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File: 53 KB, 707x1235, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4283522 No.4283522 [Reply] [Original]

I created this sketch and intended to post it on a teen forum (19 and under) but ran into some mod trouble as they claim its "inappropriate". Maybe its an American thing because i completely disagree. What can i alter to make it more appropriate? Also any general tips?

>> No.4283527

It’s the nipple and pussy outline

Also the lack of a beach background

I can see why they would call it inappropriate but I’d also call that mod a faggot.

>> No.4283538
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 1499778176512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nipples are barely visible and i gave her a fairly generously modest top for a beach. I dont think a slight outline is any matter to speak off. Vaginas are outlined in kids shows too. Example.

>> No.4283541

>the state of coomer self-awareness

>> No.4283544

Am i wrong though?

>> No.4283559

yes. how do you not see that this is considered inappropriate with that cameltoe and nipples. could you not stop yourself in your horny autism from drawing literally 3 lines? if i ever become this much of a degenerate coomer you can go ahead and off me

>> No.4283561
File: 45 KB, 1372x1552, wat are you doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, the crotch is outlined to the point where you now how she'd look naked. That borders vaginal shaping, which is extremely lewd.That cartoon shows only has one curve on the crotch, which is fine. In a superhero comic, women wear skin tight clothes and we don't see the curve of their nipples, we do see the cloth angling of their breasts. Search up how to draw breasts under clothing

>> No.4283563

I see what you mean now. Thanks :)

>> No.4283596
File: 172 KB, 1021x768, Bloom-bloom-39628197-1021-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about outlines that are detailed to this degree?

>> No.4283600

As i said, its outlined in kids shows aswell, and it would look bizarre without it. Why is it an issue if she is wearing clothes?

>> No.4283601
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 1064358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4283603


are you really this socially inept? can you seriously not distinguish between a cameltoe and a normal fold in the crease of the leg?

>> No.4283607


meant >>4283600 not >>4283601

>> No.4283613

Fuck, maybe im wrong? I genuinely didn't thank that one single line would be an issue whatsoever...

>> No.4283650

So if i remove the camel toe it should be okay?

>> No.4283675

Where are her organs

>> No.4283693

In her boobs

>> No.4283706

>one single line
its not about one single line, its about what the line turns the picture into. You really gotta learn how to into social ques and empathy if this is giving you trouble

>> No.4283710

But isn't it logical if viewed within context? How else am I supposed to draw it? What does one expect when they see bikini bottoms?

>> No.4283733
File: 56 KB, 670x1024, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another sketch without the camel toe
What do you think?

>> No.4283740

dude he's obv trolling

>> No.4283744

I didnt spend hours making a new sketch just to troll bro

>> No.4283765

I was going to post a two-thousand word essay but then I just checked your filenames and realized I'm a dipshit. If you're not trolling then stop being a stoner and get some self-awareness. If you are a troll then I applaud you for successfully wasting roughly 12 minutes of my time

>> No.4283768

Excuse me? They are labelled download because I downloaded them from the online software I used to draw them on. You can reverse image search them and see if you get any results. You won't

>> No.4283810

What were you even gonna say?

>> No.4283824


>> No.4283933


>> No.4283948

Nobody cares about your shitty bait thread. If you're that desperate for an answer how about you get whatever mod shitcanned you to explain it instead of bothering us with your autism

>> No.4283960

You know instead of typing all that you could have just you know, explained it and left?

>> No.4283965

I'm gonna do a big cum deep in your mum's asshole.

>> No.4283969

Every second you spend praying that somebody falls for your bait is a second you could be pouring your heart out to the unjust moderator who slayed your coochie pic, or better yet, you could spend that time drawing.

>> No.4283983

What makes you think i spent hours making this sketch and an additional one just to bait 4chan anons? I would literally get nothing out of this bait besides being ridiculed and called retarded. A bait is to make others angry or triggered. Not make myself look dumb. I may be retarded but Im 100%, sincere here

>> No.4284000

>spends hours on a sketch
You have bigger problems going on than figuring out why the big bad mod won't let you post softcore on a forum for minors. Go draw

>> No.4284025

If this is softcore i dont want to know what you consider hardcore porn lol.

>> No.4284038

The state of coomers. That sketch is basically porn

>> No.4284066

Do you not know what softcore porn is? If I opened up any random Hustler or Playboy mag I could EASILY find an exact duplicate shot of a model in the same pose and clothing as what you've drawn. Honestly if this shit is so easily lost on you then there is no hope of explaining these concepts to you. You're either the most unsubtle troll on earth or irreparably thick in the skull. Lost cause either way

>> No.4284076

Typical American. Watch some Latin American TV lol and come back. Also not everything in playboy is porn. Or do you consider beauty pageants or Paradise Hotel pornography aswell?

>> No.4284077
File: 100 KB, 720x424, dd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Mormon?

>> No.4284081
File: 1.42 MB, 231x239, 1569150321568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your bait thread