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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4264136 No.4264136 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that your art is only as good as whatever you're unwilling to fix and this is the only thing that hinders progress and /beg/ can be pro through sheer autism in less than a year and you can't prove me wrong?

>> No.4264139

>in less than a year
Only with immense Talent that nobody on /ic/ has.

>> No.4264149

You can get pro tier at anything in a month if you're willing to put in 10+ hours a day

>> No.4264150

I can prove you wrong. Why? Because I won't be able to do it. There's no fun in being an autist.

>> No.4264188

>based delusional beg

>> No.4264197

>I can't do it so no one can
let's see how far that mindset is going to get you, eternalBeg-kun.

>> No.4264219

>and you can't prove me wrong
>other people are supposed to disprove a claim without any basis
sasuga /ic/tard.

>> No.4264225

The Idea that 300 hours is enough to go pro at anything seems like an odd proposition to make. Maybe if you add a zero.

>> No.4264237
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 76c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know i can and i wanna but now is a really stressful period of my life

>> No.4264239

Our brains just don't work like that. We need to revise out knowledge over and over again against the new experience we've been through, to correct out misconceptions about subject we study. So we think that we knew something for sure, only to realize out current knowledge was a false misconception. You see this constantly when artists that lack practice read and watch a lot of theory and giving advices here and there like they know they shit when in reality - they don't. And art has a lot like a fuck tone of interconnected subjects, that has to be learnt and revised over and over and over again, in order for brain to drop irrelevant shit. That is your learning curve.

>> No.4264247

>he believes in the 10000 hour meme
even if you believe in that meme, that's about mastery, not professional level.
pro level in anything can be achieved in 300 hours easily.
unless you're completely retarded and spend most of those 300 hours doing mindless shit that won't help you get better,

>> No.4264251
File: 1.73 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_20191219_030231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can kinda prove that it's possible to do it in one year. I couldn't though. But that's because I didn't have enough discipline. Even so I think I could have done it with more actual practice instead of playing games and sleeping so much.

These are from August 2018. Before them though I did a week or two of figure drawing and drawabox exercises.
But this is when I tried to draw by myself using the mannequin method

>> No.4264252
File: 1.55 MB, 2304x1728, IMG_20191219_030307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from weeks later. I didn't even understand the Loomis head after proko's videos, as you can see I just drew the plane and then did whatever.

>> No.4264254

Making many drawings is a faster way to learn than autistically polishing one drawing.

>> No.4264258

Or a moderate amount of talent and a mentor who knows what they're doing.

The actual journey is really short and straightforward, it's just that every self teaching artist spends 70% of the time reinventing the wheel in all sorts of ways that make it so long.

>> No.4264260
File: 371 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20191219_023432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now a year and some months later, on December 2019,.I just did this. Still beg because I can't do more complex stuff but I think it was within reach to become a nice mangaka in this year of practice. From zero to hero, I wanted to be that legend dammit someone else will do it, it's possible.

>> No.4265392

I've already made alot of progress in only 4 months, so I agree with OP.

>> No.4265396

>Finally ditched the lined paper

>> No.4265541
File: 1.29 MB, 290x189, 0e29b1e4a9bde2710ec71fc840191f201b3b427f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you upload something on this fucking page they call you beg, all because they don't know how to draw.

>> No.4265569

>faces still scrunched up and I’m speaking

>> No.4265697

How? Give me the 30 days to process schedule please.

>> No.4265779

that's an opinion as good as my opinion that some people will just be shit at art, just like some people's personalities are just shit. Some people will glide through life, some people will fail every step of the way, life isn't so easy, and it's annoying when you discredit my honest long term effort & failure.

>> No.4266239


>> No.4266240

The only relevant answer. Here, have a (You).

>> No.4266442

how to burn out 101

>> No.4268919

Legitimately enjoying drawing is the only way to get good. God, I hope my friend isn't on here because I love him to death but I'm just going to say it. Whenever I draw with my friend, I'll pump out ten or so really solid drawings for his one less-than perfect sketch. He'll focus too much on details while I capture the essence and move on. He gives up really easily too. So I ask him whether or not he ever goes back through his boxes of artwork to see how far he's come and he just looks at me, "Boxes?" he asks, horrified. I pause. It's then that I realize that I have drawn literally thousands of pieces, and he might have a single large sketchbook worth. But I love drawing. Even when I was terrible I'd just keep drawing anyway. I never gave up because it was something I enjoy. And here on this board I see a lot of people like him. You all want to get good, but you don't really enjoy the process of learning. And that's your problem. Drawing isn't the means to an end. It's a thing you do because it's in you. And you know what... I don't think it's in many of you. And all you people trying to go pro so you can make money need to FUCK RIGHT OFF. This is art. If you're in it for the money, you're heart isn't in it. NGMI.

>> No.4270965


>> No.4270972

>a month
Well, no. This is literally impossible, the brain needs sleep to consolidate information. I'd say 6 months is possible for say, portraits, if you're going at it 10+ hours a day and are efficient with your studies. 1 month, though? No, this isn't Super Mario, you can't speedrun learning.