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File: 7 KB, 246x205, Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4231072 No.4231072 [Reply] [Original]

>Commission an artist
>For half a character drawing. Colour.
>Artist asks for the full commission upfront. I pay him.
> A day later, I ask him if there's progress. He said he's still at work, but will update later.
> Two days later. Still nothing.
Have I messed up? I reverse image searched some art from his portfolio, and it's unique to him. He gets nothing but praise on his DA account. He seemed perfect.

>> No.4231081

>2 days is scam territory
How impatient can you be? If you wanted a turbo comission then you shouldve said so up front(and eventually pay more)

>> No.4231083

>A day later, I ask him if there's progress.

>> No.4231117

He agreed to send updates. How long can a simple, preliminary sketch take?

>> No.4231120

He has a life and other shit to do as well, that already came before you did.

>> No.4231126

Like others have said you should be more patient, but it's also pretty dumb of you to pay 100% up front. As a freelancer I always get paid up to 30 days after the project is completed or, if the project takes more than 2 weeks, we split it into 2 installments

>> No.4231137

>getting paid after
No serious artists take payment after the commission. Most you will get is 50% before 50% after, but only sometimes. Unless I'm part of a bigger project (in which case I go for hourly rate) I always take payment upfront for commissions, and add any extra revision money later on for after the commission is complete.
Almost every other professional I know is the same, the exceptions being 50/50 or working with long time clients who are reliable and trustworthy.

>> No.4231695


>> No.4231706

>two days
are you a retard

>> No.4232239

Ask him for an expected date so that you don't keep asking him and also don't worry.

>> No.4232243

>2 days


I know comissioners that waited a whole year to get their pictures, at the worst posssible scenario I take 2 months, at the best two weeks.

>> No.4232273
File: 116 KB, 575x512, 1574963974274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clients who are up your ass about your work are annoying. Not every artist will put you as priority in their life as soon as you pay. As if there's update at 5 days min

>> No.4232286

Wait at least a week. If a month goes by, start worrying. If it's been a year, he's dead.

>> No.4232291

>paying upfront
Terrible idea. Carrot and stick anon.

>> No.4232421

I work from abroad and mostly get paid via bank transfers. Every transfer costs the company some money and that's why the payment is only made AFTER everything is done and the hours are summed up. 50/50 payments in a foreign currency are a mess to sort through when you have many such payments and invoices in a month, but I imagine you wouldn't know this as someone who evades taxes just like the other "serious artists".

>> No.4232422

>doesn’t have an accountant to fix his taxes
>serious anything

>> No.4232424

Of course I do, but collecting and tracking all those mini installments is my job and I'd rather keep track of 1 payment than 4 separate. I work for the same companies all the time so it's not like i can't trust them to pay me after the job, it's literally a non-issue

>> No.4232425

There’s no difference between half upfront and full upfront to a scammer. You’re giving him free money either way.
Also, this isn’t OP being scammed, this is OP being a retard who didn’t get a deadline or even an ETA and somehow expected daily progress updates like he was the Duke of Wellington who commissioned a family portrait and paid in gold bars rather than some faggot who likely paid $20 for a drawing of his waifu and is 10th in line.

>> No.4232437

> A year
What exactly were they paying for? Landscape/city skyline portraits?

>> No.4232438

It’s a non-issue when you have a contract, it is very much an issue when you’re working for small-medium projects and individuals who don’t care to get in too deep in paperwork and the only insurance you have is an implied handshake.
Most of my friends are freelancers and some were doing work on commercial movies with likely a hundred+ people involved and received no contract. Then the payment would drag on like with all large projects, except they had no insurance they’d actually be paid, so they had to chase the money because the productions function on debt. Those same people also worked on movies during preproduction, again without contracts, and got shafted without being paid the full amount owed because “whoops, we didn’t get .the funding lol”.
>well why don’t they get contracts
Because low level productions are filled with lazy faggots and if you ask for a contract, they just ghost you.
Anyone not working with a known client or a contract should at least take half upfront, preferably full. Obviously working with known entities like reputable companies is different, but that’s not what’s being discussed in a thread starting “I paid a guy to draw me a picture and he didn’t have an update the day after, wat do?”
It sounds like the entire reason you operate the way you do is that you’re lazy.

>> No.4232440

He didn’t say it took a year to draw it, if you commission an artist for a stick figure when he’s already got 20 paintings to do, you’re gonna wait until the paintings are done.

>> No.4232442
File: 213 KB, 437x399, 1573773457166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you told him this is your first time commissioning so he doesn't spit on your OC.

Next time, ask questions beforehand.

>> No.4232450

I'm sorry to hear about your friends getting scammed but this is exactly what happens when you work without a contract (but like seriously? In a movie production? That was easy to predict). And no I'm not lazy, I just work for trustworthy, reputable agencies, I like those people and I let them pay whenever it's convenient for them, it's not like I'm starving without that money or whatever. I did have situations when payments would arrive after the deadline specified in the contract but as long as it's not a 2 months delay, what do I care.

My priority is to make the client feel at ease with me. I'm a super neurotic person and if I didn't receive daily updates about something I paid up front I would probably think the same as OP. People who leave their clients hanging without ETAs or daily updates give freelancers a bad name. I used to work on the other end at an agency who hired freelancers and we never re-hired someone who could disappear without a trace for over 2 business days, this shit is just frustrating.

>> No.4232465

Well obviously you’re paid after on a contract, but that’s out of context when talking about personal commissions.
And daily updates are NOT fucking normal in any field I’ve ever worked in, and if a client was bothering me every single day, I’d just give the money back and quit. I had retards asking for daily Skype talks when I was translating, I told them to fuck off and never regretted it. I even had one retard who wanted me to stream myself working so he could know what I was doing. Those are shitty fucking clients that only retards and desperate people put up with. You lie with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
You’re paying me to do a job, not deal with your mental issues.

>> No.4232472

>personal commissions
I don't even bother with those
>retard who wanted me to stream myself working so he could know what I was doing
Ok that is extreme.
By daily updates I mean even something like "hey I'm working on this but I'm not finished, one more day and I'll send you something kthxbai". Costs me nothing but I imagine it makes the person on the other end less nervous about the production. I hate when people leave me in the dark for days so I don't do it to them, easy as that.

>> No.4232481

It’s annoying. If you leave your car at a mechanic’s and he tells you to pick it up in 3 days, you don’t call him every day to see how far he got, you go there in 3 days and take your car. If you order food and they tell you it’ll be there in 60 minutes, you don’t call every 10 minutes to make sure they are really preparing your food.

>> No.4232492

It's JUST once a day. One e-mail, what does it hurt?

>> No.4232494

speed, priority, an daily updates cost extra.
if you need it faster renegotiate and ask him how much extra it would be to have it by so and so date. If not get off his back.

>> No.4232500

Tbh, if you were art streaming. You can use what that retard said and get money from streaming.

>> No.4232505

>It's JUST once a day
Being annoying every day sounds pretty annoying.

Oh anon, he wanted me to stream myself translating. It was a translation job.

>> No.4232510

You know what's annoying? When you pay someone for 10 days of work and only get updated on the progress at the end. + communications via e-mail are actually super inefficient, i meant more like chat mesages on Slack

>> No.4232536
File: 352 KB, 731x720, 1573479990294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude go fuck yourself. If I was that artist I would blacklist you. You know you are not the only client he has right? And from what you said it sounds like he has a dayjob as well.
Fuck you.

>> No.4232545

I'm not anyone's client. Even if I'm handling 3 projects at once all 3 deserve the highest level of service. If you can't send a daily update on your progress, a good reason for lack of or at least give an ETA at the very start of the project then don't take commissions in the first place. Pretty obv.

>> No.4232551

>2 days
Are you trolling or just retarded? You think artists are chained to their computers 24/7? It can take weeks, sometimes even months to complete a single commission depending on circumstances and commission queues.

>> No.4232554

If you were my client I'd refund your money and tell you to take a hike.

>> No.4232555

This. 50/50 is bog standard.

>> No.4232556

OP is clearly baiting.

>> No.4232558

>You think artists are chained to their computers 24/7?
>implying they aren't

>> No.4232560

Hey man that's unfair. I just spent 8 hours in my bed.

>> No.4232566

Nah. Maybe doing loli porn, but working at the pro level, daily updates is insane to even contemplate.
My standard process is one week for initial sketches, and when approved, I schedule time for the final art. I will allow ONE update during that process, and my minimum is two weeks, more if i can get it, and if I'm starting right away. I've turned down work because I had other clients to finish first. Scheduling is crucial as a freelance, or even working part time with a career job, like I do - and I never buy a deadline I can't reach, or a new one that's before existing deadlines. I never burn deadlines, ever. I also don't start a final anything until the entire scope/vision is nailed down, I know how much work it is, and a damned good idea of what they're expecting. I've had ONE client come back unhappy in years of working.
Typically when I get inquiry for a gig, I take a day or two to put a bid together, and most of that is scheduling. I ask what their deadline is up front, before talking money, after we talk scope/concept. I try to work with it, and if I have to say "I can start in a week, after I finish up a current job", I say it, and I've never had a client have an issue with it, since the first years starting out when I was getting a lot of contact from flakes and deadbeats, who wanted more art than they were willing to pay for, and wanted it right away, like the asshole who wanted 24 full page color illustrations for a book, for $200 and in a week. I enjoyed turning that one down, and sending back "I'd need at least $5000 and 6 months for that, half up front, and material costs." Never got a reply.

>> No.4232572
File: 499 KB, 520x720, 1574648863784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 full colored images for 200 bucks
Lmao what the fuck

>> No.4232575

id totally have spent that money on a few cheeseburgers and would be laughing at you for never getting a drawing from me.

>> No.4232579

Right? I learned a real lesson around that time frame, I was advertising to the wrong people.

>> No.4232581

...But that's just cause you don't do commissions full time and you clearly work for people who are not serious about art production. How do you even have energy to work full time and go back home to do commissions? Do either one or another or you're gonna burn out quickly

>> No.4232586

>24 full page color illustrations for a book, for $200 and in a week
Holy kek, how do people like that even exist?

>> No.4232588

Furries, oc niggas or just western art community people in general? They seem to lack self awareness the most

>> No.4232596

>...But that's just cause you don't do commissions full time
You don't know anything about me. I used to work full time, but I wanted to start working on the kinds of things that are more design oriented, and I wanted the stability of a corporate job. But I freelanced purely as an illustrator for years.
>you clearly work for people who are not serious about art production.
Again, you have no clue who I work for. And, I'm not going to say, because it's too easy for you to claim I'm lying or something - but my freelance clients publish worldwide. I'm not famous, but there's a good chance some people reading this own something i did.
>How do you even have energy to work full time and go back home to do commissions?
I'm not lazy?
>Do either one or another or you're gonna burn out quickly
I've been doing both for years, and doing just fine, thanks.
You might get burned out doing loli porn for pennies, but I make real money working at a pro level, and have no fear of burnout, because I know how to schedule my time and not take on more than I can handle. My day job is also not that tasking, and I have a short commute. I've picked up some skills all these years - but you keep thinking you know anything about me. It's cute as hell.

>> No.4232599

>holy kek how do 3rd world people even exist?

>> No.4232608

The third world equivalent would probably be 5 bucks for that

>> No.4232609

They let you use 4chan at work? Lol

>> No.4232618

It's 5am here, I'm on the west coast of the US. And I have today off.

>> No.4232621

Go to sleep weirdo

>> No.4232640

I just got up, thanks. I get up early.

>> No.4233249

I'll probably ask by December 2nd if there's nothing.

>> No.4233437

Fuck YOU dude. You seriously expect someone to be that back and forth with you, updating you the very next day? What an impatient little fuxking prick you are. How do you know he doesn’t have other commissions? Why should you be his number one priority in life from the time you commission him till completion? If you were commissioning me I’d return your money and drop you like a rock the minute you asked

>> No.4233447

Sorry, but if you're an artist and have so many drawings ahead of you PLUS taking the money from additional clients and taking more commissions than you can actually realize in a timely manner, then you're not a serious artist to work with.

I've heard stories about artists who don't know how to draw all they have ahead of them.

>> No.4233854

>so how's the drawing coming along?
>"What an impatient little fuxking prick you are!"

>> No.4234121

Sure, but it's really that much work to send one E-Mail?

>> No.4234132

I'm the type to reply late personally, because I don't want to send empty updates. If you ask me for an update, I'll reply when the update is actually made.
If you're afraid of being scammed, contact his previous clients and ask them how long it took.

>> No.4234258

If you want instant gratification for your money, better to hit a show with an Artist Alley. Granted, they most likely won't do digital, and it possibly won't be the best they could possibly do at home, but at least you should get it by the end of the weekend.

>> No.4236612

A lot of artists have 6+ month waiting lists, especially on the NSFW side. That said, if you're not getting contact in more than a week I'd say be concerned. But holy shit a day/couple of days is nothing, calm down. We're busy, and for me personally I like to work on some projects when I get bursts of inspiration, this is often during my leisure time so shit ends up coming out faster than expected sometimes.

>> No.4239429

Is it weird that he tells me he as a draft ready to send tonight, then the next day he asks me for a pose reference? This was a couple of days ago.

>> No.4239433

>> Two days later. Still nothing.
That's normal dimwit.

>> No.4242052

50/50 is the standard terms for both parties.

I once commission someone for nearly 100 dollars. Even after an entire year, they never completed the commission. I was very patient through out the year ask asked for update every other month or so, the most I ever seen was a crude prelim sketch...once.

I learned the hard way.

>> No.4242090

Which artist? Throw em under the bus who cares

>> No.4242094

Manga source?

>> No.4242122

Did OP ever get his art?

>> No.4242203

He said he'd send a draft by "tonight" (4 days ago)
Then he E-mails me the next day asking for a pose reference.
Still waiting.

>> No.4242224

lmao get a refund and if they don't send it then dispute it with paypal

>> No.4242320

He probably just wanted to stop you from harassing him dude, and now he’s actually working on it.

>> No.4242348

But I already described the pose to him, and he said he had a draft to send.
I haven't e-mailed him since, but that's the opposite thing you do if you don't want to keep getting questions. Why would he lie?

>> No.4242368

He's probably going to scam you or work super slow because you pestered him about his art one day after commissioning him.

I'm calling it dude he's not finishing it and doesn't act like a professional. Tell him you don't want it anymore and find someone who actually works on time.

But don't bug them next time after a single day. Just ask up front before you pay how long it'll be before you get a draft.

>> No.4242389

I'll just wait until the 7th (5 days) if he comes up with another excuse. I'll just tell him to cancel.

>> No.4243800
File: 278 KB, 517x546, 1495625191828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting 6 months for a shitty coomer png

>> No.4243817

What'd you commission?maybe hes having a hard time drawing it kek

>> No.4243858

An upper body of a robber character. With a stocking mask and transparent latex gloves. Maybe those aren't easy to draw.

>> No.4243864
File: 43 KB, 181x205, 1572759088443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be a little ironic if he ends up not finishing the commission, wouldn't it?
But really that sounds like it can be done in a week even if they struggle. Personally I'm a noob and I'm able to get multiple character full body drawings done within 3 days

>> No.4243876

Nope that stuff is pretty damn easy. He's scamming you or he's unable to do the work. You didn't pay him all up front, did you? You did split it into half up front and half on delivery, right?

>> No.4243879

Really depends on how shit you’re art is. Artist with shit artwork normally say that.

>> No.4243897

It was upfront. I guess I'll ask for a refund tomorrow.

>> No.4243906


>> No.4243909


>> No.4243916

We don’t even know the guy you’re commissioning art looks like. You probably over thinking this shit.

>> No.4243919

Mate you should not ask for a refund if it hasn't been a month yet. Ask for an est on it or something

>> No.4243920

How about you first, faggot?

>> No.4243921

I did. He said he would have a draft sent tonight (4 days ago), then a day later, he asks for a pose reference. Even though I described the pose already, but I sent him the image anyway.
I guess he might be fucking with me.

>> No.4243938

how much it was?

>> No.4243944

$25. I gave him an extra 5. Exchange rate difference.

>> No.4243953 [DELETED] 

25 fucking dollars? Even though you don’t show the example of work, I now see your overreacting to this shit.

>> No.4243956

ngmi crab

>> No.4243957

25 fucking dollars? Even though you don’t show the example of work, I now see that you’re over thinking to this shit.

>> No.4243971


>> No.4243974


>> No.4244186

Holy shit, kill yourself you fucking nigger retard, why the fuck would you even make this fucking thread, you autistic pasty fatass? God, I want to to beat you with a dirty boot

>> No.4244195

This entire thread over 25 fucking dollars? Holy shit, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.4244198

Chill bro

>> No.4246010

You've drawn them before?

>> No.4246028

Not him but it's a simple task nigga..

>> No.4246042
File: 2.53 MB, 280x358, .....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he asks for a pose reference
>Even though I described the pose already

>> No.4246082

>Taking longer than 2 weeks to draw something and have it colored

If it takes you longer than 2 weeks to do something simple like this, give up art. NGMI

You clearly won't make it in the real art world where deadlines exist. Don't just take money and bitch about it on twitter how crazy your customers are. It's not the customers fault you're slow as fuck.

>> No.4246119
File: 3.72 MB, 347x244, r7H9Ilu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you commissioned a beginner and you really hope he's gonna be that fast? He probably can't even live from his art and has to work or go to school the rest of the day. Wait at least for a month like other anons said and let him be.
Also, like >>4246042 pointed out, you are not making things easy either.

>> No.4246146

He's no beginner, he's been active on the net since 2013.

>> No.4246158
File: 884 KB, 314x500, 1510733280971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to him anon, he's either just having a big laugh at infuriating us here or he's one of those ignorant paypigs who never stopped and wonder how the sausage gets made.

Everyone who's has actually drawn something before should leave this thread right now and update their terms and conditions on commission right now so you have a solid arguing point at shutting down fags who wants everything done fast, easy and cheap.

>> No.4246168

>I already described the pose to him
He needs an image, not words, if he's asking that.

>> No.4246217

I draw since I'm a kid and yet I'm still shit.

>> No.4246218

Wise words

>> No.4246227

Correction: 2006.

>> No.4246234


that usually means that you can expect some info like every 3-5 days or so if anything, he probably didn't expect that you'd stalk him and keep refreshing your page every 5mins for "hi anon, I added 30 more brush strokes the current drawing :)"

no actual pro will even lift his brush before getting the money up front. After all he can usually choose offers to his liking

>> No.4246246

It wasn't like that. After a day, I waited for five days before asking. He said he had a draft ready, then he asked for a pose reference. I waited another five days before asking again. No response.

>> No.4249438

It's 25 dollars that could be for nothing.

>> No.4251617


Oh Christ, you're an entitled broke NEET, literally the worst kind of client ever. I feel so bad that this guy's still gotta deal with birthday money hoarding pieces of shit like you.

>> No.4252824

50 upfront 50 when its finished is a safer way to pay but not all artists accept it
either way 2 days isnt enough to be scam territory yet lol

>> No.4252828

ok op if you didn't get shown at least a wip from the artist, you can get a refund

>> No.4253926

Getting pay after is asking to want to be scammed. Asking for 100% before is the best option for the artist, and let's you be sure that you are getting paid fully. But! That's the worst option for the client, they don't have nothing to negotiate if the artists is a lazy fuck and doesn't deliver. 50 now and 50 at the end it's the best, but stills favors the client. I personally prefer getting paid 65% before and the rest when it's done, but that depends on the client, if the client is a cunt or is asking for a lot I'll go for 100%, and if don't want to work with them I'll do that too
>tl;dr: 100% at the beginning = best for artists
50 now, 50 latter = best for client

>> No.4254039

I finally got a wip. I asked him if I could get an ETA on the update. 2 days. Nothing yet.

>> No.4256406
File: 225 KB, 828x690, image0-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like an artist you wouldn't want to comm again, judging by their poor communication skills

>> No.4256420

It's good to give artists a deadline. Speaking from experience, I tend to be more focused on drawing when I have a clear deadline. I may not always draw quickly, but I always have it before they need it. I've had clients say "I need this by tomorrow" and I've buckled down and drawn the whole thing in two hours. I've also had a client just recently say "I need this by December 24th." He commissioned me early October, and I finished his picture today. Artists can take a while.
Mind you, he's commissioned me many times before so he knew I'd deliver, even though I took a long-ass time.

>> No.4256445

I thought of sending him another e-mail, but I thought that might be obnoxious.
Thanks. It doesn't sound like something to do with an artist you haven't commissioned often before though.