hehe thank u :') I'm not that good personally though. I mostly draw anime girls, but i have been experimenting with drawing guys as well. ive posted some of my art on ic before but everyone seems to think im a woman fujo.... lol

>> No.4321031

It's the other way around for me but my boyfriend is very supportive of it lol

>> No.4321041

My boyfriend would like for me to go into drawing porn.
Did he encourage you into it or was it already something you where doing?

>> No.4321046

my gf doesnt mind. she sometimes makes suggestions—though for some reason prefers realism, but she doesnt get in the way and i like her company.

>> No.4321051
File: 407 KB, 603x642, 1540589203264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Porn for women and porn for men have two completely different focuses
I don't know about you, but what makes my heart go dokidoki is the ambience and the two figures portraying a strong emotional bond like hand holding or making eye contact while they make sweet love. Makes both my heart and benis jump and my whole body feels like its exploding in orgasmic pleasure as the dopamine levels skyrocket and shooting through the veins. It's a euphoria like no other, but the most important piece that really makes it work is the ambience such as the use of warm colors, a pleasant environment and how the light bathes in the figures. /u/ material seems to be very good at putting the emphasis on these ambient and bonding traits.

>> No.4321059

This may possibly be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.4321061

I've wanted to for a while but was too embarrassed to, he encouraged me a lot. And I feel like I can get some good feedback from a coomer like him on how to make my porn appealing lol

>> No.4321117

literally this (minus the furry)

he doesn't even watch hentai

>> No.4321173

post work if you want to

>> No.4321276

Twink master race!

>> No.4321284
File: 16 KB, 174x231, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wonder what my future husband would think knowing I am a fujoshi and mostly draw shotacon.

>> No.4321298
File: 78 KB, 600x404, 1550294448941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've traded away any means of socializing and attempts of having a gf, in exchange for art gains.

I've not looked back since.

>> No.4321301

It's weird. I know eyes dont look the exact same shape or height but this just throws me off.

>> No.4321405
File: 353 KB, 2048x1983, IMG_20200120_154740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an art bf.

I like his drawings and I think they're very well done. He makes cash with his coomer art so I can't really complain. But it makes me insecure sometimes that the girls he draws look sexier than me with bigger tits and ass and such, even if they resemble me a lot (same clothes I have, hair etc).

It crossed my mind to end things with him because I'm not sure if im really his type with the kind of content he draws. Im this petite 5 ft mixed asian that makes pokemon fanart, and he's this chink guy that regularly draws thicc girls getting raped by faceless men. god I should just look for someone else that doesn't make degenerate trash

>> No.4321412

>He makes cash with his coomer art so I can't really complain.
>god I should just look for someone else that doesn't make degenerate trash

>> No.4321415

I'll date him instead anon, we can draw sexy thicc girls together forever

>> No.4321419

I like this girl and her art but I don’t know 100% if she is a girl and is gay/tranny.

>> No.4321427

>I’m mixed asian
>he’s a chink

>> No.4321446


>> No.4321527

You can let him go because he's a degenerate or because he's not your type, but to dump him because you think you're not his type?
That's not a problem of different types, it's a problem of communication between you two.

>> No.4321547
File: 339 KB, 1391x1920, 7699b9bcaa7b9d96689286c23ab25ba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare an anime like XL joushi to any hentai on hentai haven... there's a clear different focus and energy in each one

>> No.4322041

My bf clearly has an obsession with girls different than me, I mean that is what motivates him to wake up in the morning and draw girls with no organs everyday. People want to be genuinely liked for qualities they have in them. Yes, I know it's my problem not his. Also he's got ED due to being a coomer artist. He can't get it up when he sees a girl naked, sigh.

>> No.4322133

Guys don't get ED from looking at thick girls all day, they get it for a physical reason.
He's probably just a fap champ, it's the easiest thing to do.

>> No.4322293

Jealous of drawings? Really? Just because he's not drawing you in his art doesn't mean he doesn't like you, you idiot. I draw gigantic tiddies and th9ink they're hot but I love my gf and her cute B-cup tits.

>> No.4322528

This. It's not like he's ever gonna find a IRL girl like his drawings so don't need to worry about that.

>> No.4322776

No, get a low commitment pet like a turtle or cat and don't submit another human being to your antisocial behavior.

>> No.4322789

this girl sounds very insecure. i draw skinny girls with big tits but have and will fuck girls with a variety of body types i find attractive. dont judge someone

>> No.4322793

My ex was so fucking jealous of my main OC that she had a breakdown because I posted a pic of my OC on my tumblr the day after her birthday.

Women are fucked up, she was very pretty and used to being the center of attention and couldn't cope with the fact that she had to share my love with someone esle even if that someone isn't even fucking real. I suspect the same bullshit would've happend, or been even worse, if I had a daughter or a sister.

>> No.4322812
File: 792 KB, 900x900, EOOcIywUYAA3DSl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would prefer I didn't draw lewd stuff, she knows I'm a pervert and kinda gay. My sex drive is way beyond hers and she doesn't satisfy any of my kinks, I think she just accepts that I need a release. It might be trouble later on. If she'd suck me off every single night I'd spend more time drawing DND characters. We get along really well otherwise.

>> No.4323057

Very nice bait post

>> No.4323061

I dropped med school in my 2nd year to pursue art and i'm drawing coomer shit before i'm good enough to "make it."
She genuinely thinks i'm a fearless hero for doing that, it's awesome. I know her admiration will fade off when she realises we're gonna be poor.

>> No.4323067

My bf told me to draw nsfw now I make money with furry nsfw commissions but he gets flustered by drawing anything resembling a nipple
I wish he would draw nsfw because he knows how to animate and that would be great source of commissions but I respect his boundaries

>> No.4323080

>draw porn
>get gf
>can't decide whether I should quit drawing porn or come clean about it
I'm scared

>> No.4323082

>Why can't W*men be more like this?
gay people can't reproduce so sex isn't a big deal for them. With a straight couple, sex has a different meaning (making children) so the perspective on it is different.

>> No.4323093

>there must be someone r-right?
there unironically is but the problem is you actually have to break out of your comfort zone to try and find her.

>> No.4323114

My wife is suspicious why i like eating her pussy and making her suck my dick and drink my ejaculate when she already vonfirmed she ws my first gf and when my mainstream hobby that she know is sculpting wood statues for local churches and such.

I paint hentai porn images focusing on oral sex as I really like Fei's works.

>> No.4323151

>has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4323161

All these coomer ”artists”

Stop making trash and poisoning the art world even more dipshits...

>> No.4323182

You had me up until here.

>> No.4323185
File: 168 KB, 671x603, 1566057024626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw girls with no organs

>> No.4323223

OP is a pornnigger, he won't have gains anyway because his mind is clouded with coom.

>> No.4323236

I'm betting my teeth that Sakimichan have seen at least one naked woman in her life. The anatomy in her pinups is still garbage.

>> No.4323263
File: 332 KB, 1117x1000, 1558049744537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a gay man, but my boyfriend is pretty supportive of it
It's not "BUT", it's "THEREFORE".
You have to be a degenerate by default to be gay, so OF COURSE he's into your porn drawings, retard.
Your BUT makes it seem like the expected result of dating a gay man was that he'd make you go to church and policing your usage of the F-word.

>> No.4323294
File: 370 KB, 853x853, 1555365923434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Asian-American? Cause that'd be just typical, top paranoia as always.

>I suspect the same bullshit would've happend, or been even worse, if I had a daughter or a sister.
Very relatable. I told my last girlfriend "you should know I will always have two lovers: my career and our daughter (when we have one)".
Then I dumped her cause she had no life goals but also didn't fit the supporting housewife role.

>> No.4323296

They can be, you just haven't found one who is.

>> No.4323331
File: 33 KB, 1020x426, 1484743184423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an RP

>> No.4324002

He draws a version of you like that because that's how he sees you.

>> No.4324005

dont have a gf but if she had a problem with it i would drop her immediately. nothing worse than some dumb bitch trying to control aspects of your life for a moderate degree of emotional and sexual utility in return

>> No.4324010


>> No.4324524

You could break up with him, but you'd just get a guy that fantasizes you that same way rather than drawing it. Or you could, you know, talk to him.

>> No.4324572

Bf hates yaoishit so I hide that stuff. He thinks I mostly draw flowers and girl portraits. It’s just not worth the argument.

>> No.4325172

She likes it and uses it to masturbate. The things I make tend to be made with her tastes in mind a lot of the time because I like that.

>> No.4325179
File: 1.76 MB, 960x540, 1551301927640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4325520
File: 331 KB, 498x448, 1578067922879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my gf drew shotacon, or coom art in general; That would he hot AF.

>> No.4325542

My bf loves it and luckily we're into the same shit so it works out fine. He rates my work on fappability/10

>> No.4325544

She doesn't mind even if I'm drawing in front of her, if I draw from memory
She minds if I'm drawing in my home or anywhere because I look for porn references, and what she doesn't like is me watching porn

>> No.4325547

What's that? Is there any Proko tutorial on this?

>> No.4325563

I want gf artist that likes to draw bigger and thicker dicks than mine

>> No.4325821

Wait, !SataniaPoster^(tm) doesn't have a girlfriend?

>> No.4325829

You know, the others are right. I mean, even just
>Know that she can't mention her thoughts else she would play favorites.
is such a giGANTic red flag, why would you EVER seek the romantic attention of someone who treats men like they're running a fucking daycare? If they're not voicing opinions on the people in their community, then it isn't their community; it's their audience.

>> No.4326157
File: 11 KB, 183x275, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man I am starting this year ...ngl I think art was what made me stand out as an applicant. I am scared that med will kill my drive to make art. Is it worth dropping out of a comfy career and disappoint my parents to pursue my real passion? If I do it I won't have a second chance, and I don't even know if I am gonna be a good artist ... and I know I don't have to be a good doctor to make a decent living

>> No.4326160

t. severely disabled or autistic

>> No.4326972

>Have a bf that makes dosh, makes art, obviously cares otherwise you would comment on it
>Thinking of ditching him just because your own lack of confidence
>Thinking "upgrading" bf is even possible if the shit one is yourself

>> No.4326976

I’m the gf and im the one who draws porn (very very bad at it though)

>> No.4326995

Keep at it and you'll get good eventually.

>> No.4327018

the overwhelming majority of female artists I've known have all been stuck-up tumblrinas, you honestly aren't missing much.

>> No.4327153

Most women either don't give a fuck or enjoy drawing smut just as much as guys do. The latter are the kind you should seek out if you want a GF imo.

>> No.4327160

I'd go for fuck buddies personally as an aspie myself. That or a GF you aren't committed to. Preferably, get yourself a bisexual GF who's really horny for other girls.

>> No.4327257

My boyfriend doesn't mind the furry coom art that much since it helps pay all the bills. I also get nice things for him with all the furry shekels.

>> No.4327378

i used to have a gf who is a fairly popular nsfw artist. we're still close friends after our break-up though. while we were together, we shared a lot of the same fetishes, even down to the more taboo ones. I'm also female, and my social media presence isn't nearly as big as hers, mostly because I draw a lot more taboo things and I like to keep that stuff to myself. We would draw a lot of weird shit that we'd keep to ourselves, it was nice. She's really into big tits and ass and so am I, but I never felt insecure over her drawing those things that I know I didn't fit into. She's got big tits and a big ass so I think it might've been more connected to her seeing women like her... I guess? We still share art with each other privately, but there's less of an emphasis on sex now that we aren't together anymore.

>> No.4327568

Post your tit drawings and we'll talk, anon

>> No.4327904

not him but no don't drop out it's not a wise decision. you can do art on the side. don't leave your money making career until you see real promise w/ your art. like if you are making %50 of what you need to live from commissions etc. then you might consider quitting your job and pursuing art fulltime. anything less than that and it is a very foolish decision indeed. pay the bills first

>> No.4330721

Jump in a pit of gasoline, turn on your stove, and dance ontop of it.

>> No.4331393

Only ugly women hate porn. So unless you fell for the lower your standards meme you should be fine.

>> No.4332486

Why tf does my gf need to know I draw porn for fun. She looks in my SFW sketchbook and is happy, I've never felt compelled to say "hey baby check out this shortstack with a penis I drew on my PC"