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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4251652 No.4251652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid people like this as an artist

>> No.4251656


>> No.4251660

Could you post your work so we can give you advice on how to avoid those types of people?

>> No.4251661

you could kill yourself

>> No.4251662

a block button

>> No.4251667

these people have existed since the beginning of time. You cannot avoid them.

>> No.4251670

don't draw, that's probably easy for you

>> No.4251691

dont worry anon. no woman will ever talk to you, ever

>> No.4251761


>> No.4251763

Ignore them??
Tell your fans to ignore them, too.
Fire spreads no matter what feeds it.
If you give them an inch they'll take a mile and if you insult them they'll call the twitter police (or whatever platform you use.)

>> No.4251771
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>> No.4251792

Why are you being such a bitch ass faggot about it? Either block them or don't engage with them. If you're posting on social media, this cunts come part and parcel.

>> No.4251809

put your index into your butthole and scream N word as soon as they aproach you.

>> No.4251816

Quit your job at Wizards of the coast.

>> No.4251825

stop living in fear of random people not liking your stuff. People disagreeing with you aren't all a part of some secret mob that'll ruin your life.

>> No.4251844

You don't; you troll them for all the keks they're worth.

>> No.4251875

You can't if you want an online audience.
If you have followers then just focus on appealing to them and ignore when these types of people try to bring you down.

>> No.4251894

Got a horror story for you OP. I'm a Brit bong who went to college in Brighton (gay leftist commie vegan ketamine bum utopia) and I studied the good ol' 'f'art. Nothing could have prepared my young naive self for the degeneracy. If I was to mention everything that jaded me I'd never have the time. But the thing that bugged me the most was this gross fat radfem slut.
For some context I worked with etching and mirrors and film work. And right across from me this lady, let's call her M, has painted a 4 ft long penis covered in blood and some ugly badly drawn chick going on down on this gory bloody cock. She had pornography for 'references' which were hung all over her studio space. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get her grotesque art work out of my fucking shots. Naturally as an extroverted opinionated ass hole in fine art college I asked her why the fuck she's painting giant bloody dicks and leaving pornography every where. Her eyes jut around showing the true effort of her two whole brain cells trying to articulate a basic thought. She managed to mutter some nonesense about how it's supposed to represent our reaction to graphic imagery and that pornography is graphic and should invoke the same response because feminism blah blah blah. I told her she would never reach the levels of contemporary surrealist artists trying to depict the inner sexual being with that kind of gross shock genre kitsch. She didn't really like that. honestly the tutors ate up her work and I lost respect for their ability to judge my work and basically gave up being an artist that day. 6 months left of the course after a year and a half and I basically made fuck all work after seeing such disregard for basic human decency.

>> No.4251895

The nail on the coffin was hearing M talk to her equally fat and disgusting slut friend about how she's been out clubbing two nights in a row and 'cant get a single guy to fuck her' and asking for advice about 'how much cleavage she needs to expose to get wasted for free'. The same woman who's painting giant bloody penises to make men feel like they're sexually deviant because they do something as normal as masturbating. It's amazing how any sense of integrity they pretend to have about their sexuality goes out the window once the shoe is on the other foot. I can't honestly believe she would degrade men openly like that for being sexual and then be such a whore in the next breathe. And all her radfem troglodytes thought she was some kind of hero, one of whom had a last project which was basically spray painting crude pink vaginas all over the campus. I can atleast take solace in the fact that some people were level headed enough to think acknowledge she was batently attention seeking, but the fact the tutors ate it up irks me to this very day.

>> No.4251926

Was a good read anon.
Got any other horror stories from fart classes?

>> No.4251937

art schools were a mistake

>> No.4251943
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Draw anime and post in google translated kanji

>> No.4251958

>to make men feel like they're sexually deviant
i thought you said it was to protest porn? it makes more sense to me if it was about porn.

>> No.4251963

Thank them for the attention. Seriously.

>> No.4251993

>I got screamed out of my class once because I didn't vote green party

>Art history was probably my strong suit, I'm better at writing about art than actually making it. But my history of art teacher said my essays were a strong close to full marks but if I'd included more powerful wimmin of history I could have got full marks. I'm a woman myself and 1 of the 4 artists in my essay was a woman. I was often criticized on the fact that my essays and contextuals were too 'white male centred'. The biggest culprit was the fact I wrote a huge essay on Robert Delaunay but I was told it would have been better if I chose to write about his wife instead.

>My tutor thinks smearing paint on the wall with your buttocks while suspended from the ceiling is 'the most valid automated art' and asked me to trash my contextuals on Austin Osman Spare because his art isn't 'valid automation'. I could write an entire essay on why he is wrong but I wouldn't even be the first person to do this.

>I was constantly criticized for using theosophy as a focus of projects because it's 'cliche and dated' but literally any woman who makes some fluffed up bullshit about femininity is praised because male tutors don't want to come across as anti feminist and female tutors base their entire personality around radfem ideology. You could sneeze into your vagina and the tutors would say you're getting full marks.

>I was harassed out of the animation department because the animation tutors favourite student kept talking to me and she forced me to leave so I wouldn't distract him from chatting and watching friends for 6 hours 5 days a week.

>> No.4251997

>Austin Osman Spare
Based. Love that guy

>> No.4251998

she was quite blunt about the fact that it's supposed to bring acknowledgement to the fact that the way men sexualize women because of porn is borderline rapist and murderer mentality. So her way of protesting against porn was to spam the entire studio with pornographic images but make them gory so the boys will wince and hold their weewees. Honestly it was pointless because just having porn in a student setting to begin with is already way too uncomfortable and she basically gave the dwarf cleaner lady a heart attack.

>> No.4252000

Big respect.

>> No.4252003
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block them and double down on the fanservice for the next time, even better if is a character they like like she ra or starwars rei or something like that

>> No.4252018

>a 4 ft long penis covered in blood and some ugly badly drawn chick going on down on this gory bloody cock
That's pretty based not gonna lie

>> No.4252022

1) Ignore it
2) Put their art in the spotlight and trash it

>> No.4252034

Option #2 implies OP's art is better than theirs, but OP has yet to post their work, so I don't think we can trust in this course of action.

>> No.4252037

can you sketch this? I can't wrap my mind around it.

>> No.4252039

Go draw your own fetish

>> No.4252040

I can't draw humans.

>> No.4252049

>the way men sexualize women because of porn
Does this make sakimichan a rapist

>> No.4252105
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How bad could it possibly be?

>> No.4252165

>there were bitchy feminists in the ancient stardust

>> No.4252181

Why do you think there's no life in the universe? It's because other sentient life got bitched out of existence

>> No.4252262

>porn is borderline rapist and murderer mentality
Imagine actually believing this

>> No.4252294

imagine believing anything.
porn industry can be pretty shitty, but its not im giving them money now with the internet, so whatever.

>> No.4252296

this, porn was being shilled hard during NNN.

>> No.4252361

I went to Canterbury art college open day and saw it would be like this. I did a Bsc instead and never studied art. But this was before the internet (Oldfag) so you lot don't have any excuses.

>> No.4252369

Why did you make her an amerimutt mullato

>> No.4252381
File: 64 KB, 500x543, 17082CF5-37F2-4829-B111-0EBE2F092CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a pussy and never share your artwork.
You can never get negative attention if you don’t put yourself out there.

>> No.4252404

What you should ask your self is not "how do I avoid them?" but "how do I avoid giving a single shit about them?"

>> No.4252542

Of all things you can't make me draw, you can't make me draw this the most.

>> No.4252714

You either ignore them, or politely decline their unwanted ""critique"". Even someone like Doug TenNapel still keeps respect by being polite. These people drop it when you don't get upset or defensive about it. I still keep getting callouts over stuff I've drawn like 7 years ago but no one gives a shit

>> No.4253097

You leave a like under their comment, thats it

>> No.4253772


>> No.4256726

She cute

>> No.4256732

Fucking kek, I've seen each one of these before

>> No.4256817

>women on /ic/
>who's actually based

>> No.4256824

based fatty grossing weaklings out of art class

>> No.4256829

don’t post shitty art

>> No.4256839


>> No.4257066
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>> No.4257084
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Hey, we Amerimutts are a proud new race, soon we will be the only race!

>> No.4258648
File: 367 KB, 1280x960, Dr._Ichigaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill them

>> No.4258692

don't go to art school.
are you mad?

>> No.4258714

How about stop giving a shit? How do I avoid dumbass pointless hate threads? Oh right, sage and hide thread.

>> No.4259529
File: 340 KB, 640x689, 1576105622224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass hole
>every where

>> No.4259615


I mean, really? Go draw something. Or go whine in /pol.

>> No.4260332

>crude pink vaginas all over the campus
what a cunt. post photos

>> No.4260340

liek, reiily sweaty YIKIES

>> No.4260344


>> No.4260358
File: 3.06 MB, 368x368, MeatyFinishedChuckwalla-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based artist v virgin dropout
Sounds like she accomplished her goal by scaring you away anon. You failed because she tickled your sensibilities and made you feel weird about your penis. Agree with it or not, you let yourself become a subject by reacting so strongly. Moralists have no place in an art gallery.

>> No.4260706

I know it's racist but fuck a Fried Chickenmelon would actually be so fucking good

>> No.4260787

Thread smells strongly of roast beef, seems your pic hit them right in the ovaries

>> No.4260801

You can't always avoid annoying people, but what you can do is ignore them. Temper your mind with meditation, and then the next time you are faced with people like this, just focus on something else instead.

>> No.4260874



>> No.4260877

it's a girl, learn to read nigger

>> No.4260886

From my experience with MTG, WotC is taken over by rabid SJWs. That MaRo dude(head of design or whatever) has openly admitted to skewering the demographic balance to niggers and women, they have set racial quotas on new characters(brown lady planeswalker every set etc.), cheesecake gets censored while beefcake is alright, niggers everywhere(Dominaria's Angels' CEO is a nigger, lol), pretty standard run-of-the-mill pozzing. Not like the game is worthwhile mechanics-wise anyway. D&D is even worse, I heard.