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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 489 KB, 684x1829, ertrgdrgfrtgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4251800 No.4251800 [Reply] [Original]

They've won bros. They've taken over everything and are destroying everything that we've built. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech on the internet is dying, there are but a few safe havens left. I wish you the best of luck brothers.

>> No.4251803

>two websites
stop acting like its the end of the world you over-dramatic pussy

>> No.4251804

Centralization was a mistake

>> No.4251807

Based, this is a future we can all love and enjoy.

>> No.4251823

>still posting on jewtube
>not posting content on bitchute
your choice

>> No.4251827

Sorry that two websites dont want some stuff. It's your fault if you think the internet is just the 5 biggest social media. They've never been pro free-speech. Man up.

>> No.4251841

Only if you're a prude who HATES FREEDOM!
Long live The Wild Web and the keyboard warriors with no name bearing sharp tongues and thick skin who roam the untamed pages.

>> No.4251846

when was centralization ever NOT a mistake?
One would have to be extremely naive to place so much trust in the hands of small group of bureaucrats

>> No.4251851

On one hand, fuck youtube, twitter, and patreon for being pathetic bitches.
On the other hand, everyone should have absolutely seen this coming and the fact it didn't happen sooner was simply luck.

Everyone should learn from this and advocate posting on as many platforms as possible. Even places like 4chan are subject to getting cucked at a moments notice

>> No.4251855
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Alternatives to Twitter;


Alternatives to YouTube


fucking dammit, is there seriously no place left that isn't infected with aid from foaming loonies yet? i still value chatting online on forums but fuck me is it becoming a thing of the past these days.
i could just keep hanging around here but it would be kind of nice to have its elements combined with a portfolio type of site (although, knowing the modern world it'll get infiltrated with dumb political actors (like anything good in this world))

>> No.4251859
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>posting on Bitchute

>> No.4251863

You dipshits mock furries constantly, but they've always diligently maintained their parallel society . A mam who doesn't own the land he farms is called a serf, and a serf isn't any different from livestock from the perspective of a feudal lord.

>> No.4251865

it was only good when you have benevolent despot, but those are rare exceptions.

>> No.4251867

>Alternatives to Twitter;
Eh, there are more than that. Mastodon has instances for anything you want and there are a bunch of art ones. If you're a furry there are something like 5 exceedingly acute furry social media sites. If you're oldschool then forums and IRC are still active enough that you can find someone to talk to at any hour
>Alternatives to YouTube
Dailymotion, vimeo, and gvid.tv. Although the later of which is even farther down the alt-right rabbit hole.

This. Furries know how to keep people who don't like each other in their own lanes and nobody really had beef with that until fur started getting infected with children and normals

>> No.4251885

So will twitter or Paterson CEO go to prison if there is Adult content visible to minors?

What is the penalty here? Where do the fines go?

Can’t any of us just make a new adult content business and literally anything can go on it? If it’s sued for damages, then it’s just the company that goes under, then we would just make a new one?

>> No.4251896

They wanted a politically correct internet, they got exactly what they wanted.

>> No.4251924

>Forums and IRC are still active
there are places outside here that are actually active? is there a name for them? and are they technologically secure from political dipshits?

>furshit sites
not terribly keen but sometimes you can find cool folk to chat with. dA used to have a bit of a thing for them years back before they all fecked off to fA. you got the names of those places?

on YT alternatives yeah, its a problem.
I wouldn't mind checking out those places but the likes of bitchute and others seem really infested with globohomo awareness that its just tiring. i just want something casual where i can find niche entertainment that gives me a break from this irritating world

>> No.4251925

Fuck white people, seriously.

>> No.4251957

>there are places outside here that are actually active?
>is there a name for them?
If you're not being sarcastic there are fucktons of other chans and imageboards that are active. Additionally there are sites dedicated to tracking IRC such as netsplit which has a list of the top 100 IRC networks sorted by users and the top channels on each network. I don't know of any site that tracks forums and most sites that track chan activity only track chans using certain IB tech.
>are they technologically secure from political dipshits?
The only cure to dipshits are moderators. Active ones at that. Find somewhere with mods that don't give you AIDS and you'll be peachy

>you got the names of those places?
SoFurry, FurryNetwork, Weasyl (not furry exclusive), and InkBunny. Image archives like e6 and Furry Booru also have something of a community and I think they might have forums.

See https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Category:Websites for further diving if you're curious. The social media sites I listed above fall under "Mature Art Archives" so look in that section for sites with galleries. And be aware that you'll have to check each wiki page individually to see if a site is dead or not because they aren't marked as such in the categories.

>> No.4251969

irc, holy shit. though i try every so often to find irc places that are active at aussie times, none ever are.

>> No.4251970

>though i try every so often to find irc places that are active at aussie times, none ever are.
God bless. You people are a fucking plague. I'd pay good money to have a few websites blackout at aussie hours just to save the rest of us

>> No.4251971


>> No.4251984

You people acting like there is any other viable option for Patreon or Youtube, Patreon is the only continuous crowdfunding site that works with paypal and to their favor they worked around paypal utterly stupid moralizing demands so Patreon could still host NSFW. Good luck trying to convince your audience to support you over subscribestar or project2 who can only work with shady payment processors, unless your numbers are those of sargon of akkad, sabu, doxy, etc... you are fucked out of luck if Patreon decides to cancel you. OP is right take the black pill

>> No.4252005
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>Twitter may ban NSFW stuff
>Alternatives to Twitter

>> No.4252016

FA and DA allow nsfw. I think faceberg might too.
If more people switched to subscribestar or some other shit then those services would inevitably get better as they would have more resources to compete with.

>> No.4252052

>FA and DA allow nsfw. I think faceberg might too.
I don't know about FA, but for DA it's very very very softcore. You can post nudity or suggestive things but nothing more.
And for Facebook it's a no.

>> No.4252104

Based and redpilled

>> No.4252154

Leafy was a faggot but I hate that retards like the Quartering are bending over backwards to pretend like Idubbz vid wasn't that bad, fuckin long ass sequence to bully and mock him on appearance alone with everyone in the comments jumping in.
he may have deserved it but if he had killed himself youtube would have lost a fuck ton of ad money after being crucified by the media for letting the vid become so popular.

Yet again all these jewtube retards are gonna pretend they didnu nuffin and that youtube should promote their stuff instead of the real money makers.

>> No.4252196

There's no way it's legal for patreon to censor shit off of its platform

>> No.4252210

ToS you agree to it

>> No.4252211

>ic complaining about Twitter "updating" their ToS
>shadman made it with his own website posting his garbage art that didn't improve in the slightest over the past decade

You'll be fine

>> No.4252222

ToS isn't legally binding in some cases, and it doesn't allow you to sign away your rights. There's a million other provisions that prevent corps from doing exceedingly scummy shit and I imagine there has to be one that applies here

>> No.4252229

>two websites
>but they also happen to be two of the most popular websites on the web, centralizing the majority of the traffic on the internet
Nice going retard.

>> No.4252235
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The only way to retaliate is finding their posts on social media acting inappropriately, but anyone working in this kind of jewery for the past decade is already aware of this and does his goddamn best to have little to no online presence.

>> No.4252237

Oh, and even if you did successfully excavate dirt on people related to the company, they'd just fire them and replace them for a completely blank state employee..

>> No.4252246

If you can afford it, buy your own domain and just post previews on social media linking to your website.

>> No.4252248

In many States it is a legal contract.
All a company has to tell a judge is "we would be financially hurt if we allowed this user to continue to break the rules he agreed to."
Remember when youtube had sponsers dropped it wiped hundreds of millions off their value?
then the president of Unilever threatened to take away all ads (Unilever makes everything from shampoo to Ice Cream)

And despite all the "free speech" bluster from US Republican politicians none of them want to nullify business contracts and force companies to incur damages because some retard wants to meme about the jews and the blacks.

>> No.4252372


>> No.4252546


>> No.4252550

>there are places outside here that are actually active? is there a name for them? and are they technologically secure from political dipshits?

Discord is huge

>> No.4252556

Having certain rules for your own website is one thing but the fact corporations will go out of their way police your entire life is disturbing. Oh well god bless capitalism.

>> No.4252584
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FUCK Discord

>> No.4252585

>literally the only two relevant websites

anon lmao

>> No.4252597

these are probably newfags who don't know what they're talking about

tumblr, insta etc literally permaban you for anything nsfw, also Artstation and DA only allow mild erotic stuff depending of which of the two

>> No.4252604

anyone in that quote is a massive beta manlet incel faggot, good riddance to any such pussy jewtubers who literally can't create and don't have any actual content. That platform is not for them

>> No.4252605

Hope you enjoyed going the easy route of nsfw, it'll soon be banned everywhere and you'll have your general reputation ruined so any employer looking for an illustrator will know you made weirdo loli porn and will never hire you

>> No.4252612

are you retarded?

you went to THEIR site and want THEM to host YOUR shit, they can do whatever they want with your shit. If you don't like it stop uploading and go somewhere else.

they only tolerated that sort of content for money

>> No.4252617

yeah and 95% of it is filled with underage fagloids

>> No.4252622

what's wrong with bitchute

>> No.4252697

>They've won bros
if people can ditch myspace and dig over minor interface issues, they can (should) ditch others over toc issues.

>> No.4252709

>this will give rise to artists taking back the reins and actually have their own dedicated galleries

>> No.4252742
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First the glorious Soviet Union now this.

>> No.4252753

Drawing porn will become illegal in your lifetime.

>> No.4252793

>black market Tijuana bibles of anime characters start circulating around nerd conventions

>> No.4252837

They'll just put child sex slaves back to the back rooms of pharmacies again.

>> No.4252846

nobody knows about it, just like any other youtube alternative

>> No.4252847

Isn't Kofi a good alternative to patreon? I don't think they care about the shit you post on other websites

>> No.4252848

Facebook does not allow NSFW. You can still get ban for it.

>> No.4252900

>Using Facebook to post art.

>> No.4252910

>anyone in that quote is a massive beta manlet incel faggot, good riddance to any such pussy jewtubers who literally can't create and don't have any actual content. >That platform is not for them
YouTube is for everyone,even retards like you
Also what qualifies as not actual content you mouth breathing moron, things you don't like ?

>> No.4252913

Tiktok and vine compilations.

>> No.4252919

Reddit videos

>> No.4253206

Good. If you had the time to learn how to draw, then there is no excuse for not programming you own website.

>> No.4253500

isn't kofi more of a tip jar for one off donations?
newproject2 seems very promising desu, they don't even take a service fee iirc.

>> No.4253502

>Can't draw loli on pixiv without getting banned on Patreon

What the fuck

>> No.4253511

Just host your own art website or post on artstation or something, dumb fags

>> No.4253517

There aren't any actual videos on bitchute. Everything is either alt-reich propoganda, conspiracy theory bullshit, or weird spritirual faux-paranormal bullshit.

>> No.4253519

but that's all you need

>> No.4253590

yeah, maybe if somebody is interested in succumbing to that shit

but its not going to replace what oldschool YouTube was like before 2015.
Lets be for real here;
The entire web is about to really fall down the shitter and there are hardly any places creators and sensible artists can go to form a relaxed community.
Its all infested with bloody lunatics.

>> No.4253595

Unless your only interest in life is advancing the alt-right cause, you cannot have a video hosting platform where the only videos are videos from The Quartering, Ben shapiro compilations, and trump clips, and then expect that platform to in any way appear as a viable alternative to youtube.

>> No.4254055

Fight with us! We are Legion(Anonymous) :^) le epic "freedom of speech" based haha! Fight against ebil corporations, we mustnt let them censor us!!

>> No.4254223

>Everything is either alt-reich propoganda
Deleted edgy YouTube vids are alt-right propaganda now?

>> No.4254736

Yeah, this isn't news. The first Patreon exodus was because Sargon of Akkad said "nigger", off platform, and quoting someone else.

>> No.4254741

a service that's only supposed to receive money from a lot of people and give it to you. nothing else....

a service that doesn't produce a shit. now for for some reason they believe they have the responsibility, duty and power to decide what's good or bad for others.

fucking middle men on a high horse.

>> No.4254747

>and you'll have your general reputation ruined so any employer looking for an illustrator will know you made weirdo loli porn and will never hire you
Considering every other fetish is getting legitimized into some sort of identity as more and more awkward people want to feel special, maybe that was on you.

>> No.4254748

You should complain to them

>> No.4254752

meh. I don't use their service for a reason. But i'm telling it, because some people don't know what's really patreon's fucking place.

>> No.4254754

ITT: zoom zoom

>> No.4254758

I don't know what this thread is about, and i don't give a fuck.
Thread hidden.

>> No.4254759

t. butthurt patreon staff

>> No.4254765

>he thinks nazis are an actual threat to society, and not hollyjew/fbi raping then disposing the defenseless children's bodies afterwards, because talmud autism
ok boomer

>> No.4254770

You damn well know that the vast majority of bitchute uploads are alt-reich OC bullshit. Videos from other political perspectives or videos that have been reuploaded to bitchute are a small minority of content.

>> No.4254785

Nazism is not a solution to the evils of the world. Whatever problems you think it might solve are small in comparison to the immeasurable damage it would cause to society and freedom as a whole. Hitler wasn't exactly pro freeze peach or much of an advocate for anything in any of the amendments that make america halfway decent.

>> No.4254802
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you're only making them more 'violent' by hypocritically suppressing criticisms against groups such as lgbt. I mean we're pretty much at weimer 2.0 so many fucking homeless people are in cities to the point where fucking heroine syringes being littered on the ground is a common place. Everyone is broke as shit while the white minority of the rich eat lobsters everyday while half-assing their ramblings on helping others by killing da cis whities as poor mexicans wipe their shit in the bathrooms.

but whatever you might be some bait shill so here's your (you)

>> No.4254815

>you're only making them more 'violent'
Where the fuck is this coming from. Nobody said anything about violence, nor am I critiquing the content of the videos. My main crit is that if you're going to sell a platform as an effective alternative to youtube the only videos on it shouldn't be nazi shit or else people who aren't nazis won't fucking go there.
>by hypocritically suppressing criticisms against groups such as lgbt.
>while half-assing their ramblings on helping others by killing da cis whities as poor mexicans wipe their shit in the bathrooms.
Who the fuck is killing white people? What the fuck are you talking about

>but whatever you might be some bait shill so here's your (you)
I love the fact that every single thing you brought up has not a single goddamn thing to do with anything I've said and yet you have the audacity to call me a shill. I'm discussing youtube alternatives, and you come in and want to derail the thread into shilling your ideology and defending your nazi values from being critiqued.

>> No.4254819
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>Epstein rapes and eats homeless kid's bodies on his private island with other elite CEOs and celebs, has fucking connections with Isreal
>"everyone please be calm i'm sure he's just a misunderstood villain guys"
go fuck off somewhere else you Dancing Isreali™

>> No.4254839
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>you can't have [insert theme etc. here] only content in a private business
if that shit bothers you so much, make your own group dummy. bitchute owners cater to right wing conservatism, as tumblr caters to liberal fatties. don't know why you're making such a fuss over criticism.

>[allcaps screeching]
hysterical roasties never change. when shit hits the fan, you have nothing to blame but yourself.

>> No.4254868
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>>"everyone please be calm i'm sure he's just a misunderstood villain guys"
What a disingenuous fucking mongrel mutt you are. In no capacity have I said that there should be no reaction to epstien. All I said is that the solution to epstein isn't to go full 1488 gas the kikes race war now, and you've somehow turned that position into "nah yeah just let epstein fuck kids mate, nothin wrong with it".
If your brain genuinely saw my posts and thinks that I endorse, support, or condone epstein in any capacity then you're either schizophrenic, illiterate, or both
>bitchute owners cater to right wing conservatism
If bitchute caters to the right wing then it isn't a youtube alternative. An effective youtube alternative should be seeking and promoting all kinds of content, not just sucking alt-right cock. I do not care about the content of the videos, this thread is about youtube and other big platforms being fucked and where one can go to instead of being stuck on youtube, and so my main point is that an effective youtube alternative should have more than one kind of content and should try to cater to more than one type of person.

>>[allcaps screeching]
>hysterical roasties never change
Your entire post is false claims about what I'm saying a bunch of irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with anything I've said. You can play it off as me being hysterical but you're the one who brought up the shit in the first place and you're the one turning this into a political discussion and outright lying while doing so.
>when shit hits the fan, you have nothing to blame but yourself.
I'm the one trying to look for youtube alternatives. If looking for solutions to a problem makes you at fault for it then I suppose I'm to blame

I'd be willing to bet my life savings that the 2 replies to this post will just be more deflections and irrelevant nonsense. Prove me wrong

>> No.4254967
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lmfao women can't make coherent arguments nor can they understand them, imagine my shock.

like I said, keep bringing down civilization with your logical fallacies and not acknowledging the facts that me and other men have pointed out, regardless of whether they're meme nazees or not.

If you were a dude I would be willing to dumb down my words to clarify them using hard facts observed from both science and personal experience, but like I said roasties have natural autism.
if you reply, use those allcaps again, tard tantrums are classic entertainment value

>> No.4254989

>lmfao women can't make coherent arguments nor can they understand them, imagine my shock.
Point out a single sentence in any of my posts where I've made a logical fallacy. You can't, unless you want to go back to fabricating things I've said.
>keep bringing down civilization with your logical fallacies and not acknowledging the facts that me and other men have pointed out, regardless of whether they're meme nazees or not.
What facts have I dismissed, I'm so curious as to what essential data you have posted that I have atrociously ignored
>If you were a dude I would be willing to dumb down my words to clarify them using hard facts observed from both science and personal experience, but like I said roasties have natural autism.
imagine pretending there are women on 4chan so you can excuse the fact that you don't have any actual arguments and are an intellectually dishonest cocksock.

If you have a single argument to make, or any actual criticism about anything I've written then I'd love to hear it, but otherwise I'm getting bored of watching you smash your skull on the keyboard.

>> No.4254992 [DELETED] 

>Imagine taking an /ic/ seriously.

>> No.4254999

>Imagine taking an /ic/ crab seriously.

>> No.4255001

and yet the only thing you all seem to be obsessing over 24/7 are women. there are entire social male-centered movements that focus on how to get a date with a woman, how to get into her pants, or discussing how this world is unfair and fucked up because you cant get laid. you can claim how stupid women are all you want, it doesnt change the fact that you need and crave woman's attention and respect desperately and pussy is your god. if you met that femanon irl you would do everything to get her attention. remember my words next time you're lying alone in bed dreaming of a girl next to you.

im so happy i never got into coomer art or anything controversial. im just drawing my vague neutral stuff and interacting with other chill artists while the rest of the world fights over someone saying nigger or posting porn of kiddie characters on twitter. just stay in your lane, mind your own business, dont act like an edgy 15 year old and everything gonna be fine

>> No.4255004
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>where r da arguments
I did list them out a few posts ago and yet (you) dance around my point about censorship and the streisand effect.
but continue on :3c

>> No.4255019
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>incel reeeee OBSESSED
nah I'm gay actually, quite the opposite

also those youtube videos were taken down because the site had a new rule against criticizing other e-celebs. so I don't know where the porn shit is coming from.

continue seething lol

>> No.4255024

Retards will propagate until you take them to task. Letting retards multiply is how you get boards like /tv/
Either relist the arguments I missed or don't reply. The only "argument" I think you ever made was being mad about some hypothetical bad man saying you can't say mean words about the gaze, which wasn't at all relevant to anything I've said so far.
Just in-case your reading comprehension skills are as piss-poor as your arguments, that poster you're responding to isn't me. I can put on a tripcode if you're that reading impaired

>> No.4255030

you both are equally embarrassing. go draw some robo-beans or something.

>> No.4255042
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>don't reply
make me

>> No.4255051

oh god i knew you'd say youre a faggot

>> No.4255058

Figures that instead of bothering to actually make arguments you'd jump straight to taking the low road

>> No.4255074
File: 230 KB, 550x598, 996530 - Bane Batman_(series) DC StaticLustDemons The_Dark_Knight_Rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i take the big road actually :^)

>> No.4255076

Fujo scum

>> No.4255329

God damm retards bitching about fallacies haven't provided alternatives to YouTube or Twitter.

Nobody wants to deal with politically infested shitholes where you can get cancelled for anything. Artists are supposed to rebel and never buy into the mainstream in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.

The main reason Bitchute is taking off is because censorship has gotten so bad and that we are all in a Weimar Republic 2.0 (and that is a fucking fact. you literally cannot refute this unless you want to be hogged with images).

What EVERYBODY wants is a place where moderators understand a fucking balance to this shit. Both sides are getting more and more frustrated because they're all damaged inside and feel like they're constantly getting backstabbed, lied to and betrayed, and instead of trying to kill each other, we need to understand one another and realise that we have to have a balance of seperation in order to work cohesively.

We all have to throw away the media we've indulged in for so long, deprogram ourselves and realise how truly bad things are. We cannot constantly preach about shit the whole time and deliver wokeness and the reality everywhere we go or else nothing will improve.

Find alternatives. MAKE alternatives and work your ass off to try and inspire people to fix things. Inspire them with the motive to set things right and give them a reason to live and heal themselves, others and the flow of reality itself through what you know.

The fact that NSFW is getting clamped down should be a wakeup call for every single one of us; porn is not the answer. Coomer art is not the answer. Nudes, yiff, fetish work and loli shit is not going to fix ANYTHING anymore.
Its dried up.

We all have to see that as artists we have a fucking responsibility and we have to work our god damm asses off and realise that money can only do so much. We all have to leave these comfort zones and look at alternative artforms to help this god damm world.

Find alternatives. Avoid the mainstream.

>> No.4255332

So much for drawing what you want to draw, lol

>> No.4255351
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You can do that still,
but I would really start advising people to think on their art more in terms of; "How could this inspire someone after I die?" or "Could I create something that might not be great but could just make one person inspire enough to do the right thing?"

Its all about inspiration. You don't even need to share it online either. You can just have a small chat with someone about something or make something a little nice on the sideway.
Do something different that reminds people that people care about their skills and feelings of the world and that their dead-end office job isn't the only thing in the world while they're still making the dosh.

You can continue to make your pr0nz and the like all you want, nobody is going to stop you (unless its the technocrats of course) but you should channel that creative energy the best way you possibly can. And it doesn't even to be preachy either. It can be something really experimental but really nice looking at the same time.

Just aim to make somebody think:
"Huh, thats actually a really nice and interesting thing. I didn't realise this kind of stuff was possible to make."

And if it doesn't sell or give you the likes, so what? As long as you're doing it, its all that matters. What is important is that you give off a vibe that creative endeavours and outlooks and perspectives of the world are important.

Your ability to dream is a gift. And its an amazing thing. Use it to the best of your ability.

>> No.4255358
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this is why we need socialism.

these companies are banning NSFW because they want more advertisers and more profit. mindless chasing of profit is a key part of capitalism. it's the only thing corporations care about, and if they feel marginalizing you will boost their profits that's exactly what they'll do.

>> No.4255366
File: 1.65 MB, 1748x2480, arnold-richter-foe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will strongly advocate one thing;

Don't constantly rely on preaching. Don't always try to depict evocative imagery the whole time and try to do something different.

And not the whole """identity"""" bullshit that has been inyourface for nearly a whole god damm decade.

I'm talking about a "different" of seeing the world, of seeing animals, nature, people and the sky.


If hippy stuff isn't your thing either, just try to draw in something about the world your visualising into something really unusual.

Make people cherish the existence they have while they're still here. Remind them that this world is worth living in, worth defending and speaking up for in case some assholes from fucking wherever turn up.

Just be creative in your day-to-day life, and realise that while we are stuck with what we are, its possible to really do something incredible with what we have that doesn't revolve around eroticism or an over-awareness of politics on every corner.

In poverty, they dont care. They know their situation. They know how bad the world is and I'm sure the friends dead relatives know how horrible things are.

But remind them its not for naught.

Remind the world that everything operates in a way that is hard to see unless you care enough but the way it moves is amazing.

Throw technology and your LCD monitors out of the mix and realise the overlap of dreams and science and how it bends your perception of reality in the most amazing ways possible.

Thats how you inspire.
And thats what we should all be aiming for.

>> No.4255379
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>instead of trying to kill each other, we need to understand one another and realise that we have to have a balance of seperation in order to work cohesively.
I'm sorry, but there is no negotiating with these people that push for subverting the dogma that has been established before the cold war. Little by little with each progressing generation getting worse we've reached this "culture war" where these useful idiots on the Left push for censorship under the guise of social justice and for government intervention where a bureaucratic superstate nightmare monitors citizens for "hate speech" and anything deemed as intolerant, insensitive or derogatory towards a demographic of minorities and special snowflakes.

There is no negotiating with the other side, these are not people anymore they're pawns that will not listen to reason and will blindly follow their group in a cult like capacity despite all the supporting evidence of the harm from diversity quotas, affirmative action, open borders, diversity, etc.

In truth, the Cold War never ended - at least the Soviet's method to demoralize and destabilize through the time span of generations never did. We need either a great war or another Hard Reset, we're too far gone and it will only get worse from here on out.

>> No.4255383
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>mfw watching the world burn.

>> No.4255399

myspace was only 79 million strong at its peak and more popular alternatives appeared. facebook instagram and twitter have far surpassed it and unless the sites outright die for unrelated reasons, they aren't going anywhere.

>> No.4255413

>what's wrong
It's centralized just like everything else is. And even though decentralized alternatives already existed and continue to get developed, they didn't build on any of them.

Peertube is better in this regard, it's semi-decentralized and builds on existing protocols, so anyone is free to roll their own compatible peertubes with unique content policies.

>> No.4255598
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>The fact that NSFW is getting clamped down should be a wakeup call for every single one of us; porn is not the answer. Coomer art is not the answer. Nudes, yiff, fetish work and loli shit is not going to fix ANYTHING anymore.
If the powers that be are trying to ban porn, would an effective protest not be to draw and spread more porn in defiance?

>> No.4255657

The day Twitter and JewTube disappear off of the Internet, the global collective IQ will rise up by at least 10 whole points. I've never seen a place with more petty vitriol thrown from one person to another like monkeys do with their shit than on Twitter, and have never seen more fucktarded sellouts in the same spot as the latter. You wanna cry about not having a reliable place to post your art, just make a personal site and post all your works there instead of losing your mind with the technically and socially crippling aspects of these sorry excuses for platforms.

>> No.4255686

A shitton of youtubers I follow mirror on there nowadays and at least you see many videos with thousands of views instead of <100 like with any other alternative.

>> No.4255923

Twitter is full of far-left woke propaganda and nobody fives a shit. People still post their crap even through the owners are leftard assholes who selectively enforce their rules based on how woke the offenders are.
If you hate a platform just because the majority of content is political shit you don't like then it's your own problem.
There's nothing stopping you from making your own posting your own vids on Bitchute and ignoring the rest of the garbage, just like on twitter.

>> No.4255928

Based and quite literally redpilled

>> No.4255930

Actually I found some left-wing videos mirrored there to you lier! besides, Several gun channels and my favorite space channel are there.

>> No.4256174

Question: would I be taken down for pinup and cheesecake illustrations ala Adam Hughes, Aly Fell, etc.? Or would it be best to put those in a separate account?

>> No.4256183

What platform are you talking about? If youtube, definitely not

>> No.4256198


>> No.4256204

The reason I've been roughing out a comic geared towards a young adult audience, and will be shifting towards them as my primary demographic.

>> No.4256210

Porn is a commodity that can dampen certain neural activity of the mind and certain government bodies in parts of the world covertly use it as a means of controlling populations. Its been usurped.
The irony in it is that the main reason "pr0nz' IS getting banned is not necessarily because they object to porn itself (to a degree of course) but more than likely because people behind the scenes see how easily distorted its purpose can become.

While porn itself can be a means of showcasing "defiance" to the state powers that be and objecting to the status quo, the unfortunate reality now is that its become a very profitable commodity and marketing tactic that is used for selling all kinds of crap (luxury brands, food, tech etc have a lot of research done in making sure your appetite in food and sex is mixed together without you blatantly realising it (through colour theory and layout theory)).

But because of the whole shit you're seeing right now, more people see the tactics and are getting smarter as a result. And marketeers are upgrading their strategies as we speak.

Its not exactly effective anymore since the act of indulging in porn (like food) is more or less welcomed, and everyone knows at this state that somebody somewhere is wacking it to whatever.

What artists need to realise is that your erotic habits are no longer an "act" of defiance against anything since everybody does it behind the scenes now and its more or less welcomed for ironic reasons.

Realise instead that its the act "itself" of making porn that one should take advantage of.
The drive to create something to last time itself. Instead of using that drive to create pornographic work, use that drive to create something completely unusual that isn't tied to eroticism.

That is the new "different". Thats what the new "defiance" and "protest" art that I highly advise people to start making.

>> No.4256249

The mob tactics is not the fault of the people but some other entity that seeks to create it.

The division of the left and right is completely deliberate and both have valid reasons to believe in what they believe. The left, while sensible in values are not aware of the reality of the situation enough to do think too critically of what is going on.

Same with the right, contrary to what they may think.
While Its impressive to see how really invested in what they have to say and might be looking deep into many different things possible to find a real solution, the sad fact is is that people can only take in so much knowledge and truths. You can go mad trying to mold theories together to make sense of how reality works and the fact is is that reality itself is just ones perception of it.

I'm sure the masses are aware of that nagging feeling at the back of their minds and know they should do something it all but unfortunately, the whole PC stuff is pushed out to stop people from debating and throwing crap at each other to understand "why" they think in a certain manner. Its why religion is a thing but with it gone, brands replace it and that is a very dangerous thing. Ironically, meditation and mental illness are taking root because people don't know what to believe in and no longer believe that things improve, when it actually can.

As bad things are, the left aren't at fault. Its the circumstances their stuck with that make them end up the way they. They care a lot, and would be better off trying to figure out how things work in poverty to really understand what they can do.

Its kind of a hard thing to grasp at explaining but I strongly advise at the idea of uniting everyone together and realising that while we all are different, we HAVE to understand why each of us think the way that we do at any given moment.

>> No.4256258

This thread is depressing

>> No.4256338

What if one actively seeks to subvert that eroticism?

For example, a character drawn entirely for sex appeal who thinks she is invincible, trains and gets better spells and better equipment after nearly getting killed in battle?

Furthermore, what books and tutorials would you recommend in color theory and layout theory, to best subvert the subverters?

>> No.4256391



>> No.4256439

If one subverts that eroticism, its best to do it ironically. Its best to make it incredibly nuanced and almost ethereal in some way that is strangely dreamlike. But not for cooing somebody to bang it.

Turn the idea of eroticism on its head and kind of acknowledge while making the work that once they've gotten over wacking to it, what other stuff could fill in that void? What unusual things could you put into the piece that they could find really amazing and help them deal with the realities of existence? Would it help them in a fight, in a battle or in a debate of some kind? That kind of thing.
Try and make the piece in a neutral kind of manner; the kind of way where someone is not into the erotic but something else (because they're so sick and tired of the pornography because they've seen it all. Do you want to make them spiral further into madness or help them realise that there is more to life than just that?)

Its complicated when you're starting off and a lot of it wont make sense at the start but it will make sense with further training.

I think the best way to get an understanding of it is to be interested in how the sciences work, recent discoveries, controversies and the evolution of life itself. Maybe even plants since Japan is big into that sort of thing (big think).

In subverting the subverters? I don't really know honestly. Its a very broad field of shit that would take forever to explain.
Best way to go about it is by through this motto;

"Who, what, where, why, how"

Once you begin that, you'll get more and more curious about reality. And reality is far more stranger than fiction in ways that can make you mad, which is why I strongly advise in building a faith of some kind so that you can come back everytime once you indulge in knowledge.

Find what works best for you.

(and if my explanation doesnt exactly work, I would simply advise just to be interested in breaking down how artists think when they made their masterpieces.)

>> No.4256454

then go back to Africa. Jews did this btw.

>> No.4256459
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Depression is what you make of it.
You just need to see that you only need a little spark to light up the place.

And once you do, you'll realise that being alive and aware of how the sciences of life itself play out is one of the most fantastic things imaginable.

I'm really really sorry if some of my commentary might come across as extremely bleak and negative, and maybe go the point where it sounds like I want to off myself.

But don't let it think that!

Realise that depression is a mere awareness of the vastness of the incredible complexity of life. Realise you all have an ability to see all of these little things work and its combination can create incredible things like nebulaes, coral, dreams and plants.

Nature is the greatest teacher, and while it might follow a set formula, is it not worth seeing? And is it not worth defending? You see and you participate in creating an incredible world for everybody to look at!

Thats all I have to say.
I hope somebody takes solace in the madness out there. Rise above it, acknowledge it but realise there is something amazing and fantastic you have that can be used to express its foundations.

And you will all be soon into making the concept of living an absolute dream come true.

>> No.4256481

You can thank republicans and conservatives, morons for that but mostly, you can thank banks since they pretty much hold the power.

>> No.4256494
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>> No.4256507
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btw 44% of the funds of this very convention were on food. they had 850,000 dollaroos

also venezula is a fine place am i right?

>> No.4256527

>israel is in africa
American education

>> No.4256546

Im not the person you were arguing with


I think you should apologise at this point

>> No.4256558
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>republicans and conservatives run twitter/google/nosebook

>> No.4256559

Alternatives to Twitter;


What? Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and DeviantArt are NOT alternatives, they do not allow actual adult content and may censor you for that and many other reasons as well. Newsgrounds is probably a better option. Furaffinity also could work for some, as they allow adult content (but it's mostly focused on furries, obviously) Dunno about Artstation, never used it.

>> No.4256567
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>> No.4256568

Make forums great again

>> No.4257155

Enjoy your bitcoin miner retard.

>> No.4258412

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.4258417
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>Hitler was bad here's why
>"How can you sympathize with Epstein?"
Peak /pol/ logic

>> No.4258421

>Freedom of expression and freedom of speech on the internet
Never existed. Freedom of speech, as laid out in the Constitution, bars the government from passing laws that prohibit speech. Does not apply to the internet. And if companies want to clean out their platform of material they don't like, they're free to. You don't have rights to post porn/lolis/whatever.
And, there's obviously a need for a platform for such content. And whoever builds it first in a way that doesn't become a lawsuit/government interference magnet, they'll get very, very wealthy.

>> No.4258425

>The entire web is about to really fall down the shitter
No, it's not. The web is still generating billions, if not trillions of dollars and is an integral part of most first and second world country's economy.
They just don't want your lewds on it.

>> No.4258430

I almost feel like a retard for asking this, but do you think Pornhub would ever be a viable platform for porn artists?

>> No.4258432

Freedom of speech is a broad concept. Our constitution doesn't protect anything, the people do. If people protect free speech on the internet as strongly as they do in the public sphere, both have equal meaning.

>> No.4258442

>Freedom of speech is a broad concept.
No, it's not. You want it to be, but it's not.

>> No.4258459

It is whatever people make it to be

>> No.4258462

>bro literally everything is a social construct dude *slurps bong*

Its a legal standard dont fucking move the goalposts by expanding the scale of the context

>> No.4258463

No, it's a distinct legal term. Again, you want it to not be, but the only place where it's a meaningful term is in the world of law.

>> No.4258477

A private platform that doesn't censor speech becomes a platform of greater free speech than private platform that censors speech, regardless of anything having to do with the government. Those that can speak freely by utilizing a non censoring platform have a greater freedom of speech than those who stick to censoring platforms.
>b-but the law says...
You're literally arguing that the idea of free speech is much more specific than the ability to speak freely.

>> No.4258480

The most viewed album of images uploaded there is at 7239 views 98% (56 votes). on the image themselves, they are arranged and displayed as grid, and the first image got 247 views, the rest barely reach 100 individual views. In the 3 weeks it's on the Pornhub servers, it didn't reach 100%.


>> No.4258494

Wrong brainlet youre the one conflating freedom of speech with free speech. If a private platform censors you then dont use it your rights are not being infringed.

>> No.4258496

>dont fucking move the goalposts
I never used the law as a goalpost in the first place and neither did OP

>> No.4258503

You're moving the goalpost by trying to use a new definition. Freedom of speech is a specific legal concept and the act of trying to change the definition to more broadly mean your ability to post loli and say nigger on the internet is the moving of the goalposts

>> No.4258505

>conflating freedom of speech with free speech
Top kek
>Your rights are not being infringed
Rights are what people can defend. Beyond this they don't exist. Rights don't become more real by being written down.

>> No.4258509

>Freedom of speech is a specific legal concept
In the context of the law, that YOU brought up. Beyond government, it's a concept as broad as "the freedom to speak"

>> No.4258526

>In the context of the law, that YOU brought up
First off, I'm a different poster. Check the IP count when you're arguing
Secondly, the context is irrelevant. The phrase "Freedom of Speech" is a specific legal concept. There is no alternative definition and you cannot craft one. It'd be like me saying "That guy committed first-degree murder" in reference to a video of someone being shot in self-defense. If you would like to refer to the broader concept of "the freedom to speak" then you can add that caveat to your sentences in future, but if somebody else is talking about Freedom of Speech and you reply "nah, lol, freedom of speech is like something else, man" then you're absolutely incorrect.

>> No.4258530
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You faggots and vaginas are the reason why /ic/ is so shit nowadays.
Pointless arguing about politics and whatnot instead of posting art.
Take your shit to twitter or something.

>> No.4258548

>baranigger attempting to tell anyone anything, let alone discuss art
I hope somebody stuffs a bottle of vodka in your ass and watches you die in a ditch

>> No.4258555

>but if somebody else is talking about Freedom of Speech and you reply "nah, lol, freedom of speech is like something else, man
That's what was done to the OP when he was referring to the free speech built up by the users of the internet and he was met with legal semantic autism. Freedom of speech is fine term to use in a broad sense that's implied by the two words in the phrase itself outside of the context of the law. If OP was talking about the law originally you could get all lawyer mode on him but he's not, he's talking about internet culture, which is marked by the desire to speak freely.

>> No.4258586

Who the fuck is "we" nigger

>> No.4258712

Freedom of speech on the internet died a long time ago, what we now have is a question of how far censorship should go, wether it should increase or decrease, and at the moment it's increasing and no one cares enough about it to do anything of note.
Also, crying about how there isn't a website suited for your needs is quite pathetic. Create a website or fuck off. Relying on milti billion dollar corpartations to cater to your needs is a waste of time.

>> No.4258716

Redditors and porno artists

>> No.4258770

Who deserve the shit they get.

>> No.4258788
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We should start funding erotic terrorists.

>> No.4258973
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>sociopath rapists are just misunderstood guys
peak pedo logic

>> No.4259172

>we’ve built

>> No.4259279

>Freedom of expression and freedom of speech
yeah no, your beg nsfw doodles not being a thing on twitter etc. have nothing to do with free expression or free speech lmao

>> No.4259402

coomer bad censorship good delicious boot

>> No.4259605

Discord is not a good way to share your artwork, especially with normies due to the Byzantine, closed off nature of their servers. It reminds me of school forums and chat rooms, which is cozy, but the old web had its faults. It’s harder to get your work out there and seen by the masses.

>> No.4259663
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How did this thread turn into a discussion about nazis?

>> No.4259668

Somebody said they don't like the videos on Bitchute and then nazis got triggered

>> No.4260850

mm'hmm keep telling yourself that as more and more is stripped away.

>> No.4260869

reading comprehension

>> No.4261038

>Not wanting to be murdered due to you race, sexuality, religion, etc. means you support pedophilia
You're mentally ill; seek professional help. Now.

>> No.4261065

It's OK to be white.
You should probably draw though.

>> No.4262940
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So, how Patreon porn drawers can survive now?

Just post PREVIEWS on twitter or nude pix with dick blurred on Twitter and they will be fine?

>> No.4262945

Yes, just bait them coomers.

>> No.4262948

what happens to all previously posted porn with cum on faces?
I have such pics on twitter. They all should be removed now?

>> No.4262952

Pretty much

>> No.4262960

Yea don’t do that, don’t remove any post previously like that. Just start censoring for your new post and when your follower asked why, just say twitter is dumb.

>> No.4262964

>Just start censoring for your new post
how can you sensor only new posts? isnt twitter sensors all posts?
or you mean sensoring = posting only preview?

>> No.4262967

I meant posting only preview.

>> No.4263239

>waah I can't draw advertise muh lolishit on mainstream social media
What did you expect? You faggots ruined the internet for everyone. It's not the lefties and trannies who created this PC nightmare, it's you POS who ruined it by not having one ounce of maturity or responsibility over them. It's thanks to the pornfags that artistic nudity is now treated like porn. You wanted to litter the entire internet with this garbage and make a buck from it, you wanted all lines to be blurred, now everyone is getting fucked. Probably even artists that made work worth saving instead of whatever jerkoff garbage you care about. Thanks you very much.
Same goes for all the people yelling FREEZE PEACH and immediately /pol/ shitposting instead of seeking the opportunity to put the retarded liberals in their place.
You are all fucking retards and you deserve to stew in your own juice.
I am so happy I abandoned this playground for retards so I can watch it crash and burn.

>> No.4263374
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no one said anything about killing dummy
its about criticizing a nation for the stupid shit they're doing right now that is harming everything around them (including themselves)

>> No.4263952

polfag gtfo

>> No.4264109

>It's the lefties and trannies who created this PC nightmare
fixed that for you

>> No.4264135

It doesn't matter if you say you want to kill or not, nazism is inherently authoritarian and genocidal. The entire argument chain is saying that nazism isn't an appropriate response to the crimes of the elite so don't even pretend this is about some other shit

>> No.4266643

ah yes the leftist trannies that run big tech and the state sure pal

>> No.4266720

>you don't have to tell me twice! but during the stone age...!
What the FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.4266732
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in lefties minds, criticizing anything in protected group = nazi and you want to kill me reeeeee >:(

its tiring to try to talk to these hysterical twats with logical reasonings/explanations anyway so eh

>> No.4266762

Imagine being that brainwashed thinking that being nazi or even just hate someone is a bad thing
Eating popcorn and watching western world fall is enjoyable

>> No.4266790
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>> No.4266793

people should starting promoting more free web sites

>> No.4267193

you say it like it's a bad thing