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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.64 MB, 2842x2062, 56635739_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4286118 No.4286118 [Reply] [Original]

**Don’t aimlessly study the fundamentals or anime. Learn the fundamentals (form, value, color, composition, etc.) through properly copying anime.**

General anime style discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Keep most of your personal works for /alt/ or the other critique threads. Here we should be drawing copies from good anime styled references (illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.) to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Effective Art Study Guide:

General Art Overview:

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:


Previous Thread:

>> No.4286132

Are these threads worth posting in?

>> No.4286163

pyw and I'll tell you

>> No.4286172

How do I shade?

>> No.4286473
File: 353 KB, 1230x1600, 1560744629754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286475

Is there a right way to hold the pencil?
I hear artist mention wrist pains quite a bit yet never felt them myself.

>> No.4286480

low back pain is more common

also how do i avoid lower back pain

>> No.4286566

Post imagination work

>> No.4286622
File: 972 KB, 1280x720, shirobako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that a lot of anime uses black for shadows, but it seems that some shadows are darker than others (so it's not just a single multiply layer).
Is there a book or something that says what
kinds of shadow colors to use in different situations?

>> No.4286634

You would think so, but I remember watching an in the making video and they have meetings and pick colors individually.

>> No.4286714
File: 3.84 MB, 2700x2219, waifufaceproject 100 rearranged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(repost from last thread)

Hi /asg/, it is the final day of the year. The holidays were quite busy for me but I cannot let the year end without finishing what I started, and alas I can finally say that it is finished! I also reorganized them to be arranged in a more readable fashion but purposely did not resize them to be equal size to keep them as they are.

This is the one hundred faces of Fishine project I started on a whim in early October.

It was a long a quite mechanical process to do it and frankly I wasn't truly expecting to learn anything big out of it. However I can say that it did teach me many things. It forced me out of my comfort zone to do a different art style consistently. It taught me much more variety of expressions lewds especially, how to use the shape of the mouth, the tongue, how to place in the teeth into the mouth. It taught me how much different the image can feel by just adding a few droplets of sweat and saliva at some places or how sometimes adding extra circles to the eyes can make a difference or arranging the hair the eye-line and many smaller things. It taught me to become more time-efficient with my workflow (layers, brushes etc.) which was really damn sloppy and disorganized now that I seriously look back at it. Overall I am glad that I did this sometimes I hated it but now I feel like it was well worth it. I also started a series of trying to do these out of my head only which is at the 40 mark I am not sure if I will finish it but who know what the next year will bring.

Note that the full picture has been resized to be around 30% of the original size so I could post it, if someone can suggest a place where one can host a roughly 9000x9000px image for free I can upload the high res file there and link it here.

If you have questions about the experience I will try to answer them.
I am grateful to all that supported this mad quest, you are wonderful people.
I wish everyone a happy new year for 2020

>> No.4286715
File: 3.18 MB, 3520x2352, waifufaceproject 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the 90-100 series in full resolution.

>> No.4286719
File: 1.06 MB, 211x203, 1569537669027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Anon that asked in the last thread
>hey anon give me your eyes reference. i been looking to learn eyes but never find any i like that stick. I fancy yours tho
I have used the pictures collected in this gif but took it apart to layers using Photoshop. All of them drawn by the same artists called Fishine. It had some 97 pictures the gif with some duplicates, the final 8 I collected from looking up lewd manga by Fishine.

>> No.4286752
File: 3.19 MB, 2616x2636, study4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some studies and exercises I did during the holidays

>> No.4286753
File: 1.66 MB, 1940x1663, study5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286841


>> No.4286847

>I've noticed that a lot of anime uses black for shadows
It's not using black. Learn to use RGB sliders. Move the sliders while maintaining proportion and you'll come closer. There's more to it than that and varies by show, being broadcast-safe, etc. Using RGB sliders gives you a lot of control over color temp and saturation. If you look at the image, it's quite warm, so when the shadows are selected they maintain a lot more of the red channel compared to the green and blue but keep roughly the same proportions.


>> No.4287657
File: 2.22 MB, 3295x3891, yandere00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4287664

You in particular, how do I draw anime?

>> No.4287668

what do you mean?

>> No.4287672

How do I go from 0 to promising?
A rough sketch that exudes anime is all I need to be whole. To see the sun once again. Something that’s sure to look good after the necessary time is put into drawing over it.

>> No.4287686

I don't know man...

All I do is study fundies from courses I pirate/buy and draw from reference. Eventually you get better than you were before.

One mistake I used to do is spend all my time on courses when I had little time. I'd say you should spend at least 4 hours drawing everyday and learn more about fundies on weekends or so, to practice is much more important than to watch videos/read books.

Literally every day get a drawing/photo you like and draw it, see what worked and what didn't, learn from it, apply what you learned on your next drawing. Based on your shortcomings, study more from courses/books to fill the gaps you observe in your daily practice. Repeat for years and years until you're dead. Along the way you'll get better.

>> No.4287687
File: 3.00 MB, 2500x3500, remiliacolored1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Values practice

>> No.4287696

Also, it's important to sometimes draw from memory/imagination.

For example, if you drew a pose you liked very much, try drawing it from your memory later. If you find that you have many gaps in your understanding of the pose, construct it and study it.

You can also practice your imagination and creativity by getting a reference sheet full of pictures you like (put them on pureref maybe) and combine features or create new ones based on reference. Like for example, you get the pose from one, the costume from another, the hair from other, eyes, etc.

If you're studying, it's always better to use reference, but the way you use reference also matters.

>> No.4287708

good christian values

>> No.4288351
File: 812 KB, 2100x952, _baka_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya is atheist and Remilia is apatheist

>> No.4288389
File: 791 KB, 1561x1302, ocz6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to color

>> No.4288395

focus on drawing first. that looks like shit and not even close to anime. horrible proportions, composition, and line quality

>> No.4288400

damn that's disappointing as it felt like i was getting better. Can you redline it maybe? I know the hand is not good but overall it genuinely looks alright to me.

>> No.4288410
File: 256 KB, 850x1041, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_kedamono_kangoku_tou__sample-d48fd065d6340442e33b4592472e3b96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get better at this I feel kind of stagnant.

>> No.4288498

how many times are you gonna post this, or your other pieces, and never take any feedback people give you? you keep turning out soulless shit in a void with horrible drawing skills and perspective but anime rendering to cover your ass. then a half assed background in a park/bench or with fucking undertale and smash shit around it.

>> No.4288541

Change your style significantly, also shading is pretty good as for me.

>> No.4288576
File: 2.92 MB, 3545x3739, rooting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon! You did it! I'm so proud!
It's been a wondefu journey - I'll always be rooting for you!\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶////

>> No.4288582

is top left the first one you did? if not can you post the first faces you made?

>> No.4288608

thanks but can I see some kind of example of what my drawing lacks through a work comparison?

>> No.4288610

How does the chest and pelvis boxes work? I watch Sir Proko's robo bean but the distances between the chest box and pelvis box always come out weird and I don't know their range of motion

>> No.4288631

How can anyone help you when you don't share anything about your goals?

>> No.4288635
File: 327 KB, 1448x2048, EMokYSNVAAIaQh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of art I like the most I try and capture stuff like this but it lacks the soul.

>> No.4288655

Study of what?

>> No.4288679

The boxes give you a better directional sense of how the ribcage and pelvis are positioned.
You don't have to use it every single time, they are just tools to help you when you are unsure about something.
The upper body of a typical anime girl has around 3~3.5 heads.
I usually use 1~1.25 head for ribcage and 0.8 head for pelvis, so the distance between them comes naturally.
Vilppu's videos helped me a lot to do these studies so I highly recommend that you watch it as he explains it better.

it's not about boxes but it can help you with the distances between pelvis/ribcage

Lord Vilppu stuff, ch. 3 is about box forms
but I recommend you watch them all.

>> No.4288700
File: 3.30 MB, 2410x2400, waifufaceprojectmine 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is top left the first one you did? if not can you post the first faces you made?
All of those are referenced from the gif at >>4286719 they are numbered in production order although I admit the numbers are really hard to see.

Here is the series of the ones I did only from my memory, most were just made up on the spot so they are quite barren. I started this series when I was at 60 of the referenced series and alternated between referenced and imagination. Note that these are also shrunken due to the board's file size limitations.

Obviously mines are by far not as good as Fishine's but even if they were if I would have draw an entire manga or just an entire body I would be destroyed.

>> No.4288710

what part of it do you want to get better at?

>> No.4288725

I wish I could explain it but I just feel it lacks that polished look I see on sites like danbooru.

>> No.4288730

tbf this looks nice and comfy etc, and I follow that artist, but his stuff isn't exactly soul.

>> No.4288898

are you retarded anon?

>/asg/ - Anime Study General

>> No.4289000

Stop draw these faces

>> No.4289015

It's too late anon, with this testament to his madness the man who made these hasn't a direction on how to make other content.

>> No.4289016 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to sketch examples of clothes/fabric

>> No.4289021
File: 1.62 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to sketch examples of clothes/fabric.

>> No.4289034
File: 58 KB, 513x800, pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying some translucent clothing.

>> No.4289440
File: 483 KB, 1240x2350, exercise8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some general practice

>> No.4289485

How do you guys retain the quality from rough sketch to lineart?
Shit takes so long that I’m looking to have this right from the start before dumping hours only to scrap it.

>> No.4289488

Your rough sketches are always going to look better than the finished lineart.

>> No.4289491

Okay how do I minimize the quality drop then?
I have the pieces to a good work but don't want to gut it with amateur lines.

>> No.4289499

The lack of intellect from anons these days I swear.

>> No.4289504

does anyone have the footage from https://sensei.pixiv.net/

>> No.4289582
File: 446 KB, 1378x2252, for_anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried fixing the eyes and mouth, shouldn't have messed with the hair, but meh. hope you like it anon.

>> No.4289608

Not always. Certainly rough sketches will always have a certain unique energy and charm, especially if your an artist. But lineart can look equally as good, merely in a different way.

Get better at lineart. Mainly just by practicing it, and also keep all the standard advice in mind: vary the thickness of your lines, put linebreaks in the right places, experiment with different techniques and different types of lines (the contour of an arm or leg for example might have some very subtle bumps and inconsistencies to make it look more organic, while the contour of a dress or a piece of arm might be a much more confident and elegant curve), etc.

Also "hours" is a very small amount of time to spend on a piece. Pros will regularly spend 20+ hours on a complicated piece, and it's reasonable to expect that you'll be working slower than they will. I really hate the "hurr durr never polish a turd" mentality that's common among both begs and pros. Yes when you're learning it's more efficient to do lots of quicker pieces and fail fast and learn from your mistakes, but at the same time I think it's important that every once in a while you really go all out on a piece and see what you're really capable of.

>> No.4289617

How do I think of what to draw?

>> No.4289620
File: 435 KB, 1267x2193, for_anon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smaller eyes and pontier face too

>> No.4289635

I posted it on yande.re, it's on the last page.

>> No.4289642

Many thanks kind anon, it's great.

>> No.4289643


>> No.4289651

what do you mean by last page?

>> No.4289666
File: 339 KB, 346x346, 1574455248249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had friends like this guy...

>> No.4289688
File: 92 KB, 700x800, Latias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people use a textured pen, specifically on SAI, to draw something when the end result looks like normal lines?
I feel like it'd be helpful for me to use that as well but zooming in on my WIP looks unclean on a pixel level.

>> No.4289696

>looks unclean on a pixel level.
Not sure about other artists, but personally this is the exact reason why I use a subtle texture.

It's so that my autistic perfectionism don't distract me into trying to make it perfect on a pixel level and it helps keep my focus on making it look good on a bird's eye level instead.

Usually when I use a perfect round brush for lineart, I end up getting tunnel visioned and the result ends up looking worse overall.

But for sketching, I actually do just fine with a round brush since it's gonna be messy anyways.

>> No.4290427
File: 785 KB, 1404x795, Screenshot_20191220_230431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna keep autisticly copying anime illustrations from gacha games till i make it

>> No.4290451

Is there a way to effectively use paint tool sai on pure touch screen devices?
I once saw some onscreen Dock containing buttons and other shortcuts, next to the main sai window, does that work exactly the same as physical buttons/expresskeys? Where can I get it?

>> No.4290709

Two options anon: One, Focus one EMOTION. A Character's actions and motivations should resonate throughout the entire body. More dynamics less stock posing. Two. Ignore your standard workflow completely, drop the comfort zone of standard picture building you're used to following and DO it differently. Start with the background instead, how it the environment or lighting going to affect your character. Where the hell are they even, what is their story. Existing cutely to sit in a white void? That's a character or a costume design. Step ONE.Now redraw her deejaying at a motherfucking rave in front of a crowd. Then you'll have something

>> No.4290720


>> No.4290743
File: 735 KB, 2157x1323, 865ce5e44ed4dc3680d6b487ef9063d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im okay with this, that webm was actually true all you need is a eraser set to soft and thats it

>> No.4290959
File: 200 KB, 992x1403, exercise9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another practice, any tips for hips/butt position and perspective and drawing legs from behind?

>> No.4291666

It's kinda wonky anon, are you using reference? If so, can you post it? If not, I think it would benefit you tremendously to draw more from reference, like 10:1 ratio, for every 10 ref drawings you do, you can do 1 from imagination.

Also if you're /beg/ I'd say be more loose, you can clean lineart later or if you want, focus on sketching. You can practice with other brushes too just to gain more mileage.

Think of drawing from reference like a musician. Do you think musicians stop to wonder if it's right or wrong to practice by playing songs from other musicians? Of course not.

>> No.4291672
File: 37 KB, 600x660, 546546545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you need to think how fabric is pulled, You got it all wadded in the middle vs draping like it should.

>> No.4291860

her collarbones bruh

>> No.4291885

Thank you very much for your unending support Anon, you really helped me!

>> No.4291887

Try using the other arm and don't be afraid to use both the hands, try not to hide either of them. As your arms are raised think of the different muscles and bones being used and how they're affected such as the clavicle, the pecs, and in females the breasts are pulled by the pectoral muscles originating from the humerus. As the pectoral muscles are raised they also tend to hide the clavicles however it is your choice whether or not to completely hide them so as long as you give the impression of the pectoral muscles hiding the clavicles.

Because we're viewing her from a 3/4 view you're going to need to foreshorten all forms in perspective which means the clavicles which is an important bony landmark that you will need to foreshorten. In order to figure out its position in space find the center line for the ribcage by using a box form in perspective and dividing it. Once you've established your centerline in perspective this becomes one of two things, the sternum for the ribcage and point of reference to which you'll use to proportion the torso. Think of the clavicles as a pair of bicycle handles and consider its S curves as it is a very important piece of detail because it also has origins for the chest muscle within the S curve.

On her left arm her deltoid should not be as visible it will move slightly behind at a 3/4 angle giving way for the pectoral major, as is the chest muscle is attached in the wrong location it is just below where the deltoid ends ontop of the humerus. Think of the deltoid as a pair of shoulder pads or triangular forms to help simplify and draw in perspective.

Consider flipping the canvas it will aid you in identifying and determining skews and tangents on the figure especially on the face. Again, we are viewing her in a 3/4 view which means you will need to foreshorten all forms of her face. Take into consideration the planes of a skull, and how to convey foreshortened ellipses for the eyes.

>> No.4291892

Most importantly regarding the face learn the topography or the face and translate that into the simplified style you want to use in. By doing so you'll have a better grasp at how to foreshorten features regardless of style. If you have trouble understanding what I'm referring to the best book that describes what I'm talking about is drawing the head and hands by Loomis and fun with a pencil, the book all you faggots undermine and disregard as a meme. It will show you how to foreshorten using construction methods that are used everywhere to keep proportion in check at all angles.

>> No.4291900
File: 28 KB, 678x555, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his line art is fucking atrocious and he says "i don't do lineart much". his lines are a bit too thick too (ok then he says he's using thick for demonstration and usually uses a smaller brush).

do not do this shit, it looks terrible. you end up with all these pockets of contrast that outweigh the lines around it. your eyes are drawn to them which distracts from the from the linework. the masses of filled in lines become the focus points of the piece. it's not how good linework is made. i know there's at least one person here that does clean lineart that looks like garbage because they do this.

>> No.4291906

what? I always heard that you should add more lineweight on intdrsections, even FZD recommends that in his sketching lesson.

PYW unironically and prove your point anon.

>> No.4291929
File: 125 KB, 442x460, 980d02f0c2e941778e580841b5c2cb6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what line weight is?

>> No.4292057
File: 129 KB, 1148x933, ELw8ygTUYAAYDcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find anime art you like that looks like that, if there are artists you like doing it then do what they do. FZD's tips are great for one style of lining. Many of those concepts carry over to other styles, some are more for the industrial/graphic style he does.

Typically the line weight like that will be for places in shadow (think bangs of hair or folds of clothes), sometimes things closer to the ground/closer, on some overlaps (but not a huge line weight difference), and more likely on men than delicate things like women. Sometimes the overlaps can happen naturally from inking such as with a dip pen starting from places that are close by or digital brush with a fixed or high minimum size. Find pictures and decide for yourself. For me when I see an abundance of forced overlaps like that I know the artist is Western. Anime art tends to avoid line design where a lot of overlaps would happen.

Look up ぺん入れ to find examples of this. Girls hair will typically be a maru pen line weights.

Yes, the artist in your pic only really uses it under the bangs of the hair for shadow added towards the end. Everything else is fairly uniform. jap and chinese artists don't go out of their way doing what was shown in the video. I tried to find anything like that in art i like or save and couldn't.

>> No.4292062
File: 1.17 MB, 1060x1500, 76443427_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this as a reference for the pose,

It's just that when I try draw a character shown from the back it comes out all kinds of wonky.

>> No.4292070
File: 85 KB, 736x1104, 1577216831226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good advice
Not that guy but thanks!

>> No.4292082
File: 372 KB, 513x800, rei beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks kinda buff? I like that but others might not. If you are going for transparent clothing I would suggest you ad more of the skin color to the spots where the cloth is directly pressing against the skin.True that it makes the fabric appear wet but that can also help with transparency.

>> No.4292098

bonus inking tips with subs

>> No.4292117
File: 37 KB, 600x338, 1577110809919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally speaking I saw a noticable improvement when trying to capture poses by doing figure drawing practice regularly (Steve Huston+Vilppu). I'm still far from done and for some other people other instructors clicks for them. Figure drawing overall gives me a very good building block to refine on top instead of trying to piece construction together from thin air.

>> No.4292584

>my nigger

I'm doing Vilppu+Hampton and seeing much improvement as well, going slowly, week by week and doing Hampton's homework fully, plus drawing anime on the side from tutorial books and pixiv.

We're all going to make it anon!

>> No.4292874
File: 208 KB, 895x1280, 8AB2CCD2-3A9E-481C-81DD-4F2D447766BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve copied this short legged little chubby anime girl, that trying to keep balance with sausage on the stick. There’s construction of basic shapes beneath that, I promise. What do you think? I’m in search for place to share my copies and studies.

>> No.4292882



>> No.4292974

nice waifus. apply some hampton/anatomy for sculptors to neros shoulder

>> No.4293055
File: 194 KB, 506x900, 20200105_141704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't really draw anime nor does loomis apply to it as i tried.How is it

>> No.4293062

I bought a tablet this christmas, how do I start? Ive looked the exercises in the drawing with the right side of the brain. What next?

>> No.4293065
File: 648 KB, 1440x2560, 20200105_224655_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /beg/ it is then

>> No.4293068

cute face, keep up with dem figure studies

>> No.4293084

It looks good that way. It's a stylistic choice and you don't have to copy it or even like it, but acting like it's objectively bad is really weird.

>> No.4293100

it doesn't look good. it's dumb shit deviantart artists do. you end up with a constellation of those points around the image which draw attention to the points of concentrated linework instead of taking in your whole image. eastern artists don't do it.

>> No.4293183

keep that white belt mentality even as a blackbelt and you'll always be strong anon.

>> No.4293185

loomis is an abstraction, of course it applies, but you need to modify it to your needs.

construction methods are used as a way to analyze the figure. there are many abstractions, choose the one that fits your needs the most, the one you like using is the one right for you.

>> No.4293322
File: 80 KB, 1467x614, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What that guy said. If you're trying to follow the realistic loomis heads, don't. It would be easier to help you if you showed your failed attempts at applying loomis

>> No.4293327

I'm a dumbass for not posting these



>> No.4293693

What software is that?

>> No.4293717

Painto Tsuuru Sai

>> No.4293743
File: 106 KB, 1000x2062, anime_colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese anime actually follows this color chart.

They follow it because these are the colors less likely to appear distorted during broadcast.

>> No.4293750

I'm trying to render skin but i just cant seem to pick good looking colors.
Terrible skin tones is a long term problem of mine.

Can anybody share anything on skin colors, material study etc.
I'm shooting for a rendered our rimlit etc look, not flat shading.

>> No.4293756
File: 136 KB, 511x1080, Resized_Screenshot_20200105-220802_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i wanted to draw this, and the face looks good, but the shoulders look off to me but I cant fix it. Can any1 redline this?

>> No.4293859


I'll follow this guy's method, if he managed to get from ultra /beg/ to working artist in 7 years, I can do it too.

His method is basically:
>find art that looks like the art you want to draw
>draw something original based on it
>find the flaws on your art, think about how to improve it

The good side of this method is that you're actually drawing 100% of the time and not wasting your time on tutorials and shit. I'll try to post my art here every time I do it and maybe on /dad/ too.

>> No.4293873

In 4 years actually...

>> No.4293888

anyone here using android tablet? any recommended application?

>> No.4293981

ibis paint x or art flow

>> No.4294018

godspeed anon

>>find art that looks like the art you want to draw
>>draw something original based on it
>>find the flaws on your art, think about how to improve it
this works for me too

>> No.4294119


>> No.4294124

Would add in that you should draw cooies of that art you like too in addition to your original works, other than that this is perfect and really all you need.

>> No.4294302


>> No.4294390
File: 2.04 MB, 498x280, ani_rob_schneider_makin_copies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he meant "copies".

>> No.4294986

Yes, I agree, maybe one copy to the best of your ability and one original always.

>> No.4295137
File: 238 KB, 1280x605, tumblr_oim4mf7Fxu1ujy8mro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did toriyama make his ladies so perfect back then? I just cannot hit that proper thicc balance

>> No.4295455

Female body ideals without watching porn

>> No.4296213

Nice non-answer.

>> No.4296741
File: 2.70 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200107_183921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When It come to drawing girls from imagination, how do I get better with the position of the jawline? Also, how do I draw anime hair in general? Ignore the shitty hand pl0x

>> No.4296794

study refs

>> No.4297358
File: 1.43 MB, 1677x915, 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just been doing one of these a day (30 min - 1 hour). Will I really get better I wonder...? I want to get better at so many things I'm a bit overwhelmed right now.

>> No.4297372

How easy is it to reproduce typical anime drawings, rendered multistroke hair and all?
/ic/ being the board that it is doesn’t give actual measurements since anons won’t whip up a colored bustshot to prove their response.

>> No.4297593

not easy

>> No.4297607


>I want to get better at so many things

Please stop jumping around. You're making things harder on yourself that's where the overwhelming feeling comes from. None of these images have anything in common with each other except maybe the 2 backgrounds on the left.
I understand liking a lot of different subjects but you need to think one at a time. Choose a subject and stick with it for a week. You want to draw backgrounds? Study perspective. Start with 1 point, then 2 point, then 3 point. Learn how to draw basic forms in Orthographic view and then how to construct them in boxes. Then try drawing furniture from reference using the process you learned about. For example I find it easier to build furniture from the floor upward.
When you do studies you aren't supposed to copy what you see either. It doesn't teach you anything.You don't even have to study the entire image. If I draw a couch im not drawing the couch I see I'm building it with perspective in pieces not caring what TYPE of couch it is, but how they are generally put together so I can draw my own wierd couches.

Does that make sense? Make a decision and learn about it.

>> No.4297686

the method consists of drawing your originals based on images you like, doing that you'll need to problem solve like the author did originally.

having to problem solve, you'll come to meet all of your inadequacies and weaknesses, knowing them you have to study them and keep doing these studies.

copying is fine but should only be a fraction of the work you do.

>> No.4297711

>It's easy dipshit.
>Well prove it to me then, show me that anime is cheap fast food that you can prepare right now.
>It's actually hard.
>Well that's more than enough reason for me to not get out of bed, thank you anon.

>> No.4297904

I really love how Toriyama drew monsters

>> No.4298215

I can just start with a4 printer paper and some dollar store pencils, eh? Saw some gesture drawings, and they are all drawn on papers half the size of their bodies using pencils made from handpicked blackforest trees

>> No.4298437
File: 174 KB, 485x656, lil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on the hair? first time trying to draw digitally

>> No.4298548

It looks prettybad to be honest, not realist and not anime too.

But if it's your first tries, it's to be expected.

Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuVGowpA_vs&list=PLd9YlgrhwWqDg-O1kdp84Py30Tev8W4Ch and follow everything, then post results :)

Remember to draw with the instructor, pause the video, try doing what he's doing.

>> No.4299165

Medibang is the closest to a desktop art program on android

>> No.4299193
File: 244 KB, 1295x647, yomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yomu study, trying to focus on appeal and basics with hard round no size jitter

>> No.4299473
File: 1.20 MB, 2656x2273, C0D8F6A3-FD9D-4C88-99F6-25A55EE6ED10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value study

>> No.4299487

Her arm is bro-

>> No.4299493

I remember Houtengeki talking about this with female arms, I guess he called it the monkey paw? Or monkey arm Idk.

>> No.4299519

>Value study
>1 Value
Where are the values?

>> No.4299559

>Value study (singular)
>where are the values?

reading comprehension skills my guy

>> No.4300149

Is that a man?

>> No.4300173

Do I go here or to /beg/ for advice on amateur anime doodles? Or is this just for studies?

>> No.4300186

drawing large helps you do loosen up and draw more from your shoulders, so it's good for establishing good habits - but any drawing is better than no drawing, so if printer paper and pencils are what you have right now, use them!

>> No.4300203

yes. best recommendation from me is a pack of ballpoint pens and printer paper. pencils get you too used to erasing, pens give you confidence to make good lines or cleanly restate. go through the first ~7 chapters of dodson how to draw. gesture drawings work well with regular crayons to get line of action and basics, not worried about details but the spirit of the pose.

>> No.4301463

Post webm?

>> No.4301555

head too small

>> No.4301558
File: 214 KB, 1000x666, kidku (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably more /beg/ but how do you control your values better. It feels like Im randomly pressing harder at certain spots

>> No.4301563
File: 977 KB, 1920x1919, alexander-hoogendyk-img-20200103-015826-328 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper works like rows and columns of little teeth. By drawing or cross hatching over the same tooth on the paper from a different direction, the contrast changes more sharply. I like cross hatching usually.

>> No.4301654


anime study poll

>> No.4301826
File: 132 KB, 472x1167, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quick study of an anime figure. I really need to get on learning construction.

>> No.4301905

That's pretty good. But you gotta work on the face and head more. Looks like you focused all on the body but just did whatever with the face. The face is the most important part of an anime character anon. Try making the ribcage a little smaller, the head a little bigger than the ribcage and exaggerate the oppais to cash in on those Moe Points. Overall good job keep going.

>> No.4301909

does anyone have the image in the top row, 2nd to last? with the checkered floor

>> No.4301970

cross hatching and building your values slowly, also don't use such a soft pencil to build values.

>> No.4302027
File: 97 KB, 672x910, elf-girl00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from imagination, I think I'm finally understanding a bit about value, still have 3 courses on painting to go through lol and then 3 courses on anatomy...

My plan is to draw 6 hours every day and do courses on weekends, grinding through copying reference and drawing from imagination sometimes, sometimes a mix of reference and imagination.

>> No.4302065

What courses you doing?

>> No.4302066

Crop and image search

>> No.4302084

If your arm is fully extended, and your elbow is pointing outward relative to the body, your arms will look like a bented schmitar. This is literally normal you obese apes.

>> No.4302114
File: 52 KB, 872x492, F000067f006-008-9781455709779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to do with being obese, women have a higher cubital/carrying angle than men so it'll look "broken" like that for some angles when it's pronounced.

>> No.4302603


>> No.4302875
File: 2.54 MB, 2760x4400, Fuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right?

>> No.4303100

For now pause on drawing clothing and focus on the body and anatomy. Her neck is wide.

>> No.4304023

you'll burn out

>> No.4304034

Based on the angle of her upper and lower arm we can safely assume she is indeed a real bio woman

>> No.4305228
File: 190 KB, 736x1002, 49b8228f9a1092b54274cd6b756f9670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to recreate johhnys pose with a different character , though i cant figure out how his legs are placed, i tried drawing some outlines, if some anon could help out with some simple outlines that would be greatly appreciated

>> No.4305289
File: 1.65 MB, 672x1200, dinothighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason you can't figure it out.

>> No.4305413

Does it look like you're doing it right?

>> No.4305517
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 40574987_1951781961545511_7989591579557888000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me.
Build up your hours slowly.
Start with an hour or two a day and when you think you can consistently handle that, go higher.
Don't jump into it doing 12-15 hours like I did.

>> No.4305548

I have only one more week before I'm back to writing my thesis, so I'll grind as many hours as I can.

After that I think I'll go back to 4 hours every day and courses on weekends, assignments on weekdays.

I started using a pomodoro timer that gives me good statistics on my gains, so I feel good when the day ends seeing how many hours I put into it.

>> No.4305555

Dude I did the exact same thing. I’m telling you, if you do it for too long, you’re going to burnout.
That’s some shit that you build up slowly. Especially if you’re still a beginner.
I know the feeling of wanting to “grind as many hours as possible” since that was my predicament during summer vacation.
Eventually, I had to realize that I wasn’t going to get good in that one little time period or possibly even make much gains.
Just don’t burn yourself out because that’s some shit that can take more than a year to recover from if you’re not careful.
I wish I could go back in time and tell myself this so that I don’t have to feel like shit everytime I start drawing now.

>> No.4305565

>not wasting your time on tutorials and shit
Dont you need to know the fundamentals and all that jazz before you start using this method?

>> No.4305709

I haven't really experienced burnout but I did end up with some form of rsi in my arm during a period of about 1.5 months where I drew basically all the time. Even if you could learn more from doing 15 hours a day it would still be better to take it slow and not risk being unable to draw for 10 months.

>> No.4305753
File: 208 KB, 506x900, 20200112_140130 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was on a console thread on /v/ a while back and did a face. how is it

>> No.4306566
File: 12 KB, 324x240, FB_IMG_1489602281955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get irl friends who are passionate for art just as I am? I could use that answer right now.

>> No.4307204



This guy pretty much says the same stuff (only Japanese with Chinese subs) and where the fundamentals come in is grinding them in a specific problem-solving way. Rather than the classic meme of ALL OF LOOMIS before anime girls, it's pinpointing what problems are obstacles to reach your goal and working on those in a more efficient manner.

If you study vocabulary and grammar but never read a book, you're never going to actually know how to read a book.

>> No.4307266

And mechas. He really had a thing for machines and vehicles in his Slump/Early DB period

>> No.4307401

you guys have that tutorial on painting boobs and skin? the one that uses soft eraser

>> No.4307596

this nigger was already a professional illustrator by the time he did this "OH I GOT A JOB AS A CHARACTER ILLUSTRATOR IN THREE MONTHS" bullshit fuck off

>> No.4307799
File: 471 KB, 1280x1864, p004_copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to making comic
But i don't have any clue to how to ink and screentone should i copy one of artist's work and figure it out?
How to apply them on my work?

>> No.4307834
File: 29 KB, 294x222, 294px-Mittermeyer_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I noticed. I've tried many times to build 3d models to help as reference for anime and one thing about it never ever works. Even you turn the head to the side you still have skin beyond the far eye. In other words, the eyes are on the front plane which is basically flat. But if you make a model based on any actual character sheet or screen shots. I've tried a million times, it never looks like that. The face is round like a normal face and you get points where the eye is on the edge of the face and it looks like a Pixar movie rather than anime. So I'm convinced the charm of anime is in its mistakes and if you want to use a 3d model as reference you have to make it worse on purpose. And this w confirmed for me by 2.5d games like fighter z and guilty gear. They purposely fuck up the model to make it look like the anime.

>> No.4307851

I only like the one on the right.

>> No.4308025

Yet anime figures manage to work from most angles

>> No.4308036

You're doing something wrong then because there are 3d anime models for pose reference as well as in games and they look fine.

>> No.4308100

No dude that's why anime figures look like rounded smooth garbage.

>> No.4308119
File: 651 KB, 1431x2169, 20200113_114108_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent some time on /beg/ and tried again. How is it?

>> No.4308153

Just look at the reference image I posted. They're is a large space to the left of the eye on the left. That space doesn't exist on the right. If it does it requires the full length between the eye and the ear to get that wide and you shouldn't be able to see that day back on that side from this angle.

>> No.4308241

it's better :) keep going anon

>> No.4308389
File: 2.08 MB, 1893x948, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are these types of backgrounds done?
whats the process, can you direct me to tutorial or explanations?

>> No.4308586
File: 844 KB, 876x1732, Kadode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave this a stab, and I daresay this might be the best thing I've ever drawn.

>> No.4308627

I'm conflicted, it looks cute, but is it a boy or a girl?

>> No.4308663
File: 588 KB, 700x866, clip studio test 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4308666
File: 157 KB, 1200x630, DjZujS-VAAAnvqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a very cute girl

>> No.4308699
File: 936 KB, 2048x1343, AA5D8FD2-B146-48CB-A5F0-1C4F2D05C832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pin2d method of construction worth learning or is there something better?

>> No.4308712

put tone on her ears. there's blood there and it makes them stick out being white. also her left eye in the eye socket above the eye

>> No.4308730

good job anon

>> No.4308771

There's no such thing as better when it comes to methods, idiot.

>> No.4308867
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, White66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsugumomo manga study.

>> No.4308874


>> No.4308894

The artists improvement guide mentions drawing from the shoulder but I find this pretty uncomfortable especially when using a tablet, is this something I just have to get used to?

>> No.4308920

>is this something I just have to get used to?
Yes. Drawabox mentions it too: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/3

>> No.4308960
File: 67 KB, 447x551, practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the problem with my practice pal?

>> No.4308966

Depending on the tablet, drawing from the shoulder is impossible.

On my small tablet I draw from the wrist, on the paper I draw from the shoulder. You just do what you have to do.

>> No.4308991

Draw from a combination of elbow and shoulder. Drawing from only the shoulder is literally impossible since you can’t move forward/backward.

>> No.4309054
File: 132 KB, 853x756, White67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some last cunny for today.

>> No.4309062
File: 211 KB, 594x494, sadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i turned my girls und panzer study into


>> No.4309113
File: 114 KB, 676x676, femalepractice1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell this is good. how do you get such clean lines?

>> No.4309120

Just stick with one that works for you and fix once you get to a point where it's worth it. Avoid "too many cooks" when you're in the beginning.

>> No.4309121

Looks like you completely ignored the advice and only looked at the anecdote and clickbait title.

>> No.4309176


>> No.4309387
File: 510 KB, 668x900, clipstudio 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started using clip studio instead of photoshop, the lineart brushes are much better.

>> No.4309485

how are you doing this shading breh?

>> No.4309519

I'm using clip studio's tone hatch patterns and textures. The program comes with some pretty neat ones and you can download a lot more from the gallery for free.

>> No.4309669
File: 257 KB, 992x659, tone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks nice. Are you laying two canvases and then rotating one of them? I just tried and that looks nice when opacity is sorted out, I never found basic crosshatching materials I cared for but only started with tones/texture in CSP.

I've downloaded various hatching brushes and some kakeami but they can be kinda clunky (bought this with the clippy i had before it expired but it's a dog to use https://assets.clip-studio.com/ja-jp/detail?id=1364005 ). I like these the most of what I've used, mostly for erasing/transparency with the donyori. Simple seems better, in using a textured tone layer with these brushes as opposed to the more stamp-like brushes/patterns. Then paint on that or a mask with tone activated and soft airbrushing for value.


slight mods of the previous
two more i just found that are good

>> No.4309930

>got a like on twitter
im gonna make it bros

>> No.4310256

As an absolute beginner that is only interested in drawing anime how the hell do I get started? It's so damn daunting just getting started drawing and trying to learn with how much shit is out there to read, watch, etc.

>> No.4310261

just draw shit you like, get a twitter and follow all the good jap artists and you'll have mountains of inspiration

>> No.4310263

Copy the anime.
>But my attempts are ugly as sin, the eyes don’t look like anime at all, the hair has no flow, and you told me nothing about shading.
Copy the anime.

>> No.4310269

But what about learning things like from artbooks and whatnot? I've literally never drawn anything beyond stick figures and shit. I wish someone that never took up art as a kid and made it to be an amazing artist would give the method they took to get where they are.

>> No.4310272

Because there is no "method". If you're looking for a step by step guide and someone to hold your hand on your way to success, you will never find it. Just draw and practice. Yes use art books to form a more rigorous foundation. Which ones? It depends on what you want to know. How do you know what you want to know? Draw.

>> No.4310381

anyone here use medibang? what size and type of brush do you guys usually use?

>> No.4310397

Why? Use Procreate or CSP if you’re one of those Apple kids.

>> No.4310484

I hate to ask this but where do I begin. The /ic/ sticky always makes me anxious. I feel like the method here is slightly different from the run of the mill thing. I know there's no golden easy way, but I want to hear more than just " dude loomis lol ".

>> No.4310498


>> No.4310505

tfw shota is such a strange art that every single good shota artist literally has a completely different and distinguishable style about them.
How tf am I supposed to learn this when every single one of them has a different way of drawing the head?

>> No.4310508

are you that kumatan idiot? idiot.

>> No.4310522

This is the best way I've heard it put. I actually feel inspired now. Just hearing people say "GRIND LUMAS" all the time demotivated me. Thank you.

>> No.4310524

slap up wip up

>> No.4310700

are those free? and im not using apple

>> No.4310725
File: 179 KB, 1311x851, White68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing gayarou.

>> No.4310784


>> No.4310868
File: 50 KB, 720x720, 1575209674771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which hatch patterns/textures did you use for this one?

>> No.4310872
File: 97 KB, 676x676, femalepractice3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been following the youtube video tutorials
your eyes are really good. any specific video or resources you would recommend for eyes? i dont even put them in my sketches right now

>> No.4310922
File: 961 KB, 213x169, 1439598475482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a method you lying niggers. and unless you know it you will be wasting loads of time depending on your goals. It's very hard to explain in words.

But protip: If your head isn't hurting, you're not improving.

>> No.4311327

Typical fucking anon... here for the coom not the art.

>> No.4311337

Whatever happened to that fujo on here that only drew Majima pics?

>> No.4311384

I don't disagree with you, anon. At first I thought you were raving about something that all artists do but the more I look at it the more I realize there's no thought being put into these line weights.

When Eastern (or more experienced) line artists do these heavier corners and overlaps they pay much more attention to where the shadow is, coz that's where you want your line to be thicker.

This guy's just doing very flat line work with the standard thin-thick-thin crap of every digital brush I've seen without giving a second thought to light and how it affects line weight.

I think it's a bad video to link to someone who's asking how to do line art.

>> No.4311388

good to see you haven't improved one bit

>> No.4311391

It's so fucking stupid to say there's no method.

If you have time:
1. Study the fundamentals. Line work, forms, perspective...
2. Study live figures. Learn anatomy and how it works in real life.
3. In the meantime, study manga/anime. Every day apply what you learned in real life to what you're doing in the style you're copying.
4. Never stop. You'll eventually develop your own style and be able to understand where everything you're drawing is coming from.

If you want to take a shortcut:
1. Copy every anime thing you see. Trace it, then draw it from ref, then draw it from memory.
2. As you copy, try to understand why the artist is doing what they're doing.
3. Try to create a mental list of things to go through and go through them with every copy and every drawing from imagination you make.
4. Never stop. You probably won't develop your own style but you'll fit right in with the rest.
5. At some point you'll realize you're missing something important from your journey as an artist and go back to the fundamentals and live figure drawing.

I've seen both of these paths work out for people. You'll have to choose your own based on your own goals and time frame.

>> No.4311413

Well obviously there's a very basic outline of what you should be working towards, if you want to consider that a "method". But there's no "method" in terms of what some people ask for, in that they essentially want a class with lessons and step-by-step instructions the whole way through. One of your steps is literally just "never stop". I agree but its less of a method and more of a guideline. It's not a science. People learn differently, which is your and my point, and why there's no concrete method.

>> No.4311419
File: 224 KB, 836x1200, i-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Boichi's book, he goes in detail through all fundamentals.

>> No.4311964
File: 121 KB, 728x1041, F64A2805-74A8-44E8-B3BE-1439C2A4DA72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i go about rendering hair like this?
I feel like its been done before and not just by inio asano

>inb4 draw every strand

>> No.4311989

Go unconscious and let the ghosts of artistry drag your body throughout the hair for several hours.

>> No.4312028

I don't see anything in the mega in the OP that says boichi

>> No.4312147

Did you have to construct the heads or did you directly draw them?

>> No.4312194
File: 2.83 MB, 3828x4000, BestGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there are other best girl candidates in the show. No, I do not accept them.

>> No.4312208
File: 84 KB, 226x339, wtet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take your opinion seriously in a general that doesn't know how to practice. There's a high statistical chance you have no idea what you're doing also.

>> No.4312227


>> No.4312228
File: 11 KB, 250x244, 1578936554614s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime ey

guess what I feel about that.

>> No.4312364

looking at it briefly, i think you should know basic construction before using that method. otherwise you might do studies in an idiosyncratic / non efficient way and develop weird mannerisms. you need to be able to critically look at your work and identify what is wrong with it as well. there are tons of people who can't even be honest with themselves about what's wrong. mind you i'm /beg/ level trash myself but that much seems obvious. fundes never end, you need some kind of basic grasp to get the most out of doing studies the way he describes

>> No.4312386
File: 247 KB, 727x720, BY THE POWER OF CHRIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this for a post I made a while back...
I guess this is anime

>> No.4312409
File: 103 KB, 641x1079, White69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if I need to make my art more coomer friendly.

>> No.4312471

Doesn't that bright white blind you? I can barley see anything, or is my motor adjusted wrong?

>> No.4312474
File: 6 KB, 747x697, hothead-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just your monitor, it's very white. I prefer to use some kind of low saturation background color myself.

>> No.4312475

I have my f.lux at max dimness. Maybe full white pics isn't a great idea.

>> No.4312483

I'm using this method with this >>4309387 as reference. However the guy never posted what hatch patterns he was using and when I give the default ones a go they end up looking odd

>> No.4312499
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1733, rem_top_down_face_shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could I have done better with this rendering?
What did I do well?

>> No.4312502

Flip the canvas

>> No.4313276

so recently there's an ibispaint, and ibispaint X app on the playstore, and the only difference is that the former is a paid app with no ads displayed like on X
Why these 2 separate app? I can just buy the no-ad option from inside X anyway

>> No.4313312
File: 1.66 MB, 920x1209, trzrz566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fix the leg-hip connection?

>> No.4313317

use reference. the leg-hip connection isn't the only thing. everything in the drawing is fucked minus the face and ass.

>> No.4313387

ass should be bigger

>> No.4313394
File: 184 KB, 526x504, d8461132-dcac-4184-9ab3-bf169da39d7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't draw on drawing tablets it's a weird sensation. I should've bought the ipad instead.

>> No.4313396

You just need to practice and get used to it. Draw circles and lines, or play osu! in order to get that hand eye coordination down. Once you feel comfortable enough, you should be able to get over the disconnect from tablet and screen, and draw just fine. I did this when I got my first tablet and it took me a few days to get fully used to it.

>> No.4313409


>> No.4313438

based \\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶//// stalkerposter

>> No.4313542

>didn't play enough cs, halo and cod

>> No.4313556
File: 965 KB, 2480x3508, 16.01.2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another practice, any pointers for armpits and feet?

>> No.4313559

adjust the ta let to screen ratio , if you tablet is a small one just commit suicide

>> No.4313921

is tracing okay? Everyone acts like it's the devil but for practicing - is it actually beneficial? I don't plan to use or post traced shit. I wanna know if there's any benefit in practicing via tracing first then trying to re-do it without

>> No.4314000

too pointy

>> No.4314084

Try it and find out if you learn anything. Its not like its a huge time or effort commitment.

>> No.4314709
File: 412 KB, 1504x1760, EC9h1qiUYAA3x3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4314776

I'm getting desperate /ic/. Why do people can shit out pretty great rendering on a few hours but it takes me a month?
I spend days cleaning up the lineart and it still never feel natural. Do I need to learn actual painting skills instead of just layering the flat colors inside the lines and then half randomly using overlay layers who may or may not work depending on CSP's mood on top of each and every parts

>> No.4314789

post work

>> No.4314825


Stop watching speed paints. It grossly undermines the process and cheapens the medium, not to mention the sheer mileage of the artist. Watch it to maybe discover new workflows, but as a judgement of efficiency it's destructive. They've done the process hundreds of times to the point that they can visualize their process ahead of time. When you're first start out you have to figure out your process and spend time learning how to do it while they already know.

Keep your head up and don't compare your achievements to others, the speed will come with your competence. Focus on understanding your process and finishing pieces entirely.

>> No.4315270

You should try using darker shadows, add a bit more contrast to the colours. You've got the right idea where it comes to the shading of the hair behind the ear but the shading of her neck looks too light. When colouring shadows you should probably consider how much light the area is going to get and use lighter/darker tones accordingly.
The hair looks odd, you should probably study how your favourite artists render hair strands. The 'highlights' look more like clouds in the sky, which could be cool if executed well but I don't get the impression that was your intent.
Try using more pink/red when colouring the skin, even a light bit of blush on the cheeks would help. It'll make your characters look less cold and doll-like.
I like the angle you've put the character in and the clothes are cute, I'd recommend studying frills though as the straight lines you use makes them look stiff.
>that doujin stamp
Is doujin culture becoming a thing now in the west? I'd be kind of interested in creating some myself ngl

>> No.4315320

Fine. It's bad, despite how much time it takes me. Although to be totally fair, I do get super distracted by other things when it's time to render because it's really boring. Nothing about my process looks like the fun&fast paintings everyone else does, what I do feels more like I'm doing careful 3D work.

I see, thank you
It's true I binged on speedpainting videos recently, but when I did the math on some of them it still took good artists a few hours at most.
there's something wrong with my process and I can't understand other people's. I can't paint for shit using CSP so I use hundred of layers instead

>> No.4315417

Anyone has tutorials for body perspective in nip? Especially worm's view? I already got how to do bird's eye and foreshortening for action poses.

What I still can't pin down is worm's view.

>> No.4315443
File: 320 KB, 707x1000, anime girl try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried coloring my sketch for once.

is there a good tutorial to learn painting of anime girls?

>> No.4315448
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1578892008501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought a screenless tablet
>thinks it's shit, but it's comfy so get used to it
>buy a screen tablet
>it's too tiring, prefer screenless now

fucking end me

>> No.4315451
File: 96 KB, 1692x1336, EI9JjbXW4AED0eW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your art's in a weird spot, it's hard to really tell what you can do. You seem weak in drawing skills and showing three-dimensional volume. Try drawing more with volumes and cross contours to show the form, then you should be able to place better shadows. Your work just seems like outlines shaded in a coloring book and not actual body masses with weight and volume. I think you have a lot of places to work on though, faces tend to look really flat and your colors are dead. Find some artists you like and try to copy their work. Drop the soft airbrush and blending, try working with making hard round look good/opaques with low flow to get shape and form down better. It feels like you're just heavily referencing other works you see but don't have the knowledge to do it yourself.

it's just bird's eye but flip your paper upside down

>> No.4315474

>it's just bird's eye but flip your paper upside down
No. That's not how it works.

>> No.4315479

where do i find this please

>> No.4315545

What's a good place to find reference images to help with this method?

>> No.4315588
File: 192 KB, 785x744, painting try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried coloring again, I liked this method

>> No.4315774
File: 220 KB, 1469x924, White70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundies. You don't need to worry about anatomy at all for now.

Less drawing with your penis, more drawing with your brain.

>> No.4315797
File: 79 KB, 409x392, 1577592441218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that left shoulder
You shouldn't be able to see it at this angle, it's creeping me out.

>> No.4315813
File: 704 KB, 600x337, L0rI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys why does nobody look at my art? Is there any way I can gain followers? I already post my drawings to deviantart but i only get maximum of 100 views on each drawing. Should I make a Twitter and instagram and how can I gain followers in it?

>> No.4315882
File: 162 KB, 392x866, shit prop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hands proportions are fucking with me.The left hand (away from the viewer) is fucking with me. I don't know how to make it consistent with the fingers length as well as bending the wrist in a 'possible way' or avoid breaking bones.

please help; with every small step I take, I regress in the dumbest ways possible and the obvious solutions fly over my head.

>> No.4316177

Thanks. I dunno why you had to go and find the one shitty doodle I tried to do in 10 min flat but whatever. I do cross contour all the time and think in 3D as much as I can, but I have trouble showing it through the shading. I have no idea how to fix my colors much less where to find a brush that suits me. I know making everything soft is garbage but that's the only way I can fix my poor painting accuracy. I see the form of what I want but I can never depict it on paper

I use my brain to find the most erotic form if anything

>> No.4316227

on deviantart you have to gain followers by sharing your art in groups related to it, i guess. make tons of fanart, furry stuff, adoption and you're golden

>> No.4316286
File: 137 KB, 392x866, 15793339375791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4316334

what do you think about doing a course on painting? it's what I'm doing, there is an art of color and light on cgp that's 10/10.

might take a while to learn something that you apply here, but I think it would help you tremendously.

>> No.4316369

I'd love to but I can't find any of that stuff for free if you know what I mean.
Besides I'm sure it's on photoshop instead of CSP. I know painting skills should applies to any software but in practice it's not to me, I could never make CSP's brushes act like paint, ever. As crazy as it sound I never managed to find a single CSP /PAINTING/ tutorial or course that start from scratch. I watch a lot of painters but they just use photoshop and perfectly use some magic brush that paint colors and shadows all in a single stroke and I'm disgusted everytime

I only have How to Draw and How to render and I think I'll like them but I doubt the render book is going to teach about painting.

>> No.4316387

What's cgp anyway?

>> No.4316451

There are some udemy courses that use CSP and go from start to finish.



They cost next to nothing and the end result is pretty good, try to learn how they do it and apply to your work. Even if it's not the style you like, if you learn a good style you might be able to transfer it to others later.

>> No.4316452

Thanks a lot, will do

>> No.4316461

cgpeers torrent tracker, I assume.

>> No.4316465

Ah, of course.

>> No.4316468
File: 56 KB, 827x162, fUftDP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if any 3D tools exist that focus on anime/manga-styled heads? Designdoll and CSP's own 3D models are way too basic for my /beg/ brain to use as a crutch properly.
I can download this and put it up on MEGA for you, but idk how long it would take me.

>> No.4316477

That would be really helpful. It's fine if it's not right away. I'll catch a cgp account eventually but that'll take even longer (if ever this year)

>> No.4316479

Is it just me or his stuff looks kind of stiff?

>> No.4316483

Only you.

>> No.4316601
File: 13 KB, 466x353, serveimage(39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to buy this mechanical pencil, it looks pretty neat, but there are four different variations, 0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm and 0.9mm, which one would be better for drawing manga?

>> No.4316678
File: 173 KB, 392x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands should be about the size of the face, roughly chin to brow ridge give or take. shitty job with mouse just making hands bigger, you'd have to redraw some of the anatomy. the other anon had good advice.

no, learn to draw or learn to 3d model. there aren't any shortcuts to help you there.

it's not stiff but there's nothing remarkable about it, it's boring.

it doesn't fucking matter. get the size that's easiest/cheapest to get refills for. i like 0.5mm or 0.7mm

>> No.4316688


>> No.4316697

Holy shit, thanks a lot!

>> No.4316703

You're welcome.

>> No.4316708

>i like 0.5mm or 0.7mm
Why do you like those sizes?

>> No.4316727

>one is 91% off
>but it's in nip
Is it still worth it?
Also anything else worth buying for CSP? That's some insane sales

>> No.4316730

Udemy is a meme lmao, everything there is on 91% sales periodically. I imagine some people buy courses at full prices sometimes, only to understand how it works later haha.

Basically everybody buys courses there at 10-15 usd price maximum.

I don't know, I bought it but still have yet to go through it, I'm learning 日本語 as time goes on so maybe one day. The other tutorial is translated and really good tho.

>> No.4316734

Also please, don't buy anything for anime from western sources, they're just trying to quickly cashgrab from retards. I cannot fathom how people would buy a course on anime drawing when the anime on the thumbnail looks like shit, it boggles my mind.

>> No.4316740

Kek I checked the preview and I understand most of it anyway, not to mention the csp interface I had to use in nip for like a year so I'll get it at this price.
I'm desperate anyway, the nip one in particular looks really good and if they show the entire process clearly then it's good

>> No.4316753

Interestingly, she paints with the G-pen adjusting only the pen size and opacity.

>> No.4316756

>Besides I'm sure it's on photoshop instead of CSP. I know painting skills should applies to any software but in practice it's not to me,
You're not special. There are no magic brushes. The magic is all happening inside their head and from all the practice they've done.

There's a lot of process vids out there already. Painting is very simple. You make a drawing, you flat in the colors to make a mask to clip to/lock transparent pixels, you paint on the mask. Watch painters using traditional and digital, take all the techniques you like from them and put it in your own work.


These are just some work flows to show from start to finish. It's really repetitive, most time is spent refining line work or painting. The basics are simple to explain and learn.

No, none of the udemy shit is worth it. It's always on sale for 90% to make idiots think they're getting a deal. There's plenty of resources that teach CSP already, everything else is experience and technique.


>> No.4316759

Hey anon, now that you bought it, let's try doing the same drawing as her? Not the background, just the girl, let's see if we can achieve the same results as her :)

Rough -> Cleanup1 -> Cleanup2 -> Painting

What do you think? Maybe doing it together we can learn a lot.

I'd suggest we enter discord, but last time I entered /asg/'s discord it was full of crabs who didn't draw and only gave """crits""" so meh.

>> No.4316773
File: 918 KB, 2466x1155, not learning a thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just copy anime
I honestly don't feel like I'm learning a thing bros. Do I just keep grinding? I feel like I'm not learning shit and that I'm just mindlessly trying to copy.

>> No.4316783

How many copies did you do before you assumed you're not learning anything? The "copy" should be a way of studying.

When drawing, always ask questions:
>Why is her hair like this?
>Do I like this hair?
>Why is her eyes like this?
>What's the size of her neck?
>Are those eyebrows appealing?

Study anime you like, copy it, draw it from imagination later, then draw something like it from imagination.

But to copy is an important part of the process, the thing is that while you copy you're STUDYING, not just mindlessly copying.

If after copying it sometimes you can't draw it from memory, it means you haven't studied the figure enough, so just apply yourself more. When you can draw it nicely from memory, now you draw things similar to it from imagination.

Rinse and repeat.

>> No.4316786

Also, you don't really need construction to draw when you get good, but to study and to break things down it's a great idea to do the construction, in this case, the construction of the head. I'll do an example in a sec.

>> No.4316787

Also not him but don't use binary pen. You're not seeting how smooth your lines really are. It looks "nice" but it's a hindrance.

>> No.4316829
File: 824 KB, 1812x785, uraraka_for_anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you did more than copy at least 100 anime before making this comment anon, you're not going to see results so easily and so quickly, you need to GRIND like MMO or music. You don't get good at guitar by playing one scale, you play every scale hundreds of times.

>> No.4316834
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1042, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this one right now and I think it's helping, and copying the artists that I like helps me to try to incorporate their style.
It is also a good exercise to practice fundamentals like construction and to have better management of the layers/process.

>> No.4316852

nice work anon, what artist is that? can you share your inspirations? :D

>> No.4316856

Ah you're right guys, thanks. I seriously need to put more effort into this and not expect results so soon. I'm much more motivated now.

>> No.4316858

Also what are some good construction books other than Loomis? The very 50's cartoony style it uses throws me off.

>> No.4316860

not op but the artist is lack

>> No.4316863

When observational skills are lacking and it takes a lot of time to measure the proportions when copying, isn't tracing and simplifying shapes a better choice for complete begs?

>> No.4316865

To be honest, I like studying with Vilppu and things from Watts atelier, but if your intent is just to study anime, just use what's taught at PIN2D.

For anime I never use more than that, you only need more complicated construction if you want to do realism.

>> No.4316866


I hate doing lineart I always liked a style more like a "painting".
I really enjoyed his process and by far it is the one I have the most fun with.

>> No.4316869

Sure, use tracing at first, then do it without tracing. It's good to use tracing so that you can see that you're able to produce good results, but it's just a handicap, after using it you need to do without it too, or else there's no point.

>> No.4316872

goddamn anon, are you me? if you wanted we could communicate through disc or something and share our studies.

I also hate doing lineart and am studying painting right now, my intent is to emulate him too. I'd like to know how you're studying and what's your progress so far if you don't mind.

>> No.4316875

Awesome, thank you.

>> No.4316906

I don’t use discord a lot, only sometimes I post a study there, but I can try to add you.
Most of the time it's here that I post something.

I'm watching Vilppu's videos and try to put into practice the instructions he gives, such as gestures and construction. Like I did here >>4286752

Now about the style that looks like "painting"
After making the sketch I apply the basic colors and put everything in a folder. I copy the folder and flatten its contents into a new layer, and paint directly on that layer. Similar to these videos:

I used to do it in grayscale but in order to have a good result it was necessary to have a better knowledge in color theory, so I started to do it by applying colors directly as in the videos above.

>> No.4316914 [DELETED] 

Add me nyo#3229 I'm sure we can improve together.

>> No.4316945

Interesting, in one of this videos he puts all of his lighting and shadows in a hardlight layer...

>> No.4316964

>you paint on the mask
But one mask isn't nearly enough though, and then there lightning, shadows, textures , effects etc lots of which aren't simply painting using a basic round brush.
I guess I should try watching these video more carefully. I found them before but it's really hard to watch without feeling like killing myself

>> No.4316965

Yes, if you see his other videos you can get a good idea of his process.
I used to have a hard time trying to identify the type of layer he was using, until another anon posted the csp manual in japanese.
Here you can see which type of layer corresponds to the program in english

>> No.4316966

>I'm watching Vilppu's videos and try to put into practice the instructions he gives

>> No.4316973

>But one mask isn't nearly enough though, and then there lightning, shadows, textures , effects etc lots of which aren't simply painting using a basic round brush.
You're too caught up in specifics that don't matter. You can paint in an infinite amount of layers or just one. It's style and preference. Different means to different ends and they're all valid, there isn't a right way. You have the selection lasso to mask off areas in addition or create selection layers/channels. If you want everything pixel perfect then you might as well be using vectors and Illustrator.

>> No.4316977

Papa Vilppu
You can get his course in this thread

>> No.4316978

Fuck, that make sense. I come from Illustrator experience too and that gave me a bad habit of zooming in super close and spend time on unnecessary details. I have a very hard time dropping this


>> No.4316989

Is there any tutorials on how to draw anime eyes from scratch? Not color them, but like a step by step breakdown on eyes?

>> No.4317001

pin2d like everything else

>> No.4317003

and a chink chang chong to you anon

>> No.4317072

The Study Guide says tracing is a good idea but should I trace the whole thing or just the body form/shape

>> No.4317173
File: 187 KB, 800x600, lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was really getting into the first pin2d video and then I hit this part. So I decided on a character to study but man this is hard for me. How do I figure out the EXACT size for the oval, especially with characters like this with spikey hair? I'm trying to do the construction but I just can't figure out (even with the ref) how I'm supposed to dissemble it into construction lines.

Can someone show me how to find a proper redline?

>> No.4317178

Where's his cranium tho.

>> No.4317196

I feel like I need to know more about actual anatomy to discern this. Fuck.

>> No.4317209

new thread

sorry i forgot how slow /ic/ went and probably could have waited until this was on page 9 or 10

>> No.4317223

it's anime, you don't need absolute precision on your construction ffs, it's only used to break things down and to get you started.

put a circle roughly on his cranium, put a center line going to the center of his chin, connect the chin to the ball on both sides and you have his head. Put a line going over the circle in 3d to show where the eyes are and you're done.