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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4249027 No.4249027 [Reply] [Original]

>Banksy paints random wall with shitty stencil
>Someone adds red noses
>hurr durr vandalism


What defines Banksy's work as "art" and the work of the red nose painter as "vandalism"?

>> No.4249037

Based. Fuck graffiti niggers.

>> No.4249044

people calling banksy art while calling someone adding to his graffiti work a vandal is deeper than any banksy piece

>> No.4249046

>Someone adds red noses

you know it was banksy himself. based boomer just need some atention cause he is nolonger IN

>> No.4249049


>> No.4249051

fucking this

>> No.4249061

also, i think that Mr. Brainwash is banksy. or are there any evidences that its somone else?

>> No.4249067

Banksy is trash and all his art should be covered in a fresh coat of plain white paint. Yuppies don't deserve the opportunity to feel cultivated for acknowledging the meaning of a basic visual metaphor from a print they bought for 45 bucks in a soulless art gallery that gave up after not making any money selling anything original.

>> No.4249069

is it worth the energy to care and find out

>> No.4249075

If it was me I would have just painted over the whole thing in one colour so the people who were alive in the 70s don't have something basic enough for their LSD destroyed brain to understand and be excited about.

>> No.4249076

idk, this is the first time I thought about it in last 3 years or so

>> No.4250013

>The film shows a long, curly-haired man in black jeans, a camouflage coat and trainers walk past a man in a blue hi-vis vest.
>He then quickly pulls what appears to be a spray paint can from his pocket and writes 'OUSL' on the Perspex before staff intervene.
>She said: 'We were just sat there and he started talking to us. He was saying he was a graffiti artist but his stuff always got taken down.
>'He asked why Banksy should be any different. He said he's got a hatred for Banksy. When I stopped he recording he said 'record me, record me! I don't care.
>'When I sat down I saw him - he looked like a bit of a lunatic. There's always one.
>'He ran off after it happened but then ran back and started shouting. I don't think anyone was expecting it. It came out of the blue.
>'I don't think the staff were brave enough to stop him - you just don't know what people are capable of these days. Some people are nutters.'
>Hannah added that the mural has been busy all day - and she fears for more art attacks later.
>'I think it's just a matter of time before it gets ruined. The staff won't be there all evening.'

The only people that like and talk about his work are rich old people trying to make money on it, young people generally give zero fucks about stencils.

>> No.4250579

kek, this just show how brainwashed older people are. if the mainstream media shill anything for long enough time, they just gonna buy it and accept it as a universal truth. this is why holohoax is a thing


>> No.4250582

>brainwashed older people
Millennials are just as bad. The only generation not completely brainwashed are Z's and that's due to the dwindling influence of the free web which might aswell be dead.

>> No.4250584

your /free web/ is under control. dont worry about it


that why are (((they))) trying to make old media looks irrelevant


>> No.4250612
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>> No.4250619
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based ai post in based thread
simbly based

>> No.4250652

>the amount of crabs in this thread
seems like there was a high tide

>> No.4250660

u sound like a crab desu

>> No.4251161

Low tide is when crabs get stranded and exposed making them the crabbiest.

>> No.4253544

banksy the british elite 'artist'
can fuck off. trash 'art'

>> No.4253548

congrats, you read shit.

>> No.4253553
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is this really what normalfags are like?

>> No.4253897

>imbling all those accounts are not created by memenksy himself

ohno, he tricked us again lads!

>> No.4253923

banksy is a stablished well respected artist with a prose of his own, the rando who added those shitty noses ruined a piece that is probably worth millions and ridiculed its message; niggers will defend the vandalism in this scenario, as expected of their nigger ways

>> No.4253950
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>Vandalism gets vandalized

>> No.4253954

truly a clovvn world, isnt it

>> No.4253970

it's art. good evening.

>> No.4253974

Based retarded crabposter

>> No.4253997

Nice cope, crab

>> No.4255088

based. fuck bansky

>> No.4255119

anyone want to join my suprematist gaffiti gang who just paints everything solid colors?

>> No.4255184

They improved it desu

>> No.4255212

Should have given the reindeer a massive schlong if you ask me

>> No.4255650
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>> No.4256134

i agree

>> No.4256186

does banksy even make the stencils he uses or does he just mashup premade stuff? I don't know much about littering.
>The only people that like and talk about his work are rich old people trying to make money on it, young people generally give zero fucks about stencils.
You wish. Everyone in the hipster range of normiehood thinks he's the ultimate artist