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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4277335 No.4277335 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that it's primarily female artists who are into the fantasy genre, or is it just because they can relate more to specific teacher?

>> No.4277339

>it's another generalization thread by /r9k/


>> No.4277352

>Replying to another generalization thread by /r9k/


>> No.4277368

Fuck off to twitter, both of you.

>> No.4277370


>> No.4277377



>> No.4277380

Post the hi res of that ruan pic, fag.

>> No.4277382


>> No.4277416

you're the boomer with the beg doodle between the two chicks? what does his class smell like?

>> No.4277487

when will these shit threads end

>> No.4277535

Because women arnt grounded in reality

>> No.4277584

Asian women from middle class or rich families are encouraged to do art or music (rather than doctor or engineer, since that might stop them from having babies). They enter college with the discipline of an asian male doctor and they can afford the best art instruction possible.
Just look at art center students on will westons instagram for example. 75% asian females.

>> No.4277822

not true, most asian females are pushed to become doctors or engineers since it pays more. asian families are not worried about their daughters having children.

>> No.4277867

>75% asian females.

Someone should harvest the last 3-5 years of top games, movies art credits (concept, design, vfx, whatever) and organize them into buckets of male/female and ethnicity. It won't be perfectly accurate but will give a good gauge as to who companies actually hire and who dominates the field.

I saw what you refer to as the "75% asian female" thing, but I wonder where the fuck they go once they're done school, because I don't see a lot of azn names in credits, but you've got polaks like no tomorrow.

Blizzard f.e. might come across as SJW friendly, but I doubt their senior artists subscribe to any of that bullshit.

>> No.4277871


>> No.4277874


>> No.4279074
File: 89 KB, 693x654, purchases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'into' as in, signing up for classes?

>> No.4279258

Like yummy pussy, mhhhhmmm

>> No.4280155

Addendum (i'm asian)

This is usually the case when the daughter is 2nd born onwards, usually an older brother/sister is already accomplished and if you understand investment speak, they are literally pushing another child into a different field to 'spread the investment' so to speak.

So the first born, regardless of boy or girl will be pushed into the standard doctor field while the ones thereafter have it easier, more leeway.

>> No.4281147

This is actually good info
As an anticonsumist Im now assured I will never find a gf, even the ones that are environmentalists must consume a lot of shit

>> No.4281215

Why does no one care what class pic related is actually from?

>> No.4281419

/ic/ is full of retards who only want to be here for the shitposting that's why.

>> No.4281584

Person that posted that said it was a workshop held at a school in rome called idea academy, I think

>> No.4281586

I feel like it's more to do with the liberal nature of fantasy (when I mean liberal I mean free) and women tend to be actively imaginative. Fantasy naturally scratches that inch. Shame that half of it is dumb medieval euro shit but that's my bias showing.

I'm normally into modern, science fantasy, and urban fantasy mainly. Dark and low if I'm feeling edgy that day.

>> No.4281720
File: 47 KB, 534x467, 3jse53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4282305
File: 2.30 MB, 1196x890, sweden-library-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang on. how do you know that? where did they say that?

pic related makes me want to go back to the classroom, desu.
i fucking love learning.

any other attitude is ngmi by definition.

>> No.4282384


>> No.4282508

4chan is trolling me. i never typed that. no idea what I typed, but it wasn't that.
not on mobile either.

>> No.4282540

you typed /to be honest / in short

>> No.4282542

desu onions based

>> No.4282661

It's Womans sci-fi 'omg starwars!'.
Basically; boring spergs in woman shape and form.

>> No.4282665

Actually, doing shit, defacto, trumps learning, cause normal people, learn through actively engaging with things, specifically crafts, hobbies, technical pursuits and so on.

It's the difference between regular nerds, who '''know a lot''' (except they've never achieved anything and never will), and people of distinction who actually know based on experience.

Stop being a woman, grow a penis and some balls, we need a little more testosterone up in here.

>> No.4282666

whats your favorite movie anon?

>> No.4283180

Another day, another shit thread done by some humongous faggOPT. Fuck this board, honestly.

>> No.4284876

the whole point is it only has one source which isn't fucking relevant. what computer store for example, records the gender of the buyer? stop being fucking stupid, at least question the authenticity of things. this board is full of idiots who believe every single picture they read here

>> No.4284896

>going to a local library to browse for some random ass book on a chosen topic
>not having ultra specific tastes on books, authors and material in a field
This is called 'i love signalling' not 'i love learning'

>> No.4288092
