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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4312900 No.4312900 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too depressed to draw

I actually don't want to do anything. Since decades already. It's a shame, because I actually could have been a really decent artist, if it wasn't for the crippling depression constantly.

Thanks for nothing, parents.

>> No.4312902

Not depressed enough to not open up a shit thread, I see

>> No.4312929

Thread died for this

>> No.4312930

It's an important topic dumbfuck. I am sure I am not alone with this feel here.

>> No.4312933

Nobody cares. NOBODY! CARES!
But it's the same low energy shit for me. Still, NO ONE FUCKING CARES! Commit sudoku you lazy shit. I'll join you shortly after.

>> No.4312935

this board is for artist only. if you don't draw then you can get the fuck out. go whine in /r9k/, turbofaggot.

>> No.4312939

Grow up and Take responsibility for your own actions, you are the only reason why you are depressed, quit whining on here and get some help if you’re so miserable...

>> No.4312940


A few times in my life I have had truly depressive episodes. I must say, it's one of the most crippling conditions one can have. Just thinking about it gives me the chills... I am really sorry for you anon, if there's anything that helped me was trying to make my life not be about me. Think of yourself as a tool to achieve something, either to the world or to someone else like family or friends, etc. Force yourself not to try to leave the pain, but not to let it get in the way of doing something for someone. Start being more mindful of the illusions of fear and anxiety you're creating for yourself and don't take them personally. You can even die depressed, but if you focused yourself on doing good then you left this world a better place and left it with dignity.

If you don't feel like drawing, draw either way. Draw something cute and glue it on the street. You'll make people slightly happier by looking at something nice.

If you can't make yourself happy, make someone else.

>> No.4312953


>> No.4313032

a shit thread died for this shit thread, there's only shit thread on ic

>> No.4313035
File: 78 KB, 500x391, dr.anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is depression a common theme in your daily life?
>How is your sex life?
>Do you ever motivated yourself by creating a fictional representation of what you will never be?
>Have you ever been put in an uncomfortable situation as a child?
>Was your teacher a fucking faggot that always had a problem with you just for no reason?
>Have you ever wanted to travel but financially you can't?
>Are you prescribed for medication or refuse to use said medication?
>Are you over 30 years old?
>Do you feel like a burden to society?
>Do you feel like you're just another mouth to feed?
>Any substance abuse like alcohol, tobacco, methamphetamine, etc?
>Have you ever wanted to just scream or go full nelson on someone's ass just for shits?
>Have you ever felt that life would have been better if you didn't need to worry about money?
>Are you satisfied with your job or education or whatever?
>Do you feel like your room/apartment/house is a mess?
>In a sentence, describe yourself as a person.
>Do you feel incomplete?
>I'm running out of questions.
>Do you hate people?
>Have you ever tried or wanted to try different hobbies ex cooking, knitting or maybe fencing?
>Do you feel society is doomed to fail?
>Do you have any questions?

>> No.4313041

It’s such an important topic that we dedicated a whole board to it, so that you don’t have to shitpost here.


>> No.4313047

>>Is depression a common theme in your daily life?
Yes, totally.
>>How is your sex life?
Non-existent, never was (I'm almost 36), except daily fapping of course
>Do you ever motivated yourself by creating a fictional representation of what you will never be?
No, it's just always been depressive to think about this
>>Have you ever been put in an uncomfortable situation as a child?
Yes, plenty
>>Was your teacher a fucking faggot that always had a problem with you just for no reason?
No, they were often annoying or assholes of course, but it wasn't that bad, they were just stupid mostly
>>Have you ever wanted to travel but financially you can't?
Yes, I love Japan, but I have always been poor
>>Are you prescribed for medication or refuse to use said medication?
>Are you over 30 years old?
>Do you feel like a burden to society?
Yes, but society here is fucked anyway, so I don't really care
>Do you feel like you're just another mouth to feed?
I feel like the people are thinking this.
>Any substance abuse like alcohol, tobacco, methamphetamine, etc?
Addicted to tobacco. Recently I also started drinking a bit sometimes, but it's not an addiction. I already didn't drink since a month again.
>Have you ever wanted to just scream or go full nelson on someone's ass just for shits?
Of course, but I don't really like hurting people, and the consequences are annoying.
>Have you ever felt that life would have been better if you didn't need to worry about money?
>Are you satisfied with your job or education or whatever?
Not at all. I don't really care that I am NEET, but I really would like to be a better artist.
>Do you feel like your room/apartment/house is a mess?
Yes, I live in a basement.
>In a sentence, describe yourself as a person.
The sad and lonely guy, too smart for the dumb, too stupid for the smart.
>Do you feel incomplete?
>Do you hate people?
Not all, but most of them.

I'm running out of text space

>> No.4313049

Don't try with antipsychotics, they just make things worse.

>> No.4313055

Well this is oh so true.

>> No.4313060

Just pop.some anti depressants and aderall and you should be good to go

>> No.4313066

Drugs are not a solution. They mostly just make it worse.

>> No.4313077
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>Thanks for nothing, parents.

>got forced into writing with my right hand despite being born as a leftie
>always got shit on by my parents for writing like shit

>have ADHD
>didn't get medication until 25 because my parents think I will "grow" out of it naturally and have no idea how big of an impact it had on my life

I can understand this sentiment, but at least I have finally found my problem and I am going nowhere but up from this point and it's a good feeling.

>> No.4313084
File: 31 KB, 313x291, 1571631373553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go lift some weights bro, hire a Stacy or Chad to train you and if you are worried about your social autism it will be okay you are paying them to deal with your autism. You have a chemical imbalance and Deadlifts will help you feel great as the deadlift aids in releasing hormones your body needs among other forms of exercises.

>> No.4313085

Men are even lazier than they're fearful.
~Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.4313087

>Blaming your parents for your failure.
Quit bitching faggot and stab that pencil into the foot you call "hand" and draw. Nothing in life is achieved through bitching.

>> No.4313088

Bullshit. People like you are just too stupid. Sure can sport make you feel better, but it won't give you back your youth and won't solve your problems.

>> No.4313089

>hurr the way you educate your children is irrelevant
You surely sound like a great parent...

>> No.4313093

Well fuckin' sail out to the fountain of fuckin' youth, captain!
No one's getting their youth back, unless they're some fuckin jellyfish.
You wasted it with stupid shit or it was taken from you? You're shit out of luck.
Do what you can with what you have left.

>> No.4313097

If your parents fail you then don't fail yourself too.Sitting and bitching about it won't take you anywhere, it's equal to slipping in a pile of mud and not getting up from there because you have to complain that you slipped.If what you want is you draw and you can't because of bitching , then go search for inner peace and try to draw or study something new that will get your mind away from what bothers you. If not , then find something else to do.

>> No.4313099

No need to get so upset. Not my fault you write nonsense.

>If your parents fail you then don't fail yourself too
What does it have to do with failing myself, if I acknowledge that my shit parents a huge reason for my failures? Get a brain or just fuck retard.

>> No.4313127

Get your vitamin d levels tested. If possible do a full blood panel for vitamin levels.

Learn about sleep hygiene and really make it a priority. Get a day job or part time job to force you out of the house if you don’t have one already.

Learn to take full responsibility for your own life and the consequences in your life. Who you are today is a result of who you have been. You have control over who you are now and this will affect who you are in the future.
Stop blaming things as being outside of your control or blaming others for your problems.
Read about growth vs fixed mindsets.

Look into the philosophy of stoicism.

Try a month (Or a week to start) without TV/video games/internet/screens. Pick up some books, go outside, draw, pick up another craft, learn to meditate, learn to be bored, go be in nature, go to a library or coffee shop. Force yourself to interact with people, make it a goal to go out and do something nice for someone (even if its just complimenting a strangers jacket).

Obviously not all at once. Focus on tiny steps that will get you there. I say all this because its what I did. I used to be an actively suicidal NEET with panic disorder and was so depressed I wouldn’t eat or sleep for days. Dropped out of high school cause of it, had two full psychotic breaks due to stress and self negligence.
I’m now working full time while going to college and taking on freelance work, moved out of my parents basement, living with a partner. Off anxiety and depression meds. ADHD was a big cause for the initial depression spiral so learning to deal with that and get treatment for it was a huge catalyst and the origin for most of my mental health issues.

its taken 3 years to get to this point, tiny tiny baby steps anon. Relapse and backslides happen, but just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
It can be hard to embrace full responsibility for who you are but its also massively liberating.

>> No.4313130

You’re an adult now, you are the reason for your own failings, depression is our outlook on life and the fact we either choose to have a positive outlook on life or negative. People who are far worse off than you still manage to do great things but you choose to revel in the past while changing nothing in the present to improve your future. Your failings are your own, no one else’s.

>> No.4313139

> because I actually could have been a really decent artist

I doubt it since you never even drawn before.

>> No.4313142

>You’re an adult now
So you really mean parenting is irrelevant? You sure sound like a great father...
You are just too fucking stupid. The youth affects your whole life. You can't just become an adult, and suddenly you are a new person. That's not how it works dipshit.

>> No.4313173

Nobody said your youth doesn’t affect adulthood, but as an adult you have the ability and resources to live your own life, like I said, you can either revel In the past or change your present situation to improve your future. You are not unique and the world doesn’t stop turning. Use your brain and grow up.

>> No.4313178

>Nobody said your youth doesn’t affect adulthood
Of course you said this

>You’re an adult now, you are the reason for your own failings, depression is our outlook on life

You act as if everything only depends on how you think.
>Get raped as a kid and feel depressed? Well, it's your own fault stupid! Just think positive!

Get a fucking brain or just stfu

>> No.4313180

As someone who battles with depression (and had postpartum depression) here is my experience.

In the winter, it's worse, and I often fail at caring for myself, however in the warmer months:

I go for a 1-2 hour hike in my back woods, taking pictures of planets and observing nature, identifying plants and herbs with the help of an app.
I learn something, I get a work out and sweat, thus prompting me to shower and I'm hungry after. If I'm in a hurry, I eat fruit. (banana or apple) Otherwise I make myself something proper. I drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Eating right is important. The less sugary food the better.
Getting out of your home is important. Just smelling fresh air with the windows open makes me happier.

In the winter, i sleep a lot, eat less and/or eat more sweets and drink less water while drinking more caffeine. I don't go outside or exercise.

>> No.4313202

>except daily fapping of course
maybe stop this and go outside lol, you gotta put effort in if you wanna get better.

>> No.4313205

Are you doing anything to improve your situation, or just bitching?

>> No.4313207

Whatever has happened to you in the past you can either decide to move forward or keep focusing on it. It wont change what has happened but hopefully you can create a better future for yourself

>> No.4313208
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>> No.4313214

>hurr just stop fapping bro

>you can either decide to move forward or keep focusing on it
As if it would be that easy. As if you could just snap with a finger, and suddenly your bad thoughts are gone.

>> No.4313218
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Depression overall is very bizarre, I've went to 10 psychologist and psychiatrists and they couldn't get through me at all, they just wanted me to keep coming and talk and just give them money, not at all pleasant. I think my depression comes from the lack of any meaningful human relationship, my parents are well off but they never really spent more than 2 minutes talking to me ever, due to being alone all the time since a very young age I couldn't function well in School and I dropped out of Highschool while under constant threats from my family, I live a very hollow life and in return I became a very hollow person, however instead of just whining and complaining I decided to find a motivation, that motivation was my Husbando, I've been drawing more, working out and even learned Hiragana and currently finishing Katakana, everyone's depression can be treated through different means, mine I just had to find someone to fight and die for. I hope you'll find something similar anon.

>> No.4313222
File: 66 KB, 720x540, eat shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been depressed.

>> No.4313224
File: 841 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot (52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>however instead of just whining and complaining I decided to find a motivation, that motivation was my Husbando, I've been drawing more
Post your work if you think you are trying harder than me, and I am "just whining", dumb faggot.

Pic related is what I draw.

>> No.4313227

Hey anon it's not over. I guess you are in your 20s-40s. With current life expectancies + future advancements in medicine you still have like another lifetime to keep improving and reinvent yourself! >>4313077
Same for you if it's not the same person.

>> No.4313245

I know that shit anon, depression sabotaged everything in my life.
But it can get better.
Suffering for 20 years and counting, in the last year I felt better on average and I have actually started playing an instrument and drawing (mostly anatomy studies). I'm still far from any achievement, even just bare self satisfaction, but it feels like a huge progress.
The key for depression is to hang on and don't let it get worse by engaging in destructive coping mechanisms (taking drugs, alcohol, etc.)
Also don't look around for sympathy, ppl just don't understand even the fucked up fuckers on this freakshow website

>> No.4313246

It’s not easy, no one has said it would ever be easy. life isn’t meant to be easy or fair. If you do nothing to change, then guess what, nothing changes.

>> No.4313247

>no one has said it would ever be easy
You said it would be easy, or at least act like it, because you are a pampered faggot who never suffered and got everything stuck in his ass. It's fucking obvious

>> No.4313278

>do a full blood panel for vitamin levels.
what just go to a walk-in clinic?

>> No.4313299

Ok let's see here, is depressed. Clearly has a sexual drive although swayed by possible low self-esteem.

possible childhood trauma which is normal. teachers were neutral and not hostile(FUCKING GOOD FOR YOU!@).

Has travelling interests although I was hoping something more like the Bahamas or some shit.

Seems to have control over substance abuse.

Seems to hold pent up anger and frustration that requires ventilation.

Not in employment education or training. Ever considered part-time work? it's some income and does not require to be there over 48hrs a week. (work dead-end jobs because I just need money to pay rent cause I don't care about positional status or career advancement, get my job done and fuck off.)

Random fun question.
>If Elon came up to you and said "we need a competent weeb for our space program to mars" will you take the opportunity?

>> No.4313325

Been depressed and anxious ever since I was a kid.
Back then I didn't know what it was.

In my mid 20s I was obese, virgin, had a shitty job and used to get Drunk 3-5 days a week, also parents had just divoced (the ugly way).

Father convinced me to do a Bariatric Surgery.
Had to do a bunch of exams and meet a psychologist.
She wasn't even a good one, but I learned 2 things.
1 - I was too hard on myself and on everyone else. Judging everyone on way too high standards.

2- I was anxious.

Did 3 session and stopped meeting her. Gave up on the surgery and went through diet and exercise.

Overcame shyness and got on tinder. Hooked up with a few older women. Got confident, began hooking up with better looking women, then younger women.

Stopped arriving late at work, and did my job with more enthusiams.
Things got better.

Now am 30. Got a nice younger and beaufitul GF.
Still struggle with weight and anxiety.
But neither are crippling anymore.
Get a few "depression waves" every now and then. But I got momentum, and I know I am moving toward better times. And then after a while It's all good again.

>> No.4313335
File: 54 KB, 500x500, artworks-000099372610-5uxski-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ is not being used for what it has been made. People here are at least less cumbrained individuals then there and can actually try give advices like couple of anons already did.

>> No.4313373

cool story bro

>> No.4313557

>I actually don't want to do anything.

Not that it will change anything, but there's good reason to believe that it's the other way around: people who easily want to do stuff (=motivated) are the people who do stuff. It reinforces in their brain the circuits enforcing action, making taking the next decisions more automatic/less costly in energy.
You don't do shit because it costs your brain more energy than it costs that guy who's working and has a gf and is studying Loomis all night. He's able to do it because he gradually did more and more stuff, making his brain able to handle all that shit - excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Watch this video about gradual changes, it explains it way better than my shitty english:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOQd9Uwpu5E

>> No.4313658

If you live in the US and don’t have insurance there’s places where you could get just vitamin D checked for $50. Probably other options as well, do some research

>> No.4314327

You’re not alone. It’s why I’m here anyways

>> No.4314328
File: 1.56 MB, 3768x1507, 213E3B4D-48AC-4888-8D9A-59FAC665A561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes people happy anyways? Seems like the world is going to shit nowadays.

>> No.4314332

I wish only motivated artists could post here. vermin like you deserve to remain in the trash where you belong.

>> No.4315301

Good job dude.
Any changes in the alimentation section? Ever since I've stopped eating carbs it's been going a lot better for a family member and myself.

>> No.4315505

Kill yourself

>> No.4315517
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>/ic/ is less cumbrained
I wouldn't be so sure about that, buddy...

>> No.4315522

So why couldnt this be left as an overlooked post on the rant thread? Gotta get that little dopamine surge from the (you) popping up next to every post even when they're all calling you a faggot? Maybe work a bit instead of making excuses and you'll get your happy brain chemicals in a way that isn't completely pitiful.

Fuck off, just draw.