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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 596x739, F5643181-248C-4CEA-8F7A-4753D5CE21FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4234168 No.4234168 [Reply] [Original]

Not gonna lie to you, /ic/, but /pol/ has gotten to me. I’m starting to doubt myself and my abilities as an artist.

Throughout the past few days I’ve truly began to feel like an absolute worthless piece of filth whom society never benefits from. I guess that’s all the more true, considering that I’ve decided to completely devote myself to drawing.

I’m still a /beg/, but these low IQ facts among blacks have absolutely destroyed my confidence and capability to absolutely achieve anything at all. That’s my fault for browsing /pol/, I guess. I don’t aspire to be anything at all other than to be an animator, yet I feel as though that I simply won’t make it due to my genetics. My plan right now is suicide when I finally find a shitty job and wageslave so I can order a hotel room and hang myself.

>> No.4234172
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I guess I just want an honest opinion. I apologise for creating an entire thread for this.

>> No.4234173

based /pol/

>> No.4234175


The bell curve applies to the subhuman haitians and backwater blacks who enter the country and give the "African Americans" a bad reputation. Don't worry about it, it doesn't apply to you. They come from a country where they have no opportunity to make it in the arts because there obviously is no industry there and no prospects. They're also more violent and absolutely HATE what you have for being American in the first place. Don't let /pol/s dumb infographics get to you, bro.

There are plenty of black men and women who are successful in every field--especially art. If you have the skills nobody gives a shit what your skin color is.

>> No.4234177

Avante92 has made it.

>> No.4234178

>not rotated

lmao it's true

>> No.4234180

It's garbage but with time you can improve.

>> No.4234188

Bro y'all black people need to stop believing anything people tell you about yourselves. If you want to be an animator then work hard to be an animator. That's all there is to it dude /Pol/ isn't worth killing yourself over. Prove them wrong my dude.

>> No.4234189

Don't cry fag.
/pol/ has some things right but 99% is pure shit.
The only thing keeping you back is always yourself.

>> No.4234194

Aren't there some black pro artists doing shit in Japan?

Also the Cucumber Quest girl.

>> No.4234196

Don't kill yourself that's what niggers do. You're not a nigger, right?

>> No.4234203

My melanin enriched friend, don't be hard on yourself just because /pol/ likes to create arbitrary enemies. They're too afraid of looking at the bigger picture. Like all people on this Earth, /pol/lacks worship rich people so much they only see what is convenient. For example the low IQ stuff is about Africans in impoverished regions, and it doesn't have a lot to do with race as much as malnutrition and other stuff that is proven to stunt your intellectual growth. Americans have a terrible lifestyle, especially lower social classes.
Black people were capable of great stuff when they were allowed to be creative. There are pioneers like John Coltrane who had a huge impact on music on a technical level and influenced musicians for generations. But you see, quality is a problem when money is involved because the more you elevate people the harder they are to control. So you dumb it down for everyone.
I'm not American but the issues with blacks are obviously cultural, and culture today comes from the top. If you spread the idea that if you do good things you are trying to be white and white people represent The Man then you successfully prevented a whole chunk of Americans from achieving anything AND you get them to blame who you want for it: white people, not rich people. Just like /pol/ likes to say the joos, it's not the joos, it's rich people. It's not capitalists vs. communists, it's the rich vs. the poor. It's not the patriarchy vs. alphabet people, it's the rich vs. the poor.
See? It checks out on all levels. People should be making enemies with whoever they want as long as they stop realizing that there's no communists or capitalists, there's just rich people conning poor people.

So don't worry about this shit. If you happen to be stupid you can still reach a decent level, and beyond that it's more about your personal expression. I think the biggest problem with artists today is not with technique but with what they have to say.

>> No.4234208

whats the problem here?

>> No.4234209

Maybe just stop going to that absolute shithole that is /pol/?

>> No.4234210

dude youre literally brainwashed from pol. i was a full fledged alt right racist for two years and im normal now, get off this website my man. you cant assess an individual based on group statistics. there are black geniuses, white geniuses, black morons, white morons. dont think about all that retarded garbage and just draw.

>> No.4234230

Get off of pol and back to drawing
Your origins don't seal your fate, your actions do.

>> No.4234237

thats a shame. better luck next life, eh?

>> No.4234242
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Thanks a lot for these words guys, they mean a lot. I apologise to the other black people on this site for my insecurity, I meant no malicious intent towards you.

I guess I just needed to hear it from you guys.

I’ll work harder from here on out.

>> No.4234245

absolutely gonna make it

>> No.4234248
File: 276 KB, 556x648, Screen Shot 2019-11-02 at 4.47.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bell curve applies to the subhuman haitians and backwater blacks who enter the country and give the "African Americans" a bad reputation
LMAO yeah its the foreign blacks, the native blacks are dindu nuffin good bois just trying to get an education...

Imagine being this fucking delusional.

>> No.4234250

I always wondered if /pol/ spams the other side of IQ facts, jews and asians being the masterrace that is. does anyone know? how do they process these facts

>> No.4234251


>> No.4234253

They start to rationalise that IQ is not everything, or high IQ means soulless.

>> No.4234255

Natives have had at least a good 3 to 4 generations to build themselves in wealth to rise to middle class. Foreigners come here with no wealth. They saved everything they could scrape to come here and they pack themselves like sardines in their homes. Once they have offspring the anchor children are brainwashed into thinking they were brought here by ships or X-men are keeping them down when it was their parents who brought them here for a better life. They piss it away by committing crime and the just-ice systems LOVES this. All that hard work their parents did goes to nothing, their children have children out of wedlock and what once was a minor problem now multiplies.

Meanwhile African Americans who aren't piss poor get the shit end of the stick for their actions. Yes there are ghettos but there are also trailer parks as well as ghettos where mexicans are. The only race that does not have a ghetto are chinese foreigners unless you want to count "china town".

>> No.4234257
File: 39 KB, 352x404, worstthingivedrawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, just remember, todays modern tech means getting a startover is much easier than it used to be.

>> No.4234259

No problem. We're all gonna make it together bro

t. fellow black anon

>> No.4234262

>there are black geniuses, white geniuses, black morons, white morons.
The smartest white is smarter than the smartest black. The dumbest black is dumber than the dumbest white.

No, shit you can't assess an individual based on group statistics.

>I always wondered if /pol/ spams the other side of IQ facts, jews and asians being the masterrace that is. does anyone know? how do they process these facts
Yes, it's well known that whites don't have the highest IQ. Why would that be hard for us to process? You're ignorant in what you believe /pol/ is all about. The significance of IQ statistics for me is that it disproves the stupid strawman argument against racism that is "we're all the same on the inside". No, we're not. We are different in many ways, including neurologically. We have different temperments and are prone to different behaviors based on our genetic heritage. Asians are smart as fuck, so are jews, but what have they done with is? Whites are the ones to bring this planet into the first world. Some of that might be luck. Maybe we just so happened to pop off before the asians did. Maybe the jews were at a disadvantage because they didn't really have a homeland. Maybe whites brain chemistry makes up for the bit lower intelligence with behavior patterns that allowed us the innovate and work together more efficiently. Regardless, it's not about racial superiority. It's about racial preservation. I'm white, I like white people, I like white things and white culture. I dont care if youre smarter than me, idc if youre bigger, stronger faster. That doesn't take away my right to exist.

>> No.4234266

>That doesn't take away my right to exist.

Great. What does any of this have to do with moving graphite on dead trees?

>> No.4234272

It's relevant to the post I was responding to ????

>> No.4234273

>moving graphite on dead trees?
surely you mean scraping plastic nubs along coarse plastic surfaces, wearing down the nub and making one need to buy more nubs.

>> No.4234274
File: 8 KB, 259x259, 1572940798076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many Nicefrens on this board?

>> No.4234275

I'm black and I'm better than 95% of this board, definitely better than the mentally ill shitters who never draw and instead shitpost in threads like this all day. I'm not going to pmw so just take my word for it or don't if it helps you cope. To tell the truth, I kind of doubt you're black, but I've seen some sad shit on this site, so who knows.

Cut the /pol/ apologetics, faggot, nobody is buying it except your own choir. You're cancer and you need to keep your stinking shit in its designated board. Observe the effects of not doing so right here. Whether the OP is serious or not, it's yet another off topic race bait thread polluting a board that has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4234277

No it isn't. You've answered the main question, yes, but you went off on a tangent and started blogging about your non-art related fears.

>> No.4234282

Don’t fucking respond to this thread then, you dumb fuck. You’re only bumping it with your responses. The bait worked.

>> No.4234285

>Cut the /pol/ apologetics, faggot, nobody is buying it except your own choir. You're cancer and you need to keep your stinking shit in its designated board. Observe the effects of not doing so right here. Whether the OP is serious or not, it's yet another off topic race bait thread polluting a board that has nothing to do with it.
Who's apologising? This thread is related to art and the effect race plays within it. You're like a baby crying because I say things you don't like. Ignore the thread if you don't like the discussion taking place or keep crying about it like a child.

>but you went off on a tangent and started blogging about your non-art related fears.
No, I was giving him insight to what a /pol/ user thinks about the "other side" of IQ statistics. Which is completely relevant to the post I was replying to.

Seriously this^

>> No.4234288

>Yes, it's well known that whites don't have the highest IQ

For someone that claims to be above average intelligence I thought you would know Chinese fabricate their IQ scores. Also they are a billion in population so they have a greater pool to sample from. The Japanese are smart I guess, but their innovation has suffered since leaving the 90s. They are behind the rest of Asia.

>> No.4234295

this thread was made by a white boy

>> No.4234329

>white culture
Haha, good one

>> No.4234330
File: 407 KB, 1200x1648, EHRGh1lXkAEgNhV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly ot
but im prob a brainlet and i think its more important in lyfe to be selfish in order to survive that to be "smart" ,smart and talented at some point just mean usefull to other ppl

ugh or maybe i am jus hc coping ,i wis ya blcx fren and eberyone to make it ouo

>> No.4234340

Sad you’ve internalized so much self hatred. Couldn’t be me

>> No.4234371

You’re literally delusional. I’m a Nigerian immigrant and African American blacks hate us for being successful and taking up spaces colleges

>> No.4234379

>says the delusional Nigerian

I bet you're not even Nigerian and just role playing. Gtfo.

>> No.4234384
File: 785 KB, 1582x2328, 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is self-hating black
>dreams of being an animator
Are you me?
P.S: There are really few animation jobs in the States these days. Talented folks have to settle for storyboarding nowadays if they want to work in cartoons. You can always pull a Bahi though and work as a freelance gengaman for your favorite animu (if you are into jap stuff).

>> No.4234405

lol what do I gain from larping as a Nigerian?

>> No.4234411

to continue to fan the flame of the thread thus wasting my valuable time I could be using to draw to argue with your lonely ass because any and all the communication you get on a daily basis comes from 4channel.

>> No.4234419

Make sure to wear gloves and don't talk when doing youtube videos and you'll be fine

>> No.4234420

Bro, I really am Nigerian. I don’t see the point in arguing with each other or trying to throw each other under the bus to appease wh*tes. All I know is my country has a problem with corruption and greed while American blacks have a victimization mentality and a lot of drug/ gang violence and I’m sorry but I don’t want to be grouped with you guys. You call yourselves the black community and all associate with each other and protect the violent people on your community so you can’t really complain when others group you as well.

>> No.4234431

I don't believe in the "black community". Who came up with this clique? It's just another blanket identity to latch onto made by yours truly to further distance a group of people from any sense of identity. Why is there no Italian community? What about Muslim community? Where is the Singaporean community? No, it's a community that has the name of a crayola crayon, black or abyss. Make a white community and it's suddenly racist--against this "black" community that is. It's cannot be racist against the basket weaving community because that isn't a color or a signal on a traffic light.

>> No.4234432

woooops let me hide this thread before it steals hours from me

>> No.4234444

>Haha, good one
>thinking white people dont have culture
White culture has become world culture btw, which is why brown people think we have none.

>> No.4234453

Are you kidding me?
Not 70 years ago we weren't allowed to sit with whites in public transportation. You honestly think that a country that was created seeing blacks as second class citizens would accpet blacks becoming equals so smoothly? Redlining, denying loans to specifically black families, the fact that blacks get more jail time for the same crime than a white person and even the after effects of jim crow laws. How can a community that was historcailly mistreated not attain this mindset?
>What about the asians?
The asians that come to this country are the ones who could afford coming over here. The very smart or the very rich. That's why you see so many Asian kids in their BAPE and rick owens. This applies to almost all immigrants that come here on a visa or legally.
Another group that has the same plight as the blacks are the Native Americas that were genocide and shipped off to reservation to have disadvantages in the home that black people have.
Domestic abuse, single parent households, alcoholism and extreme poverty.

>> No.4234466

I agree. I’m not self hating but I believe there’s no good outcome to the constant grouping and self segregation and this proves it. My community is the people I’m friends or family with and the neighbors around me. I have nothing to do with someone halfway across the country from me because we share the same skin color, especially if there’s no shared culture or language.

>> No.4234468

>we don't succeed because our grandparents were mistreated, not because we're dumber
>asians succeed despite their grandparents being mistreated because they're smarter

You're dumb.

>> No.4234474

Maybe the reason blacks are doing so poorly in society isn't because they're treated like shit, but are treated like shit because they're doing so poorly??

Also you're out of your fucking mind to think nothing but rich asians come to the west, thats TOTAL BS. Plenty of poor asians come here to work their ass off for their children. The problems with blacks DO NOT only exist in America. Africa is still a third world shithole stuck in the stone age. Literal ooga booga rape tribes and brutal massacres. It's in their nature to behave like this, it's that simple. All examples of black exceptionalism are of the least black. black people. MLK, Rosa Parks, Barrack Obama, Neil deGrasse Tyson, All at least 50% white admixture.

>> No.4234479

>White admixture

fucking retard. This is your mind on /pol/ everybody.

>> No.4234480

The 50% white admixture is called African American. You just admitted yourself right in the post that the successful blacks are those with admixture aka AAs and the ones that do poorly on average are those that don't.

You may not have to deal with it but when speaking to those without a mix of white dna, the non-white mix blacks treat you with hatred and resentment. Like brother rivalry but with spite. Not only do you not have a race of people who don't like you from nearby countries that are poor, but Africans themselves don't even like you combined with the whole world. That's just how broken up the black race is.

>> No.4234483

IQ is not related to artistic abilities
but it is to everything else, aka the bussines side

>feels good to have 3 digit IQ tho

>> No.4234484
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ot but since i dont know any blacks i want to take this opportunity to ask

why are some toxic things like
>bullying others for not being "black enough"
>justifying needles violence as the answer to issues(fighting someone for saying the nigga word,spanking children etc)

so acceptable in black internet?

>> No.4234485

I think he means his family. Either way he's half right.

>> No.4234501
File: 166 KB, 990x1214, bf99155d23ce9ed858fe4431a93e3b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You just admitted yourself right
Yes, I'm right. The less black you are the better off you are. 0% black is the ideal percentage.

>> No.4234504

Are you fucking dumb? The ones that are fresh off the boat are no different from the Mexicans that are coming over the boarder. Do you think there aren't hard working black people or any other race? The fact that black people are getting profiled by the police is unconstitutional. Especially the voter I.D law that was ruled unconstitutional. SO that's a real fucking law that was on books targeting black people.
>50% white
You do know that America is mixed right? Cherry picking light skinned black people isn't helping your argument. Do you think they were smarter because they were half white? Don't tell me that you are that stupid?

Asians that came over were never mistreated as harshly as blacks?? No comparable at all. Do you think after slavery was abolished or schools were integrated that people who hold previous beliefs would accept this? Grandparents and parents today still instill their beliefs in their kids just like the blacks do with the "victim" mindset. Reason why we are having this racial tension we have in America today.

>> No.4234506

>mfw latino in the upper percentile IQ

>> No.4234510
File: 103 KB, 445x365, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to give up, because genetics
You don't need high IQ to be an artist. Having low IQ is most likely even better. But having said that, even if your genetics somehow hinder your progress you just have to find a way to compensate. Create/learn new tools, or just work harder.
>nigger tier IQ post
The irony...

>> No.4234512

Not being black enough is one

Spanking your kids is a christian belief. Justified from the bible, and that caused spanking to become "valid" even though it doesn't work. This isn't really a black issue as much it is a religous one.

>fighting over the N word
Well if someone insults you, your family, or your child would you do something about it? Different people have different trigger words that makes them angry. This is universal.

>> No.4234518

Furrys are their own thing
Plus I wouldn't consider him making it, he's popular that's for sure.

>> No.4234519

>Well if someone insults you, your family, or your child would you do something about it? Different people have different trigger words that makes them angry. This is universal.

I understand,i guess irl fighting due to words or "hur dur meet me irl i know your ip "is kinda meh to me.
maybe im just too low t but sounds like a waste of time/needles putting yourself in danger to escalate such things

>Not being black enough is one

>Spanking your kids is a christian belief. Justified from the bible, and that caused spanking to become "valid" even though it doesn't work. This isn't really a black issue as much it is a religous one.

i havent checked that much boomer postings so maybe you are right that its not a black thing

>> No.4234522
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>Asians that came over were never mistreated as harshly as blacks??
They were treated as second-class citizens and exploited. The only difference is that instead of laying back and saying how bad their luck is and asking for whites to change the rules, they worked and accumulated wealth that they lended to each other to make more wealth and told their kids to study.

>Do you think after slavery was abolished or schools were integrated that people who hold previous beliefs would accept this?
It's revealing how your preferred argument is not about what whites actually did, but about what you would expect whites to believe.

Your oppression is in your head. Or alternatively in your hood, at the hands of your fellow blacks.

>> No.4234523

There are tons of Chinese immigrants in the West involved in illegal activities. Guess why nobody talks about them.

>> No.4234526
File: 269 KB, 1920x810, Training-Po-kung-fu-panda-33008100-1920-810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acknowledging your faults is the first step to improvement, at the same time you have to balance out ideal and 'reality', if you freak out too much about the most "accurate" outcome, then you'll be distracted from actually improving, staying in your comfort zone. When real human beans acknowledge their weaknesses, what it means is to find creative ways to deal with it in your life journey. Like in the movie, Kung Fu Panda, the main character is a fat fuck struggling with his training who's essentially forced to be a legendary fighter because he wants to + some plot about him having the right heart. The master and him hate each other at first, but eventually the teacher learns to be more patient and use food as a way for the panda to train properly. You can give the whole movie a watch, and I would recommend the 2nd one too because it talks about "dealing with your tragic beginnings in life but overcoming it". Don't watch the 3rd though, apparently its ass.

>> No.4234527

Because that would be racist.

>> No.4234531

Because said activities don't involve robbing people and murdering each other ?

>> No.4234533

Faggot, black people hate Nigerians because they act like their under the umbrella of historical racism against blacks when it suits them then turn around and say "I'm not like you stinky niggers". Caribbean motherfuckers do the same shit, act like their black when it suits them.

>> No.4234535

Or is it because it only takes a couple dozens of chinamen to make a ton ?

Asians are underrepresented in almost all offenses and crimes categories.

>> No.4234536

asians are just smart enough to not get caught

>> No.4234548

>Do you think they were smarter because they were half white? Don't tell me that you are that stupid?
It's stupid to think that a group of people with around an 80IQ average would become smarter by mixing with a group of people with around a 110IQ average?


>The ones that are fresh off the boat are no different from the Mexicans that are coming over the boarder. (border*)
Are you talking about Asians? And yeah there are hard working people from all races. But we aren't speaking about individuals. We're speaking about large groups of people. Asians are much more likely to work hard and put their children into school to become a doctor or some other kind of productive member of society. Asians are pretty smart and within one generation can go from being dirt poor to being a college graduate working a very well paying job. Mexicans can sometimes have a similar work ethic but their children generally don't go on to a super high paying job. It can happen, but I think its more common for them to continue whatever their parents were doing or get into some sort of manual labor job that doesn't require an expensive education. Maybe its because they have a lower IQ. Blacks are the worst in this regard though. There are plenty of black parents who work hard and wish the best for their children but their children dont give a shit. Theyre gonna drop out of school and start selling dope. It's just the way they are. It's a cultural thing, and culture is heavily influenced by the behavioral patterns of a group of people. It's not whiteys fault, it's literally in their DNA to be this way. Which is why the less black you are, the better chance you have of being successful. Black people are treated like shit because they act like shit, not the other way around.

>> No.4234553

>there are no Chinese ghettos in America
Ask me how I know you’re underage

>> No.4234567

Because you're a pedophile? Why you asking if I'm underage or not?

>> No.4234571


>> No.4234573
File: 131 KB, 487x750, I am tired of earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not whiteys fault, it's literally in their DNA to be this way.
That doesn't make fucking sense. So your telling me that if you took a 100% east asian person and have them be raised by a dirt poor family half way around the world, that they would always come out and be some amazing productive members of society? This is why people just call you a /pol/nigger because you spout statistics like they exist inside a vacuum. Robbing people of their agency is the exact reason why poor people stay poor. Saying shit like "its just in their DNA" while ignoring the fact that places like Africa, Central/South america and the Middle East have been seeing violent regime changes and perpetual conflict orchestrated by western countries for the last 150 years shows how much of a low IQ nigger you actually are. Your a useful idiot for those in power, keeping the rift between us steadily increasing. Just because you read some fuckign jpgs with some numbers on it doesn't mean your smart.

>> No.4234579

Based kungfu panda poster

>> No.4234582

Take this shit to /pol/.

>> No.4234593


>> No.4234594
File: 2.11 MB, 1574x3408, White criminals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"White" offenders

>> No.4234604

>folow ur drims
are you trying to get OP to an hero

>> No.4234698

>So your telling me that if you took a 100% east asian person and have them be raised by a dirt poor family half way around the world, that they would always come out and be some amazing productive members of society?
Learn to read, he's speaking about large groups of people.
> places like Africa, Central/South america and the Middle East have been seeing violent regime changes and perpetual conflict orchestrated by western countries (it's well known brown people can't have conflicts of their own, right ?) for the last 150 years
So did China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea. Why are you conveniently leaving them out ?

>> No.4234716

i mean i hate niggers like the plague but id have no problem accepting one as my equal if i met one that wasnt a total nigger. so theres that i guess. you were dealt a bad card bro. real bad. just hang in there and keep drawing. if anything youl have an easy time making it since everyone loves niggers so much these days.

>> No.4234738

I think you’re retarded mate

>> No.4234743

honestly social media is a cancer i must eliminate from my body, goodbye everyone, enjoy never making it as long as you let 4chan/twitter/reddit influence you

>> No.4234767

You should hide those massive spoilers for Death Stranding.

>> No.4234864

I completely understand why you feel like that, OP. I'm also black and I occasionally browse /pol/ out of morbid curiosity every now and then. It can really fuck with your head. The best thing to do is to not take it to heart. You are you're own person. Don't let some degenerate /pol/lack get in the way of your passion. NEVER let ANYONE get in the way of your passion. No matter who they are. You do you and you keep on doing you. You're GMI some day OP. I'm GMI some day. We're all GMI. Our race doesn't define who we are.

>> No.4234954
File: 702 KB, 300x360, 1473344357526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a thing called being "assertive" in your pursuits. of fucking course not everyone can be the next einstein, but there's literal billions of historical figures out there in the history of civilization that still contributed in their own ways. and I'm sure people in general want to receive genuine compliments/responses from others who took time into looking at their work.

>> No.4234979

Oh yeah you think you got it hard? I'm a slav and people think that 50 dollars for me is enough for a fucking month

>> No.4234984

Isnt commission money big money when living there tho? I'm kinda dumb when it comes to currency differences since I'm a hamburger

>> No.4234986

250$ / month is average salary here, sure you can live like a kang with 2k/mo patreon bux but if people learn that you're a slav they will think you will try to scam them

>> No.4235011

OP, have you heard of Sonicfox?

>> No.4235016
File: 127 KB, 1200x800, 124346536346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His awarding was cringiest shit I've ever seen

>> No.4235018
File: 514 KB, 532x582, 1539657248797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got this

>> No.4235044

This is the part where you go and prove them wrong.

>> No.4235052

holy shit

the average salary in my city is literally $6.5k

>> No.4235071
File: 259 KB, 585x888, bitter-root-1_3eef5e5809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just google successful black artists and see for yourself. look at sanford greene for example. you can make it op, please dont let that pol shit stop you from finding happiness and success.

>> No.4235083
File: 18 KB, 600x600, lowq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235136

sanford greene horrible artist ... paul pope very UGLY

>> No.4235252

Do you have an example of your work yo show? We can help pinpoint the fundamentals you are in need of improvement on.

>> No.4235387

Take an IQ test and give up if you're under 95, anything above you can make it with effort. If youve been on pol for so long you should understand a fucking bellcurve.

>> No.4235390

Remind yourself that /pol/niggers has never contributed anything substantial to Civilization, Western or not; they just want to take credit for things by people who share their race. "We wuz kangz" is not limited to only niggers.

>> No.4235391
File: 210 KB, 644x644, sat scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cracks knuckles*
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Not that this means op shouldn't try. AAmerican IQ has been at 85 for half a decade now and with no closing of the gap when ignoring the flynn effect.

>> No.4235394
File: 467 KB, 843x843, adopted iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wrong but that's okay

>> No.4235395

half a century*

>> No.4235398

>board full of ottermode DYEL zoomers from reddit
>bullying you
fucking pussy

>> No.4235405

you know what statistics are for? making generalized descriptions of large groups. your problem isn't even a IQ problem, cuz your pic looks pretty /beg/ tier. art isn't rocket science. it doesnt take a genius to git gud at it. just grind it out.

>> No.4235457

I'm a racist white nationalist and I support this message.

>> No.4235487

Worry not my negro friend, for there is a difference.
You can use individuals to describe a group, but you can't use a group to describe an individual.
>"Blacks as a group have lower IQ."
>"You have lower IQ because you're a member of said group."
Not true.

See the difference? Who knows, maybe your intellect is above average. The best course of action is to strive for personal betterment and prove this right by not spending time with people whom /pol/ uses as an argument for black inferiority.

>> No.4235503

>seeking for pity and a safe space on 4ching

>> No.4235504

get lost k#kebro

>> No.4235514

I unironically think 4chan can be more understanding than normie sites. I can never truly relax with all the fakeness and eggshell stepping

>> No.4235521

stop being a pussy

>> No.4235611

They were instrumental in the 2016 Presidential Election and continue to do so with the rise of populism across the West, and their resources and threads helping to expose human trafficking have been second to none.

>> No.4235618

What "resources"? Reposting articles? Everything is just reposts from /r/donald and the rest of the half is shill daily thread spam that if you stay there for a week you can clearly see the same things getting reposted over and over again. Also, it's highly monitored by the feds, media giants, and marketers. It's nothing more than an unfiltered rss feed with a dash of reminding you to watch BBC porn.

>> No.4235619

>msm : I made this
>/pol/ : you made this ?
>/pol/ : ...
>/pol/ : I made this !

>> No.4235652

Youre a black male, youre the hottest shit in america right now while america is the center of the world.
/pol/ is literally the most hated place on the internet.
Seriously, dude?

>> No.4235661
File: 170 KB, 500x282, hhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna make it cause I'm Polish with social anxiety

>> No.4235667
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, 50327981_2014424852004312_4367444003737586484_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So your telling me that if you took a 100% east asian person and have them be raised by a dirt poor family half way around the world, that they would always come out and be some amazing productive members of society?

I'm saying if you raised a two people in a vacuum, one black one white. They would both have behavior characteristics more closely related to other members of their race than not. Despite being raised in a vacuum, isolated from outside influence like "culture" or societal pressures. It's no different than how different dogs have different behavior patterns based on the breed. Thats not a myth, or some vudu fucking bro science. It's a universally accepted fact that different breeds have different personalities. Well it's the same for humans. You need to separate your emotions for a second and look at this objectively. There are poor people of every race. White poor people, or asian poor people do not commit the same kind of crimes that blacks do. Blacks are just genetically predisposed to certain behaviors that are not socially acceptable.

>> No.4235668

Polish seem masculine in me experience but maybe thats just the working men immigrants that come here.

>> No.4235671


those are bydlo class
I am very skinny and feminine

>> No.4235673

>bydlo class
Usually bro tier though

>> No.4235699

>I am very skinny and feminine
You should start art career in porn.

>> No.4235728

Silence, schlomo

>> No.4236000

The thing is pol is always right. I'm a female and yet I can;t stand 99% of other women, for all the reasons pol would say. If you're here at all, then you're already an outlier, so just consider yourself a bit different and do as you want after all.

>> No.4236008
File: 624 KB, 400x300, wholesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're black but that doesn't mean you're a nigger. I am white and that doesn't make me a white trash redneck. Work hard if you want to achieve your destination. You will always get better if you work hard.

>> No.4236172

You should hide those massive spoilers for Berserk.

>> No.4236711

>"this" board

>> No.4236741

You're an idiot, not because you're black, but because you believe any of the shit coming out /pol/.

There dozens of famous black comic and animation artists that are fairly common knowledge, retard. Race is meaningless, go draw, dumbass.

Accomplish your dreams you fucking fool.

>> No.4236749

/pol/tard here.

IQ facts are a generalization. The average. Individual people are individual people. This is why I don’t let my political beliefs interfere with my personal relationships. I might believe certain facts, but I still treat people individually and allow each person the benefit of the doubt when it comes to pretty much everything.

Like, yeah, it’s true IQ on average is lower among the black community due to both genetic and environmental reasons, but, does that mean YOUR IQ is lower? I can’t say, but self awareness is imo, already a sign of higher intellect than most. Stupid people aren’t exactly introspective. Like, the average IQ among whites is 100 I believe, but I score at 130 last I took the test. Most people who went to Uni are also hitting above 100. Same goes for you, just cause the average IQ among blacks is 90, doesn’t mean you’re forming part of that average exactly. If you’re literate and verbose, you’re already better than most.

2 more things, being black actually gives you an advantage due to the current social climate. More people are willing to push black and minority artists over white artists for diversity brownie points.

Lastly, IQ doesn’t determine your ability to be able to learn something, it determines the speed at which you learn it. So you can still learn art if you’re stupid, so long as you’re diligent. It’s just gonna take longer.

Keep on truckin, anon-kun.

>> No.4236751

This. You're thinking about the right things and practicing them. Just keep going, it'll take time and effort. Which will be hard for you because you're a nigger, but you have my support, good luck nigger I do sincerely hope you make it.

>> No.4236759
File: 20 KB, 720x698, 1562785487221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 more things, being black actually gives you an advantage due to the current social climate. More people are willing to push black and minority artists over white artists for diversity brownie points.
I despise the fact that this is true. Based post but it made me hate niggers more.

>> No.4236769

>The significance of IQ statistics for me is that it disproves the stupid strawman argument against racism that is "we're all the same on the inside". No, we're not. We are different in many ways, including neurologically. We have different temperments and are prone to different behaviors based on our genetic heritage.

This. This is why I said I don’t let my politics affect my personal interactions. It’s a political argument to debunk the bullshit, not a rule through which to treat people. The golden rule should and still does apply to all interpersonal interactions.

>> No.4236775

That’s why I moved to Japan. I can use the “being an attractive white guy” niche to my advantage as it’s so uncommon here.

Gotta learn to play your cards right in life.

>> No.4236803
File: 930 KB, 270x270, 1563652814738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currynig here, we're all running the same race bro. Seize the day.

>> No.4236820

as someone else whos black. keep going man just keep fucking going. dont like /pol/ get to you. You have to do shit for yourself and be proud of what you can do. you cant let whiney retards who hav enothing else to do on /pol/ shatter any self confidence youve got.

>> No.4236821

So then those statistics arent really fucking relevant in this situation faggot are they.
Fuck off with your racial preservation nobody gives a shit about your insecurities

>> No.4236836

Are you kidding? There definitely are those communities. You being ignorant to that fact is not evidence of them not existing.

>> No.4236841


quads of truth.

>> No.4236850


I hate all platforms where you are shadowbanned for saying nigger or retard or faggot.

I hate invisible guidelines.

>> No.4236857

why do people insist on responding to these obviously bait threads

>> No.4236891
File: 502 KB, 489x356, dayka8b-d655432d-4b63-4e07-8567-eb219517e290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers, and think they're generally stupid and incapable of living in western society. That said there are always outliers, and if your reaction to this IQ information is concern rather than "DasRacis" your intelligence is probably at least on the high end for your kind.

That uncertainty probably isn't enough to put you at ease though, so my reccomendation is to actually get your IQ tested if these thoughts continue to bother you.

That way you can either find out you're smart, and regain your condidence or at least come to terms with being stupid, and stop feeling uncertain about who you are.

I'm half mediteranian, so I kind of feel like a subhuman sometimes too. I'm probably gonna get my IQ tested soon so I know how much I should believe in my own abilities, but even if it turns out I'm a retard there is no way I'm killing myself over it. Low intelligence isn't the end of the world.

As for the art thing, you can either study really hard, and grind like an autist on a consistent basis or you'd better find an easier hobby. I can't really tell anything from the stuff you posted here.

P.s. Animator is a really stupid life goal for someonw who can't even draw yet. As a hobby animation is fine, but you should be focused on the shortest path to success right now.

Get a full time job and earn some money so you can escape the lower class hell, and live comfortably. Draw as a hobby on the side. "Making it" as an artist is a meme.

Animation in particular doesn't pay well unless you're a kike with a broad idea who's second cousin works at Viacom or something. Beyond that, even if you just have a passion for animation, and want to make cartoons to express yourself with no desire for money, you don't know if you'd be any good at it, and it's going to take around ten years of grinding to find out if you are.

You are focusing on an impossible long term goal to avoid addressing the short term ones that are right in front of you. Get a fuckinb job.

>> No.4236902

Thats because youre unironically autistic.

>> No.4236946

>They were instrumental in the 2016 Presidential Election and continue to do so with the rise of populism across the West
Dipshits still seriously believe this? No faggots, your "dank pepe" memes didn't do shit.

>> No.4236948

these faggots dont draw, they just look for opportunities to talk about dumb shit

>> No.4236972

Based "DasRacis" anon

>> No.4236987

Here are the highlight roasts of the thread

And this is the best answer ITT

saved you some time newcoomers.

>> No.4237500

You can create art even with a low IQ.
Just practice.

>> No.4237506

All those IQ studys are bullshit anyway.

>> No.4237509

just stop coming to this website, seriously.
Itll make you feel like shit no matter what race/sex/gender/ you are. seriously.

>> No.4237512


by the emperor

>> No.4237519
File: 603 KB, 590x834, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry brother, People told me I was in capable of drawing anime because I am black. But I kept pushing forward. Now people are coming to ME for commissions and constantly confusing my race.

Don't see yourself as a victim and see yourself as a victor. I believe in you.

Pic rel my work

>> No.4237572

im not sure if this is an elaborate troll

>> No.4237588


>> No.4237688

Jesus Anon. Get the fuck off pol. IQ does not == Human worth. I know some truly stupid motherfuckers who can draw. If you think the color of your damn skin in any way inhibits you from drawing than maybe you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. That's fine. Total fool or Holy fool anyone can draw, including you.
It's easy to look at someone's art skills and attribute that to genetics or talent, but any old idiot can do that. The ones who wise up and start drawing in spite of expectations are the ones who make it.

>> No.4237693


>> No.4237694

Draws better than you

>> No.4237732

I think he is saying that because your art looks like someone just slapped a few memes on a base picture of a weeb artist, and it does. The face doesnt follow the render style of the body, the shoulders dont follow the lower proportions. It just looks all wack. The bottle of champagne especially so, looks like you just found an image from google, then slapped it in and rotated it.

>> No.4237863


>> No.4238004


Go back to faceberg, dipshit.

>> No.4238619

Everyone starts as a garbage anon. Grind and experiment. Do it all over and over again. Everyone can improve in time as long as you can take criticism and actually listen to critics

>> No.4238636

Fred Perry is black

>> No.4238744

A lot of people in /pol/ are mediocre whites who try to feel better about themselves by bringing down everyone else. In order to do that they do everything in their power to prove that they are better than the people who are more successful than them and then align themselves to more successful whites so that they don't feel as bad about the fact that they aren't doing more with their lives. The non-whites in /pol/ who agree with them are just fishing for white approval as Uncle Toms tend to do.

Your best bet is to leave /pol/, focus on your art, and making friends with people who are in the industry. Hanging around a site where people have to bring down others in order to feel better about themselves isn't doing you any favours. Working on your art and making friends will do you better for your career so it's best to start doing that instead of lamenting about some outdated racial 'science' that has been beyond outdated and proven wrong.

Especially since you are black and it's already going to be harder for you to get in a field filled with rich white people. Just keep working and putting your work out there. Make some friends and live your life.

>> No.4239054
File: 52 KB, 500x500, GOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is unfair. People are born more beautiful than others, or smarter or braver richer than others all aroud the world. There will aways be a problem.

Go after it and wake up 4am.

>> No.4239213

Even if the population trends are real it doesn’t say shit about you as a person anon. You were thrown into this world just like the rest of us, don’t let everyone else force you to spend this life in a box you don’t belong in.

>> No.4239218

You made me chuckle you fucking douche

>> No.4239424
File: 282 KB, 1175x851, 1500996645961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up Alphonso Dunn on instagram my nigga
sieg heil

>> No.4239726
File: 195 KB, 695x1167, all of us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4239830

Another larp as a black person thread, shit like this is fucking tiring, either every black person on 4chud is a coon who wants to be a cracker or you're legitimately FUCKING RETARDED. Go on tiktok, in a matter of seconds, you'll see black zoomers who draw better than 99% of this board.

Posts like OP just tell me it's finally time for me to stop coming on this website, it's filled with mentally ill incels and trannies, it's finally time to part ways.

>> No.4239834

At this point I truly wonder why any black person would come on 4chan, 99% of the site is aids, it's filled with mentally ill incels and trannies who won't amount to shit. Stop placing yourself in a place that feeds off of racism, homophobia and misogyny, for 2020 allow yourself to flourish mentally and block yourself from accessing this shithole.
Twitter or tumblr > 4chan/reddit

>> No.4240583
File: 30 KB, 400x302, DA12D6BC-95E5-4C0A-9548-7940A0E45D89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I think the racism is unironically funny and knowing I’m on their minds RENT FUCKING FREE is an ego boost in and of itself. Let alone the sheer amount of absurdity in their beliefs being the icing on the cake. You can only feel sorry for these people because they’re majority depressed bumfucks who have no scope outside of a 15 mile radius from their house to get to a McDonalds and back. They larp as fully functioning amerimutts (whites) but anyone can see through the smokescreen. Those are the people who will never make it in any aspect of life and its what keeps me coming back every. single. time.

>> No.4240641

If you dont know you should look it up

>> No.4240782

>why any black person would come on 4chan, 99% of the site is aids
Just like africa. Guess that makes them feel like they're back home.

Look what up ?

>> No.4240795

Twitter is more racists, it's just the insidious "pretending to be your pals so we can talk for you and use you as a shield for our hate" kind of shit.

>> No.4240798

Have you seen the site lately? Its practically a graveyard now after the porn purge.

>> No.4240805

High quality bait.

>> No.4241235


I feed off of the racism like it's cheesecake. Eventually I'll be so pro that all a racist on /ic/ can do is reee in the distance while they're still grinding the sticky. Just look at for example that one animator who was posted here a while back. He's far more successful than anyone here will ever be and all anons can do is call him racial slurs. It's hilarious and that's where I want to get to.

>> No.4241907

resolve your insecurities before going down this path or you will become very miserable

your art is objectively shit but it has nothing to do with your skin color

and stop browsing Pol, you know the truth, and the truth hurts, now break the mould.

>> No.4242452

This. Knowing I draw better then most of these mentally ill faggots while being black is the best feeling when I read shit like "niggers can't draw". OP stop letting this shit get to you. Laugh it off knowing your always going to be in some 56% mutts mind.

>> No.4242472
File: 102 KB, 799x497, 1529773906947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watch this, it debunks the studies that say black people have lower IQs and why IQ tests are generally not a good measurement of intelligence or worth.

Honestly anon, /pol/ is full of people stuck in a downward spiral of fake news, incorrect studies, and grifting 'thought leaders' Don't base your self worth on what those anons think because they couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag. And even if you are a brainlet, it's doesn't take much to pick up a pencil and just create. Wishing you the best

>> No.4242481

Hey black dude here. I don't know your situation but if you want to be animator you need to go all out before you kill yourself. It makes no sense to kill yourself over the possibility of not making it. You need to reach the absolute gutter of failure before you do that. So go to school/get a job to provide for yourself while you try to improve. It sounds like you have nothing but art so you literally have no excuse not to be doing art every free second of your life. Being good at art will take years. If you don't want to wait years kill yourself. If you want to make it, give it your all, REALLY GIVE IT YOUR ALL, and you'll probably succeed. And don't waste your time on pol? Wasting your time on anywhere but ic is bad enough but pol is the bottom of the barrel. Well not quite the bottom. r9k or whatever the tranny/gay board is called. Anyway devote yourself like a master would. Signing off. Good luck soldier.

>> No.4242567

Nice job making us look even worse on this website moron. Stop being a faggot and realize there are reasons for all these stats put forth.

>> No.4242588

Stop fishing for attention from these white cave dwellers king, just get on your grind and put in that work. The only white people who care about this IQ stuff and "scientific racism" are the rejects of their own race; incels and neckbeards who were shunned from society and so thus resort to posting anonymously on the internet about their hatred for minorities as a coping mechanism; AFRAID TO PROFESS SAID HATRED OF MINORITIES IN FRONT OF MINORITIES PUBLICLY. "I've accomplished nothing of worth in my life, but at least I am racially superior" <---- True foolishness

srsly get the fuck off of /pol/ and stop telling wh*toids on 4chan that you're black, you're embarrassing us king

>> No.4242596

>hey anon take the blue pill and you'll feel better

Do you really think he needs someone to tell him "ignorance is bliss" or do you actually believe sciences like anthropology are wrong because a guy 'debunked' IQ?

>> No.4242607

I'm with you man, only here for the resources now it's time that i get the fuck out and stop lurking. This place is becoming toxic with crabs by the minute.

>> No.4242656
File: 1.72 MB, 1501x965, Doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have some idea of gesture, but save the weeb stuff for later, you must learn the fundamentals first, draw allot of nude figure, random objects around your place, its gonna look bad and your gonna feel like shit, but you will improve in time, no one except prodigies get truly good until they are 40-50, maybe 60. Read George Bridgman's life drawing book, get a good anatomy book, Hogarth is good, and get a grasp on perspective, Ernest W. Watson. Also just as important as practicing with your hands, train your minds eye, read quality literature, you wanna brake out of a statistic, go the extra mile, I'll give you some fun pleb starters: Jurassic Park, 1984, Starship Troopers, A canticle for Lebowitz, the Iliad. Now go my boy, make us proud!!!

>> No.4242659

Only East Asians know how to draw well.

>> No.4242673

>/pol/ has gotten to me.
stopped reading there. 4chan is a collective of the biggest, most delusional fucking losers on the planet. The last thing you should do is actually dig into shitty cope propaganda they circlejerk to.

>> No.4242938

Not that anon, but IQ only measures academic/analytic intelligence and to say that it's the only factor that predicts it would be false. There's Gardners theory or multiple intelligences and Sternbergs, triad o consider

>> No.4242959

Focus on your job and building up a rapport with your company. At best, this piece is low /beg, with very little sense of form.

It will take you seven to ten years to adequately draw the human figure from imagination. During that time frame, you will also need to study color theory, composition, perspective, etc. And grind those fundamentals daily for the next three years.

Stop drowning yourself in self-loathing. Start planning how many hours a day you can dedicate towards self inprovement. Then decide how to utilize those blocks of time effectively.

>> No.4244895
File: 712 KB, 729x444, african dude reaction pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, "The Bell Curve" and the like has been disproven time and time again. You know /pol/acks pushing an agenda, so why do you take what they say at face value?
Second, you seem like a eloquent guy. Even if we were all retards, nigga, you're obviously not. Stop listening to a bunch of incels and go listen to science, and listen to yourself.

>> No.4245104

Mental health issues are a battle, suicide is your surrender. This is a meme but soldiering or fighting on is the only option you have. Don't let /pol/ let you give up because you only have one life to live.

/pol/ is a trap you think you see coming but in reality it is a subtle brain washing that you don't realize you have fallen for. They use specific example like the corrupt Jew, the slutty woman and the violent black to push their agenda while these are just one person or type of person in a group of millions or billions. They repeat and repeat it and you just absorb it.

Like others have said stop going on /pol/ work out a way forward and live a good life.

>> No.4245226

Nah, just dont fall for it and you wont become a self fufilling prophecy.

>> No.4245252

Well /pol/ is pretty jewish, i mean Hitler didn't hate blacks and women, so yeah.

>> No.4245264

>buzzwords spamming
leave anytime, you're cancerous as well

>> No.4245269

>it debunks the studies that say black people have lower IQs
sounds like hardcope, blacks have a lower iq just like asian have higher one, it's facts that don't care about your feelings but whatever that doesn't mean that you, as an individual are down here on the bottom of the IQ rank.

>> No.4245293


Yeah, /pol/ seems to try and separate groups of people more than trying to understand the shit they talk about.

But this is an Okinawan knitting forum. Just let them sperg.

>> No.4245511

>has been disproven
>doesn’t provide any evidence
That’s gonna be a ‘no’ from me pham.

>> No.4245529

>sounds like hardcope, blacks have a lower iq just like asian have higher one, it's facts that don't care about your feelings but whatever that doesn't mean that you, as an individual are down here on the bottom of the IQ rank

You're not on /sci/. Your IQ means nothing when it comes to pushing graphite on recycled leaves. In this industry a white, black, yellow, red, pink blue person has an equal chance in making it provided they

1. Obtain a PC and Tablet
2. Have internet access
3. Put their mind to it and put in the work

That's all you need. Why do you /pol/tards come here to talk about IQ is beyond me. There are other measures you need to consider like talent and how fast one can pick up a concept. Arguably it does take an IQ to pick up things fast but art is more of a >>>doing<<< hobby rather than looking and talking about it. Your eye and hand coordination and thousands of hours of practice is whats important. Being white doesn't grant you skill by default.

>> No.4245550

>You're not on /sci/. Your IQ means nothing when it comes to pushing graphite on recycled leaves.
I know you’re trying to sound clever, but you only come off as an ignorant douche when you say this.

Anyway, not him. But Art is a learned SKILL. You’re not just drawing lines on a paper, there’s a lot of stuff behind it that’s LEARNED through practice and experience. Things like construction, perspective, composition, etc... nuance things, that are difficult to fully understand even if you comprehend the method or idea. This is why it takes a couple years of practice and study to develop your art skills. 2-4 on average to be exact. Same as any other career choice desu. Dumbing art down to “hurr it’s just lines on a paper” is like dumbing writing down to “just words on a paper” or music to “just plucking strings and hitting things.”

I’ll repeat myself, art is a LEARNED skillset. Emphasis on LEARNING. You catch that?

Why is this important? Because IQ determines the speed at which you’re capable of LEARNING something. This doesn’t mean you can’t LEARN art if you’re stupid, but the speed at which you’ll develop your skills will be significantly lower than someone of higher IQ. This is common sense, idk why you’re in denial.

>> No.4245552

This is tied to IQ. Your intelligence is correlated with your natural proficiency at academic things and your creativity.

>how fast one can pick up a concept.
This is LITERALLY what IQ measures you stupid nigger.

>> No.4245586
File: 487 KB, 500x300, i65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol cope harder, white boy. You're lucky blacks aren't more into the entertainment arts simply because it's not an encouraged skillset out of social norms. Otherwise you'd be pulling out your hair at all the "inferior" races one upping you.

>> No.4245590

>Why is this important? Because IQ determines the speed at which you’re capable of LEARNING something. This doesn’t mean you can’t LEARN art if you’re stupid, but the speed at which you’ll develop your skills will be significantly lower than someone of higher IQ.

A crock of shit. If you direct someone correctly and train the properly they will get good. If you tell OP go read X book from the stick, give him the run-around and he goes in circles he'll never get proficient. This isn't IQ based, this is simply blind leading the blind or malicious people (you) leading a sheep astray because you "fear" competition--especially from black people for some reason.

>> No.4245592

You’ve clearly never worked in education, and for that matter, probably skipped school. Different people learn at different speeds. This is why the smart kids were placed in honors classes where they would move much more quickly, and the dumb kids in remedial classes, or would have to retake them, because they were SLOW learners. Given the fact that you’re slow to catch onto thos concept, it seems you were a slow learner yourself too. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

Lol, keep dreaming. How about you show me what you got, hotshot.

>> No.4245596


>> No.4245598
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>You’ve clearly never worked in education
See my pic. I used what I know and taught on Udemy. People paid me and rated my course highly. I guess that means I'm high up there on the IQ scale if I can demonstrate analytically.
>and for that matter, probably skipped school.
Well, you don't need to go to school for art.
>Different people learn at different speeds.
Yes but all beginners make similar mistakes.
>This is why the smart kids were placed in honors classes where they would move much more quickly
Where is the honor class for art? It doesn't exist, now does it dumbass?
>and the dumb kids in remedial classes
Link me to a remedial art class in the United States.
>Lol, keep dreaming. How about you show me what you got, hotshot.
Is this nervousness I'm sensing?

>> No.4245599

You’re telling me to cope, yet you’re the one in denial over IQ. It’s actually pretty funny, lol.

>> No.4245600
File: 17 KB, 653x294, twan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anon, where is your credentials. You work in education, nigga?

>> No.4245602

cope harder white boy

>> No.4245617

Lmao, stupid nigger.

>> No.4245620

This stupid thing you hate will always be ahead of you. Foam at the teeth.

>> No.4245630

That’s where you’ve got it wrong. I don’t hate black people. I just think you’re a stupid nigger, and your hubris and compensation for your inferiority complex hilarious.

Black who are obsessed with race are simultaneously the most pathetic and most hilarious of individuals. You’re a walking paradox, where you pretend to be hot shit, but constantly compare yourself to whites 24/7, because deep down, you feel inferior to them. That’s why you are, and always will be a nigger.

Blacks who give zero fucks about race are based as fuck.

>> No.4245638

>$851.75 revenue monthly
>357 enrolled
>"All Courses"
>In Udemy, one of the most poorly rated online colleges due to sheer amount of shitty teachers

Not any of the anons you're bitching to, I make more in a single week in commission money with SFW art, and I'm not that well known yet.

>> No.4245644

Dude, /pol/ actually fucking retarded and the only thing more retarded than /pol/ is making major life decisions based of what /pol/ says.

>> No.4245646

Please do leave. You've become to autistic for 4chan and it's shitting up the site.

>> No.4245651

This thread needs to hurry up and die. There's no reason in the universe why this thread should have 200+ replies.

Tell OP being black doesn't matter and let's all move on. This doesn't need to be drawn out like some shitty drama TV series.

>> No.4245653
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>I make more in a single week in commission money with SFW art, and I'm not that well known yet
Cool. I hope you realize udemy "teachers" only get $3.50 per student and not the sale/original price. The point was to bodybag the anon who said I have never worked in education. Notice how he's silent.

> where you pretend to be hot shit, but constantly compare yourself to whites 24/7, because deep down, you feel inferior to them. That’s why you are, and always will be a nigger.
>don't make it in the arts
>you're inferior to me
>make it in the arts/successful with something
>y-you're just a walking paradox with an inferiority complex.
Damn straight I'm gonna be arrogant hot shit. I deserve it.

>> No.4245656

Perfect opportunity >>4245637
this anon mentioned "aguri guide". Guess who wrote this guide. Yeah, that's me. The same low IQ groid you're lumping in with all the rest. Do you realize how long this guide has been shilled on this board? A very long time.

Take a long hard think about that one.

>> No.4245691

I’m ‘silent’ because I’m busy with other shit you talentless retard. Not all of us spend our entire day on /ic/ arguing with morons.

But lets get to it, shall we?

>Well, you don't need to go to school for art.
You don’t, but self-taught people tend to be highly intelligent. You don’t really need to go to school for anything these days considering the propensity of online courses as well as the availability of free information. You can basically learn anything through self teaching. But once again, this pertinent to IQ. Your ability to learn things quickly will be be determined by your IQ.

>Yes but all beginners make similar mistakes.
No. Not exactly. And this “one size fits all” approach of yours is telling of your methods as an instructor. I’d love to see what exactly you’re teaching people given how little you seem to know yourself about learning methods. I’ve actually taught, face to face. Private tutoring for rich kids with a natural talent. I’ve seen various kids of various intellect levels learn at different speeds and require different styles of approach. You’re just putting videos out on fucking Udemy of all places, charging people, and calling yourself a teacher. It’s a joke. You said “blind leading the blind, but your lack of self-awareness is palpable.”

>Where is the honor class for art? It doesn't exist, now does it dumbass?
Education is education you stupid dumbass. And art is treated as a serious academic course with advanced classes outside of Burgerland.

>Link me to a [...] United States.
Your Udemy course apparently. Lol.

Jokes aside, are you seriously citing the USA, notorious for having one of the worst education systems in the world, as a emblem of proper art formations? USA doesn’t take art seriously, that’s why it produces shit artists. Meanwhile look at Europe and East Asia, and their methods are totally different, and consequently produce some of the best artists in the world.

>> No.4245693

>Damn straight I'm gonna be arrogant hot shit. I deserve it.
Deserve what you arrogant nigger? Show me your stuff, cause all I’ve seen from you is some shitty Udemy course where you pretend to be a teacher to suckers gullible enough to actually give you money for you to tell them to read someone else’s book.

>> No.4245707

Also, I wanna add. This is not me saying all black artists are dumb, or all white artists are smart, or only whites can learn art. Blacks with high IQ exist, just the same as whites and asians with low IQ exist.

But to pretend that IQ is irrelevant to learning a new skill, or to outright deny its existence and importance is a poisonous, even toxic, level of cope that shouldn’t be passed around. Intelligence is a very real thing, it it determines the speed at which you learn things. No, we are not all born the same way. Some of us are born with more advantages, some of are raised in better environments, and yes, this determines our success in life. That’s just the way the world works. Sorry if this bothers you, but facts don’t care about your feelings.

>> No.4245718

Dude, find your niche and build on that.

Yeah, you probably aren't gonna be the best at reproducing Chinese cartoons, but tons of people do that already. You never know what sort of animation style will be in demand in the future anyway,

>> No.4245823

Fuck /pol/ they are just wasting money one until they die of opioid overdose

>> No.4245824

Fuck spellcheck too

>> No.4245835
File: 54 KB, 960x640, b0c5e9e136911ca21ad506bb33c086da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bad news is that you are a nigger, and niggers can't create Art (with a capital A).
The good news is that Art with a capital A is irrelevant, and you only need to create "products" to succeed, which anyone can do, as long as you find your own niche.
Another good news is that ignorance is bliss. Due to being a nigger, you are incapable of even comprehending what makes great Art (with capital A), and probably think that anime and video game concept art is amazing art. It's not so bad missing out on something you can't even experience or comprehend.

The truth is, only white people can make Art (capital A), every other race is only capable of imitation of white Art (A), and commercial products. I sorta kinda feel for you, being a non-white as well (as much as a human can empathize with a nigger), but I've accepted the fact that as an asian, I can only make overrendered ching chong illustrations for the entertainment media, like the rest of my slant eyed brethren. That's just life for ya.

>> No.4245851

With hard work and discipline you can overcome any genetic disadvantage you might have.

Don't forget jesus was a jew, and through strength of character he was able to overcome that.


>> No.4245945

>You don’t, but self-taught people tend to be highly intelligent.
98% of this board is self-taught. The remaining rich kids who can attend Art Center don't have the time to shitpost on /ic/. So, any person of African origins who find their way here to self-learn already are highly intelligent. The thing you /pol/lacks seem to lack in understanding is you're only arguing with a bunch of black people who aren't near the molded factoids and have seen the greater picture--without your help. It's basically bunch of losers barking at a brick wall and expecting the outliers who participate in the same space to role-play as MLK and Rosa Parks and make changes to the rest of our people.

We're here and stayed here not because of (you) and your worthless board, but we already know the race as a whole has problems from our own experiences and don't want to be associated with the things that bring ourselves down. The arts is a form of self improvement. You can improve yourself and your value to the world with art.

Saying otherwise is quite contradictory to asking the small percentage of blacks to behave in white civilization and be an influence to others. There are plenty of black influential people in almost every field. The reality is the things you've already mentioned and quoted from your White Power handbook. Not gonna type more on this.
>>Yes but all beginners make similar mistakes.
>no, not exactly
Yes exactly. Come on now, have you not been in a classroom setting? Doesn't matter if it's IRL or online--the way information is delivered to the student will make them all create similar problems depending on how determined that student is.
>Education is education you stupid dumbass. And art is treated as a serious academic course with advanced classes outside of Burgerland.
Burgerland is the one with the biggest industry. People all over the world come to burgerfornia to learn.
>Your Udemy course apparently. Lol.

>> No.4246118

I never argued to discredit the individual black guys who come learn art. Obviously most are above the bell curve. As most people on 4chan in general are above the bell curve. When I say, IQ matters for learning art, I’m not saying it to discourage any individual black guys on here who are trying to learn art. I’m arguing a simple fact, that baffles me makes people so butthurt, they start to deny literal science, or underplay how difficult learning art actually is to pretend IQ doesn’t matter.

Here’s a better suggestion:

Blacks in general have lower IQ on average
IQ matters for learning art (any anything in general)
This is a serious problem.
But none of these likely don’t apply to you (black guy reading this that gets upset at facts)

Learn to separate yourself from your race. It’s so annoying to constantly have to deal with black dudes who make everything about race. Us vs Them. I’m a black guy from the hood nonsense. Like, think about, we’re literally anonymous on the internet. This place is about equal as equality can get. I shouldn’t be able to look at posts and determine which were written by black dudes. But I can. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for some people to accept basic scientific fact, like the existence or importance of IQ. It’s not a personal attack on anyone to state facts. Can’t people just learn to accept something, but realize it doesn’t apply to them?

>> No.4246138
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If it doesn't apply to some then why bring it up at all? The low IQ blacks aren't coming to /ic/ anytime soon to read your posts or search the archive on the wonders of their low intelligence.

We also don't know if OP has a learning disability (ADHD applies to all races), how long they have been learning, how much practice they put in, where they want to go with their art, or their financial situation.

You say we're all anon and you shouldn't be able to tell black people apart from all the posts but there are anons here who deliberately make it their duty to drag them out and hit them with factoids they're already aware of. Doesn't apply to them, but it's obviously used to demoralize black artists. Yes, OP made it clear about his race. And the rightful response to it is a cheeky racist response. Women get the same treatment with the whole "tits or gtfo". It's the internet, I get it. But lets not deny these aren't deliberate insults directed to the entirety of the race out of spite.

>> No.4246165

> they just want to take credit for things by people who share their race

They want to see the torch being carried on.
Racial realism is not about self-aggrandizement, but about improving mankind, respecting, honoring and continuing White heritage and pave the way for many great ages to come.

Without Whites the world would descend into a primitive, violent state. In fact being White isn't even enough, as evident by the devolving of our gene pool. Racism is essential to the improvement of manking.

Sure being white feels good, but "Adel verpflichtet".

>> No.4246175

Dude, fuck off with those guys just keep on practicing and let your passion be the one who guide you and not what other people think erroneously.

Look at this guy. It's not drawing related but this guy is currently one of the best guitar players and I could suck his dick all day.


>> No.4246192

This was my first post ITT:

Addressing the OP directly. Then everyone started going “muh /pol/“ and spreading blatant misinformation about IQ and learning. The subject has long since veered away from OP and his problems, and rather than have what could have been an interesting conversation about the correlation between IQ and talent, and what methods of learning are better suited for people of different IQ levels, we instead had to keep going back on rearguing the simple and irrefutable truth that IQ exist, and is relevant to learning because somehow, this upsets some people (not OP mind you), and they have to cope by denying the truth, and making this whole thing about them.

>> No.4246203

Fair enough. I apologize.

>> No.4246652

Here's your (You) mutt nigger.

>> No.4246656
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>As most people on 4chan in general are above the bell curve.

>> No.4246672

Yea all that civilization before angelo saxons where just mud huts and caves.

>> No.4246775

Why does Alt hype have the ability make make copeniggers and anti whites STFU 100% of the time

>> No.4246787

some niggas are creative, like mf doom, so maybe you are creative too.

>> No.4246840

ngmi because you are too autistic

>> No.4246870

You've so many black people going against this stupid stigmas, Basquiat for example, or in other creative sectors like cinema Jordan Peele, Music Jimi Hendrix, and many more, this are a few examples, it has NOTHING to do with race but rather socio-economic stigmas, that day by day have less to do with race, and with globalization this seems regress too!

Trust your own capabilities and work towards improving that, all things you hear about black people and infiriority are a bunch of nonsense spilled by conservative retrograde minds!

Trully dude trust yourself and work, that's the best you can hear!

>> No.4246888

Also, i see a bunch of people talking about this primitive tribes, and how they're inferior and have such low IQs.
Although this seems said by this real slaves of our contemporary times.

The tribes go further as a society than any of us in the first world could imagine. We seems so smart because we tend to look at inteligence as only the rational part of the brain, but we tend to forget other parts of the brain such as creativity, communication, and even basic survival. This tribes are more adapted to a global crisis than any of us could be, if any catastrophe were to happen, i guarantee it wouldn't be any of you IQ smart people making it into a new generation, but rather this "Mutt Niggers" as you called them.

>> No.4246893

fuckin push on bro, enjoy drawing, work hard and don't let dumb fucking Hicks get in your way

>> No.4247069
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surely this is bait

>> No.4247742

Blatantly false on all accounts.
>creativity, communication, and even basic survival
These all tie to IQ. Well except survival. Plenty of very stupid species are very resilient. Like certain bacteria and roaches. But creativity and communication are literally linked to IQ.

>This tribes are more adapted to a global crisis than any of us could be, if any catastrophe were to happen, i guarantee it wouldn't be any of you IQ smart people making it into a new generation

In your fucking dreams my dude. If anything, it’s the exact opposite. By global crisis, I’m gonna assume you mean climate change, as any other is basically “no survivors.” Climate change affects the poor, underdeveloped, agrarian societies the most. Displacement from rising water levels, droughts brought upon by desertification and increased heat, death by heat stroke due to increased temperature, increased diseases due to higher temp. Please tell me how these tribes are gonna adapt to any of these things when they can already barely survive WITH white man’s help? How are they gonna eat when all their crops have died? Where are they gonna live? How will they survive deadly summers without electricity and climatization tech like AC? How will they find treatment without healthcare. If anything, it’s the rich countries that will survive any global catastrophe, as they’re the ones with the resources to adapt to pretty much anything. Riding sea levels? Relocate the city? Or just make it float. Droughts? Vertical farming. Increased temp? Air Conditioning has been around forever. More energy consumption? Nuclear fusion, solar, etc... These are really the reasons WHY borders should be tightly sealed. You think immigration is bad now? Wait 20-30 years for the effects of global warming to start killing MILLIONS of people in underdeveloped nations.

>but it’s white man’s fault
Actually no. It’s China’s.

>> No.4247745

>/pol/tard makes bait thread and liberal faggots fall for it

reply to this post or your mom dies in her sleep and your art will suck forver

>> No.4247747

I’m already better than 99% of /ic/, so...

>> No.4247910

IvanAlmighty is fairly black though

>> No.4247922

There is some massive tsm in this thread.
Mate who gives a shit
Fuck off with your blog post and fuck the nigs and huwhite faggots writing essays about how their race is the best race
You will never make it you faggot

>> No.4248166

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger.

>> No.4248176

What do you define as art with a capital A

>> No.4248686

The bell curve makes no definitive statements on IQ. It doesn't say it knows iq is 100% genetic infact the book says the opposite. It says it doesn't know. When going on /pol/ you should realize they're a bunch of degenerates. Dont trust wait they till you on face value. Stats in and of themselves dont tell you anything. Simply posting the average iq of each race and making claims like "blacks are genetically inferior" is dumb.

Tl;dr: /pol/ is infact filled with low iq degeneracy so why bother listening to them.

>> No.4248692

They rationalize this by saying whites are more creative and ambitious.

>> No.4248775
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fug /pol/

>> No.4248781

You will never be white, you pornography addicted weeb mutt

>> No.4248801

Like everything in psychology, it’s a mix of both genes and environment. Any other conclusion is foolish, as it’s absurd to assume genes don’t factor into the end result. Moreover, it’s incredibly stupid to pretend we’re all born the same, and that there are no genetic differences between people, including IQ.

>> No.4249304

pathetic weak willed scum, you're just looking for excuses to explain your incompetence . You're so full of shit. You're studying the wrong things, all that wasted time you took ruminating on /pol/ trash you could have used to find out about all the successful black artists that are part of the animation industry if it's motivation you want. Go ahead and kill yourself if you want but don't blame it on your genetics blame it on your incompetence. Fucking work for what you want you piece of shit.

>> No.4249314
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>> No.4250066

Nice joke.

>> No.4250119
File: 1.46 MB, 3200x3000, EFAm1kpWkAEvzs21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nigger and this is some of my art. I don't even work particularly hard at studying techniques or anything and my workflow is terrible.

Making art is one of the most socially beneficial things you could possibly do. Some bored retards on /pol/ posting inaccurate graphs made by boomers shouldn't prevent you from doing what you want with your life

>> No.4250220

Post some of your black work. Not enough is made by artists on this board.

>> No.4250587
File: 1.15 MB, 3509x2550, IMG_20191211_080547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm working on currently

My website is hindsart.com if you want to see more of it

>> No.4250592

>These all tie to IQ. Well except survival. Plenty of very stupid species are very resilient. Like certain bacteria and roaches. But creativity and communication are literally linked to IQ.

If that were the case you would see a significant correlation between the number of accomplished artists and them either being or not being of ashkenazi jewish descent. there is none of this in the art field. but you do find these in disciplines where IQ is highly correlated with success like chess, STEM fields, number of nobel laureates, etc.

as for your other point, you're not thinking long term or catastrophic enough. 3rd world countries will get fucked in the slow burn of the coming decades, but close-knit tribe communities that you see in alaska, south america, SEA, etc. will only be affected by the physical changes of the catastrophe, not by all other factors by which modern civilization functions by.

>> No.4250851

>ayo let me switch up this copy pasta so it fits /ic/
Everybody that replied to this unironically needs to end their lives..

>> No.4250920

Nah, places like Japan, and the European nations like Poland and Italy that are saying fuck no to mass immigration will be perfectly fine. China will also do well. As will most blossoming economies like Russia, Brazil, India, and Mexico.

Murrika is boned though. Trump will likely win again, which stabilize the economy for a while, but it’s only a matter of time before Dems get elected into power again and fuck everything up, especially due to changing demographics.

What most people take for granted however is that were born into an extremely rare and abnormal period of peace liberty and prosperity. This shit isn’t the norm for human civilization. Most of our history is riddled with a lower class being subjugated, often violently so, but a ruling class. Things like democracy, education, right to property, freedom of thought, these are all rare gems that are often enjoyed by the common populous in very brief periods of time, but like other Golden Eras of ages bygone, so too will this one come to an end, and we’ll find ourselves in the usual status quo of everything being extremely shitty for anyone not rich.

So, nows your chance. You got roughly 30 years or less to make it REALLY big, before you and your ancestors lose all access to social mobility, this time probably permanently too.

Like, you have NO idea how badly shit like global warming, wars, and social strife are gonna fuck up life for the lower classes in pretty much most of the world.

Like, people like to bitch about corrupt America and the like, but just you wait till racist and vengeful Communist China becomes top dog.

>> No.4250946

> I apologise to the other black people on this site for my insecurity
None taken, its just sad to see another black anon get mentaly unstable because of /pol/s bullshit, if anything it should give you a thicker skin

>> No.4251008

Look your pathetic fuck, believe that shit and you'll be a living example of it. Great men who came before you over came generations of adversity, you are a product of a genetic line that has survived since the first living man in the human species. They face adversity and every time they did they overcame, if you are worried about being part of the stereotype, then educate your self and work hard, make changes, your not a victim of some statistic that says your part of a race with a low average IQ. Also know poll is bull shit, the IQ example is a good example of that, they use that static to say that blacks are stupid but dont recognize that the black community have been denied education for generations and when allowed education have largely received comparatively worse education than less poor less marginalized groups. With all the studies they say look this study says X so X must be true, no one looks to say, what caused X. If they did that they might not hold the views they have now. I out grew /pol/ but while I was there i believed the bull shit too. Out grow them dude, it's time. Also there are plenty talented black artists you can follow on IG.

>> No.4251063

It’s hard to take you seriously when you say stuff like “pol is bullshit” and IQ doesn’t matter, when you write like you dropped out of high school.