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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 55 KB, 640x1280, F9B276EE-C7D6-417A-8877-041F3F3243AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4318357 No.4318357 [Reply] [Original]

is this a minor blip in the audience that sees your work, or is this going to become a major problem in the future for those of us trying to get famous through drawings of women?


>> No.4318360

That's why the East kicks the ass to the West.
However, do not pay attention, if you do what the fucking SJW say, then you are to blame.

>> No.4318361

Jesus Christ looking at these "redlines" is infuriating. And here we are saying /ic/ has dunning krugers giving shitty advice, fucking kek.

>> No.4318363

>those of us trying to get famous
Lmao. Anyway nothing about this seems SJW. It's not uncommon for artists to absolutely fuck up basic anatomy or hide poorly constructed figures under a lot of rendering. If anything it should be inspiration to succeed where these artists failed and make stuff that looks good and sexy without falling into the cliche anime/comic retarded proportions.

>> No.4318368

Actually look at some of these redlines, a shitton of them make everything they change worse. Oftentimes the original piece didn't even have problem and the redlines introduce problems.

>> No.4318369

>is this going to become a major problem

I saw people doing this shit back in the early 10s on Tumblr and it doesn’t seem to have had a larger effect outside of the femautist communities that obsess over it. So I wouldn’t worry about it.

>> No.4318372

The redlines are garbage but a lot of the pictures do have really funky proportions. Like OP's pic where the chick's torso is a mile long. Caring about people's shitty redlines doesn't detract from the fact that a lot of artists hide bad anatomy under a lot of polish though. But if people on reddit making shitty redlines (that are going to somehow prevent you from becoming famous) is where you choose to spend your energy on then you do you.

>> No.4318374

People have been pointing out impossible anatomy in coomer art for decades. It's not going to spawn lynch mobs against horny artists just because you found a dead subreddit about it.

>> No.4318376

>be average /ic/ user
>draws nothing but sexy wamen
>gets assblasted by critique on /ic/
>there’s got to be some way to counter them with some arbitrary argument instead of actually reading a book or improving my work!
>I know, I’ll go to my other favorite website, the front page of the internet, Reddit!
>posts link to r/mendrawingwomen
>see! everyone that critiques my anatomy is actually a sjw!
>now I never have to learn to draw anatomically correct wamens!
>draws spaghetti bettys and lumpy deformed orc women forever until the end of time in his hugbox

>> No.4318379

Purely fat and lesbian feminazis with physical inferiority complex, nothing new, they lose more and more public people resort to anime, the people escape the stupid and ridiculous political correctness.

>> No.4318392

I went there a few times, some are really funny looking, like dislocated anatomy just to present coomer shit. You selected a very bad one but most of the redlines are pretty ok.

It's fine, stop being so assblasted about muh swj's having fun.

>> No.4318419

i wouldn’t worry that it would unravel in the sense of preventing fame, but after the fact of becoming famous, that you get brigaded and people start hating you for an artistic choice
i would hate being known as a good artist with shit anatomy, even if that anatomy is established as a stylistic choice

>> No.4318423

Why draw when you can shitpost on /ic/ anyway?

>> No.4318433
File: 25 KB, 853x594, simmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what we have here, a cuck with micro cock, playing to jsw, trying to justify the ball of fat feminazis.

>> No.4318437
File: 380 KB, 976x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb sjw

>> No.4318440
File: 1.21 MB, 1137x2199, iVY7B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I just went on there and it's all very bad. Haven't seen a single good redline so far. I honestly didn't know reddit was this shitty. Pic related has 139 upvotes.

>> No.4318448
File: 75 KB, 1480x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao holy shit this reddit is like the ironical memes we say here for shit and giggles but they are serious about it

>> No.4318451

The woke zoomers tend to be more sex positive than sarkeesian millenials. Young women in digital art seem to be mostly supportive of lewd stuff

>> No.4318454

kek it's worst than the original

>> No.4318455
File: 304 KB, 1280x1033, 9beba628264045c4e815f96c9de7b954a253c396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a r/WomenDrawingMen?
Because I think there's enough material for one.

>> No.4318456

The original is pretty terrible for different reasons though. I still don't get why everybody gets so mad about the boobs and butt pose, I'm not very flexible and I get at least 80% of the way there, a flexible woman could almost do it so what's the harm in pushing it a little for artwork?

>> No.4318458
File: 461 KB, 1000x1503, Teen-Busty-Babe-Svanhild-with-Big-Naturals-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupids JSW

>> No.4318459

>women drawing men

>> No.4318461

The redlines are absolute garbage made by people who don't understand basic fundies but at the very least these people are actually drawing unlike 99% of this board.

>> No.4318463
File: 213 KB, 1280x819, 1e08afa89b0004cc6fa99c1f1db2f96bf974072b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4318477
File: 222 KB, 800x1200, BC344D24-12CD-4FEE-BE43-D0A9BFE4AA6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
im not trying to equate /ic/ to the shitshow of reddit critique. /ic/ as a whole is full of artists, so critique is mostly good, as far as i can tell.
my main problem with these subreddits is that they are critiquing without actually knowing how to draw, they’re critiquing on the basis of what they “know”. in this post, they’re mainly talking about a bra that doesnt exist underneath. these people that critique on the basis of “women dont look that way when wearing space gear” don’t seem to care about exaggeration of sexual features, they care about placing their 2 cents on breast fabric.


>> No.4318478

Reddit is shit when it comes to critique. Seem some very bad art make it on art subs without criticism

>> No.4318481

>/ic/ as a whole is full of artists, so critique is mostly good
Anon, I....

>> No.4318492

isnt this one gays drawing men? I don't think a woman would draw bears

>> No.4318510

The artist is SaraBara, a woman.

>> No.4318511

Women are obsessed with gay dudes

>> No.4318528

Reddit and twitter were a mistake

>> No.4318556

Do people not understand what "style" means? For fucksake not everything has to look 100% real or follow actual anatomy. The only reason /beg/s get shat on for incorrect anatomy is because they always fuck up the stylization not knowing what their actually doing and end up fucking themselves over not learning the basic first.

>> No.4318559


just go to /r/istebrak/

saw someone recommend that sub to get some good crit. a couple of people responded with long winded post and I check the post history. what a fucking surprise that they are actually at the level of average /beg/.

>> No.4318563
File: 91 KB, 1034x1261, Screenshot_2020-01-20 Earth defense force, Kyoung Hwan Kim, Digital, 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least there's some rational people trying to get some sense into their fucking head. it's about as effective as telling a rock to sing a song though.

>> No.4318573
File: 797 KB, 1080x2280, Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do almost none of them post their actual work? And why are the only ones that do absolute shit and post their work infrequently?
>pic related was posted by a redlinedart plebbitor

>> No.4318613

Why are they acting like the arm placement for the characters right arm wrong? It dos perfectly possible to do that position

>> No.4318616

foreshortening is hard

>> No.4318626


i can handle the redline. the comment is fucking worse than the worst of /ic/ just imagine all of them in a room irl. talk about an echo chambers of dunning kruger's.

>> No.4318744

In my experience nobody who critiques other artists all the time and insists on "anatomy, "proportions" and general correctness has ever drawn anything worth a damn. Yeah hacks do exist and even good artists fuck up, but if you find yourself spending more time on them than on your own work, you are sincerely, unironically ngmi. Goes for /ic/ as well as reddit.

>> No.4318758

Better than I can do.

>> No.4318786

"Sarah Borrows" was actually a gay man which was pretty obvious even before the reveal. Women cannot draw men in that style that well for some reason.
This is his new account.

>> No.4318809
File: 66 KB, 426x427, 1572414576520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the solution is to never draw something sfw enough that it could appear on reddit.

>> No.4318838

Where is this from?

>> No.4319078


>> No.4319160

that's not how the spine is curved lol

>> No.4319300

Can't even get the spine right.

>> No.4319350
File: 74 KB, 1000x500, they must be stopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coomer artists win again.
Is there no cap to their powerlevel?

>> No.4319354
File: 122 KB, 835x1380, f1dd85d168df5904646ca6078f380475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4319377

who's the artist of the original pic?

>> No.4319417

i think this is them... someone in the reddit thread mentioned a @Tahraart on twitter, but no validation that that specific artist's name was Rui Li

>> No.4319439
File: 760 KB, 960x628, E73AF728-7D1E-4CF4-B17E-9C6E24220567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good to me.>>4318440

>> No.4319471

desu, a lot of the artwork is lazy and plain sucks or is illusory for the sake of being attractive. i think everyone has a right to draw how they choose to. i also think the work deserves to be critiqued. this is what art is. it’s not going to change. people will keep drawing what they want and people will continue to buy what they want. trends are the only thing that will change. youre all getting upset over nothing.

i say, if you don’t like it, draw it your way. there will be companies that will cater to this demographic and there will be companies that don’t. all this means is that a new market has formed/ is forming. no big deal. calm down, everyone.

>> No.4319507

I don't think you read this thread at all.

>> No.4319508

counter point: rcdart

>> No.4319528
File: 199 KB, 750x1072, IMG_4910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know what's realistic and what's POSSIBLE
Right. Because art can only be about what's realistic and possible.
I am seething with so much anger right now.

>> No.4319547

lel western animation like disney and dreamworks make far more money than anime

itt: mad coomers

>> No.4319609



>> No.4319617

The fentanyl trade makes a lot of money too, doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.4319627

>changed body type

>> No.4319924

Who gives a fuck about what women think anyway? Dude... just ignore it. It's not that hard.

>> No.4319953

>lel western animation like disney and dreamworks make far more money than anime itt: mad coomers

Who is talking about useless jew money? Orient in the matter of 2d animation is superior West, especially among young people and adults, anime is more popular internationally, disney only concentrates on the children's market look like they destroyed marvel, asshole

>> No.4319956

but when superman flies around with literal latex costume that shows his fucking bulge nobody bats an eye

>> No.4319971

>I'm an overweight woman with an inferiority complex and I get mad at men who draw what they lust even if it's irrealistic. :(

>> No.4319989

How can someone see it like this when her back is right there, and yet imagine a dislocated shoulder that isn't there? And still miss the bendy arm, which is the most obvious mistake.

>> No.4319998

how works reddit for posting art? never used that web, is like a series of post in column with comments? or like a gallery? is time-worth for any artist post there? or is more about the comments than the content?

>> No.4320003

i mean i know is a column and images appears, with looks somekind old for posting several images if you are an artist

>> No.4320060

i bet you cant even draw --the fuck are you doing here? get a fucking life and leave this shit to the working adults

>> No.4320062

there was an edit for this one that was rather good, fixed the actual issue which is that her lower torso is too long.

>> No.4320063

bad analogy

>> No.4320254

>i bet you cant even draw --the fuck are you doing here? get a fucking life and leave this shit to the working adults

typical response of a retard.

>> No.4320750
File: 428 KB, 750x727, 0A57DBF1-104E-4A74-8657-F3F8212B002B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn’t redline but god this is fucking ridiculous

>> No.4320957

I'm pretty sure that was drawn by a faggot

>> No.4321025
File: 15 KB, 240x210, crusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4321036

>>i dont see it as making women more attractive. its pure fantasy. i dont see drawings the same way i see a real person. this is me being god in a sense. not that i think women should look like this, but this is just how i like them to look on paper.

j. scott campbell

>> No.4321040

post your shit, faggot

>> No.4321045

nice work

>> No.4321217


Am I allowed to hate feminists and women there? or would I get instabanned?

>> No.4321244

holy shit that bigass head and neck

>> No.4321247

Post it!

>> No.4321259

all unpopular aka downboated opinions get you shadowbanned and blacklisted on reddit, they say its to combat spambots but what they end up doing is curate opinions

>> No.4321361


>> No.4321560

go give orders to another side, shitty Jewish.

>> No.4321575

Because they're fucking retarded losers.

>> No.4321592

The problem with the blue line is the distance on left and right. The right side of her back is so stretched. Look from her right butt cheek up to her right breast compared to the left side. You can twist and compress a torso a lot but not that much.

>> No.4321599
File: 222 KB, 800x800, J02KuVJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322639
File: 177 KB, 1024x720, zladlaskche31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this serious? I'm a shitty /beg/ and even I can tell that the red line is completely wrong. This got 1000+ btw

>> No.4322643

>Trying to redline natural sag on dress that pushes up breasts

Do these people eat shit for breakfast?

>> No.4322652

Plus the bottom half is all wrong too.

>> No.4322670

Just what happens when you redline for woke points rather than to correct somebody.

>> No.4322679

i didnt know these subs existed. and now i know. you are spreading them.

>> No.4322682

Wow. That shit is terrible. I checked the top posts and everyone is beginner tier and they fuck up exaggerated poses by making them extremely stiff.

>> No.4322696
File: 35 KB, 692x453, apes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructive criticism

Reddit is shit, don't even bother.

>> No.4322800
File: 247 KB, 850x1200, 1475266385125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should create r/tumblrdrawingwomen

>> No.4322805

>listening to women and beta orbiters
Literally how not to succeed 101.

>> No.4322810

Women are ugly, we draw to fool ourselves into thinking they aren't, the same way poets and songwriters compose their loving lyrics to fool themselves into thinking women aren't awful people.

>> No.4322811

we get it youre an incel

>> No.4322815

Women think anything that doesn't look exactly like them is unrealistic and unattainable.

>> No.4322820

>I'm fat so everyone must be fat too!
The only problem with this piece is her torso is way too long, shrik that shit 1/4 and it's a perfect cartoon depiction of an athletic woman.

>> No.4322827

You'd be surprised how often thinking women are ugly cunts who don't desserve you gets you laid in art circles.

Then again you might be the wallflower who can't get the apparent sociopath's attention so she just complains about it online.

>> No.4322829

cringy shit man

>> No.4322832

That is very obviously not a fat body type.

>> No.4322837

It's an "I eat MacDonnalds three times a week" body type. The fact that americans are used to 5'10 people being 180 pounds doesn't make it not fat.

>> No.4322838

cope and dilate

>> No.4322840

That is a muscular body type. Thick thighs, muscular arms, etc. You don’t know what a fat woman looks like.

>> No.4322841


i dont suppose you'll ever pyw huh?

>> No.4322849

>Thinks that's muscular
You not only need Loomis, you need Jesus.
And the character is not muscular, she's slender, redlining by completely changing the original piece's abstraction level and intended anatomy is the apex of autism.

>> No.4322854
File: 47 KB, 960x640, 6EF83F35-7A16-48AA-A31A-4DD13A37D205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen a woman. Yeah the redline just takes way the style. But it’s not a fat body type. Loomis is just basic bodies. It’s old news.

>> No.4322856
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, jinrui-wa-suitai-shimashita-07-large-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322906

this one is so good. don't know what you guys are talking about

what's wrong about it? The anatomy of the left pic is shit and makes no sense under the dress as pointed out by the right


>> No.4322912
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x799, 1569472218348-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean there's definitely work there that have screwed up anatomy, but these people are acting like everything should follow the proportions of a normal human. I mean, how come anime head/eyes can be stylized, but if you stylize the body it is suddenly a problem? Also lot of these people seem to just have underlying agendas for their redline and some just seem to crit to make themselves feel like the better artist.

>> No.4322918
File: 52 KB, 720x720, 1565465658915-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>shitting on dragons crown
>cherrypicking females over the males

>> No.4322928

>Loomis is just basic bodies.
Useless for critiquing cartooning. If you redline a cartoon use the same abstraction, otherwise you're already wasting everyone's time before you even start.

>> No.4322954
File: 936 KB, 1024x720, 7398b609-ddd0-445f-8116-81257c64efeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my take on it but I could be wrong because I'm still a shitty /beg/

>> No.4323136

I wonder if these SJW faggots will say anything in real life. I know tons of art girls who look like the typical feminist and tumblrina but when I show them my drawings with big boobs they've never said anything

>> No.4323138

The only glaring issue with this one is her armpit

>> No.4323140

What do your drawings look like?

>> No.4323147

if women are so awful, why are you all so obsessed with them? draw some cool shit instead of women are such a problem for you.

>> No.4323155

Because we draw women so we can create the perfect beings instead of dealing with disgusting women in real life

>> No.4323163

Plent of girls love pin-up art and sexy drawings of girls, though. Why do redditors matter in any way

>> No.4323169

that sounds really sad. I’m sorry anon

>> No.4323682

I agree. They changed the body type. But the redline is not a fat womans body type.

>> No.4323706

>draw something
>fap to finished product if you desire so
>be done with it
>post it on interwebs
>watch people lose their mind over it
>again, be done with it
Honestly, who gave you a permission of sorts to bitch about my art?
I upload my stuff on pixiv and piczel so people look at it, or glance at it. Just enjoy the lines that I (the artist) drew. The SJW can go fuck themselfs or wait for my transhumanist movements. I promise a perfect body for everyone (except for minorities)

>> No.4324229

These people are just finding ways to ruin art. Fuck em

>> No.4324234

I want to believe that the black lines were made by you, because the red ones are meaningless crap, the torso bone and the hips have no volume.

>> No.4324241

i think he did the black lines because this is the original from the subreddit

>> No.4324334

This has nothing to do with sjws you retards

>> No.4324357
File: 29 KB, 493x493, DZ4Kb7AWAAAE4z0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4324501

>Desperate attempts by left leaning ugly women and their beta orbiters to destroy idealized beauty and replace it with average mediocrity
>not sjw
The retard was you all along.

>> No.4324530
File: 624 KB, 1024x720, 20200123_050654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My take

>> No.4324534


I hate /pol/ fags too, but this does have underlying agendas.

>> No.4324557

Don't know how the person on the right fucked up so badly. It's like that place is filled with Dunning Kruger fags

>> No.4324626
File: 306 KB, 1050x767, so5qoqjy0c441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunning kruger

>> No.4324658

Garbage. The betas on reddit are too scared about downvotes that they pretend to like it

>> No.4324745

both of these are awful. I'm leaving this thread, it hurts my eyes.

>> No.4324763
File: 804 KB, 1536x2048, PtjoEEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LuriemIronim is moderator
Found her sole piece of artwork > https://imgur.com/gallery/KtZhLzX

>> No.4324764

Saw a thread where they were complaining about the legs being too long

>> No.4324766

Cute and inspirational

>> No.4324774

Not gonna stoop down to their level and make fun of them. Plus it's a dick move to talk shit about a beginner's artwork

>> No.4324801

Making a entire community to degrade artists puts her in a bit of a different category than innocent. All she and her cronies can do is mock and degrade the value of other artist's work. None of them have the skill to inspire others to follow their mindset. And going through many of her posts and the conversations within that safe-space they have little interest in art, rather they are pushing a feminist agenda that they've openly admitted.

I'm not out to make fun, I'm just showing she's a talentless nobody in the art community with no respect for the years of hard work and effort people put in to develop their skill. Anyone whose put forth honest effort to learn can see the good in the work someone does, not just the things they hate, because at that point we're borrowing other's ideas to incorporate into our out toolset. They're getting people who are sharing their own work for approval and advice, and they can do nothing because the only thing they can do is insult others.

>> No.4325181
File: 243 KB, 500x375, 1567308566658-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does reddit even have actual good art communities? I find it kinda interesting that most popular art related subreddits as I know are always something like this.

>> No.4325205

Basically the subs are trash and an echo chamber for those who have no idea on how to draw or failed art school. Having any common sense here will be opposed by whiny teenage incels or mid 20's baristas. Take those sub with a grain of salt as they're the minority in the art world.

>> No.4325215

Wait, you don’t think this board is an actual good art community do you?

>> No.4325229

They are right with this one. Normal suit on 90% of the surface, then body-paint on the tits.
It looks retarded.

>> No.4325230

its not a good one but its an honest one and that's what artists need

>> No.4325328

>Making a entire community to degrade others
Is average female bonding.

>> No.4325493

Well said

>> No.4325698

Incel detected. Go neck

>> No.4325712


>> No.4325770

To be fair the original is pretty bad in terms of anatomy but the redline is even worse.

>> No.4325812
File: 81 KB, 627x540, DAn1Bl1~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4325813

Soul vs soulless

>> No.4325826
File: 3.07 MB, 1536x2048, pseak7qi27w31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is plain retarded. Especially the mouth comment

>> No.4325861

Feminists and the JSW, correcting drawings, are disgusting, they don't know shit that is anatomy or design, they don't distinguish style and exaggeration, they are sick people who think of something they don't know.

>> No.4325864

Neck is completely wrong and she added the non existent thigh gap. Also it's anime so why the fuck is she complaining about mouth proportions?

>> No.4326338

Wait I don't get it. Are they fixing it or are they just highlighting the forms?

>> No.4326344

they’re literally tracing around the contours of the drawings to show how structurally flawed they are. they can’t redline it to be better because they’re not skilled. if anyone itt thinks these redlines are corrections that just goes to show /ic/ is just as smoothbrained and underage as reddit, if not more so.

>> No.4326393

I actually really like that picture. The pelvis is a tad too long but I like everything else about jt

>> No.4326403

Most of these "corrections" are literally >>4321599 , just completely butchering any sense of artistic flair, gesture, or motion for the sake of "anatomical accuracy".

>> No.4326416

>what's realistic and whats POSSIBLE.
>t. KiratheCommie

>> No.4326429

>redlining the neck
>can clearly see the neck before the scarf covers it

>> No.4326573
File: 97 KB, 638x628, rebbit plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4326604

>caring about what women think
unironically NGMI

>> No.4326608

I'd unironically trust a black jewish man over any woman.

>> No.4326658


>> No.4326660

how do i render like this?

>> No.4326683

Gurl!!! amazingg as alwaysss love the strong women message!!! we can all be superheroess n.n

>> No.4326756

I've read so many doujins with cow tits woman, lolis, everything you can think of being drawn by women.

western woman really ARE cancer, holy shit, "mendrawingwomen".

I'd bet my fucking ass most of the drawings they post there are made by actual women.

>> No.4326766

What is the point of this red line, it's traced over exactly with no fixes and it isn't pointing out anything fundamentally wrong. It's almost as if the person who did it hasn't a fucking clue about art or anatomy and only made it out of anger and malice

>> No.4326779

Basic feminist behaviour.

>> No.4327002

God I hate leddit

>> No.4327079

>majority of their complaints are about coom-art, which nobody in their right minds takes seriously

I'm honestly pretty embarrassed for them. imagine sitting around criticizing the fucking quality of PORN (stuff people look at exclusively to get their dick hard and brain to turn off) all day.

>> No.4327080

I honestly really prefer the red one here

>> No.4327092

What does the Jewish people have to do with that

>> No.4327284

They're pointing out how flawed the pictures are when you remove all the smoke and mirrors

>> No.4327301

It's hilarious when you people say that feminists are easily triggered but then you're triggered when they draw red lines LOL

>> No.4327312

The red lines is pure cringe.

>> No.4327315

What is it about necks? Why do artists fuck them up so bad?

>> No.4327345

someone needs to spam coomer tier art just to piss them off lmao

>> No.4327357
File: 467 KB, 733x549, reee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to perform a sjw redline:
>remove soul

>> No.4327643

Do these people really think that these are supposed to be accurate proportions?

>> No.4327789

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.4327791

These people aren't people, they're literal npcs.
They don't have anything going on and blame people who do for it.
It's never successful women who go around peddling feminism, or successful men who go around peddling socialism.

>> No.4328227

Give them a break they're obviously beginners

>> No.4329371

it would be ok if they weren't so full of themselves.

>> No.4329438
File: 125 KB, 960x960, ou83qbltzcc41[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4329450

From Manga Materials i assume, the guy who got harrassed by SJWs no less, that he deleted his shit and then put in in a paywall.

>> No.4329651

She has down symdrome proportions

>> No.4329679

>Manga Materials
In recent events, his paid stuff got reposted on chinese forums. So he started to put winnie the pooh and tiannamen square copy pasta into his water marks.

>> No.4330079

Reminds me of that dumb bitch who was the girlfriend of some art streamer who made fun of some other female streamer's art. Then someone posted the mean bitch's art and it was /beg/ tier

>> No.4330096

So you traded a broken back with a broken leg

>> No.4330269

Not him but how is it broken?

>> No.4330325

Isnt manga materials female?

>> No.4331424

Putting Winnie the Pooh in your watermak to mess with chinese thieves seems like a very male thing to do. A girl would've whined about in twitter and let her white knights do the legwork for her.

>> No.4331425

Why would you even attempt it when someone else already did it way better than you?

>> No.4331509

the butthurt in this image is astounding

>> No.4331515

>A girl would've whined about in twitter and let her white knights do the legwork for her.

Not if she is stoic and non woke

>> No.4331594
File: 226 KB, 581x621, 0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they even watch Anime if they get so angry over it? when they could watch ugly cartoon girls instead.

>> No.4331800

honestly the whole idea of it is pretty fucking retarded when we live in a world where contortionism is a thing

>> No.4331830

>failed artists jealous of talented artists
news at 11

>> No.4332693

They don't watch shit, but they want you to not be able to watch beautiful girls at all because they're fucked up, jealous and mentally ill people.

>> No.4332994
File: 1.15 MB, 1136x640, 732720E2-ED06-4930-B146-5DA4A6073A74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional artist don’t give a shit if it looks wrong, honestly they know the majority of the audience won’t really spot a mistake because of the rendering covering it all.

>> No.4333083

>dat chicken scratch
>dat anatomy
>dat facial structure
>dat stiff pose


>> No.4333088

These people literally have no notion of what`s exaggeration of a pose, holy shiet.

>> No.4333090

>forcing realistic proportions on anime


>> No.4333094
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200127-200515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a Reddit account but can someone please post this? I just found it in a google play games add. I wanna watch the reeeeee

>> No.4333111

Why can't you make an account and post it yourself?

>> No.4333122
File: 1.07 MB, 170x180, 1573581778443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit the double trips have spoken. Guess I'll make an account.

>> No.4333128

If you're worried about giving your e-mail, you don't have to do so.

>> No.4333132

news flash, manga materials is indeed female and if you saw the initial twitter drama you'd know she's not stoic either

>> No.4333294
File: 13 KB, 360x240, D8eGlAjUYAA_44m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4333468

I'm worried about getting cooties

>> No.4333518

>/ic/ as a whole is full of artists, so critique is mostly good, as far as i can tell
Damn nigga that's a good joke

>> No.4333646

at least its not just a bunch of retarded feminists thinking they know the first thing about anatomy lmao

>> No.4333655

B-But i draw...

>> No.4333662

This, almost all the good artists from here made it and left years ago and only return occasionally to give advice (Teal, while debatable, being one of them).

There’s still some decent ones that aren’t apart of the OG /ic/ gang (mrpurin, that redline anon from /asg/, etc) but overall much harder to come by and few of them actually share their blogs.

True, but can you draw more then 98% of /ic/ probably including me and the rest of this thread?

>> No.4333704

To obe perfectly fair, the way the cloth is crammed up under her tits is fucking stupid.

>> No.4333713

I think they're less concerned with improving the quality of people's work and more concerned with veiling their petty and childish feelings of inadequacy behind the false flag of unfair representation.

>> No.4333721

you can always tell someones a lazy fucking scrub when they hide drawing hands.

>> No.4334066

Just looking at ths made me lose 3 weeks of art gainz and reduced my IQ by about 13%

>> No.4334077

I think she was trying to make a power pose positioning the hands at the hips, but she couldn't lmao

>> No.4334681
File: 123 KB, 1205x1186, o7gpk0ds89d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4334791
File: 4 KB, 235x192, 1576231091700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didn't look long enough to realize the legs are boobs

>> No.4334881

Who gives a fuck? People should be spending more time drawing than caring about how a group of people get some sort of weird satisfaction ripping into other people's art.

Oh wait...isn't that /ic/ in a nutshell?

>> No.4334939
File: 49 KB, 600x827, 1262425256337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can't be fucking real

>> No.4335012
File: 324 KB, 751x1063, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4335018

What did the original look like? This redline seems pretty good

>> No.4335025
File: 190 KB, 1176x1798, br7bvweq17j31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so bad. Look at the dwarf torso

>> No.4335097

A lot of people excuse their art as "their style".
When is it okay to follow fundamentals, and when it is okay to follow style?

>> No.4335101
File: 104 KB, 837x1024, na3fimivp5541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4335124
File: 3.54 MB, 1694x1910, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more
who's this
nevermind found it

>> No.4335131
File: 277 KB, 320x240, avengersageofultron_omg_0cd75565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing, the red lines are so bad, they make Rob Liefeld's drawing look good, this is scary.

>> No.4336129

How the fuck is that redline fat? Are you from Ethiopia or something? I feel kinda sorry for you.

>> No.4336155

There is no way that's from the same thread as >>4319528
That drawing is incredibly good imo., these people shouldn't even be able to spot the flaws to begin with since probably none of them draw.

>> No.4336165

>proceeds not to tell anyone
Here for anyone interested: https://twitter.com/nikumikyo/status/1137025457075834880?lang=en

>> No.4336334


>> No.4336367

Holy shit that one is pretty baffling tho

>> No.4336517


>> No.4336560

Worry about feeling your diabetic foot.

>> No.4336601

I thinks it's fine to exaggerate certains parts of the body that you believe are attractive even if it's not realistic. But the pose for example needs to be realistic and not painful to look at

>> No.4337802

Still looks good though

>> No.4338944
File: 228 KB, 450x393, 123453456423434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to die holy fuck

>> No.4338963

I think this is why SLB blocked me on Deviantart