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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 650x638, 1521469512317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4319904 No.4319904 [Reply] [Original]

Why most animes pictures clearly not follow loomis yet ic claims loomis is something every japanese learns?

Every anime picture has this garbage quality where it lacks tridimentional shapes and they're symbol drawing always, and always lack perspective.

>> No.4319911

Loomis is a meme for fundamentals and some constructive drawing which anime pictures actually have. Not a direct reference to Andrew Lommis'es books because they are frankly mediocre and not the best at anything.

>> No.4319917

I have literally never seen a single japanese anime drawing with proper construction.

>> No.4319918

another worthless frogposting thread. of course.

>> No.4319929
File: 75 KB, 552x750, e3bdd86be029c6154fb4f39c922ea0b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you have

>> No.4319930

look at the upper part of the back, it lacks structure.

>> No.4319933

look at the hand and lower part of the legs, it has no anatomy, nor overlapping shapes.

It's like all anime drawings, they lack proper construction.

>> No.4319934

also that picture lacks perspective.

>> No.4319937

It's good enough for a little girl with reeasonable body fat ratio. She's not a sub 1% bodybuilder to show every tendon, most people don't show all of their muscular structure.

>> No.4319938

there's no perspective, her behind boobs and behind legs should be shown.

look at the hands, it lacks construction.

>> No.4319940

It works if you imagine it as narrow angle lens shot, not a viewer crouching next to her.

>> No.4319942

her back legs should be shown, she is in ortographic perspective, which is 2D.

she lacks perspective.

>> No.4319945
File: 2.18 MB, 1200x1920, b184d7a72fdb840396d24ee0920b8745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets be honest here, you're a fucking nobody with a very vague idea on what drawing is talking shit about a veteran master of arts because it's an anime picture.

>> No.4319949
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1520531495220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not a real master
>keep posting pictures overendered with perspective mistakes
>post a picture where the face of the whore has a wrong alineation with the horizontal point of view
can u post real anime pictures without perspective errors?

It's perspective the final redpill for anime retards?

>> No.4319954

look at this whore upper right hand.
has wrong perspective compared to the body.

>> No.4319955

also her tits have wrong perspective compared to her eye level.

>> No.4319957

>overendered with perspective mistakes

Bitch has detailed finger extendors you reatded frogposter.
How's that for construction?
Do you construct the fucking extendors?
I bet you don't and nether did Loomis, well Nababa does.

How's this construction for you?

>> No.4319959

anatomy =/= perspective.

not a single anime artist care to learn about perspective.

>> No.4319961

are you being serious right now

>> No.4319963

also her background is not properly constructed in perspective.

have u ever read the loomis part about perspective?

look at her tits, below the eye horizon and they're drawn like if they were on top.

>> No.4319964


No they dont you absolute imbecile.
The hand has enough freedom of movement for that or any position and her left brest pulls up with her shoulder as she's reaching up behind her head.

If you think a person't nipples should conform to a perspectivee grid then you're fucking retaded.

One peerspective system only applies to ortogonal boxes that sit in the same orientation.
Anything tilted or rotated out of orientation needs another different horizon line,

>> No.4319967


Also drawing the construction for everything is a crutch

>> No.4319969
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1520543750463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>below the eye horizon drawn like if it was on top
>but is her style you just don't know about animu art

then why do u claim it has proper perspective?

>> No.4319975

Red line it since you're such an expert

>> No.4319977
File: 316 KB, 1504x2009, dsafdsfsdfdsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also her background is not properly constructed in perspective.
I just checked with perspective rulers. it's a nearly perfect 3 point perspective faggot.

>> No.4319980

never change, ic

>> No.4319982


>> No.4319984

>>below the eye horizon drawn like if it was on top
It just isn't and you're a faggot.

>> No.4319995

Stupid frogposter

>> No.4319996

why are you fucking FAGGOTS quarreling about??? it's a fucking ANIME DRAWING, it DOESN'T have to be mathematically correct with everything perfectly constructed in order to be good. it's not a fucking engineering project, it's a fucking DRAWING.
jesus, that's why 90% of this board will NEVER improve, you guys prefer to talk about stupid shit and set delusional goals to yourselves instead of actually fucking drawing.

>> No.4319997
File: 2.19 MB, 1408x1664, 1579541336161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, japanese know about perspective
>post always backgrounds
>however gooks never draw anime girls with perspective

>3 point
lmao no, at best is poorly made 2 point perspective.

>> No.4319999

>obvious perspective mistakes
>oh no, is muh style
then why use loomis if japs don't use loomis or even construction for their 2D prostitutes?

>> No.4320000

The joke is that the second picture actually is fucking perfect, a lot more advanced than anything Michelangelo ever did but a delusional retard is desperate to grasp at perceived flaws that don't even exist because muh anime bad.

>> No.4320001

>retard can't even see perspective on his mind
literally /beg/

>> No.4320002

Lmaoing at your lines

>> No.4320004

that's not the real argument, her upper hand has wrong perspective and her tits are in the wrong eye level view.

>> No.4320006
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-haha... m-muh style... s-stylized bad.. haha... f-fundamentals...

>> No.4320008

You will always be nothing more than a pseud if you don’t have the skill to back up your work

>> No.4320011

the argument isn't my skill.

but the perspective errors are pretty clear.

I haven't seen a single anime girl drawing ever on my life that doesn't have perspective mistakes.

>> No.4320013

>I haven't seen a single anime girl drawing ever on my life that doesn't have perspective mistakes.

again, it DOESN'T have to be perfect. shove this up your head and stop making shitty threads.

>> No.4320015

not talking about perfect.

I mean a single one anime prostitute that is drawn using perspective.

there's a diferent between having bad perspective AND NOT HAVING ONE.

>> No.4320016

You poor little miserable shit, you literally have no idea what the fuck are you even talking about.

Conferging points ONLY ONLY EVER apply to parallel lines.
You can check the perspective on the wall tiles, and it only fails a bit on the floor drain, but still in the ballpark.

Her body, it's just not strictly vertical and you can't put it in a fucking box, contrapposto and all neeither of her body part is strictly horisontal, vertical or parallel to one another and therefore it dosent conform to a fucking grid.

>> No.4320018
File: 132 KB, 795x1036, 1578442995920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this thread you may observe the two types of faggotry that plagues /ic/ - the faggot that is at the apex of mount stupid who talks the loudest in order to sound smart but knows fuck all or the faggot that actually believes the shit he spews out making you question how someone could be so confident yet so wrong. Stay golden, /ic/.

>> No.4320020

>the faggot that actually believes the shit he spews out making you question how someone could be so confident yet so wrong.

that's you

>> No.4320023
File: 178 KB, 288x415, 1520644479179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her tits that are lower on the horizontal point of view are drawn like if they were on top
>No, this is just her style
fuck off and read a single book on perspective, subhuman weeb.

>post a whore that lacks perspective and construction

>> No.4320024
File: 168 KB, 1200x1920, dsafdsfsdfdsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the argument isn't my skill.
It's not your skill. It's your lack of comprehension.

Everyhtng YOU think is wrong is actually RIGHT and what you think is right is actually wrong, because you're a fucking monkey who skimmed through a book and got everything backwards.

>> No.4320028

>fuck off and read a single book on perspective, subhuman weeb.

Her tits are drawn PERFECT and you are a cretin with wrong ideas.

>> No.4320029

look at her panty, it has not proper contruction, subhuman weeb.

also her shadow line countour doesn't follow proper planes, so it lacks construction.

>muh tits
fuck off coomer.

>> No.4320032

>even by his argument her face is flat and her left arm has not proper construction (AKA FLAT SYMBOL DRAWING)

>> No.4320033

look at her butt idiot, it shouldn't be visible if we follow your perspective.

>> No.4320035

Stop posting one reply after the other, write everything on a single post you fucking brainlet.

>> No.4320038

>also her shadow line countour doesn't follow proper planes, so it lacks construction.

You don't know the lighting conditions, bounce lights, tree shadows and the rest of the scene around her.

She doesn't stand under a pin light in a vacuum.

>> No.4320040

>retard doesn't know what are planes in a drawing

>> No.4320045

>look at her butt idiot, it shouldn't be visible if we follow your perspective.
>>even by his argument her face is flat and her left arm has not proper construction (AKA FLAT SYMBOL DRAWING)


See you don't understand anything.

Her body isn't strictly oriented parallel to the floor therefore you cant even put it in two point perspective.

>> No.4320048

characters follow perspective as well.

just read loomis.

>> No.4320050

So they built a multimillion dollar industry without knowing perspective.
I guess perspective can go suck a dick then, because it's clearly not necessary.

>> No.4320052

japanese are subhumans that doesn't know how to draw.

and they have shit taste.

>> No.4320056

>characters follow perspective as well.
Perspective only applies to parallel objects.
Stop reading Loomis.

The only actually practical way to draw characters and people is by a fucking guess unless your chatacter is t-posing.

>> No.4320058

>/beg/ tier thinks perspective doesn't apply to humans and faces
ok /beg/

>> No.4320070

lol fundiesfags always have to fall back on such retarded arguments when they're faced with good art that doesn't follow the arbitrary list of rules they made up.

>> No.4320072

>good art
>has begginer mistakes
why do always the waifufags love to eat shit?

>oh no, is ok because is an underage wifu
>my wifu

>> No.4320073

Computer rendering works by taking a list of points in space and using an algorithm to paint the object on the screen. Theoretically a human could do the same thing on a piece of paper given enough time. It would just be pointless.

>> No.4320079

You still get eveerything wrong.
What a fucking monkey, no wonder you post frogs, must be a real fucking retard.

Perspeective GRID applies to parallel objects.
Two houses next to each other have two different sets of vanishing points.
A leaning tower would also have a different horizon line.

And since the person has neither any paralleel or even straight lines in the body drawing a person in a perspective grid is absolutely retarded.

Every master of anatomy, say Vilppu or Hampron fit a person into a perspective scene by a very educated guess, because drawing a grid for each body part is just impossible.

>> No.4320083

stop trying, he's just baiting us

>> No.4320085

It's ironically the pros on this board poorly redlining stuff to look like shit and pretending to be dumb. Always remember this.

>> No.4320086
File: 1.22 MB, 2271x3200, Andrew Loomis - Drawing the Head and Hands-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/beg/ losers hasn't read loomis yet

>> No.4320093

I want every one of you to post your work or else all of your "arguments" are invalid.

>> No.4320095

>Theoretically a human could do the same thing on a piece of paper given enough time.

Fun fact Descriptive geometry was dropped by most universities as an obsolete field.

It was a field of science on how to draw technically accurate 3d drawings, and now they don'teven peach that anymore.

Everything you havee in artistic books on peerspective is a veeeery rough approximation with a lot of guesstaking.

>> No.4320101

You do understand that the head box has it's own perspective system separate from every other body part?

Good luck drawing anything like that.

>> No.4320103
File: 67 KB, 500x335, tumblr_ma7xmkG6gg1qd5yv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read loomis.

>> No.4320105

It's about fucking time someone posted this, always remember to question everything and everyone from this board.

>> No.4320114
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read loomis and it's SHIT.
See your picture? IT"S SHIT, every character on that picture is in an unrealistic pose you'd never find a human being in.
People don't ever stand vertically, they always lean on one leg, and there go your retarded boxes.

Why is it shit? Because it gives retards wrong ideas like this >>4319997
It's not just bad it's straight up WRONG.

>> No.4320116

Fundamental fags mad anime and manga industries make billions each years and they can't even sell a realistic commission for more than 10 dollars.
Drawing straight reality is outdated since photography has been created, just draw symbols and get gud with it to be recognize as at least a "decent" artist.

>> No.4320121
File: 8 KB, 250x247, 1520455231828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about fundamentals
>I want to be an anime loser drawing waifu prostitutes
stay /beg/ like every japanese anime artist

>> No.4320125

You don't have to draw every line a hundred times, just saying...

>> No.4320126

Dude every japanese artist is better than you and many are better than your fucking loomis lol.

The fundamentals are great and the masters use them.
YOU don't understand them and LOOMIS is a bad teacher who's teching you this >>4320103 >>4319997 retarded shit that is WRONG.

You want fundies?
Read VILPPU, he's actually good at it.

>> No.4320128
File: 597 KB, 768x1024, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320131

Fundiesfags follow the same pattern every thread. They aggressively shit on artists far more popular and successful than they are, they have no arguments, they never post their own work (and if they do it's never very impressive, maybe just some slightly-above-/beg/ floating heads and floating bodies), all they can do is yell "Loomis" and "/beg/" like a broken record.
I assume that like most people on this board (me included) they are late learners who have no natural talent for drawing, so they desperately want drawing to be reducible to a science and they want a study plan where they can be assured that if they master XYZ skills then they will become good artists. Obsessive focus on fundies is a psychological security blanket for them. But the unfortunate truth is that art doesn't really work like that.

>> No.4320134


I dunno I get the feeling anime is that thing only us early 90s and late zoomer babies like.

>> No.4320135
File: 1.71 MB, 2160x2160, 654654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320140
File: 20 KB, 399x400, 152125164496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic smooth shadows that doesn't follow the planes of the form

>> No.4320143

>doesn't follow the planes of the form
The shadows depend on the light sourse.

Good luck figuring out how many light fixtures there are behind the viewer.
One row?

There could be anything really.

>> No.4320145
File: 499 KB, 753x998, 205db531aa4d2bedcb050d19d3fd8598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320146

>they desperately want drawing to be reducible to a science
>Obsessive focus on fundies is a psychological security blanket for them


>> No.4320149

I genuinely chortled, thank you

>> No.4320152

Post your epic work with correct anatomy and perspective and shadows that follow the planes of the object. I mean Loomis prepared you well right?

>> No.4320160
File: 1.43 MB, 2329x3200, Andrew Loomis - Drawing the Head and Hands-100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animefags can't post a single anime waifu that doesn't look like 2D amateur garbage and commit the most basic begginer mistakes loomis literally mentions like in the first pages of his book
>but muh anime whores make trillions because anime shitters has no taste
>where is your work
why so insecure anime tards?

can't u post a single anime whore that has construction and perspective at the same time?

>> No.4320166

Both the leg and breast are shown, just only a little.
The hands are fine too.

Redline if you're so confident.

>> No.4320167

>Post your epic work with correct anatomy and perspective and shadows that follow the planes of the object. I mean Loomis prepared you well right?

Here's what loomis gets you >>4319997

And seriously I am all for fundies and learning serious shit to enhance my anime art.

The thing is that Loomis is legitimately isn't great at anything.
His perspective is inferior to every other teacher, say Robertson.
His anatomy is the most simplified and inferior to Vilppu, Hampton, Bammes and others.

His books aren't straight up wrong and harmful like say "you draw in 1 day" or "drawing on one half of your ass" but they aren't the best at anything either.
On every topic there's a better teacher than Loomis.

>> No.4320170

>still can't post a single anime artist without begginer perspective mistakes

>> No.4320172
File: 932 KB, 1100x780, datt9zq-75105ddd-6e66-45ac-96db-1b010dba4459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu already, anything a medicore anime artist produces will be 100x better than your floating heads and bodies sketches that youve been creating for 2 years now while your portfolio is empty except for two black and white reference studies

i dont even fucking like anime to begin with and i know this

>> No.4320173

As someone alrdy said it - you are full of yourself -either your trolling or just naive... your whole construction is out of proportion - objects below the eye-level ar seen from above yea right - but still , you have to keep the standpoint in mind too and how the angle is set - the volumes and form of the "thing" your drawing have to be known too - pls if you give critque know your shit.

>> No.4320174

I think you're not understanding the reason why I think your arguments are invalid. I don't judge a drawing based on whether it has correct anatomy or perspective. I judge it based on whether or not it looks good. If it looks good then no of the other alleged "mistakes" in it matter at all.
I also noticed you didn't post your own work. I'll take that as an admission that youvan't actually draw, you just think it sounds nice to say that THEORETICALLY you COULD learn to draw if you read Loomis for long enough.

>> No.4320178


>>4319945 This picture is perfect and your criticue is wrong.

Also the post is correct.
see I said
>Lets be honest here, you're a fucking nobody with a very vague idea on what drawing is talking shit about a veteran master of arts because it's an anime picture.

And there you are making an ass out of yourself >>4319997

>> No.4320179


>> No.4320180

Oh wow this thread is fast

Beginner mistake is thinking perspective is anything but "objects bigger when closer" and some half-useful shortcuts for enforcement.

>> No.4320185

You don't seem to understand the very fundies you're leaning so hard on

>> No.4320187
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 1579303978397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the anime losers defending their shitty generic style.

>but here's my perfect pixiv illustration
lmao, it has the same face skull anatomy that 100% other generic whores.

>good taste
>all pictures look like generic overpolished sameface garbage
>but it looks good

yeah, and people like to eat shit, like they eat all day garbage food and get angry when you point them eating shitty garbage food.

Remember that only miyazaki has won a single oscar and he makes weebs angry when he tells them anime is garbage.

>> No.4320189 [DELETED] 

i cant believe what im seeing here. some beg idiot thought hes entitled to critique anyone, sketched this scribbly wobbly mess with one vanishing point and posted it with full confidence. you can even place the eye level correctly.

this is the kind of people that you receive critique from here, remember this

>> No.4320194

pls stop responding to this troll

>> No.4320196


>> No.4320198


Reminder that the oscar is given to whomever features the most gay nigger trannies and promotes the most degeneracy.

Last time I checked the oscar was given to a drama about racemixing WITH A FUCKING FISH and some literal gay niggers.

That's why your entire burger culture is shit.

>> No.4320203

I've put in my hours of practise today already.
If me bumping this thread means /ic/ will keep retards like this from drawing a couple posts isn't that much of a waste.

>> No.4320208
File: 202 KB, 750x527, 1520740387958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but my anime is based and redpilled because they draw loolies and cunnies and doesn't bow down to the joos
lmao, all anime fags always are pol retards crying about muh black characters in anime and the freedom to draw cunny.

I stopped watching anime when I stopped being a manchildren who faps with 2D lolis.

all anime fans I've met are actually pedophiles.

>> No.4320210

cmon dude, now it's way too obvious that you are just trolling

>> No.4320220

>Why most animes pictures clearly not follow loomis yet ic claims loomis is something every japanese learns?
Because /ic/ is a bunch of retards, you shouldn't take anything people say here seriously.

>> No.4320221


Women's rights were a mistake, they should be married at the age of 12 and the pedos are based.

Also your country is going to get destroyed by the jews and your offsprings will be exterminated in a race riot against the last whites when they actually become a minority.

>> No.4320226

Are you actually an SJW and not just trolling.
If that's the case then you probably just don't like anime because it's coded as culturally right-wing, and you use "muh Loomis" as a rationalization for this subconscious negative reaction. Just like how the main reason I don't like shows Steven Universe is because they're popular with tumblr faggots, not because of any objective flaws with the art.

>> No.4320231
File: 23 KB, 485x380, dsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4320232

I don't watch cartoons, I'm not a children.

Most of the time I like to spend my time doing adult shit like listening to economic and political podcast over watching drawings like a manchild.

and most anime stories are garbage.

>> No.4320239

Boy you sound like exactly the type of free creative spirit who would make a good artist.
Always remember, these are the people giving you critiques on this board.

>> No.4320248

>I'm not a children.
Are you a literate??

>> No.4320251


I don't consider anime real art.

>> No.4320653
File: 469 KB, 2048x1520, 1558411384918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4320655
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>> No.4320659
File: 374 KB, 2048x1354, 1575589062139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320662
File: 383 KB, 1448x2048, 1564960386950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4320930
File: 236 KB, 730x1024, 1571899631972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this whole thread is just some retard ESL that can't even into perspective bashing on anime even though anime artists are better at fundamentals than him.
Stay pathetic

>> No.4320941 [DELETED] 

I mean... I get it, but this isn't loomis

>> No.4321133
File: 839 KB, 768x1024, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any DBZ panel can be better than your little cubes.

>> No.4321139

the absolute state of anti-anime tards, jesus christ lmao

>> No.4321243
File: 45 KB, 339x569, design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this whole thread is just some retard ESL that can't even into perspective bashing on anime even though anime artists are better at fundamentals than him.
>Stay pathetic
no, he is a retarded ESL, who thinks, since some anime artist don't know perspective he doesn't need to learn. He's a notorious ESL retard named cris, that posts mostly on /vg/s amateur game dev thread. Here is some of his work, he always shits on learning, the fundamentals, anatomy or anything and always ignores any criticism with MUH ANIMU STYLE, basically.

>> No.4321250

pretty much this >>4320016

I'm so glad I fell for the drawabox meme and watched a few videos
I'm absolutely new, and I'm glad he warned us about the common (not really) misconception that you must use the same vanishing point for all lines you draw

>> No.4321279

I think YIKES is pretty appropriate here

>> No.4321329

Nigger, you can see the viewer-left side of the building in the top right corner, while the building next to it has no visible side planes, then the building behind that one has a visible viewer-right side plane. Hitler has better perspective application.

>> No.4321337

>your brain on /pol/ where you can't speak without a mention of right-wing lingo

>> No.4321344

>right wing lingo

>> No.4321347

>taking the bait

>> No.4321355

>posting nonsense is baiting

>> No.4321356

why is this moron still responding to me

>> No.4321362

Do you think the builds are supposed to be all in a uniformed line? Also consider the fact its a post apocalyptic situation. Use your head more instead of nitpicking

>> No.4321366

Did the apocalypse randomly rotate the buildings? You see a lot of urban planning with skyscrapers facing random directions?

>> No.4321377

Sure, you also nitpick a lot for a mashed together cg background. Why don't you redline it while you're at it

>> No.4321382
File: 41 KB, 360x388, 145497544567549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is bait

>> No.4321389

The only thing anime about most anime is the head unless you begin to mix it in with western elements.

>> No.4321392

>post picture showing perspective
>architecture clearly doesn’t follow perspective outlined in pic
>y-you’re nitpicking r-redline it
It’s already redlined and it doesn’t fucking follow the redline. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.4321394
File: 382 KB, 2048x1354, 2BD2BECC-4E88-47B0-8E7A-B01D8976647E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4321395

So I'm asking you to redline it better since you're the one that knows best and is complaining about it. And if actually look the background isn't.

>> No.4321434

what is this you fucking ape

>> No.4321440

Shitty inconsistent perspective.
>inb4 they’re not aligned
The frontal plane’s windows are aligned, it’s just shitty perspective.

>> No.4321469

None of the buildings are aligned to the room and they're all obviously not aligned to each other.
And even if you find some pixel discrepancy it's probably just Roman freehand perspective that exaggerates the earth's curviture by having multiple horizon lines going lower the further away objects are.

I suggest you go outside for a bit.

>> No.4321482

You sure make a lot of excuses with no redlines to prove it’s correct. Go on, I’ll wait.

>> No.4321484

No rules

>> No.4321487

I don"t come here often, is this how bait threads works in this board?

>> No.4321488

>no rules
Just take the L, weeb.

>> No.4321490

Only tools

>> No.4321502


>> No.4321582

Every time
every fucking time
you /beg/ that can't even draw a straight line need to stop acting like you know your shit because you've finished perspective made easy, you're always making a fool of yourself and it's hilarious yes but the problem is that anons are wasting time arguing with you when you're in reality clueless

>> No.4321622
File: 3.13 MB, 2048x1354, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him or anyone that posted in this thread but pic related and explain on the left
The buildings are not aligned and were rotated (yes they do exist you just haven't seen much) and the frontal plane's windows are NOT aligned, look closely. I think the perspective was mostly fine, the only thing that look weird is probably the 2nd building despite the fact that there're angles that will make you only see the frontal plane of it

>> No.4321658

That’s not a redline, that’s an attempt to make the wonky perspective make sense, and you went as far as assuming one of the buildings is a fucking triangle ffs.

>> No.4321673

a fellow rebelle user :)

>> No.4321691
File: 460 KB, 1501x922, 1_R5MUupIrcKntYgHMJ2Pv_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while the building next to it has no visible side planes
It's a triangular building.
>Did the apocalypse randomly rotate the buildings?
Why not
>You see a lot of urban planning with skyscrapers facing random directions?
Pic Related
>I suggest you go outside for a bit.

There are more factors than you can see.
The buildings are tilted?
The room she's in is tilted instead, why the fuck not it makes sense
Can't see the wall? Maybe there isn't one, the building doesn't have to be a rectangle.

Neither of those are problems.
When there's a problem that you CAN SEE in plain sight that actually is a mistake. Something that can be explain by a factor you don't see isn't a mistake.

>> No.4321697

Yeah i agree with the redline, my mistake for using the word wrong. And the triangle thing but like i said, with accurate rotated angle you could see only the frontal the 2nd one, the triangle is just me being dumb, forget it. My point is that the perspective can still be possible base on the blue and red line of the rotated building being far from the perspective point

>> No.4321706

I fucking love how much arguing there is over a bunch of decrepit post-apocalyptic. Who's to say they haven't been affected by earthquakes rotating and tilting them thus making the perspective all wonky.

>> No.4321747

This. And maybe the anatomy isn’t actually bad, it’s just mutations. And if the colors are muddy, who’s to say it’s not what their post apocalyptic polluted eyes see the world like ;^) maybe go outside instead of expecting fundies in my superior anime drawings

>> No.4321749

The kind of an earthquake that would rotate a building would probably shatter one anyways, and there isn't a reason why earthquakes would be more common in the post-apocalypse.
The one odd thing about these buildings is how the short ones are close by and the tall ones are the furthest away. Their purpose is obviously to show that there's a hole in the ceiling, but the tallest of these buildings are absolutely massive. They're four blocks away and still reach above the picture frame.