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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 132 KB, 900x624, tiramune-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4284251 No.4284251 [Reply] [Original]

One of the artists from Katawa Shoujo, Raemz, finally made it big in Japan.

Raemz got selected to be the artist for a light novel series called "Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka" aka Chiramune


Her salary consists of chocolate bars and crabs from Fukui City



Why aren't you moving to Japan to pursue your dream, too, /ic/?

Raemz even admits her Japanese ain't that great yet she still had the courage to move to Japan to pursue her dream. Instead of drawfagging on /ic/, you could be drawfagging in Japan and possibly end up getting an anime adaption of a work or project you are involved in or you may even get a chance to do character designs for a Japanese video game.

Honestly, I'm kinda jealous.

>> No.4284252
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By the way, the synopsis for Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka aka Chiramune.

Translated in English as Chistose-kun is in a Ramune Bottle. If you shorten the title as Chiramune it could be read as "Peek at Boobs" based on Japanese wordplay.

>The protagonist, is a super riajuu.

>Chitose Saku in class 5 is a damn womanizing rascal.

>Even as he gets insulted in the school’s underground website, for Chitose Saku who reigns over the top caste of Fuji High, always gathered around him are a number of friends who don’t just excel in their outward appearance but also play the part.

>The legal wife with an overwhelming princess aura, Hiiragi Yuuko.

>The acquired riajuu of the hardworking-type, Uchida Yua.

>The basketball club’s ace and genki-girl, Aomi Haru…

>His time enjoying the start of a new class together with them is short-lived, As Saku is entrusted with the recovery of a certain shut-in student.

>Is this a story of his riajuu harem, or…?

Raemz's editor has been walking around bookstores and photographing how each bookstore has been advertising the light novel. It's pretty cool to see how each bookstore advertises the product.


>> No.4284264
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>> No.4284266 [DELETED] 
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Here's an illustration dump.

>> No.4284269

isnt she japanese-american, thats why her japanese isnt good lol

>> No.4284302

Peter Han's "Dynamic Sketching" course. Look it up in the video thread. If it's not available as for a link, nicely.

>> No.4284304


>> No.4284306

How did she do it? How do I do it?

>> No.4284323

>tfw your art will never be displayed on the bookshelves in Japan for all to see

>> No.4284340

so? probably why her english is good. > lol.
fukin hell

>> No.4284389
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she did left when she was 12 so she was gmi potential already

>> No.4284397

>tfw can do left now
Feels good. Just 6 more years until able to do right.

>> No.4284412
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Chris, Frank Lee, Hachi, Kay Yu, Vercreek, Franziska van Wulfen got to help animate Sword Art Online








As to how they got to work on this season's Sword Art Online anime, some of them simply directly message SAO animation staff on Twitter when there were tweets, saying looking for help, and some of them were actually followed by SAO animation staff or some foreigners already active in the anime industry like Franziska van Wulfen introduced some of the artists to the SAO animation staff.

So instead of the Chinese, Koreans, or Vietnamese names you see in Anime Ending Credits in the past, there are increasingly more Western names in Anime Ending Credits and they aren't all from America but even Germany or the Philippines. A big difference is choosing to use nicknames instead of their real names, though, which I find curious. Wouldn't it make it easier on a resume/portfolio to include your real name?

>> No.4284413

Let me guess she's Asian.
>you'll never make it because you weren't born Asian

>> No.4284414
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>> No.4284415

See >>4284412

Some non-Asian people got to work on Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld.

Not all of them flew to Japan to directly work in the studio. I think some of them remotely worked on SAO outside Japan.

>> No.4284416

she had a tablet at 12?

>> No.4284426

You could make doujinshi. Some Taiwanese and Korean artists have become popular hentai artists, as big as native Japanese artists.

Although I admit I have yet to hear of an American or Western artist appearing in Japan's Comiket.

The current character designer for Pokemon is a British white guy, though.

James Turner
James Turner (Japanese: ジェイムス・ターナー) is a British graphic designer, who currently works at Game Freak. In 2010, he became the first Westerner to officially design Pokémon.

He doesn't take criticism well though

>> No.4284442
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It feels most Western people in Japan involved in the industry keep themselves in the downlow or hide behind nicknames so its rare to hear how many of them made it or not.

Here, this is a 49 minutes and 49 seconds of an untranslated documentary/interview with Studio Ghibli that reveals a French female (who looks like she could be attending Hogwarts) is an employee yet nobody knows her name and she has never done an interview about her experience working at Studio Ghibli.

She appears at 46 minutes and 3 seconds in the clip.


That's why it is hard to say who made it in Japan as an Non-Asian artist. You think they start a blog or twitter but it appears most don't.

They might post it on their facebook accounts but limited to only friends.

>> No.4284443

Forgot to link the Ghibli interview:


>> No.4284447

He worked at Genius Sonority. Turner, along many other employees, was hired by Game Freak when GS was downsized in terms of manpower because they've already worked on prior Pokémon games.

>> No.4284455

Maybe it's the only way. Hide your identity as best as possible. Keep away from shitposting sites like this.

>> No.4284464

They all have circles and pen names. Feels like it might be clear why, but it's obvious that there are.

>> No.4284531

nothing stopping her from using a mouse

>> No.4284548
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I'm already working on anime but I'm pretty much a literal who on the internet (no social media)

Who cares tho, I got my dream job and get paid!

>> No.4284599

So new years resolution, make it in Japan yeah anyone else?

>> No.4284606
File: 2.69 MB, 480x480, Anime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we listen to /ic/ when the books don't in any way tell us how to do the eyes, hair, and coloring that is the meat of all these images?

>> No.4284618

Because /ic/ is still able to teach a non-artist better than the non-artist will on their own
Know that you wouldn't even be as close to as good as you are without having been here.

>> No.4284624

Do you work remotely or in the country? If in the country: did you go there for language/art school/other work and apply on the spot while taking lessons, or did you get scouted through social media etc? What about the visa? If you only got hired as an animator without taking lessons, how did you make enough money do be eligible for a work visa? How did your portfolio look (as in, did it mostly consist of regular illustrations, animation or a mix?) Did you start as key animator or inbetweener? Please respond, thank you

>> No.4284631

I work at OLM Asia. I sent a portfolio to them consisting of rough figure drawings in different angles, showing my anatomy knowledge and perspective. They don't require animation skills because they'll train you from the ground up starting with inbetweening.

>> No.4284633

Thanks for the reply. Is there any age limit on this training? I heard that if you're 25 or over studios won't train you. Is this true?

>I sent a portfolio to them
I suppose that you mailed them via a contact mail on their website? Or contacted some kind of staff via social media? Sorry if it's personal/hard to answer, but about the visa, how did you obtain it? Did the studio just help you with that in some way or did you gain that on your own by negotiating a good enough salary? Again, thanks

>> No.4284644

Young is better. HR is not so sure to hire oldfags because they learn slow, unless if their portfolio already consists of high technical skill.

I sent through email. I already live there so interview was in person and I also went through a drawing exam after

>> No.4284666

Okay, thanks. In that case, last question, I think: is it a correct assumption that you went there either for work/studies/whatever on one kind of visa, and by getting hired, you got a more permanent type of visa/work visa?

I can draw well enough to be an inbetweener but I don't have any animation experience/contacts to get me hired remotely so I'm considering just jumping on some kind of course physically in Japan and then applying like mad, hoping that everything works out. Either that or get really good at animation by myself of course (easier said than done and would like to relocate asap though).

Once again, thanks. I'll save this thread for reference. If there are any other animators lurking, by all means, please consider replying with your own answers to above.

>> No.4284675

I'm not in Japan, Im at OLM asia as I said.

I've always lived here and then the studio opened up 3 years ago

>> No.4284683

Oh, my bad. I didn't look it up and just assumed that it was in Japan. Thanks for the info, I realize I'll have to look at SEA too now.

>> No.4284686

You don't have to be in Japan to work on anime, you also can live more comfortably because of lower costs.

The creator of Netflix' Canon Busters worked in Korea for example.

>> No.4284690

Yeah I'd heard about Korea but I was honestly unaware of SEA. Interesting indeed

>> No.4284770

Is this the fabled "moe-blob" I've heard tale about?

>> No.4284942

>work for 300 bucks a month unpaid overtime every day
wait so is Crunchyroll samefagging and trying to slave away dumb westerners to Japan since there is a decline of Japanese who want to do animation anymore, or just what's up with this delusion thread

the era of Soul anime is long gone fellas, the only beacon of light are the top pro's who went ahead to make their own studios with their carefully selected staff, but then again they get cut off by lobbyist fags who work for the big corporations and tv houses, as to not be a "nuisance" and disrupt the order of the "flourishing" industry.
Meanwhile people who don't work at all make more money than animators do, slaving away and sleeping under the desk for 3 days, no company food, no travel expenses, not even a fucking bathroom with showers so people are forced to either go to bathhouses or smell away for days.


>> No.4284947

>Meanwhile people who don't work at all make more money than animators do, slaving away and sleeping under the desk for 3 days, no company food, no travel expenses, not even a fucking bathroom with showers so people are forced to either go to bathhouses or smell away for days.
Sounds great. Would do to see these beautiful animated chinese cartoons come to life in front of me.

>> No.4284959
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there you go

>> No.4285098

What delusion? You sound like you're trying to convince yourself of something because you're scared. Enjoy the regret later

>> No.4286546

Amazing. Simply amazing. Those animators have such a great privilege to work on these.