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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4228273 No.4228273 [Reply] [Original]

How do porn artists do it?
Every time I try drawing porn, I end up wanking like 7 times per day.
Every time I draw porn I end up sick of wanking to the respective model/body shape.
How do the pro artists endure it?

>> No.4228281

No idea, I never draw coomshit because of this very reason. Whenever I even started a sketch I just fapped and then had no interest in it anymore.

>> No.4228291

I became an avid waifufag horsefucker. I only fap when I actively draw.

>> No.4228298
File: 69 KB, 638x746, aichan no commento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep doing it you lazy coomers, soon your bodis will get tired of it and you will be desensitized of porn, then you can either keep drawing the porn or give up trying.

>> No.4228302

I gave up drawing porn years ago because I just start fapping. Sfw art only for me.

>> No.4228303

Drink some tea or eat some persicaria odorata. The buddhist monks use them for a reason.

>> No.4228304

Same man, imagining the scene and doing the sketches are the hardest part, but when you get over that it will be alright.

When it gets to linework and coloring, it just becomes a piece of work that need to be rendered and finished. It lost all the fun.

>> No.4228311

SSRI and benzo.

>> No.4228352

Don't wank. The raging boner gives you power and might to succeed. Literally.

>> No.4228354
File: 645 KB, 500x300, 1573928659723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the will, it's too hard..

>> No.4228360
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of your grandma and mon naked while wanking. That should discourage you.

>> No.4228376

>Allowing you dick to control you
weakling or maybe just too young, wait until you are past 25 years old and your testosterone plummets, then you won't have this problem anymore.

>> No.4228377

I am 26 and my testosterone has plummeted before I was even 20 (confirmed via blood test). I am a weakling.

>> No.4228387

Weak. I went so far I got through the cycle and then half way through again. Can’t wait till I’m back to only being able to fap to erotic literature again.

>> No.4228393

ill be pinning by then

>> No.4228402
File: 13 KB, 640x640, 1560218745195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cant even draw the female figure because the sight of a curvy figure will send coomers on maximum coom overdrive


>> No.4228411

>so /beg/ his drawings don’t make him cum
Oh no

>> No.4228412

If you had ever talked to a pornfag you'd know they are the most dull and boring people on Earth who go by exactly like normies go through their jobs. They don't even see the porn in the picture, they assemble dicks and vaginas like a McDonald's employee assembles a burger.
I thought their bragging about having "made it" as artists or their work ethic was a form of denial but it turns out they're just too dumb to figure out what they're doing on a basic level. The average pornfag has the same self awareness and emotional drive as a rat in a Skinner box who figured out which button works the easiest.

>> No.4228418
File: 1.29 MB, 456x459, 1455729231199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakling or maybe just too young, wait until you are past 25 years old and your testosterone plummets, then you won't have this problem anymore.
tfw I'm 29 now and I jack off maybe every two or three days and lately i've been having trouble cumming, it's like my dick just gives up half way through; I even went a whole week without doing it and I still had trouble. I'm still a virgin too.

>> No.4228422

What a beautiful soul. I bet you draw very soulful dickz and vagines.

>> No.4228428

Everything you said applies to the average professional artist, though. You think concept artists don’t just randomly slap shapes together for a silhouette and then just add belts and whatever shit is trendy right now, ship it and hope it doesn’t come back?
You think Mullins put some great thought and soul into what he does for a living or gives a shit about whatever the robot thing he’s portraying is or what it comes from and doesn’t just use his technical knowledge to fill composition with elements he doesn’t give a single fuck about?
I bet you think the average doctor cares about you and doesn’t just see you as a walking checklist that gives him money.

>> No.4228446 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 710x1093, win win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't do it then maybe you maybe should stop

For your own good

>> No.4228450

Nice jpg with text, I guess I believe you now.

>> No.4228452

This is true but Craig Mullins or my doctor are not sex workers. See anon, this is the kind of reply a pornfag would give. "Nothing has any meaning, my work is the same as a doctor's". No anon, you are a sex worker. Always will be. And your opinion doesn't matter, because you have to understand that when a camwhore says she's a precious person and sucking dildos is a real job, the only people who agree with her are her mentally ill clients.
You will never be an artist. Your work is not the same work as a concept artist or a doctor, because both these job figures had to earn their position. You are just sucking a dildo on camera while tearing down people with more human dignity and work ethic than you because, in your retarded little brain, everyone who doesn't take the easy route is an idiot.
The more I know your kind the more I despise you. You are the small crime of the art world. You are a nuisance that lowers the quality standards for everyone and there is no way to cure you because you're too stupid to fix.

>> No.4228455

Welcome to the 30s club Anon when you realize your dick will soon stop working. It feels pretty bad but that's life.

>> No.4228458
File: 288 KB, 710x1093, win win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4228459

Is there a dildo up your ass. You sound like a snooty teenager.

>> No.4228462

lol keep projecting fag
>hurr pornfags are boring and they just assemble meaningless art without SOUL
>most professional artists are like that
>o-ok, but y-you’re not an ARTIST you’re a camwhores and a prostitute
Not even a pornfag, but this is pure seething

>> No.4228463
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4228472

I never really liked real porn and most hentai animes are shit nowadays so... I rarely get an erection from porn.
For me it's fun to draw and interesting to build a bond between two (or more) characters. I kinda like awkward situations and simple things you can get in real life. I draw porn with fap in mind.

>> No.4228473

>40% of men suffer ED at 40
It’s been an honour, boys

>> No.4228474

At least I'll have an excuse for still being a virgin at 40 then

>> No.4228476

>everyone is a soulless husk who just goes by doing whatever it takes to make money, everyone is a no-nonsense, no-dignity little parasite like me, nobody takes any pride in his work or tries to challenge himself, everyone is a goofy stereotype I created to justify my choice of becoming a sex worker who grinds dicks all day for cash

>> No.4228479

>easy way to making money
Oh I see, you’re a projecting /beg/ with no work experience.

>> No.4228482

> I'll post my wojack and this guy is gonna be decimated.
Can you share your wojack folder?

>> No.4228483
File: 3.46 MB, 581x4500, 1551465911254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today, after a long time I resisted to COOM and I actually drew for almost 3 hours straight.

is it ok to reward myself with a fap now? or should I try to not give in to the lust

>> No.4228484

I was offered money for 10 minute drawings, but I refused cause I'm not a sex worker and I was doing it for fun. I know exactly how easy and lazy you are, and my interactions with the likes of you made my understand how fucking filthy you are. You think you are real artists, you really do. Cope harder.

>> No.4228485
File: 400 KB, 362x601, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, this (((antispam))) shit is getting ridiculous, let me guess you can buy a 4chin pass to bypass this shit right? Fuck Hiro.

>> No.4228488 [DELETED] 

> Low quality bait.

>> No.4228489

I make more money with one image 90% of pornfags do in a month, and I’m not even good.
You’re obviously seething and projecting badly.
It’s embarrassing.

>> No.4228492

22 here. Sometimes I don't touch myself for a month or two. I don't really care about it, but from what I know, it is more about your mindset than your testosterone. If you are tired, depressed or something like that, you probably won't have the same energy as always. Also, in my case, when I work and I'm fully invested in a project, I find myself not having time to even think about it. I feel good with something else than my dick and that's great.
Maybe you should masturbate only when you want it and not as a habit.

>> No.4228498

Being tired and depressed lowers your test.
In fact, higher test makes depression less likely in the first place.

>> No.4228511

I don't fucking care what you think about my facts. I hate their attitude, I hated every single one of them I met, I hate that they always have this idea that there is nothing greater than porn, anything more than just cramming out porn is silly, useless or inefficient because porn is what works the easiest and it what pays the billz lul. Not only they don't feel one ounce of shame for what they do, but they also call YOU stupid for not "doing what it takes". Yes I am seething. I hate them. I hate that whenever you go there's one of them somewhere on top of the ladder. I can stand plebeian hack frauds like Ilya Kushinov, but pornfaggots are scum and they need to be separated from artists or they'll sink the whole fucking boat.
This is like trying to be an actor or a dancer or whatever the fuck, and these camwhores are allowed to stay for some reason and they come to you while you're acting or dancing and say "oh maybe I can teach you something, my clients say I'm good at dancing" no you don't work a similar job and you're not good at dancing, you are a stupid camwhore, go suck a cock.
I fucking hate porn. I can't even jerk to the filthy shit you draw because when I realize that someone's been paid for that low effort crap it makes my blood boil.

>> No.4228513


>> No.4228518

lol u mad

>> No.4228520

Hmmm. Then I'd say he should try to work out. Whatever his situation seems to be, that can only help.
Giving less importance to masturbation would be great too.

>> No.4228525

>but I refused cause I'm not a sex worker
I don't get this, I mean you're just an artist that draws, sex isn't really involved in any part in the transaction. And I know that more than a few people beat it to SFW commissions so I guess you're shit out of luck if you're hoping that your commissioner doesn't touch his peepee when looking at the precious pixels you've assembled. Shit's retarded, yo.

>> No.4228528

Why is this board filled with horny underage zoomy coomers

>> No.4228532
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1559760724800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling it now bros, so close to finishing a piece but the benis is like a little devil whispering in your ear to defile yourself and go searching for the same character with a bigger peepee than yours so she can assert her dominance over you and make you her bottom bitch. Send help, send pictures of dead kittens or old grannies please.

>> No.4228534

>30 is underage

>> No.4228541

you have some issues m8

>> No.4228543

>And I know that more than a few people beat it to SFW commissions
You're probably just a cumbrain who thinks fetishit that isn't explicit doesn't count as porn, but your example is stupid anyway because there's a key difference when you explicitly agree to a request for a virtual blowjob in exchange for money. If I make a normal picture and the person beats off to it, it's out of my agreement. I wasn't paid to make something to beat off to, I was paid for an illustration. Do you think having a hookup has the same ethical weight as prostitution?
Don't even get me started on the parasitism on IPs and other popular artists.
I hate you all. Reading your comments and seeing the lazy, boring, creatively bankrupt garbage you draw makes me sick.

>> No.4228547

why are posters of this specific anime girl all fags?

>> No.4228550
File: 33 KB, 595x403, c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate that they always have this idea that there is nothing greater than porn
I think your making up stories in your head, as a porn artist I don't think porn is the be all end all and I'm sure most other porn artist don't either. Erotic art is just a small niche in the world of art.

>> No.4228552

Your porn is not erotic art, it's porn. See you don't even understand, you still think you are an artist, you are a sex worker. Fuck off.

>> No.4228556

Have you ever considered that maybe we're just lonely and horny and we happen to carve out a niche of other lonely and horny individuals that provide monetary compensation for drawing out their fantasies because no W*man ever touched them and they have needs of affection they search from these images of their animay grills?

>> No.4228558

I've archived your little diarrhea of opinion Timmy. I post this shit when a crab thread come up.

>> No.4228561

I don't know who hurt you anon, but I hope you are able to find peace someday.

>> No.4228564
File: 154 KB, 400x457, 1543087623488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lonely and wholesome

>> No.4228568

>we're just lonely and horny and we happen to carve out a niche of other lonely and horny individuals that provide monetary compensation for drawing out their fantasies because no W*man ever touched them
uplifting post anon
hopefully you will never reproduce

>> No.4228571

desu who would want to stick their neck out in this day and age of the #metoo movement where if you happen to make eye contact with a cunt you are liable for a rape accusation and all she has to do is show some tears, cry rape and you get to bunk with Tyrone and friends.


>> No.4228585

so it's the incels, now it all checks out. there's that many of you around shitting everything up for everyone? that's what you do, you commission these parasites to make you porn that looks as little as possible like real people because actual women are too intimidating?

>> No.4228593

Uh Anon, why do you hate sex workers? Is it a religious thing or do you hate them for preventing the formation of families?

>> No.4228626

I hate when sex workers talk as if they were something other than sex workers. If you say you are a prostitute by profession I have no issue, but what irritates me is this attitude >>4228428 that constantly tries to discount everything else as being just as shitty and dumb as porn. I fucking hate this mindset and all pornfags have it, look at posts like >>4228550 and the use of terms like "erotic art" or "nsfw art", it's fucking porn, just say porn, there's no "art" in it, pornfags don't belong anywhere that is about art, I am sick of visiting an "art" website and seeing porn everywhere. I hate how ubiquitous it is and how open people are about loving porn so much, you can't even tell someone to fuck off with the porn or YOU willl get shamed for being a bigot or dogpiled on or harassed with unsolicited porn.
I hate when people don't want to stay in their place and I hate this little "sex positive" mafia you've built, you're just like the LGBT people dragging everybody down and you use the same rhetoric too.

>> No.4228652

Post your art

>> No.4228659

>preventing the formation of families

Yeah, that is one hell of a reason, given it incentivizes corporations to import and exploit migrants and illegals in masse to drive down wages and benefits.

Thanks for admitting to it.

>> No.4228668

Just wait until the drawing is done before you tap. And then self critique your art as youre wanking. It's great because I'll notice any potential boner kills that way. Really helps to get you in the mindset of your intended audience.

>> No.4228681

Based on my conversations, most porn artists aren't in the trade because they want to. They are stuck in it because they feel like they have no other option or failed as legit artists.

>> No.4228691

>boner kill by analysis
I have literally fapped while doing mathematics before, nothing can stop me.

>> No.4228757

Why isn't drawn porn art? Can you guys define art for me?

>> No.4228773

It is.This is an art board after all,and it's allowed.Skill doesn't determine whether or not something is art

>> No.4228777

I never really understood why people jerk off to their own art,though I'm not a very visual person in the first place

>> No.4228778

You're just a schizoid idiot, jealous of others who are open about sexuality. You don't complain about any other form or branch of art because this isn't about art, it's about your personal sexual life. You've constructed yourself a stupid little defence mechanism that'll avoid you needing to face a problem at the expense of making your life suffering.
And you wrap it in "I have no problem with niggers unless they claim everyone is equally human" because having yourself be shown to be wrong would break your defence mechanism so you keep believing there's some argument in there.
Being open to sexuality isn't some mindset 'pornfags' have. It's something inherent to every functional person and to every one of your ancestors.

Art is an artificial representation of something missing and desired in a person's life. Can be purpose, safety, adventure, sex or a dolphin committing suicide by swimming up a horse pussy.
You cannot spell 'artificial' without 'art' and here's why. It always serves the same purpose.
Unless you have a crippling personality disorder which makes you hate things you want and like.

>> No.4228893


You rein it in and learn to use the coomer impulse to make better porn. It stops being an issue after a couple of months/years

>> No.4228926

So, NoFap/semen retention really works for self-improvement? Got it.

>> No.4228970

If youre str8 paint gay.
If youre gay paint str8

>> No.4228997

What if you are a degenerate that likes both?

>> No.4229001

Professionals only wank when they're finished. it's your reward.

>> No.4229014

Yet most of them are addicts and stagnate harder than Tumblrinas. It's good advice, but for the vast majority of people in this field it is equivalent of consuming the very drug they sell.

>> No.4229032

you're not gonna stop him from fapping, the idea is to regulate it.

>> No.4229115

Cope more you sperging dumbass.

>> No.4229131

Sources on your claims?

>> No.4229147

Just jack off at the end. I literally just drew a 21 image sequence in like 90 minutes

>> No.4229152

Draw religious art
Or use the goo as a medium

>> No.4229232

What do you guy think about futa? Gay or str8.

>> No.4229255

futa and trap is bi. I don't understand how this isn't commonly understood.

>> No.4229410 [DELETED] 

He's a porn addict constantly for a dopamine fix. He'll have no self-regulation unless he quits cold turkey.

>> No.4229415

He's a porn addict constantly looking for a dopamine fix. He'll have no self-regulation unless he quits cold turkey.

>> No.4229423

But you can also cut the insides of your mouth and pinch your gums for that.

>> No.4229432

Or he can abstain, and seek support for his endeavor. Far less painful, and much more fruitful once he's in the clear.

>> No.4229535
File: 410 KB, 973x1000, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discipline. Hardest part is a sketch/planning phase. Afterwards you'll be busy with practical shit to the point of losing all the boners.
This thread is garbage.

>> No.4229723

I tried and went blue balls
Then I came in like 15 seconds

>> No.4229909

Not that anon, I'm laugh at how hard he's sperging out but
>jealous of others who are open about sexuality
That's a really shitty fucking argument and smells of plain projection. Equating someone being upset about the fact that the majority of art on the internet being made is porn, to someone hating niggers is a really shitty strawman that devolves any argument into shit flinging. I understand that he's been sperging out, but he has a point. Every social media site has a metric fuck ton of porn and there's tons of people that think their amazing contributors of the world for creating wank material. Its not about being sex positivity, just the over abundance of this kind of "positive material".

>> No.4230017

I'm 27 and I can sometimes coom like 10 times a day.
Try eating less foods that clog the penile artery.
t. vegan

>> No.4230026

only after 6 hours of work

>> No.4230030

why the initial blank line?

>> No.4230046

It's the same as working in a kitchen, actually do it regularly and it goes away quick

>> No.4230068

how do you guys wank to drawings? its literally impossible for me. and im 34 and jerk it twice a day btw

>> No.4232217

cause cute anime girls are the most fappeable thing ever

>> No.4232301
File: 844 KB, 2421x2975, Coom alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rack disiprin!!!

>> No.4232307

>feng zhu
>is already pro

>> No.4233214

use ur other hand

>> No.4233219

I stopped fapping/watching porn and became desensitized. It's just pictures to me now. My feeds are full of porn artists and it doesn't affect me at all.

Never get hooked on your own product

>> No.4235528

underage and retarded

>> No.4235532

Do people really coom to their own drawings?

>> No.4239038

ofc not