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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4223537 No.4223537 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you making money off your art?

You realize that's your only marketable skill, right anon?

>> No.4223538

I am though.

>> No.4223540

I am though.

>> No.4223542
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, 1563132204553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm studying a non-art field so I will be able to support myself doing something else, and continue doing art only to make the things I love, rather than trend-chasing or slogging through commissions.

>> No.4223543

Though am I?

>> No.4223547
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, silver_spoon_s2-11-hachiken_family-yugo-misako-kazumasa-dinner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Congratulations on your third year working at Chipotle, anon. How's your art going by the way? You are so good at it.

>> No.4223549

I'm not good enough yet

but im getting there i think

>> No.4223552

I am though.

>> No.4223553

>You realize that's your only marketable skill, right anon?
But it's not?
And drawing things you don't care about doesn't constitute as "making it" in my book, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.4223555


>> No.4223557

I am though.

>> No.4223569

No I'm actually an aerospace engineer.

>> No.4223573

I am though.

>> No.4223574

I am though.

>> No.4223580

> shit talking fast food workers
Neet detected

>> No.4223584
File: 195 KB, 517x768, 1521958767239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a /beg/shit who can't draw and even I make some money off my art

>> No.4223592

god I wish I could do this
I'm also /beg/ and I'm Polish
but I am too insecure about my skills to advertise myself

>> No.4223595
File: 98 KB, 391x600, Jadwiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be Polish

>> No.4223602

Because I'm a remote software developer

>> No.4223606

Because my art isn't marketable.

>> No.4223611

Pyw or you are lying. You are probably good but are humblebragging.

>> No.4223622

don't have the good looks or upbeat personality that is required to build an audience
no bobs and vagene either

>> No.4223627

>good looks
I never see photos of artists I follow except for the youtube personalities, no idea what they look like so I'm guessing that's true for most of their followers.
>no upbeat personality
Is this really required? I'm really fucked in that case.
>no bobs and vagene

>> No.4223654

I get commission requests kind of regularly but turn them down because I might get in trouble with my normie job

>> No.4223671

You don't need to have an upbeat personality, just decent social skills (as in socializing here and there opposed to not engaging at all, not being a general cunt, etc.)

>> No.4223690

I am too insecure and feel i severely lack skills required to at least make anything appealing or decent outside of portraits.

>> No.4223693

> I work at McDonalds and am poor and gay

>> No.4223699

This, basic friendliness and people skills goes a long way. Even then you can still get an audience without needing to socialize if your art is good enough

>> No.4223704
File: 51 KB, 480x420, 1415436812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only beer money you know. 30 bucks from a tattoo design (picrel) (I know, >tattoos), 25 for stitching together a poster for an uni club,... People fucking paid me to TRACE over blurry photos of drawings they took just because I have a functioning tablet. All it took was putting up a shitty notice on a board at school and a little mouth to ear.
Skill-wise I'm doing stick loomis figures and copying shit left and right. I still can't draw for shit.

>> No.4223708
File: 91 KB, 452x374, tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot?... I don't have that saved on my computer kek

>> No.4223722
File: 1.02 MB, 1317x2048, 1091BBFB-5C86-431D-BF15-B6B8AE27B7C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know how to break in, and I think my work needs more development. Here’s a recent piece

>> No.4223736

Nice colors, but you gotta make sharper edges anon, I think your work could benefit much from it.
Create a twitter/Insta and regularly post there.

>> No.4223782

I am though

>> No.4223784

I am though

>> No.4223788


>> No.4223793
File: 509 KB, 1009x720, 1566697632178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you I don't have ANY marketable skills

>> No.4223798


>> No.4223799

iktf man. I hope you are at least younger than me..

>> No.4223820

snip snip

>> No.4223832

No, I'm also an aircraft maintenance technician.

>> No.4223858

Wait. Anon never said what non-art field.

Anything STEM is kosher. Particularly, technology. Anything else is worse than just being an artist.

>> No.4223861

Oh ok. I study computer science

>> No.4223867

I do webdev.
It's a chore, I fucked up but now I can't go back.
So I'm taking my time and experience, on the side I'm building a website for myself which I will use to showcase my artwork and anything I can score with art will be a bonus.

So that's my plan, now to make it a reality...

>> No.4223883

>literally the only jobs in existence are STEM, art and mcdonald's
wanna know how i know you're a teenager?

>> No.4223906

Age? I'm 24. Is it too late for me?

>> No.4223938

What's bad about webdev? Is it a shit field or just not for you?

>> No.4223953

he's probably just shit at it, webdev is fucking elementary, both in the front-end and back-end

>> No.4223977

he said it's a chore
I've done several websites in Wordpress for individual clients and I hate it I hate css and html and php it's all awful

>> No.4223988

I make a few hundred a month, does that count? Worth noting that I have fun with all my commissions and all my commissioners have been super chill and nice to me :3

>> No.4224039

Making around 600 usd after leaving wagecuckery for a whole year

Polandfag am cry

>> No.4224045

I em though.

>> No.4224100

I used to make money with my art, but decided for another job with better payment and social standing that gives me more time to draw stuff that matters (to me)

>> No.4224107


>> No.4224131

I love art but I hate
>other artists
>rich burgers
>young people
>social media
with every atom of my being
but I don't care cause I enjoy making art

>> No.4224642

idk, i tried getting some jobs off deviantart & didn't get any responses. it's pretty disheartening desu.
is what i posted, if anyone has advice i'd really appreciate it.

>> No.4224651

>no marketable skill other than drawing

>not pursuing a non-art career you're good while drawing for fun

based. Good luck with your careers stembros

>> No.4224663

Because it's shit.

>> No.4224686

Sorry, by not marketable I meant this: >>4224663

>> No.4224743

>You realize that's your only marketable skill, right anon

..like what are you even saying, that's one skill more than normal people have lol

>> No.4224924
File: 420 KB, 1292x914, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize that's your only marketable skill, right anon?
literally me. but my work is still shit, pic related.
can't render for fuck, and that's bad when you draw porn. all my shit is still super flat and i don't understand color at all. gonna try greyscale into coloring a pic and see if that helps

hard to judge entirely off 2 pics but I like this and I think you could get some comms, definitely.
how many followers do you have? skill doesn't matter if nobody sees your work.
in fact why don't you post blog? i'd like to see your other work. can't comm you sorry, i'm a poorfag lmao

>> No.4224926

Hi Sips.


>> No.4224928

same. and no it's never too late. but i have yet to get over the insecurity and blow to my self esteem every time i look at young people do amazing work. it feels like i was born retarded and inferior, and even now i don't love art as much as them, so im not as productive or passionate.
won't quit though. don't care how hard it is. i choose to get good and i will eventually.

>> No.4224935

I make money off music instead, drawing is for fun.

>> No.4224967
File: 87 KB, 750x1078, 18949C9B-79EB-4D6E-8327-A6C3BCFE7048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a CPA so I get most of my money doing audit. How much could I make from my art?

>> No.4225021

Cause I'm shit

>> No.4225033

You're definitely at a skill level to do commissions, but getting commissions is about popularity and marketing yourself moreso than anything else. I was able to get commissions as a 15 year old /beg/ because I had the free time to answer to tons of commission seeking threads on DA. Those can be a good place to find comms if you don't have much popularity yet.
Additionally, advertise yourself wherever you can. Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Be sure to tag as #commission or #commissions open and stuff like that, I've gotten comms from doing that before.
Make a clean, clear commissions sheet if you haven't already. I know everyone makes fun of them for being "fast-food-style," but the more easily and clearly a potential client can learn what you can provide them, the more likely they will commission you.

>> No.4225038

I am beg shit-tier and working as an intern in radiology is sure as hell more profitable than selling my pencil drawings.

>> No.4225090

I honestly have no idea where to even sell the art in the first place. So far there was no sign of anybody liking my work enough that it would sell, except a couple people who told me I was worth something.
When I make an account somewhere I just end up deleting it, I don't even know why exactly. I just get bad vibes and quit. I think I might be a bit autistic.

>> No.4225092

I wish I could have a non judgemental chat with someone who doesn't just sell porn (no offense, just not what I want to do).

>> No.4227396
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>> No.4227495

That's what I did. You'll get a couple of years of wondering if you did the right thing, then you make friends in the art world and realize you absolutely did the right thing. They're much stronger than I am, that's for sure.

>> No.4227510

Not good enough to get anyone's commission yet.
So far all I've gotten are people asking for free art.
Is it bad that I declined them? I did one for free because it was an easy request but every one after that I said no.

>> No.4227518

I don’t care about making money I just want a gf.

>> No.4227528

Yeah, I was very sad when my parents tried to keep convincing me to not go to art school. But I managed to make acquaintances with many art school grads and of them all, only one actually makes a living off art, and only after working many years in retail.

>> No.4227647

Its weird, I have art friends who are 100x more passionate at art than I am at my job and I'm making way more than them.

Although, in my field I'm making comparatively less than most, especially those who've been really into it since middle school.

>> No.4228565

I don't know how
No matter how good i get or how much i post and i never get anyone to see it, much less order a commission

>> No.4228591

Bless you senpai

>> No.4228873

Good luck you magnificent bastard.

>> No.4228931

I always, always buy commissions from my friends when they open slots but I wish I could do more. It just feels so unfair. How can someone be punished for being passionate about making art? It really hurts. Is there such a thing as secondhand heartbreak?

>> No.4229008

You got to choose your audience.

>> No.4229105

because I don't need money

>> No.4229157


where do I start?

>> No.4229651

I have a degree in engineering

>> No.4229694

It isn't my only marketable skill I'm making perfectly good money doing what I'm doing now.

>> No.4229696

He is though

>> No.4229697

Fellow hobbyist reporting in.
Imagine having to force your creativity and stress about something you do for relief being could enough for someone to buy. Must be shit through and through.

>> No.4231881

lol there are a million ways to make money as long as you're willing to do some shady shit. You can make bank selling drugs or being a mule and clean all your money through art. Voila you are now an artist who has sold pieces worth thousands and can use that as leverage for galleries.

>> No.4231898

I study a non-art field that is equally non-lucrative :)

>> No.4231907

I am though.

>> No.4231911

>I wish I could have a non-judgmental conversation...
Is it possible that you're projecting? If you are a low skill level talking to a pro then they may come off as condescending just because of the skill gap and your insecurities. They're not judging you, they just have no investment in you.

>> No.4231913

It's way better than being a wagecuck and have to do things you don't want to for the rest of your life.

>> No.4232081

I want to do the same but have no idea where to look
besides art I'm shit at math but pretty good at the english language when it comes down to writing essay's and acing them. I'd love to get into the tech world more than surface level dabbling but I've always been told by teachers I may as well give up on that path due to my shit math skills

>> No.4232091

I did that and finished my degree. Now I am supposed to find a job and I question my choice. I just can't see myself slaving away in some pointless job. Studying what I studied felt kinda satisfying, because there I constantly learned new things and could fuck around with them without anybody complaining, it was even encouraged. But these things just aren't what I want to do with my life, I feel nothing about them, I don't care about them.

>> No.4232543


>> No.4232766

What makes you think I don't want to work in my field?

>> No.4232807

What makes you think I enjoy any other jobs? I just want to draw.

>> No.4233149
File: 37 KB, 750x667, 1573621661231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wage slavery and fuck capitalism. Why do we still have to slave away 40+ hours to make some rich bastard, that does nothing, even richer? Productivity keeps rising yet wages are stagnant. Imagine how much more time there would be to create art if we slashed the work week in half and all did something useful for society. I also believe that the art world would become a lot better desu.

>> No.4233160
File: 19 KB, 431x341, IMG_0636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You realize that's your only marketable skill, right anon?

>Implying everyone else is worthless like you...

>> No.4233236

It's the opposite actually, when I ask good artists they give me compliments and say to keep trying. People here said I'm good too. But if you get 5 likes at best when you post online it starts getting to you.
If it's really all about fanart and porn then I see no point in trying. I don't want to draw this stuff just to get more visibility, and I know that if you pander you will lose your public the moment you make original content anyway.
I don't think I'm amazing or I deserve a lot of followers, I wouldn't even want to be popular, but I would like to do something monetarily. It would be so sweet if I could make some money off my art, but it seems impossible to even get seen. And it makes me doubt the good things people say to me when they get to see my work which hurts even more. I hate those stupid likes that mean nothing anyway and I'm sure that even 2000 likes per post wouldn't change how I feel.

>> No.4233391

If that's my only marketable skill, I'm in some huge fucking trouble since I can't draw.

>> No.4233401

Demand a better wage or get faster. git gud dude

>> No.4233435

Fuck me I want Chipotle

>> No.4233438

I fucking love those burritos. Fucking hell anon you're making me hungry

>> No.4233472


>> No.4233495
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a software dev
have fun starving artfags
(i hate my job)

>> No.4233531

I am clueless at the moment. I'm learning art rn but i need to choose a career soon or i'm going be ultra fucked. I don't have any passion in any STEM fields except video editing? Does anyone think this would be a good choice while doing art on the side?

>> No.4233752

NGMI as fuck. At least computer science is more objective..

>> No.4233755

>You make money off of music
Are you a producer for a record label? I want to do music production on the side but I hear its hard as fuck

>> No.4234438

I'm getting Chipotle now x'D it's been on my mind since this thread.

>> No.4234534
