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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 46 KB, 500x417, NephewFred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4295130 No.4295130 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the buzz, is it any good?


>> No.4295140

They just turned the engine inside out, what would you get brushpacks now?

>> No.4295536

It was built specifically for the new engine I think.
Seems like they’re really good, certainly seem to be the best watercolor-like brushes ever in Procreate. It’ll be interesting so see if they stack up to what can be done compared to CSP.

>> No.4295620
File: 1.22 MB, 720x406, 1507035688557.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4295822

does anyone have this? i've been looking for good pixel art brushes for procreate forever

>> No.4295850

where do i buy this fleshlight?

>> No.4296209
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, 61sd589WVeL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, thank you anon. I'm not the OP but I posted asking about this brush set in another thread. I've looked high and low for it and couldn't find it anywhere. You're an absolute legend. Thank you!

>> No.4296220

Thank you anon! I was trying to decide whether to spend on this or the gouache pack.

>> No.4297608

Just a heads-up:

Watercolor_Erasers_v1.0.zip and Watercolor_Smudge_v1.0.zip should have their file extensions renamed from .zip to .brushset before being imported into Procreate.

>> No.4297892
File: 304 KB, 1820x1214, nautika-cm-cover-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, due to how based >>4295620 is for sharing that MaxPack watercolor brush set with us, I'm going to share some of the premium Procreate brush sets that I've acquired.

First up is the Nautika brush set from Frankentoon, which you can read about here:


This is a pretty good set of various liquid based brushes:


>> No.4297895
File: 300 KB, 1820x1214, bardot-brush-pencil-box-brushes-for-procreate-by-lisa-bardot-18-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next up is the Pencil Box set from Lisa Bardot:


A good overall set of pencil brushes for sketching or coloring:


(BTW, if anyone has her COPICat brush set and could share it, I'd appreciate it)

>> No.4298110

I’ve come with gifts including the CopicCat brush set. Can anyone upload the Maxpack Gouache set?


>> No.4298122

>CopicCat brush set
Is this the updated set for Procreate 5? Apparently there was an issue with this set's textures when used with Procreate 5 due to the changes they made to the brush algorithms.

In any case, big thanks!

>> No.4298360

Just in case there are any moralfags in this thread, the code friendofmax gets you 20% off any of the packs

>> No.4298369


Anon, you are one magnificent bastard for doing this. Do you have the Gouache set hiding on your hard drive somewhere?

>> No.4298390


I see your Frankentoon brush set. I'm gonna raise you with the Squid brush set.

If you want to check it out: https://creativemarket.com/Frankentoon/2603867-Squid-Brush-Pack-for-Procreate

Now for the actual files:


>> No.4298500

I don't why but the OP artist (Nicholas K) strikes me as a real prick desu.
Anyone else here follow him?

>> No.4298562

Seconding the gouache request if anyone has it

>> No.4298651

Thank you anon, very cool!

>> No.4298666

Any good oil paint brushes?

>> No.4298680

This set:


is in this link above >>4298110

>> No.4299597

Bumping this so there's no chance it slips off page 10 while I'm asleep. I'm going to upload more brushes tomorrow.

>> No.4299617

Can anyone share good inking brushes?

>> No.4299727

how the fuck do you open these things up? I can't figure out how to get them to open in procreate

>> No.4299735

wat? you literally just tap them
if you’re downloading through the mega app you might need to share>procreate

>> No.4299738

Not him but a couple of the ones posted here are in .zip format instead of .brushset which complicates things
Changing the file extension and importing does nothing. You would have to import every brush individually from the extracted folder which I am not gonna do. The thing where you split screen with Files to drag and drop the brushes as a stack hasn't been working for me either. I'm forever grateful for the brushes being posted but the importing part hasn't been working for me

>> No.4299742

any trad look like oils for ps/paintstorm/corel painter pls?

>> No.4299745

>Not him but a couple of the ones posted here are in .zip format instead of .brushset which complicates things
Nigga, just click the fucking zip, it will extract, then you split/overlay files/procreate and just click each brush or select all>drag all of them at once. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.4299759

Did you read the whole post?

>> No.4299785
File: 80 KB, 882x228, 05A7BA21-5DA0-4EC5-8597-D6AF5B465727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just change the extension from zip to brushset, you fucking nigger, it imports the entire set with one click. You’re a fucking retard and I don’t understand what your fucking issue is. Changing the extension works. Bulk importing for loose brushes works. Both are done in 5 seconds.

>> No.4299815
File: 34 KB, 341x331, no need.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'd already tried everything you have mentioned and they were either unresponsive or would freeze and crash Procreate. At any rate the issue got resolved with some third party app.

>> No.4299868

If people are having issues, it would also help to know what version of Procreate they're using, what app they're trying to import from, etc.

I've found that using split view and dragging and dropping from the Files app into Procreate works every time. I'm using iPadOS 13 with the latest version of Procreate 5.

And yeah, if you come across a brush set that's a zip file, rename the .zip extension to .brushset. Works for me.

>> No.4300116


Got you covered anon!

I'm hooking you up with a handful. Here's what you're getting:

- Frankentoon - Squid Inking
- True Grit Texture Supply - Rusty Nib
- Max Ulichensky - Essential Comic Inkers
- Ink Gang Boss - Vintage Comic Inkers
- GeorgeVW - Inkers, Dirty Dozen & Inktober Sets

You're bound to found something you love.


>> No.4300123

Good a thread as any to ask, are you guys having issues with painting since the v5 update? I keep getting weird artifacts while blending, splotches of green shifted color, the new brush engine never does what I want it to, low pressure brushes turn the underlying color transparent etc. I had to switch to artstudio and it’s been weeks. Artstudio is a technically better program, but the interface is killing me.

>> No.4300124

Oh shit I'm just blind. Thank you anon

>> No.4300126

thank you!!

>> No.4300131

Are you using brushes created in Procreate, or Photoshop brushes imported into Procreate? There are definitely some issues with a lot of Photoshop brushes not working properly. As for brushes created with Procreate, I've definitely seen some posts on their forum with people reporting some brushes acting differently ever since the update.

Personally I don't think I've experienced any bugs but I use a relatively small variety of brushes and have been too busy to draw much in the past month. If you run into anything that definitely seems off or buggy behavior, report it to the developers.

>> No.4300138
File: 51 KB, 702x641, BC9F7291-B35A-46E8-B899-DBB9D028E487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it doesn’t matter which brush, the issue is with rendering low opacity overlap or something, like when you’re mixing colors onscreen. It doesn’t happen always, but it happens to me occasionally and I only use a hard round brush, pic related is just easier to replicate. I also sometimes realise an area I blended with the hard round is actually hue shifted towards green for no reason. It’s definitely not me, because savage acknowledged the issue on the forums, I’m just wondering how everyone’s dealing with it, it’s been weeks and if I were working on a job, I’d be pissed.

>> No.4300278

Alright guys, >>4299597 back with a bunch of brushes for you.

This is *most* of the bundle from MiksKS:


A few of the sets are missing because I've had to piece this together from a bunch of different sources, but there are some really cool brushes in here. Refer to the link above for more info.


>> No.4300518

any chance you have this or anything similar to it: >>4295822

>> No.4300524

Closest thing I have to that is the Glitch brush set in that MiksKS bundle I posted.


>> No.4300556
File: 946 KB, 898x878, Zrzut ekranu 2020-01-09 o 22.12.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys so much
Does anyone have a dry paint texture brush for Procreate? For an effect similar to pic rel.

>> No.4300615

Maybe some of the dry brushes in Lisa Bardot's Gouache Paintbox set?


Can be downloaded from >>4298110

>> No.4300622

Also might be worth checking out the Whispy Flats set from the same link as the Bardot Gouache set.


>> No.4300643

The Gouache Max Pack since a lot of people were asking for it.


>> No.4300651

Exactly what I was looking for aaaaaahhhh I love this board ;-;

>> No.4300682

Nice. This thread is delivering every day.

>> No.4300794

I was wondering what kind of fleshlight that is as well. Seems like the name for these are "Magic Face" or "MAGICFACE"

I found these two (the first one is the fleshlight used in the other based anon's webm)

and Yukikaze, the NTR slut

>> No.4300806


Not 100% sure but someone posted this link and it has a hodgepodge of procreate brushes
There seems to be some J1ngsketch brushes and TipT0pBrushes there as well when you look at the file name.

>> No.4300908
File: 109 KB, 1011x477, 4DE4FEB7-2943-4D5F-8C5A-9BF6A192251E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon... You need to be rewarded for this.

>> No.4301014

Thank you!

>> No.4301018

is there something I don't know or is organizing brushes in procreate complete aids?

I wish I could group brush categories, or have multiple libraries like in csp

>> No.4301026

Yeah, once you start hoarding brush sets, it gets to be a hassle keeping them organized, or even just scrolling through them. This is one area the developers really need to figure out how to address.

>> No.4301109
File: 68 KB, 1024x572, 9034D50F-A2ED-4C8F-8B72-8D9059870A5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are great, thanks a ton anon!

>> No.4302115

Are the max brushes the best there is?

>> No.4302155

Depends on the kzind of art you do. The MaxPack sets are great for painting. Lisa Bardot has some great pencil and marker sets.

Ultimately, the best brushes are the ones you personally feel most creative and productive with, and those might not come from some well known commercial brush set.

>> No.4302782

Any brushes that feel like proko pencil from infinite painter?

>> No.4303723
File: 1.90 MB, 498x367, 9FCFECAC-C0E0-41B4-9059-B59F372D3B71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ve got to get a Program Asset Sharing thread going soon. This thread has been helpful, but we can go beyond this and do some serious... good.

... By “helping” each other.

>> No.4303885
File: 325 KB, 872x1200, 1576212921447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i second this my trial just expired

i got procreate but dammit i miss that pencil

>> No.4305481

Bumping this.

>> No.4305894

I get lag from time to time, which is very annoying. I restart the app sometimes which I don't remember it was needed before. It wasn't broken
were the improvements worth it? I am very basic user.

>> No.4305917

Is Procreate really the best drawing app on iOS? What’s second best? Are there any that complement it?

>> No.4306071

Razum brush pro 3 any good?

>> No.4307836

No idea, but the previous pack is in here:


>> No.4309167

so how do you install these anyway? like get them from a computer to procreate? is there a any video tutorials you senpaitachi can recommend? or any apps needed?

>> No.4309281

Do you use Dropbox? If so, probably the easiest way is to dump the brush downloads into your Dropbox, open the Dropbox app on your iPad and install them from there (or via the iOS Files app if you've connected it to your Dropbox).

If I download anything on my computer and want to get it to my iPad (especially large files), I connect my iPad to my computer and use iTunes to dump whatever I want to put on my iPad into the Documents app (the one by Readdle). Documents has great file managing features, although I usually copy stuff I'm going to put into other apps from Documents into the Files app.

Anyway, regardless of which file managing app you end up using, installing the brushes is essentially the same.

You should probably just watch a YouTube video tutorial, desu:


>> No.4310303

Y'all some real ones for this thread, good looking out IC senpai.

>> No.4310318

Requesting the retrosupply gouache shader brushes please

>> No.4310793

Looks like it’s gone now

>> No.4310803

holy christ this is such a treat. I got nothing to give back, but I want to say thank you.

>> No.4311058

Yeah, looks like someone complained to Mega, or whoever posted it deleted it.

>> No.4312419

Bummer. Hopefully someone reuploads eventually.

>> No.4312493

fuck, it got removed

>> No.4312982

Time to start uploading to a file sharing site that doesn't respond to DMCA requests, I guess. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.4312994

Well, I guess we could use this, and make them play whackamole with a dozen file sharing sites?


>> No.4313375

Anyone down to reupload those brushes ?

>> No.4313526

I sketch with procreate and render on autodesk sketchbook sometimes

>> No.4314108


Found these

>> No.4314113



Someone shared these too

>> No.4314311

thanks lizzie

>> No.4315305

Thank you!

>> No.4315741

If anyone managed to download these while they were up, could you reupload? If not does anyone have any other good inking brushes?

>> No.4315805

Would be really grateful if anyone could reupload the Copicat brushes!

>> No.4315910

Procreate is the most popular but some people say that ArtStudio is better.
Holy shit this took years to upload
anonfiles J3u7KaN4nd/Procreate_zip
anonfiles X4KcJ0N8nb/COPICat_Markers_BARDOTBRUSH_zip

>> No.4316015

Thanks for taking the time to upload! The squid brushes are great, just what I was looking for. Have a great weekend.

>> No.4316537

Thanks so much, this is perfect!

>> No.4316749

Any Gpen/Marupen brushes?

>> No.4316882

Also if anyone has any brushes from Gal Shir that would be awesome!

>> No.4316955

I second this request :)

>> No.4317776

Can someone please re-up this one?

>> No.4317787

What’s up with these? The mega.nz download is acting weird for the watercolor brush set. Everytime I try to save it to my files it turns into a text file and everytime I try to import it to procreate, it won’t go through. Tried it from the app as well.

Is there another way to download this

>> No.4317847

Nevermind they finally loaded

>> No.4318355

Thank you

>> No.4318522

does anybody have halfscreen brushes or a proper tutorial on how to make one?

>> No.4318538

This post has halftone brushes in .zip format

>> No.4318749

nifty, thanks

>> No.4318782

This post also has some glitter brushes, most if not all of the tiptopbrush Procreate sets, and an unsorted sets of brushes from creative market.

>> No.4319549

Would love these too, if anyone has them

>> No.4319560

>Proko brush
Pls I need

>> No.4319800

Check out some of the pencil brushes in the MaxPacks. People seem to love those. Not sure if they're anything like the "proko pencil" but they're worth a try.

>> No.4320947
File: 45 KB, 680x708, 786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I finally find a pencil that's close enough to proko pencil that I'm satisfied (maxpack 9B pencil)

thank you fren

>> No.4321085

anyone got this pack?

>> No.4321114

Max's 600 Series pencil is in his Gouache pack, which is here >>4300643

As for the 9B pencil that >>4320947 mentioned, I believe it's only in his Essentials pack, so >>4320947 probably bought that, since I haven't seen anyone share it.

>> No.4321455

>probably bought that, since I haven't seen anyone share it.
Essentials pack is on gfxpeers

>> No.4321504

Trying to register there but their registration page doesn't work at all. It just gives me an error about using an accepted email service despite trying to use 2 different gmail accounts. Either their registration is glitchy or it's supposed to be closed and they have shitty security.

>> No.4321759

The Essentials Pack


>> No.4321777

Wow, thanks, you're a gentleman and scholar!

>> No.4322240
File: 305 KB, 267x200, uuuuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all fucking amazing

>> No.4322923

Anyone got The Comics MaxPack?

>> No.4322933

i put keyloggers in every mega file i upload to this website loll

>> No.4323242

Here you go.


t. Doesn't know how malware infections even work

>> No.4323758
File: 242 KB, 750x818, poster840x830f8f8f8-pad750x1000f8f8f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I fall for the procreate meme?

>> No.4323779

Thank you anon

>> No.4324220

It’s a solid program with a nice brush engine. A few things about it are kind of frustrating but the interface is pleasant and efficient.

>> No.4324481

Thanks so much

>> No.4325610

Anyone have the Big One brush set from Gumroad ?

>> No.4327587

Weekend bump.

>> No.4330353

Last bump. Interest in this thread has waned but maybe in the future we'll have another just as productive, heh.

>> No.4332022


A couple of these are pretty nice

>> No.4332022,1 [INTERNAL] 

It seems like the link has expired. Would someone be able to upload the Comics Maxpack again?