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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4301519 No.4301519 [Reply] [Original]

>anime uses hogarth over Loomis
Finally proven, for anime ignore Loomis and go straight hogarth. Everyone else keep grinding Loomis.

>> No.4301530

Early Japanese how to draw manga manuals used Jack Hamm and Reilly's abstraction methods. It's not really about which one to use, but how you use these methods to achieve your goal.

>> No.4301545

I chose to believe the most important step is not to cripple your brain with Loomis master of unnatural wooden construction methods and man ass on women.

>> No.4301550

>Some dude uses Hogarth, therefore you should use Hogarth
Ah, the scientific method. Flawless.

>> No.4301551

Many Japanese drawing books use Loomis.

>> No.4301562
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>> No.4301620

Hogarth looks disgusting

>> No.4301658

I fucking told you niggers, and you called me a retard. Nobody even heard of Loomis until his shit went out of print and became free because nobody fucking bought it.

>> No.4301659

Loomis looks disgusting you twat

>> No.4301686

He's a meme in the Art World and a name artists fling around as a joke when at Starbucks. Like /g/ when they say read SICP or /jp/ when they say "the pleasure of cummning inside", or /a/ when they say boku no pico or /pol/ when they say glowinthedark/shizo, or etc etc

>> No.4301767

is this from that new meme anime about the school girls that are trying to be animators?

>> No.4301930


>> No.4301961

His art lools like bronzed shit, as Wally Wood described it

>> No.4301967

how come Watts and Eaton recommend studying his books then?

>> No.4301976


>> No.4302035

His shading looks weird and very metalic but the actual drawing, gesture and construction is miles ahead of most other artists including loomis.
Just learn his way of constructing and get your shading technique from a different artist, you don't have to learn from just 1 source.

>> No.4302059
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Burne Hogarth is one of the best art teachers in my opinion. He can draw very well normally, and only shades and draws anatomy in that bulbous unrealistic way just to make the anatomy clearer. Pretty much all my anatomy knowledge harks back to Hogarth.

>> No.4302240


>> No.4302246

agreed, my very first instructional book was hogarth and i have no regrets

>> No.4302267

Do any of you actually draw?
Or do most of you just spend most of your free time complaining and comparing artists that are more productive and skilled than you?

>> No.4302280


>> No.4302284

My man that's a correct observation, BUT
Think about where you are and what you have just been doing

>> No.4302870

Which of Hogarth's books should I look at to learn to draw like this?

>> No.4303085

whos work is this? where is this from?

>> No.4303209

Only retards deal in absolutes.
Some artists prefer a learning method over the other, and vice versa.
Stop being a retard, retard.

>> No.4303211

Eizouken, new anime

>> No.4305387

Hogarth leads to art and anime.
Loomis leads to merc_wip.

>> No.4305388

>His shading looks weird
You're not supposed to copy the shading, your brainlett.
The reason why he does this ultra contrast shading is to work out the volume on his anatomy dolls for the reader to understand that it's not flat shapes. Also a reason why he's superior to flat-ass loomis.

>> No.4305390
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>> No.4305399

Weird how most Japanese drawing books use Loomis then

>> No.4305411
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>citation needed

>> No.4305440

Loomis was literally out of print until 10-15 years ago (none of you faggots seem to be aware of this). I seriously doubt some American meme teacher had or has a significant presence in Japanese art instruction material.
Maybe there's a couple of contemporary Japanese drawing books that jumped on the meme, but that's hardly indicative of the of Japanese art instruction as a whole.

>> No.4305465

>using the same shit as in the OP
>just a different scene
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>citation needed

>> No.4305468
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Yusuke Murata uses Hogarth as well

>> No.4305476

god i wish i had art friends like in this anime

>> No.4305485

Wrong, the only author/book Murata ever mentioned was Hampton's Figure drawing design and invention

>> No.4305490

wait, really? I'm actually interested in that. I tried Hampton and couldn't get anything out of that. You have a source? I can't tell if you're joking or not.

>> No.4305501

He mentioned the book in an interview if I remember correctly

>> No.4305503
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He also read Loomis

>> No.4305508
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Looks like loomis is famous among nips

>> No.4305510
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>> No.4305524

Bro, we ARE your art friends. Just shitty friends, but I'm working on that.

>> No.4305525

This guy gets it. The only reason loomis blew up is literally because his shit was free and some webcomic artists in the early 2000s started uploading pdfs.

>> No.4305537

nice meme

>> No.4305538

That explains why japs cant draw hands or feet. Or they draw feet like hands with thise super long toes .only shitty muscular goliaths like that one wrestling anime, everything was stiff as fuck.

>> No.4305541

Yea. Japs can’t draw feet for shit. It’s pretty laughable.

>> No.4305563

>Almost every manga artist has Jack Hamm and the book by Loomis sensei

>> No.4307746

this but unironically

>> No.4308254

It's literally one of of the best selling art books on Amazon.jp

>> No.4308521


Otherwise you might actually get good and we don't need more competition.

>> No.4308576

any hogarth book? Iread fun with pencil and just learned to build heads (pretty good heads btw) and found the body pretty confusing

>> No.4308700

don't get his light and shade book, but otherwise they're all pretty good. The figure drawing, drapery, and Hand drawing ones are the best.

>> No.4308731

what anime is this?

>> No.4309016

Read the thread, retard

>> No.4309491

draw from whatever teacher, loomis, reilly, hampton, hogarth, or what have you.

Eventually you will devolve your own way of construction.

>> No.4309493

draw from whatever teacher, loomis, reilly, hampton, hogarth, or what have you.

Eventually you will develop your own way of construction.

>> No.4309514

What are the book/manga names where these pages are from?

>> No.4309521
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The Japanese are not stupid. They are no different than anyone else trying to excel at figurative art. They study the Masters, they learn from Chinese/Russian atelier-rype resources, they have world class art schools ffs, use western online schools (or study in the west) if they speak english, and they devour all the same anatomy books we do (Bammes, Loomis, hale, Richer etc) PLUS a bunch of manga/anime instruction books. And this mostly for stylistic convention and trends.
Like us the have kids who learn and get inspired by social media and chan sites who fiddle with instruction books and youtubes but the serious ones are no different than anywhere else.

>> No.4310532

Just study real life so you know when you've fucked up clear and simple... and then you can distort whatever you like to suite your bizarre fetishes after you've actually learned to draw.

>> No.4310569

The art of Hogarth looks false and static be lifeless

>> No.4310580
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The anime mangaka use the Glenn Vilpu lessons

>> No.4310586

Construction is construction. Only about a billion decent sources to find its fundamentals being taught, but yea, if you want to limit yourself to one source that clicks with you it's whatever.

>> No.4310611

Hetappi Manga Kenkyuujo R, by Yusuke Murata. Unfortunately it is as of yet untranslated.

>> No.4310722


>> No.4311578
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hmmm interesting

>> No.4312808
