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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 57 KB, 383x500, 1571974505045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4242947 No.4242947 [Reply] [Original]

You don't need talent, and you don't need to have a high IQ in order to do art and become good at it.
I didn't wanted to see it because the harsh truth was too shitty and frustrating to deal with.

The biggest redpill is truly "Just draw".

You need to be obsessed about drawing, you need to study how to draw, you need to focus on it, you need to be fucking doing it every day, everytime you can.
That's the only way to get good at drawing. There's no talent involved in it, just draw.
You have the power to make it, just draw.
You are 70 and have Altzheimer + depression? Just draw. bulldoze your way through
Keep fucking drawing. Then draw some more. Sleep well, then draw more when you wake up. Exercise and eat healthy food and remember to drink water, so you can draw with a clear mind. Have a little fun sometimes and chill out, so you can get into the mindset of drawing more often and meditate about it, because the moment you'll start shitposting you'll feel guilty that you aren't studying/drawing (just like me right now).
Show your things to people better than you, so they can help you out. Try to reach out to good artist, instead of posting on /beg/ and get shit advice. Don't fucking make excuses, be humble and learn from who's better than you and stop being a fucking egomaniac.

Just fucking draw what you see in this fucking world, don't fucking doodle, don't fucking draw your OC fursona o whatever. Draw life and life will draw you back into a better person.
Do it for 3 weeks straight, 2-3 hours a day and you'll see improvements in the first month.

Why aren't you drawing yet?

Just. Fucking. Draw.
Don't you dare reply to this thread. I said go fucking draw.

If you truly want to post and tell me to fuck off you'll have to provide a drawing of an insect or a reptile of your choice, you better do it anon or I'm gonna find you. And then you don't want to know what I'm doing to do with your wimpy little ass. DRAW!

>> No.4242963

oh look, it's another factsfag who thinks he knows what the magical key is. Post work before preaching your shit.

>> No.4242971

Has there ever been a good artist who didn't draw?

>> No.4242979

please provide a drawing of an insect or reptile before i take your advice

>> No.4242995

andy warhol

>> No.4242997

So basically have autism that's focused on art?

>> No.4243010
File: 585 KB, 1280x1796, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck can i handle boner.
i'm wagie slave too but my ultimate goal is making OC manga

>> No.4243015

Massive cope

>> No.4243024
File: 185 KB, 1099x862, a fucking lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your lizard and get out. You know there are easier ways to ask for material for your furry fucking fap folder than ranting about "just draw" like you're the first person to ever figure out that writers write and artists draw.

>> No.4243053

He said good

>> No.4243111


>> No.4243136
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> bulldoze your way through
Reminds me of one Russian furry.

>> No.4243170


>> No.4243206

this is a bold take

>> No.4243254
File: 38 KB, 559x452, feng_zhu_fzd_school_of_design-560x783-1-e1557655577646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw 2-3 hours
>not drawing 16 hours every day


>> No.4243263

Self training blindly is still bad and only rarely do people ldo well with it, and always at a slower rate than someone with a mentor providing feedback and specific answers, pinpoint learning materials and relevant artists to study.
I think the main thing is that you can turn a dude who embraces "just draw" into a professional artist with training. You can't turn a lazy, unmotivated and delusional person who never draws even for fun into a professional no matter how many books, videos or instructors you throw at them.
The drive to "just draw" comes from within you and you alone.

>> No.4243293

Anon are you retarded... Everyone knows this

>> No.4243306

Yeah that's like literally true about most everything. Just grind.

>> No.4243322
File: 167 KB, 636x426, 1447189471624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw 2 hrs
>play League for 16
>feel accomplished

>> No.4243327

That will never happen, you probably enjoy playing video games and wasting time and whatnot after work, usual shit.
Manga drawers draw all day and not much else, you will never reach that level.

>> No.4243333

>magical key
He told you to work hard.
There's nothing magical about it. You lazy fucks just refuse to see it because you don't want to put in the work.

>> No.4243350
File: 40 KB, 341x352, 1435513896254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on stumbling upon something that /ic/ has been telling people to do since '08. 'Just Draw' is literally the oldest advice on this board

>> No.4243389

I don't know where you live but here on Earth I'll need to have atleast 30-32 hours in a day to draw for 16 hours.

>> No.4243393

>says the same shit as OP
If you ask some people, just drawing with your eyes closed aka "just draw" is dumb for various reasons. If you ask people like yourself and OP, it isn't. So post your work and progress. There might be some validity in your claims if it's good enough. Reasoning is definitely appreciated. Going even further, OP backpedals on his own claim in the same fucking post by saying shit like "draw from life" which isn't consistent with "just draw". Don't say the shit about "just draw" meaning the same thing because that's retarded, just say what you want to- explicitly and concisely. If it's genuinely not literal, then saying shit like "just draw" is vague and not helpful at all. Post your work and progress before preaching to everyone what you *think* is the way. It's like claiming unicorns exist but not even providing any evidence. A lot of d/ic/ks are trying to figure this improvement problem out, and there have been countless threads in the vein of this one already. On top of that, every single day there's either:
>some faggot thinking he's helping people by stating his findings while not bothering to catch up with the board
>some faggot who just wants to cope(or narcissism, or something else entirely- fuck knows) so starts a declarative thread stating his stupid defense mechanism for his own validation/gratification/something else
making this kind of retarded threads on here. One's ignorant and helping nobody, while potentially detrimental. The other is pure retarded and definitely detrimental. Even worse being the fact that most anons on this board are fucking retarded and don't want to take part in actual discussions about how they can improve. Most of the threads are off-topic, and retards send actual art threads to dumb generals, which absolutely defeats the point of having a --dedicated-- board for a subject.

>> No.4243398

I ain't here to prove anything, you don't want to get good then don't. You want to waste time ranting to the void instead of drawing it's your loss.

>> No.4243403
File: 401 KB, 480x476, 365748547654548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, bud.

>> No.4243404

hard work doesn't get you SHIT. only smart work does. you literall can't "just draw" and get good. my evidence is deviantart.

>> No.4243420

100% this.

Here is the secret, faggot OP: draw with your head, don't "just draw".

>> No.4243450

You know you can work both smart and hard... To convince yourself working hard is not working smart is genuinely stupid.

>> No.4243456

"working smart" doesn't even fucking mean anything
sounds like an excuse to not draw

>> No.4243486

>you need work at all to get better
yeah right

>> No.4243490

Everyone here just goes apeshit whenever someone shares this advice, but i completely agree with it. You just dont understand what it truly means. Its not about just drawing mindlessly all the time. It's literally about passion for drawing, breathing art, art being your first choice of free time activity. If you spend your time being angry and frustrated over not understanding fundies, reading and watching hundreds of books and courses and treating all of this as a chore or some kind of torture you need to grind until you produce a perfect product, you'll never get better and develop as an artist. If you'd rather play video games or watch youtube then draw, you're doing it wrong. Take OP's advice and stop butthurting over someone daring to say that passion is important.

>> No.4244440


man shut the fuck up

>> No.4244442


>> No.4244452

I agree with you, I just don't want to put in the work, I want a magical tutorial to make me good for the least amount of effort possible instead of diligently studying for at least 6 hours everyday

>> No.4244465

Kill me pete

>> No.4244684
File: 700 KB, 360x203, 1514664605514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whaaaat? i need to put time into something to be good at it?
nice job retard, how long it took you to figure it out?

>> No.4244893


>> No.4245050
File: 1.23 MB, 1492x2656, lol (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you separate the wheat from the chaff. Everyone bitching at OP is ngmi and for this reason, I will become fabulously successful while you lot will proceed to seethe for the next decade.

>> No.4245082

it's OVER for studycels

>> No.4245127
File: 541 KB, 857x1202, 1546546096077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4245189

>doesn’t matter how much time you put into it
>but you need countless hours of practice
That doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.4245193

If you don't have the right method you can spend every waking hour drawing and you will stay shit, it's not rocket science.

Chris-chan probably spend a gajillion hours into drawing Sonichu and he didn't get better !!!FACT!!!

>> No.4245200

If you’re working hard then you’re studying, if you’re just doodling and drawing from imagination, that’s easy that’s not working hard. 2nd and 3rd tier are the same. The first phrase in the third tier is pointless to mention and only contradicts itself.

>> No.4245223
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>> No.4245290
File: 76 KB, 525x1016, KimJungGi (1167).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just come from NoFap?

>> No.4246322
File: 108 KB, 784x744, 1555357524303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4246337

This board is so fucking stupid, I don't know why I came back here

>> No.4246342

then go back

>> No.4246357
File: 225 KB, 828x690, image0-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldnt be possible but it is

>> No.4246403
File: 19 KB, 300x295, 300px-Francis_Bacon_by_John_Dekin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

francis bacon

>> No.4246410


>> No.4246462

>You don't need talent
yes you do.
you need good visualization skills.
you need a good memory.
you need to be creative.

>> No.4247189

Warhol Drew, He literally started out with works in pencil on paper.
Francis Bacon also drew.

>> No.4247194

fuck this made me kek so hard.

>> No.4247196
File: 23 KB, 235x217, CF4DC190-84E6-40F7-861F-B08065EA7161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all week drawing now I’m taking a break, eat my dick anon

>> No.4247208
File: 615 KB, 640x631, 1560380501321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore.

>> No.4247212

Why is xer’s belt outside xer’s jacket?

>> No.4247248

When i was younger i always looked at any art i make as it needs to be a final product as good as can be leading to a slow methodical painful experience causing unenjoyment and avoidance in the activity. I never thought to take it a step back and embrace mistakes to help develop myself. What i thought was right and wrong then with approach was clearly the opposite.

>> No.4247250

Thanks anon, this post really helped. Not just with art, but living.

>> No.4247265

Been drawing since 2013 and i improved because i kept art in my mind not my hand.
So no this is not valid advice.

>> No.4247297


>> No.4247653

Post work

>> No.4247669
File: 765 KB, 986x438, op ART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to OP's bullshit. He's never been in the shit. He thinks he's so full of wisdom, he might be LOOMIS himself

>> No.4247677
File: 116 KB, 412x578, 198745416757463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, learn to put a sentence together dumbass

>> No.4247702
File: 291 KB, 726x366, op ART 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and die you Spanish-american fucking symbol drawer. I bet ya' never drawn a face from imagination you fucking pen deathgripper.

>> No.4247704


>> No.4248101

I've been browsing this shit board for 5 years and never drew. Ask me anything.

>> No.4248119


>> No.4248124
File: 129 KB, 645x429, 1508028822739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing i ever did

>> No.4248128


>> No.4248172

Okay, just draw. I get what you're saying. I'm on board. But:
Draw what?

>> No.4248325

that's up to you anon. you need to find it.

>> No.4248383

Talent is a myth.

>> No.4248420


>> No.4248460

This is a joke, right? Bait? Meme?

>> No.4248530

it should have been "doesn't matter how much time you put into it, you need the right method on top of the countless hours of practice"

>> No.4248718

> Draw what?
Something. You're the one who wants to draw, you know your desires much better. But preferrably draw something you're not good at drawing.

>> No.4248719

Soul vs soulless.

>> No.4249260

Dem thighs

>> No.4249680

It's true but I think it's still worth trying to know how to practice well, getting feedback, and knowing how to set realistic expectations.

I've been struggling a lot with knowing if my rate of progress is adequate or if I'm doing something wrong. It sucks because people can't always easily get a good handle on that kind of thing.

>> No.4249806

david you better fucking stop or I'll slap you