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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 21 KB, 710x418, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4255386 No.4255386 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Patreon.

>> No.4255389

Your fault for using a shitty site
And stop drawing lolis anon

>> No.4255396


>> No.4255398

How much did you lose OP?

>> No.4255404

Stop being a dirty lolicon KEK

>> No.4255407

Can you not just tell them you are portraying them as 18+?

>> No.4255412

>doesn't bother become familiar with TOS
>draws child porn
>get the boot

>> No.4255414

How can you know the age of a character? They have no age. That person has to be a fake.

>> No.4255416

Honestly this. These sites all give you clear guidelines and rules that you can look at at any time, and yet you guys still end up being surprised when you get punished for breaking them

>> No.4255417

Probably a fanart of some "underaged" character from a show.

>> No.4255422

Please, it's always a character that doesn't actually look underage and the staff just thinks it is because they don't have tall bimbo bodies.

>> No.4255426
File: 291 KB, 1125x492, 410F8B12-0C5B-40AC-ADBB-42146A317B80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what you get degenerate pedo, kek.

>> No.4255430

USA protects the rights of children real AND imaginary. USA companies thinks of the children all the time. If you want to receive USDs from Americans, never draw sexy children or at least don't use Cash processors that are completely filled with US Citizens.

>> No.4255432

Get fucked you piece of shit, lmao.

>> No.4255435
File: 105 KB, 500x500, 1576215233551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 7 ft tall anime girl creator chad
Feels good. All of my characters look prime and 26

>> No.4255448
File: 325 KB, 701x612, 3FDDE3CA-7CB5-48D7-988A-6A2A21F839C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t the only one affected by this. Patreon did a good thing.

>> No.4255449

The US actually considers drawings to be fictional material that is completely legal, you dumb fucking shitposter misinformation spread little fucking bimbo cuck.

People going through to Canada with their loli and shota things have gotten in trouble legally with the Canadian side of the law, but not the US side because IT'S PERFECTLY FUCKING LEGAL THERE YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNT THAT CAN'T EVEN BE FUCKING ARSED TO GOOGLE THE GODDMAN FUCKING THING YOU'RE SHITPOSTING ABOUT

>> No.4255450

Uhh be quiet pedo cuck

>> No.4255451
File: 286 KB, 1125x799, 1F4A9013-635E-4B13-A696-5A36562C76DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4255460

the gravy train is fucking dead

>> No.4255464

First they your lolis then your humanity

>> No.4255465

sexually experienced with the most optimized large breast / perkiness ratio

>> No.4255467

are those characters having sex? or just drinking coffee? could he be more vague?

>> No.4255471

>pinned post is Pokemon SwSh
kek, practically asking for it.

>> No.4255479

Idk if you know this but patreon doesn't allow l0li

>> No.4255487

Fucking amazing

>> No.4255489

Tell him that you have no characters under age of 18.

>> No.4255491


Pick one friend

>> No.4255493

Cope degenerate

>> No.4255500

Every time.

>> No.4255502

Serves him right

>> No.4255507

Their website. Their rules.
Entitled fuck

>> No.4255515

That's what you get you hack https://twitter.com/KamuoHen/status/1194875650743492611?s=19

>> No.4255516

Based as fuck. Work smart, not hard.

>> No.4255521
File: 140 KB, 800x1244, ELUE4FeVAAAlY5M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty six is prime. Only iconic shit eaters spout that their loli shit is prime. Go buy a healthier brain if you disagree

>> No.4255530

I took a quick look through the artist's gallery and none of the drawings looks like lolicon at all. I was expecting something more like from that Loli art spam thread that was deleted a few days ago. Even if the drawings are originally based on underage characters they pretty much have adult bodies. Not like the "8 year old body but 1000 year old demon" meme.

He should just tell patreon and put a disclaimer that all the characters in his art are over 18 years old. If he can't do that then cutesexyrobutt's patreon could be reported too.

>> No.4255544

Clearly not so smart when he can't read the TOS.
Just think about how its hard for artists to make money, OP is one of the few that was able to make easy patreon money and he fucked it up

>> No.4255547

Doubt cutesexyrobot will get reported for something like that. The way the guy draws girl is the same like sakimichan “Adult looking”, so something like that can’t happen.

>> No.4255549
File: 107 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20191214_083810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avatar looks underage
>Pinned gif looks like two underage kids kissing

Are you just thick or did you spend too much time watching degenerate anime?

>> No.4255561

S-shut up anon, Lemmme post my child porn without any repercussions.

>> No.4255562

>that uncanny art

>> No.4255565

What's the point of it being animated when the animation doesn't add anything to the piece?

>> No.4255574

Literally every retarded pedo.

>> No.4255575
File: 1.49 MB, 2564x1199, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-r8OCZFlmHmS[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way the guy draws girl is the same like sakimichan “Adult looking”, so something like that can’t happen

I don't really see the difference. The art they draw looks like the characters are in their late teens or early 20s but I wouldn't call it "lolicon". Are the people calling this pedophila hags or something?

>> No.4255576

what? don't you know about the youtube shit, THEY decide if a character is targeted at children, and since you're drawing a literal cartoon character doing porn what did you expect?

>> No.4255580

>their only worth is drawing underage beg nsfw tumblr westerneranimu
>now forced trying to draw actual art for 150 a month

make art great again

>> No.4255581

5 heads tall I would count that as a preteen.

>> No.4255582

>I don’t really see the difference.
As expected from coomers, everything porn related is the same to them.

>> No.4255584
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 3604719-3558377-pokemon-sword-shield-july-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is that cake-looking pokemon animation on his patreon. I would blame that. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=41011921

His patreon is still up so I guess he has time to remove it but he probably has to remove mostly everything else now that they've made contact with him since the rest is "close enough".

>> No.4255586


Too bad other subscription-type sites like Gumroad and subscribestar are things. You can make $150 off of bullshit generic designs if you'd like, NSFW art has been a profitable niche since the 90s.

>> No.4255592

Don't discriminate against people with big heads.

>> No.4255596

gumroad dont allow nsfw.

>> No.4255604

That won’t work.

>> No.4255608
File: 873 KB, 320x235, 1521384146676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the actual alternatives to patreon?

>> No.4255619

Maybe just don't be a fucking pedophile?

>> No.4255621

subscribestar , i guess

>> No.4255627

>Not going to the Ryan faulk school of getting funding without getting caught

>> No.4255639

Good UI, open source, has a decent community and the maintainer so far has been quite chill.
Only thing that's missing is supporter-only posts, but arguably you shouldn't be using a payment processor for that anyway.

>> No.4255656
File: 108 KB, 511x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, imagine being this much of a hypocritical bandwagoning faggot. You'll whine and complain when some other site takes away or restricts your precious fapping material, but then advocate for the removal of lolis from the internet, because freedom of expression should, of course, only ever apply to you and your mediocre at best smut.

>> No.4255668

Difference is, lolis are motherfucking children. That shit's illegal. Me wanting to fap to some Aheago Yaoi or some shit isn't nearly as bad because it doesn't depict motherfucking children. Pedophilia is illegal for a reason, you fucking pedo.

>> No.4255670

>why yes, I am of course entitled to control whatever a private entity does

>> No.4255673

> motherfucking children
Fictional children.
> that shit's illegal
Not in most countries.
> if you defend something you are that thing

> private company argument
> missed entire point

>> No.4255677

Pedophilia is a mental illness.

>> No.4255678

> pedophilia is a mental illness
A paraphilia, actually. And, lolicons aren't necessarily pedophiles.

>> No.4255684

Based Patreon BTFOing pedos.

>> No.4255685

Too bad. Maybe he'll acquire better tastes and think with his semi-smooth brain than with his dick in the future.

>> No.4255690

>Fictional children
Yes, Children. The sexualization of children is never okay, no matter the context.
>Not in most countries
In the countries that most commonly use Patreon, such as the US, the UK, Canada and Australia, they are. That's one very fucking major reason why this is an issue for Patreon, although another, equally huge reason why this is an issue for Patreon is that the sexualization of children is inherently morally repugnant, you sick fuck. I'm not trying to go all puritan on your ass, but Jesus Christ, sexualizing children is not okay.
No one but Pedophiles support Pedophiles. That's because everyone who isn't a Pedophile recognizes Pedophiles as the biggest scumfucks and absolute shitcunts in human society.

>> No.4255694

I bet you think all furries are zoophiles and all gore artists should be tried on murder charges too lol

Chill bro they’re fictional drawings

>> No.4255696

>In the countries that most commonly use Patreon, such as the US, the UK, Canada and Australia, they are.

Loli drawings aren't illegal in the US, you ignorant little sick fuck of a cretin.

At least google the thing you're trying to ignorantly shitpost about :3 thanks

>> No.4255697

>Jesus Christ,
found the christian.

>> No.4255700
File: 54 KB, 664x610, 1550106668669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off roasties

>> No.4255702

I wasn't saying Loli drawings are illegal, I was saying Pedophilia, which Loli drawings are porn for, is illegal, you ignorant little sick fuck of a cretin. At least understand the argument you're trying to ignorantly shitpost about :3 thanks

>> No.4255703

And I'm saying you're a fallacy laden dumb fucking cunt of a poor excuse for a human being. At least understand what a fucking fallacy is, cutie :3

>> No.4255705

ok retard

>> No.4255707
File: 126 KB, 970x1000, 1574453664561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophilia, which loli drawings are porn for, is illegal

>> No.4255708

>uses strawmans and false equivalency
>calls others who don't agree with their kneejerk reactionary fallacies retard


>> No.4255710


>> No.4255717

what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.4255719

he doesn't draw underage.

>> No.4255720

its in their tos im fairly certain. i looked it up earlier in the year when i wanted to put my porn comic somewhere.

>> No.4255721

Pedophilia isn't illegal anywhere in the world as far as I am aware. Molesting children is though.

>> No.4255725

that said they might have redefined their actual meaning since i last looked. theyre saying now its for "real" people, not illustrated. https://help.gumroad.com/article/156-gumroad-and-adult-content

>> No.4255727

soon enough though we'll have the computer chips ready to detect illegal activities in peoples thoughts and we can destroy them.

>> No.4255728

Based and redpilled

>> No.4255729

Calm down reddit

>> No.4255733

Fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.4255736

censoring weirdo art has prevented exactly zero children from being fucked.
>t. kid who got fucked

>> No.4255742

fairly certain you're fucking retarded desu

>> No.4255747

fuck you, im waybacking this fucking thing im sure it didnt say this 12 months ago.

>> No.4255749

Cope seething pedos.

>> No.4255752

nm i was mixed up with that ko-fi thing.

>> No.4255753

at least you know now, pretty sure I've seen people selling shota junk on gumroad even

>> No.4255755

so are fine drawing loli in other mediums like pixiv? will patreon still ban you even if you never post that on their site?

>> No.4255758


>> No.4255767

then why the fuck is no one of the retards who draw lolis doing this

>> No.4255773

Drawings aren't real Anon.

>> No.4255774

Not him, but yes they will ban you because the people who moderate Patreon actually look outside their site to find people who are attempting to circumvent their rules.

>> No.4255779

>lolis are motherfucking children
No, your thinking of /ll/, lolis are just children. No mothers required.

>> No.4255780

so you can't draw lolis if you are using patreon even if you are not getting payed for them or even linking your patreon with those drawings?

>> No.4255785

Yes, look at onision for an example. He lost his patreon for doxing someone outside of patreon. So yes, they will give you the ban hammer for your loli shit.

>> No.4255800

Most of you just see it as yet another reason to not draw. You have no interest in drawing pedo shit to begin with so it shouldn't even concern you.

>> No.4255802

Patreon actively monitors your activity on other sites.

>> No.4255803

I only went on this thread to see what patreon do and I wasn’t disappointed for something like this to happen.

>> No.4255805

Yeah, fuck a site that doesn't want content that is in violation of their clearly defined TOS.
What a fucking retard you are, anon.

>> No.4255806

Anon, if you like charactrers that look like children, then YOU are a weirdo, not the rest of the world. Sorry for breaking your bubble.

>> No.4255807

Of course they are. They simply aren't child molesters.

>> No.4255813

The thread where you got that idea from was about a right-wing YouTuber and not Patreon.

>> No.4255817

I'm not that guy, but Patreon monitors your activity on other sites and you're basically non-sequitoring like a fucking idiotic poltard

>> No.4255823
File: 564 KB, 641x680, ELOCGe7W4AEMEGA.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of posts incapable of distinguishing between reality and fiction in this thread is disgusting.

>> No.4255824

>sees a small cartoon character
>immediately compares it to an actual human child

holy fuck you guys are creepy

>> No.4255826

Who got in trouble on Patreon based on actions outside of Patreon?

>> No.4255828

Read before you post dumbass

>> No.4255830

i care about proteccing real chidlren.
>votes in guy that drone bombs hundreds of kids a week

>> No.4255836

doesn that girl of insta who is underage and always to borderline nudity and sexually uhh alluring photos and sold bath water too uses patreon and makes 1m a year is fine?

>> No.4255838
File: 68 KB, 400x400, 1576181253713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does patreon considers anthropomorphic characters as child porn? Just wondering haha

>> No.4255841


>> No.4255842


>> No.4255850

If they're small "cub" characters then yes you'll get the patreoboot

>> No.4255857

Is he supposed to upload his videos to Patreon itself to make their TOS apply? He advertises his Patreon with every video. Of course Patreon wants nothing to do with it.
It still has nothing to do with artists who post drawings they can't share on Patreon elsewhere and then get in trouble for it.

>> No.4255861

it's amazing that the second anyone dares argue the morality of lolicon, the thread becomes the most active. Lolifags are so insecure

>> No.4255867

Why are there so much normalfags on this site now?
It's a fucking drawing, who cares if people fap to it.

>> No.4255868
File: 57 KB, 320x800, 124765436456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's why. People who hate drawings were real pedos all along

>> No.4255869

Found the insecure pedo/loli fag.

>> No.4255871

You're such a fucking normalfag. Kill yourself.

>> No.4255872

Keep seething faggot.

>> No.4255874
File: 247 KB, 693x601, 1523123125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I would fuck 13 y o girl, how could you tell?

>> No.4255882

Why is it always the loli fags that sperg out when people shit on it?

>> No.4255888

>fapping to fictional x is as bad as fucking the real thing
>reeeeee stop sperging out

>> No.4255889

I love little girls

>> No.4255890


>> No.4255891


>> No.4255893


>> No.4255894


>> No.4255895


>> No.4255897
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1571616791762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooo my loli porn

>> No.4255902

This but unironically.
Art should never be censored, no matter how many normalfag feelings get hurt.

>> No.4255904
File: 177 KB, 270x278, 125686643453246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how it applies to both sides

>> No.4255905

sounds like we'll have to delete the entire population for enjoying fictional violence and murder too

>> No.4255907


>> No.4255908

>first that guy from resetera
>that one guy from UN who tried to ban loli
like pottery, seems like jailing the people that get offended by drawings is the best way to save the children

>> No.4255909

>cunny done by a single poster is based

>> No.4255911

Hmm, I didn’t know you fap to murder.

>> No.4255912
File: 278 KB, 600x544, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to ryona

>> No.4255917

You know murder is a crime whether or not you have a boner or not right

>> No.4255919


>> No.4255926

Cope you degenerates.

>> No.4255927

Didn't Metokur lost it, even tho he only used it for status updates.

>> No.4255931

He did

>> No.4255933

Based, please never leave 4chan /ic/

>> No.4255938

>No U

>> No.4255949

Holy shit a wojack poster speaking sense?

>> No.4255963

We just have normal functioning brains and we aren't pedophiles that try to hide behind excuses like the one you are making.
You are disgusting.

>> No.4255966

I don’t feel bad for any loli fags that breaks those TOS. Dumb fucks deserved the shit coming to them.

>> No.4255968

how does porn sites receive their payment though?

>> No.4255970

>Art should never be censored, no matter how many normalfag feelings get hurt.

>> No.4255981

Direct deposit, credit card, crypto and other more obscure online services that are similar to Paypal.

>> No.4255983 [DELETED] 

>n-NO you’re the p-pedo.
Literally every insecure loli/pedi fag would bring this shit up.

>> No.4255984
File: 380 KB, 995x803, 1523909592156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've even had the porn thread recently suppressed here, is nowhere safe?

>> No.4255988

>n-NO you’re the p-pedo.
Literally every insecure loli/pedo fag would bring this shit up and think this is a gotcha moment.

>> No.4256005


>> No.4256006

the porn industry built their own payment processors back in the 90s

>> No.4256026

who the fuck are these faggots saying underage characters are pedoshit? the number attached to a fictional character is arbitrary, as you could have a one year old character with a 27 year old body and mentality and that would be "pedoshit" according to you retards. but the 1000 year old loli wpuld be acceptable? it's not about the canonical age of the character, it's about how the character is drawn. if even normalfags understand this shit

>> No.4256049
File: 168 KB, 611x608, 1576339452705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunnychads rise up

>> No.4256053
File: 180 KB, 896x1024, 1574444630683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4256054


>> No.4256065

>somehow US is the first country to heavily push for loli ban, as well as yt US forcing the "it's for kids, so therefore no questionable content allowed" stamp on any content remotely related to what zoomers like, game character, drawn characters, etc. followed by patreon and western twitter slowly banning nsfw just like tumblr.

ok burgerboomer

>> No.4256085

wow nothing you said is relevant to "loli ban" wow almost like you're a dumb fucking cunt who lives in an echo chamber without ever actually trying to research the dumb shit you spew wow anon wow!!

>> No.4256097

anon, it doesn't matter if you put a sfw version on twitter/insta/etc but share the nsfw ver on patreon. Patreon knows what you're doing, and I think they even said that they'll go after people based on what they share on other platforms (I think there was a thread recently where someone quoted or showed a tweet from patreon where they mentioned the nsfw ToS change, and it was speculated that it also has to do with the yt change).

no, you can't make money as an underage online, actually technically you can't even make a profile on most platforms.

>> No.4256101

how is your own little fetish degeneracy art lmao

>> No.4256102

>born too late to fuck a real loli
>born too early to fuck a robot loli if it's not outlawed first

>> No.4256122

>born just in time to get in jail for not even fucking a loli

>> No.4256132

Why are the brits drawn as jews

>> No.4256138

yikes, I guess you should lurk more and research instead of hypercope

>> No.4256139
File: 85 KB, 596x1008, 1576246192092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.retard who can't see he just proved himself wrong

>> No.4256148


>> No.4256188
File: 635 KB, 936x710, 1462549569840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about how the character is drawn
Funny you say that because we've had so many issues here where a flat chested figure gets you a ban despite the figure having perfectly matured forms as an Adult. Someone else has also said that others get hounded for drawing themselves because they possessed small subtle breasts and causes an uproar on their Twatters. I'm beginning to legitimately believe the only loophole out of this witch hunting ridiculousness is to draw a girl, call it a boy and the probability of it blowing up would be slim to none because it has an apparent penis. Picture very related.

>> No.4256217

I wonder if one could conceivably get away with loli type content if the girls being drawn were original characters being depicted as adults due to clothing or profession. Like maybe drawing flat chested, five-heads-tall lolis with office-lady outfits and suitcases lewdly running to work at the local law office would be ok. Fanart seems to be a real stickler because they can point to the source material as proof the character is actually underage.

Or what if you claimed to use yourself as a model given that there are lots of short, flat chested adult women.

>> No.4256229

You bring up a very good point, model these OC's after a popular character and claim it is not a fanart and declare their age of a fully legul consenting adult.

>> No.4256238

you guys really don't know do you

>> No.4256245

For extra protection you could do little comic strips depicting the character doing obviously adult things like getting stuck with jury duty or something lol, or maybe juxtapose them against underage characters with chibi looking proportions.

“You draw underage characters which is against our Terms of Conditions”

“Actually she’s an adult which you’d know if you looked at the comic strips; look here she is running for president of the United States, she’s obviously 30.”

>> No.4256250

>anon asks a rational question
>degenerate child porn coomer spergs out proving anon's point.

>> No.4256302

Shut the fuck up roastie

>> No.4256316


>> No.4256368

>Produce fictional characters and scenarios. Actions result in no real individuals being harmed
>Struggle to tell apart fiction and reality. Actions result in real individuals being harmed

Hmmm, I wonder which ideology is a result of mental illness, which one might be dangerous, hmmmmmm.

>> No.4256376
File: 34 KB, 489x488, 1449255061372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you enjoy playing murder simulators, faggot.

>> No.4256389
File: 253 KB, 1007x854, 248B12A6-F24A-4BFD-8D92-6ADA0A113754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do enjoy some murder porn. How did you know?

>> No.4256402

People don't know the difference between what they don't like and what should constitute as illegal...

>> No.4256410

Imagine thinking the solution is to censor art and preach violence against artists instead of just clicking something else. Now that's being genuinely ill.

>> No.4256414
File: 120 KB, 2080x820, correlation is not causation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for loli but those rape statistics are bullshit. Just because I can name two seemingly related stats doesn't mean they're actually related. Japan and bongistan are different countries that have had completely different legal scenarios, population troubles, and other happenings that might more thoroughly explain the difference in kiddy diddling.

>> No.4256415

art should never be censored but watching /beg/s who can't draw get banned off patreon for ugly pokemon fanart of all things is pretty hilarious you have to admit

>> No.4256416

the point is that if you don't say that a character is that character, you are somekind of free, because people first target the bans by the name and tags, so for example that guy who draw the frog girl, don't use the name of the girl and don't put tags related to that, since the characters designs are not motive for ban, you can pass a adult design of some girl if you never mention that character in first place.
There are some proofs of that, for example, a cosplay drawing is free pass, if you draw an adult character characterizing another minor character through their clothes, it's free pass, so if they look similar like that pic of the frog girl, if your style is diferent an mature enough, if you don't refer the character is free pass too.

>> No.4256418

>it wuz da pakis

>> No.4256429

Don't you think their laws would be influenced by their culture and the way their population perceives things like fiction and art?

>> No.4256428

You think it’s that simple? Holy shit you’re retarded. I see shit like that constantly and I don’t even follow nsfw artist. Unless you’re suggesting to never go on social media?????

>> No.4256435

Yes, it's very simple. Most websites allow you to use filters or block content. Even 4chan of all places allows you to do that.

>> No.4256455

Tried that, still doesn’t work.

>> No.4256465

You're the only one to blame for that.

>> No.4256478

Yep you really are a retard.

>> No.4256482

>I don't know how to get content I don't like off my feed
>It's not my fault somehow

>> No.4256492

>I see shit like that constantly

You love that shit. Stop being a faggot and you'll stop seeing it.

>> No.4256500

those aren't people

>> No.4256501

You absolute idiot

>> No.4256502


>> No.4256503


>> No.4256504


>> No.4256506

>Japan and bongistan are different countries that
exactly why the bongs have no business dictating policy to the japs

>> No.4256508


It would be stupid if it weren't true. But keep denying it.

>> No.4256512

Yaoi depict motherfucking rape. That's illegal. Rape is illegal, fucking degenerate.

>> No.4256515


Can you tell that >>4255736 is wrong, though?

You can't

>> No.4256516

still drawings. nothing has happened.
stop being delusional.

no matter how hard you thing about the drawing. is not reality.

>> No.4256519

Kek, more of the loli/pedo fags are coming of their parents’ basement.

>> No.4256521


>lolis are motherfucking children.

Pretty sure they're drawings, anon. Stop sniffing your markers and maybe you will be able to tell apart fiction from reality.

>> No.4256525

Where at all did I say it was the fault of a foreign group? Or immigrants? If anything it's less likely to be immigrants since the UK's 2004 child rape stat is so high compared to japan, and yet the whole immigration crisis didn't really start until the 2010s. It could be any number of factors at play here
Correct. Where did I disagree with that sentiment? I merely took issue with the misuse of data

>> No.4256549
File: 1.93 MB, 269x254, 1574647056897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one but Pedophiles support Pedophiles
Im not a pedophile and Im OK with fictional abuse of children
Hell better chase and blame you politicians instead of laughing at some random guy looking to make a living out of art, fucking crabs and their double standards

>> No.4256551

Go to subcribestar

>> No.4256553

Honestly, anyone who has any respect for art would obviously oppose arbitrary censorship and can tell that guy is full of bullshit.

>> No.4256554

Oh you sound like a pedophile alright.

>> No.4256555

How many of those 'british' are actually British.

>> No.4256556

Based and abusepilled

>> No.4256560

What if he were? What if he raped and killed 9001 children? You still shouldn't censor art.

>> No.4256564

You are giving pedos more ammunition to use for grooming children.

>> No.4256565

Im not Im a hyper fag and only get off to gaping anuses and big butts

>> No.4256573

What are you supposed to do with it? Print it and make an origami shuriken to threaten kids?

>> No.4256575
File: 282 KB, 638x735, 1573617778193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strangely enough anti-lolifags tend to be pedos themselves

the true nature of pedos is that they rape regardless of CP- and its also a mental disorder you're born with like autism etc. not even coomers who fap to pornhub 24/7 will go to straight CP, there's no gateway pedos dive right in.

I don't like dickshitting nipple furry inflation degeneracy too but its better than bowing down to egotistical hypocrites

>> No.4256581

>that girl
Oh hey https://twitter.com/KamuoHen/status/1197466186155323395

>> No.4256586

Like how furries tend to be zoophiles? It can go both ways anon.

>> No.4256588

I hate you making me chuckle.

>> No.4256595

This is the kind of people that actually need to be chased

>> No.4256599

No way, artists and content creators are easier to threaten and harass.

>> No.4256600
File: 457 KB, 1096x1050, 1548741416772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but restricting fiction will imply that the human species is extremely impressionable- which they aren't. unhealthy communities that can't distinguish reality from fiction will always exist, like those kpop fangirls who become violent over their ships of idols, or those sherlock fangirls back in ancient times.

however a small cult doesn't represent the entirety of people with similar interests, that's the difference here. A car enthusiast who's favorite care is Toyota and some loony who sacrifices homeless people from the streets as offerings to the god emperor Toyota are two different things.

Life isn't perfect, sometimes we have to have certain risks over others that can outright destroy the thing they were suppose to protect.

those who harm things irl will do it immediately like I said before

>> No.4256604


Facts are there. You cannot ignore them with shitty equivalences.

In fact, he's not saying that furfags fuck animals. He's saying that ANTI-FURFAGS are the ones more likely to commit bestiality. In your example.

So, please. Fuck off.

>> No.4256606
File: 43 KB, 500x375, proxy.duckdufffckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies believe in god....
how can you even expect them to distinguish fiction from reality.

they don't deal with these things."is forbidden", even if they have cognitive dissonance.

>> No.4256609




>> No.4256617

End of the day this shit doesn’t matter and you all are just seething entitled pricks, that sites like patreon don’t allow your degenerate shit on their site.

>> No.4256632


>T-this is not about who are the real pedos, now shut up!!

Nice deflecting.

>> No.4256638

I mean even if the “real pedos” are found out, this still wouldn’t change sites like patreon rules.

>> No.4256641
File: 197 KB, 960x1600, 1568308284005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I never went to pateron, I didn't like the 'pay sub' set up at the start- maybe because I split my jobs into two.
Its been that cycle since the internet was born but as long as laws aren't affected there's no problem. places like the UK are fucked though, muggings are a daily occurrence and worse is that they get away with it and continue harming neighborhoods communities etc.

>> No.4256642

based retard

>> No.4256643


How are you so sure?

>> No.4256693

Damn you're right, one day patreon could change their mind after all

>> No.4256704

We should push for change.

>> No.4256713
File: 85 KB, 372x279, 163859-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another c/u/ck bites the dust

>> No.4256718

JUSTICE ! no mercy for the pedophile

>> No.4256724

lmao what's up with anti 2D loli being 3DPD pedo themselves every fucking time
I should save those twitter screencaps of weirdo who act SJW but then get canceled for being pedos

>> No.4256727

That thing on the right is terrible Patreon did us a favor by removing a degenerate NGMI with no fundamentals.

>> No.4256743

It's a common "smoke and mirror" act
"OH shame on you for (x)"
>gets caught doing exactly (x)
It's to keep people off the trail, surely a bishop who is anti-gay and anti pedo can't be one himself right? Usually the more vocal/active someone is an anti the harder they're trying to cover up the truth.

>> No.4256747

>We should push for change, so I can feel accepted when I fap to loli/pedo porn.

>> No.4256773

We need more of this, kek.

>> No.4256830

Who else is enjoying all this mental gymnastics lolifags are having right now trying to cope with their degeneracy being banned off patreon?
TOS will not change for y'all. Get over it

>> No.4256836

yeah, those are shitty targets also, anyone knows that the best target to invest is soft-erotic fanart, is the most secure and flexible of all, you are safe with that in any site and even if one become bitch in their terms, you can still easily manage that and just make easy changes to your work. You don't need any other target unless you are really into one.

>> No.4256852

Why are drama threads like this still up?

>> No.4256856

They're both rape statistics from the same source how are they unrelated?

>> No.4256859

Because that’s the only time it’s worth coming here.

>> No.4256865

The unrelated things are the banning of loli and the rape statistics. Just because one country bans loli and has low rape stats, and the other has high rape stats and no loli, doesn't mean that loli is the underlying cause. You have to prove a causal relationship.

>> No.4256884

Lolichads are making anti-loli fags seethe merely by existing.

>> No.4256889

Nobody is saying unbanning loli is the underlying cause for low rape. They're saying those countries have mo right to talk about rape when they have such a high rape rate.

>> No.4256894

This, you can't condemn another countries' policies if yours are clearly not working.

>> No.4256905

The comic is making a pretty clear statement that japan's loli is justified by their low rape rate compared to countries that do ban it. If it was just a moral comparison then the stats weren't needed.
Even if my interpretation isn't what the author intends its still a misuse of data.

>> No.4256906

>lmao what's up with anti 2D loli being 3DPD pedo themselves every fucking time
They get turned on by real life children and hate themselves, so they can't understand how someone can like 2d loli and not want to fuck little kids.

They can't separate the two, so how could other people?

>> No.4256916

The Protect Act (2003) bans loli/shota content in the US.

>> No.4256924


Trips of truth.

>> No.4256928
File: 38 KB, 525x537, 6587d5d26cd5d4cdfadbdfa303f110feedfdc4538042080074d8823bc29897c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called "Projection". How many male feminists have reset the clock for being the real abusers/ pedos all along?

>> No.4256976

All pedos should be hanged with no trial.

>> No.4256982

You're mentally ill.

>> No.4256993

Loving watching these degenerates worlds crumble all around them.

Christmas has come early this year.

>> No.4257005

What? Why?

>> No.4257009

Because you offended the loli/pedo fags by saying that.

>> No.4257011

Because, y'know, maybe just maybe, genocide is not the right thing to do? And wanting to murder people is wrong?

>> No.4257016

Not as mentally ill as pedophiles

>> No.4257020

Pedos are people?

>> No.4257026

Wanting to kill others is an undeniable tell that a person is mentally unwell and is a danger to society. Seek help.

>> No.4257038
File: 141 KB, 960x738, 1531190888490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the financial losses if artists can't draw lolis, also how in the fuck do you set rules to what a human can create from his skills, that's impractical thought control. From now on I will draw mostly lolis, just because of these reddit niggers itt. How do you feel knowing that because of you more fictional children will be raped, reddit? Look at what you did.

>> No.4257050
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 5507890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only draw what I want! You're not allowed to draw that, because I don't like it! Freedom is wrong! Help me redditbros! Aaaaahhh!!

>> No.4257051

>Still radiant with the vigor of youth
>Wise from years of education and employment
>Sexually skilled
>Low drama, looking for someone to spend their life with and therefore taking relationships seriously, rather than it just being a hookup

People who want someone who doesn't have their shit together confuse me.

>> No.4257073

fucked up how george petty literally nude posed his 10 yr old daughter for his pinups and its easily accessible on google but today you can't draw fictional underage nip drawings from imagination lollllllllllll

>> No.4257078
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, ECv8ZhiXoAAlZzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this explain why they consume shit art just for being porn

>> No.4257080

Umm, sweetie, who actually cares about real children? Will people even notice if I help them? We're epic owning loli artists in public because that will get me tumblr points :^)

>> No.4257098


All men are pedo rapists. Fuck the law and hang all men.

>> No.4257109

I guess you wont be triggering any people since you draw nothing anyways.

>> No.4257115

But then who would be your sugar daddy :( How would you afford anything?

>> No.4257119

Smooth hairless, pussy? Uggh, disgusting!

A youthful feminine face that hasn't fully developed into it's masculine neanderthal adult form yet? Ew gross!

Soft, smooth skin that hasn't yet been totally wrinkled, calloused, and destroyed by the sun's rays?
I think I'm gonna be sick...

Untouched pussy that hasn't yet been filled with the fingers, toungues, and cocks of every guy town?

>> No.4257126

Normalfags hate beauty, what's new?

>> No.4257154

u don't draw don't lie

>> No.4257158

...wtf is this kikery?

>> No.4257214

This is /ic/, everyone here draws. It's a matter of time to get decent.

>> No.4257226

>lolicon faggots go nuclear when they get picked off

>> No.4257232

>This is /ic/, everyone here draws
holy fucking kek this is the best joke I've heard in ages

>> No.4257234

>adult woman
>implying little girls and little boys don't have the exact same body type
The only faggot here is (you). Lolishit is fucking gay if you get turned off by boobs, almost as faggoty as musclegirls.

>> No.4257241

>using non-Japanese site for loli
you should've seen this coming

I've already given up and just moved on to drawing SFW lolis

>> No.4257245
File: 925 KB, 1480x1922, 4ch 1576189836034 (4chan, hypocrisy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.4257249
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the first frame of animation is always the characters filing their taxes.

In the very least all male characters should be shown getting their once a year prostate exam.

>> No.4257250

Rebecca, don't you have a cartoon you need to be working on?

>> No.4257288

Doesn't count, kiwi is a kid. Being 16 and fucking or wanting to fuck 16 year olds is literally how shit is supposed to work

>> No.4257304

I'm surrounded by faggots and moralists. Why don't they understand they can just go to twitter instead?

>> No.4257309

Deluded lolicucks, remember you're the ones who started this thread and are whining

>> No.4257347

the problem is that they are very vocal how immoral it is while they partake in it

>> No.4257409

"Feminine face"
Learn to read, homosexual nigger.

>> No.4257418

I mean...that's kind of the expected hypocrisy of teenagers, right?

>> No.4257493

> Sneedville
The best part is that this location indeed exists.
Because eternal anglo.

>> No.4257603
File: 1016 KB, 345x352, Zki6LEk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this is a mess

>> No.4257611
File: 43 KB, 474x651, imtiredofthesemuthafuckinpedosinthismuthafuckincrowdfundingplatform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My name is Mace.
>And this ain't your kinda place.

>My name is Mace.
>And you're a disgrace.

>My name is Mace.
>Like Drake I raise my hand and turn my face.

>> No.4257612

Character appearance and situation puts the character at about 10. Not cool even for a 16 year old.

>> No.4257655

Keep seething roastie.

>> No.4257674

Can’t get any money from other degenerates then, since your only source of money is gone, kek.

>> No.4257714


>> No.4257719

Loli is kill, shota and trapfags unite.

>> No.4257859

not him. but sometimes i draw lolis for that same reason. fucking normies.

>> No.4258025

Uh, no?

>> No.4260297
File: 665 KB, 816x875, EL9jPyeU4AASDLi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patron thinks this is underage.

>> No.4260303

The problem is Patreon's standards of what constitutes underage, retard. They're Jason Schreier-tier.

>> No.4260308

You say that without even knowing what the artist even posted and just assume Patreon is in the right.

>> No.4260315

>a pretty clear statement that japan's loli is justified by their low rape rate compared to countries that do ban it
It's making it clear that loli doesn't create rapings, meaning the accusations of those who do are unfounded. It's objective proof that shuts their accusations down.