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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 341 KB, 1000x563, klaus-animated-film-netflix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4264716 No.4264716 [Reply] [Original]

Oh hey, Dobson made a good video

>> No.4264725

>Tumblr nose

>> No.4264730

Is Tumblr even relevant anymore?

>> No.4264743

>each rossey nose is Tumblr nose

This weebs

>> No.4264779
File: 851 KB, 1952x1584, 1570066778734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical sandfag never been in icy snow environment. kek on you

this movies lighting and stylization is beautiful

>> No.4264786

I genuinely thought that this movie was 3d when I say the Norm McDonald highlights on youtube, pretty impressive animation

>> No.4266898

i like how people argued against netflix having their own animated originals and they ended up funding some really good looking shit

>> No.4267084

This isn't a Tumblr nose.

>> No.4267277

I don't get it, the lighting is mostly manually done, the studio was making it look they they did some shader wizardry though. Fuck that.

>> No.4267305

the shading looks like shit.
literally looks like something off a deviant art tutorial on "how to shade" where they apply a soft round on a multiply layer.

>> No.4267313

You're undermining the technique. It still saves a ridiculous amount of time compared to fully manually colouring everything

>> No.4267316
File: 79 KB, 1024x699, Ghost-in-The-Shell-8-1024x699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the character artstyle at all, mostly having to do with shape language, I guess.

Thank God for Japanese animation, especially from 80s, 90s.
Nice background art tho.

>> No.4267339

Call me a weeb but western cartoons just look ugly 99% of the time. I keeps me from taking the animation seriously.

Also Akira is unironically one of the greatest animated films of all time.

>> No.4267342

Damn, maybe he gets a redemption arc? Pretty interesting vid.

>> No.4267350

I despise Netflix and hope everyone involved in that kiked company has a terrible future ahead of them, but this is nothing short of amazing to me. I hope they outsourced it.

>> No.4267421

That stuff with the hands seems pretty damn tricky though. It must be like 90% manual work.

>> No.4267422

This movie tried too hard.

>> No.4267436

Anime is usually made with the intent to advertise a Manga, book or video game series which appeal to a higher age demographic than western animation which targets a much younger demographic that wants bright colors and simple shapes. If you watch earlier 2d western animation from the 90s and early 2000s you'll notice that cartoons advertising comics and movies generally look better and more stylized like 2003 clone wars.

>> No.4267441

ok I'll call you a weeb since it's what you are. A lot of anime is cool and amazing looking obviously but to act like it's the only form of animation that has value is the height of being a weeaboo. Both are good

>> No.4267458

Seems cool, would be nice if such software wasn't completely proprietary and they went the open source route though.

>> No.4267463

so that's what son of dob sounds like... huh

>> No.4267489

>begs shitting on klaus baka

>> No.4267494

computers are taking over
it's over for us 2d bros

>> No.4267495

Not those anons but I watched Klaus and it's really overhyped. If it wasn't for 'muh shading' no one would care.

>> No.4267500

Same, the same language and color is not my taste, look too "plastic" for some reason, must be because of the tech they used in the video.

>> No.4267505

anon thats the point, the video in the op post is literally titled 'how klaus was rendered'

>> No.4267527



>> No.4267529

it has soul

>> No.4267530

Disgusting weebs and their narrow views will lead to their own demise, always, thats why the only weeb who have succeded from the west is the pathetic Yllia, you are mentally handicapped by your stupid attitudes.

>> No.4267570
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, blender.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like that will popup in blender one day. Blender seems to be making a lot of strives lately.

>would be nice if such software wasn't completely proprietary and they went the open source route though

I can see why the company would want to make it proprietary so they wouldn't have to rely on donations to fund their development. But it's too bad it's completely unavailable to the public right now to buy or try.

>> No.4267592

>doesn't even say anything about the freeform gradients

>> No.4267604

>t. assmad western mutt
Anime is slowly consuming your western trash as we speak.

>> No.4267620


Weeb this, weeb that, narrow views etc.

Meanwhile Hollywood, video game industry, music industry --- all drink from the well of Japanese anime.


>> No.4267638
File: 7 KB, 212x200, UtAAsWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that Monnoke ref is borderline copyright

>> No.4267725

when did I say being inspired by anime was bad or that anime was bad? I like anime. I just think it's stupid to act like anime is the only good form of animation and is closeminded and makes you a weeb

>> No.4267803

Tha may have been true in the past, but modern western animation is pretty much dead. Anime is the only type of artistically-driven mature animation left. And no, adult swim cartoons don't count as 'mature' (and certainly not artistically driven).

>> No.4267804

Just goes to show that renderfags are cancer and need to be kicked out of art/animation.

>> No.4267989
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>> No.4267999
File: 168 KB, 1200x899, 6CB91EFE-5002-4810-9517-48E4256EDCDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one else ITT taking about the fact that this video was made by Dobson of all people

>> No.4268009

desu I think it was an ok video.
mildly informative and reveals something about the process of making an animated movie.

too bad his opinions are cringe as fuck

>> No.4268045

because I have no fucking idea who that guy is

>> No.4268114

This is the exact direction 2D Western animation needs to take if it wishes to push forward, and anime needs to take a lesson from this rather than adapting the latest boring isekai for it to be poorly animated due to time constraints and buried after one season.

>> No.4268173

Like the aesthetic or not, but Western animation is where all the new shit gets discovered.
Paperman, Spiderverse, now this.
There's been more inovation in western animation in the past 10 years than in Japan in the past 100.

>> No.4268249

have you seen the new lupin trailer? looks great desu

>> No.4268262

This might be the only thing he has done that I don't hate.

>> No.4268286

did you even see the video, no one has ever done something like this for a full feature film before. This is a huge step for 2d animation, and youre downplaying it because you don't like the way it looks. Lmao

>> No.4268298


Delusional prick

>> No.4268301

Cope delusional retard.

>> No.4268311

Its impressive but the final result looks too 3d cgi rendered. They should have kept a flatter style.

>> No.4268379


>> No.4268479

Imagine honestly believing that maturity is what defines animation as valuable or good. That is sad and I genuinely feel sorry for you

>> No.4268504

He's sort of right. I'm sick of grown adults praising a children's movie as being groundbreaking, I mean it doesn't seem like such a bad thing until you realize there is nothing going on with adult animation in the west so they have no choice.

>> No.4268543

Talk again when your dirty chinks can make something this good, oh noes, it's a childrens movie it doesnt count


>> No.4268570

At least post 1950s Disney instead of that 90s crap if you want to show me something good.

>> No.4268583

>mature themes
>fresh new rendering and technical animation

a movie can have one but not the other and be valuable. From a technical standpoint, Klaus is groundbreaking, but you don't want to admit it because it's not your animu

>> No.4268604

What is this???? I loved this movie as a kid but I don't recognize any of this at all, and it looks like it's done by a B-rank studio. At least show the gd dance scene.

>> No.4268635

western discovers and japanese refines :^)

>> No.4268638

why must you berate people when you're trying to make a point, it doesnt help your argument whatsoever.
Personally I liked tarzan a lot esp this scene
and this
love lilo and stitch too

>> No.4268639


Classic weeaboo reply, now post one with the chink whore eating noodles or some smug animu blobgirl.

>> No.4268659
File: 531 KB, 1920x1266, barry-kooser-lilo-2-bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate so much the fact Lilo and Stich got so little attention, that movie is the definition of soul on animated form, and also a pro lesson on how to depict weight in animation, plus the watercolor bsckgrounds and pencil layouts are a treasure, also I wonder why Andreas Deja got assigned Lilo instead of Stitch since his strong side is animate villains.

>> No.4268666

didnt make it into the movie, just a cut scene / sequence anon

>> No.4268671

this right here, i agree with all my heart

>> No.4268706

Better lilo and stich version.

>> No.4268718
File: 147 KB, 1935x1146, 1562872180682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lifeguard.

>> No.4268721

Weebs are insufferable. ..
I agree that this kind of plastic-looking cartoon is horrible and most western vartoon is these days, since it actually relies on technology for its aesthetics, but just bc your fancy anime shit is all over the place doesn't mean it's soulful.
In terms of aestheyicsrly and poetry, early Disney cartoons will never be topped.

>> No.4268782


>> No.4268787

i just realized that i've never actually heard son of dob speak

>> No.4268792
File: 1.50 MB, 480x267, 1562993397318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4268831

refines what? is there an anime better than spiderverse?

>> No.4268836
File: 31 KB, 670x503, the deers troubles are over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it always have to be a retarded east vs. west thing. Why can't we all just get along and enjoy whatever art we enjoy

>> No.4268894

My dick is now 2000% harder

>> No.4268915

It’s always the realism/disney fags that start this shit every fucking time and makes me think those fuckers are actually insecure. Animu fags don’t even shit on those guys.

>> No.4268941

Notorious lolcow artist. He's basically a stereotypical male feminist, but without being a registered sex offender.

>> No.4268957

>Animu fags don’t even shit on those guys

You are so full of bullshit.

>> No.4268971

Both sides are the same, and they don't even realize how similar they are. They both think what they like are superior so they get angry when someone mocks their tastes. Then they mock the others, not realizing they're doing the exact same thing. Its like the trad vs digital argument. Both sides have pros and cons, and they can't acknowledge the fact that what they like is not what others want. its stupid.

>> No.4268972

How many threads you see shitting on realism/disney compared to anime every time?

>> No.4268980

The trad vs the digital argument, 9/10 the trad fags always shit on digital. It hard to find digital fags shitting on trad unless i search real hard.

>> No.4269044

And rightly so. Digital art can never be truly soulful.

>> No.4269077

except it makes sense in a cold environment.
the absolute state of /ic/

>> No.4269094



the weebs started it in this thread. get a grip

>> No.4269207

Really? I must have gotten an old copy or something because every time I’ve seen this it’s had this scene in it

>> No.4269291

Digital is soulless as fuck. GTFO you söi bugman.

>> No.4269301

>muh smooth animootion
Technical ability is different from context and writing.

The Testsuo mutation scene is better because it's just as technically competent while not being kiddie-shit.

>> No.4269382

Sure champ.

>> No.4269407
File: 109 KB, 776x595, IMG_4408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-heh... nothin personnel... kid... tch
>no arguement

>> No.4269413

animefags literally started the argument in this very thread by shitting on western artstyle in animation

>> No.4269433
File: 468 KB, 1200x1100, 81fed40ed10efe8aa6b9b23cd5ed6a692a863491b34362e0f92ff5b24a95a2bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toons are supposed to be ugly, that's the point.

>> No.4269438

Ok, but most of the time realism/disney fags start it. Look at most the anime hate threads you see here every time.

>> No.4269476

Anime is realism, just an extremely stylized one. they use actual perspective, most cartoons don't even use perspective and are all 3/4th view.

>> No.4269501

>anime la realism

Stop saying stupid shit anon, is cringey.

>> No.4269506
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 05C04D38-F029-4730-BCB2-C36E52F3B072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that anime is just a piece of The Animation Medium. It was born out of Disney, Warner Bros. And MGM inspiration down to timing fundamentals
You’d know this certainly, unless this is...

>> No.4269507

Is Klaus a well written movie? I only saw the teaser years ago, and based on the promo pics, it’s about a mailman and Russian Santa saving a bad small town. Is there anything else about it?

>> No.4269524

>omg this Santa movie that looks like any other disney pixar thing is beeyooteefull
>muh reindeering is so purty
>psshh, muh anime is edgy so it's mature
>check this sakuga from 40 years ago
>what if I just want to watch dumb shit?!
>skinny guy's giant nose is totally tumbler!
>muh moeblob

>> No.4269563

I will be honest, Its very cliche and its a movie where you can pretty much guess the ending. I myself, were expecting a steaming pile of shit, because you know, its a goddamn christmas movie like frozen 2. And yet ... for some fucking reason this movie so fucking charming. I honestly don't know how they were able to pull this off, its like magic. They handled the conflicts extremely well and the way the characters changed for the better is really well done.
>just imho

>> No.4269575

Cry louder

>> No.4269604

what part of the post where I mocked you made you butthurt?

>> No.4271654

It's pretty decent, my favorite was the general physical humor with the feuding townsfolk.

>> No.4271677

Very cute. Seeing the teacher get inspired made me emotional.

>> No.4271688


>> No.4271831

>Tumblr nose
It is a winter setting so you can kinda give it a pass

>> No.4272780


>> No.4273005

You clearly didn't get to see his poor attempts at Let's Play.

>> No.4273064

Right is unironically cuter than left.

>> No.4273167

James Baxters YouTube channel had a cool video on his process on the film

>> No.4273174
File: 1.57 MB, 484x272, tumblr_nrfhtcQ6tx1rcptldo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about tv cartoons
>ugh it's shit, anime is superior
>talk about high quality cartoon movies
>ugh it's shit, anime is superior
I can't imagine a more pathetic, desperate faggot as the average 4chan weeb
it's quite telling that when talking of how anime is superior you always post the same OVAs/movies from 30 years ago, against high quality western animation made every year

>> No.4273448

All he did was take the video made from the company and talk over it.

>> No.4274637
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>> No.4274638
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>> No.4274645

stuff like this unironically warms my heart. im glad dobson exists

>> No.4274733
File: 207 KB, 663x805, tumblr_pos4rwpdBD1xc18kyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to any input/advice cattyN gives

>> No.4274738


>> No.4274760
File: 256 KB, 831x863, 1812346535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you guys made my video go viral

>> No.4274773

THAT Dobson made the video?

>> No.4274906
File: 89 KB, 380x570, 1411816855532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4274921


>> No.4275006

I fucking knew it.

>> No.4275162

Don't care how flashy and 'smooth' western shit is, if the designs look ugly and it's 'family friendly' it's an inferior form of art. No different than McDonalds.

>> No.4275168

...In your opinion

>> No.4275278

Source on image?

>> No.4276334

Fuck it, I'll bite.Why does something not portraying a degree of profanity preclude something from being good,despite it possibly disrupting the tone? Studio Ghibli is family friendly ,or for they not count because they have ''soul''or whatever subjective and vapid justification you use?

>> No.4276569


>> No.4276601

The only reason people suck off Ghibli is because it's hyper-animated and hyper-detailed. Beyond a purely technical standpoint, Ghibli is overrated as fuck. Even as a kid I didn't like it because the characters moved in a disgusting uncanny way.

But Westerners aren't entirely incapable of artistic animation. If The Black Cauldron wasn't censored and followed the books better, it would have been pretty based. Other examples include Watership Down, Plague Dogs, When the Wind Blows, Pink Floyd's The Wall, etc.

Not only do these movies have appealing animation/aesthetics, but the writing is good too.

>> No.4276618

its the relatively latest animation Klaus

>> No.4277150
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