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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 862 KB, 1411x1818, 8EF4ECFA-2F63-4DCF-B1AF-AFE88CEAD999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4277313 No.4277313 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4277320

Your poor attitude isn’t going to help you appeal to an audience

>> No.4277326

>Making fanart for clout
>Not because you love the work and it's characters, and want to draw them out of passion

>> No.4277332

this pretty much, the like/share ratio reflects that especially for begs and semi begs

>> No.4277336

It's real obvious from fans when they can tell you're just drawing it for the coom and not for the love.

>> No.4277340

Draw her fuck black guy and you'll get 500+ likes within 3 days

>> No.4277342

Art looks /beg/ tier and that’s why.
This ain’t tumblr spergo.

>> No.4277344

It's not and even if it was, the average fan couldnt give less of a fuck what your motivations are

>> No.4277345


>> No.4277347

just post your twitter and I'll retweet it to my 3 followers

>> No.4277350

You mean something that looks like beg trash ain’t getting likes and retweets? Makes you think, huh?

>> No.4277351

interact with other artists, if they can put up with you whining when you get little engagement maybe you’ll make some friends who will rt your stuff

>> No.4277379 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 633x882, applebottomteams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not needlessly sexual enough

>> No.4277408


>> No.4277409

Is that not what every other fanart piece ever is? To exploit the flavor of the month to have others hit dat subscribe button, likes, upboats, faves, and 1 ups?

>> No.4277484


Here you go

>> No.4277486

But that feels creepy...

>> No.4277503

If you think that’s creepy, then you must be a social outcast.

>> No.4277509
File: 1.14 MB, 667x851, SOUL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your complete disinterest for the subject you're drawing and the desperate clouth chasing shows. It's disehartening to see.
Despite all of its faults Twitter does give atention to original art, as long as it has appeal, and your art doesn't. Grind harder and make some friends OP

>> No.4277543
File: 98 KB, 400x400, Cinderace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4277629
File: 357 KB, 1065x816, SmartSelect_20191228-032150_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faces are fucking ugly and unappealing. I mean what the fuck is this shit

>> No.4277683

The thing is a lot of artist might think your trying to be their friend to get free art from them so I don’t blame them for that. More reason treat them more like competition then an actual friend.

>> No.4277753

Even though you have enough drawing skills to make attractive characters, you seem to have chosen some kind of hybrid style that's exaggerated to the point of being grotesque (facial features mainly). Seriously practice improving that shit all your characters look like the grinch

>> No.4278440

I would honestly only do fanart if you're truly a fan of the material. Unless you're an artist who makes porn art 24/7 of the hottest trend at the time for either clout or money. Just work to improve yourself and make what you like anon. Best of luck in the future.

>> No.4278442

ironically your sketch got more likes
but then again, at 10, it seems like you don't get many likes to begin with & this has next to nothing to do with the fan-art portion of your complaint

>> No.4278458

Don't listen to these anons saying it's shit, it's really not, your other stuff is kinda questionable at least for my tastes but this looks fine. Getting interaction is just a bitch.

>> No.4278484

Really atrocious.

>> No.4278523
File: 1.89 MB, 1871x1672, 1567650249286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follows 500 people
>is followed by 75
>zero engagement
What the fuck? I have 30 followers, draw mostly OC and get about 2 retweets and 10 likes per piece.

Let's talk about audience quality, OP.
Did you just follow a shitton of people in hopes they'd follow you back? Or are the people following you for some personal gain reason? (Like raffles and giveaways.)

>Joined March 2013
Ok, maybe all your followers have already died of old age, you need to gain new ones.
Nuke your "Following list", go to the self-promotion thread and find some /ic/ people who you think have cool art. Post your stuff there too.

Now interact with them and be genuine about it. Now you can post your art for a small, but alive audience. The reason I told you to nuke your Following is so that you get notified when the /ic/ people post. Most are small and going after that initial boost like you, and that's why it's important to stick together with your own kin.

And for the love of god, grow some taste. You have the technical skill, but your humans look ugly.

Good luck.

>> No.4278535

there's always something wrong with the way OP draws their eyes

>> No.4278577


>> No.4278600


So i guess might as well Kill myself

>> No.4278602

I just follow them cuz I like their art simple as that. Of some of them are friends I know.

>> No.4278632
File: 872 KB, 1558x846, 1574532185467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like a super yikerinos from me.

I think people are just afraid of being CANCELLED if they even dream about acknowledging your existence.

Looks like Pokémon is not the only trend you've been hopping.
Don't stick likes in crazy.

>> No.4278637

>black girl
out of curiosity OP. Do you draw yourself lighter or is that your actual skin tone?

>> No.4278640
File: 16 KB, 175x152, IMG_20191228_231009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just the lighting.
This is her previous icon.

>> No.4278644


>> No.4278667

Fucking drama queen

>> No.4278688

That’s a one off character so no. I changed cuz apparently there’s correlation with being an ass and having a picrew...

Also I actually hate cancel culture. I just i want equality not oppression.

>> No.4278753

I was wondering since weeby black girl artists tend to draw themselves lighter.

>> No.4278760

You stupid idiot, is that enough for you to commit suicide? Are you made out of glass or what

Oh...now I see. Christ I hope you grow some self respect when you are older

>> No.4278892


>> No.4278904

From what I can see here >>4278632, you're trying to go for the woke crowd but your first, biggest, and probably biggest mistake was posting on 4chan. Enjoy cancel culture.

>> No.4278915
File: 210 KB, 497x549, 1576485410905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies and its enablers are mega yikes but seriously I think OP and the >>4278643
>>>4278644 links to its twitter isn't actually made be it.

This place is probably the single most trans-unfriendly website in the general internet and there's no way someone like OP's artist would willingly come here.

>> No.4278943

"I just want equality" they say as they force their whims on the population and attack everything that doesn't fit their mental disorders. "I'm against oppression" you say as you oppress all views you disagree with. Yeah we'll all be equal when everyone is starving to death

>> No.4278972

4chan is contrarian, it's the worse place to discuss trans stuff or to associate yourself if you are homo. But has the largest collection of coomer material for trans shit. /gif/ is 40% trap stuff

>> No.4278975
File: 244 KB, 517x468, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen OP, you are a black girl trying to get some clout and probably cash and there is nothing wrong with that but what i don't understand is why you push your political opinions if you are pretending to be an artist.

Don't get me wrong, is your problem what you do in your social media, but remember that normies directly avoid these topics or stick to your ass until you get "cancelled" or change your opinion to something they like.

As a latina girl, i avoid telling anyone im actually a woman because this cause a lot of trouble, i don't want the attention because im a woman but because my art, thats why on my twitter it says im an artist.

Again, your art isnt that bad but is generic, you can post this in lowtier twitter or devianart profiles and will fit like a puzzle piece.

take your time and push your art skills, dont focus on the trend, but what you like drawing, people will start noticing your art because your fetiches or niches.

Don't over react, i know you need a few more likes to validate your state as an artists but forcing that will harm your image as an artist, take your time to delete all the bullshit you talk and use your twitter as a job office, dont post nothing that will make your boss mad or even lost your job.

>> No.4278978

Trans people hate trap porn though, especially 2D because it sets off a primal reaction of envy that they will never in their lifetimes look like the drawings people fap to.

>> No.4279003

What? I’m not gonna act like asshole on difffent opinions. As long your not trying to legit kill people over empty shit I could care less.

>> No.4279006

You are still very /beg/ tho.
Like, her arms are way too small for example.
Also, drawing 1 piece of fanart of a series and expecting droves of people to like and reblog is very stupid of you. You need either to draw a lot of fanart for the fandom to notice you or have a loyal fanbase that follows you already to get what you want.

>> No.4279031

Based and wholesomepilled. I guess my faith in humanity wasn’t in vain.

>> No.4279037
File: 108 KB, 316x490, 1553698538838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just i want equality not oppression.

Explain yourself.

>> No.4279046
File: 74 KB, 1280x1110, 1549270844352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nessie, what people dislike about SJW is mostly the constant whining, not so much the content of their opinions.
I just want you to be aware I don't follow you precisely because you sound exactly like one of them on your daily rants, even though you only touch on safe topics like whatever game you're playing or whether hotdogs should have ketchup or not..

>> No.4279050

>I could care less
The correct saying is "couldn't care less", idiot.

>> No.4279054

who the fuck is nessie

>> No.4279057

Ey are you nessie?

>> No.4279060

I don't think I've actually ever seen a black female artist who is actually good AND doesn't make it her duty to bring in identity politics.

>> No.4279072

>As a latina girl, i avoid telling anyone im actually a woman because this cause a lot of trouble, i don't want the attention because im a woman but because my art, thats why on my twitter it says im an artist.

In my case I respect the art more than the artist tbqh.

Although being born with a dick means that I like a good artist more if she's also an attractive female IMO, you can look like the girl of my dream and I would still not like your art if it's bad.

I would imagine female artists (especially if they draw smuts/anime) will get a lot of undesirable encounters with thirsty men but you really won't get far using your sexuality as a crutch unless your art is already very desirable in the eyes of most people.

>> No.4279080

so op not only pumps out soulless fanart, but also performative wokeness.

>>4277313 take a break from the internet op. learn to be a real person, or at least something other than a like-whore on twitter. it will improve you as an artist and person.

>> No.4279087
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>> No.4279092
File: 40 KB, 342x336, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im >>4278975 and im cofused, who is nessie?

>> No.4279096

I doubt that's Nessie, she usually sticks to the /alt/ and /dad/ threads.

>> No.4279123

Well good to know then...

>> No.4279140


>> No.4279151

Absolutely kill yourself OP, you're worthless in every sense and your mindset will keep it that way for the rest of your life

>> No.4279160

Her first mistake was going for the woke crowd in the first place. The same crowd that will go after her neck after she eventually says the wrong opinion.

>> No.4279161

I don't think that's op, anon

>> No.4279164

>going for

I don't think choice is involved since you have to brainwashed to buy that crap in the first place.

>> No.4279169

Get rid of the woke asap OP, they're a pain in the ass. If you can present yourself as a guy. Leaving proof that I'm a woman has been the biggest mistake of my time online

>> No.4279174

I get that. There's a lot of fucked up people online who legit take advantage of this.

Thoguh person I perfer to present myself as more neutral and more open to interpretation. But that's just me.

>> No.4279176



>> No.4279177

>Leaving proof that I'm a woman has been the biggest mistake of my time online

What does this has anything to do in relation with woke though? They will probably treat you like dirt either male or female as long as you go against their narrative.

>> No.4279183

There's being aware of social issues and there's seeing boogeymen lurking at every corner.

That brown pokemon girl drawn too light thing was a good example, the jap artist drew her slightly paler due to lighting and the whole woke crowd went up in arms because she's "whitewashing" a black character.

>> No.4279187

This right here.

>> No.4279191


Once women disagree with the woke sjw crowd they harass them nonstop until they drove them off from the internet.
That's why revealing that you're a woman to the woke crowd it's kind of a shit decision.

>> No.4279207

I know women fight very viciously among themselves but not to that degree, I guess you are right though, most effort to shut down male offenders gets forgotten in a few weeks unless his "offense" was particularly serious or the committer was particularly famous.

>> No.4279300

Look, it's not *bad*, you clearly know the basics. But you should really draw something you are passionate about, really. This won't do at all, and it clearly shows.

>> No.4279364

I fucking hate preachy artists like you

>> No.4279370

Nessie isn't Latina..

>> No.4279386

>as a black girl
I knew art was a cancerous career choice filled with trannies and coomers but lmao

>> No.4279391



>> No.4279399
File: 581 KB, 1948x3059, 1547404544909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male have it worse in regard to fake rape allegations and such, but petty callout culture (aka you posted something mean once or made a ""questionable"" drawing) is a lot more aggressive toward women. When I presented myself as male the worst I got is "you sexualize girls too much". Since I revealed to be a girl I had weirdos research my internet footprint going back a decade and documenting anything I did.
Woke culture is like a regressive religion, women have to be pure or they're thrown away.

>> No.4279452

Yikes. It’s kinda ass backwards when you think about it lol..

>> No.4279710

This face is so flat the Flat Earth Society mistook it for their ancestral homeland.

>> No.4279832
File: 290 KB, 500x500, 1577507883295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please, good riddance

>> No.4279879

the sence of entitlement you feel over other people's attention is what will ultimately get you nowhere. so you drew some fanart for something that is popular, millions of people with way better skill or clout than you do every day. and as others have said your style is pretty generic. there isn't a point to being so upset about a lack of engagement (if your not trying to become a career artist I guess) if you truly love to create. speaking as someone who barely ever gets any form of response but doesn't act like its everyone else's problem.

so you can either be happy with the way things are if you do this stuff for fun

or try some of the stuff these guys are suggesting to try to grow a fanbase

whatever you do please try to feel less entitled

>> No.4279893

why does her forehead overlap her hat?

>> No.4279896
File: 25 KB, 271x338, 1515002949689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4279900

OP is just ONE of the reasons this board is going to utter shit and why posting on social media turns you into a complete schizoautist.

>> No.4279936

Are you new here. What bottom of the barrel did you come from

>> No.4279944

Another factor is that the woke crowd contains a lot of trannies. Even if they don't admit it, trannies understand, that their biggest desire (being women) is unreachable. This leads to envy towards actual women. Of course they are going to cheer or actively participate whenever a woman has a setback.

>> No.4280034

I've been here for a few years as a lurker. For good reason honestly.

>> No.4280036

2020 isn't coming soon enough...

>> No.4280149

> t. India

>> No.4281501

Nessie's not Latina you fucking idiot. She's Indonesian or some shit.

>> No.4281527

>Just draw fanart bro. Its the easiest way to get follo-

>> No.4281530
File: 267 KB, 500x500, 1574866179172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super cringe

>> No.4281537
File: 63 KB, 500x576, 1577482026961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4281562

based and yikespilled

>> No.4281566

Why is this thread not dead yet?

>> No.4281567

because you just bumped it

>> No.4281570

Well since new years is 2 days away, can I be redeemed without turning into a /pol/tard?

>> No.4281571


>> No.4281572

It’s a useful example of how women ruined this board

>> No.4281573

Your color choice and composition is okay, but the face is not appealing. Start working on head/face studies, look at other artists you admire and see how they draw them. I understand that not everyone needs to look like a supermodel, but there should be a universal appeal.

>> No.4281574

Thanks anon

>> No.4281576

Isn't they're a few femanons on this thread you incel?

>> No.4281580


>> No.4281581

Get another insult

>> No.4281933

sis, incel as an insult doesn't really work

>> No.4281958

it's probably for the best

>> No.4281979

What a mess of a thread

>> No.4282284

Your all full of shit, I've seen tons of artist draw flavor of the month shit and get more traffic because of it. Your right in the fact that OP shouldn't draw fanart for clout because that shit is gay as fuck, but if you think the vast majority of people don't draw fanart because it brings in the eyes and money, you have shit for brains.

>> No.4282461

Eh, I don't think the lack of likes is the only sad part.
Is that he went through the trouble of using many tags as well.
Poor dude, hope he does better.

>> No.4282466

Just read the thread well shit. Anyway my point still stands, adding shitton of tags and leaving a paragraph for your "audience" has always been cringe.

>> No.4282545

I want op to call me nazi scum.

>> No.4282580

If you want likes DONT USE TWITTER
Use Instagram

I did a Pokémon fanart.
Instagram = 470 likes
Twitter = 24 likes
Or use both, but Twitter is really fucking shit for artists

>> No.4283049

Just draw better

>> No.4283612

>but Twitter is really fucking shit for artists


>> No.4283616

No u

>> No.4283631

>Instagram = 470 likes
That's an abysmal number for insta. It's not a 1:1 conversion from Twitter.

>> No.4283635

Instagram is filled with pre-teens with no money and bots. Good luck getting any money from instagram users.

>> No.4283638

It's really great considering I rarely post and make a presence online. Most people who get a high engagement are very active and have their fans follow them on whichever social media they migrate to. Im starting from scratch with 0 friends

>> No.4283639

Implying I want money, lol people here actually want to make money from art?

>> No.4283648

I mean yea? What’s wrong with that?

>> No.4283677

>Im starting from scratch with 0 friends
Seems though. I wish you all the luck.

>> No.4284476

Dude Pokemon released in November, your a little late. Unless you already have a little following a single piece of fan art won't get you anywhere.

>> No.4284488
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>> No.4284499

I mean if you can make a living out of it then it's going to be more enjoyable then most other jobs. So aspirations to make it a profession seem reasonable to me.

>> No.4284608
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1567929860896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No so sure about that. I was one of the very first to make fanart of a Deltarune character and it got me 1000000000000000000000000000 likes.
Prior I managed to be one of the first to make fanart of a new legendary Pokémon and it gave me ZERO likes.

These fluctuations are too stressful for an autistic mind like mine, so now I just post whenever I feel like about whatever I care about. Might post art 2AM, 7AM, 4PM, I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS.

>> No.4284613

yeah i doubt that

>> No.4284678
File: 28 KB, 375x375, 5C3EF2A9-A7DC-49C3-9966-7347F4F9B5B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4284680

Most of these replies are wrong, ypu should have made her face more bimbo like and gave her even bigger titties, maybe even make it a full body picture to show her chunky thighs

Its almost impossible to make cash of fan art if it doesnt have some degree of erotism to it