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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 22 KB, 500x400, monet-christ-dead-with-angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4266005 No.4266005 [Reply] [Original]

like an air vent is to air, this thread is to your suffering

>> No.4266018

Board shit

>> No.4266021

just sharted

>> No.4266035

I'm done.

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art, try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.4266037

>So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine
your defeatist attitude is pathetic. most people draw as a hobby

>> No.4266079


>> No.4266100

Been a while since I've seen this.

>> No.4266119

ic would be a better board if it consisted of people that actually made art instead of dreaming about it and maybe drawing a circle every 5 months.

>> No.4266149

>threw away all of my sketchbooks
Lies, I can believe the other stuff, but you are exaggerating here.

>> No.4266152

/ic/ is good just the way it is. If you want to see people actually draw, go to the drawthreads on each board.

>> No.4266153

Pretty sure this is a /fit/ copypasta

>> No.4266195

>ic is good. there are 3 threads where some people might draw sometimes.

>> No.4266221

Cringe, never come back

>> No.4266270

This is copypasta, right? The "lifters" and "facial aesthetics" gave it away.

>> No.4266283

This is an ancient /fit/ copypaste re-formatted for /ic/ for those of you that don't know

>> No.4266313

I’m shit at art but I DONT want to practice. I just want to be good RIGHT NOW

>> No.4266344

I felt so empty, every time i picked up a pen i just cant create anything good. Now, im just frustrated because things didnt go my way and waste my time by doing nothing...

>> No.4266751
File: 21 KB, 437x431, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excited to post new artwork I think I did better on
>it gets less than half the likes of a sketch I put out when I was new

>> No.4266757

you lost your soul

>> No.4266817

Hes gonna make it bros

>> No.4266827

there should be an imageboard where if you don't attach an image, there appears a small blank canvas where you have to scribble/sketch something in order to post. sure, some people would probably draw a single line or attach shitty reaction pics, but I still think it would be interesting.

>> No.4266879
File: 2.11 MB, 320x320, 1559215309479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like shit
>give up halfway through
I'm definitely not gonna make it

>> No.4266894

there's already something like that for /i/

>> No.4266901

ow :(

>> No.4266926

>low % of dedicated lifters
I give your pasta a F for failure

>> No.4266939
File: 240 KB, 2000x3000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took time off work for colonoscopy (sticking a camera up your ass) and surgery on my asshole and planned to draw the whole time i am recovering. Well fuck no, my asshole was literally on fire the whole time that I cant even sleep and now I'm spending most of my time in a hot bath trying not to shit my intestines out. Fuck. All this wasted time that could've been used drawing. Great way to spend the weekend.

>> No.4266946


>> No.4266967

This better be goddamn worth it, my ass feels virgin again and I'm afraid I can't have anal anymore. At least I have a pretty asshole now.

>> No.4266976

I was about to sympathize with you on the buttpain because hemorrhoids are a bitch but if you're shoving things up your ass you deserve to be in this predicament how fucking stupid do you have to be to force something that doesn't belong?

>> No.4266994
File: 95 KB, 720x778, C193A5DF-4E47-4276-8512-6D99A3D2213A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the pressure of getting a job is starting to creep up to me now.

I was hoping to NEET out a little longer until I get good but honestly I draw for like maybe 3 hours and never pick up the pencil again for the rest of the day. Plus my mother really needs support for rent.

Sigh, all I really want to do is stay home and draw and nothing else honestly. Guess I have to now throw my mental health in the wind and fake being someone I’m not for the next few weeks/months until I get a minimum wage job.

>> No.4267002

He didn’t. The doctors did. That’s what a colonoscopy is you tard

>> No.4267016

Thank you. I KNEW I had seen this somewhere but couldn't figure it out. That was driving me crazy.

You can do it. Consider a late shift at a hotel if you like being alone, or if you like being social, maybe being a bar back is an option.

>> No.4267025

Well I endanger the lives of Iraeli citizens with palestinian rockets everytime I think of something to draw

>> No.4267029

I'm a poorfag but recently got some nice extra cash enough to buy a cheap tablet. I've been thinking of maybe using the money to buy one, but I can't shake off the feeling that it will end up being just a huge waste of money.

>> No.4267038

My brain is too fucked up to really learn or understand or get good at anything. My body is falling apart anyways, tendonitis, mechanical wear and tear. Stuff like that. I thought learning how to draw would help but it just makes me feel worse :\ I feel bad not doing anything, but I feel even worse when I do something. I'm seeking help, therapy, psychiatry, I'm even doing IV ketamine but I still don't enjoy anything. It's just really depressing.

>> No.4267133
File: 1.32 MB, 2500x3500, I_actually_tried_to_paint_ic_version_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried experimenting with stylization
>get copypasta tier crits and accusations of being underage
>only complete works I have to compare it with are THICCfaggotry thus garnering more accusations of being underage
>want to get better but still no good crits
Pic related, but not the one posted in /beg/ or /alt/

>> No.4267166
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, fuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing a comic
>panel 1: 1 point perspective
>panel 2: 1 point perspective
>panel 3: you fucking guessed it, 1 point perspective
FUCK why is every other form of perspective so unnatural to me?
The shots are starting to get stale and I basically have to force panrls into 2 point

>> No.4267170

Visualize the action and interpret it like a movie and then force yourself to learn how to make the panel look like your idea of it. Even if it is long a tedious, you'll improve greatly between each pages

>> No.4267171

Dude I have you a full real critique and you're calling it copypasta shit? I'm sorry you don't want to work on your fundamental issues. Jesus Christ man that's the last time I help you.

>> No.4267255
File: 59 KB, 618x619, 1570271278401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267354

The roids were there since childhood. I only found out when an ex was like "your butt has a tongue".

>> No.4267423
File: 581 KB, 810x596, dannyhells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double ouch, Anon. One for the roids and one for the ex's comment. Hang in there.

>> No.4267455
File: 619 KB, 927x1251, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm alright at rendering, but holy shit does my drawing suck. Faces are particularly bad, and when drawing characters in my art it turns into re-dos until I get lucky. I'm having serious issues with visualization and understanding volume/depth when drawing. Progress is so slow that it's killing me. It made me take a long break, and now it's so hard to get back into it again. These are some studies I did today, and shit's even worse when making actual art and not just studying.

>> No.4267498

I'm pissed, i spent YEARS doing digital art and focusing on studying the wrong shit and now i've gone back to basics with a pen and paper and i'm learning shit i always thought was superfluous
Drawing with a different grip? Oh shit, i don't need that right? I do just fine with a normal grip and it's not like it works with a tablet anyway right????? FUCK ME I WAS SO WRONG
SO many fucking years learning to paint only to go back and realize i was polishing turds
And of course my followers don't get it, "oh but your stuff was so cute!" "oh but look at this cute girl portrait you did! Why are you taking a break now to study traditional art?"
Feels like i just wasted my time and i'm back to the beginning. I'm feeling excited as fuck and i feel like i'm finally on the road to making it, but i can't help but also feel like a dumbass.
It's not like i'm not also gonna use all that i know about rendering and shit in the future, combining with what i'm learning now, but i just feel like if i started off right, i'd be WAY better at it too

>> No.4267502

If god didn't want us putting things up our ass, he would have given the rectum a gag reflex

>> No.4267582


I thought it was funny and replied it "maybe you should tongue kiss it". Nobody ever seemed actually grossed out by it just curious. It didn't stop them from trying to rim me. Well, I have a normal looking asshole now thanks to the procedure. I just gotta find a man to toss my salad and stretch it out with dick again.

>> No.4267583

which it does have, aggravate the bowels enough, like with say a tiny of soap, and amaze as you shit out anything thats left.

>> No.4267595
File: 509 KB, 1009x720, 1574547575933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering how to get good at drawing faces.

I've done close to 1000 so far and I'm still, not only bad at drawing faces, but uncomfortable in starting a portrait drawing.

>> No.4267596

whats your process?

>> No.4267618

Sit down and draw 1000 faces wtf

>> No.4267621

post one of your faces?

>> No.4267625
File: 471 KB, 799x1196, 01. 100 Copies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did about 800 or so before this new set of drawings which is why it's at 100 again. These are the most current that I have scanned. Did a few more after these but they're honestly not any better.

>> No.4267631
File: 64 KB, 1107x1007, 1576293428983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top was with pencil and the bottom was with ballpoint.

People always stress about how you should change your mediums so that's what I've been trying to do. I've also been drawing for fun digitally but my grinds are done traditionally.

How much longer do I need to grind anon?

>> No.4267662

Jesus fucking hell, this is why "just draw" is a little too misleading for beginners

>> No.4267671

Big yikes, quality over quantity anon

>> No.4267680

Look up Sycra's Iterative Drawing video.


These aren't pushups ffs. Drawing has very little to do with mechanical skill. We draw with our brains, not our hands. Why the hell do you think some people improve at light speed while others trail behind?

>> No.4267682

what is the difference of not liking a method or not liking it because you are bad at it? i'm really hate using the loomis method but now i'm doubting myself if it is just because i'm bad at it

>> No.4267683

to add on, I want you to write down a bullet point for every drawing you make, on your mistakes. Be specific and analytical. Break out the books if you have to.

>> No.4267686

you need to stop grinding and start learning. google planes of the face. look at a photo of someone’s face and try applying that to it, and draw it accurately. look at the sticky or google figure drawing too. you’re obviously very passionate so if you LEARN you will become great
like anon said look at references.

>> No.4267692

*symbol drawing not figure drawing

>> No.4267698
File: 40 KB, 540x540, 31556876_2061069227468957_1205599746643722240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>a little too misleading
I don't see how "just draw" is anything but misleading. What the hell does that even mean? I've had multiple people flame me saying "OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE TO X..." which is honestly not so obvious--especially when you're self-taught.

I did use construction lines though. I completed the Steve Huston Head Construction videos--all of them--and I've been using his constructions as ways to start a drawing.

I don't know. I don't want to spend 30 minutes on a single face just for it to come out like shit. It's highly demotivating and makes me not want to draw for the rest of the day or I either end up forcing myself through the rest of the day ripping up all the stuff that I drew.

In Steve Huston's course, he does 5 minutes which is what I've been trying to do. But I don't really time it. I just make sure I don't take too long on a single face.

I'll try this for the next couple hundred. Thanks.

>> No.4267700
File: 191 KB, 1200x752, 00. 200 Traces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these were done using references and attempting to construct the head rather than copying lines.

I understand the planes of the face and traced 200 faces before I started these next 100 drawings.

Basically, I understand most of what Steve Huston had taught but I'm having a problem replicating the results.

I haven't looked at how other artists stylize faces though--besides Steve Huston's--which is what I was going to do after I finish these next 200 copies.

>> No.4267708

I’m stuck on fundies, was stuck on Loomis heads for a month now, they’re still shit, I can’t get gesture right, I’ve stopped drawing what I want to draw and have worked on fundies for like two months, to no avail. Every criticism I get puts me down, and I stop drawing for a few days. When I have shit drawings, I don’t improve. I get discouraged, I come back a few days later and I don’t make any progress.
It also doesn’t help that I’m 21, still living with my dad, and every time I’m around him, I have to help him out with SOMETHING.
Again, I’m just about to give up. I’m NGMI

>> No.4267721

>I don't want to spend 30 minutes on a single face
>He think 30 mins is alot
The more time you put into it the better

>> No.4267724

you do not understand the planes of the face.
tracing gets you fucking nowhere if you don't understand the structure of what you're drawing, and even then it's not as good as just using a photo as a reference.
read hampton.

>> No.4267738

When you come to a wall, what do you do? It sounds to me like you're punching the wall but in different places at different times. There's more than one way to tackle the issue, you could look for an entrance somewhere. You could climb the wall. If we assume it's brick, whittle down the mortar. Alternatively, ask your self, is where I want to be really beyond this wall? You seem passionate, but try practicing and learning in a method you haven't yet tried.

>> No.4267755

It is reassuringly cold. Some good brush strokes have been made. The pain comes and goes, only the art seems consistent, that and my increasing overdraft. The strifes of the world continue unabated though despite this there are still reasons for optimism. It's nearly Christmas.

>> No.4267759

you mentioned portrait drawing, have you looked at anyone do one? go watch one and take note of how they construct.

>> No.4267766

The problem with that is that I'm rendering my way into a solution rather than using proper construction and proportion to draw a good face. I'm not interested in being able to render realistically because that requires you to spend an ungodly amount of hours on one single drawing. I realized that I want to do sketches and learn to draw quickly--as Sycra said he wanted to--and so sitting down and spending more than 30 minutes on a single drawing is ridiculous. I know 30 minutes is almost nothing to people who do realism who spend 30-50 hours on one single drawing. But I'd kill myself before I spend more than a few hours on a single drawing. That sounds like torture and so if I'm stuck being that guy that only does sketches because I don't want to do a 50 hour drawing, then so be it. But I do want to learn how to sketch something that at least looks good and I'm pretty sure drawing for that amount of time is focused more on polishing your drawing rather than learning how to draw.

I watched Sycra's planes of the face and watched and took notes of Michael Hampton's Head Construction video. I studied the anatomy of the face and the skull as well.

When I look at a face, I can see where the planes are. The top planes/side planes/front planes.

I'm pretty sure I heard a professional artist mention that tracing in the beginning helps so I'm not so sure where you got that "tracing is bad mindset" from.

I also mentioned multiple times that I used references for every single one of these. I avoided copying lines and tried to construct the head as if I was drawing it from imagination but using the reference as a guide.

Can you provide an example or point out which drawing shows lack of understanding of the planes? Because I'm pretty sure I indicated them on a few of them.

>> No.4267769

Yea. I laboured over learning construction using Steve Huston and took tons of notes and copied along with him.

I also went through 5-6 video courses on Portrait drawing, mostly having to do with the anatomy of the head. (Glen Vilppu and Michael Hampton for example).

I honestly just think some of the anon's here don't really understand what it is that is holding me back from drawing a good portrait.

>> No.4268048

>clearly haven't been to /a/ /mu/ /tv/ or /pol/

>> No.4268130

Your construction is odd, the shapes are flat, and proportions are off. Figure out what simple shape best represents a head to you, and split it to thirds. Each third will be a landmark, look at real heads and decide which landmark you want for each third.

>> No.4268230

>get stable job
>decide to replace that nightmare of a 10 year old PC monitor that had shit colours by the standards of the time already
>get massive 4K 32'' IPS panel with best colour accuracy and contrast I could find for my budget
>don't have time to use it much for a month because of work
>finally have more time
>fucking vertical line of dead pixels randomly appears
>under warranty so send it to get fixed
>comes back 3 weeks later and doesn't even work at all
>probably won't get a replacement until the holidays are over


It's because faces are much more difficult, simple as that. Our brains are designed to analyze faces. Either you simplify and stylize them or you'll be practicing for a very long time.

>> No.4268232

>"I'd be more proud of you if you worked at McDonald's"

Thanks Dad glad my tens of thousands of hours of work really paid off, sorry I'm not a famous artist at 21 Might as well give up my lifelong dreams because I didn't immediately find success

>> No.4268240
File: 23 KB, 326x326, 1576143281225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'd be more proud of you if you worked at McDonald's"

>> No.4268358
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x799, 1576826572827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy the process of drawing from the scratch to the end
>as soon as it posted can't stand looking at it

>> No.4268470
File: 154 KB, 440x560, fuckingdone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year I rid myself off all my friends in attempt to make new and healthier relationships. I've been alone for some time now, and it's been difficult not being able to have artist friends. Maybe next year will be different.

>> No.4268527

My family and relatives are relentless and brutal with me about my art, partly because they actually think it looks like shit, partly because they're trying to get me to quit so I can pick a "better job". They are completely unaware of my mental health situation (or maybe they are but they think I have to "man up") and they don't understand that quitting art is not a career choice but the only goal I can set for myself so I don't end up dangling from a rope.
I've been told everything in the span of a dinner. That I'm trash from my older brother, that I'm naive, that I'm delusional, entitled, everything. I argued back as a reflex but I just don't care that it's true. I just want to do this. Don't you want to do something else sometimes and maybe start a family? No. I don't care. I never cared. I wanted to do this and I failed, but I don't want to quit. I can't hold down a real job, I don't want to have a real job, I can't have a real job. It's like torture for me, I just can't do it.
I just don't want to die, art is all that I have going on for me. But the more I take this in the more I realize there's no point doing it if anybody cares. Nobody ever liked my art, I'm not that good when to make it you have to be exceptional. My art doesn't look impressive in any way, watching me draw is not a spectacle, what I draw is uninteresting, all my concerns are of no value. My art is completely, utterly useless except for the purpose of giving me something to do so I stay alive. I love art so much but maybe I just love it because I associate it with surviving.
When I look at it this way I wonder if I should just quit and off myself. It's going to happen sometime in the future anyway, if I do it now or later nothing is going to change. Literally nobody will care, and nothing will change except I'll spare myself the humiliations. I am so tired of being humiliated, of being called this and that, I'm just tired. I don't care if it's true or not, I want to stop being a failure.

>> No.4268549
File: 334 KB, 739x874, 1576874080972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take commission
>client likes it
>I hate it
>prolong delivery because it's not up to my standards
>weeks go by and I don't make any money
>it's been so long I get anxious about contacting them
>keep grinding
I feel like I'm ripping them off unless I deliver something I'm happy with but I don't make enough money.

>> No.4268550
File: 34 KB, 750x684, 1576125470733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Off the grid for 5 months
>Lose all followers
O-Okay then....

>> No.4268566

Some hot opinions for someone crying about how bad he is and posting draws like that

>> No.4268568

I already told you just finish it and give it to them. If they're happy then you're good. Just grind before the next commission. However you putting it off like that and not contacting them? THAT will disappoint them and it can hurt your future commissions. Just finish it up clean up anything thats messy and deliver already. I did this when I was young, I literally took a whole year and a half to finish a stupid commission when I could have handed it over in one week because I was doing what you are doing right now. You know what happened? I pissed off my client and they were so mad they spammed all my shit telling people not to hire me. They would have been just fine with the shit I'd made after a week. Do NOT go down this path. Please.

When was the last time you bitched about this? A week ago? Two? Fucking stop dude just finish it.

>> No.4268579


Jesus, man, if you watched all that you did not pay attentin at all, Vilppu, per example, especifically explains the form of the head, he draws a elipse inside it to show it has depth which your drawing don't have.

>> No.4268585

I have a complicated issue that i've been sort of ignoring for a while.
I graduated an art university (its free here) where i studied contemporary art with a mix of figurative/traditional craftmanship (if that makes sense). You see , i love art. From figurative , commericial art to contemporary art. I find it this really amazing visual medium you can express ideas and stuff.
When i started uni i was really into doing illustrations and concept art but as time passed i started to appreciate contemporary art more and really get into it. I liked it so much that the idea of being a contemporary artist was getting more prominent in my head.
I mananged to support myself by doing nsfw/furry commissions for a while and although it has provided a decent amount of money it is super draining for me and not that stimulating/interesting. But i am aware that i need financial stability in the future.
I was thinking of trying to get somehow popular on twitter in order to maybe do some normal commissions but i dont have a stable/appealing style and it's full of inconsistencies as well. I don't consume alot of content that's trending on twitter/tumblr in order to draw it and get followers either.
I'm scared that if i keep drawing furries/nsfw commissions at some point i will burn out and won't be able to work on anything, especially contemporary art. And same goes to trying to appeal to the masses on twitter, i feel like working i will get burned out pretty soon afterwards. I kept telling myself to suck it up for a while but 2 years and a half have passed and it's getting harder and harder to do so.
I'm thinking of saying fuck it and go full on contemporary art hoping to sell some prints after a while and maybe go from there but i don't know.
I'm sorry in advance if it doesn't makethat much sense and for my poor english. If somebody has an advice/ been through something similar i would love to hear your advice.

>> No.4268588

I dunno if this is a long copy-pasta or not but it's important to evaluate why you're doing art in the first place.
Maybe deep down, you're just doing it to try and prove something to others and not really for yourself. Your mental state may be skewing a lot of your views on what you should be doing or not. Try doing small things that you have control over and give yourself a pass every once in a while.
Failure doesn't really go away but you get better at getting over it the more you do it.

That's a mood ahaha.
Just try to stay in touch with them every now and then even if you don't have anything to deliver. I've had folks really appreciate that sort of transparency.

>> No.4268591

Just do it, the sooner you enter the workforce the better it will be for you. Trust me.

Also a little extra income for food and supplies is always nice. You can do it anon esp if it's a part-time gig. Drawing will always be there for you when you get out of work and on your days off. Help your mom out. Good luck!

>> No.4268744

I've been drawing for the same fandom for years and I'm at a point where I'm just so bored of drawing the same characters over and over. I haven't been able to make any friends, just a couple hundred followers, and it's tiresome. People keep liking and retweeting/reblogging my shit but don't follow me or interact with me, even though I try really hard to not post controversial opinions and try to be as nice as possible when interacting with others. I just feel so obsolete and cut off from everyone else and I don't know how to close the gap.
It makes me resent drawing fanart, but it's the only way I get any kind of engagement. I miss deviantArt, even if some of the comments I'd get were stupid garbage.
And I hate that, if people reply, it's with bullshit like 'mood' or other shit like that. How am I even supposed to react to that. What the fuck is this

>> No.4268780

between the main fandom you are drawing, try posting some personal stuff as well . That way , you are not losing your followers and you get ot try new stuff. People will understand if you explain that it's a little bit draining to draw the same thing over and over again.

>> No.4268810
File: 37 KB, 1088x720, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I have a burst of inspiration and passion, thoughts of reading books on art, studying, and then holding a pencil and draw away.
But when I get back home I am empty and devoid of this.
I'm probably just going to assume that it's other preoccupying problems I need to take care of first. I should make this comment as a reminder to myself to get organized and then draw lmao.

>> No.4268859

I love everything about drawing, I've done it for most of my adult life. But everyone online and offline looking at me like I'm a failure at life and not even any good at art is getting to me. Nobody gives zero fucks unless he's completely autistic.
I didn't care at first because I thought I would eventually get good and at least get this difficult career started. I thought I was aware, prepared, I worked hard, didn't fuck around, but now there's none of the dream left and I know I'll eventually have to cut down on art and draw 1-2 hours "when I'm not too tired". Which given my health state, the drugs I'll need to be functional and the commutes I'm looking forward to is fucking never.
I know how empty it is that they're telling me to quit, I'd be a failure in their eyes even if I actually got a "real job", I'll forever be that retard who wasted his life on stupid shit. I know this and I don't care about getting a "real job", making more money, I don't care about them as people, I don't share their life goals, but hearing you're a failure, you're a joke, you're a loser, you're shit, thank god I'll never raise my kids like your mother raised you, my mother feeling guilty that she raised a failure, it fucking gets to you.
I'm not that selfish, it it's so persistent and real that it can't not get under my skin. Especially since there's my mother involved, she's sorry that she raised me like this, that I'm unhappy, that I'm not prepared for life and other shit that she feels hurt about when I'm just a psychotic trainwreck that should be drugged into a stupor so he can drone on like everyone else. I can't go on living this mess of a life just because I don't want to suffer. I'm depending on others, hurting my mother, running out of money all the time, all because of "art" that nobody gives a shit about.
I don't want to take the drugs again, living like that is hell. You're a zombie who could work any job all day and wouldn't remember, like a fucking robot.

>> No.4269007
File: 129 KB, 592x837, 1565576060025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I participated in that LGBT artist awareness thing back in a few month ago and faked and my coming out story. I got 2k + followers now but it's already too late to go back. What do I do now?

>> No.4269014

you can just say you are bi or something after a while adn date only men/women ? explore your sexuality etc etc

>> No.4269034

hahahahaha milk it for all its worth
make a sjw comic about how oppressive it is to be a colored trans unicorn

>> No.4269066

Put "I don't talk about my queerness because it's none of yo business, cisscum (I'm pangender demisexual aromantic btw)" in your profile between rainbow flags. If anybody asks you why, then claim "it's complicated" and very triggering and you only talk about it with your therapist.
Bam now you're still ultra gay and you'll never have to talk about it.

>> No.4269070

>tfw this guy doesn't fake it and is legit serious

>> No.4269087

Instead of chicken scratching a million lines to make one sketch, make 20,000 sketches with 50 lines each, and you'll be godlike

>> No.4269118

What do you mean by chicken scratching? The meaning's a bit twisted here sometimes. If you scribble it's completely fine, there is no right way to sketch. You should be loose and free in that phase, even if it ends up messy. If you nudge your lines little by little because you're afraid of making a statement, that's chicken scratching.

>> No.4269159

As an engineer working on consumer goods, you need a more realistic approach.

Say you bought a coffee machine. It makes coffee after you press a couple of buttons and you think coffee is good, but also that the machine isn't too expensive for what it does. Would you seriously care that some snobs who own an expensive coffee shop would think that your coffee is shit? Who gives a fuck? You enjoy what you pay for and that's what matters.

Well this is exactly what the people who buy your art are thinking. They don't give a shit that some snobs on /ic/ will think that it needs more Loomis.

>> No.4269162

This is mental illness.

>> No.4269168

Thanks engineer anon. I'm going to draw with all my vigor now.

>> No.4269179
File: 30 KB, 97x95, 1576817822120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop feeling pressure with commission time brehs. As soon as I get one, I use all of my free time only on drawing it as priority so that I can deliver in 1-3 days. I fucking apologize for taking 5 days on a commission when I'm busy

>> No.4269230
File: 1.68 MB, 500x280, 41E5BA9D-A8CA-4A24-BCBD-D462FE9577D2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a naturally bad character/Mecha designer and I think it’s making me want to stop drawing. I’ve been at it for at least 3 years now without having made a good robot or ship design. If I keep going it might be a waste of my drawing skill and it’s already been a waste of countless hours

My art is already kind of just ok, but I have a natural propensity for certain aspects of painting despite not really liking it as an art form as much as design

>> No.4269332
File: 83 KB, 650x441, 1576768431026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist that inspired you to start drawing is still draws on the same level as years ago and you surpassed them
Why does this keep happening?

>> No.4269364

your proportions are off all over, this is why books and the sticky suggest learning to draw what you see and then some people think that means becoming a photocopier for photocopier sake, but really it's just so you can actually draw the thing properly from reference which is the first step to drawing it from imagination and manipulating it. So it's simple, draw from reference and you should be able to see your mistakes, post your drawings along with the references and we can help spot the mistakes.

>> No.4269378

Don’t we all

>> No.4269383

I cant get a boner anymore and im sad

>> No.4269478
File: 67 KB, 500x370, -.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's like half a dozen loliposters that don't know lolicon/furry/shotacon belong ONLY on /b/ Every time one of them posts loli trash in the beg or alt thread about a dozen people start arguing, eventually overtaking the posts genuinely related to the thread. If a female artists is posted in any thread, it devolves into /pol/ tier shit. Every time a trans woman is posted in the porn thread, it devolves into bitching about 'degenerates' the 'sanctity of pornography' and 'coomer' shitposting.

It is not enough to just hide threads you don't want to see, anyone using this board should know the rules of it. The mods are probably busy with the bigger boards like /b/ /pol/ r9k/ etc. where actually harmful stuff might be posted. It is up to us, the /ic/ community, to self govern and foster productive conversation.

It takes six clicks to report a post for being offtopic. The reporting window closes itself in seconds when you're done, even! There is no excuse, you lazy fucks

>> No.4269483

agree, but what will reporting do if moderators dont do shit on /ic/. i reported loli multiple times and nothing ever gets taken down

>> No.4269502

I know, I've reported around 4 loli posts this week and only one was deleted. It might just take more than a couple people reporting to actually change anything. What can we do besides use the tools given to us? A lot of people lurk here, and the silent majority probably don't enjoy the poor discussion either. If there was more awareness that reporting is super easy, it would probably be done more.

>> No.4269607

pyw crab

>> No.4269645
File: 36 KB, 326x318, 1575117444899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my job to make sure moderators are cleaning shit up. The report feature is sluggish for what it's worth to me. Loli spammers are obnoxious but all I need to do is not engage with the shitty post. I will not spend 10ish seconds of my life worrying about every single shit thread or post to pop up. You'll feel a lot less stressed out if you didn't care either. Let the other police fags handle it

>> No.4269678
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1576525317633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the idea that I should be driven to create for the soul purpose of making work, or just to paint to improve.

I know its an egocentric thing to compare my work to others and the likes that they receive compared to what I receive.

So, friends, how do I disconnect the ego? I feel sad because I feel like this is something that people would like to see. I see other posts with the same content, being liked and RT by much more people. I've got almost 700 followers and get 3 likes on a post. Thats a interaction % of 0.004%

How do I stop the hurt? do I just not post. I'm sad /ic/

>> No.4269712


>> No.4269728

Never have expectations for the day, let alone multiple days. You do this, and you're one step closer to being a better draftsman.

>> No.4269730

Get a bicycle delivery job, you get exercise and depending where it is nice tips too.

>> No.4269737

People who say that you should draw just to draw are idiots. What you feel is natural but social media makes it a personal hell.

>> No.4269772

those 3 people are people who like your work not because of fandom and also happened to be online when you posted it

>> No.4269775
File: 45 KB, 600x600, reee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, wanting to be a children's book illustrator or a concept artist
> finally work up the courage to make a blog despite insecurities.
> Open a deviantart account a few weeks ago since the last time I was there, I saw a lot of children drawing their ocs.
> Make mostly of chibi and cartoony art
> Decided to open up requests to get info on what appeals to kids
> Write in my profile "I dont do nsfw"
>Gets asked to draw a somewhat sexy pic
>I politely declined
>gets msged to draw a little girl only wearing an apron and nothing else
> I politely decline
> Gets 2 more messages asking for nsfw requests with very graphic and specific details.

>> No.4269779

>Let the other police fags deal with it

that is the exact mindset that lets fuckin loli posters think they can do what they want. Disgusting. You're almost worse than the retards giving them the (You)s they want

>> No.4269790
File: 507 KB, 812x600, 1551277183204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow fucked my wrist by holding my phone in a weird angle and now it hurts to type or do anything with my hand. Using this as an excuse of why I shouldn't draw right now

>> No.4269860
File: 2.38 MB, 1095x1526, krampy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. Since posting, it hit a surge and now has 13 likes, so its better than usual. It was one of my first times really doing something festive. I rarely do fanart but this was just something I wanted to do. Have a merry christmas both of you

>> No.4269900
File: 175 KB, 894x894, yuuko_is_not_amused_by_mugi_senpaii_d8owgk8-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist A talks about artist B behind their back in private group chat
>acts buddy buddy with them in public while laughing about their art being boring and ugly with other people
>wonder every day if the same thing is being done to me

>> No.4269905
File: 22 KB, 405x205, 6770116655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.4269908

I just started drawing. I’m so laughably bad that I cannot be upset at all. It’s strangely liberating to be so dogshit at something because there is, as banal as it sounds, only room to improve. It’s a good though marginally-overwhelming feeling.

>> No.4269929

Most likely

>> No.4269942

Depression kills my motivation to draw

>> No.4269948

Same but I find that if I start even just a bit I begin feeling better. What helped me today was trying to do a stupid request from one of the boards

>> No.4269950

Had this happen to me once, somebody who I thought was an okay person (we talked only 2-3 times though and 1 one of them was them being whiny over me facing their public vent art) put my art on one of those Deviantart cringe blogs (think it was Dawhy/Deviantartwhy).

>> No.4269951

you're pretty good, but you're still symbol drawing for your faces

>> No.4269980

fuck phoneposting but I’m too sleepy to get on my computer

>> No.4270021
File: 418 KB, 768x768, just fuck my shit up 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ever so very fucking tired of finding some really interesting artist and then being absolutely fucking unable to find high or even medium res pictures of their works. And now the last one doesn't even has a proper gallery, I'd have to fucking request to see some of his works in a goddamn castle in ireland. Why the fuck haven't they scanned his stuff yet?

>> No.4270032

Your work is really cool, don't let this stuff get to you. I quit socials and I feel much better since, but even if you don't do that you should learn to separate # of likes from your worth as an artist.

>> No.4270035

If you post anything bigger than 500px it can be stolen and printed on shit

>> No.4270038

Sure, but what the FUCK am I supposed to do? Literally take a trip over the ocean to visit a fucking castle in ireland?

>> No.4270076

I need to draw more... I NEED TO DRAW MORE I'M NOT DRAWING!!

>> No.4270127

>want to critique someone's work
>write a paragraph on why their art is shit
>try to word it as nice as possible
>read it over trying to look at it from their perspective
>feel bad about it because it might hurt their feelings
>erase it all
fuck why am i such a pussy

>> No.4270150

Don't make everything so balloonish (arms) and understand assymetrical overlap and line rhythm. Check out vilppu and look at some reference. Leg structure is not too bad

>> No.4270416

>reporting loli
psh. time to age up my women i post here. except draw them as obvious predators.

>> No.4270417

This obscure artist doesn't sell prints?

>> No.4270429

It's Sidney Sime and from what I know, for the overwhelming majority of his works, no.

>> No.4270443 [DELETED] 

>dedicated lifters

Couldn't even redo it properly.

>> No.4270463

Did you draw it? Looks really cool but no wonder you have 10-20 likes, theres no waifus in sight

>> No.4270523

The pain, rivalled only by the poverty and dissolution. Send a message scrawled on a bottle of Scotch heading to China. 'Help! We are in England '. Certainly the CCP would be concerned. I contacted two art galleries some years ago now in London at a time when my art was very strong. Of course they turned me down. I held out for one over the years but with the new year it's time to face up to my rejection and make a new contact. I have a painting that I think is important for my country, in a way that some paintings in the National Gallery or Tate Britain define us, so shall this. Being neglected in life is nothing new but one can always try.

>> No.4270690

My hate for my family grows bigger each day, how noisy and disrespectful they are, the fact that i can't draw naked people around them without looking/feeling like a pervert and the fact that I can't get away from them in general. I even bought some ear plugs to try to reduced the "damage" they are making to my attention/concentration and trying to keep my distance without being dramatic but still not enough. And with christmas distant relatives that I hate even more are here (in the house).

On top of that, when I rarely post her (very few times in the year) my stuff I get zero replies and don't know what that means, if my stuff is so bad that people don't wanna bother, if it's soulless and i'm not really an artist, etc. I almost feel like surrounding to anime artstyle because it usually get some kind of reaction.

All that said, I probably deserve all the bad things that are happening to me but I hate being on the edge of hatred and frustrated all the time. I realize I sound like an ungrateful teen and childish and I apologize for that.

>> No.4270760

>Epic gives Krita a 25K grant.
I feel like a faggot but anything that EGS I'm wary on using it.

My computer bluescreens in a page file error when I use my chink monoprice tablet.

Maybe I should uninstall the drivers and use wacom but the old drivers were generic so I don't know which are which. So I'm stuck.

>> No.4270787

I feel so utterly hopeless, i feel like ill never get anywhere, i feel nothing i do is even remotely decent. I feel i will never succeed.

>> No.4270843
File: 184 KB, 480x360, ELN2Q6dX0AEUEug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art friend venting on private account
>mention an OC by a mutual friend
>says she likes this character, but finds that our mutual friend drawing her so short is a bit weird
>"why does she draw her so short? is she malnourished or something?"
>don't say anything
>die inside because i do exactly the same with my characters
>die even more inside because i also am a very short adult who gets mistaken for a child all the time

I know it's only tangentially related to art but it really hurt, and I can't even post about it on my vent account because she follows me there...

>> No.4270898


This pasta is really stale by now

>> No.4270959

It's ridiculous coming from my since I'm severly depressed, but god, I just want a couple friends that aren't mentally ill. I'm tired of listening to the same fucking bullshit over and over and over.
Like fuck, I keep thinking about killing myself every day, but I pull myself out of it instead of making others listen to the same fucking spiel over and over again. Shut the fuck up or change. How is this even possible when you go to therapy, how do you not listen tot he advice a professional is giving you. I can't fucking do this, I can't

>> No.4270985
File: 305 KB, 1024x738, 1576293554307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how to draw

>> No.4270988
File: 77 KB, 1024x985, f9cc9935e115bbfce13437e4fd1240f7f4396b31_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where I'm going or what is going to happen, but this is probably the sweetest misery that I ever had in my life. I wish I could burn forever.

>> No.4271088
File: 683 B, 14x14, tiny cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to shit out something quick to post after neglecting social media haha
>end up turd polishing
>thoughtlessly included metal so now i have to render metal along with everything else
>i am spending hours upon hours for retarded fanart that will be consumed and forgotten in seconds
>can't just give up because i haven't finished any art in way too long
fuck i hate drawing

>> No.4271104

IDK when but i fucking lost interest, drive, passion or whatever the fuck it was that pushed me to draw, age maybe depression also. I don't fucking know i just can't, i have this grandiose ideas for characters, monsters, creatures but they just stay in my head, at least i write them down to not forget. I don't fucking know, i got my bullshit associates in some bullshit community college i learned some very useful stuff but my mind, my social skills were not there and something that they don' teach at school is that you need to know people that know people that are inside of the business so you can have an opportunity. "Innate talent" skills all of that is fuckin bullshit you need friends with connection and they don't tell you that at school and if they do i was too fucking stupid or scared and they where too cryptic about it

But i am a fucking dumb ass because i still think, very deeply that i might be able to do something with whatever i know

i also fucking hate those fucking posers with their galleries that draw or paint some abstract bullshit and think they are saving the fucking world. these are the same shits that want to escape the conventional media because its a product of European supremacy or some shit like that, they are fucking delusional and to top it off they see us as lesser artist, they act like we are not "enlightened" or at least that how i perceive it

>> No.4271175


Post your work, anon. Let's take a look.

>> No.4271188


>> No.4271191


yeah lets take a look

>> No.4271205

your stuff its not bad you need more practice on making thing look more 3d, your watercolor piece is good i have no experience with them but you can see with that one that is more of a figure in space

as with the problem with your family i can only recommend to not do that kind of work in front of them, they will not understand if they are not artists, but i was lucky enough that my dad is so he would not have cared...

so yeah sorry about the second one

>> No.4271223
File: 1.12 MB, 1728x1712, IMG_20191222_183802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I'm still crap at complex stuff and I'm frustrated.
I wanted to draw an easy, simple animation of a teen getting his metal bat ready and rushing to fight
But just doing 2 drawings took me a lot of construction and hours

>> No.4271227
File: 1.39 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_20191222_183855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the thumbnails for the sequence. The 3rd key frame of him rushing forward from a side view, I couldn't even construct it. It's a pose I can't do. The stickman is there but I can't.
I could go for a refer3nce but I realize it's meaningless, if I'm having that much trouble with a simple pose then I'm a total beginner, I need to study videos and books.

>> No.4271233

After ten years i feel like i'm getting tired of drawing at all, idk maybe because i'm not sure what i want to do with art or the fact that i feel like i'm not improving that much. But i'm tired as fuck.

>> No.4271235
File: 371 KB, 750x1000, 1576762306381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I drew this less than a week ago, I thought I was finally good at bodies but I can't actually draw them in action.
I need to do justice to Higurashi as soon as possible, this OST is so good

>> No.4271248

I feel I’m somewhat mindlessly picking and choosing how to learn to draw some things. I know that I have definitely improved, but it’s very limited. I don’t have any structure and I know it’s hurting me. I notice a flaw in my “technique”, then try to fix it. Then I move on to another flaw, but find that I never really fixed the old problem all the way. Dunno how to solve this really.

>> No.4271250

We're on the same boat friend. I guess this is why they tell us to learn and master the fundamentals

>> No.4271262

Computer has gone to shit, its like 8 years old. Try looking up for replacements. Everyone is sold out of computers in my price range. I realize that Christmas is 3 days away. FUCK THE HOLIDAYS!

>> No.4271276

That’s true, but there’s so much everywhere. In fairness, I definitely make a lot of excuses as well, like “I can’t find a felt-tip pen” or some other kind of thing. So I tend to stop following things like that because I feel like I’m already starting off on the wrong foot.

>> No.4271288

Mister Scrooge over here...

>> No.4271293

bah humbug!

>> No.4271294

>feel like shit for no reason
>as i contemplate i start thinking of all of my shortcomings (there are many) and feel even shittier
make it stop

>> No.4271424

i'm friends with a bunch of people who have graduated from art school and are starting to get gigs and have published graphic novels. i only have ever drawn as a hobby. it is difficult to show them my work, as i'm shit, and it always ends up awkward as it's clear they want to tell me my art is shit but also don't want to say anything mean because we're friends.
so i can't show them my art, and making art has gotten to the point where it feels pointless because if you're not showing it to anyone why not just imagine it in your head and not deal with fucking up?
anyway since i don't show it to anyone i barely draw anymore. i miss it and i don't know how to remedy this. i'd like to either stop missing art, or magically gain the confidence to show people my work again.

>> No.4271486

I'm only just starting out and my daily problem is that no matter what, my first drawing looks like shit. It's like I have a toddlers spacial reasoning skills. After that first drawing is out of the way things are fine. Feels like turning the key to a shitty car.

>> No.4271487

Yeah you learn really quickly that your first drawing always sucks ass, so just get through that to the next drawing. I assume this is the case for most people who draw.

>> No.4271569
File: 30 KB, 444x444, 146843254658743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years into drawing
>have 0 knowledge, have read 0 books
>took the JUST DRAW pill
>just work on a picture until it looks good
>it actually ends up decent with proper colors and anatomy every time
>everybody likes it
So talent was a real thing all along?

>> No.4271570

Based talentbro. We're going to make it.

>> No.4271598

>3 years

>> No.4271636
File: 66 KB, 1024x578, 1567711272692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country becoming Venezuela 2
>nation too retarded to fight back
>too useless and low iq to study something that can help me get out of here
>mother has a lot of health problems
I just cannot concentrate into drawing because of this, i feel i will end up killing myself so why even bother putting time and effort into something. Fuck commie shit, i just wanted a comfy life and draw in peace.

>> No.4271791
File: 153 KB, 1114x1007, 1576289901807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon, just wanted to say you're not alone in having these worries (seriously, everything down to the ridicule and the money problems and the mental issues), and I want you to hang in there. Who says your life was a waste? It seems you've fought and struggled to realize your dreams - no matter how unsuccessful you've been in your endeavors, no matter how much anyone else tells you otherwise, you've come closer to self-actualization than most people. For some reason there is no ambition or drive left in people anymore, so they'll snuff out any light they see in others. Don't go gentle into that good night, anon.

>> No.4271804

>too useless and low iq to study something that can help me get out of here
Art of Memory. Yes, it works.

>> No.4271853


>> No.4271879

>wrote the story outline for a comic a few years ago
>ended up being too ambitious as my first go at comics
>write a simpler story
>still too ambitious
>third story
>finally get something solid after putting 5 or so stories on the back burner
>sit down to finally make this thing
>realize I can't draw much outside of stiff people and monsters in a void
FUCK. I get so stuck in my head that I forget to practice and study fundies. At least I won't run out of stories anytime soon.

>> No.4271908


>> No.4271994

Then you better stop being a bitch and don't let criticism get to you. Everyone will criticize you. I have a 10 year relationship, kids, had a job, etc. and I still get shit from people making little jabs and mocking me to my face for not doing enough in my life. Humans are like that, minding everyone's business but their own.

Focus on your goals. Yes it hurts and is humiliating but when someone comes at you for what you're doing in life you need to let the emotion pass then ask yourself if they are 1) paying your bills/roof over your head and 2) did you ever ask. If they are paying your way then you do need to listen up and probably get a part time job even if it is soul crushing. Having a job sucks but is necessary for character building, also for creating that yearning for making art when you finally get home.

Quit that negative self talk too it is really not doing you any favors. Like really buckle down and ask yourself if this is what you really want and if it is then you have to WORK at it for yourself and not anybody else. It's your life after all. Sounds like your self-esteem is at an all-time low and you got to build yourself back up if you want to achieve your goals. Despite what qualities you do possess you deserve the best in life. You have to like really, really believe that.

>> No.4272631

>worked really hard on this picture
>tried to push myself and do something new
>really happy with how it turned out even though it's not perfect b/c i learned a lot while making it
>get 1 like online
it hurts

>> No.4272634

>he thinks 3 years of drawing 4 pics per month is a big number

>> No.4272635

Same. Best thing to do is do it again.

>> No.4272714

Yeah I'm trying not to let it discourage me but it's just rough.

>> No.4272804

I’m acting like a fucking bitch and am afraid of picking up my pencil. I know I need to fail a billion times along the way before my lines become right but every single fucking line feels painful. I think it’s a problem deeper inside me, got too trained into fearing failure I won’t attempt to do anything, and therefore I am gimping myself. I have to allow myself to fail and suffer. I will suffer, but it will get better. And even if it does not I at least fucking tried and did not stay wallowing in my self fucking pity. Do it for me anons, fail and succeed, not only art, try everything. Just don’t burn yourself out in life like I did, I disgust myself at this point; I don’t want to die enough right now though. Before I do I want to make something decent, even /beg/ tier, anything. I hope that by then I can find some meaning.

Remember, making art should be fun. Enjoy it, even the ugliest scribble.

>> No.4272821

My low self esteem is crippling me

>> No.4272844

I am frustrated with the art advice out there from anatomy to perspective to whatever the fuck. Learning art from the internet should be the easiest thing ever but people all have there own way of teaching it. Some people spend too much time explain easy things and some people over simplify the hard stuff. You'd think in the age of the internet it'd be easier but every autist with a working internet connection can give advice on how to get better. I know I should just find what works for me, but sometimes it gets frustrating when there is an area I want to learn about more and there are a bajilion people all with different ways of approaching it. It gets overwhelming and sometimes I don't even want to draw because of it.

>> No.4272846
File: 31 KB, 526x289, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"alright I'm going to finish this tonight"
>open photoshop
>immediately overwhelmed by sudden wave of fatigue

>> No.4272873
File: 19 KB, 219x232, 1323098629498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn iktf

>> No.4272894
File: 68 KB, 982x837, JermaMakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once again low effort shit gets more likes than 8-hour work

>> No.4272899
File: 743 KB, 616x587, 58dad995e906c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned 21 today

>> No.4272910

>when you draw some decent anatomy but has to add clothing/armor over it
>when you rotate the canvas horizontally
>when you notice a glaring mistake when you are making your final lines

>> No.4272953

Holy shit, what is that feel? It's like the crushing weight of what's about to happen.

>> No.4272962

happy birthday!

>> No.4272973

Yeah dude, that's how it be.

>> No.4272980

How do you feel, champ?

>> No.4273030

Thanks man.
I think I should end it.

>> No.4273158

Does anyone else feel like their drawing practice doesn't translate to painting and vice versa?
It's like drawing and painting are completely different skills for me.

>> No.4273170

Hello there fellow Chilean. I think I know who you are I like your art

>> No.4273344

Im on the verge of giving up. Nothing i have ever done was even remotely likeable. Its been nothing but a complete uphill battle to even trying to come up with the simplest of ideas. I ask myself often why even bother when it feels like there is are so many vastly superior and have it much easier. I feel so insignificant and utterly worthless like a drop of water in the ocean. I end up hating myself so much in my classes because my art was so much worse and less creative then the rest of my peers, i felt like i barely got help from my professor. I got nowhere to ask for help, classes have felt like a joke to me and i felt like i havent improved at all, and knowing myself i know i need help to get where i would like to be but that destination feels so far away it could be on another planet as far as im concerned.

>> No.4273548
File: 209 KB, 405x347, 1478761509814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the absolute fuck was wrong with art teachers in primary school
They didn't teach jack shit, all they did was just spout the same 2 things, the color wheel (while not having us use color), perspective (while not really teaching us about it). They don't give any real advice like draw from elbow/shoulder or ghosting lines then they act confused and praise the 1 or 2 people that could actually draw straight lines, who probably heard it from their parents who actually had a damn clue what they were doing. Do they not realize that better lines -> confident artist -> better art? Or do they just not care? Is the requirement for "public art teacher" just "willing to deal with children for 6 hours a day and willing to pay teacher union fees"? I haven't met a single good art teacher throughout my entire education (not going to art school, but goddamn shouldnt there be some decent art teachers outside of it?)

>> No.4273551

Are you an american?

>> No.4273552

half, but had to grow up in burger for most of childhood, is euro primary school art better?

>> No.4273618

No i was gonna meme about
>american education

>> No.4273668


dude i work at a coffee shop its nice to have side income

>friendly reminder you can always make hobo meth adderall from putting benzedrex cottons in a baggy with lemon juice and drinking it if you are too tired to draw after work

DXM is a fun OTC high
im ordering a san pedro mescaline cactus atm with bitcoin that i bought a goddammn coinstar kiosk! what a country!

>> No.4273685

Part of me wants to draw christmas stuff for social media gainz but doing so has the implication of me being an art gremlin selling out for the holiday. I don't even feel strongly about christmas

>> No.4273692

>know exactly what's wrong with my drawings
>just need to grind more
>want some validation for my art
>no reason to post

>> No.4273802
File: 432 KB, 1080x1350, 69612065_2366588870335739_8875463063120494764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhh... The feeling of emptiness that comes around on christmas.

I just hope everyone on /ic/ have a good christmas.

>> No.4273874

I don't know why my office is open. It's Christmas eve. I don't think I'll get any customers at all. They're just paying me overtime to come in on my day off to sit in the office all day and not have any work. I wish I had stayed at home. I need more practice digital painting. But to be honest this is ideal work day to get paid overtime not work and doodle all day.

>> No.4273889

Anon, it's very specifically no-strings-attached. I hate Ebin as much as the next guy, but Krita should be safe unless something substantial comes up

>> No.4273904

All my favorite artists are younger than me and I feel like I haven't even started AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

>> No.4273942

I realized that I've gone off the far end when I went shopping for gifts. I can't hold a basic conversation anymore without feeling anxious, and I don't have any social confidence left. I can barely control not talking to myself out loud and while I used to fake it great, now it's evident. I see it in people's faces that I'm a weird fuck. Today I had the occasion to show my artwork to strangers IRL but I chickened out because of irrational shame for my art and myself. I will not only never work in art because of my inability to make connections, I'll never work period. I'm fucked.

>> No.4274020

>300 views on all my stuff total
>1 like
Is this normal i feel like it isnt and im feeling bad

>> No.4274029

depends on your skill level, subject matter, and if you appear personable. having at least two of these boxes ticked, usually, should net you the attention you want.

>> No.4274054
File: 1.79 MB, 2176x3472, yande.re 27309 abe_yoshitoshi haibane_renmei rakka wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining the only figure drawing class in the city, hopefully it's good.

Living in the UK, but my home is a muslim country.
We don't have figure drawing there, closest thing I've heard of is one with models in bodysuits.
The coming 1.5 years might be the only chance I get to draw from nude live models

>> No.4274071

>skill level
Its probably low
>subject matter
Touhous, not sure if its popular or not
>appear personable
How appear personable on pixiv?

>> No.4274073
File: 26 KB, 50x50, 1557165129561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>installed garry's mod years ago when it was on sale
>opened it up today because I can use it as a rudimentary 3d software for, you know, reference
>end up wasting a couple of hours throwing shit around
what the fuck i thought the vidya meme was just a meme, fuck, shit, fucking dammit fuck

>> No.4274081
File: 22 KB, 236x419, 72cd89d48270f1c2c4063cc5bbc5a347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do when i ask for pmy and ask for critic etc but never get any replies?it always happens to me

>> No.4274093

there will always be a cultural barrier that will make interactions with a japanese audience difficult. this barrier can be easy to overcome with skill level and subject matter working in tandem. to appear personable; try leaving more stickers in the comments section of touhou works you like, written comments on the works of english speakers, and try adding more in the description of your own work; what's going on in the image, your thoughts about the character, their story arc, recent event involving them, other ideas etc.

>> No.4274099

This right?


>> No.4274107 [DELETED] 

For the first time in my life since I started to take art seriously I kinda of wanna die. Had a big fight with relatives and now I'm spending christmas alone. My art got my through so much shit but now even it's not helping. And I'm a coward, I don't have to courage to end my life.

>> No.4274126

Same. Now just ask people what to do and draw that for validation and reason to post.

>> No.4274175

You don’t want some retard to shit on your work anyway. Less replies the better.

>> No.4274314
File: 3.75 MB, 280x302, me34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is bad/good!
>noooo this is good/bad!
make up your mind /ic/ dammit

>> No.4274477

I am from Argentina though

>> No.4274486
File: 58 KB, 470x331, 1575860184870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to be an expert at this topic since it used to happen to me ALL the time. You are probably stuck in the zone where
>Your drawings don't have extremely obvious flaws so /beg/s can't comment.
>You're not good so you fail to threaten/trigger the crabs
>You play it safe and stick to your guns to avoid mistakes so your pieces are overall boring and uninteresting which doesn't move the real good artists to comment.
Also the way you ask for critique is very important and relevant. What helped me to get critique is properly asking for it with the right wording instead of being those autists who post a picture on a thread with no text.

>> No.4274490

I know this post is very old, but you are incredibly mislead.

Artists learn to draw quickly because they learn how to draw entirely, and can then break down a long process in to shorter ones; this is done through repetition. You learn to draw things in their entirety, spending hours getting a face to look right, and the mistakes and corrections that occupy those hours are where learning occurs; the next time you draw, those mistakes are in your mind and you can correct them sooner, until eventually your process is so quick and you know the fastest way to achieve the result you aim for.

Do not practice with speed, improvement is not fast; speed is a result of repetition and an abundance of knowledge and competence. The same thing applies to 'rendering realistically' as you call it; there are many artists that through good usage of color, value and brush strokes, can render things realistically so quickly it literally puts you to shame watching it.

>> No.4274493

Is there a point in rendering when just starting out and you don’t have a strong grasp on fundamentals like values and perspective yet? If you have a limited amount of time to work on art, is it better to dedicate it all to studying the basics then wait until you’re solid at that before trying to render or should you be working on rendering from the start.

>> No.4274530
File: 115 KB, 862x1024, viktor-titov-24-07-2018-demglrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you want to do, for most things I'd say practice rendering. It's a skill that requires constant improvement, and really doesn't occupy as much time as you'd think. Something as simple as outlining a shadow and shading it 1 value adds a substantial amount of depth, and unless you're a lot more design focused, your drawings will never be nearly as appealing as they could be with even a very simple amount of lighting.

Rendering is hard from imagination when you don't know the full form, but once you can fully think of something as a 3d object and "feel the form," things tend to render themselves once you know where your lighting is.

>> No.4274531

what do you think is a good way to learn forms?

>> No.4274533

Practice in the right mindset, and practice a lot. The more you spend time with something in all angles, the more you start to understand it and internalize it. If you want to learn humans, draw a shitload of humans with your mind actively thinking about forms and 3d shapes when drawing.

I would recommend not doing this until you can draw 2d shapes in proper proportion to each other, otherwise you will more than likely overwhelm yourself and end up symbol drawing. Learn to draw things in their objective 2 dimensional shapes, then start to think in 3 dimensional forms after you can do that; the brain can only process so much at once.

>> No.4274863

I don’t know. It’s usually the moeshit/cute anime bait stuff/porn that people will give their time of day to critique on /beg/.

I noticed in /int/ people critiqued things that weren’t just porn and actually had interesting compositions.

>> No.4275010

Need to let some bitchiness out. >>4273900 still remains while the piece that was posted was removed. If you cocksuckers are going to push for censorship fair game censor everybody else.

>> No.4275014

>while the piece that was posted
Meant to say the piece that was posted below it was removed

>> No.4275293

Finally starting Loomis instead of trying to do my own thing. Man I know it’ll be useful in the future, but I really don’t like it at the moment. Could just be frustration for feeling like I’m going backwards. Though in reality I know it’ll be a good building block for the future, instead of the shaky grounds in which I started.

>> No.4275413
File: 135 KB, 476x907, 6785864564746467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annoyed that I spent age 9-19 doing only linework because I liked drawing with ink. Always thought I would be decent with color when I went digital and i'm absolutely garbage with it. I have no instinct for it and it's not fun for me. I've read up on it extensively and practiced it for six years now, and still I have never painted anything that actually improved the sketch that acted as the base.

Thing i'm working on right now. Trying to paint the face and it just looks disgusting, meanwhile the lines themselves are nice. I've even experimented with many different styles to find out if my default style of sketching/linework is what is holding me back, but it's not.

I continue to improve at sketching but I want to be able to utilize color and bring people happiness by painting amazing things. Feels like i'll never get there and should just focus on sketching.

>> No.4275447
File: 2.64 MB, 5850x3600, DickDiddly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can also paint alright from reference, but not at all from imagination. I just don't understand it. It feels like i'm flat out retarded when I try to depict things in color. Yet I can sketch just about anything I can imagine.

Any advice from people who overcame something similar would be amazing.

>> No.4275463

Like, I feel like if I could paint well, my understanding of anatomy and character design could at least get me a job as an assistant on a team of artists, for comicking or concept art.

But I just can't fucking learn it, and so i'm stuck working construction, destroying my body for a paycheck that barely covers rent. The only thing my art amounts to is "wow, have you seen anon's sketches? He's pretty good." I went to college for this, and did a year, but had to drop out. I know kids who barely had fundies down who now have jobs in the industry. They got 20 times farther than me in a 3 year period than I've gotten in 6.

All i've wanted since I was a child was to work in art related fields. It feels like time to give up on it desu.

>> No.4275502

any of you fags dealt with tremors before? how do you stop this shit?

>> No.4275594

Better diet, plenty of sleep. Exercise helps.

>> No.4275621
File: 499 KB, 500x202, Hanekawa cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing my whole life
>know a guy who started just a couple years ago, even helped him out early on
>he's now leagues better than me

This is actually making me so depressed I feel sick

Am I just worthless

>> No.4275624

Painting with oils is icky wicky and this board SUCKS!
rant ENDED

>> No.4275774

I hate that all of my art friends laugh at me for doing fundamentals

Granted most of them have been drawing way longer than I do, but slowly I start to see fundamental mistakes in their pieces. And when I tell them to do funda they tell me I'm "doing things by the book", that art should be free, that everyone "has their own way of learning to draw".

Fuck you.

>> No.4275783

That's really great anon! Can you show us some of your work? I'm really interested in seeing it!

>> No.4275786

your rendering from reference sucks, practice doing things from memory to internalize it, study other artists that you like.

>> No.4275813

Source of the pic?

>> No.4275842
File: 164 KB, 900x555, feel paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to >bee myself, draw things I like and talk to people whom I want to get to know better. But I feel like a massive cringe faggot whenever I'm genuine and that any niceties I receive are white lies. Can't tell what's impostor syndrome and what's dunning-kruger, why can't I just be not autistic

>> No.4276092
File: 269 KB, 2256x4096, EMuiO2kW4AMZvSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks,im a beg and new to this so idk,i just say critic since i think i need general help

>> No.4276144
File: 81 KB, 250x250, 1573503446454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a pic of someone ripping out testines from an amputee in the porn thread OP? i really want to like (or at least tolerate) porn artists but this is too much and i dont like being told im a normie or whatever for not liking gore and fucked up shit. of course i hid the thread and i dont HAVE to look at it, but thats not the point, i want to look at the drawings and give crit but this is really disturbing

>> No.4276162
File: 27 KB, 387x267, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4276188

Yes :)

>> No.4276199

But heavens to betsy someone post a DFC, watch the jannies crawl out of the woodwork.

>> No.4276211

It's just the natural progression of pornographic degeneracy. More and more stimulation.

It's like someone saying they draw sonic OC, but hate the porn. mhmm yeah ok

>> No.4276220

Biggest piece of advice I can give is that friendship is a two way street. If you want friends, you have to reach out and initiate it.
Especially if you’re an artist, others may not want to come off as a leach looking for free art by striking up a conversation.

>> No.4276250

Woomy, my friend. Woomy.

>> No.4276257

Finish it, post it. First rule only rule: “Finished, not perfect”
You have a million stories? Good. Turn them into a million comics, each better than the last.

>> No.4276345

This is what porn does to your brain

>> No.4276350


>> No.4276359
File: 92 KB, 523x410, 1535821664520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want prove dammit, prove that a mid twenties person with zero skill actually became good at art. someone just show me proof please its driving me crazy.

>> No.4276365

post your definition of good first

>> No.4276387

I dont know man, anytime I see an artist whos art I like they started when they were young. I just want to sea late starter who became good.

I just want to see an example of what others consider good of people who started late.

>> No.4276389

stupid nigger people here praise shit like gains goblin and asukaposter if you go with that then there's your proof, go draw.

>> No.4276395

ah yes I see, more proof that people cant show me a single competent artist that started late.

>> No.4276401

>want's proof
>post proof
>wtf that doesn't count

ah well now i know i wasted my time and you ngmi with that attitude.

>> No.4276402
File: 75 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4276496

>my art gets no attention/crit/commentary
>people's art who is leagues better than mine get zero attention/crit/commentary
>bad anime shit or literal doodles by people in the ~~~clique~~~ get comments and extensive dicksucking
my first mistake was posting to an /ic/ art group

>> No.4276515
File: 3 KB, 118x216, C3ABF367-D408-403B-B217-A3FF3D1FA866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am SICK and TIRED of frequenting this board inbetween drawings just to refresh the page here and there only to see crap that I’m not interested in the slightest being bumped.

For fucks sake, I’m a /beg/ and I cannot do this alone so I was wondering if I could amass a group of /beg/s as bad as me and create a close knit group of artists who just want to get better. Is anyone interested in the idea?

>> No.4276522

You hit that refresh button because you want to find something to shitpost with, just admit it.

>> No.4276524

Congratulations, you've just invented a discord group. Might as well just join one instead of creating a new one

>> No.4276526

Van Gogh you retard

>> No.4276528

>practice every day for 4 years
>can draw alright digitally
>but god forbid I use pen and paper
>my brain turns to mush and I'm suddenly on the level of a retarded toddler
>everything goes wrong, especially proportions
>it becomes almost impossible to draw heads
>there's apparently no solution to this shit

>> No.4276531

You can grind your shitty loomis potatoes for years but you'll never be as good as an actual artist who practised for an hour.

>> No.4276549
File: 27 KB, 539x960, 50EAE83E-5A86-4C82-BE49-9A18DEB25D19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally could be doing better things with my time if I had art friends/peers who are just as eager to improve as I am. I am so fucking lonely man. I want to improve, not fuck around.

Joining an already established Discord server where everyone is already well acquainted with each other and there’s a very good artist that everyone is so eager to suck their dick is the reason why I hate discord servers in the first place. I cannot join already made servers. I just want a server with 10 people max who are eager to share, critique and motivate each other to draw what they love while improving. That’s really all.

>> No.4276565

I’m actually quite content with my artistic progress, especially given how I can only use 2-3 hrs daily but my social media gains, Twitter specifically, are absolutely abysmal. I wasted the last months on trying to boost my followers by actually posting regularly and drawing fanart of stuff I don’t actually care about only to realise that 1) It didn’t really amount to that much and 2) that the quality of my drawings don’t relate to success on that awful website. I only feel bad since I couldn’t even meet my already kinda low goals and I think I will just draw whatever and update my Twitter whenever I feel like it and let everything else happen automatically, like all the anons before always told me.
>inb4 just git gud lole

>> No.4276774

And he killed himself at age 37 while being unsuccessful when he was alive

>> No.4276787

>no solution
draw more but on paper you stupid nigger

>> No.4276788

Sketch with pencil and eraser until satisfied, start inking after. Do what manga artists do.

>> No.4276791

I wouldn't mind joining, but I'm literally 250 boxes tier bad

>> No.4276795

make on and post it here then

>> No.4276837

was the first sketch a big tiddy gof gf and the latter an intermediate rendition of a landscape?

>> No.4276843

I learned to animate cause i wanted to animate all the ideas i had ages ago. I'm finally at a point where I can animate well/have recognition, but I have 0 fucking ideas in terms of original works. All that stuff in my head i wanted to get out is gone and everything i put down on paper/writing is absolutely garbage.

>> No.4276846

Find a writer. I have a friend who doesn't draw much but he writes, and while I can write, I also think everything I put down is terrible so I'd never get anywhere without a partner.

>> No.4276855

Yeah I guess i might just really need to, but I just wanted this project to be my baby you know? Produced/written and whatnot.

>> No.4276867

It'll be more yours than you think. You'll likely still edit the story, and you'll design the characters and choose their moment-to-moment interactions. And as someone who usually does literally everything himself, gotta tell you now that no one cares. Made by one person, two people, twenty, it would be an interesting footnote for those who really enjoyed it, but ultimately the only thing that matters is the end product.

>> No.4276975

people do animations of short segments of youtube video game streamer people (assuming you can stand them) and get really popular. look up gamer grumps animated, etc.

>> No.4276994

issue is, I've been studying artists I like and attempting to paint from memory, as well as doing studies of objects in my room and whatnot for literal years now. I haven't improved in any noticeable way since I started.

>> No.4277007
File: 317 KB, 848x719, Alicia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate college so much.
Why must the exams be worth so much of the grade? Why are the classes stacked in the most inopportune time with no alternative? Why won't the professor tell me what I got on the damn final? Why does everyone else online seemingly get to play games regularly while I have to toss them out just to draw? Why do /beg/s not take art seriously even though the impending doom of a job is on them too?

>> No.4277012
File: 125 KB, 489x475, 1572468689597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Toaster just bluescreened while in the middle of drawing, thank GOD you fags made an emphasis to save shit and back it up on an external drive religiously.

>> No.4277040

you're probably doing a half assed job like you did with those reference paintings. Anyway you can also just celshade which is a lot easier, might suit your style, and that will also help you learn to render later because it's a precursor to rendering and something you should be able to do beforehand (block in base colors, value composition, cast shadows).

>> No.4277050
File: 122 KB, 1200x896, DrBxwXnUcAAJcr_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man negativity is addictive but I'm just sick of it.
From now on, fuck it, no more of it.
I'll do my thing, be happy about it, and everyone who doesn't like it (including myself) can eat shit.

So I'm a social outcast with no friends? Fuck it drawing was more fun anyway
So I'm an ugly cunt with a boot for a face? I'm not doing self-portraits anyway so who gives a shit
So I'm unapproachable and
So I'm unfit, weak twig? I'll just lift and run more
So I draw like shit? I damned well better draw some more to fix that.

>> No.4277113
File: 37 KB, 750x667, 1575061537574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I make art that normies want to buy without having to draw porn? sob

>> No.4277120

Damn, I feel the same.
>woah great art I like your drawings for quite a while. please tell me you accept commsissions
>uh yeah I do, infos on the pinned tweet. but I don’t draw porn.
>oh ok, I don’t have a fitting idea right now but I will come back to it once I do (in other words: oh ok nevermind bro)
Either I give in to the coom or I stop posting my art online. These are my only options if I want to stay sane, I think.

>> No.4277138

I am leaning towards shorts right now vs trying to do a longer 5-10 minute animation off the bat.

>> No.4277218



>> No.4277253

Take this time during your break to practice your art as much as possible. I haven't had the time to pick up a pen to draw since early September.

>> No.4277445

At least you're good enough for people to ask. I'm about to jump on the bright colors lavendertowne meme bandwagon.

>> No.4277474
File: 11 KB, 500x380, 9CFA6B76-CFDC-4708-B68E-AA47009B18D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just go to a fucking atelier and get some professional advice there? It seems as though critique here is reserved for anime girls.

>> No.4277531
File: 173 KB, 999x1300, 1446749270149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebs see an appealing stylized illustration (bonus point if it's flat colors or moeshit or something)
>what is this, everyone can draw this, it's easy!
>(free space for them actually attempting it and the result being as hilarious as you'd expect)
>they see a picture which was clearly traced over a photo, then character's head was shoop'd in and everything was smeared over with texture brushes for that awful plastic-like """"painterly""" effect
>wow SuCh pretty cOlOrs this is a masterpiece how is it even possible to be this good

>> No.4277622

There's a artist I cyberstalk. And by that I mean I don't follow their account but check in on them every few months. Been doing it for two years. Not for their art. But because they let their whole life and family drama happen in their comments out in public. Like they never take the conversations into the dms, it's just out in the open until they hide or delete their comments. They have also turn to porn commissions and is slipping deeper into degeneracy.

I should be drawing but I waste time reading their fake ads bullshit.

>> No.4277703

You're just watching a cyber soap opera.

>> No.4277712

Your not wrong. They had a whole slipped into a diabetic coma bit.

>> No.4277751

my fucking parents are exactly like that

>> No.4277908 [DELETED] 

>in university art club
>pretty nice, there are some legitimate artists in it
>tranny enters the chat
>posts his blackwashed headcanon-autistic anime goblins
>"l-looks cute dude"
what the fuck I thought these types of people were just some fucking sjwboogeyman meme? actually encountering one up close is unnerving

>> No.4277963
File: 16 KB, 645x773, 1569214403762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do japs are getting away with posting loli on twitter and you can get banned just for showing small tits?

>> No.4277966
File: 46 KB, 503x472, 540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4278318
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Drawing with chronic pain is hard. I'm tired all the time. It's hard to keep going. Not to mention the guilt of the few times I get commissions having them take longer than they should.

>> No.4278466
File: 39 KB, 451x550, 1985+002255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to see an example of what others consider good of people who started late.
Beksinski. He had a degree in architecture and worked at a construction site until his late 20s, then he started getting interested in photography. He got his first major exposition at 35 and his art was pretty rough until a later period.

>> No.4278629
File: 40 KB, 469x347, 52a541c42d887.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drop out of college, if your campus has a counseling center take advantage of it. I learned this when it was way too late.

>> No.4279104

desu I’d rather had people not wanting to comm me because my art is bad rather than them not commissioning me because I don’t draw their waifu being coomed inside. This way I still had a chance if I just improved my general ability a bit more. This is getting really annoying and I hate it.

>> No.4279116
File: 10 KB, 568x332, F098DD10-B48D-4DA0-AF5C-04B122E48938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoping to go pro so i’m committed to nothing but art for the rest of my life
>have friends studying stem degrees but also like to draw as a hobby
>their art is leagues better compared to what i can do

>> No.4279784

I should've spent my years posting on DeviantArt and getting gassed up by furries and 12 year olds rather then trying to learn how to draw correctly. I would've been happier and probably be better than I am now because I'd have higher motivation to draw more

>> No.4280151

>mutual not only unfollows you but also blocks you for no apparent reason
Just... why?